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�Io L AGENDA REQUEST TO: Board of County Commissioners PRESENTED BY: JoAnn Riley, Property Acquisition Manager SUBMITTED BY: County Attorney 9.A.1. 2019-47145 Choose Section -COUNTY ATTORNEY DATE: 10/22/2019 *ACTION ITEM - ABANDONMENT SUBJECT: Resolution - Public Hearing to abandon a 10' Utility and Drainage Easement as shown on the plat of Lakewood Park - Unit 12A - 6506 Palomar Parkway - Parcel ID 1301-615-0137-000-4 BACKGROUND: Property Acquisition Division received a Petition for Abandonment from CSC Investments Property, LLC (CSC) to abandon a 10' Utility and Drainage Easement. In 1972 a duplex was built over the Utility and Drainage Easement. CSC and the Conran family have owned this property since June of 1977. In September of 2019 CSC had a contract to sell this property when it was discovered the Utility and Drainage Easement had not been abandoned. The plat dedicated the Utility and Drainage Easement to the public and pursuant to Florida Statute 336.10, St. Lucie County shall hold a public hearing and adopt a Resolution abandoning the Utility and Drainage Easement in order for CSC to convey clear title. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A FINANCIAL IMPACT: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Resolution 2019-217, authorize the Chair to sign the resolution, instruct staff to publish the final notice of abandonment and record the resolution and the proof of publications in the Linda Pendarvis From: JoAnn Riley Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 8:56 AM To: Linda Pendarvis Subject: SIGN FOR ABANDONMENT Attachments: Notice of public hearing_2.jpg; Notice of Public Hearing.jpg Hi Linda, Just curious, do we allow homemade signs? Jan has indicated it meets the size requirement, although it looks small to me. Thoughts? JoAnn From: Janet Licausi Sent: Monday, October 14, 2019 8:42 AM To: JoAnn Riley <rileyj@stlucieco.org> Subject: SIGN FOR ABANDONMENT Is this kind of a sign good enough. Never had a homemade one like this before. From: mike Conran <sfcontractor@vahoo.com> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2019 1:43 PM To: Janet Licausi <IicausiiC@stlucieco.ora> Subject: SIGN FOR ABANDONMENT SECURITY WARNING: This email originated from outside the County systems. Please show caution when clicking links or opening attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Questions, call Customer Service at 772-462-2146. Hi Janet, I placed the sign at 6506 Palomar pkwy. Please see the attached pictures. Thanks Michael Conran 772-361-3227 Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws- Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspectionexamination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error. please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. Please Note: Florida has very broad public records laws. Most written communications to or from County officials regarding County business are public records available to the public and media upon request. It is the policy of St. Lucie County that all County records shall be open for personal inspection, examination and / or copying. Your e-mail communications will be subject to public disclosure unless an exemption applies to the communication. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete all materials from all computers. CN CN CN CN CN CN Y RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RI RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 R -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 PALOMAR PKWY RM -5 RM -5 w RM -5 RM -5 w z J Y RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 RM -5 U RS -4 RS -4 RS -4 R PKWY 5.08 5108 5101 801 i 011 009 5009 • 51844. 65188 T96 • ER92 5015 90 • •5013 \ 011 5007 J� • 5005 5003 6P�\�01 • • •50 5103 0660760 605 I 06603 : 601 014 014 5014 G 013 05 013 w z • 3 011 007 •DUUO 1007 PALOMAR PKWY 6503 • •6503 6501 • •6001 014 014 -50iZ- • 012 010 5010 • 008 5 008 013 011 009 5009 007 007 O O o 1 2 5 i 18S° O '�. 20.58 v O ^ ^ FQ o O O 0 0 ? 17 O 612 �<c ° o .- 0 348 0 rn ° ° N 10� 72L o F 16 1 2 5 N O ^^ z 15opo �s ° 1 o FL0 171 ,� ,1y y 13 0 c 347 0 ° 0 P 10 o ' a S ^^ N p y 2 O ) v 1 2 5 ° A 14 o 6A y vs g s° y d 0 y 4 c 346 0 0 o y 8° 'A `5 d 15 ^� N 0 O 1 ^ 1 2 5 6 y 9 y N y ro 1 o to X20 °d C° 2s N 345 0 A Cb 7 4 p 1 2 5 � O y 11,^6 O O 2 O o 0 0 5 ^^ v 18 S °j ry vo o rn "° 00 6 Cb ^ 0 0 344 0 a O y 19 y O °' S �2 p ryry U) y , S S 9 ry ¢ 1 2 5 1 3 ry W o 4 ° y o ^ 5 v v rn y 20 , 0 o 343 0 y �S 21 4 63.7 157.79 m 1 25m rrlbm ^> �70y O r�P^' 9 ° �2 v ti 3 M 10 0 0 342 22 p 63.7 S 1 25 m ' 3 4 2 S 9 W1 2 5 _ 0 0 �2 �: 17 -A > N N T c S O O O m n 23 n a 1 Cbry d 13 12 N 11 N c 341 o 39.27 0 0 n 7 11 6.64aa 1 59.14 80.21 8 0 1 25 o 1 00 PALOMAR PKWY PARKWAY PALOMAR PKWY o 0 r 'O 1 0 0 3 0 v 123 v 1 2 3 d' 1 2 1 9 8v v v v v o 39.27 m 9 El 9rr r 9 r3406Q0 0 Q 1 2 53 0 3 123 w Z 14- 1 2 1 . 9 8- O O o m 10 7 0 10 0 g tO 7 v 10 339 m N N M J Y n r m 3 0- 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 0 9 1 2 1 . 9 8 1 3 1 1 3 14 Cl) 11 0 1 2 3 0 11 0 `" 6 N N 11 m m 0 �J 338 3 0 1 2 3 v 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1. 9 8 o 1 2 1 6 N 3 n 12 0 5 0 12 0 N 5 N 12o 0 aD 337 3 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1. 9 8 n 6 1 2 6 y' 13 0 0 4 0 13 0 0 4 0 13 2° 1'' e+ O 123 a 1 2 3 O a 9 n a 0 0 39.27 w a 3 0 8 no n 9 n s w c S 3 0 0 0 11 0 w 1 2 5 123 3 0 14c 1 12 0 18 0 O 1 j, 20.58 13 0 w N g 7 N w 339 m w 1 2 3 2 6 ^ ^ 1 2 3 S w s0 11 2 3 1 2 1 9 8 0o C9,p 0 6 14 o w 17 O 1 2 3 a 12 s Oho 0 N 3 o o 0 348 c N 338 o 0 o 2 S 1 2 1 9 8 O 12 N w 61 2 w 1 2 3 o! 1 2 3 m 0 a y l 1o, 0 0 0 4 w 1 2 3 O M 16 O 1 a0 ^^ �L 6 'S 0 4 0 1 2 5 w c 2OA 1'3 e y 11 'a ° o z o 15 ro y 1 � 0 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 a w o 171 J� 0 6 347 o m 10 1 ^1 M a o O ^O��P y �3 2 00 ^ 1 2 5 g� 1 y O a O 9 14 � O 0 O 1 6 '00 "O a 4 0 346 0 °' ° O 8 y 1 a 15 1 ^1 1 `� 1 N 0 1 2 5 6 L v 30 1 1 y 016 1 y g N 0 7 0 0 0 p y 7 ^10 1 "O a O 7 o o m 1 30 y O. `S 9 `',p N 345 0 1 p 1 9 7 a 4 y 6 y �, 0 1 2 5 1of7 L? o y ,y � ^ 6 O ° 2 O w 0 0 5 118 S Cb ti a p o o m v "0 90 6 (b 0 344 0 0 1 19 y ti S0 2S n ¢ y 0 90 `Lry 1 2 5 1 3 ti w o O 4 y o ^^ v 9 O rn a. y 20 O � O o O CO 0 p `' S 343 0 a ^ O O y o qb � 21 1 4 6 3. 7 1 5 7. 7 9 1 2 5 rr `h 3 O �<G5 ° 5P^" O ° 72 a w W O Y 22 3 M w s 10 0 0 342 0 w p ° p 12 O 63.7 6' 1 25 w 3 ro S 0 2 n _ W 125 ° o �2 lb17 -A > N N ° N S ° 13 23 o- 1 ° 12 N 11 " Q' 0 341 rya 39.27 0 0 �` 7 1 1 6. 6 4 o-o- 1 5 9 1 4 8 0. 2 1 8 0 1 2 5 o 1 0 0 PALOMAR PKWY PALOMAR PKWY O r w 3 0 123 a 1 2 3 v a 9 n a 0 0 39.27 w a 3 0 8 no n 9 n 10 O w c S 3 0 0 0 11 0 w 125 w 123 3 0 14c 1 2 1 . 9 8- 12 0 w w 0 3 0 0 10 13 0 123 a 1 2 3 123 1 0 0 v a 0 39.27 w a 8 no n 9 n 9 n c S 0 0 123 125 w 123 14c 1 2 1 . 9 8- O w 0 7 0 10 0 w N g 7 N w 339 m w 1 2 3 n 1 2 3 S w 11 2 3 1 2 1 9 8 0 11 0 6 14 o w w N 6 N 1 2 3 a 1 2 3 N 3 w „ W N 338 o 0 0 1 2 1 9 8 5 12 w 61 2 w 1 2 3 1 2 3 12 a 1 2 6 w w 0 0 0 4 w 1 2 3 13 M 0 a 1 2 3 v 1 2 1. 9 8a 1 0 0 v a 0 39.27 w w r 8 n 9 n °' 340 w 6-. S 0 0 o Q 125 w w 14c 1 2 1 . 9 8- O w z o m w g 7 < 10 ` 339 m Y n n S w 1 0 9 1 2 1 9 8 1 3 14 (/) N 6 N N 11 Q w „ W N 338 o 1 2 3 1 2 1 9 8 61 2 5 N 12 a w w 0 337 -` 1 2 3 1 2 1 9 8 6 'S 0 4 0 13 c 2OA 1'3 6 19 ° o 2 6 6 18 ° O 2 6 s 17 ° o 6 O o y 16 0 6 y 171 y P,� 71? 4z, 0 � O ro l O 349 0 ° 3 ° 0 1 2 5 20.58 v .-, c 13 O S o 0 0 12 348 U o N 1 2 5 w 7 O o a O Ao 0 o ww 13 0 0 347 o a � � M � � N p a 1 2 5 ,. 14 a y 7 ° ^ y l b a 0 39.27 V rn 1 o 8 r O 9 n 0 0 �p y ^ "0 "� 0 O ? N S 123 o 345 O 1 3 1 7 3 O 7 O ob 10 ^. � N v 7 338 w o 4 N 151.2 > W y 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 337 1 2 3 1 2 5 11 0 6 d rro 0 O O D 1 2 3 v 1 2 3 N 5 0 0 5 12 "p AO 6 °j 1 2 3 0 344 0 �O y 19 h O 6 �2 O ryry H y •- y J 9 d S O ti¢ 1 2 5 � 3 ti w y p ^ 9 5 p O y 20 7 00 0 ` '�6 0 O 2S, 343 0 Oro y 7321 ` ^ 4 o 63.7 157.79 w 1 2 5 ry ° ��9 yQy o � 2 v O O 0 S 3 m s 10 0 0 342 0 22 0 �2 6 ro O O O 63.7 1 25 O S 2 0 r W 125 v 17 -A / N N � O N ^ s Cb 13 12 11 `" °' 341 M a 1 N o o ry Q 39.27 ro 0 ^ 7 1 1 6 6 4 as 1 5 9 1 4 8 0 2 1 8 0 1 2 5 0 'O 1 0 0 PALOMAF PALOMAR PKWY o n 123 1 0 0 123 a 0 39.27 n 8 r 9 n 0 0 O 0 123 m 339 123 1 3 1 7 3 O 7 O 10 O � N W 338 w o N 151.2 > W y 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 337 1 2 3 0 11 0 6 0 m m 1 2 3 v 1 2 3 N 3 0 0 5 12 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 39.27 rn 340 6 Q 1 2 5 m O O m 339 1 3 1 7 3 U) Q � W 338 w o 151.2 > Y 0 337 n O O 9> Property Card https://www.paslc.org/RECard/#/propCard/3778 g( bil''641" ' Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reserved. &o JV ry Property Identification Site Address: 6506 PALOMAR PKWY Sec/Town/Range: 13/34S/39E Map ID: 13/13N Zoning: RM -5 PSL Ownership CSC Invcshnama Property LLC (TR) 1001 SE Monterey RD Smart, FL 34994 Legal Description LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 12-A- BLK 173-A W 16.50 FT OF S 158.47 FT OF LOT 12 AND E 63.71 FT OF LOT 13(MAP 13JI3N) (OR 3639-2559) Current Values Just/Market Value: $110,000 Assessed Value: $66,602 Exemptions: s0 Taxable Value: $66,602 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection offuture taxes. • The sale ofa property will prompt the removal ofa11 exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collectots Office 'd Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF'.J Parcel ID: 1301-615-0137-0004 Account #: 3778 Use Type: 0800 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Total Areas Finished/Under Air (SF): 2,400 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 2,400 Land Size (acres): 0.29 Land Size (SF); 12,678 I of 2 Sketch Area Legend 9/11/2019, 1:59 PM Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code May 30, 2014 3639/2559 0205 WD Conran David $75,300 • Apr 15, 2008 2972/ 1679 )X03 QC Conran (TR) Rem Pearl $100 Sep 28, 2005 2377/0455 XX01 WD Conran Rem Pearl $100 fat 1, 1977 0271/1795 Xxot CV $0 Jun I, 1977 0270/0808 XX00 CV $32,500 Dec 1, 1972 0209/2075 X)00 CV $28,400 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area: 2,400 SF Gross Sketched Area: 2,400 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Dim Shingle Roof Structure: Gable Building Type: MFH Year Built: 1972 _� Frame' Grade: MFFQ Effective Year: 1972 Primary Wall' CB Stucco Story Height: I Story No. Units: 2 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 Electric: MAXIMUM Primary Int Wall: Full Baths:2 Heat Type: FrcdHotAlr Avg Hgt/Floor: 0 Half Baths:0 Heat Fuel: ELEC Primary Floors: A TUCON A/C %:100% Heated %;l00% Sprinkled %:N/A% I of 2 Sketch Area Legend 9/11/2019, 1:59 PM Property Card Type Current Values Breakdown Building: $94,400 Land: $15,600 Just/Market: $110,000 Ag Credit: $0 Save Our Homes or $43,398 10% Cap: Assessed: $66,602 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $66,602 https://www.pastc.org/RECard/#/propCard/3778 Special Features and Yard Items Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Tax Grant Code Description Amount Year Year Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Stan Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 24 County Solid Waste $552.28 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assessements that could be charged against this property. The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current tax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collectors Office ,.4.. Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2019 $110,000 $66,602 $0 $66,602 2018 $90,800 $60,548 $0 $60,548 2017 $62,900 $55,044 $0 $55,044 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C 1704-0227 Apr 11, 2017 Window $0 $0 replacement C 1704-0277 Apr 13,2017 Air Conditioning $0 $0 Only CI704-0278 Apr 13, 2017 Air Conditioning $0 $0 Only C 1712-0004 Dec 1, 2017 Chandiak Fence $0 $o Notice: This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ® Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. 