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Product Approval, modified bitumen
F l��x�,i�' ` aai�uaialing,ev�c3alrne 6�€s Name f t rP uset R�r,3stranoas: int Fct ' sx�n 4e l=sats Farr uts � ..,c ,sas,,�i s r�i ..4s*3 s _.;;:t 5 r+0♦�i�Ll lipprnast' '` . � aas�tt;r YtFt}�'i VdG `Y .�` + !P.}�„tin t �4aitL"�1ka'� JSprrliitdtaDal l'Yete1 ' .. ` D � Rmmmllm w- apolsti type Revi53at OGT 1019 Co a Version 2.017 AppiltT.iait St s Aggrflved .G Perrnitting Department St. Lucie County I Pr�d>$ct Mesaul�rer FOLYGtASS USA:, AddreiW tFiJe)a"J ,Vi .1 i 9"�4 M1�i i r.i1.�r IYt�I°.K , t)e&field BeamhjL:33442- ` {9S4�z233 133x,:.:l*xk��2 matpertpat*�a31,�ss eomy': ' Auc ihixaze:J sfgrtiur Marry Alpert matPert�I�Y9iass wan; REVIEWED FOR T�ltnlsal i1 pa�Gesits�ttv�' T'taUry,U3�tt Addrs s�Piaane malt: 3111 yY N2w�a Cenber Drtvc CODE COMPLIANCE beeeki B+ th M 33442:<. telz a s io ccorn: ST. LUCIE COUNTY l�t�iiRe!�Pi�iyg>al . BCCC t}i;i�l3ty Assu�r�rape�Repr�es�:ratatav Cakega(y: Roofing Sut t gsrry Mad died Bitumen Roof System, Campiiarace M 31tOd EVelaaateval R xirt lrarq a lnrida ltez s, regi Architect Pr zi`lliaens- ,Fltsrlda Przztesslonat Engj3rar _ I ' Evattaetlaa43eport==NatdcapY Itue;t`,. Florida lEn�anes'i or14rch`ilcia r►� who drvctcspesf the l�+ sert 7�emmen BvitueUan Remak. ,,. ,.,. .. ,... < ,.. ha da License TE-59166, Assura �e>nYiky= UL LLC,, q�a�litir rL. ratice�arrtract�atlaan D�t�':, U9/a.3,/zo21 i Va9iil ted:t2y 3otan Nl.Knezevd6a,PE ' �r,V�tclaiirra3 Ch�k915t .F�rdoDpy ltiveal^-- �cti i=cat�asfi 3fs9Cer�` �£a5;"t��4 ��1,4.t�4 CUl tJt�t43idEh3::�'F Y,efereaaa:ed St��tdard a1�3 Year;r�St4s�d�rd ASfia,[36iG3; 20013' ASTM:D6W. Zt1Lt ASTta p522�,. 2i�11 AStm D6509 2Q09`; BM447.0:.'' P14 A47 ,.: < Qii UL,11697 tivradAfld(fi -urg'Pf. Op'dlaspe:pmam ��FYt�3cvtlgrzlqu2�?�2FwPg ZpwfiipK h 2C3'TY�A'gcLFiGgl7fglNigtA�3d d 111 I I i I ��:�.>]9f20C9f: ,. �t(tttl�lBtsi]c3zttgCY��e�$u]�tc ->, uivaTei►ce.uf'�r�tt�� >7dar€�'> . 'Certifies] Se�[ior�itthc Code; - Pk-idugAgprava!Mit rl,. P]eEhcsd 1 C#p�fi 0 Date`Sutt�iaitd' t14J12J2019' Date Vaikfattd tl4/i4j 019 Date`Ptdsng,fr: p"prova6 6 (19}201s3j trate Approvea9 Ofi/1Cj2{t19 [7aLe:ReviSCd`: fl8/17J2D�.r3' umma of Products; PL# MLu9�1,i�7urttber ocName' i1eTlatTatt '1054A, i kljglass fmand.APF modlfted 595 and APP,stmc]]fied bi smcrt k ObF sysisah1i " L]mits of U5� In#ai]ataisn Insirut3eons �.