HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application AII:APPLiCAB E'I1VF0 LIST BE C17MPLETED FOR APPLICATIQN TOSE ACCEPTED /]. Date r Permt-Nutnber. "/ 9, # gig. - MMIIIII , . Build ing.Permit Application Planrngq.o.nd Devewment:5ervices eurldirig and Code t2egulotlon Dlvlslon I 23QO Vrrgmla Avenue„Fort Pierce FL,34982 Phone j772)462-1_553 Fax;(772)452 1578.• Commercial Residential PERMIT TXPE - .. n ✓rte t r .e s r, a n "S*.w ... Vn c rsv t 'w 1; R.,! A01dress ' 6° f :.t { Property Tax to,t_F ,- y s a 6 0 '.3. _ L6i No Stte Plan Naive -CT Blo6,06 P-roiect Name P j)'� �vyr}_�.`fY�.�yyyr�■ -�{-�y=-- . .(}+... r+�yr •tn � X�� s �_ -_ � , WOO E�'1 l'1 •-•�+V MR R .l WM, � a '�T - = � �.-,L'! �--. •,�c,: 3 .�' +'ate c1J� �'- G -G," a T.^ ,+ :- '•" ^° r°? ,.uta � ,, ^e'4,'° K Ys -ems. « p,. rt °i�-.,*,. -� vim°"- ,w nC{431dSTtGijV�l1 R4+� T1Qw ; ,� n� 1 43e: sEx� �'`.�!^>,c•• se,'�` ; its• t dtt nr;li work,to be=per-forined underthis permit–check;all-that apply". Mechanical.= =Gas Tank Gas Piping _Shutters, Wi.ndowdboors - — Electnc Piumbmg: Sprinklers _Gene►ator- Roof Pitch Total Sq .Ft of Construction _-. Sq:Ft:of Fust.Fhor. Cost of[ohsteuction $ T`Qk '�' _-. Utilities- Sewer Septic Building lioight . �J�s }s- re vt+.r� •t r rv"_'�sr'"� � lael _ .� ^—r'-'`n'� _ ;�, .w ,.,s4�.,. . 4�,. 5'�S't.. 7�1"e� �'• ok t - AM Name Addresi' ,�; ► = .�_ Gompany;2t +� - Ctty � �i''lJ=i�•.= .. -_ Statel ice. Address- <'6 ( F Ztp Code Fax: City.-, Stater Phone No :; Zip GodeGa- Fax: _. E-Marl r4,y, Phone No '"77 3 Fitl inee s� ple Title Holder on next pale`(if different tNlail Ai from the Owner'listed,.above): State or County L'ii erase A ;�L'7� O' if value ofsonstrudlon is$2SOD of moie,,a RECG�t�fD Notice of Comme_ncementis requtretl. H _ moe,aOE ; lomenemerit's:requireIf vueofvDfrJ. `�c ="e'�'� vs -, x � o�� �,,��� ;u � .;E�a � � -DESIGNER E111GINEER Y:,Nat Applicable �MQRTGAG UMPAN _Not Applicable Nam.e.:,... Name: Xlddress, Address: City: State: ZIp ;.:,t Phone Zip: Phone• k � ' 'FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLOER: _Not Applicable BONDIN tUIPANY: Not Applicable Name: Addressr .. - . Address: 'City. ;-' City; ZIp Phone'. Zip: Rhone: OWNEi 'CON7RALiJQR AF�If�VIT:Application's herebyfiade to obtains permitto:do the work and ins'tallafiomas indicated. 1 certify tfato WArK ol`installation has commeAceo prior to the issaance of a permit .... i StAude Counttyy makes n*,*rgentation thJfls granting a permit,will authorize the permit holder,to build the subject structure which is lit conflict With any applicable Home C►wners Association'rules,bylaws:or,and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such sttucture Piease, ,onsulf with your°Home Owners Association and;review your deed for.any restrictions which.may apply. In consideration of the granting of this'.cepuested,perinit,I do hereby agree<that,l will,in all respects;perform the work in-accordal ce with he ahprove plans,th;e-Florida Building Codes-'and St.Lucie,Countq,Amen'dments. The followir building petrdit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency.review::-room additions, accessofyTs rf Pictti�es,swimrrnng pools,fences;walls,signs,screen rooms and-accessory-uses to another:non residential,use "1YARIWNG0 OWNER' YOUR,FAILURE TO_°RECORD A-NOTICE OF-COMMENCEMENT MAY. RESULT"IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR1MPROYEMENTS tO..YOUR•,PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ;;MUST BE 'RECORDED AND iPOSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FlRST INSPECT! It JF YOU.INTEND TO OBTAINL FINANCING, CONSULT WITFFYO�IR LENDER OR Ai11 ATTORNEY.BEFORE RECORDING YOUR.NOTICE OIR COMMENCEMENT.? Signature,of0 nerJlessee/Contractor.asAgeritforOwner Signature" ;.Contractor/License Holder :COUNTY O�ORIDA � � j COUNTY iSTOFE OF C3RIDA: � r The forgoipg,instr ent was acknowledged b' The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me tbi `c[ay of 20 this day of 20- 'by Namef,Etgrson�making statement` an. Norrie of person makiii atement _ N, r- r J f C Pe rsoria�fy�Known OR Produced,Iden i Personally Known ORProducedadentification .. Type of lHen ficatr ,� $ - Type--of ldentifica$ien-'. `T Protlucd f. Produced `�-'2: �' }� f P ,, r a'cy 19 I 1 x Jcr.