2of2 9/11/2019, 1:59 PM FILE 8 3962855 OR BOOK 3639 PAGE 2559, Recorded 06/09/2014 at 12:44 PM Doc Tax: $527,10 Prepared by and return to: William D. Anderson, Jr. Attorney at Law WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, JR., P.A. 2897 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart, FL 34996 772-283-2411 File Number: 14-054 Will Call No.: I Parcel Identification No. Atu ve TLis Line Cor Rccording Warranty Deed (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.03, F.S.) This Indenture made this 30th day of May, 2014 between DAVID G. CONRAN, a married man whose post office address is PO BOX 650276, Vero Beach, FL 32965 of the County of Indian River, State of Florida, grantor`, and CSC INVESTMENTS PROPERTY, LLC, as Trustee of Lan lTrust Agreement #1, u/d/o 5-30-14 whose post office address is 2897 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 of the Counry of Martin, State of Florida, grantee-, Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Saint Lucie County, Florida, to -wit: SEE EXHIBIT A This is not the homestead property of the Grantor as he resides at 221 6th Court SW Vero Beach, FL 32962 and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. • "Grantor" and 'Grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: State of Florida County of Martin -` (Seal) DAVID G. CONRAN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 301h day of May, 2014 by DAVID G. CONRAN, who U is personally known or [XI has produced a driver's license as identification. [Notary Seal] N lary Public— - - Printed Name: L_x� n rs, �P'r't'r'+`ty,} dl1a.WMLLYtM uvcOAaaS510NrEEossFse My Commission Expires: F am EXRRES. Jem:ary a a. 2015 ,g: ;ara rku naarrsar� una„r,as EXHIBIT "A" 1. Lot 5 and the South 2 feet of Lot 6, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0114-000/7 2. Lot 4, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615.0113-000/0 3. Lot 14, Block 174, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0151-000/8 4. Lot 4, Block 172, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0087-000/8 S. Lot 11, Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0135-000/0 6. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to a point of beginning, thence continue Easterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point, thence run Westerly a distance of 80.21 fee to the point of intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a park of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-000/4 7. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said lot A distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of lot 13, a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of Intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southwesterly a distance of 224.83 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-100/5 Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 12; Thence run North along the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; thence run Northwesterly 136.61 feet to a point at the intersection of Lots 4, 5, 10 and 12; thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 63.44 feet to a point; thence run Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 16.50 feet to a point; thence run southerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 12, a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 12; thence run Easterly along the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 80.00 feet to the point of beginning. All the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35. 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0136-000/7 FILE it 3962855 OR BOOK 3639 PAGE 2559, Recorded 06/09/2014 at 12:44 PM Doc Tax: $527,10 Prepared by and return lo: William D. Anderson, Jr. Attorney at Law WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, JR., P.A. 2897 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart, FL 34996 772-283.2411 File Number: 14-054 Will Call No.: 11 Parcel Identification No. I his Line Por Receudine Warranty Deed (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689 02, F.S.) This Indenture made this 30111 day of May, 2014 between DAVID G. CONRAN, a married man whose post office address is PO BOX 650276, Vero Beach, FL 32965 of the County of Indian River, State of Florida, grantor*, and CSC INVESTMENTS PROPERTY, LLC, as Trustee of LandTrust Agreement #1, u/d/o 5-30-14 whose post office address is 2897 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 of the County of Martin, State of Florida, grantee*, Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Saint Lucie County, Florida, to -wit: SEE EXHIBIT A This is not the homestead properly of the Grantor as he resides at 221 6th Court SW Vero Beach, FL 32962 and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. "Grantor" and °Gramce" arc used for singular or plural, aa context requires In Witness Where0i grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: State of Florida County of Martin (Seal) DAVID G. CONRAN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30th day of May, 2014 by DAVID G. CONRAN, who [J is personally known or [X] has produced a driver's license as identificatio n . [Notary Seal] N tary Public Printed Name: tm (_ `A.an r- Eai�a5uisMy Commission Expires: .2015lnarwnaq EXHIBIT "A" 1. Lot Sand the South 2 feet of Lot 6, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel id: 1301-615-0114-000/7 2. Lot 4, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0113-000/0 3. Lot 14, Block 174, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-61S-0151-000/8 4. Lot 4, Block 172, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0087-000/8 S. Lot 11, Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0135-000/0 6. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to a point of beginning, thence continue Easterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point, thence run Westerly a distance of 80.21 fee to the point of intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a park of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-000/4 7. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said lot A distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of lot 13, a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southwesterly a distance of 224.83 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-100/5 Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 12; Thence run North along the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; thence run Northwesterly 136.61 feet to a point at the intersection of Lots 4, S. 10 and 12; thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 63.44 feet to a point; thence run Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 16.50 feet to a point; thence run southerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 12, a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of lot 12; thence run Easterly along the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 80.00 feet to the point of beginning. All the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0136-000/7 FILE # 3206367 OR BOOK 2972 PAGE 1679, Recorded 05/13/2008 at 12:37 PM Doc Tax: $0.70 This instrument prepared by: WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, JR. ESQ. 48 BE Osceola Street P.O. BOX 288 STUART, PL 34994 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT CLAIM DEED, executed this / J , day of April, 2008, by DAVID G. CONRAN and WILLIAM V. CONRAN, as Successor Co -Trustees of The RETA P. CONRAN TRUST, U.T.D. September 28, 2005 as GRANTOR* to DAVID G. CONRAN, whose mailing address is p. o. Box 650276, Vero Beach, Florida GRANTEE* WITNESSETH: that the said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 (Ten Dollars) in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and Quit -Claim unto said Grantee forever, all the right, title interest, claims and demands which said Grantor has in and to the following described lot, piece of land, situate, lying and being in the County of St. Lucie, State of Florida, to -wit: Lot 14, Block 174, LAKEWOOD PARK, UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel I.D. No.# 1301-615-0151-000-8 Lot 23, Block 44, LAKEWOOD PARR, UNIT FIVE, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 5, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel I.D. No.#1301-605-0120-000-1 SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED THIS DEED HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF TITLE EXAMINATION. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behalf of the said Grantee forever. GRANTOR and GRANTEE are used for singular or plural, as context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year above written. WITNESSES: ,,,1///�J ///�� O VI (SEAL) DAVID G. CONRAN, Co -Trustee �IC V (SEAL) WILLIAM V. CONRAN, Co -Trustee ro a Q bN �9Q 'Oa6 � A HN4.4-119p a D oO N n �j'j Y+bw ,x'y;j o GG p to,y y`� �bwroRl�b�s yypapa WYgbngO w qqb PNy1H �b� a w nYyp� W Vb�cpb. 'P '��j y�f .�7 YYO �y"�tNn N y Hb.� bH y wO bOn R In �MY W M�y�b'OV�H� Y #7 #: Print Name of Witness #2 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared DAVID G. CONRAN to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same, and who„i.s personally known or produced identification Type of identification 'Dr;wert 1:ctN3.. WITNESS myand and seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ay of April, 2008. tart' ublic y commission expires: STATE OF NEVADA COUNTY OF W ASW L LYNN �Y PWA • Mw a row, Ma..rrn twwrn M. 2Ni 43 c...Nr" I Do Luno I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared WILLIAM V. CONRAN to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same, andw�bo is personally known or produced identification Type of identification 1444-AP161r PA"44. WITNESS my hand and seal in the County and State last aforesaid this / day of April, 2008. BTAT OF ESL q No y PUb is A T No - My commission expires: 06 -01 -;0-? FOWY�vaY. iR63i NEo FILE N 2718529 OR HOOK 2377 PAGE 455, Recorded 09/29/2005 at 03:05 PM Doc Tax: $0.70 THIS WARRANTY DEED, Executed this 2-9 day of A.D. 2005 by RSTA PEARL CONRAN, a widow, Grantor(a); to: QRST P. CONRAN, Trustee, therein, to THE RSTA P. CONRAN TRUST, U. T. D. day c 2005, whose stoffice address is 7105 KfiNWOOD 2Yt Po ROAD, Ff. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34.951 referred to as GRANTHe. The Trustee (s) shall have the power and authority under the Trust to protect, conserve and to sell or convey, or to lease, or to encumber, or otherwise to manage and dispose of the real property described in the deed. A duly appointed Successor Trustee, shall have the same aforementioned powers. WITNESSETH, That the said Grantor(a), for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 in hand paid by the said Grantee(s), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to said GRANTEE and GRANTEE's Successors, and assigns forever the following described land situate in St. Lucie County, State of Florida, to wit: COMMERCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 13, THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 159.35 PEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE CONTINUE EASTERLY ALONG THE SAID SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 12 AND 13 A DISTANCE OF 80.00 FEST TO A POINT, THENCE RUN NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT I3 A DISTANCE OF 158.47 FEST TO A POINT, THENCE RUN WESTERLY A DISTANCE OF 80.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF LOTS 3, 4, AND 13, THENCE RUN SOUTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 13 A DISTANCE OF 158.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LYING IN AND BEING A PART OF BLOCK 173-A, UNIT 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT THM=F ON FILE IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 35, 36, AND 37, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. TITLE TO THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY HAS BEEN NEITHER EXAMINED NOR APPROVED BY EDWARD J. KENNEDY, ATTORNEY (This is a deed of convenience given for nominal consideration as recited above; only minimum documentary stamps are required.) This conveyance is subject to restrictions, reservations, limitations, and easements of record, taxes for the current year and subsequent years, and all mortgages of record which the Grantee(s) herein assume and agree to pay. In Witness Whereof, The said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and ye,#r first above written — , --� � def �- �✓�-r✓+ei�ul RETA PEARL CONRAN f`/o,en,e. 4'� R bTA]8 aP Pf.ORII11 I [DOIPIY OF g.