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Product Approval (3)
5/$/20'f g Fi6rida Builiirg Cotle:Online i ..r I mo• r 'J ._ _! J '... . t BQS>1te3rie i Log arts r User RegTs�ratitirj Hot Topics Suhmii;:Surcharge �, SWS&facts Pub kations fnCStaff` BQ*a 5ttu htap, Unks p SearcH t Fiarid3 _ i prod actApproval'. �,�� � USER PptiUcllser. ro -Ap de ` rovai.Menu x,�rod'uct:or AnpijSationSearch>*Appltcadon Csst a pppticapon;.,PetaiC_ FLY. .. _._ FL5444 R13i Application Type Revision' .Code Version X017 -Application Static's APF:io_v_gil; G6rii"rneitt's- Archived Eroduct Manufaeturer Certain7eedCorporatiion-Roofiag; AdessJPhone/Email; 20 Moores Road --- — --- --- -------1Alw!M PA 19355 -- ------- -- --��__�.—_ . mark:il harner.@sa nt-gobain:com Authorized-,signature- Mark Hamer mark:d hariier@saint-gotiairi:coin Technical'Repcesentafve Mark D Harrier Address/Phone%Efriail 18 Moores Roan, Malvern,PA 19355 (60j.GS -5,B4T Mark D.Hamer@ Pir►E-go6aici,com; Quality Assuragce RePresentatiye Adtlress%Phong/Ema I Category 'Roofing> So,6category, A'sphalt--SVjhgles Compliance hletfioti Evaluation Rep_ort from;a,Florida;Regisiered Ardlteck ara.licensed Florida P,r ofessional°:Engineer -� icvaluatian Repo"rt•-Hardcopy Received Abritia Englneer or Architect:Name who developed'the Robert NterLiinep EvalUatlon'Report: norfcfa License R{-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL.tLC Quality.Assurance Contract Expiration Date 03/04/2424 Validated By john W,Kritaevich,PE ?'.'Validation°Checklist. Hardcopy=Received Ce`rfificate of:Independence FL5444 R13 'C0I.2018 OS_�Cm NIEMINEN. Referenced Standard and:Year(of5tandard). Stannard Year. ASTM D3:161 2t}16 AS3 hi I?3462 20,10' AS-M''D.7158' 2011 Equivalence,of'Product;Standards: Certified gy __ Sections from the Code: 5/8/2018 Florida Bulltlng Code Online Product Approval Method Hethiod 3 Optiool D i. Date Sutimltted 01/24/2Q18' Date Validated! 01/29/ 018' J Date.Pending FBC:Apperoval QI/ Ojz0 8' Date Approved 9490%2U18; Summa ,ofiRrodutas FL# Mbdel;_NumberorName Rescriptlpn. L - - - .- - 444 1: CertainTeed Asphalt R(ocit iiYgles 3 tab�.;4 tab,�tnp(no xut Dutsa ;laminated and-architectural asphalt roof stng(es 4 imttsof Use Installation Instructions ICppcoved for.use m HVHZ Nq PL544 Rn3'_. 2018.al_F,INAL_tWCERTAINTEED.ASPHALT Approved t' use outside ZiE-Yes 5HING!E5i FLS444 RV3'df ImpatiE IZesisfant N[A; Verified Byf Robert Nibblineri;PE PE-59166: De"sign Pres-If,r'NSA= Created by Independent,Third Party.;Yest Other:Refer to.ER.Sectioo 5 forf units of Use Eya[Natipr�Report FLS444 RII:AE 2019:.01 FINAL ER`CERTAINTEED ASPHALT' SHINGLES FL5444-R131 fl, ` Created by Inc(epepdentTflird Party Yes; g_i ;:Nodi .Contact:Us::.;2601 BIair'StWci'Rba(&TalWCWa Ra 323&.Phbne.856-487:=1824' The State:of Flonda tsanrAA/EEO employer.Gopydght 2407-2013 Sfate`of Florida -;r.nvacy'StatemAnt•,';AccessitiilitytStatemenf{;";,Refund Stateme6 Under Flprida law emailaddresses arepublic.records.-it you dwaotwatntyouur e7mail addp released•in responseto a putilic records requesF do`poFsend elect(ooie tnatl io this entity:lnstead contactthe 5ke byphone or by.tiadit Q4h4 nal]]f you Have any questions Oli"'-xontact,850.467.1395,,*Pursuant.to Secfl, 455:275(1) Flo[ida�5tatutes effective OcEoliarl,2012rllcegsees_Jlcensed unde'rChapter455 F 5 mushprovtde ihe•Departtnent with an email address if they fiaQe._ one.7he emails provided ma-b used for.offtcTal rnmmuhicattao-:with'the hcensee Howevec'ematladtlresses Ore pubbc record If you.do no[wlsh tosupply a persarLaF addirsplease prgv a the DepS[tmen,with=9n email address wtiiEti can.be;rnaEe ava la6.fe ko,the:putilic.To defermme fyou_are,a