HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Flor da_Buildiog C.ode:OrilMQ Pagel:ofZ r _ rr�� , aC15;Home Log in FUser Registra0mi 4' Not apirs i. Submit Surcharge i Stats&Facts:�; :Pubtfcattons t Contact Us t,fd§-,E Qf jlap Links Search i FiOl�lJdi j -' I�,�- � Prapuct Approiral !•y � [�i. USER P,ubhcUser. PrddOn Arno4aU4TeTu>,Product at Abnilcation-Search>At WJCi Uon Usti APpUcLapeO n AOR - FL'if, F.L15692=113. Application Type Revision Code`Versioin_; 2p 7 Applfca[iriii Sfatus Approved Comments; Arelfved f a -roduct Manufacturer eertafrjTeed Corporation Roofng: P. -.. - Address/Pfioile/Email`. 2-01916ores Road lNa V&h,PA 19355: {6113)893=5406. mark,d harper@sdirik:gobaintcom AufliorizeiJ-Signatul'e MaiK Horner :ntafk:d:flamer@sai`nt gobainecom Technical Representattye .Mark D Harper Address%PtioneJEma—Ti, IS:Nroore's Road MalVde.O,.PA 19355 (610):651'-580 'Mark.U.H6m"6r@fsairit=gdbain.com Qtialfty As'su ancei Rdpresetltatige. .Address/Phone/Email:- Category Ro4fln9 Subcategory- !tJndeelayments Compinance;Method' Eva(uatlon'Repoitkom a Floeida'Registered Architect:or a Licerised ;Florida ProfesSionai Engineer C3 Evaluation Reporl Hardcopy Received. Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed: Robert Nigminen' - theEvalvation Report Florida:Lfcense ;PE=55,166 Quality.Asstrtapce Entity UL LLC' Quality Assurance-Contract.ExpirationDate 03/09/21320 'Validated:By,.: )ohn V,-Knezevfch,;PE 2ii V.01iM.0on Checklist=Hardcopy.Received: CettifieaWof Independence 815692 R3 COT:2078.01,COI:NIEMINEN.6df Referenced Standafd aWY.ear(;gf'Standard) Standard Year ASTM 131970;(Gear) 201'5 ASTM 13226>physicals) 2009 ASTM D4798 2611 Equivalence:of Product Standards: Certified By SectionsFrom+ih'e:Code http://www:flor dabtiilding.orglpr/pr_app_dt].aspx?param=wG1 VX-QwtDgVuMilpVzpH3.:: 7/2/2018 Florida Building Code. ,OnPage 2 of'2 Product ApPiovaf Method Meooll 1:Option D Date°Su6mifFed 03,/19J20i8 Date Validated Q3/22/20.18 DW'Pending fBC Approval 103/27/2018 DatprApprpveti; g6J2y2018 Summa, of':ProducEs. -- 'Moder Niimberor'Name Descripfion 156921: DlamondDeck ;Scum reinforced polymer,-tiase`d roof.tinderlayii['en@ _ _.. earn[ v 115e ':xnsi;aliat�ati"r�nsCrucions; Approved for use in'HVHZ'No! FL15692 R3 11.2016-0171M.ER•CERTAINCEED DIAMOND: Approved for use:otitside HVHZ'Yes DECK I FLf5692 R3:odf Impact.Resistant NSAVerified By.RoberC Nfeminen-PE_59166: Design Pressure N/A Created bydndependeittTliird'Party'Yes Other Referto ER Section 5 For Limits oFUse, Pvaluatlan;Reports .FL15692.'R3 AE. 201$1 03 F19AL.PR. CERTAINTEED QIAMOND: :DECK 1 6!i<5692-R3:odf. Cleated"b Trideperident TWd P Yes,. Baefi. NozYy " �@anmctlls::X641 erafr Stone rtoadTailahassee'FL 32394 �850 487 1824 The:State:offto7da as!'an:AA/EEf7employer:Cooyrioht 20U7=2013Stare'offlonda :PiiJacv Statement bili p"" Refund�5[aCeihent Under Ronda law email at, essesare puhGc records If yoddo�no[woof yogre mail address released in-rospodse to a:pHhhc records request dono[send eleGronic mail to thl5 entity,Instead contatt the!(fice by phone or.6y traditionalmall i(yau.haveany gdesNans,please mn[ai[850 487 1395 SPursuan[[ojSectlon 455275 (1);Elodd.Statutev�Rective`t)ttobery 2012 heensees=GcensedunderChap[er�455 FSr musEprovide thG Depar3menE rit_Ihan email address if theyltave one 77te er/ta2 provided •plemay Geosed foroMdal[oml{iuniwhdti-w(tN ttie licensee.kloryeverettLail addresses qre puh114recaCd Ifyou.dq not wis6,to Supply-a-"personal address~_ ase provide,the_DepaRmentwith an email address°which can.bemade availaAle=to theppbl[e..Ta determine i(you areb:8censee under(7i�pter 455 F S please - .. dtck�gte-,. :P,,oduc[;Approva(;gccept¢;; . Ctedi�"Gerd �" http-I/www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pi_app_dtl.aspx?paran=WGEV�£QwtDgvufH8jIpVzpH3:: 7/2/201.8 c. Gertlf�cofe`ofAUtTlorzdtlan(132455 353_Chrlstan Street,Unit.