HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval:i::t1 Florida Building Code Online BCIS Hoile t g In I User ReqistGtion HotTopics SubmitSurcharge Siats & Fads Publicatioes : contact us ' BCIS Site Map I Links I search 1t7t2*15 #15ffif @*:s**"1ffir",'' nrc.fuct.4pp-ts-vai-uc!! > ltqdlg!-orgilaLtrg:Lgli.'serrh > 4pplsq!a:l-tE! > Application Detail FL# Appli€ation Type Code Version Application status Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/PhonelEmail Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/PhonelEmail Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Arehitect l\lame who developed the Evaluation ReFarE Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assumnce Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards https:/lwww.floridabuilding.orglpripr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqsRyNwlNWDrYsPHC4TwsBEc8xxLsaJJGTDPQlkaGxFKuQTo3d%3d FL17322-R4 Revision 2AL7 Approved Atlas Roofing Corporatiofl 2000 RiverEdge ParkwaY Suite BO0 Atlanra, GA 30328 {770) e46-4577 mcollins@atlasroofin g.com Meldrin Collins rncelli ns@atlasrcof i n g, com Roofing Underlayments R€po* from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation R€port - Hardcopy Received Zachary R. Priesl PE-74821 UL LLC 1?/3t/?o2o Lo.ke Bowden P.E. . Va,idaticn Checklist - Hardcopy Received &1'z322-134-te].-4Tti"4QS.!;i3-lg-1-Z--f$.t-Cl€l lie*.efi-Alla3"lijrdcdel{irelris fBaL.Edi Standard ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 226 ASTM D 2626 ASTM D 4869 ASTM D 6380 TAS 103 TAS 110 uL 1a97 Year 2015 2009 2004 20 16 2003 IYY ) 2000 zalz 1t2 1t7t2019 Certified By Do$l,on lmm trhs cpEE Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date P€nding FBC Approval Date Approved S g Jn p a ry,,oJ |1o$99!s_ _, ,FL# Florida Building Code Online Method 1 Option D a913a170L7 N{A3{ZOL7 LO/A4/2AL7 t2/12lZBt7 17322.L Limits of Use Approved for Use la HVHZ: Yes Approved for uee outside HYHZ: Yes I$pact R€si8tane N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report for limits of use, I DesaripHen i For use in steep slope roofing i Installation Instructions l i llluj;:. 33 :r atr-t.rco_r.ga a01J ig{ Lv?i-*€a!il &!las ) ;rcelal:::c$s'' ral noi I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes : Evaluation Reportsi ;L1Il22 B:4:-AE A]-1140fi1.4$ 20i7 fBC fvEl Rep-a.l Allas i ; ijj:de dai,:neltijl:eL p ij f I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ; Hodel, Humber or nlame tAtlas Underlayments 17322.2 --J-ry:'i1ry:* "-- , - Limits of use Approved for *se in HVHZ: Yes Agprov€d for use outside HVllZi Yes Impact Resistanti N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: See evaluation report fsr limits of use' I Fabral All Purpose High-Temp :eSfpt o 1970, SBS modified, self-adhering urderlayment with iftbJrP::-T*':11i-oj'-9ru1!lli"t:lvi3?:'.19f ::-": Contact us : The Srale of Florida 15 dn M/EEO employei i Installation Instru€tions i tL i-*.2a-*4_:l_g L 1 4 qc 1 . { E20l?_ r Sejj{alAcp. !g At l a 5 rabrai !rCcria./nieni. frnai pC' i Verified By: Zachary R. Priest ?E-74OZL I Created by Independent third Party: Yes i Evalsation Reports i rlu322 &- AE ATl1+00r.4a;a:-z-i8,cl!3l-sap-sj"i A!l3: t1!)Li:,lltl!:,'lavjns"t .LJ.a!.pL'. I Created bY IndePendentThird Party: Yes [] L: Phone: 850-,487-1B24 :: glyegy_slslgsg! : : re€iElily-Sle:g8ss! ;: Refutrd statement Uflder Florida law. emaii addresses are public records- L yos do not want you. e-marl add.ess released in response to a public-records request. do aot send electronic mail to thls entitv. Iflstead, contact the office by phone or by traditiorlai mail. If you have afy questions, please,contact 850.487,1395. xPursuant to Seation 455,275{1}, florida Stalutes. effective October 1, 2012, Iicensees licensed under Chapter 455. F,S. mlsi provide the DePartment with an emif address if tfley have one' Ii]e emails provid€d may be used for official communi€atio$ with the ficensee, However emait address€s are public recerd. If you do noi wisn to supply a peEof,al addresq please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To detemine if you are a li€ensee under Chapter 455, F'S., plede €lick .Egtg- Product APPrcval A.cePtsiffiffi@Effi Credit CarrJ Safe httpt:i/www.ftoridabuilding.orglpr/pr-app-dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDqsRyNwiNWDTYAPHC4TwsBEcBKxLSaJJGTDPQIkaGxFKUQ%3d%3d 2t2 ffiffiffiffiffi Tm*pepgg*.