HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DESIGN, LLC.
Certificate of Authorization#19503
GAF LsT.Lucle
P 2 4 �;1i� I Evaluation Report 01506.01.08-1122
1 Campus Drive FL10124-1120
Parsippany, NJ 07054 County,Permllting I Date of Issuance:01/03/2008
(800)766-3411 Revision 22:09/20/2017
This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,
P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The
products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code
sections noted herein.
DESCRIPTION: GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles
LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted
herein and FBC 1507.2.7.1/11905.2.6.1.
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the
referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change.
Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the
product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. TrinityJERD requires a complete
review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity)ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION: Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or
k its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6.
Prepared by: 0,LL
Robert J.M.Nieminen P.E. •,Fs'
x�.A j The facsimile seal a ppea ring was authorized by Robert Nieminen,
Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 4+ P.E.on 09/20/2017.This does not serve as an electronically signed
1. TrinitylERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or
distributing products it evaluates.
2. Trinity I ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.
3. Robert Nieminen, P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the evaluation reports are being issued.
4. Robert Nieminen, P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the
5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity lERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way,the Designer of Record for any
project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained
specifically for that purpose.
. .
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Product Category: Roofing
Sub-Category: Asphalt Shingles '
Compliance Statement: GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles, as produced by GAF, have demonstrated compliance with the
following sections of the 6m Edition (2017) Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume
through testing inaccordance with the following Standards. Compliance issubject tothe Installation Requirements
and Limitations/Conditions ofUse set forth herein.
2' Srxmo^ums:
Section Propert Standard Year
1507.2.4 1507.1.1, Physical Properties ASTM o1970 2015
R905.2.3 R905.1.1
1507.2.5,R905.2.4 Physical Properties ASTM o346Z 2010
1507.2.7.1,R905.2.6,1 Wind Resistance ASTM D3za1 2010
2507.2J.1,119052.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTIVIo71s8 2011
1507.2.7.1,R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance TAS107 1995
3' RspEasmcsS:
Entity Examinationi Reference Date
GAF(PoK4zgz6) Letter nfEquivalency Sea|'A'RidoeImpact Resistant|n 01/13/2012pm(TST5872) Physical Properties' GAp025-02'01 03/27/2002
PRI(TST5u70 ASTM n346Z 6AF-05e02-01 09/02/2004
PRI(TsT587g) ASTM o346Z G«F-080o2'01 05/25/2005
PRI(TST5878) Physical Properties GAp'324-02'01 12/01/2011
PRI[8T587N Wind Driven Rain GAp407'02'01 01/21/2013
UL(TST1740) ASTM o3462 93mK6295 11/29/1993
UL(TST174N ASTM oJ4OZ 99wK43835 01/12/2000
UL(TST17*O) TAS107 94mK9632 03/29/2000
UL(T8'1740) ASTM D3462 nImK08632 02/02/2001
UL(TST1740) ASTM n3z6l,TAS zV7 0ImK9226 05/21/2001
UL(TST1740) ASTkxD3z61 O1mK37122 _ 12/18/2001
UL(TST174U) ASTM o3462 U1mK37122 12/19/2001
UL(TST174n) ASTM o316l,TAS zO7 02mK12980 04/10/2002
Ui(TSTI74O) ASTM D3161,TAS 107 02mK30871 09/09/2802
VL(TST174U) ASTM o3161 03[A5367 03/142003
VL(TST174V) ASTM o3462 03NKI6444 1*I7/2008
UL(TSTl740) ASTM o3462 04wK13850 06/07/2004
UL(TST174C) ASTM n3161 04NK13850 06/23/2004
Ui(TST174O) ASTM n3z61 04mK30546 03/10/2005 '
UL(TST1740) ASTM D3462 04m02009 05/06/2005
VL(TST174O) ASTM o3181 04wK22009 05/09/2005
UL(TST174O) ASTM o3462 05mK2792* 02/10/2006
UL(TSTI74O) ASTM D3161 05mn27924 02/11/2006
UL(TST1740) ASTM o3zh1,D3402 06cx18077 06/05/2006
oL(TST174O) ASTM D3161,D3462 06cn18074 06/16/2006
UL(TSTl74O) ASTM D3161,D3462 06[»35251 10/18/2006
uL(TSr174O) ASTM o34s2 06Cx31603 12/01/2006
UL(TSTar4O) ASTM o]161,o346Z 06Gw41095 12Y27/2806
UL(TST174O) ASTM o3161 07mK05228 03/13/2007
UL(TST1740) ASTM D3161 06[A31611 04/04/2007
UL(TST174O) ASTM D3161 06cA61148 04/09/1007
Ui(T5Tz7*O) A8lwA3161,o3*6Z 07[A31742 11/08/2007
VL(TST174O) ASTMo3I61,o7ls8,o3u62 08c^06100 03VI3/2008
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report o1soo.o1.ox'mu
a,*ficvte of Authorization wsm EDITION(zoo)pocmow-xxxzEVALUATION Fu0124-x20