#13 Oxford,CT 06478: - _ (Z03)Z62 5245 ENGINEER OALVATE< TEST CgJUSULT CERTIFY CertamTeeci Carporatlon Evaluation Fteobff C4071p 0.612 R3 ZOMootes-:Road. FL15692-R3: Malvern,PA15355 Q:atG of is t'ICe O 16/2'012' (610)651-5.847 RetriSion 3:03/19%20.18 TCCIRE Thi§ Evaluation Report is ssued.under Rule 61G2Q 3 aid the appycable rules arid regulatiohs goveernng:1he..use of ,construction materlials yin tate State,of Florida.The documentation.submitted has-been rest)eWecC by'Robert 00 06, Pr;L for u$e of th-e produtt under the .Elor:.ida Building: Cade a1td`Florida Building Code; Residential Gq)ume. The products described herein have been e_,valuated;for compliance.v- th the fit Edition (2017) Florida=Buifding Code sections noted:herein.. DEscRiPTION: CertainTeed i2iamondDeck°High Pe-formance Synthetic-Underlayment 10am&,`:Labellmgshal-F 6:e In accordance with the,requirements of the Accredited_Quality Assurance Agency noted Weinc• ConrrilvueoColvlpUaNCE,Tliis Evaluation Re{ort is valid untli'sucixt me as the?narned product( charges,_hg'rOferenced. tQpality.Assurance::documeintatiorrchanges,:orprovisionsofthe.Codethat refatetothe proluctchange Acceptance=of this;Evaluation Report iby the named client'constitutes agreelrrent;to notify Rober.Nlemmen, PI.,of any,changes to theprodutt(s),the Cquallty Assurance or theprod ttion facility loeatlon(sj -NEM-61-ek.requires a:;complete review of. tf is-Evaluation Report relative to,upclated�Code requir:,ements with:each Code Cycie.,, ADSImMEMENT:The Evaluation Report number preceded:`:by the;words "NEM01 etc..Evafuat6&j may be:display etl in advertising lito ore Von portion ofthe`Evaluation Repbrt isAisplayed„then. t:shall be.done,in its:entirety. INSPE[r1oN;:;,Upon:requests aropy;of this.er tire-Evaluation,Reporf sfiall be ptovidedao the userby',he:manufactprer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at-the *site at:the: es requt of'the Buil k officiate This Evaluation:Report consists of`pages4.through 4, Reepared;by Vitdilcu,,,i RobertJiM.Nieminen,P.E. F a W . - .� ss� � ThefacsimllesealappeanngwasauthoriiedhyAa6ect Ffon_aRe 1strationNo 3166;zF) ndo CAANE1983 r S Niemfnen PEoriO3/1920ig.Thisdoesnoiservea&.an. s d .-9 � _. _.4 Q. _ ._ �� �t`'°r� eiectomcallysigneddacume0k: CERTIFICAT104oFJNDEP.ENDENCE T•. NEMD ETC,LLG'does not have;no.r does_!t.intend to acquire,or will it acquit.e,,a finaneial''interest in any eompariy manufacturing:or distributing products itevaluaies.. 2. NEMCI ETe,LLC is not owned,operated or controlled by-any:coYtipany manufacturing o.r distributing products itevafuates. 3. RobertNlemmen;P E does nothave nor will'>acquire,a finanetal mtereSt In ahy company manufacturing or:distributing products;for Nrhich the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nlemmen,P E does not have,nor will acquire,a fihancial,JMerest in any other entity involved in,the,approval.process of`xhe product, -5. This:is a building:code evaluation. Neither'NEMO I etc.nor Rci ert Nieminen,P.E.are;:in:any way;.'the Designer of,Record.for any profect-ohichthis.Evaluation Report;.or previous versions the[eof is/was usedrfor permitting:or'design guidance unless retained specifically for thatpurpose. - NE-MO. etc. ROOFING COMPONENT EyALUAtION , ProductGategory 'Roofing' Sub-Category Underf'dyrhent Corrfphance Stateftfent. CertainTeed bur.nondDeck Vfthg Performance Synt_hetrc,0,0004 tragi t,as pi-otluced,by Cern arn7eetf'Corparatron,has dem'onsirated cornp((ance withsthe fbl(.owtng sections of fhe 6Edition j2017)Florrdo Bujlrng,Code througtesting in accordance with apptfcablesections the folloumgi aridards. Complrarrce is sgbfect totl3e tnstaflatitin fietjuirelnents and timitations.