HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of commencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE FILE# 4624747 OR BOOK 4328 CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PAGE 2394, Recorded 10/03/2019 10:38:53 AM NOTICE OF COMMENCEMEi,,,J STATEOF _fk,,...rlde....,_ COUNTY OF �------CULil7 ThHE ' �ER_STGNED li�tby �1_Yes not1c� iha\ improvemc11t will 'oe made to ccruun real property, nnd m accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Siatutel I c ollowmi: 111fonn11t1on rs pruv1dc<l m this Nouce or Co1nnicnccn"1C111. ' ,. ' a. Name and address: b. Phone ll'Jtnber: --'-'-""'-'�=s1�f -�����Z::::'.:::� l'ruGhelt,-1/Jd0£..i It? QcµJ.ll Po, \\Xl.1:J , ..rn;eJ\ Bf4Lb , 8.J1051 c. Name and address of fee simple rulcholder (if oilier th�n owner). c Phone number: ..Olll--------------- 4 Ccraractor. � Name aud addrcjs. Superior Fence and Rail of Brev11.rd County, Inc. 2778 N H11rbor City Blvd, Ste 102, Melbourn<11, FL 32935 b Phone uumbcr. 321-636-2829 -����������� S Surety· a. Name end ederess: .-"nc lOe._ _ b. Amount of bend i>lllL _ 6. Lcrnkr: b. Phone number a Nome and ad<lr-c,s b. Phone number 7 Pers011\ wuh the Sr ate of Flondn cesrgnarcd by Ownci upon whom rcnees or 01hc1 documents m.ly be served a� provided by Scc11011 713.J 3[ I ](�)7. Flonda Starcecs a. Name and address· -"""'''-------------·-- ------------ ----------------- 8 In adrl1uon \O h1m�elf. Owner desrgnatcsihe following rcrwn(s) to recerve n cop} of the Lenot's Nonce as provided m Section 71) IJ( 1 )(b). Flcnda Srauncv a NalTI{' and ,td�rc'IS. .Ilii!�---------- ----------------------------- h PIHlHC m,mb�· �/"----------------- Q. Exp,r.ihon oa-c of'nouce er cornmencnncnr (!he exprranon dare ,s nnc (I) y�ar from the d�tc of recording unless� d,fferent date is ;;pcc,fic<i) _ ---------�---- WARNING TO 0"NER· ANY PAYMENTS M ... DE nv THE OWNER AnER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYM(NTS UNDF.R CHAPTER 71 l. PART J. SECTION 71J IJ. FLORIDA STA TI...'TES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PA YING TWl[F FOR lMPROVEMfNTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A NOTl('I:. OF COM\-!E."Jc.EMENT MUST flE RFCORDED AND !>OSTED 0:",1 THE JOB SITE TIEfORE Tin. FIRST INSl'ECTION lF YOU INTEND TO ORTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LF:NDI-Jt OR AN ATIORNEY REFORE COt\lME-NCI, KOH RECOIUJlNG YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. •& tureo. Owner or Owner's A t on.,ed mcertnir«:torll'irtn�r!Manager 1gnuo,y·, ·1 nl�/om�� __ ... -1.0vw¥?.i>""'-""y ,.,_ _ The torcso1ng instruq,cnt was ocknowkdgcd before mc th,o d 5 ll•y of S:f{)-\- {.;'("\ \::, -e � , 2 C. \ °i by __ 0rn��1C..'h \ f C. r\ \l _ \na.11>e "'llcnon) ai C "\l �J" (type o! authoriry .. cg officer, �\!�Y JJ,l�"uc1) for . · -· _ , ln�ctof party�: lichflf of whom mstrumcnt wa� executed) ... �.. :t,(,,s:,..,,. �-0." ��--------- !:;,,,. .. ·· 'Mi'CN., '9� Signarurc of Notary Ptll)tic�c fF!onda § � .'§> \JLJ4r o..,'Vt·. Q � Pnnt. type, or stamp commissioned name of Notary Public ::, :, _ ,�. ,;> a � � :i �"'- �jJ 3::- § Pct�onally Known �/ OR Produced !dcnt1ficmion :::'i!: •"), ,� ... fl"I::, ---- '%,'f> ·.:,,4 .: � ff Typ,: ufio,knt,fica1um produ�cd, _ ��,..:·.'! .. ,«� .. -.... s "'-" ·:-o� · · · · "?' "lo.�" V,:riU\:ot,on (l!.lrw�n1 tp Secllpn 92,525, flnridD. S\MIIIC:i "''11 r l'i.O�ll)� �,,.� 111111111111\\\\\ UnJi:r ptn�lll.:s ufpcrJUI)', I declare th:11 I hnvc read l�c furc •oini; Jn<l 1hJI the fact) �l�Lcil 1n 11 are rrue lo tk bcsl ofmy knowk<lgc nni.l bi:lief ' {i11t)w, /).,, rl.,,_,,___ - __ • 1 arure ofnalUml person 51gmng a;/c��