HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval, metal BCtS Noma-1 Lbpin i Ow;t*gidbaaon AN0tT6PkS I 5ti6miC spr e ch*g i Stat!Sds'IFaPublications'..Contodus(,ocissite Nap: Uowl, Surth " Product Approval US£e:Public Uxr Qt"tlCt hi>araial Manu>y Aucror Aat1� Sre*t a.Agg)ic y„L331 -r Appo"ion befall FL k Ft.17022-R7 Application Type Revision Cade Vorsinn 2017 Application Status Approved Comments 08/f$12617v.date reapply 08/21117, Archived RECEIVED Product Manufacturer Extreme Metai'Fabricators,LLC Addross/PhonelEmafl 2160 SW Porna'Ddve Palm•City,rL 34990 OCT ,b 2019 {772}8,72-8034 6C3i 3 6validation6yahoo.com , Authorized Department Signature Richard MCKuhen File / t�COUntV Ovaildatinn@ yahao:com Y�W TAddress/Pnona/Emaechnical'Representative Richard McKuhan 16-0q3,5` t' 2160.SW Porna Drive Palm'City;FL 34990 FO{772}$72-8034 P&I /meg Hchard emfafi.net CODE COMPLIANCE Quality Assurance Representative AddresslPhone/Emelt ST. L U C I E C O U A A ,!/j/ Category Roofing 13 Subcategory Metal RooOng Compliance Method Evaluation Report from`a Florida Reglstered'Archltect or.a licensed FioHda.Professtonai'Engineer 'iv Report-,Hardcopy.,Received Florida.tngineer or Architect Name:who developed the Evaluatlon.Report LOCKE BOWDEN Florida'License .. t'E-49704 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certlftcations,Inc,. - Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/2212024 Validated By Zathsry,R Priest,i?,E. K, Validation CheWlst-Hardcopy Received Certificate ofIndependence FLS-7022 R� COI FL t 7622 t 5 V CRIMP s r u;f; Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) yrar Standard TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2012 UL 580 2006 Equivalence of Product'Standards Certif#ed:By Sections from the Code r Product..Approval Method: Method i Option D i Date Submitted 08J1$/2017 Date.Vaiidated 08/.25/2017 Date Pending FBG Approval 08/812017 pate Approvei3 10/16/2017 gun ,,as "# � Madoi Mum,sor or Nemo Description 17622.1 1-`SV Crimp"(R6) 26 Gault@ steel,3/$ rib height,24"wide lapped roof panel.mechanically attached to x5/&plywood or Wood Deck with fasteners AppImps of,Use InsLaiEat[on Instructions roved for useiin HVHZi No Fi27D2o R7.7i T�t..:5 4Sl3Lfli >�5 u�_ App rovad:for.use outside NVtIZ:Yes Verifled By Ldcks Bowden,P,E.44764 a Impact.Resistanti No - Created.by IndependentThird" Yes Design Pressureif+N/A1-Table A Evaluatib_n iteports Otfthen:Refertoevaluation report for conditionsiIInstalithe assembly In.compliance FS.176 2 R7 AE Etv170 s1+'-g),)y, s -i with the Installationmethodlicked m this report and appUcable code seCUM.of FOC, Created by Independent Third Party-,Yes Refer to manufacturer's Installation Instructions. :17022.2 2' SV Qimp"'(R6) 0.032"Aluminum,3/8'Rib lieight,21''wkle`lappedroof panel,mechanically attached to 15/32'.piywood'or Woad Dedt with oxposed fasteners Limits of Use Installation Instructions • Approved for use In:HVHZt,No FL17022 Ri: S`f'.170.2)-2 4.V'CRIMP 0,032,ALUM ssr:odf . Approved far use outside HVHZt'Yes Verified By:Lacke-Sowden,p.F_49704 j Impact Resistdrit:No created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design pressurof+N/A/-Table A Evaluation Reports Other:`Referto evaluation report.for conditionsAnstail the assembly,in compliance FLf7M R7 AF:EL 170�.,Z2,2 KSV,.t ltOi0,032 Al UM tsr df o with the Installation method listed in this report and applicable code sections of FBC. Created by Independent Third Patty:=Yes Refer