�:� Approve e9 fpr use;C>y: fi/t ':N -- Pt195A`R2A'ii 2A19.fAd PIJdAI R'Pt}L1� A "hSQi TT'FIfct4 dtil�s6t ResCnC»Nf3s V+�'ted By,RO�rt 1'Ct�rtksriCat-PE-5J3$S �n pressure +PdJAj s Clr"tad 15y"L d�dc�tiLTiutd I Ky YC5 tJihi�l.I}381L>desigr%presaur trtth]sppi3Catl�ak3 = Et►aluaLtotiRe , pGtffi Y: relates tv oiaYscuCar assesaiy aver'cencrEte c sek. tit4 a4 t}lia:'' C dt1AL ti�`i�«Lr aftt7t�f3ct +4 fi�q RE fer to the IE<R R�pendiX for pt]tFT'systewis+3nd t'IkC ,-CYpt? 2}1t €fir ER St+tt akt "ice 6tCtes LlcYtit5 GF Err+d 3 6y T1td dcrttThi, Pafij ,Nr5 'i88 Sia'4 0;1:#^.tkta ISs�'i At4"�EiJ�fnAkOy@r�emv,Lns:'s�t'7 an1y oaL o4�+ a 5 iRsvacfStatrret�ti �iielSncvm�krmrw+ het�++�, �..,,nta urz%r Piarrda,��rstraii andress�s a�ieiit rersa^as tt sass err �r�nt vu�'ze-maa ate+ rei�sai€n sr�u�e to a't�shii=r�tarais r+�C+ an e�s�,d�ieikiiia�'; sr5§ii t9 ds tr,3fisy T&t s¢md;"'sri?txcS zh fNDia bY,tra idts33 ms31 Itpov ha.�EyBT+'14;3gsGan i'Pf-was8[i nnotad M 4673355 rrasto Secrian A 279W, i`9avt�2 S-.yi3L�a:.eifuav+^Csct�irer� 2;31 ,�ra�ns sca!'ar+d�r't�Sst��45'r P 53sn�ai`sk�.i, !,detisa t�9i�siir�t�v�34,�r�¢'nis�Y,aC.�?a;a it 4�}'�imtr>;i,zr�'7tsit 4€ct�skS,', -{SP�7UIL 11 iYQt'Ct8'( fl FAf L! "rCt�'l Ct1fiHYlU(§3`431175 Yt}I i{tC ilzp7i +��iC.V`CYL'�`Cn#��i1Q�.e� yy��f6¢i.�G E15�' fd 'dd"}yo2 eq - t;u o-vsaa�e oarman�svitn an ems asidi�cak#� be m�eie Sta,.Seie ce trrc weir'ra d�kesvrts,se�yeu are a:I�h<�u �iaas�'as3 rs 'ttis§st s9 rx' y y ]tii ft�vwu#lcss�;iatniet�is>i**.cr l r dtt � s :. ]3`�- ,. . , : a ?F.�Pr P $PP txT}sv�nt—wrx]"V3�QwtTiydgaCu?+<tsa 2imC'�,UP3pw6gTi��h4�n31TCu1��{ci.Fi ] L'��tr4�3�4X3a�; '292" i I i : ,,, EilfiO d stx,!.*AiTACoMEw PwQUtP-.tmfOt$MR WOO _z. Av ' lA �` Rriwii., .";Mew ar FteraaflTear=Rff} ;A S ` ` 9oritied insulation Bbiirled Roof Co+re'r ;5 YJoad:. New or Reroof(Teas-tiff} "<R.2 = Mkft; Rdof Cover S'g ..: 1C Yvaad w t fdeur,Rer�taf(TcarvOff}sir ReEtsetr, `:''A Mesti;7tttachad Anafi'or Sheet Bonded hisla__ Ronded Rauf Laver 16 7 z;Wood Neta,R�rasr#lTe�r�ffl.ar Recdver 8 ;` Rtt�ekt'f tiactted 0a5�ftieil�tion;Ba deB Tcij�tlisulatfoit