HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) EVALUATION REPORT OF UNION CORRUGATING COMPANY # '26 GA. 5V PANEL' t s FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 6TH EDITION(2017) FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL FL 7271.2-R4 ROOFING METAL ROOFING .t IFE FEDREVIEWED FOR } Prepared For: CODE COMPLIANCE Union Corrugating Compa%T. L.U C I E COUNTY itti�9 701 S.King St. ! -,. iuE�Gesuntyperm Fayetteville,NC 28301 Telephone: (910)483-0479 Fag: (910)483-1091 File F Prepared By: Bala Sockalingam,Ph.D.,P.E. Florida Professional Engineer#62240. 1216 N Lansing Ave.,Suite. C Tulsa,OK 74106 Telephone: (918)492-5992 FAX: (866)366-1543 �3 This report consists of Evaluation Report(3 Pages including cover) Installation Details (1 Page) e��� G�AL�NGq ®iB® v o v G Zip •. a ;cr- U(�j�:; O �W 4 Report No. C2174-2 PSE Q �! Date: 8.23.2017 s"'off°., F L 0�.�• d �0 aa'' i `g 23.2al-7 i4 FL 7271.2-R4 C2174-2 8.23.2017 Page 2 of 3 Manufacturer: Union Corrugating Company Product Name: 5V Panel Panel Description: 24"wide coverage with(5) 1/2" high ribs Materials: Minimum 26 ga., 80 ksi steel. Galvanized coated steel (ASTM A653) or Galvalume coated steel (ASTM A792) or painted steel (ASTM A755). Deck Description: Min. 15/32"thick APA rated plywood or min.3/a"thick wood plank(min SG of 0.42) for new and existing constructions. Designed by others and installed as per FBC 2017. Underlayment: Minimum underlayment as per FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.5.1 Slope: 1/2:12 or greater in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4.2 Design Uplift Pressure: 66.3 psf @ fastener spacing of 12" o.c. (Factor of Safety=2) Panel Attachment: #9-15 or#10-14 x long wood screw with washer. Fastener shall be of sufficient length to penetrate through the deck a minimum of 3/8". At panel ends @ max 6" o.c. across panel width At intermediate @ max 12" o.c. across panel width Test Standards: Roof assembly tested in accordance with UL580-94 `Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies' & UL1897-98 `Uplift Tests for Roof Covering Systems'. Test Equivalency: The test procedures in UL 580-94 comply with test procedures prescribed in UL 580-06. The test procedures in UL 1897-98 comply with test procedures prescribed in UL 1897-12. Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with FBC 2017 Section 1507.4. Product Limitations: Design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2017 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Fire classification is not within scope of this Evaluation Report. Refer to FBC 2017 Section 1505 and current approved roofing materials directory or ASTM E108/UL790 report from an accredited laboratory for fire ratings of this product. PANEL FASTENER #9-15 OR #.10-14 WOOD SCREW WITH WASHER UNDERLAYMENT PLYWOOD DECKING (MIN 15/32" THICK) PANEL FASTENER FASTENER PATTERN @ -EAVE, RIDGE 8c VALLEY #9-15 OR #10-14 WOOD SCREW - WITH WASHER N UNDERLAYMENT PLYWOOD DECKING (MIN 15/32 THICK) a s FASTENER PATTERN @ INTERMEDIATE LOCATIONS N ALLOWABLE UPLIFT PRESSURE FASTENER PRESSURE SPACING (PSF) (IN) 12 66.3 aaY�A 1/2 24" 5V Panel Profile 3-19-2015 Min 26 Gauge, Minimum Yield = 80 KSI > OF > Sheet No. 10181?d18 F-bitde Building Code Odm r REVIEWED FOR r= Bas Korne I tn�m 1 u�rrte�tn I Hoe p all i cow ix( Bcr one r I un ror I saa:d: 1 u�Appravel ST. LUCIE COUNI� IOC > ua RECEIVED y�+ G` ®py ,� NOV 01: 2019 SEifldI l Orkeds - Refine Search ST. WO(V-CCWKY, Permitting Code Version 2017 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Category Roofing Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL Product Model,Number or Name ALL: Product Description ALL Approved for use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVMZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Resultis-A i iicallofis r� � � • Velldand BY _ ¢fig F1.1654-R24 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved Category:Roofing (954)772.6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System 1654-R25 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevldt,PE Pending FBC Approval category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen-Roof System FL16429-R9 Revision POLYGLASS USA• John W.Knezevich,PE 'Approved Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System EL164 9 RIO Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Pending FBC Approval Cebepory:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FLi67i7-R7 Revision POLYdLASS.USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved c Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System 1116717-R8' Revision POLYGLASS USA , - John W.Knezevich,PE _. Pending FBC Approval Cat eloory:Rooting (954)772.6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FL16718-116 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved Histo Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subeal4gory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FL16718-R7 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.•Knewilch,.PE Pending FBC Approval Catasory:Roofing (9S4)772-6224 Subcategory:Modlfied Bitumen Roof System *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by OBPR shall be ravkwed and raU=by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Qw=Us::7601 Blair Stine Road,3Nlahossee FL 32349 Phimm 850487-1824 The State of Florida Is en AA/EEO employer.Caoyrjphr 20117-2 13.State of Florlde.::Prigag(Stateme ::AymnIbIlity StateRellund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses am public records.u you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-imewrds request,do not send edadronic y mall to this entity.Instead,contact the oRtae by phone or by traditional matt.If you have any quesucns,please Contact 854.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(2), Florida Statutes,effective October 1.2012,neansees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must pmvhte the Department with an emall address If they have one.fie emalls provided may be used for olflWi commw*won with the Oeensee,flowerer email addresses am public mcord.If you do not with to supply b personal address,Please provide the Department waif an email addrem which can be made available to the pubik.To determine If you are a 0eensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please dict h=. pieductApprovalA ry hW:lMoridabulwing.orgtpdpr app IsLaspx 112 i 1 MEMO etc. Certificate of AudWdzoVon#3M 353 Christian Street,Unit#13 Oxford,-CT 06478 (203)262-9245 EN61NEEtt EVALUATE TEST CONSULT CERTIFY EVALUATION REPORT_ Poiyglass USA,i E Evaluation Report P929(}*.0i 41.32 11 1111 West Newport Center Drive F1: 6 =( $ Deerfield Beach,Fl. 33442 Date of issuance.02/11/2005 (954)233-1230 Revision 22:04/11/2019 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report Is issued under Rule 61620-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida,The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E.for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 0 Edition(2017)-Fiorida Building Code sections noted herein. DEsCRivrtoN: Polyglass SBS and APP Modified Bitumen Roof Systems LA$EUNG: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED CoMPtJANCE:This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nleminen,P.E.of any changes to the product(s),the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEW Ietc.requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Gyle. ADvERTLSEMENr:The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "NEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be displayed In advertising literature. if any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done In its entirety. INSPECTION:Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 4,plus a 69-page Appendix. Prepared by: u Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. +y� The facsimile seal appearing was authodned by Robert Florida Registration No,59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 ' ,„,ri n+'r Nk dnen,P.E,on 04/11/2039.This does not serine as an electronically signed document. r CERTiFICASIDN Of:INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEW ETC,LLC does not have,nor does It Intend to acquire or will It acquire,a financial interest In any company manufacturing or distributing products,it evaluates. 