Ilcensee•under Ctia'prer.g55;F 5.,. pieasecdick ere �:Pr�oducC_APProval Rccepts3 tfedrt Card G• 9 J;. J J 4 J NE O etc'.: Certrflcate,of 400forrizatior3#32435 353.Christian Street,un Oxford,0T 06478 (203j 262-9245 ENGINEER tvA DATE TEST' GONSlj GERtIFy EVALUMMN°REPORT' ... CertalnT-eted Gbrporatiom Evalgatfori;Report 3532 08:05 R1 20'•Moores:Roan: 1171:5444'-R13 Malvem, A 19855: ;Date ajssuance;09j2 J20U5' 610 651=5847 Revision 14;01 24 2018. bopt; This Evaivaport Report is:issued' under;Rule 61620, and'the. applicable rules and regrilations;governing; the use;of construcfinn materials m tfie 5tate•of Florida:Th'e=documentation submitted:`has been reviewed;by Robert N>eminen,P;E.,-for. use of the:Product.under the Florida Building;Code:and Fioi da,Building Code;:Residential Volume Tiie products described FierEin have.been evaluate.,d for compliance;with the lie'Edition(ZO1Z=j Flondi Building.Code sections noted herein -------- MWOft Certo 616.6d AS.p.'halt Roof-Shingles. _ [AB-ti G: fabeling shall boo accordance with,the requirements iQf the Accredited:Qgality`Assur..ance:Agency tioted:-h.6fe n and FBC 1507 2141/;400 6:1 CONTINUED,COMPLIANCE This Evaluation:Rep"'o-rt is valid until such time;as the na..med. prod.uct(s) changes the referenced Quallty.Assurance docuinentatioti.dianges,or provisions of tfj$Code'that relate to-the prod_uct:change, Acceptance of this- Evaluation.Report:fiy the narr ed;client:_constitutes agreement to;notify. Robert Nieminer►,,, P E of:any-changes to the tir WS)i the Quality. Assurance:or the;pr."oductioti facility iocatiori.(sj, RFMO[etc- requires a:complete review of this Evaluation Report relat(v.oto_updatedCode:requirementswitheachCodi G-..q AOVERTISEMENf. The Evaluation' Report number precededi by the'words -dNEM-0 etc. Evaluated"" may _be,displayed `in adverb.ing literature Ifany';pordmofthe=:Evaluation Reparr:is dlsplaYed,fheri it shall be.doh-ei otsenfirety: INSQEG710N:Upon;request,..a copy..of this:enure'Evaluation Report shallbe.pr"uvtd04. t6 the a.ser by<the..manufacfurer.or.jts distributors and:shall be avallabl'e for inspect on_atthe Jo'bsite at the Y'equestof the Building Offic al. This Evaluat04r Report consists-of pages 11hrough 13,. P.iepare :_y; +yujwurt, Robert J Mi Nreminen,P E. Florida Registration No..59166;,Florida OCA ANE1983 *0 faaimile seaiappw.I;gwas authorized 6y,Kabert Nie'minen;P.E.op x1/24/2018.This does noEserve as an. eliefronically.sfgned'documeni:. CEflTIFICATIUN[OF:INOEPENDENCE: 3: NEIViO'Jetc,does nb.L have:nor does it intend:to acquire 6e::Will it:acquire;a;financial interesvin'any eonnpany*mariufacturing or distributingproducis itevaluates 2, NEMO{etcis:riot owned;:operated`:or"controlled-by any-cornpanymanifactunng;ordistritiutmgproducts„it:evaluates•. 3: (tobert::Ivreniineq,P E:does not have nor�will acquire;a f"rnarJoal;inte.rest in any cpmpany rnanufacfgring o['distributing products'for which#lie evaluation;regorts are 6eingrssued.: 4. Robert Nremitien,P E.does,not have.nor-wtlE.acquire;.a financial interest m any other.entity involved in the;approval process of the Product. 5: This,is a;bmld og i ode evaluation:. Neithac.NEMO late,nor Robert Nieminen;P E,are,,in:any way,the Designer of;Record.for any: projecCon whic6fKls,Evaluation Report,orprevious versions thereof,is/Was:used,for permitting or design guidance:unless'retaineif s-lecificallyforthat purpose: J J J J ROQEING.:SY.STEMS EVALUATW'N' . 