HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct ApprovalsFlorida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 — I'_�'j.✓4i': r,.f.-j •es�: �•S:i:.:i;7+�4n.•• `.�'(i""".M�•!i-:] SCIS Home I Login user Regsstration HotTopics I submit Surcharge .State 6 Fads I Publications I FBC Stall BUS Site Map Links Search I CW :1 1yProduct Approval !-i"�. USER Public User - > EanGud erAndkxthn Search >,Andiglittoq List > Application Retail =' FL # 16.I77-R2 Applicatdon Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status ,4pproved Cornlnents Archived Q Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc. AddresslPhone/Email 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368=6922: Ext245 kpine0aws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine@cws cc Technical Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352.) 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathrop0cws cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/E.Mali 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala; FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext221 amonteverde@cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Sincjle Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Q Evaluation Report - Hardcapy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida 'License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 Keystone Certifications, Inc - 07/21/2020 Steven M. cinch; PE 12 Validation Checklist - Hardcapy Received E,15177 R2 COI EvaiReoodEl2C.odf Standard AAMAjWDMA1CSA/101/I.S.2/A440-08 ASTM E1886-05 ASTM E1996-09 PA TAS 201/202/203 Year 2008 200S 2009 1994 http://www.floridabuilding.orglprlpr_app_dti. aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXb 10... 12/ 14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 C Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Subntltted 09/28/2017 Date Valtdated 09/2912011 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/03/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Sure of Products t Ft # Model, Number or Name Description 16177.1 5H-8100 PVC Single Hung SH-8100 PVC Single Hung Impact Resistant window. L m of use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ. Yes FL16177 :R2 11 CWS-812C odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By-. Lucas A. Turner S8201 Impact Resistant, Yes Created by Independent Third Party. Yes Design Pressure: +70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other. 5H-8100 PVC Impact, no sill andiors required. FL16177 R2 AE EvameoortBla[.odf Safety glazing required an outer lite above 30 it in HVHZ Created by Independent Third Party. Yes Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. eadl E Contact Us " 2601 Blair S,tonw Road, TA1lanaPhdbB: 4 0=87-= The State of Flonda Is an ANEW employer. Coovnaht 2007 2013 State of Flodtla. - Accass lighty Statement Refund Statement Under Flonda law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your a -mall address Teased in response W a pu61k records request, do not send electronic mad to this entity. Instead, contact the ofat m ce by phone or by traditidnaadre _ If you heany questions, please contact a54467 1395. •Pursuantto Seddon 455 275(1), Florida Statutes, Wredive October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F 5 mudtprovide the Department with an email address if they have one The emails provided may be used for official .xmmunitation with the licensee However email addresses are publicrecord if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the pubW To determure if you area licensee under Chapter 455, FS., please clickhco,,. .Product Apptevaf Accepted M �_ FiRC-1 Credit Card Safe http://Www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvyf4ngAXbl O... 12/ 14/2017 T..JRNER ENGR4EEF"G & COINSUL'n NG. INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 812C: August 29, 2017 Product Descriptiiew Series 8100 PVC Single Hung, Large Missile Impact, 51 718" x 61 3/4" unit size, +/-70 PSF, no anchors in sill Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 40 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6t' Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-8I2C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Report NCTL-210-38154A, -2, and -2A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, with testing performed. TAS 201 /202/203- 04, ASTM E 1886-02/04/05, 1996-02/04/06/09, and AMNIAIWDMA/CSA.101/l.S.2/A440-08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-812C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, RE Installatiow Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-812C. 'Limitations of Use: This product: n May be used in O/X configuration in sizes and with max. glass DLO heights as shown in CWS- 812C • Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • Maybe used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires 719" Insulating Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) — Air — 5/16 Laminated (1 /8Ann-.090PVB-1/8Ann) inboard lite • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-1117.02t • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade. N.O.A. 17-0206.10t t I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6" Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product, Lucas No 582fi1 .'1 Turner .7, -f 2017-08-30 3 SrAr E OF : 4 w 16:11 +20-00 �� ' O . "`�' � *'�� � .