�ttiJ 1 I money for said to the[ m Chle day, batore er an oft icer duly aaCMriaed Wthe State of CO AN LI the CpmGy aforesaid to take acknomledgeram[a, peraonaZly Appeared to en ) RSTA PEARL tl Ne Person e Co ea odyn to be the Peree Int they ited to and On , a and ft tie tare9an n lvetruaenG aM he/nnshe/Noy acknovledgM before me that he/she/nal n tic oetl the same, am Ma tlld take an oath. 2 day of JPr� n,Zyl A O TR2005. ry hood and official seal in Na County aotl SCa t atoreeald this !! AVTARY POBfd{� Return to: GTAWIHa4 Mase address alyeare ahmm. Prepared by: Pdan, d J. Kennedy, Attorney EOWAKD� KENNEDY 1900 S Rarbor City alvd., Ste. 342 A1eDaarne, Fl 92901 NOTARYCOMMISSION NO. D FLORiDA COMMIgION NO. DD169061 MYCOMM65ION EXP OEC 4300A wn<,aua ars RAMCO FORM a j7 6 US W -Um Pttd, Eaeculed this Z! day of July , A. D. 19 77 , by HAROLD CONRAN and RETA PEARL CONRAN, hie wife lint party. to HAROLD CONRAN and RETA PEARL CONRAN, his wife whose posfoffin address is Florida State Hospital, Chattahoochee, Florida 32324 second party: 3 J 4%hereer toed 4.4a the tax i' W ".er` i ni • ,Ya isel.d, nae. sae Masi. M:,4 LN ]�/{_ :=u, dru a reaauo.l ar M u6..bub, roe x ,aa W zits, J ruPn+R .anmr Or UltRtUttlle That Ilte said first party. for and in consideration of the sum of S 10.00 In hand paid by the said second party. The receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby mmise• re - "a and quit-clalm units the said second party fastener. all the right, fill@, interest, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described los, piece tsr parcel of land. situate. lying and being In the County of St. Lucie Slate of Florida , to -wit: IICommence at the Southwest comer of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue Easterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point, thence run Westerly a distance of 80.21 feet to the point of intersection of Lots 39 4 and 13, thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the Point of Beginning. A11 of the above described lying and being a part of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARR SUBDIVISION, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, pages 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. T,�TE of FLU[iiC, STAMP 7hl-1 I_U"t:MENTARY_ :. __yJ 00.301 _ 'Rro111 �i D01CUMENTHP,'f _ eLENK 0, 1I o99Ay :ai ` T y vaso xr-: F'.ONIOA, p„Y, 1 ' ��Ju121 12 17 PN 1 j utt,nlea�. IL 00.5 I- 373266 To Elaut and to Mold the same together with al( and singular the apPtnlenorwea Ihercunlo belonging or in anywise appertaining• and all the estate. right. Title, interest, lien, equity and claim •::hal- raacrr of the saIJ lint party either in law or equity, to the only proper use. benefit and behoof of the sufd second party forever. In 19ltntz bfwreofr The said if,,, party has signed and sealed fhese presents the doy and year lint above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: .._.. _�_...�y�- .�........_.................... .... _-....... ....._. ....._W!! _....__..._.. SFS1nAEJl -HAROLD im BETA PEARL CONRAN STATEOFF A, COUNTY OF Gaitedea 1 HEREBY CERTIFY Nat on this day, before me, a. officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowkdSmenu, perwnally appeared HAROLD CONRAN and RETA PEARL CONRAN, his wife to mr known to be the perwn8 dererled in and who @second the 'fnrsoinr inn tarent and who acknowkdSed before me that they es«nled the same. WITNESS my hand and official sot in he County and Sum Int aforesaid thu-� day o/ July .:."i Daazy.. ................. A ....... NO PUBL C _ ri'_-a. HY COHNISSION EXPIRES: 'P, •. .vi?el P"IC MATE 1i- IT4 iDA AT -N��IJJ' y� r MY CAMMIS:ICN [Yf1650C1. ]41:9k 771u/IWrurMl! raar.h : _S@9NDfDTNQUGEN(IV.IIrlS'Jralt_EUNU,rN¢NEiS P�, Addict.; o BD�12711 f1795 q 1 ;TATE or• F ORIUAI JMEt�,AR_Y/..�,' IAMP TAX :.i etytsuE. 1 beH tl ft,-- ,,���1JJp, --87.501 1S ?,&rrM* &td Mad. Ike 20th JOSEPH N. LINTERS and ANN WINTERS. his healnatler Saud de orantw. to HAROLD CONRAN St -38,867 370533 a•mco.oam ae der of June A. D. I9 77 by 0 wife °suRinz FLORI A Al w aIarn Baa I= 14. whoa pwloflta ad&m is Florida State Hospital, Chattahoochee, Florida 32324 hwwnollw called Ile "'anise:.,,1,, y���',r IM Mme..: W p.:.:'r .,,i....'... ,diad , W : F:.,IwI WWItSWdL That the ¢anew. far and In cnngdenttan of Ike seas o) f 10.00 and olhw oahtahl.canadwwloau. recwW o.Aeaot to Ae."6t, a Ainou.lydord. hereby Oran". bemobw. &A. allies. a- ae4e". ',leas.., convey, and Malmms unto IA" D"ent"e. all that Mdale knd allow. In St. Lucia Comfy. Florida Ws: Coaliaeace at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue Easterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a point, thence ram Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a dista of 158.47 feet to a point, thence rw Westerly a distance of 80.21 feet to the point of intersection of Lots 30 4 and 130 thence run Southerly parallel to the - East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the Point of Beginning. All of the above described lying and being a part of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, pages 35, 36 and 3 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Subject to a mortgage in the mount of $21,600.00 given by Kenneth R. Drew and Evelyn L. Drew, his wife, to First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fort Pierce (Loan ilOO18906) dated October 9, 19720 filed October 11, 1972, in O. R. Book 207, page 415, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, which mortgage the grantee herein agrees to eseuce and pay. 1ootdw Wilk A tM Iwueunb. hwadllamanu and appurtenance, tAerwo belanoW o, In any- wme appertaining. 10 %vt Rllll W 71V111, Ile "ams in tee dupl. lessor'. 7{114 -the wanlor "yraeeneet, awlh wd tenet" that 1A" wanes k Imel"UY awned of sold land in 1" simple: Ike, the wanton hell gleed ,tell and lawlol aw&adly to aU and coneet,aw Asa, Ike laWtj "•clwwu of ikel 16 anl.a6y fitly uwrants the Iit4 "a Io id load and a,,U defend the camw e a4u A per ans w6msatow: and 16a/ gold lard Is fa" of A ,r,nvn6rarwea. "weep" muga aeeroingl gubsp:uw to Decembw 31. 1976. SUBJECT TO: 1. Restrictions, reservations, limitations and easements of record, if any; this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the ease. 2. Zoning ordinances affecting said property. 7n ?Abm *%res. STATE O?f FJ -0n. 017 COUNTY OF a/t OWRA sold eantor has "land and amw IIFas pagans the day and year I NERLBY CERTIFY dM an " day, Wase eve, en dyes, duh ..'buval in d- Sum efarru;d gad u dm C'my "IorenW m a'k ,clrowkdrmrnu, pnawlly spewed v JOSEPH H. WINTERS and ANN WINTERS, hia,rifa* u nr \news m M abs p,naes &.iInd is sed ala eewew!d sat farraaina inn eot end who &ckkdq0JW0xs tluhehaw WITNESS my Fad sad elef40'"Ir C'*" sad i Sum Ica sfmr eiA fhi Q a. ate. __ .i_ ` aI Notary 7ba Ineremret ptrp , AM" It AsAll ET IYCR COBRit Fig ROGER FOITRsS ^!FRF. CwCUIy COUR• +•F'slfC Ju6 28 3 ay PM 177 3'70533 r e�a W.RRANIV DECO This Htarranty Decd ?br.h. flo. k� 245028 ...to rOPN al 29th dn1 of December :1. 1) 1972 Ly KENNETH R. DR -)I AND EVELYN L. DR -M, HIS WIFE L.•.eiml(Lr I nIl"I the Irmdor. to JOSEPH M. WINTERS AND ANN WINTERS. HIS WIFE who.•• tro.wlp. I. mld.e.. i, 320 Northeast 1st Street --Hallandale, Florida 3- huu..olk.r .aIL•,1 tLr !gnat" rri.,. Yu rh. �n•,lu s•a Nh.re..r •aJ I..rrvn iFr .r•.1 ar.o• WnJ ....x • .�r.•µ r•... rM Mx. 1•t.l r.Vrru..r.r•.r +...1 ax..ra.. ..1 rnJ..•durl x .rW rM ... r. x. H♦itnesseth: lhnl dm ❑aurins, for w.J in .nnsid... iioa of Thr At. of F 10.00 and Other •nlOabl,. wsidvralim.s. rete!", u-I....•.f It hrrvin• ar4.wn•11•11O.0 Lerehy nrm,f:. haemins. sells. aliens. re .fliers. rehvrses, oanrrys mrd ..nlilms nnfa Ike grantee. all Ilml rrrlain land situnle to St. Lucie (...... ty. Florida. e.-. Io>Saence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line )f said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to the Point of Beginning, thence continue iasterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a )Dint, thence nn. Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point, thence run Westerly a distance of 80.21 feet to the point of inter- section of Lots 3, 4, and 13, thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot L3 a distance of 158.47 feet to the Point of Beginning. All of the above described Lying and being a part of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, pages 35, 369 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJ=, TO RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASE6fEs'TTS, AND COVENANTS OF RECORD. Together will, all the tenements. heredilamenb and appudenanres Iherelo helonging or to any- u•iv ry,PrrtaioinB. To Have and to Hold, the ram, in fee simple farerrr, a . find fire Otranto, hereby aooenanls with said 9anloe Iha1 the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: 161 the grantor has good right and lawful aalhorily to sell and ronoey said land: that the ,Ando, herehy (idly wasmnts the title to said Lind and will defend the some against the lawful claims .1 all Persons u•honnorrer: and that said land is free of all earumbronces. except Iaxes aCllomg su6se9nenl to December \t. 10 71. %� = FRIDA 'TATE ofLTnxSTAMP l •.t. ntJ1- y.o` �RNENUEt_95.20� In UitneSS Hlhereof, The said grantor has signed gad sealed These n,,enls life day and year first above avitter.. senlvd and drlirryWl to oar presence: r wiff SFIOw IOF ,ICO.aF,i Wt r S11TF.�61' Florida Cor]TY nF ST. LUCiE 1 IIEREBI' I'. ERT11\' Ihn r. ,hi. r6s. Miro- no an �.ILrn "u"h ul M1rmrd I ,hr til+m +1, re.+rl n.nJ in ,hr ,'. r.unl. +Ir.a+iA Ir In4v +hnrwlydenu.rlly, yrnrn.ill. .gq•..r.d Kenneth R. Drew and —vel,,m L. Drew, his wife III ,m rlih•p m 1. Ih, prn.•n S III ` III- d In +ml .Ir .u.u,..l Ih, la•y.•ms', �Qym +rd they .•I .... .Irderd Miro- mr '"they .t n•d fur Bylaw p. N'TL4ESS mr h+nA and rfl 1 vsl m Thr Cr.ms nd _ = ys,.9,, nB tr.r.+le Inn 29th 72. t f "Dtg��a A• 14 ' ...:. 1 If htr co: missiona,Yil�h""' )hit lNgnmawl pnpand br San C. Gay, Vice President '::tie security Company of Fort Pierce -IJ.bn'• 321 South Sectnd Street F,.r, Pierre, Florida _345•' 245028 FTLEO AVD RECOROEa T. LUCIE COUNTY EIA. ROCEP POITAAS CIERP. E:'I UO COURT PSCORP YFb•1170 Jug 5 2 39 FM "13 11 11 209 F*A015 Property Card https://www.paslc.org/RECard/#/propCard/3777 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser-- All rights reserved. L au/cr- l9%?— Site Address: 6504 PALOMAR PKWY Sec/Town/Range: 13/34S/39E Map ID: 13/13N Zoning: RM -5 PSL Ownership CSC Investments Property LLC (TR) 1001 SE Monterey RD Stuart, FL 34994 Property Identification Parcel ID: 1301-615-0136-000-7 Account #: 3777 Use Type: 0800 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Legal Description LAKEWOOD PARK -UNIT 12-A-BLK 173-A LOT 12 -LESS W 16.50 FT OF S 158.47 FT- (MAP 13/13N) (OR 3639-2559) Current Values Just/Market Value: 5110,200 Assessed Value: %66,844 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $66,844 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection of future taxes. • The sale of s property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF [4j Total Areas Finished/Under Air (SF): Gross Sketched Area (SF): Land Size (acres): Land Size (SF): 2,401 2,400 0.26 11,339 Price 875,300 835,000 850,000 828,400 Gross Sketched Area: 2,400 SF Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor View: Roof Cover: Fibrglss Shg Code May 30, 2014 3639/2559 0205 WD Conan David Aug 4, 1999 1242/0714 XX01 WD Webb lack Jan 1, 1984 0422/ 1312 XX00 CV Sep 1, 1972 0206J 1410 XX00 CV Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Area: 2,400 SF 2,401 2,400 0.26 11,339 Price 875,300 835,000 850,000 828,400 Primary Int Wall: Avg HgVFloor: 0 Primary Floors: Carpet Sprinkled %:0% Sketch Area Legend I of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM Gross Sketched Area: 2,400 SF Bedrooms: 0 Electric: MAXIMUM Exterior Data Heat Type: FrcdHotAir View: Roof Cover: Fibrglss Shg Roof Structure: Gable Building Type: MFH --Year Bum ilt 19772—^ Frame: Grade: MFFQ Effective Year: 1972 Primary Wall: CB Stucco Story Height: 1 Story No. Units: 2 Secondary Wall: Primary Int Wall: Avg HgVFloor: 0 Primary Floors: Carpet Sprinkled %:0% Sketch Area Legend I of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM Interior Data Bedrooms: 0 Electric: MAXIMUM Full Baths:2 Heat Type: FrcdHotAir Half Baths: 0 Heat Fuel: ELEC A/C %: 100% Heated %: 100/ Primary Int Wall: Avg HgVFloor: 0 Primary Floors: Carpet Sprinkled %:0% Sketch Area Legend I of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM Property Card Sub Area Description Area Fin. Area Perimetehttps://www.pasle.org/PECard/#/propCard/3777 BAS BASE AREA 2400 2400 200 Special Features and Yard Items Type Qty Units YearBlt Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable Current Year Values Current Values Breakdown Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown 2017 $63,200 $55,244 $0 $55,244 Code Description Amount Building: $95,300 Year Yeart Land: $14,900 C1707-0474 Jul 24, 2017 Window $0 JusUMarket $110,200 Ag Credit $0 replacement Save Our Homes or $43,356 $0 10% Cap: C 1708-0339 Aug 17, 2017 Air Conditioning $0 Assessed: 566,844 Exemption(s): $0 Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie Cowry Taxable: $66,844 any warranty. ® Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2109 24 County Solid Waste $552.28 This does not necessarily represent the total Special Assemcments that could be charged against his property. The total amount charged for special assessments is reflected on the most current lax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Colleam's Office ;� . Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2019 $110,200 $66,844 $0 S66,844 2018 $91,000 $60,768 so $60,768 2017 $63,200 $55,244 $0 $55,244 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee C 1712-0006 Dec 1, 2017 Chorlink Fence $0 $0 C1707-0474 Jul 24, 2017 Window $0 s0 replacement C1707-0475 Jul 24, 2017 Window $0 $0 replacement C 1708-0338 Aug 17, 2017 Air Conditioning $0 $0 Only C 1708-0339 Aug 17, 2017 Air Conditioning $0 $0 Only Notice: This does not necessarily represent all the permits for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie Cowry All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ® Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. 2 of 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM FILE If 3962855 OR BOOK 3639 PAGE 2559, Recorded 06/09/2014 at 12:44 PM DOC Tax: $527.10 Prepared by and return to: William D. Anderson, Jr. Attorney at Law WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, JR., P.A. 2897 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart, FL 34996 772-283-2411 File Number: 14-054 Will Call No.: 11 Parcel Identification No. _ fSpacv Ahove I his Line For Recording Doral,. Warranty Deed (STATUTORY FORM • SECTION 689 02, F.S.) This Indenture made this 30th day of May, 1014 between DAVID G. CONRAN, a married man whose post office address is PO BOX 650276, Vero Beach, FL 32%5 of the County of Indian River, State of Florida, grantor', and CSC INVESTMENTS PROPERTY, LLC, as Trustee of LandTrust Agreement Nl, u/d/o 5-30-14 whose post office address is 2897 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 of the County of Martin, State of Florida, grantee•, Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Saint Lucie County, Florida, to -wit. SEE EXHIBIT A This is not the homestead property of the Grantor as he resides at 221 6th Court SW Vero Beach, FL 32962 and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the tide to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. "Grenmr" and %r ntee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day, and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: State of Florida County of Martin (Seal) DAVID O. CONRAN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30th day of May, 2014 by DAVID G. CONRAN, who [J is personally known or [X] has produced a driver's license as identification. (Notary Seal)�- N ary Public Printed Name: Eva + JOIODMILYNN:- t MMY X a&gl1.1 FEasu5'1 My Commission Expires: : EXPIRESJen;ary24. 1615emcee rnnxa.rrwit u,aeuanKs EXHIBIT "'Ay' 1. Lot 5 and the South 2 feet of Lot 6, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0114-000/7 2. Lot 4, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615.0113-000/0 3. Lot 14, Block 174, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded m Plat Book 31, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0151-000/8 4. Lot 4, Block 172, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0087-000/8 S. Lot 11, Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0135-000/0 6. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to a point of beginning, thence continue Easterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point, thence run Westerly a distance of 80.21 fee to the point of intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a park of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-000/4 7. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said lot A distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of lot 13, a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of Intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southwesterly a distance of 224.83 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-100/5 Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 12; Thence run North along the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; thence run Northwesterly 136.61 feet to a point at the intersection of Lots 4, 5, 10 and 12; thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 63.44 feet to a point; thence run Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 16.50 feet to a point; thence run southerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 12, a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 12; thence run Easterly along the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 80.00 feet to the point of beginning. All the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0136-000/7 JoAnne Holman, Clerk of the Circuit Court - St. Lucie County Flle'Numher:17 41 587 OR BOOK 1242 PAGE 0714 Recorded; OB -09-99 10:53 A.M. S Doc Assump: $ 0.00 t Doc Tax : E 245.00 g Int Tax : $ 0.00 rwmi m Ra.Lu: 1301-615-0136-000/7 ckaate 81 TIN: Warranty Dee Ilia indenture, Made fb)s day of August, 1999 A.D.. Between JACK L. WEBB, a mar ied man of the Covey of Saint Lucie I stta Florida ,grantor, ad DAVID CONRAN, a single man, and BETA P. CONRAN, a single woman as joint tenants with right of survivorship., ".e.dduvi.:P. 0. Box 3487, Fort Pierce, Florida 34948 or a.C...q.1 Saint Lucie , Skk.f Florida , grantee. W ltneseeth d.1dot GRANTOR, fo, .d W wa*i*.ti...f de mmof — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - - - - - - - - - TEN S N01100($10.00) - - - - - - - - - - OOf1ARs. W ode, good .ed r.lrbk avvid.,.eo. to GRANTOR u hd paid by GRANTEE, de ,e.eipe rbaeof t bneby Kkaorkdtd, ba C"kd, bugaised W .old ,o dt aid GRANTEE ud GRANTEE'S beim .d anis. Emu. dK f.aovl.g d.,6b.d ked, nmt, lyiay.dban'iade C...g9f Saint Lucie sachet Florida,.vle: Commence at the Southeast corner of LOT 12; thence run North along the East line of LOT 12 a distance of 125.0 feet to a point; thence run Northwesterly 136.61 feet to a point at the intersection of Lots 4, 5, 10 and 12; thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 63.44 feet to a point; thence run Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 16.50 feet to a point; thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 12, a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 12; thence run Easterly along the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK - UNIT 12A, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, pages 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJECT TO: Conditions, restrictions, reservations, limitatinos and easements of record; applicable zoning ordinances, taxes and assessments for the year 1999 and subsequent years. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LAND IS NOT THE HOMESTEAD 0 F THE GRANTOR. W m soar dov btrtby (vuy wvnat de ud. a etl kd. ad na dekd de vme .pian krhl claiw a[ JI pemss vA9,moc�u. In Witness Whereof, d. gna,o, bas bn,9.w K, bu h.ad .ad vel the day .d yea, bra, above . iw.. S{pd, a d .0 severed oar prneace: n 0 F (SIO) Pr n me: / r JACK WEBB Witne P 0 Abl. 187 E. Pnv. vim Tdvd., Pon Saint L9d.. R 14952-2294 Printed Witness STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Saint Lucie Tb. f.Rg..g iamamea, w ..do.d.agd b.f.,. m. du y day of August. 1999 by JACK L. WEBB, .b. i. P• y�s..t o, .no e.. ,.oa..w bi. Florida driver, is ai .abaeo. 17. D«.v..r P,,prd By. - 1 ,. RETURN Til pel�0. 1GIIe. , arra acew9. Wall um.:... D -4 -* —A ._ n (RIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Stoll M. Kenney Att:rneyAt LAW 1.I.A S. Wien River Or. aa5' FT. PIERCE FUL 33450 ►Z:, 7:LV 5' FEE, KOBLEGARD S TEEL r. A. wrroww cve wt cww FORT PICRDc. FLORIDA 531,4110 / i ds Vura y Bud Made I6 24th day of Jan. A. D. 19 84 6y bliver R. Watkins and Margaret H. Watkins, his wife Aweina(M, Called IM gsanior. so /1 Jack L. Webb whose pestolfice address is 787 B. Prissy Vista Blvd. hereinafter called the grantee: Pt. St. Lucie, FL 33452_ WI{IiCNKt�� Thai the grantor, for and In amatderatton -1 16 sPm of S /D •till and whey 4va'£i._..ivaluable consld.mumu. re.6.4ceip.6.4is 6re6y ochnotwlodged, hereby grans, bargains. salla. alima. re- ad",. "Males. conveys and conlsms wto 16 gmntaa. all that certain land situale in St. Lucie C3 ' Comfy. Flotilla. Piz: CD CoRsence at the Southeast corner of Lot 12; thence run North along the Bast line Mti of Lot 12 a distance of 125.0 feet to a point; thence run Northwesterly 136.61 2: N feet to apoint at the intersection of Lots 4, 5, 10 and 12; thence run Southerly JAI N parallel to the Bast line of Lot 12 a distance of 63.44 feet to a pointy thence run Easterly parallel to the South lire of lot 12 a distance of 16.50 feet to a pointy thence run Southerly parallel to the Bast line of said Lot 12 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 12; thence run Easterly along C, r'' the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 80.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. All of the shove described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK - -�T'� Z UNIT 12A, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of Q>��I4 the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. .1'Y ai SUBJECT to taxes for the current . year and subsequent years; easealents, restrictions e.;Ult.': and reservations of record; zoning; and public rights of way. p ALSO SUBJECT to a purchase Doney first mortgage from the Grantee to the Grantors „ tu^.r herein in the amount of $45,000.00. joyeflW, with all e6 mnanuntr, h.n.dltamenta and appwtenances thereto hsloneing or in any_ wire appertaining. L - 7To hipt Md to Mold, the sem. in fee d -M& far.var. 7l(((t the grantor h.mby covenanta with sold grealea that d. grantor to IawfuDy seized of said land in fee simple; fries 16 pmnter has pod right and lawful Mahout to fall and oonvey sold land: that the gnaMor hereby fully wan ants the title to mid lard and will defend the same agabul the lawful claims of all p M whomsosves: and /hat said hand D frac of all aneumbmnc.s, except taus aoas6ng su6equsM to December m. 19 84. It 10b' M WrrMf, the mid gronl" has @."d this Deed the day and yea, flrst above wnulwa. Sig zenled deb Inour preaence: ---•• —' 'v��tk nit ,----_(Sed) jbtt Of ♦W(I(if'' o ��N Sih� G MEM': c(.x�. 64LOg V wJ CLOK Cmull L. • / %r6y y.i that on this day. befom nut. an officer duly aatharizd in 16 state afamsad and in the Canny oloramid to tale achnavledpmmta, paR Rally oppre.d Oliver R. Watkins and Margaret E. Watkins, his wife to me known to be the persons deeni6d in and who executed the faepobw aubmLent and they "l,nowWpad balm, Pu that they es•o> " f�w•>,e. ftte55s my hand and ollkiol aced In :• "�.• ,�. .' lots afolaald ehta day of Jan. 24, �!1 Z X422 ►A�1312 �•```, .:. Rod for stay — �;. ...... Nowy Pow, State of Ibrids ^„�u•`^ My Coma.::icn Ex: nes Ma'A 11. IM i • ...... My 6” don Explrea: _ .. _ 0 n.n W z38zss WeneAYlY 0.10 IaaYCO 1011M OI IND.VID. TO Thu 10arranty Beed Al«le the lith toy a1 September A. D. 1972 by Kenneth R. Drew and Evelyn Le Drew, his wife hereinafter rolled 11re gnu.lw. to Oliver R. Watkins and Margaret E. Watkins, his wife whole Iwstufltre address is Route 1, Box 69, GermantoTrn, Maryland 20767 6,ren it,r called the grantee: _ rn.enT IWMmo 1!e lin M .1 ru ed n hili w �1 ',u�. W r M a aM rM Min. k..1 ugevmu^e. a N �.el.r nl i,dl�Aul.. .W .M r od outs N'roearnwml B�itnesseth: Thal Ibe 9runlor, for and in cumidemlton of the Som of S 10.00 and other ealuohle considerelions, remipl wh.,sgLI&4wbY ar4namisdned, hereby gronb, bargains, sells, aliens, re- mises, releases. com,eys and confirms unto the grantee. all Ihat certain land situate in St. Lucie Counly. Florida. vis: SUBJECT TO: RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASL%EMS AND CWEUMS OF RECORD. Cocmenee at the Southeast corner of Lot 12, thence run North along the East line of Lot 12, a distance of 125.0 feet to a point, thence run Northwesterly 136.61 feet to a point at the intersection of Lots 4, 5s 102 and 12, thence run Southerly parallel 1 the East line of Lot 12, a distance of 63.44 feet to a point, thence run Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot 12, a distance of 16.50 feet to a point, thence rw Southerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 12, a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 12, thence run Easterly along the South line of Lot 12, a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning. All the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAMOOD PARK SUBDIVISION, as per Plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, pages 35, 36, 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SUBJECT TO: That certain Mortgage from the Grantor herein to First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fort Pierce, dated September 1, 1972, filed September 6, 197: and recorded in Official Records Book 206, page 409, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, which the Grantee herein agrees to assume and pay. Together Tvnh all the lenemena. heredltarrlents and app�... a", therein belonging or in any- wise appertaining. To Nue and to )told, the fame in fee simple forever. Rnd Ibe grantor hereby covenant+ with said gruni. that the gral for is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: 14a1 the grantor has good right and bwful aulhortly In sell and convey +aid land. Ilial the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the $ame against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and that said land is free of all earumbanca+, except faxes accruing subsequent ......................... ... to De asber 31, 1971. DOCUMENTARY = `LORIOA a I r FLORI A SURTAX TAY f "s air. sf.,rT: z_:0 7. 