1. fi.CQFE Pro(uct Cafegoiy; Ropfing Sub'=Category: Asphalti Shingles:. Compliance Statement Certam d Asphalt Roof Shingies as produced:by CertatnTeed Corporation, 'have defiiohstiated compliance w(th the.following sections of the 6t Edition;(2017):Fiorida.BuddingsCode and bei Edtioh (2017) Florida Building Code Residential.Volume.;through test66 iii_'accordance with the:-following Stah6rilk. Com--liafice is sublect`tp the lhstallafLon Requitem mats and Limitations/"Cond)tfons,of Use sefforth hese o:. 2°. STANpARUS Sec€ion, properfy Standard: Year —. 1507:2 5,$905.2;4 Physical Properties ASTM 1)3462 2010 1507:27:I,:R905:2:6:1" Win.4 Resistance ASTM D37fs1 2016: 150,7 271,R9Q5 2:6:7 -Wind.,[lesisiarice ASTM 1)7158 201] 3, REFERENCES: End Examination k6ir.eheel Date' UL(TST`1740) ASTM 1)3161 94NK9632. 05/15/1998. UL(TS"f 5740) ASTl1lfa3161 99NK26506_ 1IJ23/ 999 UL(TSM40) ASTM 1)3161 03CA12702 05/27f,2Q03 UL(TST 1740)" ASTM 63.Jol 03CAI2702 06/16J2003 UL(TST 1740); ASTM D3161 rogf=9847 0/03/2003" UL(TST 17401 ASTM 1)3161: 04CA1]325 05/24%2044 UC(TST 1740); ASTM 83161. 04CA32986 12J03/2Q04 UL"(75&"1740); ASTM;D3161 05NK07.4`9� 04/15/3005 UL(TST 1740): ASTM 031`G : OSNK16778 o5f 122005 UL(TST 1740):' ASTM 1)3161 0SCA16778 .05/12/2005 UQT,ST 1740]: ASTM D316S 05NK148M' 05/22%20Q5 UC{TST 1740) ASTM.D3161: 05NK22800 06/22/2005 UL*i7.40')';1740); ASTM 1)3462 R6,84i 09/21/2005 -: UL(TST 7,740}_ AST(1rl D71'S8 :05NK08037 06�28j20U¢ UL"{TST 1740); ASTM-D3161'&D3462 `09CA 8873 07/231200.9 UL.(TST 174Q) ASITW 1)3461 10CA4'1308 10/07/2010' UL(T$.71740)° ASTMD3"161 .10.CA41363 10/08/2010 UL(TST 1740}iASTM 1)7158. 10CA41303 10/22/3011) UL(W 17M0) ASTM.0'kk&D3462 idt-A44960 11/11%2070 ULCL(__(TST 9628)_ ASTM:1]13161,D3462&D7158' 13CA32$97 I1/21J2U13 UL LLC(TST 9628)' AS 1)3161,D3462 TFWZ R684' 04/-22/2014:. UL,LLC{7579628) . ASTM 1)7158 TGAH R684 04/22120]4 UL LLC(TST'96281 ASTM 1)3161&D3462 4786334434. 09/16/2014- UL LLC(TST 9628); ASPM D316l.9t D3462 .4786570826 02/12/20x5; 01'_ LC(TST 9628); ASTM 1)3161,1)3462&D715847$657071712/16%2055: UL':LLC(TST,9628) ASTM 1)3161&D3462 4787195678' 02/09/2016 UL:LLC{TST 9628)', ASTM D3161,D3462&D7158 4787380356 ltl/2:6/2016 UL LLC,-(T-ST,.9628) ASTM 03462 4787380357 10/132016 UL-LLC{TST:9628) ASTM 07158 .4787380357 11/08/420.16 UL1LC(TST 9628) ASTM D3161 47873$0357 11/0.9/2016 Ul,LIG(TST 9628) ASTM 1)3161,1)3462&1)7158 4787586.427 01/25%2)17 ULLLC(TST'9628) ASM:D3161.&D3462 4788042417 11/15/2017 UL.LLC(QUA'9625) _ Quality Control Sew ce Confirmation Exp.03/09 2026 NEMO ETC;LLC_: Evoluation Report 3532:09:05=R14 Certfcate:oJAuihoriiation k3.2445. 6'"EDITION(2017)FBC4NON-HVkMEVALUATION FL5444R13 CertainTeed Asphalt Roof Shingfes;_(61AQJZ51-5847 Revision 14C01/24J2D18 Page 2 of13 -J' J J J; __ � NEIVIQ etc. 4w PRQDUC[DESCRIPTION;, 4.1. AMAhIt-Shineles:: 41<1' GT20TM",X7`"^25,.XT'".30;and XT'"'30.IR are fiberglass:reinforced,3 tab aspEialt.:r.;oof shingles 41:2 iA�gadia'"! Bel,monf®, Belm...ont° IM;. .Ctirri0g6 House:Shingle®, GrandManor Shangle�; =Landmark'"L Lard ark-11 18;, Landmac 7 Pro; Landmark"14 Premium, Landrriar& TL, Landmark'."' Solaris ,and Landmark'^'Solaris IR are.:f berglass reinf6,rced,aaMf6ated_asphalt.roofshingles 4:1;3 HorthGate*"'is a-fiberg(ass:reinforcad,Iaminated,,SBS modified bitumen roof,sF ogle, Presitlentia Shake'"', Presdentiial Shake"" IR,, presidential Shake TL'"! :and Presidential'Solaris'" are fiiberglassT:einforce ,architectural asphalt roof shingles:. 44:5 Hatteras'"';Highland Slate'"`and Highlandslateik"At.ore_fk rglassreinforced;-4teb;asphaltroof'shing[es. 4:1x6: Rafriot'"' 'w'.4 fiberglass re'inforeed'_asphalt :roof strip shingle (with no cut-outs) prowdmg ra' laminated; appearance through.an contrasting':bland;drops-for color,definitiof. -4.2 Hio&Ridea Shingles:. Presidential;Accessory, Accessory for Hatteras 5hangle'R.idge'"',Shadow`Midge'"";.'Cedar Crest", Gecfar Crest'""1R,"Nortfi ate Ridge:and No.ft Accessory.are,fibw9lass:reinfo_rced:accessory shinglesfor,hips aad_ridge installation:: 43 Accessoiv>Starter.:Strips;; � for asphalt_ roo ag � ,. - ... ..