Bcnd�if.ilisof Ower 1612 nle�v;'f f t of¢Tear'=e ff)or ltetover kCK • hR t'Atr Ct€e I:imsulatiaas 96trdW Roof ai ', i2• "t: li Wisrsi f1ew,:;Nti"ruvfCioai tfi}rii Rrtdverx = il'• 3 -..Ensuated,Rieet `A�ttacEi d'BasoSh At:Mdhd�dRoof Gavdr 4Yogd` Ae'wi ar xeraof(Tour-(lff} fS Non liisutated,Rfiuth.Atta`tlied ease Sheet liiails} 16niidi3 Raof'Cader =18,22 3H, V660 New""fteroof{Your fyorttcraver C, N6tlAhSulOfddjMer h:gtt�tktod-Bise-�hee%fscrowv Kpfites},ponded,Roof,Covir. 2B�B' -• Mood; 'New aritiraaflTeat3fff F NbrtiedttoofCovdr:.,- =. `. ;St e(`or Stracte sal concreto, :New,R iff(T ar-6lftl o Recker B t,teckr AtfacIted8ase`inswation Bbn+ied rr{S Insulation;9rinded Roof Carer 3q 32 �'. 2B 1. t ` :5t l;orSEructurai criu rate 'New,Rerobf,Teer Ct$f9 a FE er... . C = t# €N kttacis d<IwSulatior;';Fsnnt9ed Rts€tf Cot r'. 3=3.7 2C. ;';_ Steel esr Sfructurpi ctancrsfite .,. ., .;flew;Reroaf:lTeae=t7ff}isr Rover< i fS 1.., Iasufated,fa�deh�Attached Base Shoot,Bonded_ Roof Cover 3839' 2D Staelar 5tru�tural condrete.,• - ..`Neu iteraof¢Tear Cfff}or.Re¢over n,B2 :. frtsuiated MechrAttattred Velocltles�rlondad ftr�afCover; 3A,. <;, StrusiUraf tortcreta .,, -v.. Newior Rerrsaf(Tear t?ft} • s ?.k,a Bandad frisulattiri;Baitdeii`Racif Cover 4tf 88. s,-, la ;,5truct6rari eoirete N2svar Reroaf(Tea:-.Olf} .. . ..` Nan-insuted;Baacfed:Rciof Caner `.:."; i vS0 4A ,,.; ,.`.L!$htvluigf,ttnnrmt4,.. (Veiv.arRerbaf(TeartTffj ;; x"^fc i '-: ' :66nded Erisuiatlort:'urindi'ftaofGdver: 51 53 +ft3 .,., ., liglft'aiffgtit cotecretc-, .Neer ar Reraaf(Tedi:off}_' ,''A 2 Rteci+Atfached,Andltor SficteE 6oirFtleo Ensutalon;Btirtded>Ronf Crivir �<54:: ',4C.. .:, -Ltgftt±weight concrete,,-.., ..�'Nrwor,Riraaf�t'ea Off} . '; E "Nan-insulated;-MCeh,Atfadiad:Ba5e5h�mt;Brioded Rctaft`awrer, ,:, : r.:. „Sr�58': SA; C&Tiintitittuswood t r::` ,NOii,&ACrPJtifl�e t=Gttt7 Al " 866d dlnsi�W166,s6oded'Rodtcowi 59 5R<' Cerricptftiaus udod fifxer ;;: r `` 6%lteicaf(terOff)orRcovii Banded Erisulafion,Boiidetl,FEaofiGavdr b0 5C CetrintltlouswuadflEYe ,: tet Reroof(Tear.-pfla arResier t3 Mph Attached,Base insailat3on,9rspdediopinsuluttbn'Bunded Rriuf Cavr .. 