-;lr 'ZA 2 - - �'C _ n (Sign tTe.�faVotary Pub11` tate of Floridv4- a) (S nature of+Notary++tubi' 'State of`Flotida') .. 5 4. f • Gomm�sson N 0 O (sea. Commission N4o4 (Se 'Av 41 NLA REVIENS �� }t RONT : 'µZONING " SUPERVISOR'' PLANS. VEGETATION SEA TURTLE AN VIE s. iCflUNTER x <REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATETit-; 1 - - - REC6iv °.'COMPETfA 3.` ev 1 - _1 ' ov� o, . t Prodi ; Akf CeKrfied Reference:Number.:&$45804 Date:10-28-2019 Model Status -Active Ali Type,-"MPA �Seies::R410A�iP'SPF? Outdoor;Emit Brand Name;ARCOAIRE OutdoorrUnit ModefNumber (Condenser or Single Package):PHR536"K`W Thetnanuiacturar offhis ARGOAIRE product is responsible for the rating of this system�combination. Rated as:fotiows'in'.accordanbWvdBlt_the latest.edilion of ANSUAHRI 210/240 with Addenda I:and`2,Performance Rating of Unitary -Air-Conditioning&:AirSource Heat:Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy! AHRhsponsored,independent,third party testing: `Cooling Capacaty(A2)-Single flr.fth:Stage(95F),btuh:34000 'SEER.:15.00 ;Ei;R(A2)'Smgla br High Stage(95F) 12 00 r zw 1leabng Capaaty(H12) 5cngte or High Stage(47P) }34U00 r r 7 ��r CSS�f(Reglan tV) "021] v 3 1t h J. y-i:2 I y L '4 k {w 5 {{C 1 S+, F f•Y k Y3 h*i3 t3 i t 7 {t �"x :.r r c rg ' ;'a` �Vit.. M s"i�. 1 r -% �s;• ' � § ++y '`i x n."� j �'"r.` n t 1 'S' ,�y-s � �+ �t l"syn aN� � � ,+: }A. t� - � ,.t a w ,�`xTt s- c 1 d y t rn ytil ..+. 1 :xi,t�. 3 F•' r`P'' r E Yf•`�" . t }z„ `Y�'� x ktglk � �''.yk'x�,.-.� � v�°;7L,, x25 Kt.u:s Ftp't%tt i r^�i ....t..- z y-`s '} y� .�"y 5. � 9 {' .r 3• $� 't` x�'' � 't t'Adlve M dei Scotus ere those'that enAFtRI CerUflcaUnn Program Pert.apart Isecurtently product AND selling or.of for sale,OB new.modeis tturi are being maitteted but erenot yetl>eing produced'P�roduction Stopped'Model Status arethose that an AHRI 6rfl8cation Prdgram Pertidpant is;nb li)hgef prdducWg SUF'is:still F;eiliin9 or offering far sob. Rainas that ate a nted 6v WAS irldiizite ttk involuntary reaate 'The neva t'kUs d retina-�..i,rriK n atrinn ; ®� ►ei4aus t e �NA51 iatln�C • ----. _ �'1 the D Df$cunliil:t , AHRI does net endorse:the products)ILsted;on this Certificate and makesno re presentauonsc wartaMles ar guarantees as:to,and assumes r�sl no'respobifty for, the;producd(sj'Sated onthls'Cettifleate ANtti ezpressry dlsctatjns aU liabltity far damages 6fony Wnd artilog out of the use Or performance of:the_ptodtict(s);or the , uaau(horize i akeration'ot►ate listed ortthis CeiWe'dta-C'ertMed ratings are valid onty for models and conflgwafions listed in.tha dhectoryatrsRuwahrldirectorjtorg, TEftRRS ANb.CONDITiONS This'Certificate and its contents are proprietary products c?ANRi.ThLi CaitMcatc$toi only be used for indhriduak Dermal and conitdertUal reteranee piuposes+the contents of this Certwiate may not,'ln whole,er In part lbe.reproituted copled,dlis'&Wriated; errt 'aa into a coin puter`datehasa;or otherwtsa utUl®d;:in:any farm or maturer or'try atty;meatrs.except-tor tfie_user's'di .Individual p�sonatand;contldenttalrefareneei R1R�pl�DlTtt)ldiltr3,HEATWQ,: } TiFidATE VERtF16XT10t+1 &Rt-Ft1sERATroN tNSTmin a rdomiatton for the inodet affect on this eottlt este can be Na ied at t r ah"tidirectoi -ofg;cock on-VeElf}CertiNm ato1:11 k amake r�� „ Tho, • enDe�the MRIC--Aed tfeferenee NiAber arid,the data_pn which the ccitiftcate was.Fsstied, N wtilch is Ilsted.above,and tha CerUAcata No,which is`Bated at bottom doiL 02C �TFICAT`>£ .132167856W33568'1 oHge : t ry , RV.