HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application i i A�L APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED � Date: 1 0\31 �`� Permit Number: 1c\�4 "013 =RECEED Building Permit ApplicationPlanning and Development ServicesBuilding and Code Regulation'Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Roof - S�`d PROPOSED:IIUI°-ROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 1008 Buckeye Drive, Port St Lucie FL 34982 Legal Description: White City W 80 FT OF E 80 FT OF N 131.25 FT OF S 1/2 OF OUTLOT 7-LESS S 25 FT FOR RD RMI-(0.20 AC) (OR 648-2891) Property Tax ID#: 3404-501-0537-000-0 Lot No.7 I Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Diane D Waters j Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: I DETAILED DESCRIPTION°OF WORK: Install Sap/Sav to Flat Roof FL#1654-R22 3 SQ I CONSTR'UCTIG)N`INFORMATION: Additionalwork toe e orme under t —checkispermit a appy: HVAC 11 Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping Shutters a Windows/Doors 3/12 Electric '0 Plumbing O Sprinklers �Generator �Roof � Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: 300 SFt. of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ 2200.00 Utilities:11 Sewer ElSeptic Building Height: 13 i I 011VNLESSEE: CONTRACTOR: 'ER/ Name Diane Waters Name: Joshua Schroeder Address:1008 Buckeye Dr Company: Marzo Roofing Inc City: Ft Pierce State:FL Address: 861 A-SW Lakehurst Drive Zip Code: 34982 Fax: City: Port St Lucie State:FL, Phone No.772-777-6248 Zip Code: 34983 Fax: 772-465-8829 E-Mail: Phone No. 772-871-2489 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: marzoroofinginc@gmail.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CCC-1331207 � I If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. I� UPPLEM1 I NTA-L CON'S TRM':1: t1, .IAW, INfO�"MATI;ON ,ESIGIIIER/ENGINIEER:��- ._ Not:Applicable­­ MORTGAGE COMPANY: _-�-� Not Applicable 1 ame: !Name: ddress: Address: it:y: _ '__ _—'-State: -- City; p• Ip' Phone: EE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: ._ _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: �_^Nat Applicable- T ame: Name: Address: P: Phone:_- zip: _.... __.Phone: _- certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a perrnit. Lucie County makes no representation that:is granting a}permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure hich is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenant_%that may restrict or prohibit:such ructure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply, � consideration of the granting of this requested permit., i do hereby agree that:t will, in all resp P 's,perform the work accordance with the approves I s,the I-tori 3uilding Codes and St:. Lucie County Ame me t:s. to following building per -appli abort. fr exem t from undergoing a full concurren revie . room ad)Oe ��, ;cessory structures,s coming p ols, Prices,wall ,signs,screen rooms and accesso uses to•nother noal use ifARNlNG TO NER:Yo r fa lure to Re e�rd a Notice of Commence nt may r alt in yo ice for nproveme s to your pr perky. ot• e of Commencement rnu_. a recor d and p sejobsite efore th . irst inspec9 n. it:you int -a obtain financing, co ult with I der or an at:tore omrn cine worka t•ecordl9 a r Natic _ of Commenceme .._._____.____._i.__-_ °', �W/ __•-� `..'_.-•_�,�^� �_..._w.... _.._._ C S ----- pg lure of OwnerJLPssee/Cont:ract:or as Ager t for Owner 'SI;fTatGt`P of Contractor/License Holder :TATE OF FLOIVSTATE OF FLORIDA � tv-ry CW*­­— --- a:�sa�N-rrr cs __.. ®o ,[,he f o' g inst ,M:, '�a.y acknowledged k fore me The ff g ing inst' m�r�1 `�tras cknowledge fore me ( C11i`�..i�?� 20 .I.._ this �!1 day of��,1 -_ _...-..__,zo by this_. __day of-___—_—___.�-_.___._ Y i a(Nameofson acknowledging} ameof p son acknowledging) NOt:ary Pub 5L'u'u of Floride) (Sid :are of ot.ary Public state of Florida} _ Produced identification I-^ Persorral{y Known. OR Produced Identification., —_ Personally Known OR ­,_ __._._._ Type of Identification Produced ype of Ide if'o N o~Ac d ,.;s vas• LISA MARIF.MOtvTEI.EON[ .;.; '� LISA MARIE MONTI3lgQ� T'f . :^' rt 1J-21arY!?3tYilic •5tAtetlr�hfPlHIS�I SXpA(r}/Publlc:• State of i-tarkia ommissio '_ t;ornmission Na. ti�* •' ( commission')C;C719049'I ?rp ', = My comm.t xr�lrer.Feb V.2027w,�� Camwm,.t£cpi Commi%sioo� C40 9�}� or:�•:. _.._�_----------- as-t ttoug tti ifitsnll hi0t'itry Ass lldlf tikrt�nugl+r taalrit»iit'rLtitnr �#svii Revised 07/15/201.4 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TUR'T'LE MAN ROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE- COMPLETE INrnALS i i I