6i 5t) Cirrleritftiauswavd fiher fdaskr,9ercdf(fear-rNf(.ar-Reco{rer . z C Meih:Attached n`sufaO6 Band if Roof Cove'i,`. � 1 _ Cemeritttfous%good ffher; ' ;Ncty{ eroof Teas ar Rato�ar E �� y a�tan in fi ed,C+tec#t l shed Cra eSt�eet,Ecu ded Rarif:Caver „ �5z 6A Ex 62= "stingYtsum64 6B Existing t*y um Reroof.(Tear, ft)ar`Reca or ",: ''-A 2 = . .Mit;'Attaefied Akhor sheet;Bonded hisulation Sonded.Roof sever 4: CC` tittadf"nslab ; odaRoofCueEstn gpsnyuftv 6tJ Cxtsdiaggypsurn tteraof,Wear off}arRecover, >` E Noti=insulated fvfeeh AttadtiideaseSheet Sonde l Roctf.Cover : 7A Var(oifs Retxner: A 1 6orided loculation,Bonded Roiaf Cover x5 6 B, Various.., d 77fon-iirisuluted Banded Raga 5htvet;;9cnded Roof Covet. =.63 tare f 18+s+rinn nous nrsofv N+a+sys aerltieed hereih Trii`` f on herein; riainsio abovii;deck roaf;cans nonts�Rocrf Decks acrd structu�rlxrdembers,stfall.he in.acrordan v; h,FBr t ulrements to:the satfstactfan of the Authority Maving turrsdretton 1 coo system eualgatc, pe f toad r2Sistdnt8 of tho roof dark shall he daarmented tf raugn proper cadiNdand/ar FRC APRrovat documentatlaA 2 fnsulatlan J�tse sffeeL l�a'steners sbaii beitf 3u(tfclont Eength far tite{alfawcng desk ezfgagecsrent 1✓"Wood - Mloimudk►Cf75-+nCb net€atidrx , Sfettt Minfmurrr 0 75 inch penetratiatt and erigag the top flute of the steel deck ,Y 5tekturaltoncretee MEnemumi inch m6 rlrtt�nvintopilot'holelrt'uc�ordancewithfastenermantefattur6r'spubiisherfirsstalEatfarrIn tractions r , . fNIOt IC,ftt 2tf8•R22f F 6u .ft.4 CertrfiC t of Autfaarizatfon#32455 — - 6ra iiiltib1V[`iii?}PBC id"Vie EVA,UAT,ION` O ORLwiSiori 22 tl ii/2819 E aluation RiNAPrt x`929 - & end�xl Paee,l oi'69= -- fyrepaaed:by'Robert Rt,emxp2n,P�591tf6_, ` P'otygfass,fNodifietf tlit}ritett 5t�ttf 3ystrxms,f93#}21330`- - - - pp - t F „ fid :: Un :ntNeito�xan t�al�,6nautdittrtn�ay .any�+rte�YararcpmhNl�fFonttf otyiset �rtuP�f� c�Fystyten�,Y4re�asi�f'�r&��rd, etiitit" Burrs•f�u�eil,�aEkttSa�da�r:rtt8te�ral=�rvoC+i'roof�arcFUjatrh�etsBNet�ts'ta'uisarrtea`its,3 of'F,A 6 Rate 6.1620 3 a'rid f5 datiirfienied s ztteetFn f8'C 15t)*>'1 and,for raa ptai,4 FBC CNopt r 26 when rnStalled vr1tN th8 r�ofccver de FLtialtrfum200` sl,roiailriuret`2-inchttticktEg}fttiietghi tsiiaiitt rancreter aytsesubstituted:torn'tdlnsufattartbu rd far stern. d[) me anlcat tt cN` disdsesheetrbonded:rooEtnvii`<wNoreQ'-tihei7a�esii P . ! dip {_.,:.