to.manufacturees installation instructions, i 17022.3 13-"1.5"Mechanical Seam (RS) 1.S"nib helght,Ai6 wide, gauge steel,standing'seam.root panel mechahicatly attached to 15132 plywood or wood'deck with dips and fasteners.. Umits of'use InstallationInstructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R7 if 170 S,g, S'�l. .HANI.t,,,�. .seam 4oa trclf ; Approved for use o»toide HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 1 Impact Resistant/No ... Created by:.Independent.Third party Yes - - Design pressure:+N/A/-TableA Evaluation Reports j'other,Refer to,evaluation,report for conditions and limitations of use.Install the FLIM22 R7 AE FL 170$2,3 I.jj I_Ei.tll�ttStpL am Tapp r:ndf j assembly Incompliance;wl&the Installation method listed in this report and applicable Created by,Independent Third party:-Yes` code,sections of FBC.Refer to manufacturer's Installation instructions. •17022.3 - 4-"1.5"Mechanical Seam (R$) s 5"rib height,18 svlde,,0.032"aluminum,standing seem roof panel mechanically - atiached to 15/32 plywood or Wood Deck with dips and fasteners. .� tJmlts of Use Installation Instsuctlan Approved.for usa in•HVHZ.No FLM21 ft7 il,p 3702,4 joltC¢)ANCIAL S ALtMSNUM rcr ndf Approved.for use ai Ide HIM*Yes Verified,*'Locke Bowden; P.E.49704 db Impact Reslstant:No Createy Independen ItThlyd Party:Yes_ Dealyn pressure.+N/A/-Tab1e A Evaltiation Reports Other.Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use.Install the P t 70 - nF''Fl 17022.4 MEC}jANCIA>_SEAM ALUMINUM ssr,odf assembly in compliance with the Installation method listed In this report and applicable Created by,indeperident Third Party:Yes code sections of FBC,:Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions. - l 17022.S 1j"5` 1 In Nail Strip,(Rs) 1"rib height,16'wide,25 gauge steel,sstanding seam roof panel mechanically I attachoit to 15/32 plywood or woad deck with fasteners. Limits ofUso ' ..-. Instatlntlo»Sststtuttlorlta APP'roved for use'in'HVHZ$'No.. FFt J17022 R2 1I 17n77:g f,4 ArtSTtLRP ssr'.3ldf f Appwvcd for use outsido"HVHL Yss Verified By Locke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impact Reststoott No Created by Independent Third party;Yes I-Design pressure:+N/A/Table.A Evaluation Reports.,, - - Other:Refer.tb evaluation report For conditions and limitations of use.Install the FL*70R7 AE F.)7¢32 p NAS-STRIP<ur odf assembly;In,compliance with the Inkitllaikii method listed:nAWs'report and applicable Created by independent Third Party:Yes code sectlons'af FBC.Refer to;manufacturer's Instatiation'instructions. i X17022 6 : 8 I in Nall Strip (RS} 1"rib height,16"wide„0.032'aluminum standing seam root panel mechanically attached to attached to 15/32'plywood or Wood Deck with fasteners limits at Use �-� Installation Instructions. .~�-. .._ Approved for use lir HVHZ,No PL170&itT 17 EL 1?4'36 I�9�t Ta_RI?4 413 LiSS2M_..�r.,Rdf ! Approved for use outside HVHZt Yes Vertfled,By:Locke Bowden;P E 49704 Impact`Resistant.No Created by Independent Third Party.Yes Destgn Pressures+NIA/Table A - Evaluation Rbports Other$Refer to evaluation report'for condition's and limitations of use.Install the FLI70�R7 AE FL 17022.6 1,0 RAIL STRIP 1,¢,31ALUM stir,o;!f assembly in compliance with the Installation method llsted in this report and applicable Created by Independent Third Party-Yes code sections;of FBC.Refer to meInulacturer's installation instructions.. 