7 0 i 0 5 Z 01 w Ra = _ 1 Ynaes 190 0 - 1n 10itness MUM, the +aid grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year lint above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: STATE OF FS.OHIBh COUNTY OFST. LUCIE I 1 HEREBY CERTIFY Ihm on This day, W-11 mq an .((I... My aulhonsed in The Sure aformid and is The CO..,, afonuid w oke arkno.kdemrnu, p uaaalj, p,.,Td Kennq;V� R. D"w and Evelyn L. Drew, his wife sy'nv k ''�-.M Ihr y.rwna drunhed in and .ho rartulyd he ar;gai9� rd&'v1n sna they .,Lno.kd,,d before an Tha they esleyo-UQ she vnk r• NIT�ESS my hand and vgirial al in the CounO' and 5! 0 IYI I.rT.id This iitb, day of lLl K: Ovttlber •, .4. D. 19 72. ^ Ja Vt Colmis on Expires My L 1 -.p::• /I! m wird G I. uatm(b IHRUUUH i l 2�%�99 g 01) RElvt f 1 iT�j pG1ER � � gOGRE 1`�V, RECORD YCRIEIEO at 09GE S ....PT. 9, 1974 II! nl /1I///r 0p / D W. DIESTELHORST S,9" . Gay, Vice President 0 R ttink" Jddnn Title Security Company of Fort Pierce, Florida SUOKGW PAGfl 321 South Second Street Pmoerty Card https://www.paslc.org/RECard/#/propCard/3779 Michelle Franklin, CFA -- Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser-- All rights reserved. tis fiuic.r n7z Property Identification Site Address: 6602 PALOMAR PKWY Sm/Town/Range: 13/34SO9E Map ID: 13113N Zoning: RM -5 PSL Ownership Michael S Conran 1001 SE Monterey RD Stuart, FL 34994 Legal Description LAKEWOOD PARK-UMT 12 -A - ELK 173-A-LOT13-LESS E 63.71 FT - (MAP 13/13N) (OR 3639-2559; 4115-2046) Current Values Just/Market Value: $113,900 Assessed Value$113,900 Exemptions: $0 Taxable Value: $113.900 Property taxes are subject to change upon change of ownership. • Past lazes are nota reliable projection offmare taxes. • The sale ofa property will prompt the removal of all exemptions, assessment caps, and special classifications. Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's office Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF'[ Parcel ID: 1301-615-0137-100.5 Account q: 3779 Use Type: 0800 Jurisdiction: Saint Lucie County Total Areas FinishedfUnder Air (SF): 2,400 Gross Sketched Area (SF): 2,400 Land Size (acres): 0.35 Land Size (SF): 15,132 I of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM Sale History Date Book/Page Sale Deed Grantor Price Code Mar 29, 2018 4115/2046 0130 WD CSC Investments Property SI00 LLC (TR) May 30, 2014 3639/2559 0205 WD Conran David $75,300 Apr 15, 2008 2972/ 1679 XX03 QC Conran (TR) Rets Pearl $100 Sep 28, 2005 2377/0452 xX01 WD Conran RctsP $100 Dec 1, 1978 0301 /0721 XX00 CV $40,000 Nov I, 1972 0208/ 1124 XX00 CV $28,400 Building Information (1 of 1) Finished Arca: 2,400 SF Gross Sketched Area: 2,400 SF Exterior Data View: Roof Cover: Fibrglss Shg Roof Structure: Gable Building Type: MFH1t: 19]� Frame: Grade: MFFQ Effective Year: 1972 Primary Wall: CB Stucco Story Height: 1 Story No. Units: 2 Secondary Wall: Interior Data Bedrooms:0 Electric: MAXIMUM Primary Int Wall: Full Baths: 2 Heat Type: F.MwAir Avg Hgt/Flour: 0 Half Baths: 0 Heat Fuel ELEC Primary Floors: Carpet A/C %:100% Heated %:100% Sprinkled %: 0% I of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM Property Card Sub Area BAS Type Current Values Breakdown Building: $95,300 Land: $18,600 lusLfMarket $113,900 Ag Credit: s0 Save Our Homes or $o 10% Cap: $113,900 Assessed: $113,900 Exemption(s): $0 Taxable: $113,900 https://www.paslc.org/R-ECard/#/propCard/3779 Sketch Area Legend Description Area Fin. Area Penmeter B 11TkFeatur%#nd YA6# Items 200 Qty Units Year Blt Current Year Values Current Year Exemption Value Breakdown Tax Grant Code Description Amount Year Year Current Year Special Assessment Breakdown Start Year AssessCode Units Description Amount 2009 2009 24 County Solid Waste $552.28 This does not necessanly represent the total Special Assessemcna that could be charged against this property. The total amount charged for special. assessments is reflected on the most current lax statement and information is available with the SLC Tax Collectors Office'.:'... All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ® Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. 2 of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM Historical Values Year Just/Market Assessed Exemptions Taxable 2019 $113,900 $113,900 $0 $113,900 2018 $94,200 $58,945 s0 $58,945 2017 $64,400 $53,587 s0 $53,587 Permits Number Issue Date Description Amount Fee 1605-0236 May 12,2016 Plumbing $0 $0 C1605-0170 May 10, 2016 Air Conditioning $o $0 Only C1605-0175 May 15, 2016 Air Conditioning $o $0 Only C1605-0235 May 12,2016 Plumbing $o $0 C1712-0003 Dec 1, 2017 Chainlink Fence $0 s0 Nonce: This does not necessarily represent all the returns for this property. Click the following link to check for additional permit data in Saint Lucie County All information is believed to be correct at this time, but is subject to change and is provided without any warranty. ® Copyright 2019 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser. All rights reserved. 2 of 2 9/11/2019, 2:18 PM FILE N 4419516 OR BOOK 4115 PAGE 2046, Recorded 04/04/2018 03:08:32 PM Doc Tax: $0.70 prepared by and return -19 Amy Owens BlueLine Title Company, LLC 601 Heritage Drive, Suite 206 Jupiter, FL 33458 File Number. BLIS103 (Spate Above This Line For Recording Rata) Warranty Deed This Warranty Deed made this 29th day of March, 2018, between CSC Investments Property LLC, as Trustee of the Land Trust Agreement NI u/d/o 5-30.2014, whose post nce address is: -L SL %�t OA �a,a 4:.1 ,, F\. 34984 _ grantor, and Michael S. Conran, a married man whose post office address is: 1001 SE Monterey Rd., Stuart, FL 34994, grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, mists and trustees) Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in the St Lucie County, Florida, to -wit: Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said lot A distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of lot 13, a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of intersection of lots 3,4 and 13, thence run Southwesterly a distance of 224.83 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Tax Folio Number: 1301-615-0137-100/5 Together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining To Have and to Hold, the sone in fee simple forever. And the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 2018. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year that above written Signed, scaled and delivered in our presence: n Witness ��,�, State of FLORIDA County of PALM BEACH CSC Investments Property LLC, as Trustee of the Land Trust Agreement NI u/d/o 5-30-2014 Judy L. Comm, Manager The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of March,2018, by Judy L. Conran, as Manager of CSC Investments Property LLC, as Trustee of the Land Trust Agreement #1 u/d/o 5-30-2014, who he/she is personally known to me or has produced t7 i\Z5 as identification. \Cw"15� Notary Public gvsrb+v, REBECCA LOBRUTTO ((77 . MY OOMMI531pN # FF935520 Printed Name: q—C' x(.(_ EXPIRES ,lanuury 29. M20 iJO�I J&Yo,SJ ra,e,aou.,s.mw.ro,r. My Commission Expires: FILE # 3962855 OR BOOK 3639 PAGE 2559, Recorded 06/09/2014 at 12:44 PM Doc Tax: $527,10 Prepared by and return to: William D. Anderson, Jr. Attorney at Law WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, JR., P.A. 2897 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart, FL 34996 772.283.2411 File Number: 14-054 Will Call No.: I I Parcel Identification No. Above This Line For Recording Data]. Warranty Deed (STATUTORY FORM -SECTION 68902, ES. i This Indenture made this 30th day of May, 2014 between DAVID G. CONRAN, a married man whose post office address is PO BOX 650276, Vero Beach, FL 32%5 of the County of Indian River, State of Florida, grantor*, and CSC INVESTMENTS PROPERTY, LLC, as Trustee of LanclTrust Agreement #1, a/d/o 5-30-14 whose post office address is 2897 SE Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 of the County of Martin, State of Florida, grantee*, Witnesseth, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS (S 10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Saint Lucie County, Florida, to -wit. SEE EXHIBIT A This is not the homestead property of the Grantor as he resides at 221 6th Court SW Vero Beach, FL 32962 and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. • "OnuntW and "Grantee" arc used for singular or plural, as context requires In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantors hand and seal the day and year lint above wrinen. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: State of Florida County of Martin L4 i t6 " (Seal) DAVID G. CONRAN The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30th day of May, 2014 by DAVID G. CONRAN, who [_I is personally known or [XJ has produced a driver's license as identification��/(/_�.�—. [Notary SeaIJ N ary Public Printed Name: CA-.) n r JO/DDMLLYlM .. `...�' hY WAtlAISSNkVr EE QsciS2 f` My Commission Expires: ERPIPES. Jam;ary 24 2at5 '- •✓(.(a� ao"deE rAnitMa7 Puck UaM^wurr EXHIBIT "A" 1. Lot 5 and the South 2 feet of Lot 6, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0114-000/7 2. Lot 4, Block 173, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0113-000/0 3. Lot 14, Block 174, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0151-000/8 4. Lot 4, Block 172, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0087-000/8 S. Lot 11, Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0135-000/0 6. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to a point of beginning, thence continue Easterly along the said South line of Lots 12 and 13 a distance of 80.00 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to a point, thence run Westerly a distance of 80.21 fee to the point of intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a park of Block 173-A, Unit 12-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-000/4 7. Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the South line of said lot A distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence run Northerly parallel to the East line of lot 13, a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of intersection of lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run Southwesterly a distance of 224.83 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0137-100/5 Commence at the Southeast corner of Lot 12; Thence run North along the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; thence run Northwesterly 136.61 feet to a point at the intersection of Lots 4, 5, 10 and 12; thence run Southerly parallel to the East line of Lot 12 a distance of 63.44 feet to a point; thence run Easterly parallel to the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 16.50 feet to a point; thence run southerly parallel to the East line of said Lot 12, a distance of 158.47 feet to a point on the South line of Lot 12; thence run Easterly along the South line of Lot 12 a distance of 80.00 feet to the point of beginning. All the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 35, 36 and 37, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel Id: 1301-615-0136-000/7 FILE # 3206367 OR BOOK 2972 PAGE 1679, Recorded 05/13/2008 at 12:37 PM Doo Tax: $0.70 This instrument prepared by: WILLIAM D. ANDERSON, JR. ESQ. 48 BE Osceola Street P.O. BOX 288 STUART, FL 34994 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT CLAIM DEED, executed this / 5 , day of April, 2008, by DAVID G. CONRAN and WILLIAM V. CONRAN, as Successor Co -Trustees of The BETA P. CONRAN TRUST, U.T.D. September 28, 2005 as GRANTOR* to DAVID G. CONRAN, whose mailing address is p. o. Box 650276, Vero Beach, Florida GRANTEE* WITNESSETH: that the said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 (Ten Dollars) in hand paid by the said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and Quit -Claim unto said Grantee forever, all the right, title interest, claims and demands which said Grantor has in and to the following described lot, piece of land, situate, lying and being in the County of St. Lucie, State of Florida, to -wit: Lot 14, Block 174, LAKEWOOD PARK, UNIT 12-A, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 35, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel I.D. No.