< . i. fasteners areinstalled througti q:, u M. #.ISI!WcA t tjsulaVrt CpDsrat .{k4`'Gj Et'aiko cast lr a, cordance,WithF¢CSectirrt 1947 tai the atis#aciiQn.ot the Aei tto,Haw" LWC . Product kpPr +tat tar 5pe. CI#Ic ouk construcdibo anti dlmiwtidns..Unfit s:athPrwlsc nc�Yec4 far s • , :.: � .;: .,:, ..,. _yst�dnswherPspc€i#rct.WCts`r�otfetnsed:the mtP#enumdesdges`inr�"shallt3i?pps�;;Ralicases dNemireiirlr,mtap-coat. tNtckrtessIsZh rhes,;: or tS'dCtsver,strucduralcaaerate';r`i rnnce.ismadet4F>i Sectian191.7 1 Po�M1 ,For" -.eiistenl Ltrti rEfeientex li, wereQstahiis6ettiNra-r htestw 6&,Ii twm iceniikeeast:` ql alv anly fua'r xrng s ent(ASPM C gb} watera€sd Partiarsd semen{(A Tt 1 ir15 },syitfs scs proprtetary.adtlrtn+es;lit tcutdance rltN rocedur sada' ed Nitar i 6ado'6 C0"{f#3C'G£R159a}::Unies iithenwise,rsatr d, P . use a f'dNas+s listln in new construttart or rr deaf ttea . 6s Cn{tFapplitatfansiSaCthedLuredlondithopesi rrara'rRecard'a3rrdAuthorl Navin 3uCisdist#tiii. — _-S5 Unless othgr�6lks•nat�d�7efertotPrefat#o�ri�ig:r��reec�fai-toand�dt�se`�1 arrapsti�eta""ftrratiorrs .. . = N :=ARkTEtd ":�i t e, .T, a BP AA' base €trie vt>"mrsre'' Eles'pcl'' ass G 6asa"F9C A roved 1tt t D4601, it[i; {gasepndpiy5#caeta, s-,P - ©neor'mare l#esPBt lass`P[ iV:Po CasfP V1'FBCA rnwatlASThlt)afTB. etV.orVl. kHatAsphalt atatl-40:` V "Asphalt=Applied}.: .. �NoEa > oftta lkdahadtx' &isrilahnn shall r�iitbu�r ltref to s quare W.!+l fY�flM' 1 i' ;AiSgl�►151f$S - -..x, :"- Ba e P >1 Elastbbase{sai t9/end}> stnft V Elasta#fe 5G,€Iastnfl Sd NP.`£taStaStrieid FtY `:, SBSGAI _- E15taflex G EG3stoftnxVGFR Elastottex5b E►astnt 56tP p Pty R, resko G EFastu4ies55.G Elast0flex5GG'FR:;.,EMstoShWd S6x;E#.iatosh'dtd75 Pa5S{sand baked PGI3f 55g0 atroL 5-Z 0 Polyfreeko ;SBS FR sarsd htckad Balms Plv Etat% t`.EfaStobasra{saritl/grid};Elasiafiex Ft Elastafii SG l tastnf#esi SG FlP, SBS tA2 Wit6fikv(G tfastaftek V G FR Eiasta8ez:,s6 Elastc�(iexSG its 5lasdnftac56'G F�astadiAtc S6Ci Rftr Elastoshleid IS�G, Wst6shtald TV Crap pty ;. �i/,sq e5 at 15 2.f1 r sko`GS S sand, k a katf Poi resko GS�S Fti saadybacked{ Base Ow6v Ons or more,plles£laitcsbase(sanif/sand nt poly(sand};Elasta6ase Fs(sand jsand or txa{y/sand}Eiastofl V,£lastgtVetc Soi lasta#iex 6H £lastcshee}d NT., ,SIIS luk ' : •.. .:?EI f i. . ,., .. �:, Fl6'3 kspNait S�S't�s lra t<A letl.