HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit App 8531 FlorenceAIIAPPTICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION out", \\ I l2 ltq Bu ild ing Plonning ond Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2j00 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce Fl. 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commer PERMIT rYPE: ElectriCal Address: 853'l Florence Dr, Property Tax lD #: 3426-664-0056-000-4 Site Plan Name: proiect Name: Brown Residence Replace 2-gang meter located at rear oi yard CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all _Mechanical _ Gas Tank __ Gas Piping _ SprinklersElectric-_ Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction:(n Cost of Construction: $ 1'386 Utilities: p6rn6 James W- Brown Jr _----- I ru 466r"rr. 8531 Flore_nce Dr. -__---__ | Co City: Port St. Lucie . Starc: -_ I na 7io 6o6n. 34952 Fax: i ci PhoneNo.__ _ )Zi E-Mail: i pfrt*"v"_,__------.-l'-' I fitt in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different j f I from the Owner listed above) i Str,____t lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of C lf value of HVAC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of O BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: rmit Application ial Residentia I I Lot No. 56 Block No. t apply: Sh utters -- Windows/Doors ._ Generator _ Roof pitch . of First Floor: Sewer _ Septic Building Height: g. Kent Blosser o.nu. Blosser Electric ress, P,O Box 7305 Port St. Lucie State: FL Fa x:o6". 34985 ne No 772-337-0055 il nl19_s_s:l@rnall.9l e or Countv License EC13001570 ement is required. ent is required. PROPOSED.lMPROVE M ENT LOCATIoN : DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/LESSEE:NTRACTOR: SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFO DESIGNER/ENGINEER:__-. Not Applicable Name: Add ress: City: Zip: -_..----..'.__-_ Phone FEE SlMPLE TITIE HOfPTN: Name: Nln+ Annlir-Al^ttvL nl/pttLoutq State: d d ress: Zi7ip: B City: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hercbv made lcertify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issua St,. lucir-..County.makes no rcprcsenlation thal is granting a permit willwnrcn rs In contttct with any applicablc llomc Owricrs Asiociation rulcsstructure. [)lease consult with your Hontc Owncrs Association ana ievi ST c Ci Zi Na Ad cit iAra );t- In conside ration of the granting of this requeste d permit, I do herebv in accordance with the approvr:d plans, thr: Florida Building Codes anrl The following building permit applications are cxempt from undergoi accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen r ..}YARNINC TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NO T5 TO YOUR PROPENTY. A POSTED ON THIYJOYSTE BEFORE THE FTRST INSPECT Y BEFORE RECORDI-T Signature of Owner/ I csscc/Contractor as nsent for Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 5I. LUC'\t -T hr: forg-oing instrumcfrt was acknowlcdged before_. mt: this lfday of __Ntllnbra_, 20-_L(L by fu^t Blosgr thi T l)er Tyt Prc Name of person mal<ing statement. / Pcrsonallyl(nown . Y, *OR Produccd ldentification Type of ldentification P rod u ccd (Signature of Notary Public- State of Florida ) Commission *" .ftiO-9 l$.l0 (scal) REVI[WS FRONT COUNTER [tArE - _- i RECEIVET) TDAf---'--' i COMPLETED RCV.-2I7ILq- - I ,or,*o I ,roo*u I RFVTEW I REVTE\ t-li [;;,;;;;,. [ ,,I nrvrew I nrr i____1_ ii___t_ MATION: TGAGE COMPANY:_ Not Applicable rCSS: :State: DING COMPANY:_Not Applicable Phone: obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. ] of a permit. Phone: a full concurrency review: roorn additions, s and accessory uses to another non-residential use OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING ure of Contractor/License Holder TE OF FLORIDA NTY OF reSs I .uthorize the permit holder to build the subiect strucrurebylaws or and covenants that may restrict <jr prohibit suchyour deed for any restrictions which may aplply. ree that I will, in all respects, pcrform the work . trrcir: County Amr:ntlmcnts. ICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND IFY TO OBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT YOU3v 51. Luc\. I I I-l forgoing instrumcnt was acl<nowledged before me llh day of No v.l,^ bL- _, zoj{ oy Ke".t R' e of person making statentent. : of ldcntification u ced f- ature of Notlry Public- Stale of Florida ) mission *" _w-_Qq !_BL9 (seat) ly Known {-OR Produced lrjcntification VIGETATION REVIEW SEA TURI"tI REVIEW l-__-l I t i MANGROVE : RF\/tF\A/ ! i I I j'; n 'r': MY coMMtssloN i GGo9161o ::: fi ::! MY coMMlsSlON f GG09lEl0