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AHRI Certified Reference Number:202578845 Date:10-04-2019 Model Status:Active
Outdoor Unit Brand Name:COMFORTSTAR
Outdoor Unit Model Number:CPG024CD(0)-B
indoor Type:Mini-Splits
Indoor Model Number(s):CPG024CD(I)-13
Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of ANSIfAHRi 2101240 with Addenda 1 and 2,Performance Rating of Unitary
Air-Conditioning&Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored,independent,thind party testing:
Cdolin apaeitF)-24000
High Heat(47F) 4000
Low Heat(1 :14400
HSP F .50
Sold ink,:USA.Canada
1"Active°Model Status are those that an AHRI Cartlfication Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale,•OR new models that are being
marketed but are not yet being produced'Production Stopped'Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still
selling or offering for safe.
Rebncys that ere�acca�oanied by WAS indT to an involunts ri�T�e new aubBshed retina is show Gloria with the oravious fi eWAS)rating. _--
AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed on this Certificate and makes no representations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes no responsibility for,
the product(s)listed on this Certificate.AHRi expressly disdaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s),or the
unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Cerflifcate.Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the
directory at www.ahridirectory.org.
This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRL This Certificate shall only be used for individual,personal and
confidential reference purposes.The contents of this Certificate may not,in whole or in part,be reproduced;copied;disseminated;
entered Into a computer database;or otherwise utilized,In airy form or manner or by any means,except for the user's Individual,
personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING. STITUa,
The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectoryorg,click on`Verify Certificate"link we ma':e life better"
and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued, _ ----
which Is listed above,and the Certificate No,which H listed at bottom rlghL 132146750546502857
02019AIr-Conditioning,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.:
� a
$tp 4�ta�
:,�t/.-741 y.w� {{.� ice'}--�L"{,�_:y._
208-230V I fiOFlz 208-230V-1-60W 208-230V-1-601iz 208-230V-1-60N2 ;
12000 i 18000 � 24000 ! 30000 � -
I 1090 1635 1 2525 j 2857
Cooling 4.8 7.2 11.2 12.5
i 11.5 I 1l ! 10.5 ' 10.5 t
is Is
12000 18090 •24000 300DO
Heating 1035 1935 2425 3110
4.5 8.5
9 9.5 9.5 e.6
o Minimum Circuit Ampacity �E 15 15 18 20
-MaL fuse
15 20 26. 30
Indoor Air Flow(Hi/Mi/Lo) I 500/350/240 660/4501380 I 1000/780/600 135D/1050/800 I
Pneoa Noise levot(NUM(/Eo) •° 40.5) ! F 451-129 45.51-133 52144/35 !
—_ 31.51x7.44>fI1.69 ' 37.994.4642.56i 42.52x8.90,13.19 I 49.51x11.10,1425
Indoor Unit j - �—------- -- —i
— 34.45x11.22,14.76 ± 41.14,12.01x15.94 45.47x16.34,12.40 52.76x17.72414.96
�. _._.__ _•.--_ _.-_ __•: ; 18.7122.5 26.0/342 29.1137.0 I 432/556
Outdoor Pjr flow
1410 1590 2530
Outdoor Noise Level j 57 ; 57.5 59 i 62
P I 00.31,11.81x21,85 31.96,13.11x21.81 33.27x14.29,27.84 37.24x16.14x3I.69
+Outdoor UnR _.._._................__
. 3ri.43x1358x23.03 —36.22,1$.35x24.21 38.00,15.550:12 42.9149.69x3445
65.9170.5 ; 00.5/87.1 105361112.44 137.79/147.7!
