HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs (2) To: Permit Division St Lucie County Building Page 5 of 6 2019-10-21 16:08:50(GMT) 17722063146 From: Holly Kulinski � tl�}e�wa24 ...... e.y..,urc,we.,un4zM•�e�a`�" '. ���,.�iyeuvkKmmmavF,Wxw, l'f�'�.•AaRY,h.!mx<pry9l'.�i,1TRiY.Vm . `t w: J0 . ' ngs -rod cefa.. uct cate. a, P AHRI Cerhfiea Reference Number:201 27 874 5 Date:1iJ 21 2Q19 Made-[Status;'ACtiYe Old'AHRI Reference.-Number:794.0891 AHRI Tyne RCU-A-C6 Ouidoor-Onit.Brand.Name-RUUD Outdoor Unit.Modei Num4er-(condenser or Single Package)::RA1fi24AJI indoor Unit Model(V-u.,tnirer".(Evaporator and/or Air Handler).ftH1T2417STAN Region! All(AK;-AL,AR:AZ,QA,GO,CT,QC-'DE,FL,GA,.HI•ID,lL IA,IN,KS,K1,LA,IUA,:M1ID,ME,:Mi,MN,.M+O..MS, NIT,.NC,ND,NE,.NHi NJ,.NM,SIV,NY,0H,OK,OR',PA,Rf,SQ,:SD,Tr4,'.TX,.QT;VA,VT,'WA,WV,Wl*.WY U:.S.. y Territories'i . a Region Nate: Central aircanditioners manufaOured.priortoJanuary 1,'2415 are eligible to.be installeCl in.all regions until June 30,201fi...Beginning July,1,2016 central air:cond'itioneCscan only be,instatied:fn'region(s)for which they meet the regional efficlency-TeCtrirement.. F. 1 - - ,':,,.: s The manuf ' tt . ' ..,i 1.. . . _. na m,comb n..�::•:•'::::;.:.��' , Rated:as fol tr vs in accordance ittiffie latest edition of ANSi/AtiR110E2Q0 tvtttl.Addtxlda 1 and ;P2rfs�rm�nCe l3atipgif Uni}ary =: Rir CogdF tetntt &Aic,Soyrce 3,p,EquipMent and subaect, rating accuracy byAklRi Sponsored yndapendsnt fiord party testing u P Goo Ing apecity{fL2) Single arNrgh'Stzge(9�iF),bh:h:24.©t)Q.•: w',,: r A SE &,013 ,.. .. ,_:. .,. . .. ..:.: ..: .......> _ F ....::....:. t..,5f . F 0 a 3 h ;:1 4 EER. =S t . a ....).. t 88 'rActive"Modal Status.are,those.that-an AHRi Certification Program Participant is cturenry producing AND selling.oroffering,for sale;OR new models that are being a marketed but.are notyet being produeed._Produciian Stopped"Model Status are those that an:AHRJI Q.ertification Progtam Participant is no longer producing BUT issfill selling'or otferjng fa sale..•. ;t. Ratio Fiat e a anted Jt+A in'i at n involunta r� to Th new Qubl+shed ina is shpwn-afona wig rev o ' t.&`,VA DISCLAIMER t AHRI does not endorse the product(s)listed an this Certiffcate.and makes no'reprosentations,warranties or guarantees as to,and assumes.no responsibility for, taeproduct(s).ilsted.on.thN Cartiticate:.AHRI exptessly:dlsolalms all Ilablnty tot damages ot:any kind,arising out of the use or performance.of the product(%),or.the unauthorized/aiteraemn of date listed.oh this Ceitifii:ate.Certified ratings are valid onty.for.moaels end.configurations listed in the diractory3tR!4YTfi yti'tdlS'4'.2A'Se�=t�'ne.- TERmS AND G0NDIT10N'5 'Tilts Certificate and ite:contents are'ptoprietary products of AHRI:This Certificate shall ontybe used for indlvldual,personal and. a $ 11 ;pmfidential'reference:purposes,The coitteins tlf this Certificate mayApt,in wholoior:in part,be reproduced;vopled;disseminated; entered tnto.a comppterdatabase;or p#herwiso utitized,.tn:any form or manneror by any means,except for the users individuat, personafand'confidentialreference. .tRfc,,r,rn4;viSr.'usA T,,r:, ' CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION kE:r€lt;. �2=t7h "T um. v The'tnhlrinatlan'foe'themodel cited v.op ihis.cartifioatscan be ver"stied.at w vy.atA';lti'r t oY,d,crg',.click an 'r t3{crftkt a>r link g S bpd enter the AtiKl'Cfirflfle0 Reference:tdumper and the:date on which.thacertlffcate•waatssuad _,__ _ which+a nstext aboyr,and the CertlRcate No..whicfi is listad at holom ri�+ht. ,y '^:''' ''-��"�`' r �'1FI0ATE �1132tf31468249�i755g3 ©2019Air-Golltlitiflrilfig,He�.ti.tig,and Refr3gerattors.lnstitute �G �.,