- 4i3':1, SwiftStrt�Starter Shingle"is a startstrlp. f.'s.ln les: Its;overall;size of. yields two>(2)7 5f8"x 38-3j4"starter pieces'per shingle: 4c4.' iAny of the above listed,shingles maybe produced in AR'(algae resistant)versions:. 5'. LIMITATIQNS 5.1 This. is a building"code evaluation: Neither NEMO_(etc nor-Robert [�ieminen P.E. of �n any ways"fhe Designer of Recon{for any project on whi.chi this:Evaluation Report„or previous:versions thereof, is%was usedfor permitting or design:guidance..unt'ess retained specifically,for-that purpose:. 52' This Evaluation'Report is not for use within'FB_C H1/HZjunsd;ictions 5 3 Fire: Classification.`is not part. of.this.Evaluation Report; :refer to current Approved' Roofigg Materials Directory fol fire ratings of--this product. 5.4 Wind'Classification: 5;4:1 AA shingles,noted h-eran.are Classified:.in accordance with:F.-B.C.,Tables,15o1J 7.1 and:R905,2i6.c1 to'ASTM D3161,Class F-and/or ASTM';D7158,Class H,itfdicatirsg h"e shingles:are acceptable for us In all•Wrnd zones TON.&-150 m; Uiii=194 mph). Refer for Section,6 for installation.cegiireinents to meet thls•WO, :catng; 5-Q. Presidential Accessory,.Accessory for Hatteras, Shingle Ridge, Shadow Ridge,.:Cedar'Crest;, NotthGate Ridge and, NoriWate.Accessory hip 9, ridge shingles have Beenevaluated in accordance wiiftr ASTM Q3161,Class F. .All exceot'NorthGate Ridge;and NorthGate;AceessQry:require use of BASF Sonolistic,NP 1 adhesive o.r. Henkel.PL°-Polyurethane Roof: &,Flashing Sealant, applied,as specified in•,manufacturer's application.instructions; for use in wind zones upto Uasd 15q mph.("V,;it-19.4 mph);Refer to`Section_6 for installation:rogiiirerneht6 to meet this Wmd toting. 5.4.8 SWift$tart®`Starter Shingle has been evaluated in;accordance with:ASTM Ygf61 Class F Refer to Section 6 for-.nstailati.on requirements to meet this wind rating. 5.4.4: Classification by ASTM t k7&applies to exposure category B ot.C:and a build.�ng height of-60 feet or less Calculations: by a. qualifieddesign professional a:re regtair:.ed for conditions outside these limif tionst. Contact tha-shingle manufacturer for data,speaficao each sh trgle: NEMO:ETC;.LLC Evaluation RepO*-3532:0905 R14 m..., Cer(i(ltate.ofAufhorizatTona32¢55 6 �61TION(2017)EBC NON-HVHZ:EVACUATION FL5444=R33. eertalhTeed Asphalt-Roof`Shinsles•(6101651-sky RevWom14:.01/24/2018 Pa9e3 of 13 N mo etc. 5,4:41 Analysts m..accordance vultl ASTM,D7158 indicates the measured-upi ft resistance(RT,J for the Certain ted asphaltRoof shingfes hsted'O"Section 41 through 4F 6'(except Presrdetitiir/'So/ntis""j exceeds the_calcula ed upUft farce_(FTj at::=a maXinum design wrrid Speed;of Uasd = 150°'mph (vii =;1Q4 mphj'fqr residential luildmgsiiocated in Expost7re D.cgndrtrons'with,no toographtcal variations:(flat:tierraih)'.havrrtg a._reats :roof height less than or equal to 60:feet The shingles are permrsslle under;Gode for rnstallatior.�n these conditions§using:tEp installation pr ocedures;detailed In thls'fvatuaf%on Report and;Certarn7eed.rriinimam . requirements, subject to mir i,M fn cocf fi tf a tenrng :requirements established within any Yacal: jurisdretron,which`shall take prececfencer 5:5 A(I prodtict5 In!, e '60 assembly shall have qualltyassuranee=audits tn;accordance wim FAC Rule 61G20-3, 6: frOTALLATI0N5: 6t1 Roof deck;,slgpe,, "064, '(ay-Ment and fasteners..shall comply with FBC.15Q7 2 /: 6905.2 and,the.st Ingle: rrianufacturer'smmimum requremebt 6,1,1 Urwderlayment,shafl he acceptable to Certb'04d Corporatran and shall hold current Florida Statewide` Producf,Approua( or bs.Locally Approved: per, ;Rule 61G2Q per'FBf 5ectrons__15072,3. 