Design Pressure __......___....._ .._ ..----.-._-.._
I .. 550/340 PS(G 550/340 PSIG 5501340 PSIG 5501340 PSfG T
Refrigerant Type. i
R410A133.9 R41OA/52.9 R410A/63.5 ; R411107:0
Refrigerant Precharge I ! 25 25 ( 25 j
_._.. --.... _.._._...... . -- .j 25
(Additional Charge for Each R ()161 Qil l 0322 _i.__.._... ..._..0.322.-•'__ 3-- _
1147112° 318°1a18' ! f
Refrigerant Piping �- —� 82 ( _ -9B 98— _ ,164
I j
+ 33 66 i 66 i 82 P
!Con4eeton Wiring
16NVG'4 Stranded,unshielded '
Contoller Remote Control Remote Control Remote Control Remote Control t
--'--- +
Operation Temperaturir 62AD132-86 62 90/32-86 62 9(1132-.86 62-90132.86
, �' ... .. : ...
0 0122/06 .0.12210.86 012210.86 D-12210,86
Application Area (Cooling Standard) 172-252 ? 251-368 330484 330484
12 ALEGRIA GOLp Call T011 Free-' 1-866-524-98981 Phone: 1-305-500-98981 Fax: 1-3051
mfoft" ra-
Installation Man
Indoor Unit Model Outdoor Unit Model
} ��� CPGO09CA(l) CPGO09CA(0)
CPGO09CD(l) CPG009CD(0)
CPGO24CD(I)-)(— CPGO24CD(0)
CPG030CD(l) CPG030CD(0)
CPG036CD(l) CPG036CD(0)
Indoor Unit Model Outdoor Unit Model
- � CPP009CA(l) CPP009CA(0)
CPP009CD(I) CPP009CD(0)
CPP012CD(l) CPP012CD(0)
CPP018CD(1) CPP018CD(0)
CPP024CD(l) CPP024CD(0)
Read this manual carefully before installing
or operating your new air conditioning -- - � VS00
Make sure to save this manual for
future reference.
eAir LLC
12201 N.W. 107 Avenue, Medley, FL 33178
10/4/2019 CPGO24CD
17 Seer Gold Series Single Zone Heat Pump
Y"b<Mwo-.` af.,.,mv�Mwre rv�a % •� *w N ""^t ,
Mod(A OPGO2400
Power Supply Ph-V-Hz 208-230V-60Hz, 1Ph
Cooling Capacity-Btulh 24000
Cooling Input-W 2525
Rated current-A 11.2
Cooll .5
Cooling SEER 16
Heating Capacity-Btu/h 25000
Heating Input-W 2425
Heating Rated Current-A 10.7
Heating HSPF 9
Indoor Noise Level-(Hi/Med/Lo)-dB(A) 45.5/433
Indoor unit-Dimension (WxDxH)-inches 42.5"x 8.9"x 13.2"
Indoor unit- Packing(WxDxH)-inches 45.5"x 16.3"x 12.4"
Indoor unit-Net/Gross Weight-lbs. 29.1/37.0 lbs
Outdoor Noise Level-(Hi/Med/Lo)-dB(A) 59
Outdoor unit-Dimension (WxDxH)-inches 33.3"x 14.3"x 27.6"
www.comfortstarusa.conVindox.php/cpgO24od.htmI 1/2
10/4/2019 CPGG24CD
Outdoor unit-Packing (WxDxH)-inches 38.0"x 15.6"x 29.7
Outdoor unit-Net/Gross Weight-lbs. 105.21112-4 lbs
Refrigerant precharge-ft. 25 ft
Additional charge for each ft-oz .322 oz/ft
Design Pressure-PSIG 550/340 PSIG
Refrigerant Piping-Liquid side/Gas side-In. ?9.52/?15.9(318"/518")
Refrigerant Piping-Max. refrigerant pipe lenth 98
Refrigerant Piping -Max. difference in level-ft. 66
Operating Temperature-Indoor No
Operating Temperature-Outdoor No
Connection wiring 16AWG*4 Stranded, unshielded
Thermostat type No
31-'-#r,* yt
,�T^ n .� ,,,"�' e �'"�Ja`c,".i.w.+. .,�, w,w„��' n, x"„ x � 9„vaw""sw..".,s_•,��` ez n r may, mxs,�,,ar.
