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Product Approval
psti a �.:. .. a,� ,; ro p o � z,ti 5200 W.CENTURY BLVD. , .o_ir •�—_ LOS ANGELES, CA 90045 0 E 9mc�W GLAZED FIBERGLASS DOUBLE DOOR xx w/or w/out SIDELITES a v INSWING/OUTSWING - "IMPACT' 1six MAx.0A FRAME WIDTH- � EWDIH 749 MAXFRAME WIDTH (nFRAM z GENERAL NOTES- 1s Zo oai ko 1. This product has been evaluated and is In compkmce with the 6th Edrtim y , (2017)Rodda Bugling Code PC)structural r irements excluding the "High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). am ZS W Ey LU 2. Product anchors shag be as listed and spaced as shown on detalk Anchor W c9 2 I �I a embedmentto base material shag be beyond wag dressing or stucco. 9 z a a nx 3. When used to areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product <a X rr X m complies with FBC Sections 1609.12✓3<R301-El 2 and does riot require an o o p impact red tant covering.This product meets missfe level'W and irtdudes Wind Zone 4 as defined n ASTM El996 and FBC Sections 1609.122 3 R3012.12.1. i Pnn .N 4. For 2c stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the some -o ca ihot shown for.N buds masonry construction. o 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of itra drawing require further i Q P o -- -- engineering orm34 s by a licensed engineer or registered architect. - -_ OXXO TABLE OF COMM SHEET* DFSCRi WON - m m d elevations,deslan ptessaes'&general notes A 2 Door 1 detail MAX MAX.SIDElIiE DESIGN PRESSURE(PSN DESIGN PRESSURE(PSFJ o 'o INSWING OUfSWiNG z 3 Sideite paneldetais and gig detai• �CONFIGURATION FRAME D.LO. 4 Elevotbns DIMENSION DIMENSION POSITIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE z aw 02/21 .12' 8 Hodwntdabsssecitons:... - 6 vertical cross sections xx 747 x tt2 0- N/A +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 ' Ir— N.T.S. 7, Yertieaicrosssections -. -- , owr.ar dK m 9` . anchodng OXX0 i5i.s_-x ego^ 20.5°x 6s.Ts +50.0 -50.0 +50.0 -50.0 - WAWM�_Lis a 10 Asftagddetalv FL-171s4.io A I Bg1 of materM and components sxE>r•� a ov.1 t 0 i IL1 a In F FW ida m u +A nv I•F= tasf r. -0u cwl - 80 fiIH ED' -7 9-% •X I 79.25'0A HEIGHT _ c 1.58e I Till ",35 MAX.O.A.FRAME HEGHT o t�,l O. 62.0 MAX.D.L.O.HEIGHT rel m PP.) O.C. ER u Y (•In !. 279°: ! �..� .. o • or n W o � Z I>o ' `� r •: ' ar l� F�--1110" f 12d' ••. /t ``�� V••ucQFi�@T ��i Na 49909 *_ PRODUCT: - Doqumente Fmpomd,Dy:I., - . PL4STPRO INC. CORRECT WOR I - J? TABLE- FIBERGLASS DOOR PE Nnd o.F434091dt" m ' y 2 7 24 47_--UPDATE-TO 67N-E0. 2017 FBC E PART OR ASSEMBLY: +�.; BUILDING CON SUQL�TiANI91INC: j ? ,VI' UPDATE TO:STH CEO.�2014 'FBC" �JK- ' d liq�� a N NO. :DATE' By.- DOOR PANEL DETAILS y�/ P•o. eoa 230, vairico.659.9, Ft JaBea Phone No.s E1J.05B.9197 ' IREVISIONS •iFHPE�Cr1..`Ne.'