sArxanoaumomamnm/es Revision zz:o9/20/zu1r
Page zmrn
Entity Examination Reference Date
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D3462 07CA55908 04/01/2008
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D3462 09CA10592 03/26/2009
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D3462 09CA06856 05/15/2009
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 09NK06647 08/01/2009
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 09CA27281 08/27/2009
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 IOCA35554 03/05/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 10CA13686 05/15/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3462 IOCA07264 05/27/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3462 10CA11953 10/29/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 IONK11951 10/30/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,•D7158,D3462 IONK12070 11/04/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 08CA06100 01/30/2010
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 IOCA53934 03/31/2011
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 11CA48924 10/22/2011
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 11CA47919 12/03/2011
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 11CA48408 12/08/2011
UL(TST 1740) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 11CA48725 12/09/2011
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3462 12CA34891 10/12/2012
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 12CA58151 02/15/2013
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3161 12CA38083 02/26/2013
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3161 13CA32332 06/18/2013
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3161 13CA37934 08/02/2013
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 4786875675 07/17/2015
UL,LLC.(TST 9628) ASTM D3161,D7158,D3462 4787434542 05/17/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Mobile,AL 10/25/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Myerstown,PA 10/20/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Tuscaloosa,AL 11/11/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Michigan Cty,IN 11/01/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Shafter,CA 11/17/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Savannah,GA 11/11/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Minneapolis,MN 10/25/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Mt.Vernon,IN 10/25/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Baltimore,MD 10/21/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Tampa,FL 11/17/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Dallas,TX 11/04/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Ennis,TX 11/03/2016
UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Control Inspection Report,R21,Fontana,CA 11/01/2016
4.1 Asphalt Shingles:
4.1.1 Marquis® WeatherMax®, Royal Sovereign® and Sentinel® are a fiberglass reinforced 3-tab asphalt roof
4.1.2 Camelot®, Camelot® II, Fortitude'"", Glenwood'"", Grand Canyon®, Grand Sequoia°, Grand Sequoia® IR,
Grand Sequoia® ArmorShield'°", Monaco®, Sienna®, Timberline® American Harvest®, Timberline®
ArmorShield'" II,Timberline® Natural Shadow®,Timberline HD®,Timberline®Cool Series®,Timberline Ultra
HD®and Woodland®are fiberglass reinforced, laminated asphalt roof shingles.
4.1.3 Slateline®is a fiberglass reinforced 5-tab asphalt roof shingle.
4.2 Hip&Ridge Shingles:
4.2.1 Seal-A-Ridge° Ridge Cap Shingles, Seal-A-Ridge® IR Impact-Resistant Ridge Cap Shingles, Seal-A-Ridge®
ArmorShieldT1 Ridge Cap Shingles and Timbertex®Premium Ridge Cap Shingles are fiberglass reinforced, hip
and ridge asphalt roof shingles.
Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report 01506.01.08-1122
Certificate of Authorization#9503 6'"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUATION FL10124-R20
GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 22:09/20/2017
Page 3 of 6
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4.3 Accessory Starter Strips:
4.3.1 Pro-St rt0lEove/Rake8arterS1hpShing|esandVVeatherB|ocker TMPremium 2axe/RakeStarter Strip Shingles
are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles.
4.32 OuickStartO Peel & 3dok Starter Roll is o is o minera|'surfaced, fiberglass-reinforced, self-adhering S86
modified bitumen starter strip, nominal 9-inch x 33 ft roll,for use with asphalt shingles with exposure of 6-
inch or less.
43.3 StansrK8a\zhl" Starter Strip Shingles are color-coordinated starter strips for use with Grand [anyonm and
Grand 5equoiaw series asphalt shing\es. StarterK8atchTm are installed as the second starter for Grand
Canyon"and Grand 5equoiaOseries installations.
