HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval ! ` �t k _ ..".s..."_�_.�..-.....�.....e«...=:-> .N..--.-. �q .a.....3-. �.�:a.. -a....� _..,.,,....:.grit- ".,..�..���."�..=."-�,a'.f�.,c•-d:.s..a^ �-a:.s�:..�ai+ �..;. - l:.CLSH.,+r.,• Log In .�t�.r R�::,•sa-M'n tht iagx;, Submit 5ttn:?farg_ Sinfs�,fr..t� i Pbbtx,Stton C4ist8Clf}5 � l3CIS Sii�M;iV.; I.rnc. ; S<:u ch �Product Approval usER.ra:4tu X RE .. ., CEIVE[J plirauon it > FL" -FL16650-115. S P` ?r !1 Application Type 's+on J A code vas=onzo17 .5 ST. Lucie County, permitting Application Status yed _ i Comments ,.. Arch'ivEd f ' 3 Prpduct Manu€actvrer i Haas Door'Company; P- 4 Address/Phone/Email 320 Sycamore St. Wauseon,OH 43567' (419)337-9940 Ext 243 s mschweitzer@haasdoor.cam } Authorized SignptureMark Schweitzer 3 ' I rnschweitzer@haasdoor.com Tectin cai Representative 5 • � /tUdrarss/Phone/[rna! . . Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email f' Category Exterior Doors z Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies comp fiance Method' Evaluation Report from a Florlda Registered Architect or a Licensed florida Professional Engineer : Evaluation Rsport-liardcapy Received a Floilda[ng;neeror Architect Name who,'drveloped the )oho E.Scales, T Evaluaflon Report' Fonda License PE-51737 j g Quvtity Asuraoce Entity Architectural Testing;Inc„an Intertek Company- i Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Va4dated By Kurt Dietric PE Validation Chpckiist-Hardcopy Received Certificate ofln>1Fpenoence FL166 RS COI Cert of Ind SratE57(�lfi sadf -1 Rr,[eri tired Standard-and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2017 AN51/DASMA 108 2012 k , y' ANSI/DASMA 1.15 2017 ANSI/DASMA 115 201-2 'mus TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203' 1944 , i 3 a i Equivalence of Prodpct Standards Ceriil`ted By yT SrctPons furan the Code , W- i Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent_Third Party:Yes i a Design Pressure,+26 7/30,2; Evaluation Reports ; t Other:. F#i6 SF 0 RS AF Ev, h`#i1N S c ki M FCreated by Independent Third Party yes 16650.5 05,PAN C201.1,02015,02410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 9'2 wide s, R2410,C2411,C2415,C2460, R2460,02.461,R7.461,C2470, { }' R2470,C2471,82471;C2472, I 82472,C2480,R2480,C2481, f R2481,C2482,82482,C2511, f R2560,117561,82570,R2571, l R2572,R2580,,R2581,'R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL16650 115 11 t � PP 'yL-7C14,G-:�2.r-'"z-3Q;,Rev( s,Vj 71 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 j Impact Resistant:No. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure.-+M.01-39,0 Evaluation Reports i E Other: EL16650 R5 AE EvalgeplPAN rSs;pdf l j ; Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i L 14b50:6 rRR24,60, N 02011,C2b15,C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage do 9'2" ride # ( ' ,L2411,02425,02460, ( 'C2461,82461,02471, i ` R2471,C2472,R2472,C2480; a 82480,C2481;R2481,C2482, r R2482,C2511,R2560,R2561, ' R2571,A2572,R2580,'112581,82582 t .Limits of.Use Installation-Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No I FL16650.95 11 Wy_2000-if 1110 08-35 39-RevP s;p�f Approved for use outsi VHZ:^Yes Verified By:John E.Scates 51737 Impact Resists es Created by Independent Third Party:Yes s Design Press e.+35.0/.39.0 „" }, : Evaluation Reports i Other: FL16650 R4_AL_EV fRj4,RtPA'N rSc gd t Created by Independent.Third Party:Yes i3- i 166S0.7 07.PAN C2011,C2015,'C2410,. FSeriesnalpan type garage door 97'wide 82410,02411,C2415,C2460, i R2460,C2461,112461,C2471, R2471,C2472,82472,C2480, 1 R2480,C2481,82.481,C2482, R2482,'C2511,R2560,R2561, I . 