•.y `fir 8/29/2017 .y� Lucas A. Turner P.E. rQNAn*►' FL PE 458201 pa M 'a311SINMd SI ONI'SMISAS �,�' F•�*„kf 44 y. N i r m Z MOONIM MISl1O dO NOISSIWd3d .�A +,: 'y. p; g Q °� p w o V = b N3i1 dM 3H11M1`WM 3'IOHM u < ti 'o Q r - iZ ` y r I V S'V MO 121dd NJ NOIlOfl0Obd3a :3 •� O < � a AW ONI'SW3ISAS _� �7i °G z: �� x F �Y Z a MOONIM vidis J d0 AIMBdOUd . t3 o a �203 W v d a IDS 3Hi SE ONIPAVW13 SIHI �:� a ° � Ci C .Z_ Nf 03NI6'iNOO NOIIVVMOz]M 3N1 .,'''����r.� q a LOW O OO O 4,r�ilaepo''� zQ D rz p S CM SS a10 ? a �- .y Zw W 105-.W �V 7 O O r S r Z fq ED WdQ Ww z6T a o o z QQ�6 C O Wi- J a O 2. ZM�r w� wwu �uwrc m dn3G� zo O 0WO toOz o4 � o iii teWu"�Fao N �mm1�i] St < �a p� C� O u�inp�c5 mm ISE 122-01 Z ? �Q, tpqw?65WzWSa?3m� �°aeZ� Q 7aa IN a5 OO W60W�o a OL+W wFwoz [u oIN Wu R°qz 4or aa oz" I Z ate. N H a _x 00 9 i �7 ,- p is F L7 J 0. 'aRAIeIH021481ONI'8®V31SA5 MOONIM W019f10 dO NOISSIMMd N3UIHM 3Hl iRON11M 31OHM t/ 8V 110IVVd NI 1101LOtICIOl3dU MV'3N1'3W31SAS MOONIM viusnO d0 At2lucwd Enos wu SI ONIMVUU SIFIL NI 03NIVINOO NOLLVMCWNI SW III aaaagSl ij��i4 •.` .• ,�: e3=mkr ~� r QVI i ar g43 �ui�nrria� m ell. s� s� o rc o LLI } fix ja m Fl- Y ti MOONIM WUSnO d0 NOISM113d a, J@,r ~~'y�d4r4 U - O V N31LMM 3H.L InOKUM 31ONM h•q, . fL��yG �i a J +a M �+ 2 VSysoI*dVdNINOUWGO'dd3V .�3:� µA 4t�� o A LL9 S v < p4 .uw ONl'SW3tSA3 *�� Wyk lm = Z MOONim W016f10 dO.V �i3dOLld S 'sv .e o; O � lu o $ e• ('j g 3iO3 3Ht SI 9NIMIR a SIHl . ;7 z m k ; �y ,+ Z NI 09NM1N0'J N01It+YV210dN13Hl r�i�+ ti... • .-' a� w C4 m o 3 z t it N n+i�,R, a W o a z>LU O� i z 1e�1yyi Q nr V ul m �w b C6. _ z m iC' O tan WO r ® nW wa D_ z n O_ Z w m m a LL �+ •=Nlj `l a �i fµp��rrllf y 431J91HOWd SI ONI'SVrALSAS A0 r v Z MOONIM NtQ1SfiO 3O NDISSIIY!!3d <�Ciro''..4ri 4 n to U V =F� N3IERIM ali11f1QH1lM 3lOHlIAy.2 f� C J z 0 i� H SV vq iwvd Nl NOiLongo)1dam ��:�i �"JJ oy U a MV ONI'SIN3I9AS Eat u� f °esgm aa( x` C J MOGNIMVYO1SAO.40AL)J3do*ddp- t 3108 3H1 SI ONNYHO SINl m _Z NI 03NI?d1NOO NOLXVftO.dN13H1 ..,. g,.� a Q h., 1N1lHfff � m- ' - aJa d"z NW WO 18 3 m � N hK.ip N p 16 'vo n 50 z r= to z a -3a 9 0 IU s _ ®r: sa s _ s _ ssss TE'fi ww a(A ,� m o inw3� ° c tl�rQ3$e m _ amp _ sa b z w �eeece'_e �� m to _ P .EY 3 EeeY a°eeee,e�eg ��5 �07 wtam�r& WNl i- � @taw�8 t� g°i � �'gg x CeE �`e 310 El �gg��5�'zco�LL — — a[7L7�mo�m Y�5[ F y J z heto _ m O aka rL mom S `v6� �esga 6 mf�'Si1.=N— a dm t>> tgm�[�i� x� m E c3 w a � CW GAO V=1 W �m� ,� �� !;2C4 a.sm �g�x� r Fa�N 8 y� 50�Nr 0 W E f�Y ILL UW =fA � ��`.a m � w iL ii U. tL u`; f3 m mU� m®xex� xaxpa'� g6°wW NS S$�Epg cxp F'x [CLIJ WC4F Y 3Rk�a!}i=Now1w' M C. 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F�rfi 2 u. m� s c M � ' m u N l - 7. D z c $ 9� w w 9 FlI bLU n l a za. a 15w w Rid w W z� w� W.Q >-a wco Q W 00 OF ZZOO Qy1��z a!jw �a u5�w c� �z a� 3a < n w� �47 ��l�I1op 2 UH �iEL g aN y . . F- w 0 r N n � w � Z � zEJ Z w wa Z OZ81miz Z 0 F FFN F�p G wtvo c i a o w o dw p s w g u?o is Frmdr aY0 0[ Q S � a r y N ifJ � w w �w Dw 0. a I ¢ to H 19 F � Florida Building Code Online Page l of 3 `f L Honig toy I- I USU Reyistr#bo. Hot Topics { Submit Sunth& g Stats & Fact I Publications FBC Staff I BC75 Site Map I Links Search Product Approval USER: Public U$er' i Product A2MM%i Menu > erodi,ct or Aoolimhon Search Y Aootication i wr > APPlicattdri Detail + nr. FL 1 -- 823-R8 Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Custom window Systems Inca Addtess/Phone/Emall 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (3S2) 368-6922 Ext245 kpmeocws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpineocws.cc Technical Representative Jay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 19U0. SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352)368-6922 Ext291 jlathrop0cws.cc QuailtY Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext221 rde@cws.oc Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report From a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Honda Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lucas A. Turner the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-58201 Quaitty Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/2112020 Validated By Steven M- Urich, PE ® Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5893 PS COI EvalReaart155D Rdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) StanjUind YARE AAMA%WDMA/CSAJ101/I.S,2/A440-05 2005 ASTM E1886-02 2002 ASTM Elat;6-05 2005 ASTM E1996-02 2002 ASTM E1996-05 2005 PA/TAS 201/202/203 1994 http://www.floridabuilding org/pr/r.—appjtl.aspx9param=wGEVXQWtDqvMdF6zR4iH... 12/14/20I 7 Florida Building Code Online Equivalence of Product Standards Certified BY Sections From the Code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Hate Validated Date Pending FSC Approval Oats Approved Page 2 of 3 Method I Option D 09/281201-7 09/29/2017 10/02/2017 12/12/2017 FL # Model, Number or Name 5823.1 8100 Vinyl Single Hung_ Limits of flee Approved for use in HVHZ: yes Approved for use Outside FIVHZ: yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: Large Missile, see Installation dwgs. for Max. size and DP. Outer.lite In I.G. must be safety glazed when used above 30 R. in HVHZ. Glass complies to ASTM E1300-Q4. 