{LL ffi mrewl*g*, L*L# EVALUATION REPORT Certificate of Authorizatian No' 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 i813) 480-3421 FLoRron ButLDINc CoDE, 6'* EDlrloN (2017) ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION 2000 Riveredge Parkway, Suite 800 Aflanta, GA 30328 {77A} 812-6207 l**::elq, $l-?ji{, tr.xJll uL LLC (AUAS825) /ssued September 30, 2017Manufacturer: Quality Assurance: ScoPE Category: Subcategory: Code Sections: Properties: REFERENCES Roofing Underlayments 1 507.1 .1 , 15',1 8.4, 1523.1 .1, 1523.6.5'2-1 Physical properties Enlitv PRI Construciion Materials Technologies {TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologles (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construeiion Materials Technologies (T5T6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (T5T6049) PRI Construetion Materials Technologies fST004s) PRI Constructior Materials Technologies (T5T604S) PRI Construciion Materials Technologies {T3T604S) PRI Construction Materiels Technologies (T5T604S) PRt Construction Materials Technologies (TST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies [ST6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (T5T6043) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (T3T6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (T3T6049) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TsT604s) uL LLC [Sr174o] uL LLC {T5r1740) uL LLC (rST1740) uL LLC (rST1740) uL LLC (TST1740) ATL1 4001.44 Reoort No" ATL-033-02-01 A-|L-Q68-O2-O1 ATL-068-02-01 ATL-068-02-01 ATL-06S02{1 ATL-0S0-02-01 ATL-I4$02-01 ATL-164-02-01 BWR-533-02-01 8WR-543-02-01 MgA-004-02-01 MSA-007-02-01 MSA-026-02-01 wRM!-011-02-01 MSA-007-02-01 MSA-030-02-0'.l 02-NK40952 02-NK40952 02-NK40952 02-NK40952 02-NK40952 ASTM D 226 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 4798 TAS 110 ASTM D 1970 TAS 103 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 1970 IA5 IUJ ASTM D 1970 ASTM D ,1970 uL 1897 ASTM D 1970 ASTM 1S70 uL 1897 ASTM D 1970 ASTM D 1g7O ASTM D 226 ASTM D 2626 ASTM D 4869 ASTM D 6380 Year 200s 201 5a 2AU{2A16} 2000 20154 1 995 201 5a 2015a '1395 2015a 2a15a 2012 2015a 2015a1n1' 2D15a 2O15a 2009 2004GA14E1 2416 2003 (2o1s) FL17322-R4 Paoe 1 of 4 e manufacturer shall notify CREEK r..-^ti^- 3^- .^.Liah +hia rann* ic rrrlidi:ffiffi'3'fii;i:L'L;;ffi;;#rd;J"&;;;il;ty;.-ffi;;"n"ng". throushout the du.r,ationrollfr1"1-ttil"?11'I1"5; ilij $"1:#;;";-;";=;;fi;;;; fi.ptv *irrrntv. installation. reCommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifi callY addressed herein, ffiffiffi,ffirum*..i,* PRoDUCT DESCRIPTIoN ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION Roofing UnderlaYments #15 $pecification Felt #30 Organic Saturated Felt #30 Specification Felt #43 Base Sheet #90 Mineral Sudace Roll Roofing Gorilla Guard@ EVERFELT 30 SlatelTile Underlayment Weatherirlaster@ lce and Water 100 ASTM D 226,Type lasphalt saturated organic felt underlayment for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. ASTM D 4869, Type ll asphalt saturated organic fett underlayment for use in the non-HVHZ only. ASTM D 226, Type ll asphalt saturated organic felt underlayment for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. ASTM D 2626 asphalt saturated and coated, non-perforated, organic felt underlaymeni for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. ASTM D 6380, Class M asphalt-saturated organic roll roofing sheet for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. Asphalt-saturated organic felt underlayment reinforced with glass tiber that meets the performance requirements of ASTM D 226. Type I for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. ASTM D 6380, Ctass M asphalt-saturated organic roll roofing sheet for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. ASTM D 1970 SBS modified, self-adhering underlayment reinforced with a fiberglass mat and a granular surface for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. The self-adhesive side is covered with a release film. which is removed during installation ASTM D 1970 SBS modified, self-adhering underlayment reinforced with a fiberglass mat and a granular surface for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ- The self-adhesive side is covered with a split-release film, which is removed during installation. ASTM D 1970 SBS modified, self-adhering underlayment with plastic film surface for use in ihe HVHZ and non-HVHZ. the self-adhesive side is covered with a split-release fitm, which is removed during installation. ASTM D 1970 SBS modified, self-adhering underlayment with a fiberglass mat reinforcement and a poly-fabric surface for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ. ^fbe self-adhesive side is covered with a re[ease tilm, which is removed during insiallation. TAS 103 SBS modified, self-adhering underlayment with a fiberglass mat reinforcemenl and a poly-fabric surface for use in ihe HVHZ and non'HVHZ. The self-adhesive side is covered with a release film, which is remaved during installation. WeatherMaster@ lce and Waier 216 WeatherMaster@ Flexible Ice and t4later WeatherMaster@ Pro-Grade lce and Water WeatherMaster@ Tile ATL14OO1,4A Paae 2 at 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida produet 6nder Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notifv CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any produet changes or guality assuranee changes lhroughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or othsr product attributes that are not specifi cally addressed herein. WeatherMaster@ lce and Water 200 ASTM D 1S70 SBS modified, self-adhering underlayment reinforced with a fiberglass mat and a granular surface for use in the HVHZ and non-HVHZ- The self-adhesive side is covered with a split-release film, which is removed during ffimmmrum* Le ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION Roofing Underlayments /APPLICATION METIIOD lnstallation shall be in accardance with the published manufacturer's rnsfa/latrbn instructions, the FBC, and the requirements below. Deck substrates shatl be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. Atl fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to underlayment application. The roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted plpvood sheathing for new or existing construction. Plywood deck shall be installed in accordance with FBC requirements. Roof decks shall have no more than 118" gap at abutting joints. Exposure of the underlayments shall be limited to a maximum 30 days except ss follows: a) #15 Specification Felt, #30 Specification Fett, and #40 Base Sheet - exFosure for than 24 hours may adversely affect prcduct performance b) WeatherMaster€ lce and Water 100, WeatherMaster@ lce and Water 200, and WeatherMaster@ lce and Water 216 - maximum 30 daysc) WeatherMaster@ Pro-Grade lce and water and weatherMaster@ Flexible lce and Wster - maximum 30 daysd) WeatherMaster@ Tile - maximum 90 days Seltadhering underlayments may be adhered to primed or unprimed plytrood substrates in the non-HVHZ. Roof coverings shall be mechanically fastened through the underlayment to the roof deck except as follows (or as indicated in other current FBC product approval documents):a) WeatherMaster'@ Pro-Grade lce and Water orWeatherMaster@ Tile - ICP Adhesives Potyset AH-160b) SlatelTile Underlayment or #90 Mineral Surface Roll Roofing - Convenience Products Touch n' Seal StormBond Roof Tile Adhesive, Dow TileBond, or ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 Roof 1) Open valley applications 2) Wood shingles only ATL14001.4A FL17322-R4 Page 3 ot 4 This evaluation report is provided lor State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The rnanufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughoul the duration ,or which ihis reporl is valid. This evaluaiion report does not express nor imply waranty, installation. recommended use, or othsr product attdbutes that are not speciiieally addressed hsrein. Allowable Underlaymenl Asphalt Shinclae MEIAI KqgI Pan€ls and Shlnnlan gomposite or Phqlevolt"i€ Shlndres Wood Shirgles and Shakes Slate Shihdla-e Clay and Ca*rara Tita #15 Speeification Felt Y2 N #30 Organic Saturated FBlt Y Y Y Y N 1}30 Specificafion Felt Y &{3 Eese Sheet N fgO Mineml Suriace Roll Rocflng N N N N Gorilla Guard@ EVERFELT 30 Y Y Y Y2 N SlateJTile U nderlaymaat Y,N N N NI 100 Y N N Weathedlraster@ lc€ and Wat6r ,00 Y Y Y N N WeaiherMaster@ Ice and Water 218 N N Weath€rillaster@ Flexible lee and lJlrrtat N Y N WeglherMaster@ Pro-Grade lce ahd Wate.N WeatherMaster@ Tile : 1) Open valley applications per 150 ffimmffiffiffi*s,. {: ATLAS ROOFIT$G CORPORATION Roofing Underlayments Wruo Resrsreruce (Nor-HVHZ orulv) The Maximum Desrgn Pressures shown below were calculated using a 2:1 margin of safety per FBC Section 1504.9. Underlavment Svstem No, 1 - WeatherMaster@ Tile onlv Roof Deck: Underlayment: Maximum Design Pressurel LIMITATIONS Min. 15132-inch CDX plywood attached to wood supports spaced a maximum 24" a.c. WeatherMaster@ Tlle shall be fully adhered to the optionally primed ptywood deck. -52.5 psf Fire Classification is not within ihe scope of this evaluation. Roof slope limitations shall be in accordance with FBC requirements. lnstallaiion of the evaluated product shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturefs published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more lestrictive and FBC compliant installation detail shatl prevail. Products described within this repgrt may be used as described in other current FBC product approval documents. Roof coverings shall not be adhered directly to the underlayment unless otherwise approved in this or other current FBC product approval documents. ,All products listed in this report shall be manufaetured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rute 8',lG20-3. Connpltnnce STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest P.E. have dernonstrated ccmpliance with the Florida Building Code, 6"' Edition (2017) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. 1) 2| 3) 4\ 5) o, ..*ti'trfitf,t,,. _=S* ji No 74021 ' ,..*a?- I--i * j"! 