HomeMy WebLinkAboutKrutzman NOA• 41 • • DADDADE COUN H�11PRODUCT CONTROL• :1 • '•• 1: 1 ' • •' 1 • • • 'Florida • 1 / • 1ADMINISTRATION1 • :• 91 :• NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/econom Amarr Garage Doors dba Entrematic 165 Carriage Court Winston-Salem, NC 27105 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION: Model 950 Heritage & 655 Oak Summit 1000, 2000 Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 161-0" Wide with Impact Windows (DP +45.89 49.3 PSF) APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. IRC-9516469-26-G, titled "Model 950 Heritage & 655 Oak Summit (24 GA) 1000, 2000, Short, Long, Flush and Oak Summit Panels", sheets 1 through 3 of 3, dated 03/12/2013, prepared by Amarr Garage Doors, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. on 10/03/2013, bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami -Dade County Product Control Section. MISSILE IMPACT RATING: Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, 3800 Greenway Circle, Lawrence, Kansas, model number, the positive and negative design pressure rating, indicate impact rated if applicable, installation instruction drawing reference number, approval number (NOA), the applicable test standards, and the statement reading `Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved' is to be located on the door's side track, bottom angle, or inner surface of a panel. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA # 174010.08 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. NOA No. 18-0725.03 Expiration Date: October 10, 2023 p Approval Date: August 30, 2018 Page 1 Amarr Garage Doors dba Entrematic NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 1. Evidence submitted in previous NOA's A. DRAWINGS "Submitted under NOA # 13-0813.22" 1. Drawing No. IRC-9516469-26-G, titled "Model 950 Heritage & 655 Oak Summit (24 GA) 1000, 2000, Short, Long, Flush and Oak Summit Panels", Sheets 1 through 3 of 3, dated 03/12/2013, prepared by Amarr Garage Doors, signed and sealed on 10/03/13 by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. B. TESTS "Submitted under NOA # 13-0813.22" 1. Addendum to Test Report No. ATLNC 0320.0143, prepared by American Test Lab, Inc., dated 07/16/2013, signed and sealed by David W. Johnson, P.E. 2. Test reports on 1) Uniform Static Air Pressure Test, Loading per FBC, TAS 202-94 2) Large Missile Impact Test per FBC, TAS 201-94 3) Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC, TAS 203-94 4) Forced Entry Test per FBC, TAS 202-94 5) Tensile Test per ASTM E8 along with marked -up drawings and installation diagram of Amarr 16' x 7' 24 ga steel