5823,2 SH-8100 Cont. lid. & Sill — Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure; MIA Other: Max. unit size 72-7/8" x 61-3/4!, Outerilte in I.G must be safetY glazed when used above 30 ft in HVHZ. Glass compiles to ASTM Et300-04. b823.3 SH-8100 Cont. Hd SStll Limits of Use Approved For use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use Outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Lesign Pressure; +67.5/-67.5here Missile, Dp=_i•%67.5 psFMaxsize 7472 ,OutfitsG: must be safetygwhen used ove 30 ft. in HVHZ. Glass complies to ASTM E13Q0-Q4. Description Bifl, 0 Virly! 5i Installation instructions VerOed W 'Lucas A Turner 58201 Created by independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports &W23 R8 .AE E alReoorra S D r, is Created by Independent Third Party- Yes Sit-8100 Cont. Hd. & Sill (double Single hung), Impact, 74 1/B" x 630 installation instructions 8 i -44 Verified BY. Lucas A. Turner 58201 Created by Independent Third party, yes Evaluation Reports R R 4 0 F Created by Independent Third Party, Yes SH-8100 Cont. lid. b 5i11 (double Single Hung), Impact, 74 118" X 72" Installation Instructions F z' �I CW;Sg Verified By Lucas A. 'turner 58201 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL%— 8 A ByaIRPr,.rwn C,ndf Created by Independent Third Party. Yes 581234 SH-8100 vinyl Single Hung Oriel SH-B10Q Vinyl Single Hung Oriel Window w. HD FMR, :5 FiI. sash Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ; Yes Instaiiakion instructions Approved Far use outside HVHZ: Yes II 'CWS-�oa� or e Impact Resistant: Yes Verified By' Lucas A. Turner 582o1 Design pressure; +70/-70 Created by Independent Third Party Yes Other, Large Mlsslle, 52" x 96" w/ 5 HI sash, +/- 70 psF, Evaluation Reports FLANGE ONLY. Outer lite (n I G.. must be safe R$ 41 1Reoort�oSF,.,df used above 30 ft. to HVHZ. Glass complies to A57M E130pen Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 04, Back wexp �QOE. 85QyR7_ta�e The State of Fionde Is a„ AA/EEC) employer. Jmcv Staimm�nr Under Florid? law, eyrlall adtlresses are puhlK l'emrds. if you do rot Ward elesctranlc mad is this entity instead, rpntxt the office Yaure'mad atldress released in response m a Puhlerna[prds 5echon 455 275(1), Floods Statutes. eifecfNe �' Pheute or by traditional mad. If you have any que5bens, Please contact ♦3Sp,j =3g5 p�rsua„C tq tf+eY hays ruse. 71ee0ber =• 2Q12, licensees Ucensed under Chopper 455, F.S. emest pravde the uePartment tdlh an emaN address if emads Lvovided may he eased for nlnUal cammunrcation with the hcetisee h'owe:ver tytraii addresses are publx rewrd. 7f You.do not wish>b seiPPlY a personal address, please pmvlde the Deparhnent with an emad addnzss wfirh can 6e made avadayle to the puW¢ Td determine �f you are a la:erisee under rnaPter 455. F.S., Please cgckLe�. P-d— Approval Accepts: http:'Iw ww.floridabuiiding.org/pr/pr app dt1_aspx?param--wGEVXQwtDgvMdF6zR4in... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 CM 0go R NI Credit Card Safe http://www.floridabuilding.orglpr/pr app_dtl.aspx?parain=wGEVXQwtDgvMdF6zR4iH.... 12/14/2017 v Z U3L191HOadSI',NV! S14151SAS M aNIM W ISnO dO NOISSIMU 117111lIHIj� ��a0,� t'.yy� 4� a m ui v 2 Q 0 o 00 IL a s al U 2 �j NaLLIHM9HU. 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O31.181HOMd SI ONI `SWaWAS v Z MOONIM WO1Sno 30 NOISSIMYm3c Ent t NBLLIUM3H11nO+LuM3l0HM V SV WO IHVd NI NOLLonaoUdBU jF a CD g IL AN1V OM WW3ZSAS MOONIM WOISM d0 AlM3dOVd zV.. 2 31033H1 SI ONLWHO SHl in _Z. Ni 03NIVLNOO NOLLV HCON13HI ta ffi 0 m � 4 Z [TOQ. q � S � 3 A a P IL eL .9Ka 13 '- 3 ~.z N Q r K ni i .r MOaNIM WO1SM O NOISOMINd NaulaM a u lnor uiM 91014M : •gyp+ ... � - m _ V SV ldO IHVd NI NOI LMOMBN * f, r ,L ' 1: ti 3, ro � G o's, y; r - o `m" LL t 19 C ( J AW ONI OMISAS MOONIM WO1S/10dO Aa9doad 3ID$3FlLSIJNfM41303IH1 iw r a:'d; u a O_ z- ��a:'t w ve � �z p R jr C? s- :9 a z ©� co Z NI (3NIV1NOD NOLLvwm):INI all x° y'ry��+aL• N� � .•r < u "� a w a' m LO 1 co t7 W 0 N 5LL z� 9 z 4 ti! g G1 'a3.u>�Hoad s� � 'sv�sks ,.•�'� *, �s�+++j u; m �Z A Z NigaNIAA WOE dO NOlSSIWN3d , •••,,, �, •� _ N3 L lINM 3H11lIOH11M 3 IOHM �` ~'f4 v i '1 : n r j tl SV NO 1N4/d NI NC UOnCIONd3N Zy h a j� a 4 ,l1l4' OI41'SW315AS s',xu aid" ' ' E }', M iF . rJ AAOON1M W01Sf13 dD AE2l3dOkd Lu o s~� m I F U CA 8 31OS3H181ONIM'd!!OSIHI z fb NI CIM '1NOa NOLLV 10dNI amr gO� 09 � 7� � C in +iy 4 ti.. .. • U �`�� N aru n o �Hylfl}fN a Z i Go z� M 8 ulr w ca C LL .w 2 D I b " z Y" is 2 k KCIII- T'I N�fO ��Tl�fil ml.r�lmlao�l rl�l�lwfrlmirl��®INIL��NIVIv7I�iirviNii��imii�� (a 'a3.LISIHONd91ONI'SWaLSAS -ITI g WIN, Ld v Z MOONIM WO1Sna 3O NOISSIWWd ��•'R1 ''••••,•• , �,�`��j�y'� a r l `� u U NaLLIHM 3NIAnOKL1M MOHM * �'� r ,, F;l ' ti o 4 J � � �d x V SV NO IWVd NI NOLLOnOolld3a 9-t i4 � o S � � "' LL � � h <r43 ��yy Q ANV ONI'SMMSAS = w �� �gfi:t - J MOaMm WO.LSW J0 A.LlMdOUd 5 '• n , c o z= �`, ® at � z o T- (� 310S 3KLL SI 9N1MVMa SIH L $ '.� z w k g`: o �' CL Z ao U ix Z NI a3NIVJ.NOO NOLLVWND-4NI 3HL ': ` .