Ductless -pUSystems t- Gfiance
�� in � � .
inaffilo. so sin(M Sw(M rim awil MW om
M on as-I I S1 0,aw Mp S rate
12*3 18*4,s r 24 11V 0180 82 1.2 33 . —
Ol '12*3 16*4,Str 2€1 114"1!2" 82 12 33
14*3 1W4.Be 15 i1e.air 82 12
14'8 W4.Ift 18 114'1!2" 82 12
FCMIM14*3 16*4.skr 20 114"112 09 12 88,
14*3 Imstr 25 318"518" 134 .12 82 —
:Cp#iaoCD 2*3 18*4a ft 30 818"sirs 1614 12 82
( t 12 lb 4. 318° 8a 21t 12 .98
. DIWN P111L
FACMR111, ray ,.
CNONCA 25 0.161 W IS 11..5
C-M12CA 25 0.1.61 BW 17-29 IOX
MOM 25 5.1.61. 3647 17 11.5 9
CM12CO 25 0_161 sic 17.0a 11 9
1 0-161 sle 17.7 11 9.8
MONO 25 Q.322 We 1.6 10
CPGOSOCD 25 0.322 We 1.8 10.5 9.6
. 060360 25 0.322 Sid" 1.6 8.5 10
Nft:Be vAre sims W mgnkdmr-n=mi9d Admu s` .Vim r
b%b.vaago.map fahr to NEE w gh.
i 'o'd nat lnstahti
TZ g
l AWlation Instructions lndbor.
00 NOT install unit in the following
Utitt' locations:
(2) Near any source of heat,steam,or
klOiR TO INSTALLATION combustible gas
Before installing the,indoor unit,refer to the Q) Near flammable items such as curtains or
label on the product box to make,sure that the clothing
model number of the indoor unit matches the 0 Near any obstacle that might block air
Model number of the outdoor unit. circulation
Step 1:Select installation location m Near the doorway
Before installing the indoor unit,you must Q) In a location subject to direct sunlight
choose an appropriate location.The following NOTE ABOUT WALL HOLE:
are standards that will help you choose an
appropriate location for the unit. If there is no fixed refrigerant piping:
Proper installation locations meet the While choosing a location,be aware that you
following standards: should leave ample room for a wail hole(see
Drill wall hole for connective piping step)
If Good air circulation forthe signal cable and refrigerant piping
if Convenient drainage that connect the indoor and outdoor units.
if Noise from the unit will not disturb other The default':position for all piping is the right
people side of the indoor unit(while facing the unit).
However,the unit can accommodate piping to
56Firm and solid—the location will not vibrate both the left and right.
56 Strong enough to support the weight of the
56 A location at least one meter from all other
electrical devices(e.g.,TV,radio,computer)
- Page 11 A
e F
Refer to the following diagram to ensure proper distance from walls and ceiling:
15cm(5.91n)or more
12cm(475in) 12cm(4.751n)
or more or more
2.3m(90.55in)or more Fig.3.1
Step 2:Attach mounting plate to wall Step 3:Drill wall hole for connective piping
The mounting plate is the device on which you You must drill a hole in the wall for refrigerant
will mount the indoor unit. piping,the drainage pipe,and the signal cable
1. Remove the screw that attaches the mounting that will connect the Indoor and outdoor units.
plate to the hack of the indoor unit. 1. Determine the location of the wall hole based
2. Place the mounting plate against the wall on the position of the mounting plate.Refer
in a location that meets the standards in to Mounting Plate Dimensions on the
the Select Installation Location step.(See next page to help you determine the optimal
Mounting Plate,Dimensions for detailed position.The wail hole should have a 65mm
Information on mounting plate sizes.) (2.5in)diameter at least,and at a slightly
3. Drill holes for mounting screws in places that: lower angle to facilitate drainage.
have studs and can support the weight of 2. Using a 65-mm(2.51n)core drill,drill a hole in,
the unit the wall.Make sure that the hole is drilled at
correspond to screw holes in the mounting a slight downward angle,so that the outdoor
' plate end of the hole is lower than the indoor end
by about 5mm to 7-mm(0.2-0.2151n).This will
4. Secure the mounting plate to'the wall with ensure proper water drainage.(See Fig.3.2 )
the screws provided.