garage door Model 950, prepared by American Test Lab, Inc, Test Report No. ATLNC 0320.0143, dated 05/01/2013, signed and sealed by David W. Johnson, P.E. 3. Test report on Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments per ASTM D1654 & ASTM B117, prepared by Architectural Testing, Inc., Test Report No. C5463.0140648, dated 04/03/2013, signed and sealed by Gary T. Hartman, P.E. "Submitted under NOA # 134503.08" C. CALCULATIONS "Submitted under NOA # 13-0813.22" 1. Anchor calculations prepared by Structural Solutions, P.A., dated 07/17/2013, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami -Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0423.17 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex Clear and Color Glass Interlayers" approved on 06/19/2014, expiring on 05/21/2016. F. STATEMENTS "Submitted under NOA # 1 S-OSOS.16" 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5� edition (2014) FBC and no financial interest issued by Structural Solutions, PA., dated 04/08/2015, signed and sealed by Tomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. to Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 18-0725.03 Expiration Date: October 10, 2023 Approval Date: August 30, 2018 E-1 Amarr Garage Doors dba Entremane NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUB 2. Evidence submitted under NOA # 17-1010.08 A. DRAWINGS 1. None. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Notice of Acceptance No. 17-0712.05 issued to Eastman Chemical Company (MA) for their "Saflex Clear and Color Glass IMet nyers" approved on 09/07/2017, expiring on 05/21/2021. F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 6th Edition (2017) FBC, issued by Structural Solutions, P.A., dated 09/11/2017, signed and sealed by Thomas L. Shelmerdine, P.E. Carlos M. Utrera, P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No. 18-0725.03 Expiration Date: October 10, 2023 Approval Date: August 30, 2018 E-2 7' 36 Ge EHD CAP T9P F. �12 GA. CALM. CDHFiERC1AL TCiP fi^e.1.�R BRACKET ATTAE3iED it/C4) .1/4' x 3dq` HEX HEAD SCREYS PER BRAZKE7 2' ID HAL L STEEL IiJRRICAStE Rfl[.LER V/�' FSIN STEH � AU.TtiiST.AHLE n�.LEfI CP.RRSER —�-«�----�- ,ACHED �: t2'i .'.: 4' X' ii2P e l�'i aSLi &-NUT PER 3RACKET ® '--_1 5.1I2' SBGA. R-TRllST ATTACHED 'S1! C�> 1!4' x 3/i' }� HEAD SCRI=YS n� EACH CENTER STILE �..a_-y 7YP]CF� Ts7P FiXTiiRESt� N.T.S. .jI ��J SEE C7AHLE 2) DN PAaE 3 FQR �HHENDEn SECTIOt; ini3FIfiURATD7N 23 SSA DURASAFE R[P_LER CC.k'2IE4S ATTP.Ck1ED TQ R-TRUSS HiifiD SCREi1S PER CNtRY'R 2' iQ .ae� t Eft T� TAHLE 4 Iiii PAuE 3 s� STILE PLACi:HENTS ,(��i`� IinA. Dt1RASA'fE /j CZ:N>ER iilf3fiE AT7`ALHED k�J} -A"EX 3zEfiD sCREi1S 7' Ib I,A. END C.AF BEf11hD -::.:_�:_:.