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Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 P 0- 4 "M _--�_�`"'-_ - - - 11�� 'r 1. �.(:.f._��Sk .� i:�'r.'i'�i'•t:l�:f'+Sa�s`=i37..; BCIS Home Rog In User Registration Hot Topics 'Submit Surcharge Stats d Facts .1 Publications Fac Staff BCI5 Site Map Links l Search d5a .Pradu¢tApproval S `,fig..- USER: PuhhC LiSEr e .E 71 Comments Archived 13 Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc Address/Phone(Emall 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 'Fart 245 kpMe6cws.ec Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpino*cws cc Technical Representative ]ay Lathrop AddresWPhone/Emall 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala; FL 34474 (352). 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathrop*cws,cc Quality Assurance Representative. Fmduct Aonravai Mew a 8md,, or Ae "olloo 5=rh � M1,00"List > pppacatioti t7fltafl 1900 SW 44th Ave FL il~ 16177-112 PA TAS 291/202/203 1 ApphGation Type Revlsfon amonteverde@cws.cc Code Version 201'7 Category Application Status Approved Comments Archived 13 Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc Address/Phone(Emall 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 'Fart 245 kpMe6cws.ec Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpino*cws cc Technical Representative ]ay Lathrop AddresWPhone/Emall 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala; FL 34474 (352). 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathrop*cws,cc Quality Assurance Representative. Arturo Monteverde AddresWPhone/Ernail 1900 SW 44th Ave ASTM E1996-09 Ocala, FL 34474 PA TAS 291/202/203 (352)368-6922 Ext 221 amonteverde@cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Single Wung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Flonda Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Manse who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality. Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A. Turner PE -58201 Keystone Certifications, Inc - 07/21/2020 Steven M. Unch, PE 12 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received A 16177 R2 COI Evallkeoort812C.odf AAMA/SNpMA .CSA/101/I.s.7./A440-O8 20Q8 ASTM EIS86-05 2005 ASTM E1996-09 2009 PA TAS 291/202/203 1994 http:/lwww.floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app dtl.aspx?pararn=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngA"Nh14... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online r FA Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Pate Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved !;:= of products Method 1 Option o 09/28/2017 09/29/20I7 10103/2017 12/12/2017 Page 2 of 2 FL: # Model, Number or Name DesCription 16177,1 SH -8100 PVC Sirigle Hung SH -15100 PVC Single Hung Impact Resistant window. k m of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZs Yes FL16177 R2 IT CWS -8120 hdf Approved for use outside HVHZI Yes Verified By:: Lvcds A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant, Yes. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: 1-70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other, SH -8100 PVC impact, no sill anchors required K16177 R2 AE EyalReaoti813_C.pdf Safety glazing retiutred on outer fate above 30 ft in HVHZ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Glass Complies to ASTM E1300-04 Back Nerit Contact lis 2601 Stair stom Road TailafiAsw FL q239Q ghomeei 850-"7.192 The Sete Or Florida is an AA/EW employer. Commaht 2W.2011 State of Florida,- _ Pri atv Statement :: Refund Statement Under Flonda law, email addresses are public records if you do not want youre-mailaddress relasased in nesponse to a pubhc-retards request, do.not send electronic man to the entity instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.- Uyou have any questions. please contact 850.987-1395. *Pursuant to Section 455,275(1); Florida Statutes, effecWe Qdaber L 3012, flcensees Ikensed undat Chapter4S5, F.S nai5t prdvida the Department with an em ul address if they have one. The emads provided may be used fpr official communitatiott with the lwansee, However email addresses are pubic record- Uyou do not Nish to supply a personal address, Rtease provide the pepa!tpient with an email address which can be made available to tate public To determine if you are a licensee under Chepter455, F.S., please chdchatil- E-1 U-1 Approval Aooeptst L -Jett Credit Card Safe http-//www.floridabuilding.org/Pr/pr app_dt1.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDq-vyf4ngAXh10... 12/14/2017 ��L,J E ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, NC 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-38.0-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 81.2C August 29, 2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung, Large Missile Impact; 517/8"' x 61314" unit size, +1-70 PSF, no anchors in sill Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44" Ave; Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6' Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High. Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: f) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., .at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS -812C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Report NCTL-210-3815-1A, -2, and -2A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard L Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201/2021203- 94, ASTM E 1886-02/04/05,1996-02/04/06/09, and AAMA/WDMA/C5A I Ol/I.S.21A440-08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS -912C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation; Units must be installed according to approval document CWS -812C. Limitations of Use: This product: • May be used in O/X configuration in sues and with max. glass DLO Heights as shown in CWS - 812C Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters May be used in the Nigh Velocity Hurricane Zone Requires 718" Insulating Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) — Air— 5116 Laminated (I /8Ann-.090PVB-I/8Ann) inboard lite • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-1117.021 • Requires Quanex (Milson) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade. N.O.A. 17-0206.101 t I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6" Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will'I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in, the testing or approval process of this product. Lucas -r; No 59201=1�%� Turner 2017-08-30 7P . 7 y r - ni J� • STATE 1 E QF W ya 16,11+20-00 ��0,•,, p,,»%,'�` ' R t.'`' 8/29/2017 ��• ��"�" ;�01VA Lucas A. Turner P.E. FL PE #58201 'GEWDRiONd5IONI'SYMSkS Z MCIONIM WOISflO dO NCNSSIWLI3d N311lNM 3M lrkOKLEM 3'IOHM .• V Iro 21O Mel NI NOU0nUUMd3H 3� � as lu AW 3NI'SW3lSAS Mill, � a c 1 d MoaNIM waiif1O dO AJ213dcrdd t� (j 3-IQ53HLSI9NIMVWaSIM sss' 40 NI Cl3NIkl:LNOO NOI LVMOJM 3Hl y'4� 6 pill z o S $ rL w a a ampp a 3 wap` to m 2r.M�mCN z W O w SQ w WU�U dew w O �- , er �� 91 z9 zy WOJ k co Q GI mom! N 2 0< 19, V 5 y 04 d .R a t zOX W 4co Cas I U I 5 z 2 N $WEEw� a=a zp`mp Marc tale w P�T�rz�W r1f w2[y-9y[��17 2Fp�ggq W X3 ..�EOwyrr aGJj a o D �Jnao 20 o 20— ow J �. y0d F u -�°�E T I�i61C WOE '� z w� Qto F css�an o� Ila a wa !go FFwffi? c7 v o °r=� 2z z �m w u m� c_c �a *tom wX N 0 - ,d 'm -P m ID m im m w n z a L LU V z � g a o Q t r �co o Eddao4,11�1 im m Ca�p WT- •- F 2 W .J H N g uI 0 �N_Lo�Vim e j Z� w , i {Z121 j, Ill a w qWR Jo 388 �7L7w dz w n z a ner mz r Eddao4,11�1 Ca�p WT- •- F 2 W .J H N g uI 0 �N_Lo�Vim e j Z� w , i {Z121 j, Ill a w qWR Jo 388 �7L7w dz 9 I (y Z ORDSIHO�Id Sl ONI'SNRJ,SAS MOONIM VYOIW3 JO NOISSIW&Gd �4w�n� `y ` 'i+g"�+.. Wco im ° C> e V N3a[HM3Ht1nOHJ.IM3WHAA V SV WO 1aVd NI NOLLOnCOUd3Jl 1 x3=x o :.7A �. m F@ N 0 L 0 0. iu+tV ONI'SW3I"S MOONIM 1A11] LSnJ :fo A msdowd 3109 3M 9 ONIMVMO SM `�' 13 F 6i�� .0 3t: is O 04 - ;fid ;r � a A. 