# 1301-615-0151-000-8 Lot 23, Block 44, LAKEWOOD PARE, UNIT FIVE, according to the Plat thereof as Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 5, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Parcel I.D. No.#1301-605-0120-000-1 SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED THIS DEED HAS BEEN PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF TITLE EXAMINATION. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the said Grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behalf of the said Grantee forever. GRANTOR and GRANTEE are used for singular or plural, as context requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year above written. WTTNRAAF.A e W dW46.1 (SEAL) DAVID G. CONRAN, Co -Trustee (A�JLG4i4k V (il!^^'e-- (SEAL) WILLIAM V. CONRAN, Co -Trustee ro w H O (D t+ z c Cr n b El N babN$y O p�jN Np MN O b�'O�1WNPpl�qbpp14y .q C��w'gby ON w4N W CA W brPy1 �1, ON[1 ^l A N y N H tl rNjybRbj V��+� p bbIm y��°�e b w� #1 #1 -:S-Qpc-- 4�='jtC;D Print Name of Witness 42 STATE OF FLORIDA DA COUNTY OF ill�A'✓�-h`n` I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared DAVID G. CONRAN to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same, and who 1's personally known or produced identification lType of identification D;ur ' WITNESS mynd and seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ay of April, 2008. iytat' ublicmmission expires: STATE OF NEVADA COUNTY OF W*41f JMNDML LYNN Neap P*k . eta a rant Na W,a ,�a„entMJwte,ton oe..a.a, a 00 utero I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared WILLIAM V. CONRAN to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that he executed the same, and w}° is personally known or produced identification ✓ 'Type of identification mvkAo- jyk&t WITNESS my hand and seal in the County and State last aforesaid this _/50-K day of April, 2008. A No y Public .z My commission expires; Q6101-HvP FOWY=APPTEVIRESozoos FILE # 2718526 OR BOOK 2377 PAGE 452, Recorded 09/29/2005 at 03:05 PM Doc Tax: $0.70 t,TH/IS� WARRANTY DRED, Executed this day of-,(: ry, A.D. 2005 by RETA P. CONRAN, a widow, Grantor(s); to: BETA P. CONRAN, Trustee, therein, to THE RETA P. CONRAN TRUST, U.T.D. c�&_ day of 2005, whose postof£ice address is 7105 KRNWOOD ROAD, Fr. PIERCE, FLORIDA 34951 referred to as GRANTEE. The True Cee(S) Shall have the power and authority under the Trust to protect, conserve and to sell or convey, or to lease, or to encumber, or otherwise to manage and dispose of the real property described in the deed. A duly appointed Successor Trustee, shall have the same aforementioned powers. WITNESSETH, That the said Grantor(a), for and in consideration of the aum of $10.00 in hand paid by the said Grantee(s), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to said GRANTER and GRANTEE's Successors, and assigns forever the following described land situate in St. Lucie County, State of Florida, to wit: C00IDE3NCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 13, THENCE RUN EASTERLY ALONG TRE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT A DISTANCE OF 159.35 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE RUN NORTHERLY PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF LOT 13, A DISTANCE OF 158.47 FEET TO THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF LOTS 3, 4, AND 13, TRENCH RUN SOUTHWESTERLY A DISTANCE OF 224.83 FEET TO THS POINT OF BEGINNING. ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED LYING IN AND BRING A PART OF BLOCK 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARS - UNIT 12-A, AS PER PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN PLAT BOOK 11, PAGE 35, 36, AND 37, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA. TITLE TO TRE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY IDIS BEEN NEITHER EXAMINED NOR APPROVED BY EDWARD LT. K6I44NNEDY, ATTORNEY (This is a deed of convenience given for nominal consideration as recited above; only minimum documentary stamps are required.) This conveyance is subject to reatrictions, reservations, limitations, and easements of record, taxes for the current year and Subsequent years, and all mortgages of record which the Grantees) herein assume and agree to pay. In Witness Whereof, The said first party has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written EdwnYd 7. ki'r, eritj RSTA P. CONRAN �10'1c��.:.fi F'lo Yen cr A. ko'p er¢ SfATH OY Y(nMIDA ] 3 n%SSSY awrl" that on this dey, before x, m officer dely autborlaed In the State aforesaid sad fo tAe County aforeeald to take acknowletl9em®ta, peremally Bppevred mM S(S) RSfA P. MMAM to ae frown to be the persen lal deaoribed to and adw executed the foregoleS inetnmest and he/Rhe/they aci (edged before Me that he/she/they aseeuted the Base, and a &d take m oath./ MraV®S y hand end offfclal seal fn the County aztl S a�sald thl Z'P day of A.D., 2005. UU fATARY---�WB,lC -- Set., tol CRAM88B Mose addreeB aPPeere abovB. PrcPartd by: Sdwartl J. rrmtay, Attamey VEYDWARD�) KENNEDY 1900 S Marcor city M1 ., Ste. 342 NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA Melbourne, Fl 32901 COMMI%ION NO. DD169064 I MY COMMIAION EXP.DEC.4 1 i waXnwMsr oCLo 11 osteo son. Ol This Warranty Bud Almb. the ;tq Al day of I.w by FRED DUNLOP 6 SADIE DUNLOP, his wife hr...naller '.161 1hr grnrdcn. 1. HAROLD W. CONRAN 4 RETA P. CONRAN, his wife ,.•Luse twsi,djoe add.rss is 7105 Kenwood Road - Fort Pierce, Florida 33450 brreinnfles calhd the granter: .NWe uM Min �M aM r1.6 JI �4 Mn •An - aM �M Y.n Mol .ryn �.ue...s� �� yn al .d. �JwF. sad �M u.r.rv..n ad .. ,,x W •.� urns 191tMith: Th., dlr grantor. for and in consideration of the sum of S 10.00 and other r•alrmhle cunsidemlions, srrripl udun,•a1 is Lrrrhy or4rmndrduwl. Inn"hy pmnls. bargains, se16. aliens. re- mises, n•Irases. roneeys and rmdirms ual- the ,.air. all Ilml Tarin land situate in ST. LUCIE ('.....I, Florid...is Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, thence run Easterly along the j l C South line of said Lot a distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence irun Northerly parallel to the East line of Lot 13, a distance of 158.47 a feet to the point of intersection of Lots 3, 4 and 13, thence run LV Southwesterly a distance of 224.83 feet to the point of beginning. All of the above described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A, LAKEWOOD PARK - UNIT 12-A, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book 11, Page 35, s `1 k•s-.. 36 and 37, Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. a,3 SUBJECT to that certain first mortgage from the grantees hereof to r First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fort Pierce, dated December 22, 1978 recorded in O.R. Book 300 , Page 1120 , of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida, securing the original principal sum of $32,000.00. Together unit, all the tenemenu. hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any- . mise nPPMainiry. :l To Jim and to Hold, the same in fee simple foreoer. End the 9ranlor hereby couenanls with sold pmnlee that the 9ras11or is lawfully seised of said land +u in be simple: Ilett the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that the p..far Ivrelry fully warrants the Idle 8. said land and will defend the some against the lawful claims of all persons u•honssoecer: and that said fond is free o1 all enrumbmnce,. except taxes accruing subsequent _ to December 11. 19 78. .. SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations, limitations and easements of record, if any; this reference to said restrictions shall not operate to reimpose the same. Zoning ordinances affecting said property.: - C r In Witness Whereof, the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents lite day and year first above .mile.. Sip ed sealed and delivered in our presence: l/ s FRED DUNLOP ^,,�, ,1 SADIE flo ma rtlow cos :ecoras. STATE ()F COUNTY OF y dvs16 (w'l�a' 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY Ih., on this d.,. W nr me, an -Flier' duly aush.ncrd in sh, Sun sfonuid and in the Co..,, Jrnraid to sake acka lxdPmems, I.waallY appared FRED DUNLOP b SADIE DUNLOP, his wife w mr known w Ix .he pawn a &nnA w sad _ ,ho r .... nd Ih, fotreoinS ia,e-mrm and they ackrp:SMa .1foli me IhA they ......d 1h, .-r, �., WITNESS mr hand s/.d 16r1a1ll. 1 fn'she Coamy and State In, lo'ruid 'hp p, T- ' 0 d.Y of NOTARY PUBLIC��..k.k, MY COMMISSION fall s l7 /e-Qs�,.J j /his 1"rumrnlpn rrd Iy :IEdas. LINDA StZERSON ' ftI CHELSEA TITLE d GUARANTY COMPANY 8000 S. U.S. 1, Port St. Lucie, FL 33452 r:_ED AND RECORDED ., UNTY, FLA. +79 jtj! 9 PM 3:271 60'OK 301 PAre 721 \ry LIA. lce�cs;cs WmNaNTV voce wauco rowu m INo-,V,D, r0 iNDwD This Uarranty Ilerd ?Ltd,. the i6th day of `love.ber A. 1) Iv/:1 by Kenneth R. Drew and Evel;.•n i. Dred, his wife -1— heu-irmlle, called 16 grouter. lu I a: C3 (� N Fred D:u11op and Sadie Dunlop, 'nis wife '--z yr Bouts, 2, Boz 2761-28.4 I(1F qp mhusr Iwsluffhe address is Pft Pierce, Florida 33450 I...... Iuvvioofter called the grantee^ r .ern J'^ Mi.. k NVrrvn. r. and Va Nd id l.. aN t.M awl MnWa d a m W . wvn w 1 Witnessrih: TLaI III, -N g.or. ler mud in tonstdensem of el the seof 5 10.00 and other 4 re >• ralashdr considerations• mipf mherruf is henhy mclum delged, herrhy gratis, bargain.. sells. aliens. r 0 Q�Sn9 raises, "leases, conveys and confirms ... do the 9ren1"- all that certain Imsd situate in 3-. Lucie WZ.. ?�•, Com 1'. Florid.. viz: 1'. 0010 >;_ Commence at the Southwest corner of Lot 13, !hence run EasterLy along the io:oUII1111I South line of said lot a distance of 159.35 feet to a point, thence run G ! 9 E 0 0-'ortherL- parallel to the East line of Lot 13 a distance of 158.47 feet to the point of intersection of Lots 3; 4 and 13, =hence run Southwesterk;, a ;aver LUCIA distance of 224.73 feet to the Point of the Beginning. All of the above COUNTY described lying in and being a part of Block 173-A; Unit 12-A, Lakewood Park Subdivision, as per plat thereof on file in Plat Book ll, pages 35, N .. If 36 and 37 of the Public Records _f St. Lucie Count;;, Florida. Ilillllll C3 C3 Subject to that certain Glortgege from Kenneth R. Drew and Evelyn Ls Drew, r: his wife to First: Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fort Pierce, '0 dated October 9, 1972, filed October ll, 1972, and recorded in Official +++ Records 3:ok 207, page 415 .if the Peblic Records f St. Lucie County, • _r`� ye nlA t'11e grantee herein ass as and agrees `_o pay. halon inp win an 1V [MICE with all the tenements. laereditammis and appurlenancer thereto a y. who appertaining. a� -.-.—I To But and to Molds the same in fee simple ("ever. e �i find Ilse grantor hereby coirenmts with said arenlee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land I. fee simple: That the grantor Fac good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said landI that the -5 grantor hereby fully warrants The fill- Io acid land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all person. whomsoever: and that said land is free of all encumbrances, essept lases accruing subsequent I. Dxember it. 191 .II CIE In Wdni$ VWtot, the said grantor hes signed and soled the" presents The day and year first shove urillen. Signed. sealed and delivered in our presence: / TATE OF Florida COUNTY OF St. Lucie I HEREDY.CERTIFY thus on chis day Woe me, an offirrr dols ofpsFFQ� .ia the Star af.,rNud and in the Comm, aforesaid to sate NdkdfAen9. penonallY appeared end Evelyn _. Drew, his wife Ihr par .n s drurihed in and he e.,emud the ami '.he;' arknowkdRed hdme me that `ha T'• ......."ANVITSESS my hand and oflicul 1 'n the Coumy and Stan last Amruid this I Us it., of foveaber , A. D. 1972 9 I ) 57 , IL I. _s it URGE .v ._.I .,;r -S L_ . r •. 9. 1974 •� uwwtt IHPUU-- IPF- WW. a1F5iElltOgSi.._. _,_ :j-C6aaission moires: ?his 6wrumm!a• mJ f, y' Sat; C. .-W, - Vice 3esident F F`t Title Sec -,Ti -.y Compsr;.- 1JJrnr321 S. Secori For. Iyer^_e, Florida 33450 ye (��h[-cap.-............® �. utorr, fos EKomn ale 242323 IED MCCORDED 1`. LUCAIANCOUNTY FLA. ROr: Pg.TRAS av CL AN! F;:.,'Jll COURT - rg H"20 12 26 PN'71 SODRLOO I,,A124 r5 W�s"; xi Countq crmttttis`: ttt O St. LucieCounty. Florida PERMIT Vot Building, A#tctittion, ltcpair+ Removal, or Demolition No, 12015 OAtC� Tiais is to cenil;+ that ^yy_;_•.