HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application Page: 3 10/22/2019 06:44 AM TO: 17724621578 FROM:7722176820 All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED C�, O' O Date: 2- Permit RUM Aft Lim 4k," , r x D_ nititi?�Cltim ® � OCT 2 2 2019 _.._.._._..._.....:._:____..._____,......_-._.. Building Permit Ap KI-mirringation Planning and Development Services Department Building and Code Regulation Division St. Lucie County, FL 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT TYPE: Address q7 Property Tax ID M. 0 t0 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. l� Project Name: �yr`,r<k r� ��z,:�v f}^a, �z/a r,�n'� 1)r r ;^:SbM lCfi'1..r,`i+'•i'`i�r°��'? �(�Fi l i'`s�i ori 4 �cfrh 1•!?:_ a`sY�T{¢ .{)Y�i n j k�� +.e 4}p. i,: at1i= A`lLirDD SQItpTI>I�Ap�t`Q QAlir `qr rh 4. a.;rhtA 1 t TMfS i S d A' A Ft r, t yl u ar lc r .,zc. .. 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Company: City: State:JY_ Address: y, �,0 hS Zip Code: 3 Fax City:. .�)X �^ Stater Phone No.77; Zip Code:_�'ZC( (OD Fax: E-Mail: Phone Noa Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page{if different E-Mail ac. �► TS.LSM from the Owner listed above) State or County License If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HVAC is$7,500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. Page: 4 10/22/2019 06: 44 AM TO: 17724621578 FROM:7722176820 it I.' _;�y, �� `, sa > k' ?. '7t•i' '(t F �._ir.lS ir1l�li 91� If'Ev. tis ' r . coli �aru�ur �Rarct � ����,� 1 sad �aI + . f,a��.xs�o�th DESIGNER/ENGINEER: —Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: ' State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize thepermit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association.rulesi bylaws or and.covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consultmitfi your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions•which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use "WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SrrE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." .�•-.:,fes— ..� Signature of Owner/Lessee/Contracto s Agent for Owner Signature of Contraikm7ticense er STATE OF FLOR.DA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFA �. U.Gi i COUNTY OF lh Theforgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this al day of CC4 j,- 20L- by this D[ day of pkv' 2011 by Name of person making statement. Name of person making statement. Personally Known OR Produced Identification C Personally Known _< OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Type of Identification. Produced tx Produced Si of Nota Public- 1 ure of Nota Public i f FiI!iI m e Notary I�RY PUBLIC Notary. � 90TA Y PUP. +' ppT .OFF.LORID4lFL�:�RID1� Commission No.� `yd� S Commission No.ZS�r a _STAj • .GG254409 _-_ _ - —._. a.Commtt_G 254409 Rxpires 8/3012022 012022 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED " DATE —___._ — ._._.--_.._.. ev. Page: 32 10/22/2019 06: 44 AM TO: 17724621578 FROM: 7722176820 19N.Emoletc. 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Polyglass Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Polyglass published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth In Section S herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate(if applicable). h 6 3 Y EI la glias" P. M &Hid6N6IUBd§d 6.3.1 Non-rile Applications: --'--'------"=:==:=.=Shall-be-installed=in::compliance-vAth_the-codified=r.equiremerits�fo,r--AS.TM_D2Z6,.Iypje-tl-uDArtaym-eD-t.iLnFaCTable 1507.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. Elastobase,Elastobase P or Mule-Hide Nail Base may be covered with a layer of Polystick,Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SA P FR, Mule-Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self-adhered, Elastoflex 6 TU, Elastoflex S6 G or Etastoflex S6 G FR in hot asphalt or Polyflex G or Polyflex 6 FR,torch applied. Roof cover limitations are those are those associated with the top-layer underlayment,as set forth in Table 1. 6.3.2 Tile Applications: Elastobase,Elastobase P or Mule-Hide Nail Base are limited to use as a mechanically attached base sheet in the"two Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12). Reference Is made to Table 2 and Section 5.6.4 herein,coupled with FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)Installation Manual. Pow* �..TS, o�kb .oi.poivileigAP,Po I Iyffex-SAP'FR,' 4 M UP;TU'P.0 �TU.-Mft.DUai'Pr6,JIIe,Pr6 r -X 6. k'' io'T;'�­kbs'ik- S e�-.