15.07:2:4;'or R5A5 2 3 6 2 Installation of a's"phalt sfil.gl0s shall co.,mp.ly 'ithc ihe,°Certainteed arpoiatton: 'current published; _ . instructions, usrn g mtnimulxin four(4)nails per,shingle,in accordaxrce;wtth F0C1507?7 or Section H9r]5!2,6 aiid the on herein:: 6:21. Fasteners shall= bo :in ,accordance;wrfh•`manufacturer's ptaghshed requirements, bu not Less than F ;1507'2:6 or 99105':2:5. Sfaples,are riot permitted. 6,22 Where the-t, slope exEeeds 21 units vertical m n-Zunit horiz vitalruseahe'"5teep:Slope"dihectiotis. -6.3 a pinTeed aspha_it shingle's;are aceeptabl,'e for use in reroof tear-off)or recoverappGcatrnns„subject fg the, lirtiitations_set forth in FBC Section.1511 orR90B and CertainT ed published instalfatitii nstructionsF Fa en>tngF. Usna e four ris, IoGa'ed," as shown belo�nr 1°"(25 i t).from edge.i {2 mm).#rom edge_ rga mto) T opof Ivo fasteners must be placed'Wdh that.thdy fall':at least 3':t7fi mml from: the end jointsaf fheshingte m#hesucueeding coarse., NEMO ETC,L.'W Evaluation:Repo4 3532 09 94 4' CerttepfA.tOq(intion702455 ,&ieir, 4D,rfION(2017iFeC:NQN•HVHZ;EVALUATION F04444tix Certa nTeed_Asphalt Rocif tiShrngles;(610j 651-5847 Revd1on=l4603(24/2018 Page;40.13 wANi>:4A0DARD:SLOPE ITEEP`SLOPE ERGLISH? _?� 12" .. t2'" Useldttr nails and sLcs�rots oGecphalt rooting cemnt•tor everg fill (3D5mm} ►:' ..(305mm]-• (3D5'mm) - __ shio$610grtYoll-41 Aspfi31(rooGngceme0004996$Tt'i(;64586 t',(25mm] Sealanl. 1 (25mmj nP I-IIssugges(ed. 55!a(Y45ymm} t� - 5TT or Olv �� -li MORK. 131Ie tat/a'"-. 13_.hs I. ooltng`Cement L25 mm Sealant 1 (25mm) hppiyt"(25Rm)spalsritasphalUoolingceioelil enderuc"hlahcatner. 6110 Ffgrti8714 UsefortrrrN/rmtdsfxs/otsafrtsp(utll a lie t(ot/sreejr ldpru - , ;CAUTION.5k et ve n'se ofFaoGng cetnenl can eaiise stutigles ao blis(er. Figura P-3:#Vfmtr»allsjor awYA149kik s 6°51 Hia_&R,d�e for GT20'"'__XTTM25,XTTM'30 XT"'30 IFt: Cuf Sh}ngles. 1-• i-, _•' F• 2"(50 MM):i ReRioVe t I I I1 X12 Cap. Cap Dap 305 mm} OA Shingle $h(n91e Shingie �" _ ; 5 e,� sh�+rn Figrae fl�A t tiKlnLs AiM Irfm Lack to tamFern4sffilgles 6n tub_ 5�i2 �__gl..:�ftir'oitsiorusGgiun); � Flgrlre:ll=25Iristaltattgrtoftrtpstilomtdrhi&. 6.5:1:1. for ASTM 031613 Class F perfor ailh- use' BASF "S'onolastic®• NP1'""" adFiestve :or H6ftMil. "PL@ Potyucethane Roof&Flashing Sealant",iti aec-'r dance wttt CertatnTeeti regUir-rft ti LOW AND"":$?ANDARQ SLOPE 57EEP SLOPE ---- .-._._.------ 15+'SLYngils(ot u,uy[ull alt pt(hdoc Iter 4 ahu�tn'l ta4lS:. 1+tSLC'.Wil-sO d LOUR-.40.6':up(ralt rnnBn ceinciit7brul, mm +hul,l�ikshonn;fiiliili 9p�1 acph Iltsnnring tttnint r(_25jfiW- - from cdl c yj�huq le.;tSsph III fO(f�I11aKCI11C11[111Ce110�a� l[1473IY ?!pe 1Li5'a41a�1«� 77* M25ir4i l retire yr Ese sisnnils Jur ens tT f dl sLiuSle L. L. LL C, AkkiniY 3.-'kr Ar urine aarl fbnrspols of aspba11 mofrgecoamat ou:.,Ii pstopes #EMO ETC;;LLG Evaluation Repgtt;3532.09 QS-914. Eerrrficate ofAUthpraation#32455" 6.T�`EDITION( 0171'FBCsNON HVHI;EVALiJgTlt)N' FL5444r._R13 CertainTeed.Asphait RoofShingles;(610)%51441 Revision 14'-,Q- ko Page S.of 13 J' Hip 8c Rid"re forArcadia'"' Cedar Cresr";Cedar Crest'"'1k- _ I Llse i�vo:';(2),min'rinum 1%-mch long fastenei5 per shingle; For the starters shingles place fastener IAnch from each side edge and about 2=inch.r]p'froin theatarter shingle ,exposed.4utt edge;.ensuring minimum l.inch embedment into.tl a deck,afulf pehetratronthrough th_e:deck For;each fuh:Cedar'Grestshmgl'e place fasteners_8-5(8.inch up:from:its'czpo'ser butt edge and,1,�neh#rom each side ei M, ForAgM.