•.-y TISP AND 9lSTTDH F}n'iURES l �='' /� TYPICAL �URASAf-E i.EN i Et2 Hi',�r ,'C-t�� -./ � N.T.S. --r- Z4 GA. NSN f,XiERC1SR SKIN trj'Rf}SEQ 'JT! POLYESTER fiN1SH 12 GA LSlko+iyZGTAL KDF FIX741RE. ATTACHED it/ SCRESdS A31;EiSTA1#i.E SLIDE BRACKET ATTAG'iED +al;e> 3/4' x i12' BiR.T AHD N3J?S ;3'GA. FLAG 3RACKZ=I' Ae"FA,CI�ED T4 Vt1DIl ,SAlaa Sal S37 5lSc DIA. X 1-5/e' LP.G �nL?S iiitLi T� Tfi ACK S(! Cq} li4'-2H z bt9 TRACK VPLICE BBLTS AND NU.rS SP!tCE 7RA�"#.S AT i'i:S LC)C:A'SSC>."J -�/ {4) 1/4'-2D 7RAi*-SPLSCE i3CSLT5 lac NUTS Sc'CJRE TO JAki6 Y; TH {3) 5/1E' w A, :e 7-5/E' IJtf.+ 9t�L'S L4G 84LT ATr,�a;En ro aAue �r� �uaa BRACKET '} � ' PER SECTT7N ��� �; ; : � � � .�_ � ! STILE STIFFEn"RS'Ci) � y j j I - 1i GP. %ALV� STEEL — `•'' T ;—LOCATED Iti i-Jt{6E H1D.�S) �_�_._. G � I ATtACtiED S'i/ {i; i%4'-2C `Tna> 3 DN ?DP S�iD]y ❑NLY i ' 1 E{i:i'SI '? 't ,�,iw"K SPLIT BS.iT 3c 1145'' —� " i ^�� �.Es FUR STk"u7 � { I 1 � —T-� : PRODUCT RENEWED i( �} 5 !_ _ _TTACWtL'NT tiF STFI;a'. i -F- _� ,. J,� _ ? r � IS REDIU�ED) I i i � �_i^ Building CodeW�th the Florida � i ..i—� i � i � � -� ! 1 � Noa-No. 18-0725.03 ��-`O :�..1 I ! 3 i j �� � � �� � � j j p � j LL Expiration Da e10110/2023 � {� � ' i I O I � � y� I � j � j � ( � ,(__�� Miami-Daci Product Control I i3 Ij� , \ {9 i6 I � j t I �S� <;A�n�c 3i Dri FAi+L � 1 ` � ( =. _ i j � F� -rAi�� '�+�t+trv.�-:i SPRrn.,�'ir'. ' . :9 I�. C ` � Y,�1�"r.L ST'' t. S'-3;� 3'+tR tt y i I iC.T:"- � � iSS 5 \5 11't'N X 1$ GA. t33 Ka'i) ' =?;Cr; CONF7GU?A']C:`3 FfiR 5'iS" UP TG� i�' T-•,! I (1COP,.�. I:i :S A B t 1 1 ( :sALV. STEEL R-TECllSS ATThCHQ •� 'st/ C4S II+` �: 3/4' iiF.':: $EAD Qi�{ii ✓ s ��1�'� —a-� S � —�-' SC.46V$ AT EACH END STILE j ;___SEE CTABLE 1} ;id PA �' 3 AND c2) 1/#' x 3t-d! 33Ex HEAD �O�i f ���� i �' �-��'*'� I FDR STA.UT SPACING �^ SCREVS Ai, EACH CENTER STILE � p� p'fbri�t 9otidngCvi3c !� —y6`-S' NAX INS(D� �LE4'AT(ON N.T.S. '3 {iA. �SRASAi"E EN➢ HIE ATTAC:-IED �'X NEAD SCf2BVS --34Gfi, DE7RaS�lFE ROLLER CARRIERS ATTACHED Tu E_uD-SaTSi �:! tom) 1.'i' x '!d' H� HEAD SCRE'a`S =TER C6RR4'tT SLSDE t3CK EiIGAv_a Iris YEa"TrCAL TRACK rDti Hurii SIDES 5/9' NIN ENGAGENC?IT tS:�1AP L.A7CH, I]R LCCK g V-�.'H X 18 GAS :5' � "'j t ` BAp t�FT;UNAL)..ATTAC;: k1t2) 1/4' X R`-T.'R,I.SSi ATTACS-rr. �i 4it4) 3l#'Y.cX i-ccliv �%FCEidS .li�+rx' X�/�' isEX 3>iAD I a ro ��� T 1 PICFi� D�'fSASAY E EI'tD,'IlifiiG ,SYC)P 3iCUiff;INC ?, GP_ f;�J;s"-� EkH ST':ts � �/ ;=1F73LE SEAL. ATTACHED L/ITN t7) TLhi-L-LCC �- 3 3Id' 311E�. � {SJJPPIJED }iY INSTALLER; Tel +T'ii17R5 SKIN A?iD C2)1 ''K3 �G.