7-9-\. STATE oF .jq",-l'ior.,'. *. u ,'-\Qr-=,,,ry;r,?r*tir CEnnrlcnnoN oF INDEFENDENCE ,kak-2017.4930 12:44:22 -04'00' Zachary R. Priest, P.E- Florida Registration No. 74021 Organization No. ANE9641 CREEK Technical Sewices, LLC does not have, nor will it acquire, a financiat interest in any Gompany manufacturing or dislributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services. LLC is not owned, operaied, or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R" Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation, Zachary R. Priest. P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of ihe preduci. ATL1400'l.4A END oF REPoRT FLI 7322-R4 Page 4 of 4 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3- The manufacturer shall notifu CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or qualiiy assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluatien report does not express nar imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are nat specifically addressed herein, r3112019 i lq#"{\:w,j{*:/ Log l. Prodsct A USai: Plbli. rer Florida Buitding Code Online ReEistrction HotTapiG SubfiitSsrchelge Sfats & Facis Publicalioas :.i i, .- j'!r:it,:i)ir'r !{:. :r rss.:i: r 't? !+;i i i?:. :: ' :i . ';;"... 'r':r.'' r' : 1:1 i.:.,';1":rl..*J-*i;?l'i::l;li-is'.'i*;:;:';:Li.!::t.:'1",="::'::;;:::N':'.':' coft€f,t Us BCIs Site t'1ap Links search > ABpJealgI-Ljs! > Appl;catbn Det"il FLr6305-R7 Revision 2AL7 Approved Atlas R.ocfi nE Corporation 200O RiverEdge ParkwaY Suite 8O0 Allanta, GA 30328 {778) 946-4571 mcollins@atlasrcofi ng.com Meldrin Cgllins mcollins@atlasroofi ng.com Evaluation Repott from a Flsrida Registered Archilecl or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Zachary R. Priest PE-740?1 UL LLC 12131/2824 Locke Ba\irden P'E. Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Re.eived F116305 R7 COI AT113002'7 2017 FBC Evat RepsIlrEhingles Finql.pslI ersdls!-Ap]*Igrelgsiq > Application Type Code version Alplication Status Comments Archived l Producl Manufacturfr Address/Phone/Emdil I iAuthorized signatuie ! i I J I Technical Represenqative I Address/PhenelEm+il Flo.ida ERgineer oriArchitect Name who developed the Evaluation Repori i Floride l-icense i Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date IValidated By I i I i I I Certifl cate of lndedendence'I I ! I Referenced Siandaid and Year {cf Standard) I I I t l i ! 1 I I I I Eouivalence of Prohuct Standards Certified Bv i'l I t Isections from the Code Standard ASTI'{ D 3161 ASTM D 3462 ASTM D 7158 TA5 100 TAS 107 Year 2016 2010 2011 1995 1995 i https:ilflo*dabuitding,org/pr/pr-app-afl.asp{?param=wGEVXev,rtDquJBMiguli3NlTGPlDBaJCJLxBUiz%ZbgUKLBKo/o2bNoUT%2fQUw%3dc/o3d ffiffiffiffiK Yx*p*roxrtrek ffi KFav[#Hw" $*Lffi EVALUATION REPORT Certificate of Authorizatian No. 29824 17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa, FL 33647 {813) 480-3421 FLoRTDABUTLDTNG Cooe 6'n EDrroN {2A171 Manufacturer: Manufacturing Plants: Quality Assurance: Scope ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION 2000 Riveredge Parkway, Suite 800 Ailanta, GA 30328 {77O) 612-6267 Hampton. GA Meridian, MS Dangerfield, TX Ardmore, OK Franklin, OH uL LLC (4UA9625) /ssued October 14,2018 Category: Subcategory: Cede Sections: Properties: PRooucr DescRlprtox Roofing Asphalt Shingles 1544J.1, 1507 .2.5, 1507.2.7 .1, 1523.6.5.1 Physical properties, Wind Resistance, Wind Driven Rain Legend (Ardmore) GlassMaster@ 3O (Ardmore & Hampton) PToLAM rM Architectural (Hamptor, Franklin & ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced,3-tab asphalt shingle with a dashed, thermally-actiyated, self-sealing sealant stripe that complies with A$TM D 3462. ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced,3-tab asphalt shingle with a dashed, thermally-activated, self-sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 3462. ASTM D 3161, Ctass F fiberglass reinforced, 3-tab asphalt shingle with a dashed, thermally-activated, self-sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 3462. ASTM D 3161, Class F fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt shingle with a dashed, thermally-activated, self-sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 3462. ASTM D 3161 , Class F fiberglass reinforced, starter asphalt shingle with a dashed, thermally-activated, self-sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 34A2. ASTM D 3161, Class F &ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle with a dashed, thennally-activated, self-sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 3462. ASTM D 3161 , Class F & ASTM D 7'1 58, Class H fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural asphalt shingle with two, dashed, thermally-activated, self-sealing sealant stripes that complies witll ASTM D 3462. ASTM D 3161, Class F & ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural modified asphalt shingle with two, dashed, thermally-activated, self'sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 3462. AT113002.7 FL 16305-R7 Paqe 1 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for Siate