HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters = Buyer's and Seller's Combined Closing Statement
Christopher J.Twohey,P.A.
NOTE:This form is furnished to give:you a statement of actual settlement costs.Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown.
Items marked"(p.o.e)"were paid ckitside the closing;they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals.
ADDRESS OF BUYER: 4880 Citrus Way,Cooper City,FL 33330
E.NAME OF SELLER: Pollock Holdings,LLC and William John Pollock
ADDRESS OF SELLER: 1514 Cliffside Lane,Knoxville,TN 37914 [R:ECEIVED T 1 ')Q'9 fF.NAME.OF LENDER:ADDRESS OF LENDER: County, Permitting
G.PROPERTY. 8750 S.Ocean Dc.#1732,Jensen Beach,FL 34957
iD9 3535-601-0086-000/3
H.SETTLEMENT AGENT: Christopher J.Twohey,PA.
PH#(772)221-8013 844 SE Ocean Blvd.,Suite A,Stuart,FL 34994
PLACE OF SETTLEMENT! 844 SE Ocean Blvd.,Suite A,Stuart,FL 34994
I_SETTLEMENT DATE: 10/4/2019 Disbursement Date: Settlement Agent"Ihx Mg: 65-0414548
100. Gross Amount Due from Buyer 400. Gross Amount Due to.Seller
101. Contract sales price 390 000.00 401. Contract sales price 390,000.00
102. Personal provedy 402. Personal property
103: Settlement ch es to buyer(Line 1400 2.885.00 403.
104. 404.
105. 405.
Adiustments for items paid by seller in advance Ad'u'stments for items paid by seller in advance
106. Citv/town taxes to 406. City/to%vn'taxes to
107. County taxes to 407. County tabes to
108_ Assessments to 108. ,Assessments to
109. 4th qtr.condo dues 10/4/2019 .to 12/3:1/2019 2.398.99 409. 4th qtt condo dues 40/4/2029 to 12/31/20I9 2.398.99
110. to 410. to
Ill. to 411. to
112_ to 412. to
120. Gross Amount Due from Buyer 395,283.99 420. Gross Amount Due To Seller 392;398.99
200. Amounts'- 'd by bion Behalf of Buyer 500. 'Red6ctc6rii4fi Amount Due to Seller
201. Deposit or earnest money 30,000.00 Sol-
0l_202_ Pfincipal amount of new to s 502. Settlemeiitcii ..=es-to.seller line 1400 30.657.50
203. Existing loans taken subject to 503. Existhi Taal s taken subject to
204_ 504. Pavoff. f first m rt'ame loan
205_ 505. P 'off of second•mo `" e loan
206. Princi aiamountofsellerfmancin 06. Princ' al!:amountofscUiei:financin
207. 507. Si3edialAsses"mtifii 1.960.65
208. 508.
209. 509. 2018'.RealEstate 6RE: .r 6,900.630
Ad lustments for items ail aidb"'.scifer Adjustments for itern'i un id by seller
2o9a. 09a
209b. 509b.
iustnients for items.ua aid by seller � Adjustments for items unpai&tj3i seller
t2a[0 rLCi /t`owii:taxes to IO`�'Ci /town taxes to
211: f?.o r►'�"'tazes 1/1/2019 to `'4042220.19 4.853.31 11. `Coun taxes 1/2!2019 to 10/4/2019 4,853.31
212.1'�(sse'ssinefits to ' r I2. Assessments to
213 A�''Beaati Restoration 10/1/2019 to 10/422019 2:00. 13.. Beach Restoration 10/M019 to 10/4/2019 2.00
nZ E4P : . to ,. ... I4. _ to
to 515. to
a� .. to
516. to
212; to 17. to
2E$ to I8. to
to I9. to
.F`STotai Amounts Paid by or on Total Reductions in Amount
0, Schaif"ofBuver. 34;$5531 0. 44,274.09
,.Due Seller
3 >ash'at:S661einent:fro /to Buver _ 0. ,Cas Setttement to/froin Seller
�L Gloss an ourif dile fiorit_li Ner line 120 395283.99 01: Gross amount due to seller line 420 392,398.99
-amounts aid- 7forb`u- er line 220 -34:85531 2.-.I;ess`reiliicfions in amount due seller(line 520. 44 274.09
Gush ."From QTo Buyer 360,428.65 03. Cash Eo From Seller 348,22490
844,'SE Ocean Blvd.
