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Product Aapmval Pta.m>Frc&Ktar APVW-2 om Sganch>-AnmficalyVn Ust>Application Detail'.
FL# FL15012-R6
Applicatiori Type. Revision
Code Version 2417
Application Status Approved'
Product Manufacturer C.R.I.Overhead Doors
Address/Phone/Email' 1485 Sunrise Drive
(217)543-2135 Ext 4273
Authorized:Signature Pat Hunter
windloadengineenng@ chiohd.corn
Technical Representative
Quality Assurance.Representative
Category Exterior Doom
Subcategory o
9 ry Sectional Exterior-Door Assemblies
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation.Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida:Engineer or Architect Name who developed the John E.Scates
Evaluation Report
Florida license PE-51737
Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing,Inc.,an Intertek Company
Quality Assurance Contract.Expiration Date 12/31/2020
Validated By Gordon Thomas,P.E.
Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received 1
Certificate,of Independence FL15012 R6 COI Cert of Ind Scates- 2018 s p
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard'. Year
ASTM E330' 2002
DASMA 108 2012
DASMA 1.08 2017
DASMA.115 2012
DASMlA.11S 2057
Equivalence of Product Standards ;
Certified By
Sections from:the:Code:
httpsJ(www.ftoridabuilding.org/prlpi app_U.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquS73Fi2ZyiPgc%2bh dllGcB6goZT6ullbAf2ze%2btkMcO54w.°/a3d%3di 116
6/18/20.1.9 Florida Building Code.Online
l Design Pressure.-,,N[A Created by Independent,Thirdl Party:Yes
Other:Sectional"doors;provided for windload applications and Evaluations Reports-
have been tested in accordance with ASTM E330;and. FL15012 R6 AE FL15012 eial Rept pan a16 s:ad_¢
ANSI/DASMA.108'.Z3-16-01306;ResidentiaE Pan 1.6"V wide: t Created by Independ'entThird Party,.Yes
@+18.7[-20'.8,PSF see:drawing for additional widths and
15012.15 reL;2140,2141,2240,2241,2150, 13`-00"to 16'-00"wide by 20'high steel sectional,door with or
2151,.22S0,2251,25S0 255.1, without polystyrene,insulation,..
Limits.of Use Installation I'nstrUctions.
Approved[for use in HVHZ:NO FLIS012 136 H Jamb Attachment Drat-ings s.Eadf
Approved:for use outside•.HVHZ;Yes FL15012 R6 H Z3-16-01316.s.odf
Impact Resistant:No Verified By:John E.Scates,P.E.•FL--51737
Design Pressures N[A Created by Independent Third Party.,,Yes
Other:.Sectional doors:provided for windload applications and. Evaluation Reports,
have:been tested in:accordance with ASTM E-330 and. FL ,of
15012 R6 AE EU5012.Eval Rent pan rfi s
ANSI/DASMA.108.Z3-16-013L6,Residential Pan S&'%D"wide @ Created by Independent Third Party:,Yes
+18.7[-M&PSF see drawing for additional,widths-and t
pressures. {
15052.16 rf,2140,2141,2240,2241,2150, 11"-0O"to:16-00"wide by 20.`high,steel sectional door with or
215.1,2250,2251,2550,2551, I without polystyrene.insulation..
Limits of Use: Installation Instructions
Approved foruse in RVfiZ:No, FL1SlD12 R6 U Jamb Attachrrisnt DravAngs s ndf
Approved for use;outside WHZt Yes FLIS012 R6 H Z4-16-013 0 5 s.pdf
# Empacf Resistant.No 8 Verified By..John E States,,P.E.FL 51.737
Design Pressure;;N/A Created by Independent Third!Party--Yes.
Other:.Sectional]doors provided for windload applications and Evaluation Reports
have:been tested in accordance with ASTM!E330 and ggg FL15012 R5 AE FL15012 Eva] Revs pan r6 s.pdf
ANSI/DASMA 108 Z'4-16.01306 Residential Pan 16'-00"wide Created by Independent.Third Party.,Yes
@+22.2/-2-4.7 PSFj see:drawing for additional widths and
3 i
15012'.17 'fl;2140,2141,.2240,22411 25501
r 16'-00 to 10`-07"wide.by 20`highrsteeC sectional door with or
12151,22S0,2251,2550,ZS5S., without polystyrene insufation.