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W� W C O 60 D Ow 40 a z �a �wz 3 O�za z Wm F � z yo oa a a w 8 w aim o h 9 0 opmpw az3 zZz U W 77 z a= O RC Q 2 mV mtl!- U u dw � 'Zs W (�� a �).w ` m .S� �W M V m F V m Z W K p 3 Wm 0 wLU a d z K J rr Lu m C3 m Jq Dp pp W 41W S p On UU W V- v 05 O < fC em z a �u,°a z V9 2g Z9 wg ?� vs ma ga o wU iii �� w m� L Va^ Mw ..Jim mZU O]W �.: . z rci- lb 83: z; U wi o a a o@45 =LX7' N,,f Vrc �w FOO O O z? UW t� q0 UWoo rc.J-� XZ uP 3 z zo Z.ow Q Z o�, a� �� a Fa WFF a W U J z 6� 00 zi s q q z� =Z (LyCL btu VF` g Om J. p yy� wo 4 4m ?a 62z 4 �w m Nf OJ C IIf fb IN EO m 1 I I f I I 7 b � 'v 'r O Ld ur�m r Zm r,! i7w a W �H Q aa -,a® ooa r W M q Wiz 3 1= fn w so 93 LU J D �oIn[ v� all 0 O U ISR = G �gW yLLy � z CL S Y K F la la W MW 13 z0 K C3 80 n LU LU m 93 z W o� m m chi z W u 6 z Eq o W a uj w of uta _t _U K Z p C7 o A 0.l r t dCL 0oa �00 0. W� W C O 60 D Ow 40 a z �a �wz 3 O�za z Wm F � z yo oa a a w 8 w aim o h 9 0 opmpw az3 zZz U W 77 z a= O RC Q 2 mV mtl!- U u dw � 'Zs W (�� a �).w ` m .S� �W M V m F V m Z W K p 3 Wm 0 wLU a d z K J rr Lu m C3 m Jq Dp pp W 41W S p On UU W V- v 05 O < fC em z a �u,°a z V9 2g Z9 wg ?� vs ma ga o wU iii �� w m� L Va^ Mw ..Jim mZU O]W �.: . z rci- lb 83: z; U wi o a a o@45 =LX7' N,,f Vrc �w FOO O O z? UW t� q0 UWoo rc.J-� XZ uP 3 z zo Z.ow Q Z o�, a� �� a Fa WFF a W U J z 6� 00 zi s q q z� =Z (LyCL btu VF` g Om J. p yy� wo 4 4m ?a 62z 4 �w m Nf OJ C IIf fb IN EO m �atttanrgi„� t (y 031191HO21dSIONI`SW3ISAS ar" t ,�•�ria��'4y � 'm m a MOs7NIM W018R0 d0 NDISSIW�� aN3d + ~'ti�U Cut � � � 2 O V N3J1ILlM aw i l(1OH11M 3 IOHM til n i":� ti e Q �'t p W wf �' V SV 1J0 JNVd NI NOLROnacr Ed3H l titin � � r � LL z o FK G _jAAOUNIMYMWBn030ALUBdOWd =o;u ti O;Qt 1`� a ae Mos am 8i'JNfI vma SIHl a W Z' NI.03NIV1NOa N011tl MANI 3H.L 4 t- r LL 0 x .....•�F�``+ as W"RaWNCO���il...... taA! Z z O a. Ila F', W z o a Ori x ,5 U 0to Jra ti� C. w L` IL g Z 4 >. LU U � 0 z mz NO o mELM t Qz 0-1 a�z 'b`o Fm -� Noi. R S 5 �o up Lg? MziR UFO `mw o1 3m t a a w7 ao 0 r � A A ti it 6 x w W5 88 1 � � � q81 1 � R. p F ti W o1 O 03 X z3 ®�'Its ro �aa�� a Xar a w o I P z� ID w w LLJ xx �yy F a KX ix _ h o gP� zp IN a -S ? X a uP WID AID? ui 40 W 5 �� ID V V N N m ID SCIS itaote Login Uher'Regedration Hat TOPKS SgbMtt Swcharge Stats 6 recta Pubrtotions -Contad its SCis slta Map Links Search .. Gbpro dProduct Approval .USER: Pubhc User PrAdurt A4nrovai Menu > Product ur Aoditation Searth s 9ordlra166 List 5 APP11c 1on MUNI FL # T*PVI.vled ii9 Application Type Code Version Application Status by DBPR Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commiss1011 if necessary Comments ArChlved Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc Address/Phone/Email 1900 STN 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 :Ext 291 jlathrop@cws.cc Authonzed Signature Jay Lathrop jlathrop@cws cc Technical Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (3S2) 368-6922 E-A 291 Jlathrop@cws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352).368.-6922 Ext291 jlathropo wvs.cc Category Subcategory C�f) Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Keystone Certirieations, Inc. Validated By Steven M Urich, PE -t Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1 S.2/A440-05 2005 AAMA(WDMA/CSA 301/I.S.2/A440-08 200E ASTM E1886-05 2005 ASTM E1996-05 2005 PA TAS 201./202/203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certilled By Product Approval Method Pate Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FRC Approval Date Approved Summary of products PH Method 1 Option A 08/07/2019 08/08/2019 08/16/2019 08/28/2019 FL # Model, Number or Naive Description 1.3010.1 PW -8150 PVC Fixed Window PW -8.1.50 PVC Fig/fin Fixed Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes X3010 R9 C CAC.. 138-1357 . CTH dDf Approved for use outside. HVHZ: Yes FL13010 R9 C CAC 138-3.362 CIM-ndF Impact Resistant: Yes FL13010 R9 C .CAC 138-562 .C1110 odf Design Pressure: N/A. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other: PW41150, 36" x 72" and 72" x 76" see installation 09/14/2022 detail far PPs. Large Missile Impact. In HVHZ may only be Installation Instructians used up to 30ft above grade. Glass complies to ASTM E1300- FL13010 R9 II CWS-433D.adf 04. Verified By, Lucas A. Turner 58201 Created by. Independent Third Party; No Evaluation Reports F1.13010 R9 AE. r Created by IndependeritThird Party: Yes 13010:2 PW -8150 PVC Fixed Window PW -8150 PVC Flg/Fin Fixed Window, Continuous Head h Sill. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL13010 _R9 C CAC 138-261.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL13010 R9 C CAC 138-705.odf Impact Resistant: Yes FL13010 R9 C CAC 338-706.odf Design Pressure: +67.5/-67.5 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. Other: Large Missile, .Pp = +/-67 5 psi Max. size 74 1/8" x 08/12/2022 72": Duffer lite must be safety glass above 30 ft. in HVHZ. Installation Instructions Glass .compltes to ASTM E1300-04. FL13010 119 II CWS-51AC.odF Verified By. Lucas A. Turner SS201 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13010 R9 AE EvalRenort510C,odf Created by Independent Third Party. Yes 13010.3 PW -8300 PVC Fixed Window PW -8300 PVC Fig/Pin Fixed Window, 120" x 48" Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL1301Q-R9 C CAC CAR 138-258.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes FL1301P..._&2 [' SAC CAR 138-487..ndf Impact Resistant: Yes FL13010 R9 C CAC CAP 138-482.12df Design pressure: +70/-70 Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Other: PW -8300, 120" x 48', DP = +/- 70 psf. Large Missile 04/09/2022 Impact. Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. Installation Instructions EL13010 R9 11 f Verified By: Lucas A. Turner, P.E. FL PE #58201 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL13010 R9 4E EvalReoort37__3-C-odf Created by Independent Third Patty Yes 130]0.4 I PW 8300 PVC Fixed Window Series 1 isize 00 -VC endow, Large te.zeD55or72x 76' untsze1p 75 (D 65 outside i ) Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact.Resistant. Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: Sizes up to 48" x 72' unit size at design pressures of +/-55 psi, or in sizes up to 72' x 76' unit size at design pressures of +/-67.5 psf in HVHZ or +/-65 psf outside the HVHZ, with max. glass daylight sizes as shown In CWS -159E Glass complies to ASTM E3300-04. Certification Agency Certificate FL13010 R9 C CAC CAR r138-1093.odf FL13016 R9 C CAC CAR 138-1320 e2.odf FL13010_119 C_ -CAC _CAR 138-250.odF Fi,I3010_R4 C_C&C CAR 138-274e2.pdF FL13010 R9 C CAC CAR 138-457.Lid_f FL13010 R9 C CAC CAR 138.465.odf FL13010 119 C CAC CAR 138-534,ndr FL13010 R9 C CAC CAR 138-730e2.pdf FL13010 R9 C CAC CAR 138-739e2.odf Quality Assurance Contract Expiration bate 03/16/2020 Installation Instructions FL13010 R9 Ii CWS-1591.odf Verified By: Lucas A. Turner, P, E. FL PE #58201 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports �I391D_R9_AE. Evalfeport159E od Cf reated by Independent Third Party: Yes I Contact. Us 1601 Bleir Stone Read. Tahahessee FL.3?399 gam;• {15 ,487-1874 The State of Florida is an ANEW empt0ytr. Comrwoht 2807-2813 Stateaf Flonda.:. Plivacs' Statement :. Aecesmiblllty Statement ;: Renmd Statement Under Florida lacy, emal3 addresses ane public mWrda. N you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a pubic-mtWrd3 tEgttest AD not send eledroniC matt to this entity instead, Contact the office by phone or bytraditional mad. if ydu have any questions, please touted 050.487 1395 -Pursuant to Sectfon 455.275(1), MHde SWUM, of atdve October I; 2012, Ikoweas licensed under Chapter 455 FS must provide the Department mfh an small address dthey have one. The emalls provided may be used for official communication wish the licensee However email addresses are public record tf you do put "sh to supply a personal address; please provide the Department ^nth an email address when can be aWeavailable to the public To determine iFyou are a licensee under Chapter 455. F.S. please diek here" Prodadt Appraval Accepts, IHI MF—Ij®R;�j Credit Card Safe CAR & Product ID Number: 138 - 10930 Issue Date: 6/16/2014 Revision Date: 2/28/2018 Expiration Date: 4/29/2Q21 Company Code: 138 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, lne. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard Actual fenestration :product performance may vary based on many factors,: including installation, condition of the wgVroof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in effbang certification Labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: bQcumern-n& Structural Performance DocNu FRM B1-02 '""° 7 �qe 1 ar 1 g:,Na'5TONj� Ocala FL 34474 Config: No, GS -7116" HS Lam! IG Max Width: 72 Certification Max Height: 76 Authorization Report RepuIred Bye PRO B1=03 CAR & Product ID Number: 138 - 10930 Issue Date: 6/16/2014 Revision Date: 2/28/2018 Expiration Date: 4/29/2Q21 Company Code: 138 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, lne. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard Actual fenestration :product performance may vary based on many factors,: including installation, condition of the wgVroof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in effbang certification Labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: Product Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model: 8300 Fin/Flange Frame PVC Imp Fixed 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW Ocala FL 34474 Config: No, GS -7116" HS Lam! IG Max Width: 72 Max Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMA/WDMAICSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 Class LC-PG65 1829x1930 (72x76) -Type FW WTP=15.0 Qualifying Test Information; Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3954/55-01 4/29/2021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2018.02-28 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 07:02:56 -05'00' Phone' 717-9328500 Fax: 717-932-8501 WWW KEYSTONECERTSCOm 1X' F' ',ST0t Document Tithe Structural Performance Doc No FRM B1-02 Rev No 7 "20 1 a 1 Operator Type: FW Certification Config: No, GS -7116" HS Lami IG Max Width: 72 Authorization Report Max Height: 76 Required By- PRO B1-03 CAR. & Product ID Number: 138 1320.0 Issue Date: 17/11/2014 Revision Date: 5/31/2018 Expiration Date: 9/2312021 Company Code: 138 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is Issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full .validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the Specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation components.. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification Labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The inibrmation in this report can be verified atwww.keystnnecerts com. Licensee Information: Product Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model: 8300 PVC Fin/Flange Impact Fixed 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW Ocala FL 34474 Config: No, GS -7116" HS Lami IG Max Width: 72 Max Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: PA/TAS 20112021203 Large Missile, DP +167.5, 72x76 Qualifying Test Information: Test. Rep ortNo: Test Report Expiration. NCTL-210-395413955-1A 9/23/2021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 201 8.05.31 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 10013 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 11:14.02 -04'00' Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 WWW _KEYSTONECERTS.COM 'YSTON � - !'A"IA "C.d71f,,`;. AAS/- document Tice Structural Performance Certification Doc No: FRM B I -02 RtwNo 7 Page 1 0I ' - - ' Aui:horization Report 5112/2021 RequiredBY: PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number: 138 - 250.0 Issue Date: 6/24/2008 Revision Date: 4/30/2018 Expiration Date: 5112/2021 Company Code: 138 This Certification Autharizstion Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in.. accordance with the specified referenced standard Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wallfroof substrate and the age of the product and installation components This report Indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified at www.keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: Product Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model: 8300 Vinyl Impact Fixed 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: Ocala FL 34474 Con'fig: No, GS - 15132" Lam! IG Max Width: 72 Max Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: ASTM E1886/E9996-05 Missle Level D, Wind Zone 4, DP +/- 67.5,72x76 Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3530-1A & -2A 5/12/2021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2018.04.30 145 Lirneidin Rd. Suite 10013 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 12:36:58 -04'00' Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 WWW KEYSTONECERTS.COM �- 'Y5T©NP _- Doeemenl Tille, Impact Performance Certification Doc No FRM 81-43 Rev No. 4 ft9a 1 Of 1 3/16/2020 Authorization Report 136 Required By: PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number: 138 274 Issue Date: 8/29/2014 Revision Date: 11/13/2015 Expiration Date: 3/16/2020 Company Code: 136 This Cert cation Authorization Report (CAR) isissued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized .evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accred'ti ed laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification .labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified The information in this report can be verified at www:keystonecerts.com, Licensee Information: Product Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala FL 34174 Model: 8300 PVC Fin/Flange. Frame Impact. Fixed Operator Type: FW Config: No, GS -5116" Ann Lami IG Max Width. 48 Max Height. 72 Corresponding Structural CARs: 138-730.0 Referenced Standard: I Product Rating: ASTM El886/E1996-05 j Missile Level D, Wind Zone 4, DP +1-55, 48x72 j Qualifying Test Information: Test. Report No: Test. Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3672-1A/2A 3/16/2020 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2015.11,1 6 564 Old York Road, Suite 5 Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 11:31.05 -05'00' Phone: 717932-8500 Fax- 717-932-8501 WWW KEYSTONEGERTS=M �„ofvp Document rids Structural Performance nuc No, FRM 81-02 Rev No ' Page Of 1 t C 17'1'IFICATi01+i'S_ ENC Certification Config: No, GS -15132" Lam! IG Max Width: 72 Authorization Report Max Height: 76 Required By PRO B 1-03 CAR & Product ID Number:: Issue Date: Revision Date: Expiration Date: Company Code: 138 - 457.0 6/24/2008 5/2/2018 5112/2021 138 This Certification Authotuation Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, And is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wallfroof substrate and the age of the product and installation components This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The inbrmatlon in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts com. Licensee Information: Product Information; Custom Window Systems, Inc Model: 8300 Vinyl Impact Fixed 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW Ocala FL 34474 Config: No, GS -15132" Lam! IG Max Width: 72 Max Height: 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMAIWDMAICSA 10111S2/A440-05 FIN-HC65 1829X1930 (72x76) Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration' NCTL-210-3530-1A & -2A. 5/12/2021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2018.05.02 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100E New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 07:27:00 -04'00' Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 wW W.KEYSTONECERTS.COM �Y--' �rTOi Document ripe. Structural Performance Doc No: FRIG B1-02 Rg°"o 7 page 1 of ' Operator Type: FW Certification Config: No, OS - 15132" Lami IG s Authorization Report Max Height_ 76 Required By. PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number: 138 - 465.0 Issue Date: 8/14/2008 Revision Date: 4/30/2018 Expiration Date- 5/14/2021 Company Code: 138 This Cartiffcation Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review,. and Is based on a .standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited la.bo story in accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the .product and installation components,. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information In this report can be venfled at www.keysthnecerts.corn. Licensee Information: Product Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model: 8300 Vinyl Fined 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW Ocala FL 34474 Config: No, OS - 15132" Lami IG Max Width: 72 Max Height_ 76 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: PA/TAS 201/2021203 Large Missile, DP +1-67.5, 72x76 Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3530-1 & -2 511412021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2018.04.30 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100B New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 12:37:41 -04'00' Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 W WW.KEYST0N ECEFir.,&COm A+ Dowment.Tltle' Impact Performance. Dar, N07 FRM 131-43 Rev No 4 page ' a ' j5YST0jq, CBRTII'YCI�Tf17(,/B. �i./i.'_ Certification Y # Authorization Report RegU1md ax' PRO 8t-03 CAR &. Product ID Number: 138 - 534 Issue Date: 6/16/2014 Revision date. 212812018 Expiration Date; 4/29/2021 Company Code: 138 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, tnc..(KCi) after full validation review, and is based on .a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced. standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels., Licensee stipulates in affixing certifica.lion labels to products, that those products are repriesentativeof the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authonzaton. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified,. The inibrmation in this report can be verified at.www.keystonecerts com. Licensee information: I Product Information: Custom Windom` Systems, Inc 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala FL 34474 Model: 8300 FinlFlange Frame PUC Imp Fixed Operator Type: FW Config: No, GS 7116" HS Lami IG Max Width: 72 Max Height- 76 Corresponding Structural CARs: 138-1093.0 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: ASTM E1686 -05/E1996-05/09 Missile Level D, Wind Zone 4, IDP=+165, 72x78 Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3954155-01 4/2912021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications, Inc. 2018.02.28 145 Limekiln Rd., Suite 10013 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 f 07:50:33 -05`00' Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8601 WW W,KEYSTONECER rS.COM CAR & Product ID Number. 13.8 - 730.0 Issue Date: Document MOB Structural Performance Doc No. FRM 81-02 Pj-,vNo: 7 pe98 1 Of 1 YSTOh Company Code: 138 C�gY,YYCwYso1�P. IH4 Certificatlon Max Height: 72 Authorization Report Ref Lkw IN' PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number. 13.8 - 730.0 Issue Date: 8/2912010 Revision Date. 11/13/2015 Expiration Date: 3116/2020 Company Code: 138 This Certification Authorization Report(CAR) •�, issuer! by,Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI)after full validation review, and is based on a .standardized evaluation of the product conducted by .an independent accredited laboratory an accordance with the specified referenced standard.. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors,including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible 'for the application of Keystone Certification urogram certification. labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: Product Information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Model: 8300 PVC Fin/Flange Frame Impact Fixed 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW Ocala FL 34474 Contig: No, GS -5116" Ann Lami 1G Max Width: 48 Max Height: 72 Referenced Standard: Product. Rating: A MA1VVDMAICSA 10111S2/A440-05 FW-HC55 1219x1829* (48x72*) Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3672-1Al2A 3116/2020 Authorized Signature: 2015.11.16 13:29:13 -05'00' Keystone Certifications, Inc. 564 Old York Road, Suite 5 Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 WWW KEYSTONEGERTS COM CAR & Product ID Number:. Issue Date; Revision Date: Expiration Date: Company Code: 138 - 739.0 10/28/2010 11/13/2015 3/16/2020 138 This Certrficafton Autnorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc, (KCI) after fu11 validation review, and is based on. a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance vAth the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wallfroof substrate and the age of the product .and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulatBs In affixing certification labels to producls, that those products arerepresentative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com. Licensee information: Document 71b. Structural Performance Certification Doc No FRM 81-02 Rev No 7 Pa� go Operator Type: FW Authorization Report Config: No, GS -5/16" Ann Lami IG Required By: PRO B1-03 CAR & Product ID Number:. Issue Date; Revision Date: Expiration Date: Company Code: 138 - 739.0 10/28/2010 11/13/2015 3/16/2020 138 This Certrficafton Autnorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc, (KCI) after fu11 validation review, and is based on. a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance vAth the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wallfroof substrate and the age of the product .and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulatBs In affixing certification labels to producls, that those products arerepresentative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com. Licensee information: Product information: Custom Window Systems, Inc Modell: 8300 Fixed with Fin or Flange 1900 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW Ocala FL 34474 Config: No, GS -5/16" Ann Lami IG Max Width: 48 Max Height: 72 Referenced Standard: Product Rating: PA/TAS2011202/203 Large Missile, DID +1-55.0,48x72 0 Qualifying Test Information: Test Report No: Test Report Expiration: NCTL-210-3672-1 & -2 3/1612020 Authorized Signature: 2015.11.16 13:34:52 -05'00' Keystone Certifications, Inc. 564 Old York Road, Suite 5 Etters, Pennsylvania 17319 Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 W W W.KEYSTONECERTS.COM TIURNTER ENGINEERING & -- CONSULTING, INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-350-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 159E September 7, 2017 Product Description: Series 8300 PVC Fixed Window, Large Missile Impact, 48" x 72" unit size DP55 or 7T' x 76" unit size DP67.5 (DP65 outside HVHZ) Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc 1900 SW 44a` Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61G20-3.005 (4) This product: complies with the requirements of the 6's Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the MTIZ. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E,, at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS -159E, signed and sealed by Lucas. A. Turner, P.E, 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3954-01 and -1A,. and NCTL-210-3955-01 and. -lA, from National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, with Testing Performed. AAMA/WDMAICSA 101/I.S.2/A4440-08, ASTM E1886-05, ASTM E1996-05/09 and TAS 201, 202, 203 1994 (TAS reports 3954-1A and 395.5-1A signed and sealed by Gerard J. Fenara, P.E.) 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS -159E, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E Installation:. Units must be installed according to approval document CWS -159E. Limitations of Use: This product: • May be used in O configuration in sizes up to 48" x 72" unit size at design pressures of +/-55 psf, or in sizes up to 72" x 76" unit size at design pressures of +/-67.5 psf in HVHZ or +/-65 psf outside the HVHZ, with max. glass daylight sizes as shown in CWS -159E • Is large missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires outer lite in I.G. to be safety glass when used in HVHZ above 30 ft of grade • Requires glazing as shown in CWS -159E, with. Kuraray (Dupont) SentryGlas interlayer per Miami -Dade NOA 14-0916 111 in DP65 or 67.5 units or Kuraray (Dupont )PVB interlayer per Miami -Dade NOA 16-1117.021 in DP55 units • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miarn>-Dade NOA 17-0206.1 Ot t I have evaluated the interlayer and frammg materials in these Dupont and Quanex NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6" Ed. (2A 17) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. �witrarfrrr iy Lucas Turner o N' �,' = Z 2017-09- * ' * = 9/07/2017 '� 07:24+20:00 13 : STATE OF # Lucas A Turner, P.E. t;,� FL PE #58201 ili'ff• PICTURE WINDOW - LARGE MISSILE IMPACT 49 W' :M,X. OVERALL FLAHrM WIDTH WVfUMTYTO]7H 45 tW GLA84GLO A� A TABLE OF COMEN13 GENERALNOTES A ELPVATIOMS 1 'ARCHRECTURAL SNAPE$__.._s_.3 SLATING SECTIMVEFAS 4 ICNSE BD.M ANCHO . 7 ANCHOR SCHEDULE 8 NOTES . _ bT MSTALLhTON D£TAILS......,,,..._.d T3 IH MNC.O4E14YLFtANBEINIDTH rlr — NAWLUNTINIum COIR' GW989W 70 ORNORAt . I . THE PRODOCTSH"4 HEREIN IS DESIGNED AHOMAOIUFACTURED Tfll'.9MPL4 WRH THE FIAWDA BIBLDOHLi CODE(FBCj. CURi[ETOT EOITOPLINCLVOH6THE HNG}1lIELO[;1TY FWURRIICANE 2OMIE{NYNMz, ANC MI NASTOR WMDQR TH F4C. EIEVELD/dPACit1SEA4 DSFINEO W ASTM E4998 PER TIE.FBC- '2 6IA2M OPTIONS (SEE SHEET 3) 3 CONFIGliRA.TONS %Y APCHHITEECTURAL SHAPES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOTLIWMD TO, THOSE SHMNONSHEET L 4 OESION PRESSURERATING -NEC.,ATNE DERIO LOADS BASED ON TESTED PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES ASTM &IIIGG"30009. INFI�TMOESIGNL PWW$BASS90ONCLAIES. ES ST BL FlqESSJRE WATER ASTM E•130044901109 SANICKDPA6 71638113% STREW INCREASE NO NOT BEEN USED IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT SBE SHEET B FOR ANCHOR DETAILS WBmLMD DURATION FACTOR 01-16 WASUS9I FOR WOOD ANCHORCALCULATIIRS, SPRODUCT APPROVED FOR IMPACT RESISTANCE. eHunERSARe IWT 7. ALL FRAMES ARE R1LLYWELDED. S SERIES fA10DEL11ES[GNAnON PW4= 'B THE OESIGNATIONXAND OSTAND FOR THE FOLLOW M13 O * FD1EU SASH 10 SECTION [:ATH. MM APPLt TO ALL ELEVATIDN$ IN A swILAR LOCATION LucasTurner 2017-09-22 11:45-04:00 LOCATION MAX, UNIT SIZE DESIGN PRESSURE RATING IMPACT RATING ANY 48" x 72" +1- 55 PSF . LARGE MISSILE IMPACT NON-HVFIZ 72" x 76" - $5 PSF W- 67.5 PSF 10D68W 44TNAVaEw OCALA SFL6www_CwP 1134478 '8300 PVC PICTURE WOMM IMPACT Un��ply �`gNcu�W TL'4' Ilj` `X,. 3 Ns d@201 M THSSAY, 87ATE DF i,�U4� ' , -LUCAS A TURNER, PE. FL PE 45SWt 1239JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT, FL 342BB PH 9411-2004574 GENERAL NQ7ESAN.o ELEVATION& ADE 951b5W CWS -159 E SHEET L20 10F8 4 � t � PuLLELLRes>erovaL-i ti FULL CIRCLE x ' Wp4 k FLOHAWS WVI�,.ppFOqLY7MpRIOApM4T9 83DO PVC PICTURE WiNDO i' IMPACT �F ��u TOM S[ONE y.m3 �', ZEE goo p 2� ��=s .vAl TRAPE&ND$TATE of�M �l�: ADE I 0505107 cwrB l% 1.8FESHEMSA?FMOE7AI=ANCHORAATALLATIONFAOUIREMEUM. 2 THRUFRAAE-L74$ONRY. WOOD OR METALOPENIHG. 9179/8077 LUCAS A TURNER. PE, THRU PW - WOODOPENNG. SOW hLL SIZE MLISTNO7 EXLEEDTHE MAX WIDTHANDREIGHTOF FLPEN5=1. 1889JABARAAVE RECTANSULAR WMIGOWS ON SlIEET 7. NORTH PORT. FL342SS 4. ANGHORSPACINp FOR ARQHMMTUALP7AHGE AND FINWNOOWS. PH. 941,110-11574 MAST FOLLOW iHELAYOUTS SHOWN ON SHBETS8 87 WITHANCHOR IR SPACING LWAS11REDALONG THE LENGTH OF THE PRODUCT ADE I 0505107 cwrB l% 1Ea6 W44TiAVE OCAM FLORVA. W4 IN7MkRGW&Y.FR 8800 PVC PICTURE WINDOW IMPACT S �t 1' wERAet 1. OVERALL pwx a � Zz 4 _yiy mbmLED.'r 1PEAM) mr HL'ATSTANGTHar.TEHPE�w 12•AIRSPACE 3a'AIPSPAOE ! 30 o LL03 SHS•:LMAWATm -- —7"r LAM GLASS 3 Q IM' A MALEO i Ar1E' HEATSPE TNGTH I W .UW oilroNr P.vg IN78HLAYER Bm Salary KMPLIE7,NTFJKAYER 4 #d �W ARNEAL6q i j XfS' NskTSIMENOTH REX EA! PURFECi GLAZE N'UANEiCOURFSEAL g. PURFECT MAZE 'H" S8[AR"SU SBiAFLE7f 6g2 r 6 OLUN FA wr W- 59'eDi 19'L� @- 1/2'61ASgBRE � 1/2'SLAW SfTE sTATc OF ;ATC V i on 42:J'��`,' M ..SlpNAI�� O O GLASS TYPE A GLASS TYPE B 92217617 LUCAS A TURNER, P E FL PE 958261 1239JALLARAAV€. NORTHPORT. PL342U PH 941,3841674 GLAZING DETAILS GLASS AdAXSRE SE Ns BLOC g - 2411.33, 'TYPE W x H AM 95N519T OP x155 A 48X.72 R cm -159 E pp +/$7.5 6 72 X 76 SHEET 1:1 3 OF B INTERIOR SECTION VIEW A -A. ALTERN4TE FIN FRAME INTERIOR SECTION VIEWS ID 191+9 SW 44TH.AVE. WA A,.RCH DA31474 www ms OD 8540 PVC PICTURE WINDOW IMPACT spy E po Ss7D1 ':?�74 6TATE O0 LyF�"�%.ORiOTn 2LC �!ys�OHAL�$ Nhrl1111�1ri� X:% LUCAS A TURNER. P.E. FL PE 9582D1 1239 JA2ARA AVE NORTH PORT, FL342N PH 941.930,.iS74 SECTfO4 VIEWS N ADE OSID5107 cs- 59 E SHEET 11,33 4OF8 'PVC FRAME FLANGE. H-60066 2 PVC FRAME FIN - H -6006A ins• s T— PVC GLAZEDEAD - 5-6064 SCREW SUPPORT - P-3113 IWOSW44THAVE I ` A3HY4 8300 PVG PICTURE 1MNDOW I IMPACT i _ya: f a= 1 59 STATE dF. �Wa € �'4ssYDA!l.�6�A� knrn�ni�` X� LUCASA TURMER,PE, I 17304MBARAAVE NOMN PORT. R 94788 PH 841-390.1574 I :ExTRU81ONS 5 B 0 M —1. ADE OSt0507 cws-159 E SHEET 1'1 5OFS PARTS LIST ITEM PARTE DESCRIPTION VENDOR MAMWAL 1...: H-60060 FRAME, PW, MAIN, WAD MKRON PV= 2 H-60065 FRAME, PW, tAAIN, SILL MICRQN PVC 3 H4=SB FRAME, PW, MAIN, L. JAMB KRON PVC 4 FRAME. Pw, MAIN. R. JAMB MICRON PVC 5 H -6005A FRAME, PW, MAIN, FIN MICRON PVC 6 P3113 SCREW SUPPORT FOR PVC JeAM PLASTIC RUBBER 7 P3352 SET.:BL K , 85 DUR .11W x " x T LG. FRANK LOWS RUBBER 8 PURFEcTG,LAZEHAX HEKELISA SILCONE 9 P352 LES M&M SI_ICONE 19 S 6084 GLL BE., F)Q1_ {V O -A. J.G.} MKRON PVC 11 aLAss SEE SHEET 3 'PVC FRAME FLANGE. H-60066 2 PVC FRAME FIN - H -6006A ins• s T— PVC GLAZEDEAD - 5-6064 SCREW SUPPORT - P-3113 IWOSW44THAVE I ` A3HY4 8300 PVG PICTURE 1MNDOW I IMPACT i _ya: f a= 1 59 STATE dF. �Wa € �'4ssYDA!l.�6�A� knrn�ni�` X� LUCASA TURMER,PE, I 17304MBARAAVE NOMN PORT. R 94788 PH 841-390.1574 I :ExTRU81ONS 5 B 0 M —1. ADE OSt0507 cws-159 E SHEET 1'1 5OFS ANCHOR dY 1FLANGEHsimp 5 ANQUEAYO1R • IFUA ovx tsl� A17ET NOTES: 1 INSTAL. OREARCHORAT EACH INSTALLATION IACATIDN ANCHOR SPACING APPL EXI V ALL SHAPES (SEE SHEET4 ALONG ALL FRAME EDGES: AILLANCHOB SPACING SAME ASHTEAI. 