-L-LIJC ai TES TDP A w � 1 � t7} gD GA, �N2E.R STILES 8II'!'Ta"k". 5'�'.IL { / k'TACEIED VITN t2) i� 3 J .2i�-L-CDC AT TtiE Tt3P AND {1�7j:Y uiA, ( ��31,! snrrr�x P.au€. ;�� w,�.E�SVE S;ELT �T�t}�' i ii3 IliiE2ipR FACE ` PER RDi.Lc.R �. �r-�'1-` !} 1 ' T Gl,Lk. S'Srz, 7n„AC{{� ;RACft ;,•Dcic11E�_.oss LI} 1/9-2a k SfQ'T'RACK ,5 3/2'3: S� 18 GA. G7, �rYT. +tECcIiGAL JA116 So• r R-7RUSS> SCUTHCftN YE110W SIC.. BELT AND MST PER jNc. � � g�cr .iA)'.B .rrr7ALKE7 v i��` ��Vi�1�I��i ❑�Ti��i_. }I, i.j. ?C6A� a ii r�U i <?? ?id' x 3l�' AT CND AF{D CEN'ER ST iLiS STEEL r'�._L? _.�' x ' 5J8" LnU P CI) DER BRAG{cT C?) 3' 2AGA. CS3>iKS?> STRUTS nT.TACI3ED Y.lL,') 11d' X 3I�' i-wX tEAi' SCS�'1S AT END AiiD CE't't""riS J ICES '" 16*`iA Ei?D CPs' HEFIIND __ _ i /'flyr AMi :,�TTDH FtXiciii-s' ,,,;., io CGNT STEEL F.- �;'tl:��c -- : -- _ -_ -- . `' - Y! fir, iI]ii � :4L ..._......_�� sy 'r'.:'.... BALL' � " tr ' B�TTiN aRA"..n'ET Ylii'S :CANE I `-� ' 1S' GP_ THICK A?TnCHED �:- STc4i � � .�S' Y/tar 1��`.' X 9/4' �� � � tE)f ii'En`D SvkE1:5 �r:.� TYPZCRi_ �TT�;'I :4�1��=:`_T� a I2y N.T.S. �� T'afl t� R'4'S 9F' TS?3iEE t3A �EHTS ERUh.1.S tg 5�7, i1tOHES .i � � ,9,yF r � ' �•r �. ;r i. - - 'O�' � i,inX $iLG E�Ghi LriAD� d� ePo4�4-�,�, `��.•' i,,i��a��� ti I r`-` ^v � . i T � e,v c��s�'il'�5� i lam_'. i�.i- ... » .. IMPACT i1. �.�'-' ( � ��, id � i21=SiSTAidC= I :;�. fs'<�tin'', � �",��,1�+^'�.,,,+ _S? .-� F>n r � 4��r}��t;:'@_�iAn'v�a'.R� z.m f ��_ � , !GS CARRJ"ACs£ t'.€'iAtT YL4S'fw-itElir ldd:, a.ias :''d11+1NP�-i.7� 5 y 'ni6DSL Qb0 �Ri�A�3 t;24 :.Ai ifl311, F.SIQ-[3 �OyBi, 855 4A$ �IliidlT (�� C'-Ai jQDC, 2'GvC 5i?fl.7t?', I.0.?Fr:., FLTJSai, A?iC+ Ott' SLh°id;T PA�S"iS- rSiE j-DFA�;(9r � � IZhiE �f 3i%33 �tl:'N�G ?,I.�R I 8 al<rxin ar oa» fR� ��10-1 �-7E-G i i � ! (i' SPECIFICATIONS AND NIITES 1. ALL THE LOAD r'Kum THE' DOCK IS T NSfERRED TO THEM!ICAL TRAC iK, FROM E TRACK 114E LOAD IS TRANSFEPREED TO THE VERTICAL JAhM& THE HORIZONTAL JAMB OR HEADER RE-CETVES NO PORMN OF THE LOAD TRANSFERRED FROM THE DOOR, 2. EACH VERTICAL JAhIEiS RECEs4r faAXfklDii DESIGN LOADS OF I F366.4 LES- FT &-394.4-LERS/FT 3. DOOR AND HARDWARE VALL BE DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED AND INSTALLED NTH STANDARDS AS SET FIRTH BY DASMA. 4. DOOR SECTIONS SHALL BE .24 GA, (0216) MIN, EXTERIOR SKIN ROLLED FORMED, W/ B-A (ED ON POLYESTER FINISH 5. DOORS UPTG 'O" HIGH CONSI 7ST OF (4) .SECTIONS AS SHOW USE 0) 5 1 f2' a -TRUSS PER SECTION & (2) 3" 200A STRLTS AT BOTTOM{ SECTION 1;. DOORS OVER (a) SEr.MONS REFER. TO TABLES 1 AND 2 ON PAGE 3 7, SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE DESIGNED BY A REGIS TRED PROFYSi0NAL ENGINEER FOR WIND LOADS JNDICATED ON THIS DRAWING IN ADDITION TO OTHER LOADINGS. 