HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding PermitACL APPEIMSEE 119FO IQIOS i 6r COMPCE i ED PUR APPCICA 11019 r O BE ACCEP i ED Date: Permit Number: ez - ae■ Building Permit Application i-ronning antf Deveropment services ouiming onl7 CoOe negu,otion uivision 1A13 virginio Avenue, rort tierce rt- J4y5L r Phone: (//L?40['177] Fax: (//4)ZIeL-17/$ COmriicrCial Residential _ PERRI! I APPEIt_A I ION FUR: To Sulact fpm dmpbu., slick arli/vv at thii eFid of line PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCK I ION: mdoress: Lev`Q� al Description: 1 � r,opertr lax ID #: U — 0 bite PIa„ Block No. Project I9.n1c: settl...R, Fro .t Burg: Right Side: Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Replace AC, exact change out with o7 ton, 1 '),'SEER, KW AC omit -ion j J 'r I o Kuu LUM5I RUC:I ION INFORMATION: ition.-o to vrrne under this permit -check all piat apliy: 11u. is-,R ❑Gas Piping _Shutters Windows/Doors ORVAC Electric U Plarn6in6 OSprinRlers []Generator Roof Roof pitch i oral aq. Ft oT Corraraetivn: 5 Ft. of Firs. Floor: Cos. of ConstruCdOn: 5 �� Dtilideslf ewer O peptic Builtling Reigns; OWNER71E55EE: CONTRACTOR: Name n ri� 19ame: Dennis raceR Address: Company: HRz Mmerican ResiBenual services City: Por- S1 L IA E Stater mddress: Lave Os Fl-;--, 7 Zip Code: Fax:-tom vara tiwauFi State: FL Phone No. 1-0' Q - _ Zip Code: 32960 Fax- E-Mail: Phone No. Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different r-mlail: from the Owner listed above) Statc or Chanty License: CMC1249753 IT value or construction Is sz500 or more... RECORDED 19atiee et Carnmvnccrrrent is required. 5uPP[EMEId IAE lrutv5I Ruu lI iulQ Ulm Mvv d—mF_UR1`MA I ling: DESIGNER/ ENGINEER: x Not Applicable imrjR1 GAGE CCtmPAMT: = MOE Applicable Dame: Marne: A00ress: Address: city: JLaEe: LILY: ]Cafe: Lip: Phone: Lip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: X Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: x Not Applicable Namc: Name, Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: PhonE• I certify tPot no warR or installation Pas commenceB prior to the issuance or a permit. S,. Lucie Coun,makes no representation that Is grantinb a permit will autRor;ze tFieperrmit Fiold-r to build t6. so6;c,t stra.tore -PieR I. in confl;ct -itP any applicaPle Rome owners Association rules, Bylaws or and covenants teat may restrict or prollil5it sucP structure. Please consult with your Mame Owners msociation and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permik, I do hereby agree that I will, In all respects, perform the Wo'rc in accorEance with Me approveB plans, the PloriBa Buiiuing Coues anB 3t, rucie County Rmendments. i Pe redo-ing Belltaing permit applications are exempt Trom un5ergoing a rull concurrency review: room atlMitions, accessory structures, swimmins pools, fences, walls, sisns, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement, may result in your paying twice for impruvCmunta to your property. A Notice of Commencement must oe recordeLl anti posLela on Lne joasiLe before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commElicine wurk or recording your Notice of Commencement. _ Signature of vti er/ Eessee/agent STATE OF FLORIDA COuM r y OF SIL -9- I Fie ft"011`115 1,.3t t — cRnv-Icagc Tere me tPis ] Bay or iu by bvmei= Z-mk ( m f person acknowl ging } K1�natu're of N o.a,—y Pu' c -State F or a Personalty Known UR Produced Identification Type of Identincotion Proa`accd T --- Commission No. CN SULLIVAN eR' MY COMMISSION # GG0715 EXPIRES February 09,20Z Kc�:�t-Z1 (3/I15IL�1 �5 Signature or Contra r/[&cense RolBer STATE OF FLORIDA CuumIT OF sit.