.0[l13... __ '02C11 R.W.BUILCINO CONe ULTANTB INC. I I i ' I _ 79.2W O.A.HEGHT z � rn - -- -- - Q• o • .66.35 MAX.OA.FRAME HEGHT 5 624T MAY.D.LO.HEGHT 0 _ .. .. N i3 n I I° 5.75 a W.MAX(iYP.j O:C. c z x Fn Zm:�T � o al wN to Al, TM 0 A'+ �'I T -- -1.20' �.V \\1})1llTffff O 1.20' , No.42,UM ' I PRODUCTC. V , J.8 q0�IB' CORRECT WORDING IN D.P. TABLE FlBERG PLASSD D OR P Ed NoFs34081ita•�4���f f� L/ z 2 7 24:IT UPDATE T0.6TN,EO..2017'F6C. JK PART OR-ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS TIN¢: �_ �• '• f~h:� _1 4 22'd5;UPOATE 70'-SDI,ED. 2014 FOC JK P.O. Bo>< 230,Valrfoo, FL 33085 1v NO DATE BY SIDELlTE PANEL DETAILS Phony No.: e13.609.9197 Imo' o t RE 51 5 I AND GLAZING DETAIL FBPE C.A. No...9'813': ®2012 R.W.91.1I1.0ING 00149ULTANTo IND.� 1 - - R19 •11 O: ii i I i I I i i k d o. 4�k - tii H' fh—: • •fJ W - - `V N• , .X_ -- - - -H W' i p C.. , . Or I ' - �{t111111l1, f No A340B I _ PRODUCT: _ .. - - .txrcumanta•Pnavo •try1 r� PLASTPRO INC, dan F V17:LWDM -- FlBERGL SS DOOR & No. 43409 MAL�'����� WORDING-IN O.P.--TABLE It$ _ - - _ .,{ N -2. 70 BTR ED..2017-FBC - JK PART CLAMMBLY` -/{ HUILOIN0 CONSULTAN'f5. NO.x fA �; 1 TO STH ED.,2014 FBC 'JK- ELEVATIONSVV P..O Hox 230 Velri.q.,F1 33NO ©Y •Phone No: 813058.9,1.97' REVISIONS fBPE';c%e No"9813.' — - _ - - . 0213113 R.W.BUILOINu OONSULTANT9 INO.- - i � EXTERIOR g K V.' % -I0 DCTERtOR, 60 -;q c, # c 'Z 4+^m i a'• .-°• -ice 'C'6j`, Ld� 8 n.. ti ,=m 9 mew \' m dau. INTERIOR, ai } INTERIOR o: a , 21 ° •0 IJ I �; t• � -i r , C f� CSINK- �I!'�— - �:' �o Jo (tYP.) C. zo Am EMB.(M.) EMs.OW.l . „ NOM Y'S ''if ORITOKAL-CROSSS EC-110N m $� 1.Spochg foritem K:6'Gam ends 5 ;"4''HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION ond6momequ*spweddong $•'`r:mo"vglxsu ' ck t-il. 0 sidelte(8 totan. Ene.fryp.l C' SEE NOTE t K 9 60: DMIOR 10` pa! DQERIOR 36' ° N INTERIOR 60 7 40 m 21 20 •° I is INTERIOR 10 27 `.. ( ) l .; 20 21 . DAID •.:. i N.T.S. a - -JK m 1 - q,.3. 'HORIZO 'CROSS SEMO NTALN °NC•8:HORIIONIAL.CROSS SECIION' 2c "NORIIONTAL CROSS SECpON LFS _ 3 - - -- - - onaw W MM d Fi.-17184.10 o i R.1_Ckem N t tnt NE "•Roddy Produ A I Fla !N lots-Ocor�lntwi -OutSwi�' C-' a n S K%17184' ED 1 4.9+0 2:6 Z -►, III; v ♦' T ng a: 1-1/4'MIN. C'SINK oi-'' '• EMB.(TYP.) gyp.) EMB.)TYP.) a >o a• - • cr O O ._ - EMB.Dr.) 1-1/4"MIN. EMB.)TYP.) 1-114"MIN. - i EMB.(IYP.) !rj ' to�`' •e, D, o Z •. 41. A ' o ` N0.43409 n 171. 12 PRODUCT:. - -- - OocVmaltb:PnPon Byc i '" 1 $k$ PIASTPRO INC. Lyndon F. Sohmldt N FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No 43409 Z.roJ+ 8 IS-.iB WHttE1;fTM•OROlNG B4-O.P. TABLE lrs. 2• 7124717 UPDATE-70 6llf fD. z077 fHC .JK .ppEt-OR'ASSEMBLY: —' BUILDING;CONSk7.LTANT.S,�,.INC.�- t" o N NO 4DATE S UPDATE TtJ 3TH ED.. 2014 FBC. BK• P.O. Box 230, Va1Hoo, FL 33390 VERTICAL CROSS SECTIONS Phone No.: 813,E09.9197 - REVISIONS f.BPf'C .,No..9B13' 0 201 2 R,W.BIlIl,o1 1T1�Oilgbtta.YAlApItJm4 130N9uLTANTn IND• I I R.'\nlefttAPlestpm,lnc PERMANBJT\A-Florida Pfoduct'Appmvals\FL-17184 Fiberglass poor-Inswing•Outswing(BMAC•Drawings\FL-171846TH ED(2017)\FL-17184,9-10,dwg,2-7 I - - Q cz V fJ.