3. THIS APPROVAL REQUIRES THE MANUFACTURER TO 10 TESTING OF ALL COILS USED ',•O FABRICATE DOOR -PANELS UNIDER Tsr',S NOTICE OF Ar.iE TAI`ICE. A WNILMIUM .OF 2 SP-ECIMENS SHS L L HE CUT FROM EACH COIL AND TENSILE TE'-STED ACCORDING TO ASlhl E-8 BY A DADE COUlWY APPROVED' LAB SELECTED AND PAID BY THE (MANUFACTURER. EVERY 3 MONT:IS, 4 T'W'ES A YEAR, Ti-I£ MAN! IFACTURER SHALL irAIL TO IHIS OFFICE:" A COPY OF JHE TEST REPORTS 3:3 mfl CONFIP„,IA'IO?fTHAT7 IFE SPECIIYI.ENS WERE SiE�J FROlI CCiLS AT THE MIANUFACT'JRER PRtI >JC{i0? FACIL!"PIES, AND A NOTARIZED STATEIENT FROM' THE MANUF-ACTU'RE° THAT ONLY COILS-31'ITEf YIELD STRENGTH OF 34,800 PSI OR MORE S4AALL BE USED TO MAKE DOOR PANELS FOR DADE COUNTY UNDER MIS NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE. AYAILA6LE" TRACK COIiEI"w7RATI0NS 1t T:S. 1NT£R!OR Of GAAfiGE hIAX. 314 0 TrI I6`0� L Dc�.vN LOADS � tlllll9li� +ifi5.4 LBSFT SEE NO �r 2 -394. A LBS/FT PRODUCT RENEWED as complying with the Florida Building Code NOA-No. 18-0725.03 Expiration Date 10/10/2023 By a . MiamisimmmV16#611yroduct Control TOP SEC3TLRJ INTERMEDIATE SECTI[1N Tf] yRilr: =y"MF CTR:7C=�vRr CI Ill' c,'�E�DF#_`N77 5ii.�,' X 3' LAG SCR�wS START.IHG b` FRON ENDS T:HE.1 ±2' "D;Ci GALV STEEL IHTERIUff it;PACT StSr�Dw FRAi4E STEEL EAiEKIUK IHE'ACT WZA DUw FRAH£ iil,5' $±TE fJ*i GLASS 24 G"A..STEEL 1�7UR SN?N 5llfi' UV.ERAl.L ±/S' CLEAR ANNEALED GLASS Dy9' Si1LUT14"PV2 INTERLAYEP. IJ8' G EAR ANNFAL2D GLASS H:.t]Ti.3FACT11RED BY WAntAh S$-L4a L ADHESIVE FnSTEn THE STEEL EXTERIOR IHPACT VIND014-FRAEIE TO Tr1E STEEL INTERIOR IMPACT WINDOV FRAME. 3. ISl6#` X I✓P' SCREW - USED TO FASTEN DECURATIVE PLASTIC MOLDED V±it3i3; 1 FRAME TO THE ASSEMBLY . SECTION B-F IMP;ACT W?I.�W r'=�A?L N.T.S. - -wid =d ids z Lip IMPACT GLA�iNG F.A,sTE:izR vETAiL GLAZ?Nu MEN ; S AS??-1 �30Q—ia ;?elx HILT( KWIN BOLT VW A` STARTING b' ('RCM ENDS ZI-L:N Z4' ii,C, t^c ±/2` EF;nEDMEAITr I T• SLEEVE ANCHOR 3.'8' X 2-3I4' STAR':`l,"iG 5` FRCI:1 ENDS THEN 12' i1;CI {I 11 d' EUaEDt-1EPsi) iTiJi;<AFisET REDHEAD {TRU-BOLT) 3J3' X 4' STARiir<'L• 5' i'RO;I EiSUS Ti?EN R2' O.C. C2 ±J2= EFiBEv}iElvT) SIIiPSi1r1 i/4' X 3' TITEN SCRE;dS STAPTiNu c' FRu"I3 ENDS, ;1SE PAIRS [IF FASTENERS APA.?) AT ?' II,C. Cl 1r'2` EH±JzDHENTS I?;;,.TI i/s1' X 2-3r'4'' iC1tIK-Cflt� II+SCREk'S STAP,;:"tG 6' roOt't 5]�iDS, USE PAI?i UF' FA EHEizS C`s" APART) AT 0` Or CI LJ4' Etta-IIN_fs f) X A VERTICAL JAMB ATTAC' HEAT 9 QRDtJTED C90 TLOCK tcJ"a PST GROUT SLEEVE nP.CHUR 318' X E-3!44 S?'AK73NG 6` Fw=-M 1;NI?S T1IE4 'I' G,s=. Ci t /40 El1BED}?Eh'T1 C`JR, USE FASTENERS FUR HOLLO-W C-90 HLvCK) SLAGS AND BOLTS CAN