112571,112572,R258p,112581,112582 Limits of Use y Installation Instructions. Approved for use in HVHZ:No F1.16650 R5 11 WI-2000-0110-41,46-RevF s,,pdf {€ ( Approved for use outside HVHZ:'Yes Verified By:John E.States 51737 { i Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes # Design Pressure:+41.1/-46,-4 Evaluation Reports 4 Other: F1166SO RS AF FvalReptPAN r5s.n f it -i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 16650.6' 08.PAN 02011,•,02015,02410 PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 107"wide. #. a R2410,C2411,C2415,C2460 ? ff R2460,C2461,R2461,C2470, tR2470C2471,82471,C2472, }: R2472,C2480,R2480,'C2481, f 82481,C2487,-,R2482,.C2SI1, 1112560,112561,112570,R2571' 87.572,82580,82581,R2582 Limits of Use LEvalu�"o ation Instructions i Approved for use in HVHZ:No 0 R5 1t Wt-700Q 2-O8-71-74-RevC s.pdf Approved-for use outside HVHZ:Yes. d By:John E.Scates 51237 Impact Resistant.No' d by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+21.3/-24.1 n Reports j Other: 85 A EvaiReo PAd by Independent Third Party:Yes 16650.9 09.PAN 02011,02015;02410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 1.0`2'wide" ^: 82410,G2411,C2415,02460, R2460,C2461,82461,C2470, 112470,12411,12471,C2472, p { 112472,02480,112480,C2481,, R2481,C2482,112482,C2511, 82560,R256I,82570,82571, 82572,(22580,R2581,R2582 - Limas of Use -� Installation Instructions E Approved for use in HVHZ:No F(16650 RS ti W1. non-0122. 8 -RevC „ ! Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:John E.Scates S 1737 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third party:Yes Design Pressure:x•21.3/-24.1 Evaluation Reports i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 g NOTE: Track configuration above Door Width 9'-2"Shown the door opening does not affect F See chart below for other the wind load rating of the door. F Top Bracket door widths DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) Fla Bracket 9 Detail H(sheet 2 of 3) to ec d E E Slide Lack or Lode Bars DOOf H61ght Detail G(sheet 2 of 3) 1 8'-0"Shown Manual door locks are See Chaff required unless an automatic Jamb Bracket below for other ° operator is installed. f"+ _ DetailF(sheet2of3) door heights 662 / 3" 1 D 382"+/_3" i D r e 1 Bottom Bracket End Hinge Z Strut&SWtAttachment Intermediate Hinge 4"+/-3" r Detail C(sheet 2of3) DetailB(sheet2af3) DetailE(sheet2of3) DetailD(sheet2cf3) Digitally signed by.JohnE.ScatesP.E. 10-Z"+/-3" Date:2018.08.07,/18:07:46-05'00' C This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 108 for static air pressure. Jamb bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better southern pine iambs. This product hos been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 115 for large missile impact and cyclic wind pressure. \\�\�``�• 9 Supporting structural elements are to be designed by a registered professional /'\\ �.�,.-•� // Model Number engineer for specific wind loads. \\ ��,y�GBNdQ.1p PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES Door Total#Of Jamb BIMS NOTICE: PAN C2410&R2410SERIE PAN C2481 s 82461 SERIES Height Sections Total#of Shufs per Side These drawings area r N0.51737 PAN 02460 a 82460 SERIES PAN 024718 R2471 SERIES 6'-0" 3 3 3 supplement to the installation PAN 02481&82481 SERIES PANC2472&R2472SERIES PAN C2011 SERIESinstructions for a standard door *; PAN 02482 a R2482 SERIES PAN 82560 SERIES PAN C2015 SERIES 6'-0" 4 4 3 and only covers those ,0�, $TATE OF j 8'-3" 4 4 3 procedures that vary from PAN R2590 SERIES PAN R2561 SERIES PAN C2411 SERIESstandard door installation. If PAN R2581 SERIES PAN 82571 SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES 6'-8" 4 4 4 these specific procedures are