� L�n • -- V�, p.. • ♦_.. i 40 O T: FR Q `. Z ,c 2t 0.15'CISINK 1-1/,"MIN. EMB.)TYP.) mP') EMB,(TYP.) o> EMB.O YP.)-' Z v a II� t7 • ' , O f0 • ID CT x:: a • • �: O tt''{{tt z D V hl; 7-0O R. _ 9.•"..1 v - 42� s_ i80; O 4 ' ^1 Cy1 'sue v 1-1/,"MIN w. EMB.IIYP) 11 tl •�� tip. F SCNlyjd�''%. No.43409 e $ _ PRODUCT ccevmmto Prnpa.. �eYr •- p , -- PLASTPRO INC. Lynd N on F 'Sohmige_ i�� ow - - - P a.43 409 iI OIdAL \\�. I; y FlBERGLASS DOOR E ♦ / I 1 V� Z N J- B 1S 18.._CORRECi''.WORDING:1Na0P.:7AE0:E $ a 2 7 24,T tlPDA7E 7D 01F1 m 20f 7 FBC JK :PART OR"'ASSELIBLY BUILOINO CONSUIT/1NT5, INC to y -/ NOT UPDATE TO SiFI ED 2014 FBC" JK: - yER17CAL P O Bost 230 Valrlco;FL 3S f1.S, E. N NO DATE= 9Y.' CROSS SECTIONS PAone No re13 EI59 Dif17, .- L REVISIONS _ ... F13PE.C.l4'Nor 08T3 -. I ;0'•ZnlB R.W.t9ll M1Ddl�Ont�@�TA/OYIINYIIO'DCNGYLTANTs tNO, �^"""- - - I R.1Crmnts\Plastpro,Inc PERMANEF1Tv1-Florida Prcdua ppravxAK-17184FRrerglauDoor-Inswing-OuWMng(ONAC-Drawings\FL-171846THED(2D17)VL-17mK9-SO9wg,2.8 14 IN 3 _xF 4i ct ,g Epp of $I _ P, ea . 3 _. � J. .(ry. i ________________-1--- w /� ?zacg n 92 — ps: °1 j FT � apt•, /� O.C.(TYP.) pyp,J NO.4M Q -. •T._ - - .PRODUCT: Doeum.nb Pmpone.� FIPLASTPRO BERGLASS I OR P n tJo£4340g id1 !���� R• - ........... l0° z N J a 15 is-CORRECT WORDINGIN D.P.TABLE LFS / 777/,�ONA11(.1' 2 7/24 q^_UPDATE-TO BTN ED. 2p17FBC .JK'- p)�;OR-ASSEMBLY., _/r BUILDING CONSULTANTS INC .,1_ 22 UPDATE TO.57H .r 2074 FUC JK' - .. lrCj�f� r t BUCK ANCHORING (/{/ P 0: IFox 230r .apg.91,F7 b38D3 o � hl ND DATE _ _ _• By Phone No:_1313 080.G 1137• RFl/IS ONS ' - �FEPE.C.A, No. 8t7T3 - 02612'R.w,euis.oisid TPPA r MI r(rrP.i r(nP.). 7'(1YP.l 6°{iYP.) iVf 4 u,"J" �6• �� �� MUCK —VI �2X BUCK SEEDEfAll2 , 1XBUCK SEE DETAIL !6;1r1A.SONRY�( TYP.® 2X'BUCK �.'l1XBUCK .,@ba,1�J �.. OPEt41No n1' z JAMBS D HEAD AND 4 a cbt c JAMBS JAMBS n 3c ASTRAGAL TYP ` SHOWN FOR tYPei`su TYP®SILL CL ONLY REFERENCE c1 t V o c� ^�. 9(BUCK .' ( MASONRY. ' TYP.0SILL U OPENING ;: DETAIL ] o F ''•SIE DETAIL 177 ^O 1 Rig m'dam RtAMEANCM MG, FLWEANCHO PING' �cxr g XX O)XO 2 0; BUCK 1XBUCK 87: aX BUCK 9QBUCK s r - -- - -- --- o coMaeETEANct+ox N07p DEiAft 1 DETAIL f DBTAR 2 a•c L 1 Coaaeh3 aTsetsoctaoaHosa at ft,e causessnoytJe adyteled to ntofitafi theAin. .. Ir whg Oulsvhng After -,-bolt 'edgviGYftlrC�foRiorf�JoNlt C15ifOQ - - — -------- — c�i 5 t 2 Canaateandrorl000EOiisnokdosAM7CONC8rfHt"rtwttbaadpaledfo ---- -- -- ---- ----- --&t9 to Rcm inoG+tois itieMrs edgy dfslonce to racitorjaests•adrDLF>tsaf cdnesfe orsahirs os#*m m :rtbybesv9urodtaenai�elhe'1,MX01JC81tFR'd4�eamlasorta'iotexeeodod 1 �"�j o t , a canaereamasarrablec Bt1CK 1X N ' j ' At.LCHcSR;{iNCH,QI{, ` MU¢ MW CtFnTtAtfCE Alf7t.&tEARAHCE,�- � i ' tYQE t Sf/F _r EMAL7/MENf � MASOI}A> .. UIO�R {• ' 1X S is z K _ ' - '• 27? '�a I I oxTT:D7 21•t2 i 5 iA ON 1/P nw 1.1/� 2' 4• �� ,10,.' i •,,5 SGVE N.T.S. t OiIRJiCOfI, 114' 1.1/4• 1' 41 3 MIC Of.. JK ¢ raow , 3W 1.114• S' 1.1/l LAXII&DMOOLTMAN overdo yo:LFS -. - - ng-strawwsrwwlraNNOTES: - ' ,.Mosr,hanomrart.iris/s"eegedts�ce,rmeaaiane�s,•aa�aagar HmciEOErarL amracusmrKEJAMe HINGEJAME FL 171s41o;; woodsomwfoPmventf 5PMVo1wood - aaEr�of t1. TOP A-A ,w c�c II OW I I I by i I ; I O I ' m I � m I � y I c z BOTTOM i I I ``�T1iT1f111�1/�/, ```�:.y,..