17022.7 7 "1.5 in.Nall Strip”(RS) ... t LS'rib helght,•19 wide,.26 gauge steel,standing seam roof panel.mechanically attached to IS/32'plywood'ar wood dark with fasteners. - _ Limits at.tise Installation Instructions . Approved for use 1n HVHZ:No El XZf17' R7 Sd Fi 17(}72 7 1 5 Nail ci n�fi A ztr hof ApproVe'd for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By;,Locke Bowden,P,E,49764 Impact Resistant.No. Created by Independent Third Partw Yes Design pressure.+N/A/-Tabie'A ;Evaluation Reports tNthert Refer to evaluatlan report for mndittons'and Iimitations of use.Install the ` fLt707 ,A7 AE_FL 74��7 1�4 cti.2bIA c5r odf assembly-!n compliance with the installation method'llsted in.this ieportarid'appllcabre Creatdd,by independent Third Party:Yes ,code:sethons of F8C.Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions. 17022.8 8- EMAX Rib (RS) 29 gauge steel,lapped roof panel mechanically aKacIhed-to 15132"plywood orwood -_ � J deck with exposed fasteners. Limits of use. Instaltatlon IratrncUans - 3 Approved.for use An NVHZL too j F 17022 R7 1I•FL177,02�'8 MAic kit;t r Approved for use outside HVHZ;Yes Verified By:Locke Bowden;P.E A9704 Impact Reaistont:No Created by Independ6nt7hird Party:Yes Design pressure$+N/A/-Table A Evaluation Reports Other Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use.install the F1,1202')137 A�Ft 277112p 8 t4Ax ;b r n; assembly In compliance FBC.ce with rhanstactuen metnall Rion i tri this report and appllcabie Created by indopendentThird party:Yes code sections of FBC.Refer to maniafadurer's Installation instructions. ;. 47022;g 9-"PBR MAX"(RS) .28 gauge steal;lapped roof panel mechanically attached to 15/32"plywood or wood deck with:exposed fasteners. Limits of Use Instailotfon ItstnicUonti Approved-for use in-HVHZ:No ELIM22 F0 Zr E�1'� �1 PGR RIB Ksr-adf- Approved for toad outside HVHZ Yes Verified By:,Lacke Bowden,P.E.49704 Impart Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party-.-Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-Table A Evaluation Reports Others Refer to evaluation report for conditions and limitations of use.Install the i.147022 R7 A F17()7�o FH ss:pd( assemblyIn compliance with the installation method listed ln.tfiis report and applicable Created by,Independent Third Party:.Yes code sections of FBC:Refer to manufacturer's instal atian Instructions. i ::..26571 371;<C�Stone tla'.�Ta!�•isL' ';.2'+991�3¢LiC•8�i3�4a7-lp24 Tho Stets or Florida N an A.it1EW e4,01oyer.r'a.Ya"'iat3t"`a4:2pa a st t"of ria.a ; +u�a^ ,i:,�:regtCNla;.k�wmmt::W. tnd Siattfirti�t under fletldo taw,enud3 addresses am pubht ret 4a $f.You do net Want your a-ttta4 address rohteszd in respan n,to 6 Piadk remrd5 request do not send dadmnk maa to dos OMAY.rnstaad,c enact the ovine by Oane or by traditional tatid'of yap nave any geestipns,:Please tan2att aSa.da7.1l05:'•PWSpant to Section 155.275(t),Ronda Statute$,effective 000ber f,2012,limns iker;aed under chapter 455,f,5.nmtt Provide trig oeparantnt W" an a",aa address it they hava'a5e.Ylie emaUs wovided fray b¢used for o/rittal cM+inuai,Cot{bn w=th ti15 3lxnste.H*Wim0 eroaa.iidd+essas are pubik rt,xrd.rf,you do nM.wisrr to supply a pa,xoaai adt}rcss,Weare provide slid rlcaanmen2 wide an$max address vriittli tap be mood awaNahia to rice pubfia To determine 0 you are a rktnsee.under chapter 4sS,AS„pieam ditkaftjM, - ProdtalAPP valAteeptat _ Mal WA 0 - ---------------- - Product R- • • Fabricators, 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City,FL 34990 772)872-8034 Florida Product Approval # Compliant with Florida Building Code 2017(61 ed.) Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule#61G20-3 Compliant: Keystone Certifications Product: 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FOC Sec. 1507.4.2 Yield strength: 50 ksl min., Attached to min.15/32" plywood or Wood Deck w/min.0.42 specific gravity with screws. 24" Coverage Rib Height 3/8" Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FOC Sec. 1507.4.3 Fastener 1 (Method 1 Attachment):#9 x 1-112" Hex-Washer Head wood screw* to penetrate 3/16" min.thru deck or 5/8"embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to meet requirements) Fastener 2 (Method 2,3,&4 Attachment):#10 x 1-112" Hek-Washer Head wood screw*to penetrate'3/16" mina thru deck or 5/8"embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length' to meet-requirements) Underlayment: To be compliant with FBC Sec. Chart 1507.1.1 Slope:Shall be In compliance with FOC Sec. 1507. See Fa er atty Ment above Install_Details: Table A Allowable Loads' METHOD l METHOD.2 METHODS METHOD 4 DESIGN PRESSURE* -86 PSE -93.5 PSE -101 PSF -228 P5F ROW SPACING 16"O.C. 160 O.C. 8"o.c. 60 o.c. FASTENER SPACING ALONG Panel width) 121),,o.C. 12"O.C. 120 o.c. 12"o.c. FASTENER SIZE #9` #10 #10 #10 Reference Data: ARCHITECTURAL TESTING,INC.TST ID#:1 7 UL 580-06& 1897-041 Test Report D05893. 05/OZ/14 Test Report F3366.01-4S -18 12/1$/15 TAS 125-03 Test Report D05893.02-450-18 07122/14 *EQUZVALFNCY-1A 1897-04 is equivalent to test standard UL 1897-4 *DesF�rn pressure margin ofs�&wty 2;1 Locke Bowden,P,E,does not have,not will acquire a financial Ins a q{� tiafact4�ring or distri#suttrg products under this evaluation. ti' •' � Locke Bowden,P.E.is not owned,operated,or controlled by air coiaipanVpniai'dd tturcl► orlstributing products under this report. ' rY !: ® AL -!'rr�ia•iSl��ti , {2�GA"steelb.24"Wide,Roof Panel_- [Details Limitations: 1. Undedayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code(FBC)2017 616 ed: 2.Minimum slope to`be corripliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6th ed.,:and per with Manufacturer's,installation reference. 3.Products are compilant.for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61'G20-3.,Compliance method'-1_p 4. Engineering analysis for"project specific approVal.by`local authorities wfjunsdiction is allowed by.otherregistered engineers. 5. Fire classification is not partrof this acceptance.Shbae.disphr6gm Values are outside this report. 6. Support framing in compliance w1FBC 2017 6 +ed., Chapter"22 for':Steei,.ChD ipter23 fior Wood and Chapter 16 for:l Structural Loading, 7. This report dues not lmplywarranty,installatii�n, recommended product use outside of this report. . f+ast�iers.: i . #9 x 1-Ite Un.or #10.10-112'Min.paOMW A':forRoty " rsV.CrimpRaarPaitst Spaclag and Da_sfgrt Pfessuros Hax:Washsr Hgad Wood.Sdows` ��?t -��y'ti... k a...r,':\r�-•``..r--.,../i, \r -�.Y/t rr:4�rn`"\'ri.`: it \rii�.�''...'a"�/ '/ v.f-1.;�/,�. r r:. r\\ \vi *,l r., ✓r..'\\./r.::`- i.`/ri..,l?.\%p \;ri' \/,">'.,\.,r''.,�/rt.�7.,.>.L%x'v�..,�; .,v.%\\,` =19x32`or gmaw Plywood,or Wood plank" 24" . 3d8" .:5't1NllTtYN3; ' .Parcel Profile Nominal 12" Nominal 12" 'O.0 O.C. E Fasten "19 x Table"912"Min. or 410 x 1-1/2 M16.per 'A" telex ftsheir Head Screw Spaced 92"o:c across the Panel Vitdth Panel Refee to Table'�k f6r Spacing Along Panel " Overlap Length Deck-15132"or greater Plywood,or Vod plank