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77 S -i i i tt 1 + , 6 .t t I 't W - �4}` 1 BOX Heights Cooler 7::10 i 6 interio..0 ' Jimulatlon;4'""thick AK XP54 Extruded4oam.U1.dd sifred:c6fg w, .. Y " " -I 3" 9-10 flame splead.15;.smOkQ rating,iess l her1.16a _.. - Compartmenx"1:-Cooler W-11, Standard,$6I'x7G"',left;bfaged:flushdoorwith brushed!hardware Interioi&Exteriorfinlsh:�6 Ga,5tu5cQ \ Em44Ssed Acrylume 36`klckpiates:ao lnteriar and " exterlar"oPdoor,Heavyo4tydeadbolt handle�Wich:Digital LEP Thermometer wreh,pilot light switch,180711w,Vapor ;/ . ` \ \ Peooft 120V LED:fixture.$2 Lumens fv_ratt Mgl'ed face. Requires 11Svac;1 amps. W ith tblrii;tlriBe Refrigeration: � ; � 1HPBQhnO tdo_rConden l Unit;Mod'el; •. ✓' :tj• BHT01QX66QCM;208-230%60/1,:MGA 15gmPs BTQH, ' 850,molurn T.emperaturv,Hermetic Air-.cooled,R404A,� 8 (� �, ' .1 year'zoYnpressorand,part warr,.antYfrom.dateof D.1 JJJ �j shipment within�Coniinental USA.wlth.25'of pre charged ;lines fz-8049924,,quick cottr2ect and extended compressor ' "warranty- 4 (1).801in ADT090AEWQQ5K,,115/6,0/1 I'ow.profile:alrtlefrost eYaporator,l.S.Atnps;wifhEC rnota>,Irlclogt' Qhted J TXV LLSV$t Thgrmostiat quick connect' wail Parcels I Ater Finish 26 Ga,,:Stucca Embossed-A"crylutrte COOLER. Eiiterior Finish..26:Gb.Stuc60 Embossed Acryiume, w 94"'H IGH 91, telling Panels RooRLE ss Interlor FInish 26 G4,Stucco EmpoSsedsApj,.y e O Exterior Finish.26:0a,stucco EmtfossedAcryIume Q, _ - Custcmer'Ap al`" Q�iQte# 19�134.SS Revision: Pro ect'J'o Harbour I ate 07/6`1/2019' Cl:lstOMer"CHE.NEY BRQTHERS' 'Page I&J _. _.. - -- E $PEOFICATIQN- oMiMWd. A ,bose (1j:48"LED UGNT STRIP EtXFlffiE 96 LUMENS/.WXT-1'�OVACf 0'$3AMPs,1EIVIR RA►JGE:: 30°F.�O�F` `SHT,LQQ5E 'RECOMMENDED.ONEFIXTURE'EVERY 144 S.Q,FT AT 12' ;HIGH (6)INSF°VtivYL FL`pOR S.CREEO',fi2'` _ _ 9.Sir• `'� ' i; } i iZo f f Custdmer,Approvalr. Quate#:1913485 Bevis o ;Project:J.:Qb:Hacb.aur:Ri l e Dote:07/0112019 Gustg'er H :N 'Y 9RQ E-, Pale,2 Qf':3; ONI ' ' IIrkinp caN tunher fir 1: _ i bP3 iMl -:� � � 't+YAnfCru-iN_a5-Eti i r l;.v•"n..01.11 ��oa+,z±i wn T'ttt°.dE11yya,}8 4� MHO M .�s�xuu:� �.atta4sa YINKCIIEWWALIPAUL ( -- i{F—h'tr h1p1)R H�3V'[4Y3>AkWrA d.0 rlei:.x J$p i t` �— _. cum.rA'"r9!'7�S]l,2 ; N71�: bi. E f[G i f i t E t { s ; fi E 0 i .I [(i f i C1uoG�:# 19-l,3.485 ReV,isior;, ProJ�ct,;J-pb;H. rbAy1 Ridge; Rate CJ7IA�/201.9 _ CuStornQr,CHENEY 13RgTHERS Page 3.Qf 3