%Conditions of Useset-�brth.herein, .A-D Section «4tgo Pro erf 'Standar t Y 1SQ71 i,R905.i>,Exceptii rt; Unrolling,Breaking StrengEh,Pliability ASTM M26 ZOUg: 5507;1.1,H905.1:1 Exception. Tear,strQngth ASTM D1970: 2D]S Tp5 X10_ Accelerated lNeatherrrig ASTM[4Z9t? 2011. Emit , efer li ERE1(TS T6049k PhysrcafProperties C3028012 09 =12/11/7009.. E[T1 f E5T.60A9j P.hysical'Properties G3028D 2 09 RZ 08J2Q/2010 ARD fT5T6Q49) TearstrengtFt CTR SC16U80.]2 bT/31J2p17` UL;tLC 1QUA9625 CivalitV06ntrol $en;iceGgiifirrXlaffoti. f3tP.. 3J09%202Q_ / �PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4:1 DratnondDeck° is a scrtrnaremfor ed, polymer based roof underfa merit; meets FBC 15'07I.i & R9i]Sr1.1 (rxceptior.) 5:, LIMITATfON 51 This is.a bDif'ding cgrl'e,evaluat'inn, Neither NEtylO ETG;LLC nor Robert iemmen,P.E of e,,m.any way;tft'.Designerof :itecord.forany projecE on,v�iiiicFl thisEva(uatlon�teptirt,or pr`evrousue►sionstie7eof;;is%i�tas.used for,permritingor: desigtr guidarrce:unless retained specifically forthat purpose S:2 This Eaa[uation Report is not<for use-,fn F:.BC HUHZ jurisdlJWJOns 53 Fire ClasslEication is; of pall of this report,refer. current Approved Roo#in"g Nlatertals Llirectory ort•est report from; aceretlifedtesting;agencyfo,_I ratings of tit'product: _:. 5--A Duff dtfdDetk-O,may;be.used-with any prepared.roof cover`where,th..r product;-isspeciftcally reference&-.Wlihi i rbc approval documents:: if not listed,a request may be made to Che:Authority Having Junstliction.for apprcval=b'ased=dn this eVafuation camb'ined.with Supp"acting data.for the-.pxepared roof covering. 5>5 -Allowable;?RoofCovens:: �. As{halt ' _- 111tootl5hakes Underlayment- -� s � -� -� �= Nail OnTiler� foam OnTile ; Metal � Static . -� Shingles �' t&Shingles rr MEM � L"', Yes= Yes Yes :u� ? Dlam6ntl0eck� H 5,6 Exposure'Urnitations Di'atnandDeik°shall'not L es(eft_exposed for longer than 180 hays afte..rinstallat,. Refer to installation instrgctions ,spotificao anticipated exposure in Section 6. NEMO ETt;LLC Evaluation Reporf:C40710 06.12-R1 Certl/rcore ofAut4orliat3on 1132455 6x�EDITION(2017)FB'C'NON 1-IUHtEV.ALUATiDN fL1569Z-R3: CertahiTeedMfifoddDeak°•""(610)651-5$47 Rewstoo3 03/14J2018 Page 2 of 4, MEMO= -6. INSfALUATION: 6a, Di 04-0644,shall be installed l_4c4ord,ance with CettamTeed,Corporation published Installation requirements- suf ject to the ymitatfbq$set forth iri Section 5 herein=and the specifics:noted;below. 6 72 Shall be Installed an compliance with.the requirements for-.ASTM D226,Type f or'll ;underlayment it% FRC"Table; 150711 or R0051;1 forthe type of prepared roof.,govenng to be installed; taking intro account the,wrtlet sheet -width for double-layer applications:: 5>3 Re=fasten.any.loose;decking panels nand check for protruding,nail heads. Sweep thesubstrate tharoughly to remove any dustand debris_pt for to:application. 6;4 Consult•Ge famTeed's,publishgO recommend ations;for the installation of a leak barrier of ASTM DIM,such as .CerfamTe:ed WiriterGuOd(FUUZB,$),;or equal!hoiding Fiorlda StateWlde ProductApprov„al at vulnerable leak areas. 6t5 sinkle Layer;,Rooftlboe>4A2., Q dor slopes,4:12(18,.4 j or gr.:eater: diamondbeck6 shall be la[d horizp tallvpsrallel to the gave with thepnnted side up;;flat and;unwrinked.and have:minimum 3-inch-side.(horizontal)laps and minimum;6 inch:end{vertieaQ laps::Side (linrizontal)lapsaltall run with theflouv of utater'in=a shingling mattner...: End,(.verticaO laps shalll a offset from course; To cours.enotlessthan 3.f§& 6 6” Double Lave"r 212.