2. NEMC/ETC,LLC Is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nleminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Mieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial Interest in any other entity involved In the approval process of the product 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nleminen,P.E.are,In any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. MIFNEMOJetc. ROOFING,SYSTEMS EVALL(ATtON: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing _ Sub-Category: Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Compliance Statement: Poiygiass SBS and APP Modified Bitumen Roof Systems,as produced by Poiyglass USA, Inc.,have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 61 Edition(2017)Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set forth herein. STANDARDS:2. 1504.3.1 s Wind, - FM 4474 2011 1504.3.1 wind UL 1897 2012 1504.7 impact FM 4470 2012 1507.11.2 Physicals AS7M.06162 2008 1507.11.2 Physicals ASTM D6163 2008 1507.11.2 Physicals ASTM D6164 2011 1507.11.2 Physicals ASTM D6222 2011 1507.11.2 Physicals ASTM 06509 2009 3. REFERENCES: ERD 031`6019) Physicals --P10490.10.08-2 10/30/2008 •FM(7171867) FM 4470 '2DSMAM 06/22/1999 E111)(TSTSD49) FM 4470/4474 P13760.09.09 09)10/2009 FM(TST3867) FM 4470 3006646 01/04/2009 ERD(1176049) FM 4470/4474 P13770.09.09 09/20/2009 FM(TST1867) FM 4470 3001334 01/25/2000 ERD(7176049) FM 4470/4474 P30540.11.09-Ftl 11/30/2009 FNI OMM71 FM 4470 30013M 02AS/20DD ERD(FST6049) FM 4470/4474 P3055O.22.09 12/02/2009 FM(7573867) FM 4470 $000857 01/12/2009 ERD(1576049) Physicals P33960.1110 12/30/2010 FM(TST3867) FM 4470 3004091 01/12/20DD ERD( 6D49) FM 4470/4474 P33970.83.11 03AS/2011 FM(SST1867) FM 4470 3006215 05/02/2001 ERD(1526049) Physicals P37590.03.13-3A 03/06/2013 FM(i5T386-/) FM 4470 3012321 07/29/1002 £RD(TMV99) FM 4470/4474 P39680.03.13 03/04/2013 FM(7573867) FM 4470 3014692 08/05/2003 ERD(M6049) Physicals P37590.03.13-1•R1 06/26/ZM3 FM(7172867) FM 4470 3034751 08/27/2003 ERD(TST6049) Physicals P37S90.03.13-I-R3 07/01/2013 FM(TSTI867) FM 4470 3007170 02/13/2004 ERD(MT6049) Physicals P37590.07.13-2 07/01/2013 FM(TST2867) FM 4470 3019317 05/30/2004 ERD(TST6049) Physicals P37590.03.13-5-R3 07/01/2013 FM(fST2867) FM 4470 3020703 07/30/2004 ERD(7176049) Physicals P37S90.07.23-1 07/02/2013 FM(7173867) FM 4470/4474 3028332 01/31/2006 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P41630.08.13 08/06/2013 FM(TST3867) FM 4470/4474 3023368 03/20/2006 ERD(W6049) Physicals P45940.09.23 09/04/2013 FM(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3024594 05/23/2006 ERD(!1[6049) Physicals P44370.10.23 20/04/2013 FM(TSMWIF) FM 4470/4474 3023458 07/18/2006 ERD(TSr6049) Physicals P39520.09.14-2 09/11/2014 FM(TS71867) FM 4470/4474 3030668 09/12/20D7 ERD(7176049) FM 4470/4474 SC6264.11.14 11/10/2014 FM(7571867) FM 4470/4474 3032172 06/32/2909 ERD(i5T6049) Physicals MSMSC.03.I5.1 03/31/2025 FM(7571867) FM 4470/4474 $049631 04/21/2024 ERD(7176049) Physicals SCS170.05.25 05/08/2015 FM(F1TI867) FM 4470/4474 3057029 02/02/2017 ERD(1376049) FM 4474 SC8085.05.15 05/19/2015 MEMO(7176049) Criticardy 4S•PLYCr19-001A648 06/23/1018 ERD(7176049) Physicals SC5170.12.15. 