(FR)*. Z' Mille -.I 6.4.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D1970(except Polystick TU P)underlayment in FBC Table I507.1.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.4.2 Direct-to-Deck with Mechanically Fastened Roof Covers: All self-adhering materials,with the exception of Polystick TU Plus,Polyflex SAP or SAP FIX and Mule-Hide SA APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet(FR)should be back-nailed in selvage edge seam in accordance with Polyglass/Mule- Hide back nailing guidelines. Nails shall be corrosion resistant, 11 gauge ring-shank type with a minimum 1-Inch diameter metal disk or Simplex-type metal cap nail,at a minimum rate of 12"o.c. Polystick TU Plus should be back- nailed using the above noted fasteners and spacing, in area marked "nail area, area para clavar" on the face of membrane.The head lap membrane Is to cover the area being back-nailed. All seat-lap seams (selvage laps) must be firmly rolled with a minimum 28 lb. hand c. roller to ensure full contact and adhesion. For Dual Pro and Tile Pro,align the edge of the top sheet to the end of the glue pattern (the sheet will overlap the fabric). View of Ovelap Seam of Dual Pro and Tole Pro All over-fabric and over-granule end-laps shallhavea 6-Inch wide,unfCorm la-y-e-r--o-f--P-oli-pfus-56-Vre,— ird�_ Wet/bry Cement or Polyglass PGSOO Modified Cement applied in between the application of the lap. Polystick TU Plus,Dual Pro and Tile Pro may not be used in any exposed application such as crickets,exposed valleys, or exposed roof to wail details .......... ... . ........ ............... 7, -"*--------------------- ------- ------------ NEMO ETC,LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R24 &Vdflrate OfAUthoiftfion#324SS EDITION(2017)FBC NON.HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R28 Polyglass Roof Underlayments;(954)233-1230 Revision 24:01/24/2018 Page 12 of 14 Page: 33 10/22/2019 06: 44 AM T0: 17724621578 FROM: 7722176820 Y IRNEMOjetc. Repair of Polystick membranes is to be accomplished by applying Polyplus 50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement or Polyglass PG500 Modified Cement to the area in need of repair, followed by a minimum 6 x 6 inch patch of the Polystick material of like kind, set and hand rolled in place over the repair area. Patch laps, if needed, shall-be installed in a water shedding manner. All Polystick membranes shall be installed to ensure full contact with approved substrates. Polyglass requires a minimum of 40-Ib weighted-roller or,on steep slopes,use of a stiff broom with approximately 404bs of load applied for the field membrane. Hand rollers are acceptable for rolling of patches,laps(min.28 ib roller)or small areas of the roof that are not accessible to a large roller or broom. 6.4.3 Tile ADolications that allowed for Polystick Dual Pro,!R Xe"Polystick MUX): Reference is made to FRSA/TRi April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein, using the instructions noted above as a guideline. For mechanically fastened tile roofing over 2-ply system,consisting of Base Sheet and self-adhering top sheet(s),Base Sheet fastening shall be not less than FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12),Table 1. For adhesive-set tile applications,refer to Section 5.6.4 herein. 6.4.4 Two(2)Ply Underiayment Systems: Polystick MTS or MTS PLUS followed by Polystick MTS,MTS PLUS,TU P,TU Plus,TU Max,Tile Pro,MU-X or Polyflex SAP is allowable for use under mechanically attached prepared roof systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top-layer material. This is not a requirement,but is allowable if a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. Polystick MTS or MTS PLUS followed by Polystick TU P,TU Plus,TU Max,Tile Pro or Polyflex SAP is allowable for use under foam-on tile systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top-layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowable if a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. 