•PMLC14s_Fperformaneegse:(3gSF"Sanolastic�',NR1*"" adhesive or Henkel,"Ply Polyurethane Roof&Flashing Sealant-i is accordance with;Certaii Teed requrtements,to'fiaad seal: Cedar Crest shingles. Apgly NP 1 or PL adhesive from-the,rhddte•of fhershin.file's raised overlay on th'e top grece�and extending a'pproldiAptely 4=idch along-thesid:es of the)eadfapfalong=a line-%.to. inch fcorn eachside of the single's fieadlap lmmedfatefy,aligrt and;apply the:overlying shingle,gently.pressing tab sides rt a the adhesive,and InstalLnatls_T-o;secu.Wthe other side,app_lya 1-inch diameter spotof NP 1';or RLadhes ve between th'eshingle l4ye"riz Nand-sealing adhesive D, of:asphalt cementtetyreeri shingle layers `l ELM 69 BELMONT-IR: '' Low,and StatfdaCel$lope Steep Slgpe jgreater fhan 27 12)' `" (Z.42.46 2112):. Use SEVE-046slid EfGHTsp6ts df- Use FIVE:nails for:every,fulf Belinont;shingte, asphalt roofing cemeritKx for every:fuIt localed,as shown below. Betmant shingle;Apply asphalt ro_Mf-- + cure t t'°s(25mm);,fro ,Age-,of shingle Seebeloty_As halt roofin cement'ineetin P �' 9 ASTM 1)4585 Typo if is-suggested,. . 9T'( LI Bmf" ' 1 25rtf i t�SmoS • a:iLddlicn.r : f - �ns:�r � ; esu• MEMO ETC;tCG Evaluation Report 3532:092054814 Cert/nate o/_Authorizotign 1132455 g7Hfp17IoN(2Q17)FBC NON-ryUHZ;EVALl1AI1.QN FI5444 833 CertainTeed Asphalt Roof 5hi,gr les;:{610)'651-5847 Revi3ion I4c01/24/2018 Rage 6 of i3 6.7,1 Hip&:Ridae for:6`elmontm Dr gelmont®-IR 6 7'1 t O tion 1 °For;6elmont®,refer to nstrtictr4ns here n fo> Cedar Crest'"or Cedar Crest-IR hlp._and=ridge shingles. For BQlfR nt°IR:refer to instruef qns herein for-Cedar Cr..e;t""IR Eiip:and ri J, J J J f LANDMARK TM SOIARIS IR,NORTA6TE: _.-_e. LOW ANQ:STANDARD SLbPF _ _ tANDN�RRI(,TEs ` METRICi)IMENSIpNS` 13t/z 13 13'12' (343inm)w (33Dmm) j43'rorri)=►�. (2.." 1.43laa 12 . f"(25 mm} i'(25tnmj—• (345mm). _.(375.mm} —1 (2Snm�) ticteaspTape 1 (25mmj I. Nail�b}e� i n(ea ,Frgrtre%3-4 Gsefot7:tirifi,5,�ore{erfjdlsl�tiiytrn IVQrtliGate: 6Sro� l;a lry Lra� �"f- -fi{2>>tmi p "aline 1'(2amm}- 1 loYnerrralfn�, Ala7mg arcafoilow5ndsl5ndardil�pvs`Ihcm272 to 2142} Flat tizrr.art_upperd Iri�rG�x§az;stsrnns6zz;�e: STEEP`SCORE ►sGstan^iil�,�ntl ttntr;gpotsof�.}ih�lt�ggfiq�ccment foti ctet��Cttll '�ANDNfARK�iL: jamlll ttetl'slimgh 41 c 6doa.A>pit t1C t dti itg ccmenisliotdd mewl AkAl D45861}rylt 7f.Ajijih 1 s}ioW dsojinit rooGnS;ccment trade, 13 13iJz M cordeg.end it,t}rgi t Ea Co t3.'tn front eadr a<I;e. (3q3 mm) (330 mm}, ctcft (343 rli ) METRIC;DIMINSiQNY —► +Y{25:rrid i`(25nmj►� =R f_ (305 mm) _ (25mm) --- - (25mm)- r��.� 1 fteleaseTapo; Mil Arra . EOtShep� Figirrs'o Usastz_aizt ggformspofOf os�li�it rooJingcar�renfonsfee�i s(oWOO pas: _. . Rooli'iig Ccinenl .. _ NEMt]:ETG,4[ Evaluation Report3532 09.05-R_14; terf(imte o.Authorr`zatfort#32455' 6 EDITION 2017 FB -NON HllFa$.EVALUATIOiV' F154g4 R'f3 tertainTeed Asphalt RoofShingles;(610)651w5847 Revis}on.l4 DS/3a/201& Page:8:of::13 4 J Jr NEUG Worth6ate, STEEP` 12" i43l� 12° SLOPS NREAIt t WHO jmits fiREA l . 6t4veei f{2S n)tr(j seer 1a{25 rtiirt��- .. � ,-nal Ides, Nailing areas�firrsteeps�opes(graateri)1an'2.1't2) and%5 Oir-Nai k9!- iNail between 1WO 2 ni)d lice"s as sitolvti_aboue< 6 91 Htp&.R'idge.for:Landmark'".Landmark*Ik.:Landmark'^'=.Pro,Landmark*"`Premium-,Landmark- TL, Landmark'"'Solaris,Land`mark�""Solaris R:.NorthGate , 69'a 1 0006h It Sltadotnt R(qge-or NotfiGatt=Ac4essotY (385mm) (250mmj (150mm1 . :(15O n) (iZ5tRm) I (125(nm) yot h';tar Nattor Cent�rtpg Centering 1-.._ (365mm) (337mm) /• Notchesiorftnmentto N*hes:torAh D*fitto 5 kT.6e Fdoe;of,ihe PrOlo'U47` the Top Edge oitfie Prenous 7 L8' (180inrn) (19iitnrii), Capfor5:,(J.25mm)Exposure Capfar5shl{141mmtxposute English.l)'itaension Metric Oimens(on Shadow Ridge"° Shadow Tttdg '"` - {25g - 131/9' �� +--(333 mm_)_—► Cer n.