Suite A
Stuart:FL 34994
Buyer's and Seller's Combined Closing Statement PAGE 2
700. TOTAL;SA:LESBROHERt.S'COI%L based on price 390,000.00 6.00%= 23,400.00
Division ofC6nunission line 700 as follows; BUYER'S SELLER'S
'01. -11.700.00 to Beach Front Mann Realty EXPENSES EXPENSES
'02. 11.700.00 to Atlantic Shores Real
'03. Commission paid at Settlement 23 400.00
'04. Broker Fee., to Atlantic Shore's Realtv 295.00
300. Rents Pa'able in Connec' n With.Loon
:01. Loan Ori inatioit Fee % to
:02. 1:6an Discount % to
:03.. A iaisal Fee to
:04. Credit Re rt to
:05. L-end6es Inspection Fee to
:06. Mortgage Insurance A` licadon Fee to
:07. to
;08. to
;09. to
10. to
a I. to
12. to
.13. to
14. to
,15. to
100., Items Re aired By Lender Td,Ee Paid In Advance
'01. interest from 10/4/2019 to '11/1/2019 Idn
02. Mortgage Insurance Premium for months to
03. Homeowners Insurance for years to
04. years to
05. years to
000.Reserves Dc o"sited With Lender
001. Hazard insurance nn cn rwr n r
002. Mortgage insurance nor cln7 ner mnrith
003. CIN 12roperty taxes month -S) ner mn th
004. County property taxest con er nth
005. Annual assessments mn..r c(nl nrr mnnth
006. nthcn nr+r mnnth
007. mon hen nermnnth
008. nnth n rrer rnnylth
100.Title Chair es
101. Settlement or closing fee to Christopher J.Twohe P.A. 395.00 295.00
102. Abstractor title search to.Attorney's Title Fund Services.LLC 50.00
103..Title examination to,
104. Title insurance binder to
105. Documentre aration to
106. Noty fees to
107. Attorney's fees to
includes above items numbers:
108. Titleinsurance coverage by Old Republic National Title Insurance'Coiii`an 025.00
includes.abovc items numbers:
109-Seller's Title Insurance P li vera a Amount'.$
110. Owners Title Insurance Poli -Coverage Amount S 390.000.00
I 10 Endorsements:
111. . to
112. to
113. to
200.Government Recording and=Transfer Charges St Ludc Courcy Clerk of Court
201.Recordiri Fees:.Deed'$10.00:• 10.00
202.City/counbi twdstanm'S:
203.State tax/stamps:Deed$2.730.00•
204..Record Certificate o£Approval to St.Lucie Coon' 10.00
Clerk of Court 2.730.00
205. to
300:.Additional.Settlement Char. es
30.1:'Survdj to
302.-!.P Iri otion to
303_'Roof-lii" ction to
304.Amb:ne'saFces for Pollock Estate to S raker&Prinz 1.477.65
3'05:%Esto' el:Fee to
A4"zitnac Property Management 250.00
306:=4th th condo dues to.lsland Dunes 2,479.85
307c::Tintisfer Fee to Advanta Pro- Mans ent 100:00
3:08 cREtdiji Fed Ex to Christo pier J.Twohe PSA_ 25.00
400':Total?Settlement Char es (enter on lines 103,Section J and 502,Section K)
g 2,885: 30;657.50
art Page 2 of schxviep
Buyer And Seller Settlement Statement Signature
I have carefully reviewed the Settlement Statement and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, it is a true :and accurate statement of a receipts and disbursements made on my
account or by me in this transaction. I further certify that I :have received a copy of the
Settlement Statement.
JFMAY,LLC Pollock Holdings,LLC
By: EABy: i
Frank J.Schwiep,Manager .. Buyer William John P ck,Authorized Seller
o'an7I. c wiep,Manager Buyer >
William J Pollock Seller
Christopher J.TWohey,P.A.