<�R66f S16P6<,412 Fob slopes:212 (9,,4 ) to <412.(18 4) Diamond4eck° shall be applied m a double coverage:method,.flat and:` uriwrmkled Begin by ap"'p[ying_a 24=inch wide start et strip of DiamondDeck°'alongthe eaves: Then place a#iall- v✓di h sheet over tfie starter;,with the lower edge flush to the starter's lower"edge •Appl`y,succeedIng;48 tract wide courses yp.the roof~slope,:nverlapging each previous course m a. niinuro of 20-inches in_a'shfngle::fa'shian"'with min.imam Y3=inch enc!(vertical)laps:. End(vertical)laps shall.be offset:from course to;course not lessthan 3 feet:. 6:7Whom laps or joints require_sealant or adhesive,use high,quality asphalt roofingcement meetii%gASTM D4586;;Type :Ilbrceirients/caulksabased=on b rubberurethane CertainTeed-[ecorb edoh sealing allaapsand join swfiere the_utrderlayment°vv ll'be exposed tq;wind-driven rain.. 6 8; Attachment:; Cosie Reference;:11%Uception statement-in MC15071.1;'wd F9c'R9051.1.requires--o c of.metal cap;nails.where thelultiriiate des-ign wind speed,Vult,equals.or exceeds.150'"mph.. Do;rtotmwstaples„Ensure f..astenersare installed at 9.0 degree angleto the deckwitjl flush conYact:betweenthecap: :and the:,uppersurface.of the underlaymerit Fasteners sh,.all be of sufficient length to perietrate:'through =the underside;of J.plywood pr OSB decks;or minim 3l-inch,einbedment;into dimensional lum.'ber--1 tongue=and-grove wood;decks.. 511ort fermi exposuee (c Z days); When the ,finish'ed'roofing:will: be installed within;two days of'.under_I'ayment tapplication. and high winds :are not,forecast, corro'sfon-resistant or: stainless steel:roofing;nails, with 3/$4nch diameter heads nay be used. Attach the underlayment.by nailing;a fastenerthrough each diamond printed on-the underlaypent and<.t ght toalie surface. Proper fastener spacing Is]5 9i1cho;c,verticallyand l2=inch.o e,'horizontally. (parallel to:eaves). On vertrcaI.side/end laps install.'8 fasteners equally spaced at 6=4nch mc;centered::in the:lap to. `Hold the underlaytt6ht.in-place:. if wind Dr rain.is.expected°prior to finish,roofing application;,use 1-inch diameter plastic or steeLeap:nails,asbelow. Long-term:eicposure(>2;days:to:max:180=days] When antcipated`exposuCe time may exceed trio days,.'.use'low= profile plastic or steel;cap nails with;:-inch diameter heads to fasten iri place..Attach'the urideriaynient=by:nail ng of fastenerthrough•;each diamond printed on the und_erlaymentif tighttath;;esurface;:as.desctibedabove. NFMO EYC,LLC. Evaitiation Report 0.4.0710;06.12-RI Cert;/6fe of Au'iharkuf vn'412455. 6?"EDITION.(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Out692-R3: Cei:tainTeed DiamondDeck°;:(6101651-5847 Revisio973 03/19/2018' Page 3 of 4 N,EMO eta:: As CequtCed;6y the Building Offic►al'o �iuthnrity Having JIJrlsd�ction iftp order to.properlyr evaluate the in:'sta)tatign of this.-Protlrlct, S. h�A�UFACTURINGRUNTS:­ Contact the.notetl•Qlx ager cy forinformaf�gn;on product locations+covered fior F f1-d 61G264 QEC::r2gU►remerits. The=f, -b.wing p)agwtwve qualified products under their respectiveptrysical properefes spQcif[Cations: 7n 7v'}t if;.^,.'+'„}• z'§z: �I"x -T - Plant' - �Speuficatton mitis Protlus� ' HaRgahou,Gligig F8C15O7, 7 (Ekceptiocr); DlamondDeck, • ASSURANCE. LlL,.LL`C QUA9525:(414j 248 6409,karen 6tichmattriCa�ul.com; END CIF EUALUATIQN REPO f.- NEMO ETC LLC. Etraluation:.Repori.C40Z10 0412-R3 coliflw ofAutlior4urlgn021-55 6'EDITION;(2017.):FBC•NON HVH2:EVALUATION FL SO*R3 [ectainTeed D}atiioodDetkol(610)_651-5$¢7 Revision 3 03/19/2015 pagetcf.4 � � U 0 f' . ,_;k. , _;-.;.x' ,:.-,:{. 0 -c;"�. �- v `4, ,.`:.}:- _,;� ,