HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement3 ,NO AICs~ or s~u.�i��lE\Cr 11G\ 1 3IN1E VI'FEV '��el Df� COIN I Y Ot 1 V V 1 FiE 'u:�0E1c5luL�CE here'q gives notice tAat improvement «Ort be made to certain rea. propert, , u -A in %voi ancr :, rtl, OLapicr 713, Horid. S,ueU1e3. the Collo.: ing iTiformahon ;:i p,Q:idcd i.-, 11--h Notice oCC o,-.,,e.,ec.,,ent I. IDocription ofproperty (Legal uescription of ro trt,, an -u street address if available) R)Dtt-, � 1 .. ? Gc„or»I &:;eripiian orimp-ovement: Enact AC cllanseouL no-uuct woR. 3 O::ncr Lnfvrmat on a. tvame anu a'uuress: 6 PLUM. nenI6.e c. name anu aMress of fee simple titleltolCer (tf otaer than owner-. {. Contractor. i it S S O: 1i l i Q E. 'a1/;iih1■toy K111 --711 ,30i0a473w��avwuea:rruwal�w�tii.ls 5 a. Name an0 auuress: 6 Amount of 6•ond S O7. CenOer: s, Nau arta .dUrr3v 0 Phone numBer: c PI -.Q -.1e T Persons vah tf,o 5,a.e of Flcr& &5ji!nutct7 6; O::ncr open l:em notices or ot&r Zloc_.ments ma4 vc serveu as provWeu My 3ectlon Ptoriila ztatutes a Nw, ,c ana addre,�; -- - U. Phone num0er: _ — Aj Zi. In adaition,o Lim3cif' O-nerae.i�nat�, tl.e relro-:it:_ pe-.son(s) to receive a cope or the Eienor's L.otice as provided in Section 713. r lortua 3tattltes: a Na-c..-,daaar.S�: B Phone num0er: V E:piratio., date of no,icc wf eo,- --.,--.meet (ti.-- ---,!ration Date is one (t; year from the -Cat. ofrecot-Mng unless a different date is st 3y4gca 0wFnw 0 x ztJ_� C Z pin Gia �, .. 0 $m2� j w --n g- in - a n n g 1YADr.1.1 G IO OXY\r17: —4Y PAYMEMiz, NiAl3tr 13r t HE CJNV,vE1c nFiI It Lr[r c..�PJ.iltiv,•L vP 11ii a`l;-,LICE 0F CO3v Arcs COv5111r-mr.15 0vu-m7jPLR PR 1 tviirl71 S MIDER CHP&TER 713, PART I, SECTION 713.11 FCORIDA � I A I u I Ea, ANL) N YOUR PAYING t WILE FOK IVLPKOV0vitN t.) 10 TUML PIcuPEK t x. A NO L ICE WP twC7VI,VIL:F-17 V1r;V4 L MU31 BE RE rOa t Ell ON L FI>; X0155 3-11 L DEMRC L riE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU IN l I END 10 Ota t Alto H fANCING, C.OM,30C. i LENDER OK AN A I t OKNLY 6EFOKE r -0N VtENCM-j W OKK FJK KLC'UKULNU T OC7MN, 0 1 ICJ.: vP wVINULLIZELb104 L. g tare of 0.. -ince or O.:n sLSetl,va�ca OffieerlilOr�etvrlP rtn�rrVto„»der _ fl« Ivrtlwina in�,renee.,t ��, aeFinO::leages� 8413r --me tl.is '�J a , or f V n�r CV b y b; (dame of persun) as `-' (t; pe er rml.erity, ...e.g 0rficer, trusicc, wtvrncv i„ We -for (Fi-me o] party on Behalf or whom instrument was e.Cecuted f CLf_CI:N SULLIVAN ss. r= T COMMISW0N # GG071535 q;�, .•' RAPIKEs FeOruary 09.2VVZi I7ndcf pcn c.rie... er,cr, »-, 'r aeelzr_ tlot I n - 7e r_0 tt:e .ji-nater. or Netorr Pe ne - state or r1orina Print, t; Ne, or stamp eommis3ioncr7 ,-,uric of lore: ' Peolic Persunaily Known OR I'rvdeecd idcnt,rieatLen X- 1 -pe or Otlentitication protluccE 09-?ers License of N tn4-- to the Best of my Kno,rlea-Me taw LM -lief.