� w p 1F1 U m i rr ICE _l r w _ d ' $ U S x w z2 m a z d U 0 O Z 2 lu m 2 0 w 0 a 0 u < 0 a a 0 0 0 ID mo U gK rc� 4w T w I Z� 0 r za J 6m v F 4 m W W Z w N 4 Y II� 8 2' } yw W F m W 2 J J V ma Q. lu Q w� d Z Iq w o� m HOC 0 C X m 7 O W a w c~i LLa ODp oag p oSu, yaw �3 wp <�m U x zWrL m w msLU J LL �pw U)Op 'Ww qua to at oecQi ° kmzz mx wFF 0q Z m m Q � Z m Ul a ,go LA- 0 w r c a z w V Q O Zr� w W I KW to LL w A a OdNW F 8U It �w o Lo im ZZ p} r emu K cc Or 5 a 00 S.an r O� o2 } 3 zZ. J z� a� W � 0o a U` Y� O U O m m%` MY IS zd+ wz zE' Z. IL al mm w S Z w IL Mm I p 4z� az ILa UO: 0d �� zF gN a Y� LLq m� tl oy zF 3 O Ora z§ o= H Of �"� zr 0 C7� 10 2� m ;c w w o m tollswse,H,4 w (j '1;7RUB[HONd $I ONI 'SWaLSM �`' it . , us 4,�i Pi' m a z M013NIM WOLSn3 d0 NOISS14+ 9d ���CT ........ / u� S] 5 NE=UM3HL1nOHLIM3lOHM �. y�'b� a�Y¢ x� V SSV HOJ.HVd NI Nounna0bd3}1 a`3 :y o os j i ti �y yr CD dN�V Ofi1�'SW3UM9 w %4= `� mm m O n 0. MOONIM ncLLSn3 d0 AE213dOad Sao u o �_ 3108 3H1 SI ONIMHSirI SINL �l ao 4 �rg��. ¢ ° CL Cl) �n Z NI03NIVANOD NOILVWZIOdNI3Hl c miry h.: w... 'Q¢�''� V N a 0 i52 WS F � R H p� (W�m ID HE 7 ll7Q w? JII ��yy D lz o NO oZ4( pZW w s� Qx m �W � m Hui a R J m a� IF- 9 o m NCO = ' z_ Fine F t� s� Fzw �4 wagF � 5w aw K w 0 z�sl If W3 sm u7 � � z :j Q $�m a zFa rW {�. 7 Fmi F u ` 2w Fri �m 1m-? ZW pp774 EO LI �2G �D am Cf gz a�om zzm m 0 w 5 a � Fa � 4 W Q J rL Ul C7 C3 Q y O o ss >F � J �Z C O M O P � ©m. d r�.m mwm� zaur� is LL �x LLZ LL2F+� �a aM �7 0 .air a° cac� Y LLY LL! U oco a 2 z a w ' zo O F Rg E o w zF E U � F $ �m o to z ago ItE+ wID t`d0� d 11Y�11 .e }p�} C of w a 3 �IL la Y se to 14t1 Y w GrILr°a w g .w bai a4 z � 5 8 to 104 Z z ZZ 0. LL LL 2d Z Z ILL LL li. Florida Building Code Online Page I of 3 �FF,'SIPI=:��=, += r1t'f1#:a �'�IpItY%II a{:;T„�G�I:��•i�]fl 130S Horne .I lap [n User RW1s;trm; uun !- Tapirs I Submit Surcharge SR.v Product Approval USER. Public User FA Stats & Faa¢ 1 Publication 1 FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links I Search I P1md,1AD0,,i Menu> Pdmcl or Application See > A,11cahan 4st > A'j1co lal peWR FL* Application "type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived 0 Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc. Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 245 kpine*cws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpme@cws.cc Technical Representative ]ay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 3447.4 (352) 368-6922 .Ext291 jlathrop.@cws.cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th. Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352). 368-6922 Ext 221 amonteverde@cws cc Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evalua on Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report - Hardoopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect blame who developed Lucas A. Turner the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-58201 Quality Assurance Entity Keys ne, Certifications, Inc Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date. 07/21/2020 Validated By Steven M. Urich; PE ® Validation Checklist - Hardoopy Received Certificate of Independence Ei S823 R8 COI Eval9ePQaj55D.ndf Referenced Standard and. Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA/101/I.5.2/A440-oS- 2005 ASTM E1886-02 2002 ASTM E1886-05 2005 ASTM E1996-02 1002 ASTM E1996-05 2005 PA/iAS.201/202/203 1994 http-/lwww.floridabuilclfng.orglprlpr app dtl_aspx?param—wGEVXQwtDgvMdF6zR4iH... 12/14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page Z of 3 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved FL # I Model, Number or Name 8100 Vinyl Single Flung Method 1 Option D 09/28/2017 09/29/2017 10/02/2017 12/12/2017 Description 8100 "Vinyl S Limits of Use Installation instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes F_L5823 R8 I1 CWS-15,, D.n Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By! Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant; Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure.' N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Large Mlsstle, see installation dwgs. for Max. size EL5.823 " AE EVaIRADorj155D.odF and DP Outer lite in I.G. must be safety glazed when used Created by Independent Third Party, Yes above 30 ft, In HVHZ, Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. 5823,2 sH-81D0 Cont. Hd. & Sill SH-8100 Cont Hd. & Sill (double Single Hung), Impact, 74 1/8" x 63" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL.S823 118 Il CWS-440C.2dF Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By. Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Reslstarit; Yes Created by Independent Third Party* Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Max. unit size 72-7/W x 61-3/4". Outer lite in I.G. FFL5823_ RS AE EvalP.�port440C, pdF ft must be safety glazed when used above 30 . in HVHZ Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. 5823.3 SH-11100 Cont. Hd. & Sill SH-8100 Cont. Hd. & Sill (double Single Hung), Impact, 74 1/8" x 72". Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes fL5823 R8 1I CWS-491C.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Venfled By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 impact ReslaWntl. Yes Created by Independent Third Party. Yes Design Pressure: +67.5/-67.5 Evaluation Reports Othert Large Missile, DP = +/- 67.5 psf, Max. size 74-1/8" fl 5823 R8 AE .EvalReport491C Ddf x 72". Outer lite in I.G. must be safety glazed when used Created by Independent Third Party, Yes above 30 ft. in HVHZ Glass complies to ASTM E1300-04. 