HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL ASI Iii INFO. MUs 7t BE criMPLEMD FOR AMMION TO BE ACCEMB D Dat Permit NuMber. r) .� -it -,a %--" e 9 at RECEIVED EC IVED OCT 2 2 BuRding Permit Appflcat�an 2019 ST. Lucie County, Permitting Suilding and We Regulodon Ohrision 2360 Virginia AvPA ue,Fai-e*He=FL 34= PhonL-477214Q_155� Fay(.M)4b-2_1578L Commercial Residential PERMIT APP UCATION FOR: TO Selea from dropbox, Brick arrow at the end of Une D H": ,kcIldress: C--v \&Z Pon,St Lucie 34S52 =traf 3414-501-1701-0=9-SpBrh�h LBkOS OM Properky Tw.!RD 2: Lot Hot_ Site Plan Name: Mock No- Project Name. sefibmeks r-retA &MIL wiltside:- LAEft S1 DemEflon of mobile home ON r m�c N AdciL-,ionztit,vorl,,tobeDp�-formect under this permit-check all tDar apply: 'EIHVAC Gas Tank a-as*Piping Shutters Windows/Doors f--1 cljectdc Plumbing, LJSpriniders Generator Roof Tbta!i Sq.R of Commuctuan. Sq.FL of First Filoon Cost ® cons'a-moom O um t%das: sewarclseptic Building Height: 8t4ding Corpoietion Name: MaMew Lytp Wynne '.Address..MD Soulb US 1,8649 402 Mj:Part SL Luda Stare..FL Address:000 SOUth US%'Sub-t4M Zip Code:-94982 r-ax-7-121.87841224 may. Port- SL laxie Phone Mo.772-M-551-3 Zip code:,34951 F,-,3c 772-87"224 E-DAz!R-.SuD0v,'Ynrabr-c0m Phone 00.7792-878-5511y— - FaRign lea sUeWInneba-com Immm*.e 0,mmer Rs5� above) State or CmnNNUcense.- of value of constm melm is $4592 MCORDED Notice of Commen=ment b required. NT Drk-26AH-MANGENEER: _ Not APPlicable MOUGAGE CORAP UMV: e lotApplicableName: Name: tl Address- Address: City- state: atv. State. Zip: Phone: zigra P47ane: FEE SIMPLE 75 HGLDl R-. Not App icable ZONDING tomes PANY: i of applicable Marne: Name, Address: Address: City: C'rLy: zip, Phone: 23p: Phone: i cel tua no work or inseaft4orn has rcomin enmd prior w the 1swance of a perrnlrr� StLude:Counmakes norepresentaiam atisgeantiryga�a * ilamh - the�•s����ao£der %vhjcu Is io.cosr in vg's-any applicahk Home Owfiers Ass affon su[1�5,bylaw r aln covenalits pat€a y;pct-or pmwom such strucixim Tease consul-,vM your Home Ewnwss Assactation and r year deed for•any res [Ef ons vNch may apply- -it pply of e geandng els reque p., air,l dei i&epEbya e-that B IV&,an$all m-specis,perform the wark in accor'dan¢ vAth,&e ai3provied yrs,the r-boda Building Codes and St Luxe-ODu my Amendfn f he:roilowmg yrs'slding pftapocWons zrazzeMptftomuadezgcRag a full congurremw r rw-room 2daMops., 1•t accessory structums,SM&M-vases,gym ,fencw,waft,04ns�,swcgm rooms an access-mv ries to zrat'aew non eddgat�al we ARK06 TO OWM a VoT ati flaHom to RecrA.a I��s �` ���ae�pwj Wit.in for Improvements to your propedy.A-Hotic�-i of Commencement must be recorded and poste'an the jobs to taef-teethe�irstInspection.If you.intend-obtain financing,consultwith lender or an.attom.ey before i commen4og work or recerftg Your.i4aa dee of Cafm cement S Sign r �� e Siign WONDA or. aeras Holder � A. !FDATE OF FLO RA STATE CDUMWDF $Lwea cauffff 01FSLLa'da The faigolng InWvment was adcnvwIWSedbefbmme The fix-80 big.14sDu in ent Wasa dwi awfedgedb ed6eerae �".�etivfy3e;rvym.: Ma3�trersLy7etiVYre� 87R#$�l ll�t54Tr 'c&�[CF96 i$ a3, Tl4ame of person ac 3mov edgging i 1 (Srire-of Notary f2u€aiar.Sfc-o;FYoujda) t; a*re-0F'€tlotasyfPubl%t'„Staitet~eFF&orada.) Pers sraa[ Know : 03 Frac d ide ditadon OR Produ cedl ldentEmu Typeof Type of Id i C Frarztissi ur:a a�_ 1=' '`. !AY C4N� ?N#GG 356204 era as un ° •u ,- SUSAN LAU = r EXPIRES:February 23,2023 fMAihNSSION# �,•' Qom; EXPIRES:February 23,2023 KVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUP i;R'IltdS R PLANS VWErARON SFATURTLE MMGRovl* CommREViEw REVIEW REWEW RaREW, RMEW REVIEW DAA COMPLETE lKWAL$ i