HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application A1l-APP 9!23!201$FO,.MUST$t.C'ptETED f, PPLICAT16a.166E CCEPTE6 - #e it-Number Bu11,d ng.P'OM4,Application Plapf��ng=and L?evrlopinent Services - 8uiid�lrg and•Cade'RegutationDrv+s_ori 23f10 Y�r�fnid Avenge;Fort Pxecce Fi 34384 Phone W' 462 T553 Fax:1772)4fi2`-1578'. CoiriCTierciaF :9eSl&6fial`Xxx tM:jT-TYPE -- MGC (liCal y s , address.a4"i;ALLBERRY-etR Property,Tax,10 4w_342$-701,44 Lot No. PFpject Name Rodgers Residence � k ` dETAILEDLIESCOIV.OFt)�K g ; W",.. Okefor U*A/C Package gpit repiacement- 3 Tonj 10 KUy 14 Beer Ground CONSTRUCTi©N iNt 0F{lillAT! "� N � ��� Additional work tp 6e:performed 'un-iec this:permit—check alt that apply: ++ Meci anicai, _G Tank _Ga`s;!?iping _Shutters; _Wtnd`dws/Doors, •_Eiectric _P:t"urnbing _Spririklers; Gerieraor Roof, _.,,Pitch' Tota(Sq.Ft:of Gonstructioii.: Sq Ft-b First Ftoor.: Cost of Gcirttrucflon.$52&0"00 litil'ities; .^Sewer !Septic: 8uiidrh Nei hf 8 '. -- Vt/NERjIESSEECONTRA Nameuames E Rodgers Name•Don Miranda; Address 8420:Gaiiberry CfR; Gor ipany:M+rands PtiirnbEng -Fir Conr3Etiornng,inc City:Purl St,Lcacie, __-_ State. Address 750'NE Ehterns pe Drive _.. 349521 Fax: Pork.SfL'uice`. FL Zp Code: City: -Stater Phone 00*-313-5883 _.. . _- Zip:Gnde.346 Fax:x _. Phone Na772-878-5123 Fitt rn fee's rKple-Title Holder'on nett page(if dR rent E tvtaEl Ldioi3at6oimiraridaconipanies.com f dffi'theiOWper listed above) St5te or County LiceriseCAC1815486 {f vaiue of copstiiai tion is$7SQO:or m+re,;a RECORDED Notice of; t Commencemenis;required. - _ tf.value of<HYAC is$7,500 of"miore,.a RECORDED;Notice of:Commencement! required.. St1)}PI EM �kL D Sl U •. E N' •RNlA71(J s DESIGNER/ENGINEER.- NotApplicaEile MORTGAGE;CC1lVIPANY: "Not-Applicable Name: _.. _. . " Name: hlAddress - -._.._._ Address:: j City State: City: Zip Phone .. zp fEE;SiN1PLE TiTLE FIOIDER Not AppI*ifAbk,' . BONDING COMPANY: �'NotAPA cable t" Nam. "Address'_ Address. City City: Zip.;-- Phone:° Zips, Phone O,WIVp' _ ER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT Applicailon:ls herebytmOdkto obtain a permit:to do.the-work and intalfat�dn:asirtdisated. t certifythat no work,or installation has commenC.ed` nor to the issuance qf,a permit. Si-"Lucie,County makes•no_represeniaiionzhat is"granting a permit wilt authonza.th-e permitholder to build the subjeci'structure-. which is!n cohflict with'ahy app!"icable Home Owners"Association ruies;.b"ylaws or;and covenants that,may rest ict:or prohibit'§uci stitiitture.Please consulwithyoui Home owners As"sociatidn and review yourdeed for ori"y restnctions,wfi in consideration of the-granting of_this requested permit i dere o hby agree that i wiii,'ln all respects perform the ti4oilt in actordance"with the approved plans the Florida 8uilding:Cad--es and St::Lucie County Arriendmeiits, TWfollowing buIlding,permit applications a'reexempf from}undergoing,a full concurrency review:room additiohk acc_"essory structures,swimming:poots fiences,.ivalls;signs,screen roorris4and accessgry Pres to anothernon-r�sidentiai use "WARMING TO OWNER:YOUR FAILURE TO OECORD A.NOTICE-OF CO--MMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN Y,OUW`#AYWC ` POSTED,ON THE"JOB SITE BEFORE.THE-FIRST iNSPECTIOIM w YOCOMMEPI L, M, i'lif6ST � RECORDED AIYQ ; TWICE FOR IMfs120YEMENTS TO`1(064 PROPERTY:,A NOTICE OF U 1f�TE1ltD,3'O-O tN FIi1tAt4iCING,.:COTi56LT ITN , R;LENDER OR AN-ATTAR—IYEY^, E QRE RECORDWG-Y NJOTICE:OF'COMMEPIC T. . f Slg"natureofOwner/iessee/contractorasAgentforowner Sign5ture.of;Cantractor/Gcens6lHolder STATE OF-FLOFtiDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY of Tl"e forgoing,instrument was,aeknowledged:before me The:forgoing lnsirument.was atknowiedged Deface riie th!s 3 _da_`y of SfP' ZQ'r .,;by thss+ �: day:of . .S?P 1 2Q(Y. 'hy noNI niisAadr: Dna irk da Name of person,making,;ptemerit. Nameof-person,rnaking:stafemtnt; ,PersoriallgKnpwfivm OkOroduted Identification. `Personally Known _OR•.P,�od' ed ldentificatlon Type:of identification, TyPe_ofldentif!cation Produced _.._ Produced: ._ i Sf nature of Nota`pubbc of Florlda "` ( g ry__ l {Signature of lViiiaiy Public-, tQ of Florida'-)� L&I D1111r* -i0d3i0 [pfl hlOfl9lO Gommission.No." GO( tlon"t GHOS92 f8; Coriiiiiissian No, :Coinmisal G6069258 • Exprrcs. Fs6� 9,�,, 2021' - F,.... . Expires;: i-eb 1#,. ,, ,�: •,, _ 2421 REVIEWS Fi16NT ZONING; S€1RERV150R PLANS VEGETATION S A.TURTCE MANGR0IYE COCINTER REVIEU47 I EVIEil REVIEW REVIEW EVIEw' REVIEW . DATA ,; RECEIVED DATE COMPLETEt) . I ev. <, i