= - TFT -T oi,-,g ins a Eva vc�Rmow ica6ca fere n,c tllisl� tlay of � A Aby a$nni- Z=..k (I4 e o person acitnow, Bging } (signotnrc or IQvto. of rle-i a I Personally Known x OR Prodacca ldentiti—tion i ype or It]entirlcation ProtluceC CormpR[35ion EXPIRES February 09, 2021 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS 1•. nom° - f i a Installation Work Order Em. 5;ari Dat! f b� ����i2)�b7-3100 Est. Complel on Date, t . .. �' 2800 US Hiql; ..y 1, Vcro Beach, FC 32960 Co. par -to Ce.io.... r k. Ntok:ng it r'aht. Arwer:ern Remidcutmi Srrv:eas n1 Flmitl a Inn Llcrn•e r elle:.-'97;z, Rei.tleRe MnRinr� it °Po' EC1 3008L!ra Q05'{" .5 3II (8661 803 0878 CUSTOMER EMAIL met• -�,p neekESs CITYISTATEIZ' Ar. Aq I.oRI� pnvi7c O LL PHONE WORK PHONE OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION Slsf! i -k4 I [PE LfDWy- SIzE 3Ttah-� i rPE 51cE TYPt EFFICIENCY _Z__ h E �i.��{U EFFICIENCY YWC ( (OS EFFICIENCY $ �1C $ �iC1�la," C'b4 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ MONTHLY E5T,' Ti MONTHLY EST." 5 MONTHLY EST.' $ C;u5iC;RIER IINIiIALS COSTOMER INITIAL5 COS IOMER INITIALS Wurran,y;" 1VM1— n Paa �� _ Labor Warranty"�Parts � Eavor vvarranly. _ Pertc Coljor Comp,00soiA.4 He,.-. E.churgcr Compressor4oKW Heat Exchanger L,ompressor Heat E -.hanger 'Slrh,—f 1- mr=dd rpr..'._h Fic..!r■!.R Pr=vid-d hr Gr.•eek-. Fired mtcreet rile of $.99u, fcr 60 reen:h... Prmcn: rrre+pfe s.-.r:rnna ono lime $:,..ee pmar..00 on _prroval cl_1. (APR 7.19%) with i payment ul wa�.os, a paymunrs of $.aoe, anu 3, wrivnrzeu puymenm ur $5 2 2a, r �ymx•nta assume Account Acliv-limp ch -:go .I $39 .p, -_h.= :arid I- due -1h Inst required paymeni1ired ini.rest into of 9.99%1.r 04 ..wihz. Pr-mc�l ea.mple ._prn_ s .n.-linto $7,500 pareh,-.,,e ..n ..pprev..l d..:a (APR wiiN I p -;mens of $101.44,5 r_,-enls el $62.44, .cd 76 amer:i.ed payment.. a($-,3-. :; P,.ynnn;,. ,auxamu..craarn'clivolmn coargc of rse applins "nu is ooe wilco .i,w rvgo;rro payinnnl. Firm inicrost rain o, a.90-�„ Fr 1:e moms. F'oymun[ crumphr assou.Cs unu•lime $1,500 purchase on approval dal- (APR 10.11%) -th I payment of $ I01..4, 5 pnymenis of $62.44, and 114 am.[1R■d pr;wr■Rlz ■f $102 13. P_;m■wl_ c=_■rrr_ Aeo=wl Aeliv,.tiew charge of $39 ..ppfiem mnd q dr.e with first regemed pa,. awLFi:ed iw:ele-I r..le of 9.99% for 144 menlh5 Payment ea,.rople rL soma.. vnv-timv $'sae porcnso vn approval a,.rc (nrR i o.V94M wan paymvni ^I $:u:.��, a paymanis of $e�...., anv i SR amoni�eo prtym; n[rc ur $n 1 es Payments easumu nccounl Activation charge of $30 .ppli■s _md ir doe with rust required payment. "nnlEsa wKerwise nurtm, al wa..aniics ar. trom Me rmamraclarm SPECIFICS OF SEE-cvrc'ui�PTION 1 �2 03 ❑ Wo.1hcrpruof0�.ilirvg econnect Drain 5nu ❑ Dehumr'uifier SUBTOTAL $ i3 WR DR i=WeR=et S...ar Ri: ❑ Oaidoor Unit P..d ❑ Lifel:me Equipment Slav yPan & Floatf G Fluo Venting �I Seared I„elatiam P..Bz; JW.iry Drai,. 