^.g MGM) ►��-Cr�tB'>I (169mm)_ 168mm). 1'd -� r Cenlentig tin4.neSGlap � � 13;1!,4 Notch erl¢eof ii1(lot^,Sm). p CnWl4: 1 rsa Ailgnthese: 75/8` notchr:stotop (ig4mm it edge _.. 1 Ptevrouscourse NorthGate Ridge N6rthG4iO!Act:essory kwo ETC,LLC Evafuaf on Report;3532 09-o5-Rm Certr�cate.ofAuthotizationN3*4 ' 6m bITiON(2017)-P8t'NON HVFIZ EVALUATIC+N f09444T3 CertainTeed Asphalt:Roof Shingles;(610):651-5847 ReviMon-f-M.4V 9%2018- Page 9 of 13 12 NEM etc. (ao5mm)� 1 If �� rlr////�Layin9,Notctl. l osure j Fig-P.l3 ZD:'Uselnyjnd�"(4rslttttglas:on t 1psknrl= ridges,lira!/okcakt'd(tecotrrctrxposdte' .. o ,' ; e Eor ASTM 03161, Glass; F performances use BASF Sbnota5t!c fVPI adfies�e or Henkel `PL Pol'qutethane Roof'&FlasitngSe"alant",in:acrordance with:Certa,STeed,requlrerpenl . 6.9:13 (i tion2s:Refer to Instr idions hereinforlf6dar c'restr"" Cedar Gest" IR htp arrd n tge shingles t�W AHD STAHDAgD 51UYE NEEP StOPi~ For 1 attd standard slopes,use fixe nails"for:each.fulT 1?residenitai Forsteep:!apes,,use ntn"e nails for eaclrfullFiesidenllal shtiigfe and sJaitlgte as sfiotivn beIoW labs app)p t tifaliietet spots oTasptlaltrdoting cementunder eadi shmg�e 00-4pT YMg5 nails It_mi em- e;nallinggoiifa,,lines„appty4 oaUst: sNatimg,, 6 qQ:'.-- 6oYe tai iCRt0U1STn tT{Illg CCtlalR':i1IZ$6f OFCf1J70g.�IlA1glC;GU�r 1131TS t;uldeatnes (iQifi:mmJ 5114 -� 1 fit' 9B,mmJ (362nimZ • i a = � 1 NOTE>AAld"cline: lgrir 1 diamelerasphaltioofiftoxOaent F e�16 d:F(tstim+f7lg PreSlrlenhiel�indPiresfdelrf/ofTL:S6ake " sGtngktrotrhragndstandrrutlsfopes Figrcfi'167:,FasfaitngPrdsfilenTtal n�iQYmsldeittldtT/LSlxiiFe offi ldt on af&s(qP.- 8.10:1 Hia`&Ridee forfresiderdW-Shak6li Presidential Shaker""`9-, re4denfu Shake-f V"".Presidential Solartsr"'� 610;1 1 Ontron is President►al Accessory P`RES(QENTWL/ICtESSOR!f Presid�nhal•oLceessory shfngles.can be.used.for:.;coeering hips and= ridges:Igply sT ngles'Ap(6"the"rfdge(expose no:more than 7""'from the bottom edge-:ofthe".tn'ath."Fasten lei i accessory tvi[h L�Vo=fas teners: he fasteiters•must,be.13K long or longer;so thea perietcate_ either 3/4°°info the deck or completely through the;deck Presidential accessorycomesm two dMerentslzes:,.Accessoty,prodnced:in BTrm(ngham,AL�is 1,2"x12";-Portland,0itgroduces�g�/s"xi=314.'' accessory 6:10;1.2 For ASTM" 03161, +Crass F pe.forMance use: BASF '.SonolosekP NPi• adhesive: 'or Henkei "PL° Pfolv.urethane,Rdof`&.Flashing Sealant",,in;accordance with CeriairiTeed:regUiremenig. NEMd efCj;LLc Evalua;lop Report�35.3i.09.Q5-R14. tSerh,�cate o/,Authorrzahan_tt3245.5 6?tt EDITION.(-2017)FQC NOPt HVmz tv IUgT(ON-. FLSA44=R13 certamTeed Asphalt Roof$hingles;(00)651_5847_ Revision 14 01)34)2018 Page 16 6f13` J' J 6 1Q:1,3 Uptton Z:,l3efer to Instructions herein for•'Cedar Crest'",=Cedar Crest'"'IK.hip andYtdge hi- 1; 6.11 _,LAT�ERA it LOW"Mab IIND STtip ANN; 1;(23Enun) (2y7mroF (230iisfiF 123Dj sF I; I (230tRm) (237mm) C13Dmm} (230rtimj..l - (25ianj mN' S3/a" Roonng PCl(,i: . ...._ 1"'rort�rfiwrnrurlalttmfaYsn�coo+rektpVopa: FarsttTpstnp�5 u',rrnttutlLssmtlta Ulspplzgfasplsall�on/Na Ergr+iie`/,},i fat/r+i%lsg1G+11ta/�5G[gglrt0,{ etmcas,(gpr bfullI Lcfiaiii�Sln+fJnitftlo�er, (__>SmitF}ilamsellr�lx?13 of rosiDnK teiilsT[{,}iTtf D:�i$L Arcll' rFor lon(n1lsi'm[Fanl:�lopcs„us[..fi[r�nllafac cacfi:frill su�essctT u�fEtr[cls i�S c4mcT ttes�.atnFt�e:leW pLicr d6 nd�' 1latteclsslitsiRfe�slimrnnlssi�e. �'po�'iCmcnt G11h101�5'ou:m[itd rooliugcCsncntrsncatireslito�t[o[o Miller .6.11:1 'Wip&Riifae forHatteras'""t 611:11: :Option i Accessoryfor Hatteras _ - - Fallen both itl�s I - H.