5' UxxrTAT|OmS;
5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity IERD nor Robert N)eminen, P.E. are, in any way, the
Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was
used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2 This Evaluation Report isnot for use inF8CHVHZjurisdictions.
5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials
Directory for fire ratings ofthis product.
5.4 Wind Classification:
5.4.1 The GAF asphalt shingles noted inSection 4.1 are Classified in accordance with F8CTab|es 1507.2.7.1 and
R8O5'2.6,1toASTM D3161,Class Fand/or ASTM D715g,Class H,indicating the shingles are acceptable for
use inall wind zones uptoV=,,=15Omph(V,l,=194mph). Refer toSection 6for installation requirements
tomeet this wind rating.
5.42 The GAF hip&ridge shingles noted in Section 4.2 are Classified in accordance with FBCTab|es 1507'2.7.1
and R905.2.G.1tnASTM D3161,Class F' indicating the shingles are acceptable for use io all wind zones up
to V�,d=150 mph(Vult=194 mph). Refer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating.
5.4.3 Classification by ASTM D7158 applies only to exposure category B or C, as defined in FgC 1609.4'3, and a
- mean roof height of GD feet or less. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for
conditions outside these limitations. Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific toeach shingle.
5.5 Allproduotsinthproofessemb|yshaUhavequaUtyassuranceauditinaccordancewithF.4.C,Ru|e61G2O'3.
61 Underlgyment:
6.1.1 Under\ayment shall be acceptable to GAF and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product Approval, or be
Locally Approved per Rule G11320' .perFBC1507'2.3,1507'2.4orR905'2'3.
6.2 Starter Shingles or Starter Strip:
6.2.1 Installation of Pro-Start Eave/Rake Starter Strip Shingles,WeatherBlocker Premium Eave/Rake Starter Strip
Shingles and QuickStart Peel&Stick Starter Roll shall comply with the GAF current published instructions.
6'3 Asphalt Shingles:
6.3.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the GAF current published instructions, using minimum four
(4)nails per shingle inaccordance with FBC15V7.2.7urRg0S.2.6,with the following exceptions:
> Camelot, Camelot |\ Grand Canyon, Grand Sequoia, Grund Sequoia |R, Grand Sequoia Armo,GM|e|d.
and Woodland require minimum five(5)nails per shingle.
> S|ote|inerequires minimum six(6)nails per shingle.
6.3.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than F8C 1507.2.6
orR8O5'2.5. Staples are not permitted.
63.3 Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in lZ units horizontal, special methods of fastening are
required. Contact the GAF for details.
Exterior Research and Design,uz. Evaluation Report ozooszu.o8-xzz
uxafic"tewAuthorization usxa EDITION(zon)Facmow+mxzEVALUATION ru012*n20
GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision zz'n9/2wmozr
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6.4 Hip&Ridge Shingles:
6.4.1 Installation of Seal-A-Ridge Ridge Cap Shingles, Seal-A-Ridge IR Impact-Resistant Ridge Cap Shingles and
Seal-A-Ridge ArmorShield Ridge Cap Shingles shall comply with the GAF current published instructions with
a minimum two (2) nails, minimum 3/8-inch head diameter, per shingle and nominal 0.25-inch diameter
beads of Henkel"Loctite PL S30 Roof&Flashing Sealant".
1° (292 mm) 1° Sellante
(25,mm) (25 mm) Enduit d'etancheite'
(305 mm)
6 518°=7 5/8 Clover
(168-194 mm)
6.4.2 Installation of Timbertex Premium Ridge Cap Shingles shall comply with GAF current published instructions
with a minimum two (2) nails, minimum 3/8-inch head diameter, per shingle and beads of Sonneborn NP1
Gun Grade Polyurethane Sealant or Henkel PL Roofing and Flashing Sealant.
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(305 m.41—�-
6.4.3 Fasteners shall be in accordance with GAF published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 or
R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted.
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 01506.01.08-RZ2
Certificate ofAuthorization#9503 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION ; FL10124-1120
GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 22:09/20/2017
Page 5 of 6
7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted
7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required classifications detailed in FBC
Table 1507.2.7.1/R905.2.6.1.
As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of
this product.
Contact the named QA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 61G20-3 QA
UL LLC—QUA9625;(847)664-3281
EPORT-Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 01506.01.08-1122
Certificate ofAuthoriiation 119503 6T"EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL10124-R20
GAF Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 22:09/20/2017
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