5823.4 SH-8100 Vinyl Single Hung Oriel SH=8100 Vinyl Single Hung Oriel Window w HD FMR, 5 HI sash. Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL5823 R8 11 CWS-295F PDF Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +701-7.0 Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile, 52" x 96" w/ 5 HI sash, +/- 70 psf FL5823 BA AE EvaiReport295E.adf FLANGE ONLY. Outer lite in 1,G. must be safety glazed when Created by Independent Third party: Yes used above 30 ft. in HVHZ. Glass complies to ASTM E1300- 04. Beck Nest Contart lie 2501 Blair Stone Itoad. Tallahassee Ft 32399 phone. 850-407-1a24 The State of Flonda is an ANEW employer Coovrraht 2007 2013 State of Florida.:: PAftevS4atemen[ Accessibility statement Refund Statement Under Florida law, small addresses are public re®rds If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mad to this entity Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mad. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487ANS. 'Pursuant to Section 455.275(i}, Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F S must provide the Department with an email address If they have one The emads provided may be used for oincial.communication with the licensee However email addresses are public recordp you do not wish to Supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine it you are a hcensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please dick Bete . Product Approval Accepts: http;/lwrvw. floridabuilding, org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvMdFbzR4iH... 12/ 14/2017 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 3 L,---] EDMFRVz' vSFL�kI rl [. 'AI ITdiiCS`. http.//www.fotidabuiiding.orgiPrlpr aPP dtl.aspx?param=wGE'VXQwtDgvMdF6zR4iH... 12/14/2017 ri ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 ]abara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 F13PE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 155D August 28, 2017 Product description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung, Large Missile Impact, 53 118" x 76" unit size at up to +/-67.5 PSF, 36" x 62" unit size at up to +67.5/-75 PSF, 7/9" insulating Glassconsisting of 1/9 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite — Air — 5116 Laminated (l/8Ann-.090PVB-1/8Ann) inboard lite Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 40 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3 005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6`h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed: are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 7abara Ave.,. North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-155D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Report NCTL-210-3668-1, -lA, -2,-2A,..3669-1, -IA, -2, .and -2A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard 3. Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201, 202, 203 1994, ASTM E 1886, 1996 2002/2005, and AAMA A440 2005 4) Supplemental Calcs. to support CWS-155D, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation. Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-155D. Limitations of Use: This product: e May be used in OIX configuration in sizes, design pressures, and with max. glass DLO heights as shown in CWS-155D + Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires 7/8" Insulatinig Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed or Tempered outboard lite (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) Air — 5/16 Laminated (1/8Ann-,090PVB-1/8Ann) inboard lite • Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-11117.02t • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.D.A. 17-0206.1 Ot t .I have evaluated the materials in these NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 65i Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of1ndependenee: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor wil l I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testingor approval process of this product. Lucas Turner 2017-.08-30 15:59+20:00 �,it%;tnt��rrr�f� p,T10....1;1ow ; Z -4 No 58201 •;ids All 8/28/2017 Lucas A. Turner,P.E. FL PE #58201 _,_1 URNS ENGRIMERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 Jabam Ave. North Port, FL 34298 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 440C September 7, 2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung Window, Large Missile Impact, Continuous Head and Sill, twin configuration with integral mullion, 72 719" x 61 314" unit size (35 3/4" max. single unit width), 74 1/8" x 63" flange size,, 1/8 (Ann. or Tempered) —Air — 1 /8- 090PVB-1/8 glass Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 44t' Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the a Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-440C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3574-1, -lA, -2, -2A, -3, -3A, -4, -4A, National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, P.E. a. Testing Performed: 'TAS 201/202/203 1994, including large missile impact at midspan of integral