B PAN R2582 SERIES PAN R2572 SERIES PAN C2511 SERIES 6'-9" 4 4 4 not followed, the door may not Door Widths Desi Pressures Center Center Center impact 7-0" 4 4 4 perform as designed. End Stile 7'-3" 4 4 4 Up To + sT -psf Stiles Hinges Soles Hinges Soles Hinges Resistant 7'-6° 4 4 4 John E Scotes, P.E. 8'-2" a35.0 -39.0 Single 3 1 3 1 3 1 NO 7,-8" 5 5 4 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 9'-2" Single 313131 YES Lewisville, Texas 75056 0-2" Single 4 2 3 1' 5 2 NO 7-9" 4 4 4 IlbIPACT RESISTANTFlorida P.E. # 51737 12'-2• Single 5 2552 NO 7'-9" 5 5 4 B'-2" Single 3 1 .4 1 3 1 YES 8'-0" 4 4 4 Professionol Engineer seal provided only for This product is designed and sold by PSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the 8'-0" 5 5 4 FL#16650.6 verification of wind load construction details. PSF required for any given site. Maximum section height is 24 in. ,� OESCRIP71ON: Maximum door height is 16 ft. 9'2^PAN20DOSERm'SwII•IDIAAD SECITONAL DOOR All doors, even those above the tested height, DESIGN PRRSSDRa+35,W-39.OPSF A are available with jamb brackets or commercial ''" .Ft='='. OMN080 Ems:WT-2000-0110-08-35-39 FEY. F full angle. The maximum spacing of the jamb pMW/tF. MVS OREOYElM:53N14 REV.WE:80F brackets/track clips should be maintained. mrr w v�gmnr m eomp w aloi MODEL(S)' See Sheet3 Slims OF 1 2 3 4 t 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 END STILES PUSH NUT 31, 16 Go Galvanized Steel 7/16" 24(.. END HINGE TEK SCREW See DETAIL K for push nut 14 Go Galvanized Steel 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head o PUSH NUT placement. 7/16" TEK SCREW Self Drilling (3 per Bottom Bracket) F See DETAIL K for push nut TEK SCREW o 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head BOTTOM BRACKET placement. 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head Self Drilling (6 per Hinge) ® q 13 Go Golvanized Steel Self Drilling (2 per Bracket) NOTE:This screw shaWdbe H ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE located below theprepunchedhole PUSH NUT ° 12 Ga LOW HEADROOM TOP and go through the hinge,end stile 7/16- 1/4" SCREW and skin edge See DETAIL 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head BRACKET � placement. K for push nut Self DrillingPUSH NUT BOTTOM SEAL (4 per Bracket) 7/16" DETAIL A LOW HEADROOM DETAIL B See DETAIL K for push nut DETAIL C E 3 r TOP BRACKET placement. E 24 INTERMEDIATE STILE 3 1/4" x 3 Mini E STRUT 18 Go 70 KSI Minimum 16 Go Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel JAMB BRACKET 4 12 Ga Galvanized Steel (9- DETAIL o A o - 4 SLIDE LOCK or LOCK BARS INTERMEDIATE HINGE O 1 ° (not required with operator) 18 or 14 Go Galvanized Steel 34" O 0 0 ° TEK SCREW 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer TEK SCREW BOLT & NUT 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head Head Self Drilling (4 per 0 / / TEK SCREW 1/4-20 X 5/8" Carriage Slide Lock) Self Drilling (4 per Hinge) 15t 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Bolt & 1/4-20 Hex Washer D DETAIL E Head Self Drilling (2 per DETAIL F Nat (1 per Jamb Bracket) DETAIL G End & Intermediate Stiles) WITH AND MTHour BRACE 00 00 ° ° NOTE: Details on some views omitted for clarity. 00 0 0 0 o Double end stiles and end hardware may be C a o 00 required on wider or heavier doors. C �[ \`����IIIIIII//��ii ° Maximum RESIDENTIAL & LIGHT COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL 1/2" COMMERCIAL For Standard, High For Standard, High DETAIL KT BRACKET ` •; For Low Headroom & Vertical Lift & Vertical Lifte Z • No.51737 With 2" Track and With 2" Track and With 3" Track and There should be a space ofLT ' I Single End Stiles Single End Stiles Single End Stiles maximum 1/2" between the16 X 1 5/8" Lag Bolt 1♦It * , ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS roller hub and the outside per Flag Bracket). -q gTATEOF edge of the roller holder p0• •t1 NOTE: The bottom bracket tested (shown in DETAIL C) is the lightest bracket available. which is set by the pushBOLT & NUT ��•.