of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall noiifu CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product chang* or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this repori is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, instaliation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. Tough-Master@ 20 Pro-Cut@ Hip & Ridge {Ardmore & Hampton} {Dangerfield} ffiffiffiffimm**{,ff StormMaster@ Slate (Ardmore) REFERENCES ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION Asphalt Shingles ASTM D 3161, Class F & ASTM D 7158, Class H fiberglass reinforced, laminated architectural modified asphatt shingle with tno, dashed, thermally-activated, self.sealing sealant stripe that complies with ASTM D 3462. Entitv PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST587B) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST587B) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST587B) PRI Construction Materials Technologies [ST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST587B) PRI Con6truction Materials Technologies (TST5878i PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSf587B) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSI5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies fiSf5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST587B) PRI Consiruction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Consrrucrion Msrerials T€cnnologies (TST5E7E) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSTSBTB) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Maierials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies ffSf5878) PRI Construction Maierials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Meterials Tecnnobgies (TST5878) PRI Construetion Materials Technologies {fST5878) PRI Conskuction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction |laterials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Conskuction Materials Technologies [ST5878] PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST567E) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (Tsf5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologles (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5B7B) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSTSeTe) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5B78) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (IST587B) PRI Construction Materials Technologies {TSTSBTB) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSTSBT8) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5B7S) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5S7B) PRI Consiruction Materials Technologies (TST5878) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5B7B) ATL13002.7 Standard Year ASTM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 1995 TAS 100 19S5 ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 199s ASTM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 1995 TAS 100 1995 TAS 100 1995 ASTM D 7158 2011 ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3462 2O1OA TAS 100 '1995 ASTM D 7158 2011 TAS 100 1995 ASTM D 7158 2011 ASTM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 1995 ASTM D3161 2A16 TAS 107 1995 ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 7158 2A11 .ASTM D 7158 2011 ASIM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 1995 ASTM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 1995 ASTM D 3462 2O1OA rAS 100 1935 ASTM D3151 2016 ASTM D 3'161 2016 TAS 107 1g9s ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3462 2C1OA ASTM D3462 2O1OA ASTM 03462 2O1OA TAS 100 1995 ASTM D 3'161 2016 TAS 107 1395 ASTM D 7158 2011 TAS 100 X995 ASIM D 3462 2A1OA ASTM D 3462 2A1AA TAS 100 1995 ASTM D 3161 2016 TAS 107 1995 ASTM D7158 2011 ASTM D 3462 2O1OA TAS 100 1995 ASTM D 3161 2A16 TAS 107 1995 ASTM D 7158 ZAf ASTM 03462 2O1OA TA5 100 1995 Reoort No. ATL-07S-02-01 ATL-083-02-01 ATL$86-02-01 Rev 1 ATL-104-02-01 ATL-10&02-0't ATL-106-02-01 Rev 1 ATL-107-02-01 ATL-1 07-02-01.1 ATL-109-02-01 ATL-1 16-02-01 ATL-1 18-02-Ol ATL-1 19-02-01 ATL-123-02-01 ATL-12s-O2-01 ATL-127-82-01 Rev 1 ATL-I32-92-91 ATL-13F02-01 ATL-135-02-01 ATL-135-02-01 ATL-137-02-01 Rev 1 ATL-138-02-01 Rev 1 ATL-143-02-01 ATL-144-O2-O1 ATL-151-02-01 ATL-162-02-01 ATL-167-02-01 ATL-168-02-01 ATL-169-02-01 ATL,170-02-01 ATL-171-02-01 AtL-172-A2-41 ATL-174-A2-O'l ATL-179-02-01 ATL-1 84-02-01 ATL-185-02-01 ATL-18G02-01 ATL-187-02-01 ATL-220-02-01 ATL-220-O2-O2 ATL-220,02-03 ATL-22042-04 ArL-221-02-A1 ATL+21-02-02 ATL-221-02-43 ATL-221-02-04 A7L-222-02-01 ATL-222-02^02 FL 16305-R7 Page2of11 This evaluaiion report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of a8y product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifi cally addressed herein. ffiffi,H55*.s,11e E-ntitu PRI Constructinn Materials Technologies (TSTS878i PRI Construction Materials Technologies {TST587B) PRI Construction Materhls Technologies {TSTSSTS} PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSTSSI8) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSTSST8) PRI Constructlon Materiale Technologies (TST58?8) PRI Con$truction Msterials Technologies {TST587E) PRI Canstruction Materials Technologies OST5ST8) PRI Construclion Materials Technologies (TSTSBTB) PRI Construction Materials Technologies ffSTsSTe) PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TSTEAZB) CREEK Technical Services LLC {ANE11669} Report No. ATL-222-02-03 47I-2224244 A-ru22}{.241 ATL-223-4242 ATL{2}02-03 ATL-22&02-04 ATL-224-02-01 ATL-22S.02-01 ATL-225-82-A2 ATL-225*O2-03 A7L-Z?5-O244 4TL13002.7 ATLAS ROOFING CORPORAT;ON Asphalt Shingles Standard YearASTMD3161 2016 TAS 107 1995ASTMB7158 zA11 AST|U D 3462 2010A TAS 100 1995 ASTM D 316'1 2016 TAS 107 19S5ASTMD7158 2D11 ASTM D 3462 2O1OA ASTM D 3462 2O1OA TAS 100 .1s95 ASTM D 3161 2o1G I TAS 107 1SS5ASTMD7158 zAT Calculations 2A18 ATL13OA2.7 FL 1630S-Ry page 3 of 1 1 This evaluation report is provided for Stat€ of Florida product approyal under Rule 01920-3. The manufacturer shafl notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changee throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report dffis not express noI imply waflanty, in$tallation, recommended use, or olher product attributes that are not $pecifioally addressed herein. f;RHffiK TECr-NNrfiFrr- Srsrvrces. LLC luslar:anoN ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION Asphalt Shirgles Legend Basic Wind Speed {Vux): Basic Wind Speed (V2s6): Deck (HVHZ): Deck {Non-HVHZ}: Underlayment: Min. slope: lnstallation {HVHZ}: lnstallation {Non-HVHZ}: Max. 194 mph Max. 150 mph ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19132 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15132 in. plywood existinE construction- ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construclion; Min. 7116 in. OSB existing construction. In accordance with FBC requirements. 2:12 and in accordance wiih FBC requirements. Contact the Atlas Roofing Corporation when installing at slope greater than 21:12. lnstalled with $inch exposurc in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using'6 Nail Pattem" detailed below. Installed with S-inch exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and rnanufacfurer's pubtished installation instructions. $hingles shall be attached using either "4 Nail Pattem" or "6 Nail Pattern" detaild below ,j glN:[€ Jr si* Figure 1. Legend 4 Nail Pattem {Non*IVHZ only} -e4rr!E !{*6!! s* ,T rHff- Figure 2- Legend 6 Nail Pattern ATL13002,7 FL x6305-R7 Pagre 4 of 'll Technical Services. LLC of any product changs or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluaiion repo* dm not express nor imply installation, recommended use, or other prcduet attributes that are not speeifi catly addressed herein. iir -art tlrtl ii il-_:;ai.I'l ffiffiHffiK "!.s*F"rMrfl &L SHftvr*ffis, [.-L* GlassMaster@ 30 & Tough-Master@ 20 Basic Wind Speed (Vux): Basic Wind Speed {V656): Deck (HVHZ): Deck (Non-HVHZ): Underlayment: Min. slope: lnstallation (HVHZ): lnstallation (Non-HVHZ): ATLAS ROOFTNG CORPORATION Asphalt $hlngles Max. 194 mph Max. 150 mph In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19i32 in- plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15132 in. plywood existing construction. [n accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. '15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7116in" OSB existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements. 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Contact the Atlas Roofing Corporation when inslatling at slope greater lhan 21:12- lnstalled with 5-inch exposure in accordance with RAS 't15 and manufacturer's published instailation instruclions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. lnstalled with S-inch exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingtes shall be attached using either'4 Nail Pattern" or "6 Nail Pattern" detailed betow. $-J91 :*r ;if; ' Iiii I i!I il"** ,*- *^"f-* tg* -+-**$x.-*{ Figure 3- GlassMaster@ 30 & Tough-Master@ 20 4 Nail Pattern (Non-HVHZ only) 1*" $*-.- i2, -**--- 12. - +--?r.*--l Figure 4. GlassMaster@ 30 & Tough-Master@ 20 6 Nail Pattern 4T113002.7 FL 16305-R7 Page 5 of 11 This evaluation report is provided for Siaie of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer sfiall notiry CREEK Technical $ervices, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report ooes not express nor imply warranty, instaltation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. f*xi*x I .**t tr # n r - {:t tt x3{H x t t*-Gjf*t?*!L Nails !r!*x-mt!k ffiffimmrum,...,*c ProLAMil Architectural ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION Asphalt Shingles Max. 194 mph Max. 150 mph ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min, 15132 in. ptywood existing construction. In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7116 in. OSB existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements. 