771 _:Elastoflex.G.;TU;ElestofLezo[Elastoflex-56 G FR :;.; ..r:. :.. .::...: 6.5.1 Elastoflex G TU,Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex S6 G FR shall be installed in compliance with current Polyglass published installation requirements. For use in tile applications: ✓ Elastoflex G TU is for use as an alternate to"Mineral Surface Roll Roofing"(ASTM D6380,Class M)in the"Single Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened file roof systems or the Hot Asphalt applied"Cap Sheet"in the"Two Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened or adhered tile roof systems. ✓ Elastoflex S6 G is for use as an alternate to"Mineral Surface Roll Roofing"(ASTM D6380,Class M)in the"Single Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) beneath mechanically fastened the roof systems or the Hot Asphalt applied"Cap Sheet"in the"Two Ply System"from FRSA/TR1 April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened or adhered the roof systems. ✓ Elastoflex S6 G FR is for use as an alternate to"Mineral Surface Roll Roofing"(ASTM D6380,Class M)In the"Single Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened tile roof systems or the Hot Asphalt applied"Cap Sheet"in the"Two Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened tile roof systems. 6.5.2 For hot-asphalt-applications,Elastoflex G TU,Elastoflex S6 G or Elastoflex S6 G FR shall be fully asphalt-applied to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Side laps shall be minimum 3-inch and end-laps minimum 64nch wide, off-set minimum 3 feet from course to course. Side and end laps shall be fully adhered in a complete mopping of hot asphalt with asphalt extending approximately 3/8-inch beyond the lap edge. 6:6 Polyflex;Gor:RolyflexGTR:. 6.6.1 Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR shall be installed in compliance with current Polyglass published installation requirements. For use in tile applications: ✓ Polyflex G is for use as an alternate to the Heat Applied"Cap Sheet"in the"Two Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened or adhered tile roof systems(Base Sheet Limited per S.6.3). ✓ Polyflex G FR is for use as an alternate to the Heat Applied "Cap Sheet"in the`Two Ply System"from FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)beneath mechanically fastened the roof systems(Base Sheet Limited per 5.6.3). NEMO ETC,U.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R24 Cerdncote of Authorization#32455 EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F1.5259-1128 Polyglass Roof Underlayments,(954)233-1230 Revislon 24:01124/2018 Page 13 of 14 Page: 34 10/22/2019 06:44 AM TO: 17724621578 FROM:7722176820 14: NrEmo etc. 6.6.2 Polyflex G or Polyflex G FR shall be fully torch-applied to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Side lap3 shall be minimum 3-inch and end-laps minimum 6-inch wide,off-set minimum 3 feet from course to course. Side and end laps shall be fully heat-welded and Inspected to ensure minimum 3/8-inch flow of modified compound beyond the lap edge. 6.7 Tile Staking: 6.7.1 Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. Refer to Table 2 herein,and Polyglass published requirements for tile staging. 6.7.2 Battens and/or Counter-battens,as required by the tile manufacturer and FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)must be used on=all roof slopes-greaterthan 7112: P"r"ecaufions--sfioald=6e taken-asriel3ded;boards,to to prevent the sliding and/or damage to the underlayment during the loading process. 6.7.3 Polyglassspecifies the minimum cure time after installation of self-adhering membranes and before loading of roofing tiles is forty-eight(48)hours. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C.61G20-3 QA requirements. The following plants have qualified products under their respective physical properties specifications. :Sadcification Products . .: Fernley,NV,Hazleton,PA&Winter Haven,FL ASTM D1970 Polystick MU-X Hazleton,PA M-D 13-0004 Elastoflex G TU ASTM D1970 Polystick IR-Xe Hazleton,PA&Winter Haven,FL ASTM D1970&FRSA/TRI April 2012 Polystick TU Plus ASTM D1970&FRSA/TRI April 2012 PalystickTU Max Tuscaloosa,AL ASTM D4601,Type 11 Polyglass G2 Base ASTM D226(physicals) Elastobase,Elastobase P ASTM D6509 Polyglass APP Base FRSA/TRI April 2012 Polystick MTS,Polystick MTS PLUS FRSA/TRI April 2012 Polystick TU P Winter Haven,FL FRSA/TRI April 2012 Polyflex SAP,Polyflex SA P FR ASTM D1970 Polystick Dual Pro ASTM D1970&FRSA/TRI April 2012 Polystick Tile Pro ASTM D6164 Elastoflex 56,Elastoflex S6 G FR ASTM D6222 Polyflex G,Polyflex G FR 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL,LLC—QUA9625;(314)578-3406;k.chancellor@us.ul.com -END OF EVALUATION REPORT- MEMO ETC,U.C. �v Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R24 Cer#jrcate of Authorkation#32455 6'"EDITION(2017)FOC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL5259-R28 Polyglass Roof Underlayments;(954)233-1230 Revision 24:01/24/2018 Page 14 of 14