7SHUA AS REOAT EACH INSTALLATIONANCHDRUBNG LOAD BEARING SHIMS MAXALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE VC USE"11SWRERE SPACE GREATER THAN UtVr E. PREENT.LOAD BEARING SHIMS SHALL SE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGHOENWPLASTIC OR SETTER, WOOD SHIMS ARE NOT AUMOD &ANCHOR TYPE. SIZE, SPACNNG AND EMBEDMENT SHALL SEAS SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS, SEE TABLE 1, SHEET B .4 ALL INSTALIATIOMANCMRSMUST BE WIDE OF OR PRCI7MTWWHR1A.CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL 00 COATM DISSIMILAR METALS OR MATERIALS IN CONTACTWICH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD MUST BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION. S INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL. REIN ACCORDANCE WITH ANCHOR MANUFA VIVRER'SINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ANDANGHORS SHALL NOTES USED IN SUBSTRATES WTH STRENGTHS LESS THARTHEMNIMUM SPECMW:N TABLE 1. SHEETS S ANCHOR EMSM ME14T TO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO FOR COMORETEMMU OPENINGS EMBEDMEHTS"MX BE BEYONO WOOD$U.CM W USEW INHOSUBSTRATg. INSTAIAA71ONS T'O$OL.1O CONCRETE DR GROU,fa-EOCMUMAY INCLUDEBUY DO NOT RELNRE TXWOOD INUCO BETWEEN THE PRODUCTANO SUBSTRATE lNBTYILLATTONS TO HOLLOW CMU REa11BTE THE USE OF lX BUIL BETWEEN THE PRODIACTAND SUBSTRATE 7.A MWIMUM CENFEXTOCENTER-SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETWEENALL FASTENERS: W FOR WASONRY. T FOR WOOD AND METAL. 8. WOOD OR AIAS(NRV OPENINGS. BUCKS ANDBUCK FASTENERSZMLL BE PAOPERLYDEBISNED Irf THEARCHITECi OR ENGINEER OF RECORDAND INSTALLED TO TRANSFER W BRO LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. VJOSTRA7ESBH4.MEETTHBMINIMUM$TRENOTNRSOUBREMSNTSASShOWNINTABLPI SHEETS CONCRETE AND MASONRY SUBSTRATES MAY NOT BECRACKED S SEAUNGA14D FLASHING STRATEGIES FOR OVERALL WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL REDONE BYOTHER$ FOLLOWING THE CURRENT VERSION OF THE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS; FTA4IAAMA 1ONFIN WINDOWS). FMMAAMA2D%FLAIGE WINDOWS). FWWIDMAZO(BON WINDOWS). FMAMMA?WDMA888(F]RERLOR DOORS) 1900SW44TRAW- OCALA FLORBHA34474 .[ W W W.CT/S.OG 634Q PVC Pic"m a�nuuc�w J IMPACT I. QI = vr. a2r� ap.Fm.ile.Yy/N a,�� •Fad 3r"� rb 5eso1 �9i STATE DF ��yi� 6�lp R Lti� i Ill N� Xz LUCASA, TURNER. P E. Fl PE PSMI 123*JABARAAVE NORTH POTS, FL84488 PH941.8861574 ANCHOHRCHEDULE& NOTES ,ADE. DEb.519T N01: CWS -159 E SHEET 12D 60F6 i e +RANI ir W,*. rfre� l�ItS.1;lORLAYQUT-.IFLANaET AHCI4DR LAYOLIT_RF1NN OP H B5 PSF W 7.65 PSF TW.LATION CHOR"n NOTES: I INSTALL ONE ANCHOR AT EACH INSTALLATION LOCATIONANCHORSPACWO APPLIES TDALLSHAPES{SEESHEET7)ALQNGALL FRAMEEOGES SILL ANCHOR SPACING BAMEAS HEAD R.SHIM.ASREOATFAGit INSTALLATION ANCHOR LISIN6 LOAD BEARN[68HII48. MAX A1.L01YABLESHIMSTACKTOBE iN` USE SHIM6WHERB SPACE GREATER THAN IHS -BN PR£S£NT, LOAQ SEARING SH645 SHALlHE CONSTRUCTED OF HIGH OENSI7Y PLASTIC 0R BEl'fEP WOOD SHIIAS ARE NOTALLOWBO 9 ANCHOR TYPE. SIZE. SPACING AND EMBEDMENT SHALL UAS SPECIFIED IN THESEDRAWIHOS, SEE TABLE 1, SHEET L 4, ALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE.OFOR PROTECTED WITH A CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL QRCDAVNO. DISSIMILAR METALS OR MATERIALS N CONTAGTWRH PRESSURE TREATED WOOD MUST BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION S INSTALLATION ANCHORSSHALL BE N ACCORDANCEWITH ANCHOR NANUFACTURERTN.NSTALLATICIUMTRUCTION9;.AND ANCHOR88HALLNOR BB USED IN SUBETRATESWITH STRENOTHS LESS THAN THEIRIMMUM SPECIFIED N TABLE 1, SHEETS. S. ANCHOR ETABEDMENf70 SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. FOR CONCRETEICW OPENING$. BHBEOMENTSHALLBE BEYOND WOOD BLIT.KO. IP USED INTO SUBSTRATE INSTALLATIONS TO SOLID CONCRETE O.,3ROUT•FILLED CMU MAYINCLUDEBUrDO NOT RECURE IX W OCDBUCKB BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE. INSTALLATIONS TO HOLLOW CHU REOUIRETHEMSE OF 1KBUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCTANDSUBSTRATE 7. A MINIMUM C04TEWT04ENIER SPACING 9H4LL BE NAWAINED BETWEEN.ALL FASTENERS-3-FORMASONRY. 1• FORWOODAND METAL B WOOD CR L4 0ONW OPENINGS. BUCKS AND BUCK FASTENERS SHALL SEPAOPERLY DESIGNED SYTHEARCHITMT13R:ENGINEER OF RECORDAND INSTALLED TO TRANSFER WIND LOAM TOTHESTRUCTUW SUBSTRATES S UMSIEBT THE MINIMUM STREP M REQUPALiENTS AS SHOWN IN TABLEI.SHEET S. CONCRETE AND MASONRY SUBSTRATES MAY 14OTBE CRACKED 9. SEALNGANDFLASHING&MTEG .:FOR'OVERALLWATER RESISTANCE CO WTALLITMONSHALL BE DONE SYOTHEASFOLLOWING THECURRENTVERSIONOFTHE REFERENCEDOCUMENTS FMAIAIIM 100LFIN WINDOWS), FMVAAMA209LFLANGSWNDOW4 N7AkWDIM 2$*OX W 94DONB), FMAIAAMNNDM.lSWPrrERIOR DOORS) 196DSP14+7"AVE. RIDA 3"?4 www CmfAz 8300 PVC PICTURE WINDOW IMPACT No ¢B2G1 .�a8 ? * f E d= T G 8iA1Ti �FMrdslOHA1-'� d5` �+IinnnlnA 9l12/Z017 LUCAS A TURNER, P.E. FL PE C $8201 1Z O JABARAAM NORTH PORT. FL 94288 PH 941-980.1574 ANCHOR SCHEDULE & NDTES IF bw Am OSIp m wu-.- ON -- CWS -159 E PA[It- 120 I 7n B F!BY lBERMBTAUMt WX $HIM SCREW I THRO IIDRQDOTALBECRDM 4 7YPICAl.JM1B.Aldd10AAGE YIN EDGGINST— $Uowr* lE 8467/9141 r—6YOTHERS 1wult$I9H :aEETA&lEi IJOYAUlATON 101SIN ""HAVE OCALA WWW.CWS�A�M4T4 8300 PWC PICTURE VYINDOVW IMPACT RQ. 89dB1c 9TATE OF 'ssya , z v MOW 2 7- 91z"17 LUCAS A TURNER; P.E. FL PE Y 50111 1298JABARAAVE NORTH PDR7;`FL 34789 PM. 941 74 I O HORMOWALSECTM U a 601f1'RAfaEINSTALLATKMI T1a I€AnAao$aLelunAREORao771naTALucTlael INSTALLATION MAILS 7lR RANGE RB4GMAL NOTE PARTIALLY OR FULLY REMOVING THE RANGE 7116' uPTOANDMCLUDINGABOXFAAMEAPPLICATION16ACCEPTABLEPROMED. APE A91881D7 AN lWFLLETOFCONMUCTIPN•GRPAE ADHESIVE CAULK ISAPPUEO A TIM IN41DEAND OUT. FULL PERIMETER; BY INSTALLER. CWS -199 E -PRODUCT ANCHORAGE IS INACOOROANCE WRH REQUIRElpENTGAS SHEET HOWN FOR FLANGE WINDOWS. 1'd 80F8 HIUIGANCHORAGIE MIH EDG6&S� SUESTRATE$YQTHEAStjV5wT.AlUEl .SEETABLE 1PERINEfEA$EAC4Nf- Et BaaH$A F!BY lBERMBTAUMt WX $HIM SCREW I THRO IIDRQDOTALBECRDM 4 7YPICAl.JM1B.Aldd10AAGE YIN EDGGINST— $Uowr* lE 8467/9141 r—6YOTHERS 1wult$I9H :aEETA&lEi IJOYAUlATON 101SIN ""HAVE OCALA WWW.CWS�A�M4T4 8300 PWC PICTURE VYINDOVW IMPACT RQ. 89dB1c 9TATE OF 'ssya , z v MOW 2 7- 91z"17 LUCAS A TURNER; P.E. FL PE Y 50111 1298JABARAAVE NORTH PDR7;`FL 34789 PM. 941 74 I O HORMOWALSECTM U a 601f1'RAfaEINSTALLATKMI T1a I€AnAao$aLelunAREORao771naTALucTlael INSTALLATION MAILS 7lR RANGE RB4GMAL NOTE PARTIALLY OR FULLY REMOVING THE RANGE 7116' uPTOANDMCLUDINGABOXFAAMEAPPLICATION16ACCEPTABLEPROMED. APE A91881D7 AN lWFLLETOFCONMUCTIPN•GRPAE ADHESIVE CAULK ISAPPUEO A TIM IN41DEAND OUT. FULL PERIMETER; BY INSTALLER. CWS -199 E -PRODUCT ANCHORAGE IS INACOOROANCE WRH REQUIRElpENTGAS SHEET HOWN FOR FLANGE WINDOWS. 1'd 80F8 Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 It - e�:srE"ti€ll�.�r.^ Bc-1S -Mem-T LOG Jn I tlrvr Ae.075tr'dtFcn ! Hot lap c& SWMt %,dtarpe Stat. I Fads ' Fuhhcatwns I FSC Stag SCIS Site Map Links ( Search -� RMda r dD- ' Product Approval Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave '- USER, Public UW Ocala, FL 34474 P (352) 368-6922 Ext 221 a.monteverde@cws.cc eMuct Andral idem > r a Adpkotion tj > ApphtMGon Detail Category Nlmdows Subcategory Casement FL # FL6890-R6 Application Type Revision Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received. Code Version 2017 Applicatmn Status Approved Comments Archived 0 Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc Address/Phone/Einail 1900 SW 44th. Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 245 kpme@cws cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine@cws. cC Technical Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Emad 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 291 jiathrop@cws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 221 a.monteverde@cws.cc Category Nlmdows Subcategory Casement Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received. Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report. Florida license Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated lay Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A. Turner PE -58201 Keystone Certifications, Inc. 07/2112020 Steven M Unch, PE 12 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Recelved FL6890 RS COI Eva€Report161D.ndf Standard AAMA(WDMA/CSA 101/I S 2/A440-05 ASTM E18W05 ASTM E1996-05 PA/TAS 201/202/203 Year 2005 2005 2005 1994 http:/iwww.floridabuilding.orglprlpr app_4tl.aspx?param.=wGEVXCQwtDqu4Bg7NfwG9... 12/14/21017 Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 99/26/2017 Date Validated 09/29/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/08/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 &ulnft2arV of Products Page 2 of 2 FL,# Model Number or Name Description 8400 .Vinyl Casement mt., 8400 Vinyl Fig/Fin Casement. of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL6890 R6 I1 [WS -1.K] ri:nrif Approved Far use outside HVHZ€ Yes Verdled By Lucas A. Turner 56201. Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +57.51-67.5 Evaluation Reports Other: 8400 Vinyl Casement, Large Missile, OP 67 5 FL6190. R6 AE _Eicalftenort1610.Ddf psf, Marc. size 370 x 720. Outer lite in I.G. to be fully Created by Independent Third Party, Yes tempered when used 30 ft, above grade In HVHZ. Glass complies with ASTM E1390-04.. Bade C.emmrt Ile ;; 2601 Blair Stone dead. raaahayNg &.323DS Phone. 85D-487-1824 The slate of Florida is an WEED employer. rbnvrvoht 2007-2613 state of Frorvda-... Privacy Statement , gX,mt gtatan.e,.+ Under Florida 4w, email addresses aria public records. if you do not want your "ad addlessreleased at response to a pubdo-reeprys request, do not send electronic mad to this entity Instead, Contact the office try phone or by traddional mad If you haveany questions, please Contact 650.467 1395. -pursuant to Section 455 275(1), Florida Statutes effective October i, 2612, licensees hcenaed under Chapter 455, F 5: must pruvrde the Department with an email address if that' have one The emads provided may be used for otfufal communication with the llaensee. However emml addresses are public remrd N you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide: the Department with an emall address which can be made available to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F:5 , please dick -here . Product Approval Accepts: Credit Card Safe http://www.floridabuilding.orglpr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqu4Bg7Nf,wG9... 12114/2017 TURNER ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 94.1-380-1574 FBPE C,O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 161D .August 28, 2017 Product Descriptlow Series WO PVC Casement Window. Large Missile Impact, DP67.5, 37" x 72" unit size with HS laminated glass, or 37" x 63" unit size with annealed laminated glass Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44" Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 ,statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 Q20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6ai Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation; 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, RE, at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS -161D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test. Reports NCTL-210-3673-1, -1A; .2,-2A, and NCTL 210-3674-1, 4A, -2,--"A, from National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, P.E. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203 1994, AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/1.S.2/A440- 2005, and.ASTM E 1886/1996 2002/2005 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS -161D, sighed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner,. P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS -161D. Limitations of Use: This product: • .Maybe used in X config. in unit sizes up to 36" x72" with 1/$" (HS or Temp.) outboard, -air- 1/SHS-090PVB-1/8HS In inboard glass, or in unit sizes up to 36" x 63" with 1/8" (Ann: or Temp.) outboard, -air-1/8Ann-090PVB-118Ann laminated inboard glass • Requires outer lite in I.O. to be fully tempered when used in HVHZ above .30. ft of grade • Requires max. glass daylight sizes as shown in CWS -161D • Achieves design pressures of +/-67.5 psf • Is large missile impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone g Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. #16-1117.021 • Requires Quanex (Milron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade NOA #17-0206,1 Ot 1 I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the bei Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a :financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. Lucas No 58201 :Va Turner *s 8/28/2017 2017-08-30 w Z Lucas A. Turner, P.E. P'P - sraTF OF • 16:01 +20:00 • '• P fir`"; FL PE #58201 "' v _�7 C V hS TI oil _ IL Q W LL r a3I Ii31HOad sl 5NI'SW31SAs MOONIM WOIWO d0 NOISSIINii3d N3.LLIUM9H1JnOH11M2nOHM tl Sd�l01MVd NI NOLL0flaDlid�sd ANV ONI VI RL"s MOaNIM WOlsrIO dO AnadMcl 3 IDs 3H1 Sl €lAllMtltlO SlHl N109NMJN0,1NOflVWidOdNl3H1 . 011I11flFf .v�� * y'+iy .` e• 'a►9 • �_ r"•••• o o�u1s .ti- _ J� o nr * z ` Sow a ; fl•O k :VO, ao g" Fpy` .i` 6�f,,fl _,+.......s''r4�'r�� '� ��►i)�le�Ps�i �'� m a v z a LL 223 � 1 ok W O 4n. as VL IL a d C . 0— r 44 m s µ o 13. � W W O azp m tl 1e m oONtl 0 z °o w D a E, 090 W m �q F - a M VKWD N MYto o D �.w LU zrc w Wg ZW� D as 6O F pt mm +t O O mm��y rr re' ��aa �`n� Q 5 1YFz Za HUJco ER �� o � � o ijL1,9 too 0349-jr xx� pauk i Hug NU In CL. 0 mugs g IL I �aw u��i�ou vmac=i o� wo Wc` �u9Tdp uw a°f� soa az a x c� ai ri rr vi ro � m m .- —V 0 Let w ,1 =der r � W 3� Ur�a�a �i70 HE zi lUlllliit!! m ti 031181MONd SI7N1'SW31SJlS g at *•a �4�'�4 ea'. a M INrn fO a MOONIOieno dO NOIBSl1�11 ad •••• •• ''•.fib'% . r� =' p N3Lumm3H11f10H11M3mHM =�tp k i may. d io ¢ yr 7e lil �j tl Sv Pf012Nd NI N0IL6Rao21d34i •� a Di �- �a+ eL c ANtl" ONI'SN E"N's d JIB o MOONIM WGISf1 A) ALad[M-d ? 0 0. o ; Oti ly a � 0 $ z _ 310SMKLSiJNIM'd'dUs1H1 .E �s <aa;q�S` -'[� m NIUSNIVANOO NOIitlW1 AI 3H1 �� ,,1 ��•` �C a $io d4Md �i!!llnnlri'4� Z w CL cndto C9 m 0 t 03 IF a Sz a m sr`n w +11 a R 10 ' W O A A N7. 4.71 cq r—� �a �� Y m tz wnaa �L0 !p!fix OLL To to eq m p� 11�1- ff-F 'aSMM1402Id SI OM'SPOMS MO(]N" 191O1SnO =10 NOISSI1 Mgc N31Lmm 3ii1lnowim �mHm V 9V NO INYcl fall NOILDnGC) 1d3N ANV'Of+I1 SW3ISAS s Q 0. g Q MOQNIA11IRO1 nom AlH3dOVd 310S 3H1 SI ONIMYda SIH oa Ni {13NM1NOO NOLLtlMCUN13H1 fi - OuNOO aNV AHV13IUdGlk ...—_— tz wnaa �L0 !p!fix OLL To to eq m p� 11�1- ff-F �t�Ugtlllr!!�� m. y- 1 . 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W� O ww GO: wa � Fm o [L wlLL �o 2 WUWd �� = W m TV a Eir F fF0 m LL mLU W J w x c?, z a Z eV 0.X O W. W IQ 0 S{LSA�IIIflff! '031161HOWS19N1'sW31SAS ,���{{{ # kl��yil�� W m v MpgNIM WOJ SCK7 d0 NOISSIW d r` J •• •..., V. mar a o w a 4 }- NS.UIEIM 3H11ROH11M 31OHM ' t -q, r u < �t. X -1O p vii rA W Ci V SV WOIWVd N1 NOLLMOOadaW ZkM o - y�l �' Z ¢+ c� t0 2 Q ANV'OINI'ma SAS -po `^ * r"/ ¢ 2i A qk �ra a R8 O LN II. MoaNlm m Sn3 AO kmdOwcl Soy.) o. O L ` t LU P 31053H3 sl JIVIMVN(J SIHl :�x3i4 m g I - N103NIV1NO3 NOLMHOdN13H1 LL S � Z 0 1U to xx5 n I C, R IF-sWN ZZZ ho lial �WS Md COQ z �w YP W © sn d.m12 a 4 am �z E. w m 212 IL�� 6 Ca]AW ? OLL u'0 t7u 3 0 LUO -OF m 4 �1 ado LU X281 LU �CD Zr3 � q adz �F �zEH a r�.2151 1 i6 o ? 