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Contact the Atlas Roofing Corporation when installing at slope grealer than 21:12. lnstalled with 6 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. lnstalled with 6 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions, Shingles shall be atiached using either "4 Nail Pattern" or "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. Basic Wind Speed (Vut): Basic Wind Speed (V656): Deck (HVHZ): Deck (Non-HVHZ): Underlayment: Min. slope: lnstallation {HVHZ): lnslallation (Non-HVHZ): I l I I L 1 I ili* .,y"" SE;iLAtii titji FAri-iNa- L.|r:-,ri +\:- a-CF: ---- -I It--I-IiI-rI I t4. i I i I I I i { t; rl,,r- l'ii ."., I)):; iltl Figure 5. ProLAMm A,rchitectural Shingle 4 Nail Pattern (non-HVHZ only) I ),l t rli -'r: E ;r',PAI-iEii\j ATL'13002.7 , i i- ' - !'1-F - -- . - *: '/ ! !I I i '"" i ,, I iii i I ,/ i l.. i I i. "" I i , t' ' i l , "fi'i : i !iiiiiirill,r.riii,iilrlllilllili t l. - J I Figure 6. Pro-LAM'" Architectural Shingle 6 Nail Pattern FL 16305-R7 Page6of11 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. Th€ manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid, This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty, installaiion, recomrnended use, or other product attributas that are not epecifi cally addressed herein. ffireffiHK Yrerurqee,rul* SHrawre:&s. tLf; Pinnacle@ Pristine & StormMaster@ Shake Basic Wind Speed (V,r): Basic Wind Speed (Va'o): Deck (HVHZ): Deck (Non-HVHZ): Underlayment: Min. slope: lnstatlation {HVHZ}: lnstallation (Non-HVHZ): ATLAS ROOFTNG CORPORATION Asphalt Shingles Max. 194 mph Max. 150 mph ln accordance with FBC requiremenls; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15132 in. ptywood existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7116 in. OSB existing construction' ln accordance with FBC requirements. 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Contact the Atlas Roofing Corpora*on when installing at slope greater lhan 21:12- lnstalted with 6 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturefs published inslatlation instructions' Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Patlern" detailed below. lnstalled with 6 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using either "4 Nail Pattern" or "6 Nail Pattern" detailed betow. I i t-. I-a ..._,--. --- .-, I. I 1iil iii Figure 7. Pinnacle@ Pristine and StormMaster@ Shake 4 Nail Pattern {Non-HVHZ only} :-i'-.,/_ --_rlll-- ------t----'+o--r::-".-:--:--- r. -:------l . r,.- r--a ..,,'- II T -:_ ':ri-rrr,i,l;r;ll' .. I: . 'ij iijl ll r-"--_-+l lr:lJ,tli;iiilll ilil Figure 8. Pinnacle@ Pristine and StormMastet@ Shake 6 Nail Pattern ATL1 3002.7 FL 16305-R7 Page 7 of 'l 1 Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quatity assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply vvananty, installation, recommended use, or olher product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ffiffiffiffiK T*:e*-{ru*trAl" Sur*ut*ss" t*kf; StormMaster@ Slate ATLAS ROOF[NG CORPORATION Asphalt Shingles Max. 194 mph Max. 150 mph In accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19/32 in- plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 15/32 in. plywood existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 15/32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7116 in. OSB existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements. 2:12 and in aecordance with FBC requirements. Contact the Atlas Roofing Corporation when installing at slope greaterthan 21:12. lnstalled with 8.5 in. exposure in accordance with RAS 115 and manufacturer's published instatlation instructions. Shingles shall be attached using "6 Nail Pattern" detailed below. lnstalled wilh 8.5 in. exposure in accordance with FBC requirements and manufacturer's published installation instruetions. Shingtes shatl be attached using either "4 Nail Pattern" or "6 Nait Pattern. detailed below. Basic Wind Speed (Vun): Basic Wind Speed (Vaso): Deck (HVHZ): Deck (Non-HVHZ): Underlayment: Min. slope: lnstallation (HVHZ): lnstallation (Non-HVHZ): Figure 9. StormMaster@ Slate 4 Nail Pattern Figure 10. StormMaste!@ Slate 6 Nail Pattern AT113002.7 FL 16305-R7 Page8of11 This evalualion report is provided for Siate o{ Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid- This evaluation report does not express nor imply waranty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. *IT o,I J-r 9"I CRHHK TECI"{NICA.L SHRVICES" LLC Pro€ut@ Siarter Strip Basic Wind Speed {Vun): Basic lrllind Speed {Vaso}: Deck {HVHZ}: Deck (Non-HVHZ): Underlaymeni: Min. slope: lnstallation (HVHZi: lnstallation {NoI-HVHZ): ATLAS ROOFING CORPCIRATION AsPhdt Shiagles Max. 194 mph Max. 150 mph ln accordance with FBC requirements; Sotidly sheathed min- 19132 in. plywood or wood plank far new construcli*$ Min. 15132 in. ptywood exisiing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min- 15132 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min. 7/,l6 in. OSB existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements. 