5ol .ly 5riilch ❑ Deet :ork Mmrl­ h�na' ❑ Dcluiir Tile vonduil Seal New Ler.-estieRa )a Mnnect to existing plem-no� '� � � -. C3 51 -Ft i it�6l ppon Am" Egoipmunl ❑ Dec: Modif,onaflna �1RofngerantELE_ Dryer , x SupplyPl=n_m (.—N.lm�for s._p■-f-■rk: TOT..L efriger..nt Pipe ❑ New )icconnccl ❑ No- M.i Sy.t." In New i9neconnect KRe1arR PIe: SIR VMo Duct Wont PAYMENT )LR.frigor..nl Pip.: Cava, ❑ New 3EIReconneci ❑ Fnei Piping u Expansion Valve ❑ Eleetralei. Air Clea .er 0 E6=1dea1 WiR.,g E7 CA5H E7 CHr CR# �9T alr.i -Type ❑ Media Filter 11 Home Servir u Plan - A.Cann■ct to :*_I_ ing ❑ PCO 1 Term (364 d-ym) ❑ CREDIT CARD (EA3T 4#s) Eloctrl­l ❑ UV Eight Die- Ply -=ed Deek ❑ Fiarmdifi.r EXP APPROVAL e OUR GUARANTEES ❑ FINANCING' ❑ C:omfor, i"iearenle. ❑Worse Ph,lccivon iaaorr.nlec (5x - E7 24•Aour Service Guarantee E7 100% Unconditional MoR-; 9.=k ua.p.Rtee Ruc- tae C�CCIL lFiRS s not responsiule for preertsting ouelw-.irk. See Terms and Conditions on the back of Ih:s d-AARr■111 fe: det.i • Written customer authorization will be oblamea o fore beginning any unforeseen additional or e -tended wok. -ANY CLAW3FOR CCNSTRUCTIUNDEFECT3ARE S'uBJCO.TTu InEN0iICE AND CURE PROVISION5OFLHAt-iER558,FWRIDA5TATurEo. • NO a I'R'S RIURT T w.RCEL: This Is a home solicitation sale, and H you do not want tRe goods or services, you may cancel this agree- ment by provl'uing written notice to life seller in person, by telegram, or oy mail. 1 nis notice must indicate that you do not want the goods or services and must be delivercu or postmarReu aelore mlanigllt or Me thir'a business day airier you sign lRis agreement. if you cancer this agreement, lrie seller may not Reep all or part of any casR down payment. See the reverse side Rereor Tor an explanation of this 11911I • I acknowledge that my right to cancel has been exp alned to m: orally and in wni ng, and without wa:cing Rr; Raht to ■_R■pl, I .fiih_Rze the p-rf=rx .R■■ of the worn, subject to all terms ana cone tion set forth on thv reverse Bide hereof, plus any taxes upon completion Notice to Z;wnFr • Do not sign this home improvement contract In blanIC you are entitled to a copy of the contract at the time you sign. ReT. N to prate your legal rigrits. This home improvement contract may contain a mortgage or otherwise create a lien on your property trials Id la To a on if you ao not p.y. Be ..ar. you andemland oil pre:Fle;;_ of Ther eambi ct Beier. you eign. r MIER Ne.1j,. Rte' con. nRTl r RCaeITP 7r i{OE el:;t-t51111R is R..-eRe e..; r a..: e� �, TOM ru NOCERTIFIEDit tin or Gedificate of Product Ratings AHRI Cerlifie'u Reverence Numder: 20292 r3r0 Date : 11-13- 019 MOul stataz : Aeti:. AHRI Type: RRC'u-m-CS Series: Elite EE1aXP i aeries outdoor Unit Brand Name. EENNOA lut'uoor unit Mddel Num0er (Condenser or 51ngle PacRage) : E[16XP1=0z4-;ej0A" Indoor Unit Model Numper (Evaporator andlor Air Flandler) : UBA270Fit:Uz4-zs0'+I uR r Me manufacturer of urls EENIavA prdduct Is responsl6le for ltle return of Enid �T�t. oetn6ln..uoa. Rated as tette-a In oeeerdameo -_IM Me Iatezt adillam vt AN511ARRI 210/24U -th Aaawnaa 1 ai-id 2, Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Conilition6.g & Air•SoarC. R..t Pomp EyCipment and subject to rating accuracy uy ARRI-sponsored, in'aepen'uent, third party testing. C:oollne C.p..ity (A2) - Sinyl. or RIyFi Stag. (9517), bioh : 24000 SEER: 16.00 EER (A2) - 51..gle or Riiiil 5tae. (95F) : 13.00 R..ting C.'