0 at ms z z �z 'w" m LU W U Z 095rr,� ca A ILPJ d N IL F Ca F7p W wVUi r�.2151 1 i6 LL W U Z 095rr,� ca S d N IL F Ca F7p F� wVUi Florida Building. Code Online sns Hume 1 Lop In I User ireplstration Hut Topics Submit Sarcharpe Slats & facts. I4r,# _! Product Approval t, USER Pubic Wer d QD Product Aumrnal Mr_nu > Pmduct or ApokCa gn ssarrh > ArmiiratipnList > acMUM �II r I FL # FL952U-R7 _ Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Page 1 of 2 Comments Arturo Monteverde Archived 13 Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc. `1: 190(3 SW 44th Avenue Publicatiom FeC Staff f eCLS Site Map Links I Semch I Comments Arturo Monteverde Archived 13 Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc. Addr"WPhone/Emall 190(3 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 245 Category kpine0cws.ce Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine0cws Cc Technical Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Emall 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (382)368-6922 Ext 291 yathropigicws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 221 amonteverde@cws cc Category Windows Subcategory Mullfans Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer © Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurarlce:Enilty Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Vandated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A, Turner PE -58201 Keystone Certiflcations, Inc 07/21/2020 Steven M. Unch, PE ® Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL9520 R7 COI EvalRenort8368.odf Standard AAMA 450-10 ASTM E1886-05 ASTM E1996-09 PA TAS 201/202/203 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL9520 R7 Eaury . dr year 2010: 2005 2009 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvIHvmuJRWc.. 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted D9/29/2017 Date Validated 10/02/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/05/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products Page 2 of 2 TL # Model, Number or Name Description 95?A.1 3" Alum. Tube Mullion 3" Alum, Tube Mullion, Flonzontal & Vertical, Fin ! Flange applications. (IMPACT) L1inits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL9520 R7 II CWS-8368.odf Approved for use outside HVHZI Yes Verified By: Lucas A, Turner 58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third PartyYes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation ReporW. other: Large Missile impact; See Installation Instructions 2 R lrt8365 pd and Evaluation Report for complete list of Limitations and Created by independent Third Party: Yes Conditions of Use 9520.2 4" Alum. Tube Mullion 4" Alum. Tube Mullion, Horizontal & Vertical, Fin .& Flange applications, (IMPACT) Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9520 R7 It CWS-13375.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant Yes Created by Independent Thad Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluatlon Reparts Other: Large Missile Impact; See Installation Instructions EvalRei)ortB37Bxdf and Evaluation Report for complete list of Limitations and Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Conditions of Use 9.520.3 5 1/2" Alum. Tube Mullion 5 1/2" filum. Tube Mullion, Horizontal & Vertical, Fin & Flange applications. (IMPACT) Limlts of Use installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9520 R7 IT CWS -838 Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ. Yes Verified By- Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistarib Yes Created by Independent Third Party -r Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile Impact, See Installation Instructions Ft 9520 R7 AE Evalikef and Evaluation Report for complete list of Limitations and Created by independent Third Party: Yes Conditions of Use. Back Nest Contact :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee FIL 32399 PMne. 850-487.1624 The State of Florida is an AA/CEO employer :, Pnvacv statement :. Accessibility Statement Rend Statement Under ftrida law; einall addresses are public record's If you do not want youre•malt address released In response to a publatirecords request do not send - electronic mad to this entity- Instead, contact the office by phone or by tradRrornl mad If you have any Qrreetrons, please contact 850 487-1395. -Pursuant to Sectio: 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective Ociaber 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F S must provide the Depadroent with an email address If they have one The emads provided may be used for official communrcatlon with the kansee. However email addressee are public record. Pyou do not wish to supply a personal addressi please provide the Department with an email address which can be made avallable to the public To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick .hffR- �p�ro�duct Approval Acceptss:1 Credit Card Safe http;//www.floridahuilding.orglprlpr app dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvlHvmuJRWc... 12/14/2017 1 3.J � `t PTE 'v ENGWEEFNG & CONSULTING, INC. Product Description: PVC 3" Mullion fl 1758 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port,. FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. x`29779 Evaluation Report 83613 September 26, 2017 Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44* Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6'h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Doeumeutation; 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Pori, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS -836B, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3833-1, -IA, -2, -"A, -3, and -3A, from National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, PX. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/2021203.94, ASTM E 1886-02104105, ASTM E 1996- 04/06109, and AAMA 450-06 4) Supplemental Cates. to support CWS -836B, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS -83613. Limitations of Use: This product; o May be used up to the sizes and design pressures as shown in CWS -836B, using clips as shown in CWS -836B • Is Large lv wile Impact Resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone + May only be used with Custom Window System, Inc. windows, please see separate individual window unit approvals for applicable design pressures and for more details. The lower of the individual window design pressures and the mullion design pressures shall apply to the entire assembly. + Requires 6063-T6 aluminum mullion and clip extrusions. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I. acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. Lucas Turner 2017-09-28 07:30+20:00 v r No 58201 � 0. 13 =-a; - ±fiO STA7E OF too 9/26/2017 Lucas A. Turner, P.E. FL PE #58201 '� a311HIHomd sl om ,S Al L Ls MOONtM WOJ SnD 30 NOISMM2 ac V N31UHM 3H1 _MOHWM 3lOHM V SV W lVW N1 NOU.Of100kWW S 3109 3H1 SI 9NIMVlIa SIHJ ¢¢¢" Ni a3NIVIN09 NOIIVWUO.4Nl 3M 0 LL Iay►y% rgQf"z o v Pq o� E za z a� aCD m �iI n r Q Q 3! my m UJ UJ 13 z w q w+p .12 K © oa z ww G ISO Id�5 .2 !�t W y 3`q ar�duvit ~_ a ga � UIL o z< w m wW �z u 2 r4oLz wo 10 Iq 50 w ..moi m Col_ wW and OW LL= �o. o m m I-' 2pp W ��11pd11 �FW §W7 I� z tz F z o� zaZ g � w a9 Q *H ;zIL Ci HU6ID—J� �ZO Fm ,3 ig 6 ��8 �K B caw U. m��T3o RE zz n2 5sol�. }s 0ao_C g F �K dJJ z 6Q. Q.Q6 z4 0 may V' 2W t�q n��`�iid� to ani Ili lli 11l Qa.0 {WlI 00..0 ZK7 77N Ti 00 OQC K6Kf0 t'DOU 6 U m Q � I ZfA U J I ? 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