&M e,IS.i4£18 three ptnce;r.,lnAfs separate toyr"inks S�tTatle��sAccessotysfitngtes. - •�• 6':11:1.2. Obtiblfi- Cut`Hatt;eras.Shingles �I W, Y,_ 1 _8 18 (Q6P go�h 20 a CapGap Gap Cap; 31� Shingle: Shing, Shingle ; S6mgle Fzgure 15=20 Cut Ifal!erarsL ngles to ma&cover cap Figure 15 21.Instaffation;of caps along bilis and"n4 • 6-11.1.8 For AS fN1;Q3161,Class;F,perfot mance.rise.BASF"-Sonolastic®NP:1'"""adhesive or Henkel"P.L°Polyurethane; ROof&Ilashlrig$eal8nt"- in accordance VVig,Cert n-Teed regUire-m--iit5 NEMOpETC,.LLC Evaluation Repgrt$532:09:0.5-R14 ceraricate ofAuthoiization:#32455: EDITION(2617)FBC;NON HVH4;EVAI,t1ATIgN. FL5444=R13, CertainTeed Asphalt tRoof Shingles;(610)661=5847 Revision 14OI/24/2Q38 Page 11 of 13 Nl` LOVAND-STANDARD:SLOPE: SiEEPSI OPE r—s v , �. i ttseFt►�U nausanderG[ii+spolsotafidalirgoMgce Uenl Leaefi r tfidlHlghlagd.�tateshtngicForl4ltamLIlade.SlXiisMareregntidd. Apply] drameterspoBntlralirnodng2emeninnere�cplab � '' �'- -Confer hall LooAn ccfileal mt;eUb"AS114i 1)4586 "e`II 1§�-;eslal. E2'-t - - __- - �}(fIt38�fN0t12i19. '.�(251nmf.. � ,_. �•r-. _ -. cAoiAaa shniit, '�!—" rlamtatleroqurm 1'psmnl a"""'t 54Cila7f(iNOM1'I�s —':. i'-. l�ilru,!!3Use F/VEnmkJoreray Hlgb_lairilSlnktsLipgl¢� - Prgmo•}Y3r1;:UroFft�narlsaaQetg6t'aj�o�sofasp6nll: roofing�linmt urufcrcatl,!aG oor nlir 'CAUfION:'Excesstve us8 of rooAng'cemept cnq';c�use sWogies to Was 6.12':1 Hip&&Ridke fotrHiefiland€Slate*"".ai'►shland Slate'"'IR Refer to instructions.herein for Cedar CresfT°` Cedar Crest*"'1R'_or 5hangle Rldge'"�hip asci ridgelpgles', TM LO.Nt AND.S.TMOARD'SLQPE iTEEI'310EE, [tsc 104ii it:il$for every full 510kglel loried'js liiu5n h�[mk M6I'dt lin&a»tl 61w',q iit3 ti lsnliaiitetnrfi�:teatc»t fur ecen full sltmgliacaha��v:ixlaa 1:'jiltiflronGifg.clmuiiriirtiingS.�T�T'[fii�Rl T�(tt 11,;itati tiff 1pp111!?f,;?�niiti)spitisu[•isjli�il4:wbr 5�al=m ttiiircil�.0 i _ ! ._ _. C.aLTtU�.lacc�srrc usc.,of'coo('wg:cciiteriG.rru-uwsnciun�lixu:Glislir. •133ir-s. CtL'izr#` -- S17u'i>1? - -- — --: Raalfng CtmtiT 61.3;1 Hia&Ridge for PatrfofTM Refer to'nstruct'ions herein for Cedar Crest'"',:.Cedar Crest'"`IR;..Shadow,RidWK, NorthGate or S,hangle Ridge'""hip and ridge shingles. 7. bELING' 7:T Each unifshair.beara permanent' label' 1ti'ith .the manufacturer's name;, logo, city, state and logo of the Accredited Qualfty,..Assurance Agency noted,herein. 7.2 AspF altshingle wrappers shall indicate co[npl ance with one ofthe required classifications detailed in FEgGTable 1$QZ,2 7.1/RRUS 26;1, NEMOETC:LLC Evaltfation:Re_06tti3532.09.OStR14 CerGfrote bjAgthgil;Qfion;g3�4S5 6701TION(2017) [IC NQIY,-HVH WALUATIQN FL5:444-R13 CertafnTeed Asphalt Roof 5}iingles;(610)'651-5847 Revision 1k01/24/20f8 Rage; Zof 13 8. B.flICDIN6 PERI1yI1T.�tEQUTREMEfl1T5; As-toquired'by the6 trag,Officraf ar Authprity Having,lur sd ctlon W.order•to propetly evafuate.the installation of this. p�eaduct., 9 Ml.NU(AC[F(RING OLA.TS Cantect'the-named CZA entity for Information onwhieh.plants produce products coverer! by;Florida.':Rule 6G20 3 I'egrllrQrrietlfs. 10 QUACITYASSURAN6E;f=NTIT1?; UL LLC-QUA9625;•(414)248-6409;karen buehmant�@us uF cont END.OF EVACUATION k>P RT NEMgETC,.LCC EValuatlORRepo[i3532.09:05=R14 Cerci tatedAuMa4zaacn-#32455 fi7 IEDITIQN_(20171 FBC NON-NyHZ.EVALUATJQN 'FIS4"4.4AD: CertainTeed Asphalt Roof 5liingles;(610)651-5842 Revistgni14 91/24[2016 Page I3'of-13 G a ➢ � 1 :,�, u W �' ;'"� E k. v � '' �° �P''F'''""{" mss' � ,,,; �, � + .1 ?".�.�jt�"t�`r� �',�'�rt"�'�'�,�'-������� ", new ,_ t �a:� � .S ... fi � .,._...... .... .. O