BE C0WTER=4IC Ti7 PRO -VIDE A FLUSH NOiINT±NG St1P,FaCE, ARAIiDhi OF %1flu"D JrivIDa' BY UTI-��S STP,UCTmE � I ST21,79GT'iitC= � I ST,P,'rJCTFIln.c �—?X6 JAMB I i TYP, 3' MIN �r w► TABLE 1 D 091 STRv7 SPACIN ON RECOt%�u%1_NDEG SPCTiflN (BAS�r�D ' HE,GhH" CONFI UW1'10N) ! TOP I A B C i t I� H ! i ;. -- - T.. fr = :ram - - - 1:• - 11_ i = - - -- - - - NIL 711 17112" i 38 112" 59 1121i 76 112" 77 1l217 i i �•7- - 1 7.+ 1_ 1. 2-.- 1 1. 3 Il f! t, - - �i - 112-:� - - r7 S !. .!4_- .,2�'i1_ ��� V .;. ...2: - - -- - - - - ' 1 ' 11 4 112 It f li !I 17 112 i 3 1 /2 r :r nil 1531.12" 1- 1 114 � 01 " SS 1.12 ! ; '- z - - 11 - - - 1 II K. ! ' Yi II �,. I - �-°' - -- -- - - - - n ILL ve 6i 4 12n 71, 1-4 112" 32 112" 1159 141211 ' 6811211 j 86 112" 1100 UZI !• - 11- -LII' i LILL - . - - ---- - ILI =�- - ILL I. 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(1 90_946 119.832 { i214 Head 25.825,49,813 7440M ; 9E.io6 12237E Shot! 261340 50.670 7b:O00 99,wo 123,660 iz 6 I t r a'y 27.34[. 59.170 75.CC,v S9:u";1 122.560 1 ii 16 Bud 25,125 60.663 76:w^" 0 a438 123.875MILML i ( 12;0 5t x 27:s4015f-870, 76-000 ! 100.330 "24.600. i :8 3 ! Lrcn 29.21A 6L1 ffii 78.Om i �:900 11L-'_840 1 I 1 S B �a �ro^3 �a r _ J/ .__�0 ,.;•..ao'ir5.37o- 10 Star 1z7,500 521601 77,000 10! 760 12fi,6C1 12;i0 Laig 29-200i6a.1001 77,Gg0 i 1CO.900 124,800 1 . r B *25 ead 27.. E2.963 7'.00t' 101,°""" , 1 a26.876IL a3:B Stx 1 28-'•..O'J153.I 1G' .78_C01 IDIOM 11284000 1 � Bead .• `, r ! t5 1 �. 1� , 2 Vi'-'C-.I Sitar • 19.Cr,. o•t.-,JC -C .� 'a1.cr,A 1,..C"Oi its. t)l� a'�• i 1 tona ,31.2p0t55_aDC, ^o ', , 1•M ..,_;Yk. „L9CC a ,26_E00 I , 1 11- 3,t2 - 28.125i53.5631 79_DJ0 ai13,438 .129,8751 _ , art 1 • , i -a i f �,_,-, I L,eng !29.80015d.900; �1.1100 105...941130.2C4 1 13'_4 I mad 128.$261ba.313 i 80,000 I if3-8S8'131,3751 1 13-5 S31a-1 t �l654400 i COO i i?iS:600 ia3z 2m , La1t0�'1.�0 & a b5.900 ES.fJJO 1TB�3t.2CCi 13';6 goad '29,125.65.0631 81,000 OcSio'132.875 short 13�r.8O0i58.4C0 82_000 1 107_I,OO M200 f 13';8 L 3t.250 58.825 82.000 107,375 132,750 13',8 Bead 1299626 b5,8i3 62-1700 • 109.io5IU4375 1v:iC , ShAx 31.388 57.183 821z8 10,'.713 134A98 13<10 Ling 3'1.340 57.i70 83.000 , 108.E34 13'1,66D I i 13`;101 Head 130.125 56,563 83000 1 109.438 i135.875- 1 Siva 131,688 67:7�1 L3tS38 i10.t13 i3i,288 ad':0 Lay 31260 b8'6251 54.000 109.375-1a34Jb0 I 14';e Bead 30_522h 57.313 84,= 110:888 13T_375 I I 14';2 I Shot ,32:754 58,8461 84.938 i 11I.413 137,888 ' i4'd2": 1 33.340(59.1701 rsi,i2b 85 a S iL.E4 136-1.tw' 1ti;2 Bead SS.ih3 85_GO0 111_i338 1138-87b ' fu. a,h -,-o- -St•:_+'t :'3°-_�,a,.16,i - 85,93c e12.T13 139A88 I i4';4 ! Lxtg '34.349,60-170j 85,0W ( 111.830 137.060, 1 12' Ralad l3i.525158118 •'S r=w i :13-.i$8 '.'