HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program
y,F,YST0N -
CERCertification Report `
11030-004-KCI 90612
145 limekiln Road,Suite 1006 Issue Dated:. , 6/19/2018
f New Cumberland,PA 17070 _ Revision Date: 6/19/2018
j www.keystonecerts.com , Expiration Date: 6/19/2023 ,
Y 60 15-
Construction Specifications Institute(CSI)Category: B®CC
Division: 07 00 00—Thermal&Moisture Protection
Section: 07 4113—Metal Roof Panels
• 2017 Florida Building Code- Building, 6th Edition,
1. Program Licensee: Section 1504.3.2.
• Florida Product Approval Rule 611320-3.
Properties Evaluated:
T (� • Wind Uplift Resistance
TThis Certification Report was used to qualify
E TA L ROOFINO SUPPLYFlorida Product Approval FL 24397.
1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply Su I 4. Evaluated Roof System Description:
186 SR 207 4.1. Roof Covering: Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof
East Palatka, FL 32131 panels are cold roll-formed from minimum 26 gauge
386-325-0242 ASTM A792 Grade 50 steel sheet. The panels are
aluminum-zinc alloy coated per ASTM A792 (AZ50), and
http://www.lstcoastmrs.com/ ' =
shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
2. Certified Roof Covering: instructions and this Certification Report.
1St Coast Metal Roofing Supply's Model Armour Loc 26 4.2. Roof Deck:Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof panels
Ga. non-structural nailstrip standing seam metal roof are certified for use over solid or closely-spaced,nominal
panels installed over plywood sheathing roof deck for 15/32" B-C 4 ply CDX plywood sheathing complying with
use in new construction and re-roofing applications. 2017 Florida Building Code, Section 2303.1.5, with a
minimum slope of 2%(1/4:12).
3. Scope of Certification: 4.3. Anchorage: Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof
This Certification Report provides technical data panels shall be fastened to the roof deck using ST
substantiating that the use of the certified roof covering Fastening System ST Clip Screws#12 x 1" pancake-head
and the evaluated roof systems are in compliance with wood screws (or equivalent) through the nailstrip at%"
the following: from each end, then spaced 4-3/4" CIC as specified in
Table 1 and illustrated in Appendix 1.
Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by
the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or
suitability of a product for a given use.
�=- 1===7 Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program
j �YSTONZ Certification Report
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11030-004-KCI f061I
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S. Installation 6.1. Wind Resistance
The allowable design uplift pressures for Armour Loc 26
Armour Loc 26 Ga.metal roof panels in new construction Ga.anchored as illustrated in Appendix 1,when tested in
applications shall be installed in accordance with the accordance with the referenced standards with an
2017 Florida Building Code Section 1507.4, the applied safety factor of 2.0 are found in Table 1.
manufacturer's published installation instructions and Table 1
this Certification Report.
Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof panels in re-roofing Anchor
Anchor. Design
applications shall be installed in accordance with the Description Man'f&
Pattern Uplift
2017 Florida Building Code Sections 1507.4 & 1511, the Model
manufacturer's published installation instructions and
Over At%" From ST Fastening
this Certification Report.
15/32"4 Each End System ST 86.0 psf
The manufacturer's installation instructions shall be Ply and 4-3/4" Clip Screws
made available at the time of installation. If there are Plywood O.C. #12 x 1"
differences between this report and the manufacturer's
installation instructions, this report shall take 7. Conditions of Use
precedence. Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof panels must be insulated
against other materials or metals including concrete,
6. Product Performance lead, copper and treated lumber that contains corrosive
The performance of the Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof materials.
panels described in this Certification Report has been
determined in accordance with: 8. Limitations of Use
Armour Loc 26 Ga.metal roof panels are not qualified for
• UL 580=06, Tests for Uplift Resistance of Roof use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ).
As tested & reported by the following independent Fire classification, shear diaphragm design, roof deck
accredited laboratory: design & attachment to supporting members are not
within the scope of this Certification Report.
Laboratory Report Ref.
Intertek 12151.03-450-44-R1 Roof support framing shall comply with 2017 Florida
Building Code Chapter 22 for steel, Chapter 23 for wood
and Chapter 16 for structural loading.
Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by
the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or
suitability of a product for a given use.
-= - - Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program
��YSTON Certification Report
---- 11030-004-KCI ;0612
Page 3 of 4
2 018.06. 1
9. Licensed Manufacturing Facilities 9 08:56:45
This Certification Report is applicable only to Armour Loc
26 Ga. nailstrip standing seam metal roof panels -04'00'
manufactured at the following locations:
1st Coast Metal Roofing Supply
Aaron Shultz
186 State Rd 207
East Palatka, Florida 32131 Validations Manager
Each licensed facility is subject to periodic inspection by
Keystone Certifications to verify conformance with
Keystone Roof Covering Certification & Listing Program
10. Identification
Armour Loc 26 Ga. metal roof panels represented by this
report shall be identified with Keystone Roof Covering
Certification & Listing Program certification labeling
illustrated below, to be applied to individual panels,
packaging, invoicing or bills of lading:
Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by
the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or
suitability of a product for a given use.
Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program
�E Y"STON Certification Report
11030-004-KCI ;0612
Page 4 of 4
Appendix 1
Note: In all cases(new construction and re-roofing),the
anchors shall fully penetrate the plywood roof deck.
40ne row of ST Fastening Systems'ST 15132"4•Ply.CDX � 314','
Gip Screw#12 x 1"pancake head at Plywood Sheathing
112"from each end and max 4-314"O.C.
Refer to www.keystonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by
the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or
suitability of a product for a given use.
Metal Roof Certification & Listing Program
K� C.
Certification Report
1---�--1 11030-004-KCI CP512
f 145 Limekiln Road,Suite 1006; Issue Dated'. 6/19/2018 1
New Cumberland,PA 17070 Revision Date:, 6/19/2018
www.keystonecerts.com Expiration Date: •6/19/2023
Certificate Revisions
Rev# Date Description
0 6/19/2018 Initial issuance.
Refer to www.kevstonecerts.com to ascertain the ongoing status of this Certification Report.Approval of building products and/or materials can only be granted by
the building official having jurisdictional legal authority. Keystone Certifications,Inc.does not endorse or make warranties with respect to product performance or
suitability of a product for a given use.
DomSIgn Envelope ID:EAABSBA9-E1394DOD-8996-CC38F UM C1
- tb' 1' 16' I'
16 1' 16' 1'
Panel Cutting List Summary x 16• r 16• 11
... .. .. _ ... _ _ .. 16' I 16 1' =
- - ' � I'
Material:1st Coast MRS,PA•ISS-HD-18.24,Armour Loc,GalvaGme,26.00,16.0 16i' 1616' r 16 r
1/42'11",1/27'10", 28/17'1", 28116'10".18/16'1", 1/1511", 1/15'10", A 16' r 16
1/169",V157', 2/15'U',1114'5", 1/14'4", 2/14"1",",211311",1/12'11". 7 6' 11, r
111210",21127", 3/12'5 1/12'3",1/11'6", 1111'4",2111'1",3/10'11", 1 " p
1/10'9",1/10',1/9'10",1/9'8", V97',', 3/9'5", 1018'9", V87',7', 1/8'6, 15'S' 15`5' 6
12/8'5", 2/8'4", 218'2" 1/8"1",",2/7'11',4/7-6", V71".", 117', 3/619', 4i d:O a 13'12�s' I" '' ' 10.
216 8", 1/6'7",2/6'5", 4/6',1715'9", 115'7 1/5'6",215'5",115'4", s'r Z ' 5' s a
215 2", 7/5"1",2/4'11", 7/4'6",1/4'3",1/41", 1/4', 213'l l", 3/310", '• t 10, 11' ID' ill 6' lo'
2J3'8", 1/37',7',2/3S', i 8.s - 91Y �O 00e
T 1 I. m a a 5"
Panel Accessories
. .................................. -
Minimum Panel Length Breakdown N. z
1/42'11"above made up of 7/3', 1/2'10",112'7",1/2'6",2/2'5",312'4",1/2'2". s 10 R a o co 1/27'10"above made up of 1/2'2", 112'1", 2/2',7/1'6",1/1'4", 111'1 ,3/0'11",2/0' v glh:2390'6 r r - 6.
Total Panel Length:2390'6" Selected Panel Len
Total Panel Area:3187.3sgft Selected Panel Area:3187.3sgfl IT t z 4
Total Roof Area:2980.7sgft I I 1r 1' t7 r I• r
1T 1" 17' 11, E-
Panel Area/Roof Area(Estimated Waste):6.48% 17, 1 1-
Panel Allowances Used:<DEFAULT> 17 t I 1
1• r
171- 17 1'` -
1T 11 17• 1•
I. I'
Expod to Rolllormer Delete 17 r Ir r Com�sk.uM
Export CSV Change Mat'I' OK w "m �, a rn tr N 10/7/2019