•,11gPatA(�r.•�` .ice. No.4S90B i 4 PRODUCid, ---- Dooum�M�cp'pvntl i� - . � RSM OOdR P e4 No F Sio4 la ,/ ,eA1I•�C�R�19*10,```�� CORRECT;.WORDING IN.O.P TABLE IFS _ /r//r10�AV"���� 7 2s 17 UPDATE d0:6TN EDi 2017 FRG. JK pARTCOR,ASSEMBLY: /}x�LT,!9UILOINO,,CONSQLTANTS 1NC: _ x =1 4 2Y.15�UPOATE'TO�STN W: (20I4 FBCr :IK UI\ NO,. DATE--. .f ASTRAGAL DETAILS YYYI� P.O. Box 23D ValAco FL 33E98 _._ _ Phono.No.: 813.659.9197 IS ON - FSPE-CA No. BB13 .o 2C18 R.W.BUILDING CCN6NLTANTO INa. I BILL OF MATERIALS REM!" D64CRR11DN MATERIAL A I BUCK(SG x 0:55) -WOOD 8 2X,BUCK(SGxOSS). _ WOOD I I ����i•=,. g, �s$r, C 114MAX.SHIM SPACE HEAD651DEJAMB ' /// :••� ` x am:o p 1/4'X2-3/4"ftCOORRWCONCREfESCREW Sfffi ,s�"p MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI 20,;w �s.. b E 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE o 9 F 1/47X2I/4 PFH ELCOORIfWCONCRETESCREW STEEL 4.56• �, �g orw a G _ 311 G X 3-IN PFH ITIN CONCRETE SCREW _ - STEEL o (-�f212= <\ , man n Eli H 1/,Cx3-1/4 PFHELCOORfiWCONCRETESCREW' STEEL ' `' I' V" s 4 J 1/4 X 3-3/4"PFH ELCO OR I1W CONCRETE SCREW STEEL G� - E,a " K #9 X 2-1 IT PFH WOOD SCREW STER L #10X21/Z'PFH WOOD SCREW:(I.lY MIN.EMBEDMENn' STEEL M #8 X T PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 244' 2-13".--I ;N 1/4"X 1-3/4"PFH ELCOOR ITW CONCREfE SCREW -,--.STEEL, 7 FORCE WEATHERSTRIP(ENDURA); FOAM 21, ]FAD'&SWE7AA18 29 S QK4 SPACER B 'COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP QLON 659(SCHLEGEL) FOAM 9 4°X 4'BUTT HINGE .. . STEEL } a e •10 49X1'PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL, &s m',��. 11 49 X 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL ` o� E 20 FINGER JOINTED PINE FRAME,HEAD&HINGE JAMBS WOOD a� ` '--s 6ii a >21. POLY FIBER JAMB COMP:%VINYL 4-W 4SB `j o cc, .27. LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL I al a 4 28 ADIADBOLTSTRIKEPLATE STEEL, • 29 SIDELITE SPACER-(LSSLB) PVC ^ : 130' DOOR SWEEINGT ALUMP/WOOD s 31 'OUTSWINGTHRESHOLDBY_DLP QOSH) - � n 32 ''ADA THRESHOLD BY DLP(ISHC) ALUM. OVISWING iNRL3NOLD• lNSW1NG7HRFSFlO1D _ 33 INSWWG THRESHOLD BY DLP(SCS) ALUM.1 WOOD H: .34 SIDEUTETHPESHOLD BYDLP'(ISH/ES) ALUM.'/WOOD o N R 35 TRIM WOOD . z 36 OUTSWING ADA BUMP THRESHOLD ALUM. 40 DOOR PANEL=SEE DOOR PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION.DETAILS 56 EXTRUDED ALUMINUM ALUM._. ALUM. 4AT- 60 SIDELTTE PANEL-SEE SIDEUTE PANEL DETAIL SHEET FOR CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ---: `87 ASTRAGAL STRIKE PLATE STEH - 88 2X REINFORCEMENT(CLEAR PINE:SG x 0.49 WOOD -- —---- 32 ADA SILL' �A-Z, ,=: TARESHOLD � ,DA7E:02/21/12 �z M.BY: UK er• LFS '3 n 36'OUISMGADASUMPTHRFSHOLD OruwwO w< N a FL-17164.10,: n OF_iZ o '•a I R R W