12/29/2015 MEMO(7576049) FM 4474 4-PLM28-0030338 08/21/2018 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 SC9455.15 04/01/2016 MEMO(1176049) Criticality 45•PLYG184=10.18 10/03/2018 ERD(7ST6049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-S(8905.05.16-1 05/17/2016 NEMO MIZ049) FM 4474 4L-PWCr18 031Li8 21/28/2018 ERD(1576049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-SC8905.05.16-2 05/17/2016 NEMO MT6049) FM 4474 41-PM,28-003.0L39 01/11/2019 FRD(7576049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-,Sa—S.07.2"2 09/23/2016 MEMO(7176049) FM 4474 44PLM18-003.0419-A 04/08/1019 ERD(TSF6049) U11897 PLYG-SC12025.10.16 10f12/2016 PRIMn878) Physicals PUSA-062-02-01 12/04/2DD7 ERD M116049) FM 4170/4474 MG-SCM475.16 11/17/2016 PRF OSM78) Physicals MSA-061.02V 01/28/2008 ERD(7576049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-5C13235.01.17 01/17/2017 PRI(FSF5678) Physicals PUSA-964.02-02 02/27/2008 ERD(71T6049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-SC13920.05.17 Q5/30/2017 PRF(7575878) Physicals PUSA•062-02-02 22/04/2008 ERD(151`13294) FM 4470/4474 PLYc CTM94S.05.17-1 05/30/2D17 PRI(7571878) TAS 114 PUSA-188-02-01 02/08/2017 ERD(TST31294) FM 4470/4474 PLYG{rU—.05.173 05/30/2017 PRI(1175878) TAS 124• PUSA-IM-02-02 02/08/2017 ERD(7176049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-SC13945.05.17 05/30/2017 PRI(TST5878) TAS 114 PUSA-188-02-03 02/08/2017 ERD.(W6049) FM 4470/4474 PLYG-SC15760.09.17 09/11/2017 PRI(7175878) TAS 214 PUSA-202-02-M 05/17/2017 FM'(75T1867) FM 4470 21N7A7AM 08/04/1994 PRI(7175878) TAS 214 PUSA-202-02-M 05/17/2027 FM(7172867) FM 4470 DWASAM 04/04/1997 M-D(CER1592) HVHZ Various NOAs Various FM(7571867) FM 4470 2DDA0,AM 12/23/1998 M-D(CER1S92) Prop.for Rev. 10.0823 -10/12/2020 UL(QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirm 09/23/2018 MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P9290.02.08•RZZ Cert#kote cfAuthatfmti0rr#32455 6-EDmON(2017)FBC NON-HVFFZ EVALUATION FL16S4-RZ4 Polyglass Moddled Bitumen Root Systems;(954)233.1330 RevisloA 22-.04/11/2019 Page 2 of 4 'UF NEMO,[etc. TABLE IJ:WOOD DECKS-NEW CONSTRUCTION oRREROOr(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F: • • BONDED OOCOVER _ <y ---- per, � �4; p�f .+ y r . ia+a71'r7c?tt »�9 + '� � �ri 'a7+ i1� 4'}`.S.L'"'. fi00fjl4ylnR4 .e MAO- � i YtsG iF•itt�jtllOtif�t a .�Sr• 1 �5`ur:1 11 !i" 'PiY ^Exrt �� r g °�'111 . APA rated,7/16 ° OSB joints are covered with 44nch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V,rolled into place to Elastoflex SA V Pi_lu or (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SBS 52S W-182 CAT,OA18 In., None create continuous bond. Elastoflex SA V Plus FR TA,APP-TA TA,APP-TA Exposure 1 O56 ---------- - _ _ _ - i `Min.-Min _ - "-- - SBS-SA (0ptianat)SBS SA;SBS w=S85 SA,-APP-SA, ;SBS= .90A'�- W-1-83- P►Ywood �- vNone None _- - — -TA,APP-TA- — TA,APP-TA W-184 Min.15/32-Inch (Optional)PG100 None PolyflexSA Base (Optional)APP TA APP-TA -90.0 plywood W-185 15/324nch PGI00 None SBS-SA (Optional}SBS 5A,585 SBS-SA APP-SA,SBS- Min. -973 plywood TA,APP-TA TA,APP-TA Min.15/32-inch Plywood joints are covered with 44nch wide strips of E'iastailex SA V Plus,rolled into Elastoflex SA V or (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SBS- -97.5 W-186 plywood (Optional)PG100 place to create continuous bond. Elastoftex SA V FR TA,APP-TA TA,APP-TA Min.15/32-inch POLYBRITE 145 or SSS (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SBS- -105.0 W-187 plywood W93000 None TA,APP TA TA,APP TA Min.15/32-Inch Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled Into Elastoflex3A V Plus or (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SOS- -135.0 W-1$8 .plywood (Optional)PG100 place to create continuous bond. Elastoflex SAV Pu FR TA.APP TA TA,APP-TA W-189 Min.15/32-Inch (Optional)P6100 Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled Into PolyRex SA Base (Optional)APP TA APP-TA -135.0 plywood place to create continuous bond. NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R22 for FL1654-R24 Certificate of Authorization#32455 , 6"'EDITION(2017)FBC NON4fVH2 EVALUATION Revision 22,04/11/2019 Prepared by.Robert Nieminen,PE-59166 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(954)233-1330 Appendix 1,Page 29 of 69