4151,42501 42S1,5240,,5241,
5250,.5251,5940,5941,S950,59S1 i
Limits of Use. Installation Instructions
1 Approved for use,in,HVHZ.,No FL15012 R6 II lamb Attachment Dravdings spff
Approved'for use outside.HVHZs Yes FL1501Z R6-II Z4i-16-01507 s.odf
Impact Resistant:;Yes Verified By:John E States,P.E.,FL751737'
Design•,Pressure;,N[A Created by I"ndependentThird Party:Yes
Other.Sectional doors provided',for potential"code-plus:` Evaluation Reports
1 applications-Large Missile:impact:(9 pound missile);and cycling FU5012 R6 AE FL15012:Eval Rept pan r6 s.pdf
tests conducted,in accordance with ANSI/DRSMA.115 Static Created.by Independent Third,Party:.Yes
tests conducted in accordance with ASTM E330 and
ANSI/DASMA 108.Z4i-S6-01507'Residential Pan 16"-00"wide
@+22.2[-24..7'PSF see.drawing for additional.widths and
15012.18 rg;2140 2141,2240,2241,2150, 111'-D0"to 16`-00"wide by 20'high steel)sectional door with or
2151,2250 2251,2550,2551, without polystyrene insulation.
14140,4145 4140 4241,4150,
14151,4250,4251 SZ40,.5241,
l 15250,5251,5940,5941,5950,5951
Limits'of Use Installation•,Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ;.No, FLIS012 R6 ly Jamb Attachment Drawings S Odf
Approved for;use outside HVHZ:Yes FLIS012 R6 11 Z5-16-01306 s.pdf
Impact Resistant.No Verified By:John E.,S'tates,RE FL:51737 C
Design Pressure.,N[A. Created by IndependentThird Party:Yes
Other:Sectional doors provided for windload applications and Evaluation Reports
have been tested in,accordance with,ASTM E330 and FL15012 R6 AE FL15012 Evai Rent Wn r6 s.odf
ANSI/DASMA 10&Z5-16-0 1 3 0 6 Residential Pan 16'-00"wide: Created by Independent Third Parity:-Yes
@+26.2[-29.1 PSF,see drawing for additional widths and
15012.19 rh;2140,ZI41,2240,2241,Z150;. 1 11`-00"to 17'-00"wide by 20"high steel sectional!door with:or
2155 2250 2251,2550;.255,1 without polystyrene insulation,
,U40 4,141 4240,4241,4150; i
4151,4250,4251,5240,,5241., t
ffI 5250,5251,S940r 5941,5950,S951
t Limits,of Use Installation Instructions, }}}
https:/lwww.ffor dabuilding•.orgfprlpr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquS73Fi2ZyiPgc°/2bh1'dtGeB6goZ16u1;bAl2ze%2btkMcO64w%3d°/�3d 516
6/18/2019 Florida Building Code,Online
Approved for use in RVHZ.Na FUSO12 Rim 11 lamb Attadmlent Draw--IMPS S. df
Approved for use outside HVHZ..Yes FL15012 R6 11 Z6-16-01306 s.rrdf
f Impact Resistant:No Verified By:John E..5cates,P.E.FL-51737
Design Pressure.,N(A _ Created by Independent Third Party-Yes
Other.:SectionaG doors provided for windload applications and Evaluation Reports:
have been tested in accordance with ASTM E330 and FLIS012 R6 AE F115012 Eva) R>t:!S Man r6 s_ndf
ANSTFDASMA 168.Z6-16-01306 ResidentiaD Pan 16"-001`wide: Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i
@+30.11-33.,5 PSE,see drawing,for additional widths and
150.12.20 rhI,.2140,2141,2240,,22'41,2150 W-00"to 20`-00"wide by 20`high steel:sectional!door with or
215L,.2250,2251,2550,2551,. without polystyrene insulation.
i 4140,4.141,4246,4241,
Limits,of Use Instaliation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ:No FLIS012 R6 II-lamb Attachment Drawings s.odf_
Approved for use:outside.HVHZ:Yes FL15012 Rfs 11 Z6-16 01316 s odf
I'mpact Resistant:`No Verified By.John E Scates,P,E FL-51737
Design.Pressure:,N/A Created by IndependerltTihird Party:Yes
Other..Sectional doors provided for windload applications,and Evaluation Reports
l have:been tested inm accordance With ASTM E330 and FL15012 R6 AE FLIS012 Eva) Rent pan.rG s.odf
ANSI/DASMA 108„Z6 16 013L6 Residential Pan 16'-00"wide @ Created,by Independent Third Patty.Yes
-t-30.1/-33,5 PSF,,see drawing for additional widths and
j pressures.