3. Place the protective wail cuff in the hole.This
5. Make sure that mounting plate Is flat against protects the edges of the hole and will help
the wall. seal it when you finish the installation process.
If the wall is made of brick,concrete,or similar QOCAUTit7N
material,drill 5mm-diameter(0.2in-diameter) When drilling the- i 11 hole,make sure to
holes in the wall and insert the sleeve anchors
provided.Then secure the mounting plate to avoid wires,plumbing,and other sensitive.
the wall by tightening the screws directly into components.
the clip anchors.
4 Page 12
Indoor Outdoor t,�OW
g a. -
great gEE FU&Marwall
65mm n). m—aL45K �T ho 6imm m
C Model A
E m
E T 232—(9.IW
•2.; n,eooraatouwne
Fig.3.2 Leftrearwal 65 - =¢;•: ( BlghcrearwaB
hale mm 25in _ emmmPtSN a +holo65mm R5Y11
Mold B
Different models have different mounting plates.
In order to ensure that you have ample room to ,5 15 , t..ma P65a0
mount the indoor unit,the diagrams to the right
show different types of mounting plates along a huioor,skouifne
with the following dimensions: �r
LehrearwaB LB}ght rearwaSl
• Width of mounting plate 65mm(2
gws retro
• Height of mounting plate Model C
Width of indoor unit relative to plate
Height of indoor unit relative to plate sal—tt2sw
Recommended position of wall hole(both ��� saoeual
to the left and right of mounting plate) "°
• Relative distances between screw holes !. LIWO
Leh nar wan 7 plsht rearxzll
hole 65mm R•51n1 t°�'1 ,�„„,�yy tsirmnP.95aa _hale 65mm QSiN
Model D
Correct orientation of Mounting Plate
samR.ansaw �na�w
t____aaw 2;Lmmn5�
' _ _ - •E. AR171000!1011COndlnB
•.: � •Pns•a Isn,wacuv
Leh rearwall Bl�,t�ymp
hole 65mm(2" I 12semm we55N :hole65mm(25M)
Model E
4 Page 13 it
Step 4:Prepare refrigerant piping 3. Use scissors to cut down the length of the
The refrigerant piping is inside an insulating insulating sleeve to reveal about 15cm(bin}
sleeve attached to the back of the unit.You must of the refrigerant piping.This serves two
prepare the piping before passing it through the purposes:
hole in the wall.Refer to the Refrigerant Piping . To facilitate the Refrigerant Piping
Connection section of this manual for detailed Connection process
instructions on pipe flaring and flare torque . To facilitate Gas Leak Checks and enable
requirements,technique,etc, you to check for dents
1. Based on the position of the wall hole relative 4. If existing connective piping is already
to the mounting plate,choose the side from
embedded in the wall,proceed directly to
which the piping will exit the unit. the Connect Drain Hose step.if there is no
2. If the wall hole is behind the unit,keep the embedded piping,connect the indoor unit's
knock-out panel in place.If the wall hole is to refrigerant piping to the connective piping
the side of the indoor unit,remove the plastic that will join the indoor and outdoor units.
knock-out panel from that side of the unit. Refer tothe Refrigerant Piping Connection
(See Fig.3.3 ).This will create a slot through section of this manual for detailed instructions.
which your piping can exit the unit.Use 5. Based on the position of the wall hole
needle nose pliers if the plastic panel is too relative to the mounting plate,determine the
difficult to remove by hand. necessary angle of your piping.
6. Grip the refrigerant piping at the base of the
7. Slowly,with even pressure,bend the piping
towards the hole. Do not dent or damage the
piping during the process.
Refrigerant piping can exit the indoor unit from
four different angles:
• Left-hand side
0' Knock-out Panel Left rear
�4 • Right-hand side
Fig.3.3 Right rear
Refer to Fig.3.4 for details.