< £a sto!ex V,£asto ex.V G!Elastof x V G 1 ,Etastaflex 56,EfastrsHexS6 HP,Efastoftdx SG G £{utaf[eit SO G pN I lastoshlald TS 6, pPi.-,.} pPiir j16sta3hi6ld 1'S G'FRf pot kd G SDS sand,baek2dLl Pniyfr c G i&FA'sar4d=ftaEkedl xi fsy5quard� . ^° ., ,."hro2B:.:.� dtitlC=tY-"dkd Sha+ trf faslrhtit}oii sii+Yli i4tlre G ' 1"ti!-W ttei s'fr'irt !"iri�r»btmrldc�s.`` � , _ , - "' wBase'P :or pt ana of more` Itnx tilastabas"e sanOC ;£l 3tobase{ / h!;Etastoflex:V;Elastoflex 5G Et tstoflez 56HP= TAKE ll:,.WOOD Otcx$�NEW CONSTRUMN QaJk9ROQF( OF, SYSTEM TYPEF-NONINSULATED,BONDED ROOF COVER �+,�., z;,a:: si✓.,s.;i 'a:. 1 s'_;% i .::en X r �x::5" ,xwtt, y.. *.4 ..§M: z.�` ';. `:.F°,"✓ , l,a2y.; r..,Y+,z, i .: :"'ter ett r"r x,a::". �" x 4. t4ran ' rePred++tt>h�.ricfi "� tt aei EstOfRxS ,�.tc�iad;E�f s, S iFE3", nnc E3tsYt Rtcxtc SBS S+tt7pieaf 5€i5{c,SSa r SBS SFR&PAy StfS G 4. �kPP TR iM1F°PT1t s Y 38�3x £plYk�txcTd r(Opt#ts�9 $Eptlona)RPP TA gRPTt4 + SfJE85 1v�t .,351 it f1 PG i1C5 Nine :.. 5gg� Cfpticm t4S S1458S S S AP S SSS ' N II E 132�nch PIVWOPd jdlgts*e cgsff ti tivitt -Imc 1 saitd�. tsf.�l�S stt it V fu�'Y� d intcti ; 6 stt�k'Ta�t sk v zsr [Lkptipoatj 58�Sd� S SBS SJix rtPP S •58� 1t�b ;: t7ptlti;PGtoHI Dlyu� " EI Sk FR2 SAYS, ;j� RRP TA' TAr�kWN W X57 w MWAS 3;4 F'GLX iRi it Ids;i;" W nB ti rt fj 5 SZ�S S S `lsP GS Pi wtse3d!' 7niE BrLl cO C srritti 4 rnch vfd t i df.I sti�[leic Sfa r" u'rni d 1 t� 19d: `Zt7aGal PG7�3a �' .,:,;1• ,B�stcl4jx 5t7G?natj3 5 t5�a rt� R 5S f,j� .. .r di. �. . ".�� .. .,t-- ia t7e8 C4Ri1Gt€FUt35 t ,., ..,:>;,_. , 5$tJ�TfF4.?e - `iia,°)SPP"bt ;AI?'e� 15dF titQ ' ncr`. PtyjTnYcc>uePditP++ hiPitiakfsi +sI3ti+#[ i"5d4 €�satdt ,: {ty1�iPG2tk3 .,, Pyfl�x CA Qdse;. {C3ptlsn�tj RPP''�i RpP 74" V r PIYGdYi, pi&t�trd :Kz�P9tltitR' arsd NSP 430G. �e�tt�006 Report P929t7 d}2 GE-R22 four i1,E654114, CEPfjIjGBEE*`ttf Ruthotlrart3245 B"" MON i 2917�f��t�ts�YVfif�R1fi�ti/Afiit�F1 �uf�ipm�04;��2f1i9 - ------- ---- PP$� $IS[S,npq PiS'1. i.,,,... -- - — 5 855 1I$�IY� 1�IM�!%�� �� U�------ - ..A� PidlR,It�P��£