HomeMy WebLinkAboutnocJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE FILE# 4615129 OR BOOK 4318 CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 2472, Recorded 09/11/2019 11:54:21 AM r",OTICE or COM�IENCEJ\IENT H.., Tl OF Florida e: CQ[;NTY o, - - � UA.�!i'-'I (_,_, ��- l"HI: L NDER�!GNED hcn:by give, notu,e tlwl rmpnwemcm ,�,II be made 10 ccrtam real property. and rn aeccrdaucc ,, 1tn Chapter 713 Tlouda Statutes !he fo]lov. mg mfornmnon ,� pHlvodcd ul lh,s N,·tiu orCommencemem Owner mfo, ,n�lloH 2 " b ,. \.-11"n :l:trx::1>-1c,tS,,1U8\Y\: 'Nocl'::lrvD61bJ<'rv:D,l( • fu,,:-t& t uoe , Phone number _ • FL�2. :'\ame und address off cc Stlnplc 1,tlc]t<Jl{]cr (1! <!thr 1lm11 owne:r) •.. -·- 4 Contractor Xamc and address Supe���r Fence and Rail of Brevard County, Inc. 2778 N Harbor City Blvd,_Ste 102, Melbourrie, FL 32935 Li t'hon� number 321-636-2829 Su1c1y n/a Nan,,, anJ nddr�S) b Am,mm cf bond soza. _ 6 L,,ml�, a Name and a11d11..>ss. b Ph,.mc number. �no /a�-- c. Phone numbc, -'"---------------- 7 Per"°°' w.rh the Stace ot ["londJ lb1gn.;1erl l,y Owner urnn whnm nonces nr rther documcm., m�y be ,ep,eJ �� prn�uleJ by Seurnn 713 IJ(I )(a);, Floi nla Statures IL Name and address .na, _ h Ph,m� number 8. !n dJJn,on lu himself. O..-ne1 de>1;;n,1les 1he fvllow,n� porron(>) l(l leu,1ve ,1 wp; ol 1he L\enur'� N<!ll<:e ,,,_ pn.>vidcJ "' Scct,w, 71 J t J( I )lb). f londa S101111t,\ a Nonk: and aJdrcss Jno/"''----------------------------------------- b Phone number Jne/"''------------------- 9 Ex:p1r�llon d,ue crncuce vJ uJJ111nencernm1 (the e,,.p1rnho11 date �� OCIC (J) yc�r from tne datt uf ,�cord mg unks, ,1 d.J.Jkrenl dale,� �...:dielll. WARNING TO OWNF.R· ANY P!\YMr:r--Ts MADE BY rHE O\\r:-JER AFTER THE EXl'll<.!\TION or Tiff NOTlcr. or CO�D,ffNCD,11'.NT ARE CONS]l)l:.RE.f) !MPROPFR Pl\ YMfNTS UNnrR C'l--i,\/'TER 713. i'ART 1, SECTIO� 7\l 13. f'LORITJ,\ SI',\ TUTfS. r\ND C ,\)\' RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICI:. I-OR IMl'ROVl:MENTS TO YOUR P!WPE!ffY J\ \OrlCF OF COY!MF.'.JCEMENT MUST B( RECORDFO A"ID PO.',TED or, Tl!E JOB 51TE DEFORE 111r FIRST !N�PfCTION IF Y(!I' JNTr�ND ro Olff/\lN FlN!\l>,Cl"IG, CONSULT wmr YOIIR 1 �NDER OR .\N ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMO N NG WORK OK Rf:CORD NG voue -ccrtcr or <OMMH,'CFMENT I ' J • I ,, S,pmt re ofCAA11c, or 0.;ner � /\uthor,zcd Offic Director1Pattner"Mmuti;c, S1gna101") 's r,tk,01T..:c _cQ..Mx lllJ!,IJc<,JVc_ _ The fore�"m!! msl,umen1�:·J, acknmdedged before me thrs tf..2?"�ay of \) Go 5 r dQ_ 11 hy LYN[Y_ /1B/\)fJ:,[(J::S. [n,mcnfpe:-<.m)as___ _ (typenf.;·.1tbonty. cg officer. trustee. anomq 111 foct) for ,!W'<m bdwlf of v.hrn11 m,t1u111cnt ".;� c�en,red) GlonC - ®MOTARYPUSLIC ST A TE OF FLORIDA eornrr.t: 00321215 EKpire& 41812023 S1c,1,t o arv ,c - r•rm< ryrc,, ,ir <t:,mp co,nm,."""'"d nomc ot Notary Publoc Pe,,;onully Kno,;,n _ OR Produceu ldent1.fi",.�� T;rPC of 1de11t1ticuuuo produced -'J1')0tC,--_,),/'-"�----- Venfic:ruon pt!rsuant tn Scclmn <)2 525, t loml.; Statute, Under f'C')Jh1e, ol perjury.