Settlement A Date
1F ite fi: I..oaa th Mortgage Ins.Case#:
Buyer's and. Seer's Combined dosing Statmen
Christopher J. T'wohey,P.A.
NOTE:This form is furnished to give-you u a statement of actual settlement costs.Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are sho%VIL
Items marked"(p;oe)"were paid outside the closing;they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals.
ADDRESS OF BUYER: 4880 Citrus Way,Cooper City,FL 33330
E.NAME OF SELLER: Pdllock'Fioldibi LLC anis William John Pollock
ADDRESS OR SELLER: 1514 Cliffside Lane,Knoxville,T"N 37914
G.PROPERTY' 8750 S.Ocean Dr.#1732,Jensen Beach,FL 34957
ID# 3535-6010.086-000/3
FL SETTLEMENT AGENT: Christopher J.Twohey,P.A.
PFI#(772)221-8013 '844,SE Ocean Blvd.,Suite A,Stuart FL 34994
PLACE OF SETTLEMENT: 844 SE Ocean Blvd,Suite A,Stuart FL 34994
I_SETTLEMENT DATE: 1014/2019 Disbursement Date: SettlemchtAgent Tax ID#. 65-0414548
100. Gross Amount Due from Buyer 400- Grass AmbtMj Due to'Seller
101. Contract.sales rico 390,000.03", 401. Contractsales rice 390.000.00
102. :Personal Property 02. Personal property
103_ .Settlement d es'to buyer-(Line 1400 2 885.00 43.
104. 108.
Ad"usttneats forifemsv aid b seller in advance._ Adjustments tear items aid b setter in advancet06. Citvltowntaxes -to 6. Ci /town takes to
107. County taxes to 7. Coun taxes to
108_ Assessments to .Assessments to
109. 4th qtr.condo dues. ' 10/412019 to i2l3:1/2019 2,399499 409. 4th'qtt condo dues. -1014!2019 to M I/2019 2-399.99"
110: to 410. to
211. to 41L to
112. to 12_ to
120. Grass Amount Due from Buyer 395,283.94 20_ Gross Amount Dae To Seller 392,39899
L00. Amounts` id by or on Behalf of Buyer 500. 'R6d6ai6n's`;Th Amount Due to Seller
201_ Deposit or earnest money 30.600.00 01. Ekicess"ale` "ir s ;instructions
202_ Principal amount of new to s 502. Settler t ch e&46 seller(line 1400 30.657.50
203. Existing loans taken subject to 03. Existiri loans 'taken subiect to
Z04_ 04. P yorst mortgage loo
205. 505. ft'_Off of co loan
206. Principal amount of seller financing 06= Principal am6dnt6fse11ef financing
202. 07. dial Asscssimeit : 1.960.65'
208_ Os.
209. 509. 2018 Real Estate taxes:- 6 800.63
Ad nstments.far items rsii aid b`-seller Ad"nstmentx far.lte:tis=gin id by seater
209a 09a.
209b. 09b.
Adan 'ents for items un id by seller ' tl'tstra is for items unpaid.6-Y seller
2I0:'i ![own taxes to 10 Ci /town taxes to
1/112019 to'10747120.19 'County tams
1112019 to 10/412019 4,853.31
212: ssiicicnts to .k---t 12. .Asserssrnents to
21.1 x'G4ach Restoration 10/1/2019 to 107412019 2:00, 13. Beach Restoration 10/!/2019 to 10/4/2019 2.00
to 14. to
to 15_. to
2t to 16. to
21 .. to 17. to
to I& to
to 19. to
:`Vbtal Amounts.Paid by or on Total Reductions in Amount
alf cif-Buver. 34;85's 3i 0. line Seller 44 74.09
} "h at.Seuiement from/tb Burner ": .':;' 0. Cash t: tement to/froin lien
mass amount due frons.". er 'ne l20 395;283.99 01- Gross:&66%at due to seller 66.420 3&398.99
W2%1&& amounts paid bWfor buyer line 2201 34155-31 2. Less:reductions in amount due seller(line 520 44 274.09
t►,3. `tush �From To Buyer 360,428.68 03. Cash LN To ElFrom Seller 348,12490
- 844 SE Ocean Blvd,
'_' Stuart-FL 34994