�?,..,,,r,.,J'_..._. _v_ has permission to Contractor: r°�zx^itcti rcc ✓ �_ Block `+ mit f_�tire.2 a< C Rr., 'J.�A! Yr.�.,l..h'K^1F�^4"�:'.^✓Si•".Nf""y� � /. w`^.�-"y�{�y�..-.. >lt5n{+�#401 i fitreet nr Road Dimensions: Sul#ditil; l'#cit a so tack: britt a y Back,., *ides Lt �✓(,? FCC itai{# Estimated Cost for Zoning Director VOID AFTER 4d DAYS IF CONSTRUCTIM HAS NOT COMMENCED BOUNDARY SURVEY - ,;,�,^� 6r 659BPALOMARPARKNlAY FORiP!£ROE, AOR10A 30951 ua.�rvgxxeM"aq>xm.ew uwrwurnm : a (IAIFMiAOIdd: wnr � ' y v 0. _ a _ V' CqC 11M -war C4 (5 Po.00Rll � � Mme a Lorry AOCKfin Zm Lu � ��r✓;/ r Sm Stlz j u ^ l yg L �' i' - ' PALOMARPARL(WAY wxrtroa.�mc+nw [7ld YOGC IIr �x IbfQ HOCfI� ..�� � �. a�.mMMr.vaa•eYw.taq �wn•rr tlµ.0ivsuna.en %a.•uawt nmtlr.+ary nwmWVCRW' Wo tlf�4tl'SP ^„ cytl '_ CHAPHIC. SCA:.E narv.wc.vvew.+•a•rva -u•.w . «oarvmmwmuvtlo .amg'�aoxuror rve.�nurwtl�vamx my, •nanrrmm zr - .n Linda Pendarvis From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: fyi From: Melissa Brubaker JoAnn Riley Wednesday, September 11, 2019 12:57 PM Linda Pendarvis 6506 Palomar Parkway Doc0132.pdf Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 2:15 PM To: Katherine Barbieri <Barbierik@stlucieco.org>; JoAnn Riley <rileyj@stlucieco.org>; Janet Licausi <licausij @stlucieco.org> Subject: 6506 Palomar Parkway Good afternoon, Michael Conran went to county acquisitions to find out about an abandonment of the easement on his property at 6506 Palomar Parkway, since the duplex was built in the easement. He is trying to sell the house now and his attorney requested that he come in here to ask about a letter stating that we allowed a duplex to be built in an easement. The duplex was built in 1972 and the only thing that I could find for it was a permit for the duplex to be built. I could not find any information regarding the duplex being allowed to be built in the easement. I did explain to Mr. Conran that we would most likely not write a letter regarding the duplex. Please advise. Thank you Melissa Brubaker Permitting and Zoning Supervisor St Lucie County BOCC Planning and Development Services — Permitting brubakerm@stlucieco.ora 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 Ph (772)-462-1558 *Fax (772) 462-1578 ��e•zaie �r�ESi On St. Lucie County Building and Code Division is committed to great service and your feedback is important to us. Please tell me how we're doing. Now was your service? Please contact, Monica Grazioni, Building and Code Regulations Manager, at arazianim@stlucieco.ora to submit your suggestions, comments and feedback. Pluns., NotePpo. da has very Iwrao puoilc records laws lvlost wnGen conat,u+?!ra[(nns to or from County of' :oais regarding County o,aswess we oublu, femo s av adah.,= to :he nub is aA media ninon request. It is tbo poley of St. Uuae Courty Mist all .aunty records Shall be otter, for persoeal inapticton .xarbmatEor atj-I r o; copying_ Your o mall cornm,,ncat.ous wisi be subject to p t btic disckosure un_as$ ar exernpton applies to the tort ,r„i-luatlon. you receival this email in el-or p<e�qse notify ilio Seater by reply e mail and c Sete l nater. i s from air corrutiters. Ple,as:. Nero _ H—nda has very , le=is punk, '?,Ler1s lasst:?csr-mit.en coma-Lnlcatioas to or fr;-n county of`c+ais r garding Couy e,„ w:.,s are public,. rei,or,ts available to .he pun u, .ar.J rld,d a upor l recoe.at it :he pof. y of St. Lucie Co, nor that ail .Aon dy lecords ,: tai he u0cr .ter peers:, i=ii i lapid; l and t ar copying Yon,; inai? comm. un;atiors wits be suoject to Public 000lirsi,ro wtiess ar x, n.pt!on app its to too coir irricat,:,n_ yo,, c „rvea tI S Vrball;.; cc, w. p:acsr -etlfy the - ndar by reply e mail and celote all mater a s from all comout,@rs. .r 9= _ G+II GGT ONF OL '�YLGF PLAT BOOK II , (f AND PAGE US I c 1 Id y=e'1. DEDICATION ` 11. RRYNNLMwv*!6FPM6B111Mw P � 1i<.61^9ws.w W. h. 6m1-61 Aw4Mb 4N 611. Hw /`I f z = mMMMMi b.... pDj 9 duel; D..F+v.Tie-<.alrn. n.a d..n MiwbM�i !� ' `sen<.a'� m.r.l-Irmdwv+P=..�d LAE IV O U D D A Q �, — U IJ I T 12 Q WD�W.�Mw4�d�d M `� �u .x.e.d r.Ww.em..w e.1...M In mPm.6w Mr .Bh.d 1plpm --4_T-.L.UG,G_. 40NNTV, GIOF.,Gfn LiGALG 1^ IGCJ• %2'W.� �a �(��%� ' (J ✓ l ` Pnedrl V // /7I oLacalvchoN '^^'«!!.•. T 1 1 T se yA e}p' vK oc IAKEW OD Ipq)C1C _ UN T N .IL 04 -tT SOUK II P96E 26e I t ,. d i NI.SS' SINFfK—F_l9KlCA COYMYK ST�LO41G- 6LOCK , 166 - - 1 Ti5610 6AnF1',iMm Apva_fs. .e.e r n � to ' �}♦ z . n ytl! W Cwnv.l..ad P..n.ry.pp..nd-Edmwrd__ D a r`�.A:a� ZAKE JAMES 1¢ / s 1 SW rF eS!!C IYw voT ¢ E.ev C gqLI�'Y ,� Y¢Mieye C/SCM euT6ANT tpA6 O SCS LO p Ci�or� 6L�OleO �6%-PVI po Rloi�o�: TYp4C C CM,EY.Wea!(nYTY hl .id mrpm•Ilm a dih.Mnd Nunrv:.M M w M.MdM dnldm.anllm W WRNLiS WHNCOF.I Fen Mivin M my MMmd W mpw�.6m L/h GDTAK! P119L M1Camn'®.n Fe^^r-Bivur..J,,, r...n Q J CERTIFICATE OF 9W a NIgW ALL MRI LY 1H6 E PRFS,, Jr9 — d- 4M w.pr, dm 'JC_ -1919— 9'" d w 4M a dwm in w bnFiig PLh, A npmid.Wm d M.4Mr Hwln dwr3d MrdnwmvnvM.lun l.n F4W u. 1Y INH. SItlm.q.M Mnuk ,—IZ. SMroru Ifd FS, ToKrNz 34 6ou0 O Z Rryh AT6, p GK J.J(ZM� Gv MdwPmrn iHISEtO ti3lhY.lM1m wAGv<.CwMP Y^^Iq Cemn'im !PP'. CERTIFICATE OF CI I MGF]Y CB.l1Fl!'lIW I Aw n.mmd w Mn R..vnpiu F bm riM J w �yy��wh ,AV udwMbnmd � 1,1V _.4rpw!!LY/•'gY LY:.LS /TY CD.F4p.�.•+ I �' -':I tr/ iivl.Gui-- F;c+.--lA.'LaldLl{d4 ' _t�._.�..��_—�4-`.`•----- 6. hU6LT 2 oc m i LAU IV OCD PMV, - LJKJIT IZA <T. LuciF Co TY. CUo¢\oe Sce�F \• . ov Nto l/Y( M O 5 - 0Y� � Y V 9p • 4 �i`i •L p ,• 3/-0'a y�'f �y�joA� • �/•�I'}'•�/�A m V b ? y+�. s aJ F 4/ y ^ A • �: r. ,t°a ONd. i/1• '(F"G—_•_ i W I ry � b i adi M1k, V\' �i k sm �• `� `•u^pt b%1 0.O _ aS o/"� l��y ^ � i' „. Y • ..' .. i.csa• eee sr «""• w ✓e ((f-.af �,Oii j Y - __ PALOMA2 , PAQKWAY. 2 r-itco 7 jvr I� - I' pP6R rY CwNeJD U r fin eds BY FizoY�RlY,L G n N n n y: « m y: N 0 n m J, x m r Y AMC Q W ' n ° N .. . I n a � x n ! b di : •� a W4 m ^ p N p g _ ° ysI y ,u �_ 6 :HANA2! AVENUE _�_Y ° se ule€2. y.a•xwn sur ,u�, °..a wa•ar w•e PIECc!• PIpA•6A101Y� 66 TE� �T..^O°K•:p. PA!! Si"'� �.. c S IC4T 30C 3 NOT rir.TT ro --r : ,..... o. 616 . J LAK IV OUD PAD.,14 - UIJIT 12A a T Luc.o- couu w, ol-oal �e zca�c v loo' R �jV NOT Pl4TTE0 roger A>jf` W,� PA2K f bPN 1°' 'O/{) ro 2 I I � � C /C nLv^ 4 O✓ L'V b j I O , a ro ore' 0v +iq. > A 9 iBANYAN '" lu J ah 3 Irl ? •�, y, S -r ^ a I QP L T ♦n' 6 4 b Y; ♦ ;0 y 1p a W 3-" y b L ddf ^ r de -� w Y b � QP a C Fmvf p '\P b m LP L_ 9 1 e J OP NOT rir.TT ro --r : ,..... o. 616 . J R -RES. CLASSIFICATION L it NO. CHANGE 176 I 85--55 RM -5 to RM -II r ° 86-84 RS -4 to CG 1 iL o _ 86-85 RS -4 to CG Q 87-91 RS -4 to CG RZ-87-014 1715 87-92 RS -4 to CG RZ-87-012 ® 90-62 RS -4 to CN RZ-89-042 m ? 1 , IS s w a� 'a - 1 / I 1 t77 O 1 I ` bQ' 395 99.93' 33.5 of 00 �X. bo ' •o '3 ,Otl c'S3 S1�-� SHt'L-T 13,/ I��J -�90 ZSE3 175'.__'l�lj 793 p ri _ 17�.i8_ v �, I I&9.'] 60' 1 g_. j 100' /SOB 7 3 4 7 i i:l w 5. �_ -- -T 11 h \• la rf29j e,' ♦ r7ti.rs u o 0e0 e?o f--.-..78 418 a 3%8 �. 0 3830 10 v v14 1 -._35:_. 0 215 o f b I o !i 39b 31 51 30 19 2b 27 24 1S 2,+0 13\14'.1%'�o��faI_fool -- - rn ' a1.JL346 Ro• 1_._.-._.r.y9p /� IjS /i5'�. \ \\-_ 5 7 �__ A T i► N -~YJ -174.4 -•..... 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G '" c•. c.• 1 d I -9Q-001 `SEE NOTE} t--- of z 3 I4 s c 17 I a o n°_---�--- 8 E 2 --- -- INDRIO CROSSTNGS I U- - I 1 �3 1- I -�--) ° -- f !0]03 C o 37 U00 h ", S C 1LL � /a i 34461. t9 Si _ __ 45 17 ,o + 454 3 no �.. szn.... , I 20 50 22 2) 20 19 I Ib I )7 114 1 1S 1 14 1 13 110 �' 44 I la 1 J 1'(131-0000- [L.,l-J_- '� --- y , I LO LO v IZL - I . --- 46 - d .. .. .. .. .. Go 1 y O7C Ae v ,_. °. n� (134-0001- , ^1 ' 1 ` L_ ® T Pa i .o 21 49 .o .. .o { 43 19 : [ 200 _..�---....----_-- -poo; z� , 1415161 - 21 I_.._... RR IY �'- 1 V v) 1xvOG.1Ln0 STrLFE^T w Ior.v3 SIJ 1761 v 95 res' s 112 L71J --- I 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 I S I L 1 7 1 8 1 9 )O 410 4? I Io �i 1Y t .yas7 l.: accos hoops. _ ^ c.. tN3 f % ^.S2h,� 21 4a 0 I I I I I 1 1 I i_t. , )+ t1 d a f_.. o ul I 23 47 X11 41 21 h - _ ... C --- - t --r - 4 r - -- ° z' O I �--'-}^--h -I--�-�- �__ 10714 P 133 '. 8 tl 40 77 p C t n3+.°°1° BTY1 0 R 1 ?4 foo , 0 00°12 121 I ?0 1 19 I Ib 117 1 IL ISI 14 15 1 120 40 22 ° C 'R. 61.9 V Ir' Q. 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Pa,. 1313-6101 10 SS 1301-6.15 1 1 3S, 36 C 37 601 i0 S1 1: 51 h. 1312-701 14 21 702 16 20 7 1=43.SttRL.Y PJ4l:NnL\LtY F. C?F-.\1/.1.'1.57. I L- St.it'Lr-C 1-5/ J55 9. 1-40L-Inny PIwaG'S Pka,\5t M !13 -a_ 20 19 MAIN_ra w.1,1�- -- 1 9 431 40 9 Ui L d) , 41 a SECTION_- N 1/2 oF TOWNSHIP 34 S. RANGE-- 39�...a FLORIDA INTERIM WELLFIELD PROTECTION ZO NE 12.000 ft. radius from well location Refer to Interim Wellfield Protection Ordinance for use restrictions / limitations CU -89-004 REVOKED, REFER TO Cu -90-001. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this is. page no. -MIN -of the OF ICIAL ZONING ATLAS referred to in the Zoning Ordinance of ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, adopted this 17 day of MA1( .,- ,19 84 . 9 CHAIRMAN BGARO ofCouP,TY n.;ItGNins "T LJ CIF COUNTY, F OR(CA ATTEST, CLERK EC;ARG of -'OUN?Y C.UMM1351^HERS ST L,: (AE-07`JTY, •-,--r,DA OFFICIAL ZONING, MAP BASE MAP REVISED 2/89 7 18 I 173. 1n 1.-,4 aG/341 43.55' 51,13 I N 429 a 430 N 153 1 8X� 09-tvE-- 7$0„ hti o �a I - 539 -,. ro1_e2 106L5OA< 100 _ •,�., - 3.0 o O 0 50 12 1 o 141 (1i7-0004- /=� d ° v IOo._ loc.8b >OG,0di oI 4n _._-.,� lu'" u (131-0008- j ( :. J t9 n^� (131-0005- .oaal3) I iZ' 0 1a_5, 11 o1G 9h-' .; 0 - ;:y 1 f 151 tio0::-Oo4/2! (132- 3020-000�G I.w INC 2 Ac, 2ao a N - ,L 5 4 2 17 55 ,or• LFrAON 47TfL1�6--r ,°n > 47 -i Ioi FI .1 I ,� d(loo%!9)7... ^, - `° l -t L. 4'.='` 41` (r3 uo09 r z F 7a S7 Sij;IS _ Uj p o4O I I I I i 1400 r IoY 11 7 o P Y o _ •✓ �.�3„4 . 4 - ®\ ® y CU -179-Q©4 I - 16 52 C I I f /r4 I !4 .r. G '" c•. c.• 1 d I -9Q-001 `SEE NOTE} t--- of z 3 I4 s c 17 I a o n°_---�--- 8 E 2 --- -- INDRIO CROSSTNGS I U- - I 1 �3 1- I -�--) ° -- f !0]03 C o 37 U00 h ", S C 1LL � /a i 34461. t9 Si _ __ 45 17 ,o + 454 3 no �.. szn.... , I 20 50 22 2) 20 19 I Ib I )7 114 1 1S 1 14 1 13 110 �' 44 I la 1 J 1'(131-0000- [L.,l-J_- '� --- y , I LO LO v IZL - I . --- 46 - d .. .. .. .. .. Go 1 y O7C Ae v ,_. °. n� (134-0001- , ^1 ' 1 ` L_ ® T Pa i .o 21 49 .o .. .o { 43 19 : [ 200 _..�---....----_-- -poo; z� , 1415161 - 21 I_.._... RR IY �'- 1 V v) 1xvOG.1Ln0 STrLFE^T w Ior.v3 SIJ 1761 v 95 res' s 112 L71J --- I 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 I S I L 1 7 1 8 1 9 )O 410 4? I Io �i 1Y t .yas7 l.: accos hoops. _ ^ c.. tN3 f % ^.S2h,� 21 4a 0 I I I I I 1 1 I i_t. , )+ t1 d a f_.. o ul I 23 47 X11 41 21 h - _ ... C --- - t --r - 4 r - -- ° z' O I �--'-}^--h -I--�-�- �__ 10714 P 133 '. 8 tl 40 77 p C t n3+.°°1° BTY1 0 R 1 ?4 foo , 0 00°12 121 I ?0 1 19 I Ib 117 1 IL ISI 14 15 1 120 40 22 ° C 'R. 61.9 V Ir' Q. S a.o Ali b 2-aco/9. r ., -L-p s1 14�3i 1 II, - y s 4 :7 5o M too '0114 .( (pool i 134-.3' b 152 135 ,i 137 ,S,S4 +^ ,• �....:.r 133- 133- (133- \ 40 ,0 �• .( Q �k1 ,°n ,°e 7Tti.t"k^'r• . \� 9 - �lo1.i8 .( 000k- a 0000' ooa:5 3+ y s: ofo (10000 000z -o izL' r- V I ?G \1f�v�. ss' 40' 40' 45' Gs' 40' 40' fo.+a 80 \�o .001 24 I- % q 1.99 A.. o a 4 coif'=' O°� 0 39 A.1 C a 7A� �', a0 _,.: !". .9,, .� ��4p A.. 1' It Tit 5 c' -fin w 4• ar ` n I I ,. 1 13a ,3. 132' iso- 135AC. I 135' TA - v1 10720 j -} 1 '9 1 - }• .0 0O - 44 til 43 0001 42 4t 40 1 39 1 36_ J 034 1 3S I 3401 377{ 38 h---- '� �, 1a1 3" sr �c 4c 99' 99' 4c 4c C Qr7& 2T V °0 7 -I I 1 I -I al \ Is 2S 0 y u3- 163..1 90 ITO C _ ISO 1o1.2z n (13 0.0 C133 -coo\ ` �' r,i LoT-�'"-r;,�- --�--+-�--t S'f moo' %� 0004 0007- 0008- noo000a-0005\�✓/V I '''�I I I I I �- 40'1i722L Q�napo 000 Dao 000 ooa 000 00 0`Z - 5 1 1 I I i I I I f 1 o I j i I I I o o p fi(ry 2 i9 G /9) /7) 8) -t1 /tea1 ao 129 t 3o 31 1 32 33 34 t 35 1 3G 37n L 3 132 13Y 130 129 '?8 1 27 I 261 S a a - -.. _.. .� �' y' r y �y ` y ° 700�0 4a r.o 45 65 40 .. - 40 777Y ,45 Ar.-�'h b M -_ 80 : - 1 `O )7G' ,ora 97 LG Ga: 99� 99 1 � 14 r '-c' 6.03 n O ft M I v 1.0 1® W I ra0LWX NOR N ro. 6A &- I Fr Plti--a.e r:- Fes. F-. G,A 071 L- E-S-e-/aTc 2 L..n,KL-lvoor;, P&aJi< Ur.fIT TAVL--L-v I:- 0 3 .. .. O hJ E- pi 1 ra. L- - E'-11 '-r & 7, li 15 1. Ta. P. Ps. Pa,. 1313-6101 10 SS 1301-6.15 1 1 3S, 36 C 37 601 i0 S1 1: 51 h. 1312-701 14 21 702 16 20 7 1=43.SttRL.Y PJ4l:NnL\LtY F. C?F-.\1/.1.'1.57. I L- St.it'Lr-C 1-5/ J55 9. 