2:12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. Contact the Atlas Roofing Corporation when installing at slope greaterthan 21:12. Installed in acc,ordance with RAS 115 and manufacturels published installation instructions. Shingles shalt be attached as shown below. lnstalled in accordance $rift FBC requirements and manufacfu rer's published installation instructions. ShinEles shall be attached as shown below. -__-,--_*__+.* 3t. L t--*----- I I l I i I .,". -l 'lilii __j I1*" ro- ..-'-'--'----.-_l- 2" 1 i fitfnpto. 12F,1-l/2"tlq tu*dl i l,i " -r '.i-- j-.. : :: - ='= : -a =.'=i_*___*i ._", i Figure 11. Pro4ut@ Starter StriP lVI 3i ATL13OO2"7 FL 1630tR7 Page I of 11 Technical Services, LLC of any product changes cr quality assurance changes throughout the durat'ron for which this report is valid' This evaluation report does n& "xprers nsr i-mpty winan-ty, instaflation, regommended us9, or other product atributes that are not specifi eally addressed herein. fireHHK TECE.IF{ICAL SERVICES, LLC Fro{ut@ Hip & Ridge ATLAS ROOFING CORPORATION Asphalt $kingles Max.'194 mph Max. 150 mPh ln aecordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheathed min. 19i32 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min- 15132 in. plywocd existing construction. ln accordance with FBC requirements; Solidly sheaihed rnin" 15132 in. plywood or wood plank for new construction; Min- 711$ in. GSB existing construction. ln accordance $rith FBC requirements. 2:.12 and in accordance with FBC requirements. lnstalled with 5-5/8 inch exposure in accordance with RAS 115 THVHZ anly) and manufacturer's published installation instructions. The direction of the exposed end shall be away from ihe prevailing wind. Basic Wind Speed (V,r): Basic Wind Speed {Vaso): Deck (HVHZ): Deck (Non-HVHZ): Underlayment: Min. slope: lnstallation {HVHZ and non-HVHZ): Flgure 12. Pro€ut@ Hip & Ritlge ATL1300?,7 FL 16305-R7 . .. page roj|J.'t The rnanufacturer shall notifo CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for wlrich this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply wananty, instaltatien, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specitically addressed herein. 1? ga. 1-112" ri*g shanlc nail ffiffiffiffiK ATLAS ROOFING CORPOMTION Asphalt Shingles Tne r-.lrqreaL SEF?vtcE5, LLe LIMITATIoNS Fire Classification is not within the scope of this evaluation. The roof deck and the roof deck afi.achment shall be designed by others to meet the minimurn design loads established for components and cladding and in accordance with FBC requirernents. The mean roof height shatl be restricted to a maximum 33 ft in the HVHZ. Classification to ASTM D 7158 applies to exposure B & C with a building mean roof height of 60-ft or tess. Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck shall be checked for protrusion and corrected prior to undedayment application' Shingles shall be installed starting at the eave in horizontal layers such that the laps shed water from the deck. lnstallation of the evaluated products shall comply with this report, the FBC, and the manufacturefs published application instructions. Where discrepancies exist between these sources, the more restriclive and code compliant detail shall prevail. All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 61G20-3. GOMPLIANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code, 6h Edition (2017) as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer- 4\rt ?) 3) 4) s) o) tt 8) ..,Stifit,yi.g, S .." No 74021 '.. "--t*j ".*---::*i=rt: :or-- "-A,. srATE oF.r'LQ-.. ''4r,tttf,';"?i$' ,r7 n ,4 2018.10.14/ l1t::!?- 12:33:10 -04'oo' Zachary R. Priest. P.E" Florida Registration No - 7 4421 Organization No. ANE9641 CeRIRcAnoN oF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services. LLC does not have, nor will it acguire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services, LLC is not owned, operated, or conlrolled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation- Zachary R. Friest, P.E. dses not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products uilder this eYaluation. 7achary R. Priest, P.E. does not have, nor will ecquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. END OF REPoRT A.TL13002.7 FL 16305-R7 Page '11 of 11 This evaluation report is provided lor State of Florida product approval under Rule 61G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Service$, LLC of any product changes or quality assuEnce changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This eyaluation report does not express nor imply wananty, installation, recommended use, or other product attributes that are not specifi cally addressed herein.