.pecity (H12) - Shgila or Hiiih Stage (47F) : 22000 H5PF (Royle.. Iv): 9.50 T'AcU'u' Model Stator .. _ th■o■ that an AHRI CertlfeeUen Program Partieip.nt Is eenenfiy predating AND Belling or a%ring wr aal.; oR noir models Meters being m.rk.teo but are not yet being produced 'Production StoppM' Model Status are those that air AHRI C.rtifiwtbn Pprrgrenr Por1iw1pa.-.t i= no Iwng.r preda.ing BUT is 30 -ailing or offering f.r c,.1.. Rating: that -m aeeem ,.piled bv WAS lmdicat. an inblarsa ro-rai.. TIle n wpW.Isll.a mAna is stlown along with the previous (I.e. WAS) retina. 0130MIMER AHRI d.00 not ond.m. the predaetl-) ILot.d on thl, Certlfio«t. and makes no raprcoe,.i.eiopis, wa.r...'res or go.ranwas.. to, ano assumes no responsibility for, the productssr listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for darn.gaw of _n,- kind orlaing eat of the ese.p perfermano..1 the prodo.i(.), .r :h. onawth.rimd.l.or..,Eon of o.t. Ilaxa o., mis aartlncai.. C.RIu.a ratings arw valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahpldlr..t.p,-.■pg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products mf AHRI. ThI_ Cortlfl=ats ah.Il only be e=.d for indl:lda.l, pa..an..l.nd .r en.i.l rbie.e..ye parposos. ,..a con..ms or iRls Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; wilt=ped Into . ■.mp_top d -tab -:e; up.th.pwi = etlll:ed, in any term or manner or by any moans, accept Tor rile Douro Inolwl.ual, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The Information for the model cited on this certlflcate can be verified at www.ehddire■t.p;.erg, ollsk an W., If, C=ptiflu-te' link—,;;-ks hf� Exner _md e. -,lip :h. AHRI CatUflad Raf�rt n.c No ... bar and ills aa¢a on n1110 Rtc ca',Inca­ was Issued, which Is listed above, and the Certlfi■atw Ns., -hash Ie II_tod _t bottom right. vz'u neral-L;onOluoning, Reating, ans Refrigeration Instime [CERTIFICATE NO.: 132181340264743881 3 TuN Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI 4ertirie'u Reference Number; zGroz03zz Date; r i -r3-2019 IPItMai State..: Aeli.a AHRI r ype : MRCC-P�- B Series: Elite EL1vxP1 aefles Outdoor Unit prams Mame : EERMOA Outdoor Unit RlMMel MumEer (Conuenser or Singre Package!: eC r'oAPi-036-230A" indoor Unit 1 ti—wel Rum6er gcvaporator antgor Por Randler): C3Azi URE -036-230'+ I OR I file manuracturer or ails LENMvx praauct Is responslole Tor'fie rating of this system comak-A.n. hated as follows In accof I-mov -ith the Iateot ed:aon of ANSIIARRI 110!240 with Addenda 1 and 2, P.rf.rmance Ratinv of Unitamyy AWCondlttaniny S Air-Sasiza H.at Pomp Equipment and sobjecl to rating accuracy by AH.%I-sponsored, Indepenaent, tMIM party testing. Coelkv Cop-Eity (A2) - Single or Hivh St -go (8517), Etch . 35400 SEEK: 16.130 EER (A2) - Simla a, tfiyn Stag. (95F) : 13.00 H...tina C..p..ity (R11) - Single or Risfi 5taao (47F) . 