1-40L-Inny PIwaG'S Pka,\5t M !13 -a_ 20 19 MAIN_ra w.1,1�- -- 1 9 431 40 9 Ui L d) , 41 a SECTION_- N 1/2 oF TOWNSHIP 34 S. RANGE-- 39�...a FLORIDA INTERIM WELLFIELD PROTECTION ZO NE 12.000 ft. radius from well location Refer to Interim Wellfield Protection Ordinance for use restrictions / limitations CU -89-004 REVOKED, REFER TO Cu -90-001. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this is. page no. -MIN -of the OF ICIAL ZONING ATLAS referred to in the Zoning Ordinance of ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, adopted this 17 day of MA1( .,- ,19 84 . 9 CHAIRMAN BGARO ofCouP,TY n.;ItGNins "T LJ CIF COUNTY, F OR(CA ATTEST, CLERK EC;ARG of -'OUN?Y C.UMM1351^HERS ST L,: (AE-07`JTY, •-,--r,DA OFFICIAL ZONING, MAP BASE MAP REVISED 2/89 17 55 ,or• LFrAON 47TfL1�6--r ,°n > 47 -i Ioi FI .1 I ,� d(loo%!9)7... ^, - `° l -t L. 4'.='` 41` (r3 uo09 r z F 7a S7 Sij;IS _ Uj p o4O I I I I i 1400 r IoY 11 7 o P Y o _ •✓ �.�3„4 . 4 - ®\ ® y CU -179-Q©4 I - 16 52 C I I f /r4 I !4 .r. G '" c•. c.• 1 d I -9Q-001 `SEE NOTE} t--- of z 3 I4 s c 17 I a o n°_---�--- 8 E 2 --- -- INDRIO CROSSTNGS I U- - I 1 �3 1- I -�--) ° -- f !0]03 C o 37 U00 h ", S C 1LL � /a i 34461. t9 Si _ __ 45 17 ,o + 454 3 no �.. szn.... , I 20 50 22 2) 20 19 I Ib I )7 114 1 1S 1 14 1 13 110 �' 44 I la 1 J 1'(131-0000- [L.,l-J_- '� --- y , I LO LO v IZL - I . --- 46 - d .. .. .. .. .. Go 1 y O7C Ae v ,_. °. n� (134-0001- , ^1 ' 1 ` L_ ® T Pa i .o 21 49 .o .. .o { 43 19 : [ 200 _..�---....----_-- -poo; z� , 1415161 - 21 I_.._... RR IY �'- 1 V v) 1xvOG.1Ln0 STrLFE^T w Ior.v3 SIJ 1761 v 95 res' s 112 L71J --- I 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 I S I L 1 7 1 8 1 9 )O 410 4? I Io �i 1Y t .yas7 l.: accos hoops. _ ^ c.. tN3 f % ^.S2h,� 21 4a 0 I I I I I 1 1 I i_t. , )+ t1 d a f_.. o ul I 23 47 X11 41 21 h - _ ... C --- - t --r - 4 r - -- ° z' O I �--'-}^--h -I--�-�- �__ 10714 P 133 '. 8 tl 40 77 p C t n3+.°°1° BTY1 0 R 1 ?4 foo , 0 00°12 121 I ?0 1 19 I Ib 117 1 IL ISI 14 15 1 120 40 22 ° C 'R. 61.9 V Ir' Q. S a.o Ali b 2-aco/9. r ., -L-p s1 14�3i 1 II, - y s 4 :7 5o M too '0114 .( (pool i 134-.3' b 152 135 ,i 137 ,S,S4 +^ ,• �....:.r 133- 133- (133- \ 40 ,0 �• .( Q �k1 ,°n ,°e 7Tti.t"k^'r• . \� 9 - �lo1.i8 .( 000k- a 0000' ooa:5 3+ y s: ofo (10000 000z -o izL' r- V I ?G \1f�v�. ss' 40' 40' 45' Gs' 40' 40' fo.+a 80 \�o .001 24 I- % q 1.99 A.. o a 4 coif'=' O°� 0 39 A.1 C a 7A� �', a0 _,.: !". .9,, .� ��4p A.. 1' It Tit 5 c' -fin w 4• ar ` n I I ,. 1 13a ,3. 132' iso- 135AC. I 135' TA - v1 10720 j -} 1 '9 1 - }• .0 0O - 44 til 43 0001 42 4t 40 1 39 1 36_ J 034 1 3S I 3401 377{ 38 h---- '� �, 1a1 3" sr �c 4c 99' 99' 4c 4c C Qr7& 2T V °0 7 -I I 1 I -I al \ Is 2S 0 y u3- 163..1 90 ITO C _ ISO 1o1.2z n (13 0.0 C133 -coo\ ` �' r,i LoT-�'"-r;,�- --�--+-�--t S'f moo' %� 0004 0007- 0008- noo000a-0005\�✓/V I '''�I I I I I �- 40'1i722L Q�napo 000 Dao 000 ooa 000 00 0`Z - 5 1 1 I I i I I I f 1 o I j i I I I o o p fi(ry 2 i9 G /9) /7) 8) -t1 /tea1 ao 129 t 3o 31 1 32 33 34 t 35 1 3G 37n L 3 132 13Y 130 129 '?8 1 27 I 261 S a a - -.. _.. .� �' y' r y �y ` y ° 700�0 4a r.o 45 65 40 .. - 40 777Y ,45 Ar.-�'h b M -_ 80 : - 1 `O )7G' ,ora 97 LG Ga: 99� 99 1 � 14 r '-c' 6.03 n O ft M I v 1.0 1® W I ra0LWX NOR N ro. 6A &- I Fr Plti--a.e r:- Fes. F-. G,A 071 L- E-S-e-/aTc 2 L..n,KL-lvoor;, P&aJi< Ur.fIT TAVL--L-v I:- 0 3 .. .. O hJ E- pi 1 ra. L- - E'-11 '-r & 7, li 15 1. Ta. P. Ps. Pa,. 1313-6101 10 SS 1301-6.15 1 1 3S, 36 C 37 601 i0 S1 1: 51 h. 1312-701 14 21 702 16 20 7 1=43.SttRL.Y PJ4l:NnL\LtY F. C?F-.\1/.1.'1.57. I L- St.it'Lr-C 1-5/ J55 9. 1-40L-Inny PIwaG'S Pka,\5t M !13 -a_ 20 19 MAIN_ra w.1,1�- -- 1 9 431 40 9 Ui L d) , 41 a SECTION_- N 1/2 oF TOWNSHIP 34 S. RANGE-- 39�...a FLORIDA INTERIM WELLFIELD PROTECTION ZO NE 12.000 ft. radius from well location Refer to Interim Wellfield Protection Ordinance for use restrictions / limitations CU -89-004 REVOKED, REFER TO Cu -90-001. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this is. page no. -MIN -of the OF ICIAL ZONING ATLAS referred to in the Zoning Ordinance of ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, adopted this 17 day of MA1( .,- ,19 84 . 9 CHAIRMAN BGARO ofCouP,TY n.;ItGNins "T LJ CIF COUNTY, F OR(CA ATTEST, CLERK EC;ARG of -'OUN?Y C.UMM1351^HERS ST L,: (AE-07`JTY, •-,--r,DA OFFICIAL ZONING, MAP BASE MAP REVISED 2/89 ft M I v 1.0 1® W I ra0LWX NOR N ro. 6A &- I Fr Plti--a.e r:- Fes. F-. G,A 071 L- E-S-e-/aTc 2 L..n,KL-lvoor;, P&aJi< Ur.fIT TAVL--L-v I:- 0 3 .. .. O hJ E- pi 1 ra. L- - E'-11 '-r & 7, li 15 1. Ta. P. Ps. Pa,. 1313-6101 10 SS 1301-6.15 1 1 3S, 36 C 37 601 i0 S1 1: 51 h. 1312-701 14 21 702 16 20 7 1=43.SttRL.Y PJ4l:NnL\LtY F. C?F-.\1/.1.'1.57. I L- St.it'Lr-C 1-5/ J55 9. 1-40L-Inny PIwaG'S Pka,\5t M !13 -a_ 20 19 MAIN_ra w.1,1�- -- 1 9 431 40 9 Ui L d) , 41 a SECTION_- N 1/2 oF TOWNSHIP 34 S. RANGE-- 39�...a FLORIDA INTERIM WELLFIELD PROTECTION ZO NE 12.000 ft. radius from well location Refer to Interim Wellfield Protection Ordinance for use restrictions / limitations CU -89-004 REVOKED, REFER TO Cu -90-001. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this is. page no. -MIN -of the OF ICIAL ZONING ATLAS referred to in the Zoning Ordinance of ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, adopted this 17 day of MA1( .,- ,19 84 . 9 CHAIRMAN BGARO ofCouP,TY n.;ItGNins "T LJ CIF COUNTY, F OR(CA ATTEST, CLERK EC;ARG of -'OUN?Y C.UMM1351^HERS ST L,: (AE-07`JTY, •-,--r,DA OFFICIAL ZONING, MAP BASE MAP REVISED 2/89 1=43.SttRL.Y PJ4l:NnL\LtY F. C?F-.\1/.1.'1.57. I L- St.it'Lr-C 1-5/ J55 9. 1-40L-Inny PIwaG'S Pka,\5t M !13 -a_ 20 19 MAIN_ra w.1,1�- -- 1 9 431 40 9 Ui L d) , 41 a SECTION_- N 1/2 oF TOWNSHIP 34 S. RANGE-- 39�...a FLORIDA INTERIM WELLFIELD PROTECTION ZO NE 12.000 ft. radius from well location Refer to Interim Wellfield Protection Ordinance for use restrictions / limitations CU -89-004 REVOKED, REFER TO Cu -90-001. THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this is. page no. -MIN -of the OF ICIAL ZONING ATLAS referred to in the Zoning Ordinance of ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, adopted this 17 day of MA1( .,- ,19 84 . 9 CHAIRMAN BGARO ofCouP,TY n.;ItGNins "T LJ CIF COUNTY, F OR(CA ATTEST, CLERK EC;ARG of -'OUN?Y C.UMM1351^HERS ST L,: (AE-07`JTY, •-,--r,DA OFFICIAL ZONING, MAP BASE MAP REVISED 2/89 - 74 J r 19 19A 205 000 10 $ �_ •:_ 3 _. . .: ... xsast�, csx .� _ :..,;, . _. ..m r ... ._, ... +. ,. ^..a'77_ ... .5.„..n_ .n. ...�v.o-,.rsr.: &RW SIGNATURE CHAIRMAN BOARD OF CO. COMM. REV N0. QATE BY RESOLUTION SIGNATURE CHAIRMAN FREV - N b. DATE N0. { PAGE BOARD OF CO. COMM. • 5 3-2172 72-341 240 2244 35 9-26-72 72-105 206 2446 t ... ,; .., r ...::« . . ..: ,;,: .. . Y. .,-..:.r.., , r . M ...: ;, x..:.. ma.v :.a..n s..X vu r µ: u., i. ,R.: -w�✓+zSYuo.f.+.+t6 1R"Yj'iMf a .. ..; -, :; REV ;� ;. Int N HI«y. _ .. NO. DATE' SIO. " "'tx� � DATE ,'+: reSOLUTION r c SIGNATURE CHAIRMAN BY ,+, SO. a. NO O.R.BOARD OF CO. COMM. � REV N0. QATE RE' :' c� a<.::; ° BOARD OF CO. COMM. N0. DI ,, �' MAN R © BOARD OF :'. -COMM N0. N0. 0•R• PAGE (<i/� R _ fool 1 __ nv 02_ .. ..N - 3 99' 20 � 22 1 21 24 l5 i8 j 171 t6 j IS' 114 j 13 i 12 - - air- rr0 c -,a 1>4 �s �o� .. r U M � Se4A< n is IA2a 99 /2n- /LO 1 ° ' 3' Ori 5yl 6 701U L\Voc^Do STREET a°O �oi3- 26A L�Vlr1..1Ul; \\ I 3`1 99' - 95287 4-3-73 73-44 213 333 / J VICE 7o4•x°n4a`_i bb' Ja bb 66 7/0 I -- 9 Dj 63 l.4 54 S5 54, Sh 52,yamfiSt 74u." 11s1flLANs >-13 � 5 145 8-2174 74 -iris 231 1991 II ,II3.01 Ac a 7/5 i } i 1 I� 1 77 r /z .ria v�r• .a+IJ.z 0 7 4 0 Ty�� C't 3za 1 era t 1.UG ciG- „01 1 Lob Jr d \� 3 h t 74 J r 19 19A 205 149.71 000 10 $ 13 3 4 r b L 15 0 1 /30 Ile 0 790 4 2 IS M v U O Q D F I") ,� ° 80 L 6 f U 1 Z6 2019 S IGy15 14j13j12' /.n w (<i/� R _ fool 1 __ nv 02_ era t 1.UG ciG- „01 1 Lob Jr d \� 3 h t 74 J r 19 19A 205 149.71 II�DR 10 $ 13 3 4 r b L 15 0 1 /30 - 6r" 205" 74 J r 19 19A 205 149.71 II�DR 10 $ 13 3 4 r b 2 15 0 1 /30 Ile 0 790 4 2 IS M v U O Q D 0 Tao I r 6 f 2212, Z6 2019 S IGy15 14j13j12' /.n ✓Za� I /z c I fool 1 __ nv 02_ .. ..N - 3 99' 20 � 22 1 21 24 l5 i8 j 171 t6 j IS' 114 j 13 i 12 - - air- rr0 c -,a 1>4 �s �o� .. r U M � Se4A< n is IA2a 99 /2n- /LO 1 ° ' 3' Ori 5yl 6 701U L\Voc^Do STREET a°O �oi3- 26A L�Vlr1..1Ul; 6r" 205" 74 J r 19 19A 205 149.71 II�DR 10 ... ._1.,.. 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ZTLSA'^3 1 2 5 - // 1 J 70' 7 A 9 is j qo 1 7 e V ° ip 5\ 1 Gv +4 w1 3 ua 21 � d\l�J-7r /S J.7 tis, v S i 10 v# Z'�'S n " 2 l „ � � � ► 1; J I 1 ^ r x ^ A4, sA r' 4 /90 � r,3lb m m 7 t0 i O II 7 to 0 b $ 13 3 4 r b 2 15 0 1 /30 Ile 0 790 70 l JP a e'; V s q L Ij 7 to 0 b $ II 5 , 12 A 13 ° 3 b 14 0 4 2 IS M v U O Q D 0 Tao is e .es Y 7 e 10 L Ij -47-*1.4,!2 r Ik 44-}=o L_ a 4 13 - W 3 41 14' i 2 1$ P O 7zJ Y Y 4 123 7J�l3OJ 07 2 -NeW6o 560 RX% Shokm # ifi 14)/350 101v t) nDlh��7oP _¢: Is 53 ° L 1° j a;so -47-*1.4,!2 r Ik 44-}=o L_ a 3 4 5 �!m 7 7a r /zt.9J1 3 1 -4 oa sa I I r 6 I I a 2212, Z6 2019 ISiit IGy15 14j13j12' /.n ✓Za� I /z c I fool 1 __ nv 02_ .. ..N - 99 99' 20 50 - 22 1 21 24 l5 i8 j 171 t6 j IS' 114 j 13 i 12 - - air- rr0 c -,a 1>4 �s �o� .. r U M 07 2 -NeW6o 560 RX% Shokm # ifi 14)/350 101v t) nDlh��7oP _¢: Is 53 ° L 1° j a;so -47-*1.4,!2 r Ik 44-}=o L_ a 3 4 5 �!m 7 7a r /zt.9J1 3 1 -4 oa sa I I r 6 I I a 2212, Z6 2019 ISiit IGy15 14j13j12' /.n ✓Za� I /z c I fool 1 __ nv 02_ .. ..N - 99 99' 20 50 - 22 1 21 24 l5 i8 j 171 t6 j IS' 114 j 13 i 12 - - air- rr0 c -,a 1>4 �s �o� .. r U M a.o.. .� Se4A< 13 is IA2a 99 /2n- /LO ° ' 3' Ori 5yl 6 701U L\Voc^Do STREET a°O �oi3- 26A \\ I 3`1 99' °rz6 99 99 7o4•x°n4a`_i bb' Ja bb 66 7/0 I -- 9 Dj 63 l.4 54 S5 54, Sh 52,yamfiSt 74u." 11s1flLANs >-13 � 5 S'''T R EET II ,II3.01 Ac a - r rz� 14ks I5 1 54 U o17 R-11. _¢: Is 53 ° L 1° j a;so -47-*1.4,!2 r Ik 44-}=o L_ a 3 4 5 �!m 7 el 9 lo 2 3 1 -4 oa sa I I r 6 I I a 2212, Z6 2019 ISiit IGy15 14j13j12' /.n ✓Za� I /z c I fool 1 o17 R-11. _¢: Is 53 ° L 1° j a;so -47-*1.4,!2 r Ik 44-}=o L_ a 47 Of f ILzr i 1 12n y 4 I 16 I I S I 9 O j 11°� s J -Ju 2 3 1 -4 oa sa r 49 /3 > a h i o 0 1 t L 1 1 I r ' LL) 45 2rz o 4or" 48 i4 q BGY __ nv 02_ 47 o17 R-11. _¢: Is 53 ° L 1° j M 0 N STRCET 4 -47-*1.4,!2 r Ik 44-}=o L_ a 47 Of f ILzr i 1 12n y 4 I 16 I I S I 9 O j 11°� i J -Ju 2 3 1 -4 oa sa 25 a h i o 0 1 t L 1 1 I r ' LL) 45 2rz 4or" LANs, er 1.99 Ac. n BGY 66' 66' 99 99' 20 50 - 22 1 21 24 l5 i8 j 171 t6 j IS' 114 j 13 i 12 - - S 4� 18 rr0 J © 0 r U 1 1 1420 i I r IY !I 12 13 is 99 /2n- /LO ° L\Voc^Do STREET a°O �oi3- ,�ss N 4z• 20 [[ - _LS 4e 4 41 21 W 40 22 n LAN1 10 L7s �•1� ;r, /.99 Ac. T 45 R3_!PaM }K�4,I`GO $ 3,6 o u i s 6 D 0 44 , 43 ° 42 41 Aa 39 1,30 -) 34 1 3s 3c 1 3 7'I � 38 \� j==ts- ❑ m 1 j LY J G 7 r Ld ®!.!g .�._;/l Li <.4.'_ _$.._`I _'.^Du Ne y. { }-.FJST'C• 4�. T �� v 7n 1 0o 1 t r I I ! 1 L I 1 '29 j 29 1 30 1 31 132 1 33 1 .341 7.5 1 36r 1 i 37 1r 33 '92 1 91 f 30 127 128 1 27 1 2L I I I 1 I 1 1 f I 1-- r r l I ar�s.2! I a r r l ups' a e t 5� r I so2s"1 r ; So 70 _¢: 22 48- _ 1_Z /O.1/ 23 1/4 sec. in77 „D 47 Of hod• i 0 B/.2 LAND 1 -4 44 ; sa 25 N 4z• 20 [[ - _LS 4e 4 41 21 W 40 22 n LAN1 10 L7s �•1� ;r, /.99 Ac. T 45 R3_!PaM }K�4,I`GO $ 3,6 o u i s 6 D 0 44 , 43 ° 42 41 Aa 39 1,30 -) 34 1 3s 3c 1 3 7'I � 38 \� j==ts- ❑ m 1 j LY J G 7 r Ld ®!.!g .�._;/l Li <.4.'_ _$.._`I _'.^Du Ne y. { }-.FJST'C• 4�. T �� v 7n 1 0o 1 t r I I ! 1 L I 1 '29 j 29 1 30 1 31 132 1 33 1 .341 7.5 1 36r 1 i 37 1r 33 '92 1 91 f 30 127 128 1 27 1 2L I I I 1 I 1 1 f I 1-- r r l I ar�s.2! I a r r l ups' a e t 5� r I so2s"1 r ; So 70 _¢: 1_Z /O.1/ 1/4 sec. in77 „D SUB 0I'VISIOtd..1 I K_j 0 C X t.lo. hJ 1 ✓1 G P. E3 PGI. I_ f-OIiT PIERccz } F-L-0RIDL� GAS, FtL�Ct`! CST �` i C i(7 5S 2. L_ A` 1K E WO O D Pc,R K U i_j 1 11 34P 3.7 260 4s1.23 1_Z /O.1/ 2E �-76-� 1a ..i LANn ° hod• 73 B/.2 LAND LJ 260 , g D ¢r ZN 7 D a h pa fit P_8s A<. a' \ 2rz 4or" LANs, er 1.99 Ac. n BGY r 257J9" 2J La a.tn 2.0 Ac. CA -41)-A/5 A,. ° 'o " 2L m 1.50 Ac. 260 1M Ira.99' 1_Z /O.1/ -o �-76-� 1a ..i c hod• 73 B/.2 LJ o ZM ZN 7 D pa fit 33 a' \ rozb- 4or" 10 /32' BGY 66' 66' 99 99' 66 66' So' 66 b6• rr0 J © �? )0 !I 12 13 is 99 I 3`1 99' 99 99 66' 1 bb' Ja bb 66 7/0 SEE 51-IC�i �e x/13 8 LgND .57 Ac. LAN TJ• S2 Ac. L PNA .52 Ac N P,5-1 a J N ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TOWNSHI t3ANGF Q: a' TS �v IS TO CERTIFY that this is ,. NO. A3113N of the OFFICIA.'. t<1NG ATLAS referred to in TION 3 of the Zoning Resoiutiur 07 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, adopted the 11th of April 1972. "CHAIRMAN s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI.'V ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA ATT T=�� __........ _- ._...... /fit ._...__.,-_.,. . R BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER; ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA : 1411010x