mullion. AAMA/WDMA/CSA 10l/1.S.2/A440-05. ASTM E1886/1996-02/05 including large missile Wind "Zone 4 Missile Level D impact at midspan of integral mullion 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-440C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS440C. Limitations of Use: This product: + May be used in twin unit configuration OIX integral mullion — O/X with continuous. head and sill in sizes up to 72 7/8" x 61 3/4" unit size (35 3/4" max. single unit width), or 741/8" x 63" flange size, with max.. glass daylight heights of2613/16" on the fixed panel and 26 7/8" on the sash • Achieves a max. design pressure of +67.5I-70 psf Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires 1/8 outboard (Annealed or Tempered, must be Tempered above 30ft when used in HVHZ.) —Air —1 /8Ann-,090PVB-1 /SAnn glass minimum 041lilirirr" % % �F 1�• i fir: Pagel of2 Lucas ��; No 58209 •;� w 9/07/2017 Turner * * ; * = Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 2017-09-16: sr7E FL PE #58201 09:25+20:00 .Oa A'L�y*► Limitations of Use, conVd: o Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade NOA 16-1117.027t o Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -bade NOA 17-0206.101 t'I have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in the Dupont and Quanex NOAs listed above and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6 h Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved. in the testing or approval process of this product. Page 2 of 2 9/07/2017 Lucas A. Turner, P,E. FL PE #58201 TU�JR �R ENGINEERING & CONSULTING, INC. 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. 429779 Evaluation report 491C September 7, 2017 Product Description: Series 8100 PVC Single Hung Window, Large Missile Impact, Continuous Head and Sill, twin configuration with integral mullion, 74 1/8" x 72" unit size (36 3/8" max. single unit width), 75 318" x 73.1 /4" flange size, with I A (Ann or Temp) — Air 1/8-.090PVB-1/8 glass Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 441 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the a Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High. Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-491C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E.. 3) Test Report NCTL�210-362 1.- 1, -IA, -2, -2A, National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, P.E. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203 1994, including impact at midspan of integral mullion. .AAMAIWDMA/CSA IOI/I.S.2/A440-05. ASTM E1886/1996- 05, including impact at midspan of integral mullion 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-491C, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document. CWS-491 C. Limitations of Use: This product: May be used in twin unit configuration O/X — integral mullion -- OIX with continuous head and sill in sizes up to 74 1/8" x 72" unit size (36 3/8" max. single unit width), 75 3/8" x 73 1 /4" flange size, with max. glass daylight heights of 31 15116" on the fixed panel and 32" on the sash o Achieves a max. design pressure of+67.5/-67.5 psf Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone Requires 1/8 outboard (Annealed or Tempered, Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) — Air — 1/8Ann-. 090PVB- I/SAnn glass minimum Page I of 2 Lucas Turner 2017-09-16 09:27+20:00 v,t No 58201 ;1"AT8 OFw C* -'= 9/07/2017 Lucas A. Turner, P.E_ FL PE #58201 Limitations of Use, cont'd: ® Requires Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -.Dade NOA 16-1117.02t Requires Quanex (Milaon) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade NOA 17-0206.101 11 have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in these Kuraray (Dupont) and Quanex (Mikron) NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the a Ed. (2017)Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. Page 2 of 2 9/07/2017 Lucas A. Turner, P.E. FL PE #58201 TJRlk.T R ENGINEERING &. CONSULTING, WC, 1239 Jabara Ave. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 295E September 7, 20175 Product Description; Series 8100 PVC Single Hung, Large Missile Impact. 52" x 96" unit size Oriel configuration at +170 PSI;' Manufacturer; Custom Window Systems, Inc- 1900 SW 44' Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61020-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 6' Edition (2017) Florida Building Code. including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, P.E., at 1239 Jabara Ave., North Port, FL 2) Approval drawing CWS-295E, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-2l 0-3946-05 and -5A, by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL, TAS testing signed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, with testing performed: TAS 201/202/203-94, ASTM E 1886-05, ASTM E 1996-05/09, and AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-295E:, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-295E. Limitations of Use: This product- * May be used in O/X Oriel configuration in sizes up to 52" x 96" unit size at +/-70 PSF, with max. glass DLO heights as shown in CWS-295E Is impact resistant and does not require the use of shutters • May be used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone • Requires 