•40.375 '1r;'.5 8ttat 32 �88 59.8�• 88,938 114,013 141.C198 1 i4'�'o 14';8 35:;�i0 read . 32.126159.�, 61.i7G. 7 Z 87-000 i &30r, '87%0M 114,438' 1 ,660 38 141,874 1 Stlaa 33,188 60,563 $7.938 115:313 142,688 Laxi iJ21E144.8i2 6&406 1 EB.Cx'3 i1+�S9t1l3 Awl &9 a52,782 f a4::c32.W511-0t.313 83FJ00 1t5_o83 143.3751 ig':10 Shod -_a'82181.263i 88.938 1101,813l144,2888 1 14 10t .wy 12'_SmQ{45,6xjI 67�^ ' S9,•7vo 3 11.L„,5 t�2•t00�154,.1001S4_t03 14':iv" Bead3J.i2b'61.CtJ3 ' I 1I - ii H9 .938 .000 ,S-1.DaT .000 ,5 1 144.0751 t 16;0 Sbod a3.93:6161.9361 8S.858 11Z9:n 145.5381 Long Z4.9G314^0'5Mi 65,300 1 SIDI'C, • 1111.72' 11Z 400, i5ri 001 r 15'.0 B•3ad f. ,6026 51,8131 90_u"'30 11&188:146.375 i 1l :^ Shot 34.388 62:663 90.938 1i9_ci3 , 147.486 152 j Ley 125_?�1i47,a(r 6930" 9;.000 ,a127;�I 1s. iLtii a03 15 2 922d _36-125 c,683 51,COG 1i9:438 147.E76 Stlprt '28:'v`C{J",-.^..630 7B_r"'00 iO4.80'.`, i730_400 15a^.DKXJI :.4:7- L 2 6 J � - at.250 1 '-_625 O'-pgu'114.376lava a i sot5s-'i26' S 15;4 B*d t3-,'•625'63.313 92,C{X'r i 120.588 149,375 2^;$ Siv 23*436,46.624 S9,812 9.'i.w^^G' - 11E:188 139,376,16'-5.{'; i5 , 6 i 24 9C 1 47.6G01 70 3G4 93.t - 115.7C0 138-_400')16.i,1w Bead !244M 47,4171 70.209 ) w,9 115.7&2 138_66^ 161:2751 Shot 124.42W 47.624 70,811 117_ W 140.3781183'�41 15 $ Ldy 25,=148:600 71.300 84=0 ,ii6.7'00 139,400 162-JOO 15 8 Bead 425.026-48.t0i7 71.LYT9 94=0 1 irs_9521139.883 162.975 ;S;101 Shod in.43'o_48,624 71.6i2 1 95.000 118:158 141,376 '164.5641 t5';10 LMg [8P25.1'f49,167 72.084 j SIM3 117,917 140:833' 15`J.rmig 11a 19 Bead t2v,42s 6,617 71,809 95:000 118.192 164,57&vl 16 0 Stint 26:436 49824 72-8.12 96.000 119.169 14^c:376 .65,5641 to'-;.0 Latg 127-900 bG.6C0 73.4 96_Gti4 118.700 14i_400 io-:.ii'=3 16:0 Bead '24:026 48.417 72.209 96.000 1119 792 143.583 3E7.375 TA�-LE 2 - i (E; trn i 3 #6 #7 #8 i _ ,;.u- :It_ - X1.ij = •n_ Imam _ ..:.11= _ :•IL ;I'LL III.. ! ! 11 lie, i'�If 2111 13' 2111 2111 ' 2Iff 2,,i11 II' 1 i ! ! = au: M ^II 1� h 21 Sr iI 18 i ej. tP 11 18 11 18 91 � 1 �� 18 li , _.tip _ _ aC - --' - - _ I�:J'i � 21-1i t-f i31 2111 2411 211' I I 1-8" 18' I ^--••�.^ - .':..e:i``tt:n'-i''-.7T--'d --- 71= :: - "1 T'- IiS i:•• --ILL �?t T[;• - - _ A: w i ..1 ,.� i 12111,21 40L. l�.,,21 i- ._ a _; aV_ .a:� . :•.�:..•-`17 -,^„ '-���:1a�.1:-._{-fi - ,-,..•..,-.-.-..,.-�.>-� is it �'1Y nSF t rid IT I a7l �1 iQ li5 _ -%il� 1 y� �` -'[_LJ•1-''';Gc': 3�?jl.[:3.: �f Q - -`-__•:.�.r=L7'-=_�_ fit j 2 It r?,1It lilt i if 2.•1171 1 L,1[ II 1 1 --le-•c==i 1_ .>. ddd 5.f 13'r 1 18 t v i ! 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