���R,�Q'�Q\\\\ B nut. & far 1/4-20 0izHex Washer& 2 f Nut ////1/4-20 X 5/8"Track Bolt S D�i; `\��` B DOOR SKIN Min. of 1� Minimal 25 Ga Galvanized Painted Steel of 1" Vertical Track) John E Scates, P.E. (1 L wis King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 IUBACT RESISTANT Lewisville, Texas ]sass Florida P.E. # 51737 311, Professional Engineer seal provided only for 5/1 &WASHER VERTICAL TRACK— 2"Nominal WOOD JAMB ROLLERFL#�ss5o.s verification of wind load construction details, x 7/1 x t s/a"Lag Bolt&2"O.D. r� DESCRIPTION: x 7/16"I.D. Flat Washer 13 Ca Galvanized Steel tested. The vertical wood jamb 2" Diameter Nominal qz^PANzaoostltueswDaDLOAD NOTE: Jamb bracket must be in 3"Nominal 13 Go is also fasteners may be counter sunk Eleven Ball N Ian of DETAIL H SECTIONAL DOOR A direct contact With the 2x6 (No approved as an alternate. to provide a flat mounting y �,,, Elt`•- DESIGN PRESSORS+75.d-39.OPSP A surface. See jamb attachment Ten Ball Steel with drywall he flat I 'i; DR►wINDN(:WL-2000-0110.OB-35-3g VEIL 1 NOTE:The flat washer is not required details an sheet 3 for attaching O Minimum Workable for angle mount. jambs to the structure. Shaft Length Shown. - •a�m1,e DRAIIINItT: MVS INITEDMWtC 5/30714 BEY.MiF7 N/3/18 ocrirattamu� 1110DEL(S): See Sheet3 SHEET.2 OF 31 1 2 3 4 t 5 6 7 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 FASTENER TO CONTINUE F PASTHEADER F o o E MODEL NUMBERS E L. o o MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE OPENING HEIGHT 2 X 8 GRADE PINE JAMBS.2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN PAN C2011 SERIES SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT PAN C2015 SERIES TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. PAN C2411 SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES MAXIMUM ON D PAN C2511 SERIES CENTER SPACING D PAN C2410&R2410 SERIES PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES FIRST FASTENER W to 10• PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES ABOVE THE FLOOR OPENING PAN C2471&R2471 SERIES WIDTH PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES PAN C2480&R2480 SERIES wooD JAMB ATTACHMENT PAN C2481&R2481 SERIES ki C PAN C2482&R2482 SERIES StN�re vpe �MEdg, an Mhh on Mde T.-IAlk—e r FastenerT Eega cermr on cancer rerelm Dl,M_SpecFp spacing Load C PAN R2560 SERIES aMin0DO 500 PSI to vT •apoon•-(PLOID US)2- 2.50• 5.00' 24° 551 \�\\\ S!30,E PAN R2561 SERIES �e'LeIwl \O; �pEu9F••, ��� PAN R2571 SERIES Southern 11f8.ODwasher 1.so• 1.5w 1.s0• za° s2o PAN R2572 SERIES Spruce Pine Fir 36'Lag. No.51737 , p 1.50' 1.50' 1.50• 24° 482 1 1f8.OD washer � t � PAN R2580 SERIES - NOTE:2X6 mounted to the wall must be Southern Pine Grade 2 or better. �.G. STATE OF Q` PAN R2581 SERIES �gf ;°4i;:Zi PAN R2582 SERIES i�j0*"FOR%OQ%'(F B s1 \\\ ONl;�� Bs John E Scates, P.E. 2560 King Arthur Blvd. Ste 124-54 IMPACT RESISTANT' Lewisville, Texas 75056 Florida P.E. /( 517377 FL#16650.6 Professional Engineer seal provided only for verification of wind load construction details. ��.. DESCRIPTION: 9'2"PAN 7.0ODSERESW@ID1AAD e SECTIONAL DOOR DESIGN PRESSURE+3SM-39.0PSF A ERaInEExa:WL,-2000-0110.08-35-39 E[x F DIUWR 1E MVS REE DRWD:3130/14 TEV.Ria.718 ®cerar MODELIS): See Sheet 3 SNEET:3 OF 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8