7/8" Insulating Glass consisting of, in the Fixed Lite: 3/16 Ann. or Temp, outboard (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) — Air -- 7/16 Laminated (3/16Ann-.090SGP- 3/16Ann). In the Sash: 1/8 Ann. or Temp. outboard lite (Tempered required above 30 ft in HVHZ) —Air 5/16 Laminated (l/8Ann-.090PVB-1/8Ann) O Requires in Sash Kuraray (Dupont) PVB Interlayer per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 16-1117.02T • Requires in Fixed Kuraray (Dupont) SentryGlas Interlayer per Miami Dade N.O.A. 14-0916.1 it • Requires Quanex (Mikron) white rigid PVC framing per Miami -Dade N.O.A. 17-0206.1Ot t I have evaluated the interlayer and framing materials in these Dupont and Quanex NOAs and find that they comply with the requirements of the 6" Ed. (2017) Florida Building Code for use in this product. Certification of Independence: I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquu-e, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. *tix�''�1CjF�LcW -•a4t Lucas .�`~J�r`'��+��� „ Na 56201 ''7S � 9/07/2017 Turner r „ Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 2017-09-16 ►� ., STATE :4u- FL PE #58201 09:23+20:00 r� •. L A t AN f•'yPs�pNAy �c��''�*'* A b " I ii�rri s rZ �u 3 (tj V 2 h d i [i W J g 03II81RONd SI ONI `SW9 LSA1; MOONIM YMMO dO NOIaSlwa3d Nwirdm3minchmmoHM d sv 21012l1rd NI NOLLO[tOO2ld3it ANW'3Ni OA5LIGdOUd cos -am swlMsaa srw Ni a3N1tlJ N0O NO11tlWNOdNI 3Hi 'AM1iUii 1 ✓ll�tt'�i +� �,r'"' '�'� yy �:+�`�• yui.� 3rq� ' D a: F aim O;MOQNIMNOIS & za;f-67 4f8•, .��,? 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Eels Site Hap Links I Search Product Approval USER: Public User i .P.oduct Wpprpval lAenu > Prcflir� or Application Search a Application Lrst > Ilcai"A Petell • R. # FL9520-R7 ,�t,r. Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 245 kpine@cws.cc Authorized Signature Kevin Pine kpine@cws cc Technical Representative lay Lathrop Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala; FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 291 jlathrop0cws cc Quality Assurance Representative Arturo Monteverde Addiess/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 368-6922 Ext 221 amonteverde@cws.cc Category Windows Subcategory Mullions Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Ronda Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Lucas A Turner PE-58201 Keystone Certifications, Inc 07/21/2020 Steven M. Vrich, PE 1Z Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FLR520 R7 COI EvalReoort8366.odf Standard AAMA 450-10 ASTM E1886-05 ASTM E1996-09 PA TAS 201/202/203 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL9520 R7 Eouiv FL9520 Eouivalency_pdf .Year 2010 2005 2009 1994 http.11www.iloridabuildirg.orglprfpr app dtl.aspx?pararn=w ENf-XQwtDgv!HvmuJRW--..- 12/114, 20117 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D bate Submitted 09/2912017 Date validated 10/02/2017 Date Pendfng FBC Approval 10/05/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2017 Summary of Products ! # Model, Number or Name Description 9520,1 3" Alum. Tube Mullion 3" Alum. Tube Mullion, Horizontal IL Vertical,. Fin & Flange applications. (IMPACT) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHx: Yes FL9520 R7 II .CWS-83EB.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ. Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure- N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile Impact, See Installation Instructions FL9520 R7 AE Lva[Peoort836B odf and Evaluation Report for complete list of Limitations and Created bry Independent Third Party: Yes Conditions of Use 9520.2 m. Tube Mullion ffu 4" Alum. Tube Mullion, Honzontal. & Verticai, Fin & Flange applications. (IMPACT) Limits of Use Installation InisrucUon5 Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL9520 R7 II CW5-8378.odf Approved for use outside HMHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 59201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: IV/A Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile Impact, See Installation Insti uctions FL9520 R7 AE Evalllenort837B.ndf and Evaluation Report for complete list of Limitations and Created by Independent Third Party; Yes Conditions of Use 9520.3 5 1/2" Alum. Tube Mullion 5 1/2" Alum. Tube Mullion, Horizontal & Vertical, Fin & Flange applications. (IMPACT) Limits of use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: Yes FL9520: R7 lI CWS-838B_Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Lucas A. Turner 58201 Impact Resistant: Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: Large Missile Impact, See Installation Instructions FL9520 R7 AE EyalReoortB38B.odf and Evaluation: Report for complete list of Limitations and Created. by Independent Third Party: Yes Conditions of Use. eacu next Contact Us :: 2601 Blair Stone Road. Tallahassee Fl- 32394 Phone 850407-1824 The State of Florida i5 an AA/M employer L,tovnaht7007-2013 State of Florida..:: Finacv Su tpmerit :r Acoessiblity Statement Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses ate publfc records it you do riot want your e-mall address released in response to a public -retards request, do not send electronic mail ;a this entity Instead, torotactthe office by phone or by traditional mad. Ir you have any questions, please contact 050.487 1395 •Pursuant to Settum 455.275(l). Florida Statutes, effeOve October 1. 