34200 RSPF (K.gion Iv) : 9.50 1'Active' Model Status are those that an AHRI C.rtification Pmgmm Parti■ip.nt la .emontly producing AND zollG.g or.fforing f z ale; OR new nr000tu ma, are IM!mg rrr.nt.11aa got.m nal yet OQng prouti,ou'Fr000ction Stoppae' Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Parildra..l lz ne lane.. pros■■ins BUT Ia :till -alll"If VP ufforins for =6. Rating: that ab aceamDanled by WAS indlaat. a : in:olentary re -roto. Thu new a 2b6h.o rs;-ma is shown .lana "1'111 ;ha aroywos li.e. —S) rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not end■mv the pmdo=t(_f li_tad en this Caaifi■.t...nd m.k— me r.prtraont«tions, :.:rt,n.h.r ge...ontees.3 z., ..-,a .ssamos no resp.nslsility f.r, til. p.000ctis) lis.ed .n this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising ■xt of the e_a ■p p■rf■.monoa of the pNde.t(..), a. the enaetheplz.d .It.rbtl.n of dates N :ed on :his Conlf .mu. Certified ratings are v.11a only .or moacls and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahridirectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Cenlfi..ty =h.ti .ni; be Beed Imp Indl-kis..1, pe: -nal and eenfid.na..l rofur.nee porposes. Thu c.nzenia or 01,s a.,.rnc..0 m.y not, in whole or In part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; AM - entered into a c■mp■tap d.t.ba=; .p athwMism stlll_od, In an7 furm up m.mmu..r by .ny m...na, a up. for zho as.e. inaiviao.i, personal .n. cunfidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION «RCFRWERAT1ON INSTITUTE ,„. Inzonmazron rur..,. m.00l ..Iteu.n tflls certificate can be verified at www.ahrldirectory.org, click on'V■pif; C■ptllle.ta' link - e:-ke tire ben..' .nd ■ntep th= AHRI C.nlfiod Rafarena. Number .md.h. d.to an ahl.h the certhc.ze "— issue.. which Is listed above, and the Certificate No, which Is listed at bottom right CERTIFICATE NO.: 'u�ivi'u�e8813o5sf2 m2019Air-Condidonfne, Headne, an'u neirtgeradon Insdwte � Michelle Franklin; CFA -- Saint Lucie county Property Rppreiser -- All rights I;aurvea. Property laenrincatlon Site e,ddress: rRreal IV Account #. Mar 1L: Uac Iyl,c: coning: C.ty Comity_ Uwnershlp john F MUM7 8829 B..Ily Bazia ... KV rort Saint 1.ucic, FL AY35 Eegal ue5cripLion POD 32 AT Tal; KLSEKVK PUU III SPYGLASS LOT 12 (OR 1956443) Current values Jusvivlarxet value; $4,2,�w Ass ... dt V..Iuv: 1,412,300 exemptions: $50,500 1..,.wbly Vwlwv_ IJ51,600 Property taxes are subject to change upon cnange or ownership. • Past taxes are not a reliable projection orruture taxes. • t n. ::.le or z rrvponT . ill prompt thm .-.mo;.l of..11 exemptions, assessment caps, and special classnticatlons. 1 ,c3 Iva tKiN rrrucl: SLIT Z UIlccivr a U$Lcc Download TRIM for this parcel: Downioatl PDF L 8829 Bally Bunion RD »>4-6vu-v-v15-000-a 144632 J3141-4 0100 Planned Un Soi .f L��ie 4vWt7- 1 opal mreas rinished/Untler air (3r): 2,785 G:bs.. Uctunea Ate.. (sr): x,020 Land Size (acres): 0,39 Lantl S.«v (5r): 12,389 till information is oelievea to oe correct at t'nis time, but is suoject to cnrngo a.—.n i r.-a-itla8 -.tnvmt »...T ur Copyrignt .01 y 5i=:nt L»v.v Cve1aT r.--,crtjrApr J3v:. All :gats .-cso...8.