Be extremely careful not to dent or damage the piping while bending them away from the unit.Any
dents in the piping will affect the unit's performance.
4 Page 14 D-
Step 5: Connect drain hose PLUG THE UNUSED DRAIN HOLE
By default,the drain hose is attached to the left- To prevent unwanted leaks you must plug
hand side of unit(when you're facing the back the unused drain hole with the rubber plug
of the unit).However,it can also be attached to provided.
the right-hand side.
1. To ensure proper drainage,attach the drain
hose on the same side that your refrigerant
piping exits the unit. CORRECT
2. Attach drain hose extension(purchased Make sure there are no
separately)to the end of drain hose. khaki or dent in drain
3. Wrap the connection point firmly with Teflon hose to!enjure proper
tape to ensure a good seal and to prevent drainage.
4. For the portion of the drain hose that will
remain indoors,wrap it with foam pipe
insulation to prevent condensation. Fig,3.s
5. Remove the air filter and pour a small amount
of water into the drain pan to make sure that
water flows from the unit smoothly. NOT CORRECT
Kinks in the drain hose
NOTE ON DRAIN HOSE will crelate Water traps.
Make sure to arrange the drain hose
according to Fig.3.5 .
0 DO NOT kink the drain hose.
(2) DONOT create a water trap.
0 DO NOT put the end of drain hose in OT CORRECT
water or a container that will collect sl
in,he:drain hose
water. gate Woo er traps.
Do hot place the end
of the drain hose in
water or•in containers
that coflectwater.This
will prevent proper
4 Page 15
1. All wiring must comply with local and national electrical codes,and must be installed by
licensed electrician.
2. All electrical connections must be made according to the Electrical Connection Diagram
located on the panels of the indoor and outdoor units.
3. if there is a serious safety issue with the power supply,stop work immediately.Explain your
reasoning to the client,and refuse to install the unit until the safety issue is properly resolved.
4. Power voltage should be within 90-100%of rated voltage.Insufficient power supply can
cause malfunction,electrical shock,or fire.
S. If connecting power to fixed wiring,install a surge protector and main power switch with a
capacity of 1.5 times the maximum current of the unit.
6. If connecting power to fixed wiring,a switch or circuit breaker that disconnects all poles and
has a contact separation of at least 1/8in(3mm)must be incorporated in the fixed wiring.The
qualified technician must use an approved circuit breaker.
7. Only connect the unit to an individual branch circuit outlet.Do not connect another appliance
to that outlet.
S. Make sure to properly ground the air conditioner.
9. Every Wire must be firmly connected.Loose wiring can cause the terminal to overheat,
resulting in product malfunction and possible fire.
10. Do not let wires touch or rest against refrigerant tubing,the compressor,or any moving parts
within the unit
.11. If the unit has an auxiliary electric heater,it must be installed at least I meter(40in)away
from any combustible materials.
I Page 16 S�
Step 6:Connect signal cable TAKE NOTE OF FUSE SPECIFICATIONS
The signal cable enables communication between The air conditioners circuit board(PCB)is
the indoor and outdoor units.You must first designed with a fuse to provide overcurrent
choose the right cable size before preparing it for protection.The specifications of the fuse
connection. are printed on the circuit board,such as:
Cable Types T3.15A/250VAC,T5A/250VAC,etc.
• Indoor Power Cable (if applicable): 1. Prepare the cable for connection:
H05VVF or H05V2V2-F a. Using wire strippers,strip the rubber jacket
• Outdoor Power Cable: H07RN-F from both ends of signal cable to reveal
• Signal Cable: H07RN-F about 1 Scm(bin)of the wires inside.
b. Strip the insulation from the ends of the
Minimum Cross-Sectional Area of wires.
Power and Signal Cables c. Using wire crimper,crimp u-type lugs on
North America the ends of the wires.
While crimping Wires,make sure you dearly'
10 18 distinguish the Live("L")Wire from other wires.