20.12. licensees Ilcensed under Chapter 455, F 5 must provide the Department with an emall address if they have one The emalls provided may he used rot official communication with the tomes. However email addresses are public record if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public To determine ifyou are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S. please clock-hm Produuctt Approval accepts: E p 1.3 N Credit Gard. Safe l-ttp://www.floridabuilding.©rg/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx'?param=vvCEVXQwtDgvlHvrnuJRWr, 12/14/2017 RJRDIE R ENGINEERING & -- CONSULTING. INC. Product Description: PVC 3" Mullion H-1759 1239 Jabara Avc. North Port, FL 34288 Ph. 941-380-1574 FBPE C.O.A. #29779 Evaluation Report 836B September 26, 2017' Manufacturer. Custom. Window Systems, Inc. 1900 SW 40 Ave, Ocala, FL 34474 Statement of Compliance: This report evaluates the above -listed product per the requirements of FAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61 G20-3.005 (4). This product complies with the requirements of the 61h Edition (2017) Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are outlined below. Technical. Documentation: 1) This report, prepared by Lucas A. Turner, PS., at 1239 Jabara Ave.., North Port, FL. 2) Approval drawing CWS-836B, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, P.E. 3) Test Reports NCTL-210-3833-1, -lA, -2, -2A, -3,: and -3A, from National Certified Testing Laboratories, Orlando, FL sighed and sealed by Gerard J. Ferrara, F.E. a. Testing Performed: TAS 201/202/203-94, ASTM E 1986-02/04/05, ASTM E 1996- 04/06/09, and AAMA 450-06 4) Supplemental Calcs. to support CWS-836B, signed and sealed by Lucas A. Turner, F.E. Installation: Units must be installed according to approval document CWS-836B. Limitations of Use. This: product: 4 May be used up to the sizes and design pressures as shown in CWS-836B, using clips as shown in CWS-836B Is Large Missile Impact Resistant and does not require the use of shutters • Maybe used in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone ■ May only be used with Custom Window System, Inc. windows, please see separate individual window unit approvals for applicable design pressures and for more details. The lower of the individual window design pressures and the mullion design pressures shall apply to the entire assembly. • Requires 6063-T6 aluminum mullion and clip extrusions. Certification of Independence. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in Custom Window Systems or in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which this report is being issued. I do not have, nor do I intend to acquire, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the testing or approval process of this product. p,RaREsW�#tom' Lucas :'• No 58201 •. % 4/26/2017 Turner * Lucas A. Turner,. P.E. 2017-09-28 :it = FL PE #58201 ', STAIE OF J",Af 07;30+20:00 o; 031191HOZIdSIONI'SW3ISAS MOONIM �i+ISIfINfiif�� IL �' N Z 0 �: LL 'T"�" i( Ci WO1SnO d0 N0ISSIWH3d N3LLrdM3H11MUTAh3MHMs��y'. V SV NOlWd NI N0LLonaMd9V �••�4 �'"`'•1��4•ytiOS'i < W a O M 'W i y m i7. d J,NV'3NI`SW3JSA& mocN im Woisno d0 A adoldd Cp`� � 4 ¢ice` 1` = o, rc ag`, fpsu 1qk m o a Y _I 310S 3141 SI ONIMWO SIHT o� a .c ) , a NI 03NMLN00 NOLLVWi3OMI 3H1 Ly'n6yti. ,� 6, IS! ILI . 4 t0 H " ^ p ����f unf��' Z 2 43 w Ed �� om `07u�� Iric o �xm zz ut �<C3 CVO �v 'M = a -'-Mg od �Iwm� aw tz wr u a 0 CD A� z� �oz mo Z. a ow camoo wO,zEW %� <nP maam Oypgav3 ZOU00) sMuW=§5 gC O p ww x20 6%Z.. `f4 uj 7 lC7 Zr n, d a N -�w `u Zw_s o 0TQm Ix a�12 �o �ap o� �? n w F ~o Iz+lz d z F e12 �_ IIJ �a 0z �, Illy WO a Z X" m-�- }w. �uffi.az? S mFe g zo 1=mJB o� J� faQ _ env a o SrawJ� o nu i-Y. <, a�}W1py OAZYy LLp p�Q OOuOx�waw� LupS' Y 0 ow P991 in �au�Ja>uao tl 3i.5n gq CrZ{ zzCL0 SM voIz. �'�f" xomj XLu s rF�Fo o !OCL oaM10Qoco rzj � N MJ •f W m M1 W N• r r z 0 J z g0 co 0� �w M no �8 lL 0 X CL v fS7 Z Ye CK O r� { � I 03110140W SI ONI'SW91SAS AROQNIM WOLSIIO d0 NOISSIW!!3d .¢' �3 f'4 �, ,.........�+y 6 '+.;a s m a M m s! LLO N3i1JLIM3Hi1I101iLIM.3lOFIM VSV2GIWdNINOIJDWOW3H .�� ? r 0. 6S� : jg�da�yy 0 o�u►y Fi c a 'r' z"� R R° Q rrini <d Q ANV QNI �SW3ISAS MOONIMWO 9no:1OALIM021d z Sri w d: `solo p` 'ino— i V E _ 310S 3H1 SI'JNIMVdQ SIHl n F +} z O 'kZ : ° Q m w k a ? LLJ m Ezz° z NI o3NWINOO NOLLW rdO;IN13Hl. y s • 0 .• �grrb � kp ..., �r , LL as z �40 a 2 C r O3 UNVWV13JHdOUcJ it rn �' z ar ° �3 N z O (uO IFLLoN3"13lnw 13 W w a 3 a oID n o wa c� 0 2 P A JQ �� o ��Q J °uzF O o°1z s U �mU lu A x Ja oz tu1) FLLON31 lIrM z T S S -- 3ZSVNIN3d0-+4 w� G i-x>oNg�w -�T o Ld z - wmm ww HLoN37,nnw w j '0Hid81H02dd 31 ONI'eWMSAS MOtlNFM 1NOlSRO dO N013SIW233d tssu�hluy�, i:r� s * If$" ., N...... �^s��p�"i� u1 a _ ti °° c r Q .,` m .- Lj c d d Stl 2d0.lklYd NI N011.0na0>3d3a AWONI'SW3.ISAS S.- -A * m m=4 MOONIM MUM JO.Uk13dEMz[ rq ��" d a m u► IL 3'10B 3H1 SI SNIMVHa SIFLL NI tl3NIV1N00 N011ViN210dN13H1 :�� z° ;'g r'�4 a.... w�I����,, 0 fi 4 Q c W Z11 "'� ,2.1110�Na O 3 w a o n w W S O U U 00 � o Uw Rm 00 13 �1. 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