Building Consultants, Inc. W B Consulting and Engineering Services for the Building Industry C P.O.Box 230 Valrioo,FL 33595 Phone 913.659.9197 Florida Board of Professional Engineers Certificate of Authorization No.9813- i k6du Category, Caategoryy,, Sub Category Manufacturer Product Name Swinging Plastpro Inc. - Glazed Fiberglass Double Door Exterior Exterior Door 6200 W.CenturyBlvd. wl or wlout Sidelltes Doors Assemblies Los Angeles,CA 90046 Inswing 1 Outswing 040 V69-9773-.. _ _-_ "impact" Scope: This Is a Product Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants, Inc.and Lyndon'F.Schmidt,P.E.(System ID# 1998)for Plastpro Inc.based on Rule Chapter No.61 G20-3,Method 1 D of the State of Florida Product Approval, Department of Business&Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity Involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitat/ons: I i 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 6th Edition(2017)Florida Building Code(FBC)structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone". 2. Product anchors shall be as-listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wall dressing orstucco. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with FBC Sections 1609.1.2&R301.2.1.2 and does not require an impact resistant covering.This product meets missile level"D"and includes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM E1996 and FBC Sections 1609.1.2.2&R$ 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x buck masonry construction. 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL-17184.10 require further engineering analysis by a licensed engineer or registered architect 6. See drawing FL-17184.10 for size and design pressure limitations. Supporting Documents: I. `Test,R"epartNo: Test Standard. lesting,Laboratory 4 Signed by TEL 01390243 TAS 201,202 and 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab.!Inc. Wendell W.Haney, P.E. TEL 01390365 TAS 201,202 and 203-94 Testing Evaluation Lab.;lnc. Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E. 2. Miami Dade NOA Materlals'Testing: 18-0301.05 SaflexS PVB Interlayers(Eastman Chemical Company) _ I 3. Drawln_a No Prepared by• Sl tried'&:Sealed_bv No.FL-17184.10 RW Building Consultants,Inc.(CA#9813) �,0.11 coa➢y�a Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E. C. 4. Calculations Pretiared by 2{ � ir ` p��° Sianed-&Sealddl'bv Anchoring RW Building Consultants, Inc.(CA#9813) ,o": e°'ti- ' �4� I' � Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 5. Gluality.4ss"urance.:, y,�aN �° "`y���-� �I.� �. • q Certificate of Panc�ipatlon Issued byNationalAccreditation land ." o; �f I o Management institute;certifying that Plastpr6'.Inc is manufacturing prodl7ct o.. ' w�ttlln a quality,assurarice program that complies•witti ISD/IEC_17020 and•'P_'• WTA E- . ' w Guide'S3: FL PE No.43409 w` ,is.�i' 0F�.ofu�'a Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. QR1 e Sheet 1 of �ev 2/21/2019 All I I