13 116 2. Open front panel of the indoor unit
18 14 3. Using a screwdriver,open the wire box cover
25 12 on the right side of the unit.This will reveal
30 10 the terminal block.
Other Regions erminal block
,,,VWWire cover
!re co
3 an
4 70� a :,ir-
6 0.75
— >6 and _,910 I Screw
>10 and :516 1.5 Cable clamp
>16 and <_25 2.5
>25 and <32 4 Fig.3.9
>32 and 540 6 --- The Wring Diagram is located
n the inside of the indoor unit's
L, wire cover.
The size of the power supply cable,signal
cable,fuse,and switch needed is determined A WARNING
by the maximum current of the unit.The
maximum current is indicated on the nameplate ALL WIRING MUST PERRFORMED STRICTLY
located on the side panel of the unit.Refer to IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WIRING
this nameplate to choose the right cable,fuse, DIAGRAM LOCATED ON THE INSIDE OF THE
4. Unscrew the cable clamp below the terminal
block and place it to the side.
5. Facing the back of the unit,remove the plastic
panel on the bottom left-hand side.
< Page 17 T�
6. Feed the signal wire through this slot,from DO NOT INTERTWINE SIGNAL CABLE WITH
the back of the unit to the front. OTHER WIRES
7. Facing the front of the unit,match the wire While bundling these items together,do not
colors with the labels on the terminal block, intertwine or cross the signal cable with any
connect the u-Jug and and firmly screw each other wiring.
wire to its corresp onding terminal. 2. Using adhesive vinyl tape,attach the drain
hose to the underside of the refrigerant pipes.
911CAUnON 3. Using insulation tape,wrap the signal wire,
refrigerant pipes,and drain hose tightly
DO NOT MIX UP LIVE AND NULL WIRES together.Double-check that all items are
This is dangerous,and can cause the air bundled in accordance with Fig.3.12 .
conditioning unit to malfunction. DO NOT WRAP ENDS OF PIPING
8. After checking to make sure every connection When wrapping the bundle,keep the ends
is secure,use the cable clamp to fasten the of the piping unwrapped.You need to access
signal cable to the unit.Screw the cable clamp them to test for leaks at the end of the
down tightly. installation process(refer to Electrical Checks
9. Replace the wire cover on the front of the and Leak Checks section of this manual).
unit,and the plastic panel on the back. Step 8:Mount indoor unit
If you installed new connective piping to the
NOTE ABOUT WRING outdoor unit, do the following:
THE WIRING CONNECTION PROCESS MAY 1. If you have already passed the refrigerant
DIFFER SLIGHTLY BETWEEN UNITS. piping through the hole in the wall,proceed
Step 7:Wrap piping and cables to Step 4.
B 2. Otherwise,double-check that the ends of the
Before passing the piping,drain hose,and the
signal cable through the wall hole,you must refrigerant pipes are sealed to prevent dirt or
bundle them together to save space,protect foreign materials from entering the pipes.
them,and insulate them. 3. Slowly pass the wrapped bundle of refrigerant
1. Bundle the drain hose,refrigerant pipes,and pipes,drain hose,and signal wire through the
hole in the wall.
signal cable according to Fig.3.12 4. Hook the top of the indoor unit on the upper
Indoor Unit hook of the mounting plate.
S. Check that unit Is hooked firmly on mounting
by applying slight pressure to the left and
-Space behind unit right-hand sides of the unit.The unit should
not jiggle or shift.
Refrigerant piping 6. Using even pressure,push down on the
Insulatlontape bottom half of the unit Keep pushing down
until the unit snaps onto the hooks along the
Signal Vvire Drain hose Fig.3.12 bottom of the mounting plate.
DRAIN HOSE MUST BE ON BOTTOM 7- Again,check that the unit is firmly mounted
by applying slight pressure to the left and the
Make sure that the drain hose is at the bottom right-hand sides of the unit.
of the bundle.Putting the drain hose at the
top of the bundle can cause the drain pan
to overflow,which can lead to fire or water
4 Page 18 t,