Go to Page: 10 Page 1`2
saw *ems
` Contact,Us 260 L Bfafr,Stone Road,Tallahassee.FC.32399'Phone:850-487-1824-
The State of Flodda is anAA/EEO,employer_Caovrfaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.€:E Lacy Statement, Accessibility Statement._e Refund statement
Under Florida iaw;,email addresses'are public records,If you dol not:want.youre-mail address released in response to a.publicrecordst request do not send electronic
mail to this entity-Instead,contacttbe office by phone.or by traditfonaf mail-If you have any questions,,please contact 85OA87.1395:.`Pursuant to Section 455.275(i},
Florida Statutes,effective:October 1,2012,licensees licensed under-Chapter45%-F.S:.mustpmvide:the Department.with an email address if they have one.The emails
provided maybe used for official:communication with the licensee:Roweveremail addresses;are public record'-If you do not wish to supply a personal'.address,.please:
provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public:To determine ifyouu area licensee under-Chapter 45S,F.S.,please;click here.
Product Approval Accepts.'
Credit Gard
https.ffwwvftoridabuilding_orgfprfpr appldtP.aspx?param,=wGEVXQwtDquS73F'r2ZyiPgc%2bht!d1GcBSgp7-l6u1bAf2ie%2btkUcO54w%3d%3d 616' 4
Supplemental �tnstructions
'Pain Doors:: Residential
Higher wind pressures and.larger doors require additional.
Premature failure of door system��may.result frown improper
ALCAUTION41 application.
See chart in lower left corner of drawing,sheet one for the
approved wind.pressures and.door sizes.
These supplemental instructions do not:contain basic door
installation steps and related.safety information..
failure to,follow basic installation steps,and related safety
VVA A, RN`t'N, , information.may, result in injury or death.
Door installers must follow a.primary instruction manual for
basic door installation steps and!,related safety information.
The correct selection of door and flaming materials in adherence with local �����a F- SCgrF /�j
buiI'din code directives is the responsibility of the buil'din ownerldesi er:
g sp' �• g gn '� '.''�' '•�,
Use of a reinforced.garage door does not constitute automatic compliance with
any building code.. Local building code officials'determine compliance criteria_ * F'
A loOdng system,mustbe installed if the door is not efectzically operated'. .0, sraeOE
See drawing for stop molding requirements,when,door is not more than V wider than.opening.. ORtOQ-'Q N� #
When using stop molding,,secure molding with minimum 8d nails or 24C'tong screws.
John.E'.Scates,P.E. f
Digitally signed by-John .SCeteSP',E. 25'60.King Arthur,Ste124-54 ProfessionatFnggineeisseat
g Y g Y Lewisville,Texas75056 provided.only for verification,of-
Date:201�8�0�2.081�1:4400 OErbO" �r.563os >=2203� windload�construction details.
Supplemental Instructions Pan. �Qyngnt:�ota ctr_Overhead 000rs Cage1 or6
>100 Roof Slope/ Residential Applications -
C.ya. ASCE 7,05. ASCE 7-10 Pressure(PSF)by Door Width
Wind Zone Exp BMPH Exp BMPH 81x7' 91x7' 10'xT 121x7' 141x7' 15'xT z16'x7'
Zone 1 90 - 116 12,9/14.7 12.8/-14,5 12 7/-14 3 12 5/441 12,4/-13 9 12.3/ 13.8 12,3/13,7
,,,,,4; w,� .�,.p.-• fi•_...• r , ,-,..r r•.....,.;.,r.,,•_.,, ,..w>.--.. - "r •...-,.r. win�. .'y."'.-.... ..r ""`""'- ;+'' '� ;T�'''�;•:�"dr Zone ti,.-,...au._
Zone 3 110 142 19.3/219 19 1J 216 19 0/-214 18 7/210 18.5/20 7 18 4/20 6
1....._. ,,..-r - :*;..,..•gin.;,.,-...S.;.Y.,-._... -.nr-r,-•;'_.,- .,.Y.-_..-. .;'r,;, t, .,,,_ -.,^,..,, z•• � .,".1J..:`� �� ;w, ,.aw •r,,, 5 ;-,r. ,t•,..,�., ^Y^
r,, ? f fi;r,,r s• t _ ,f #.I:', _ - 45' 2n1`8b'24 3'
ne 4 r. 120 ! �_t155 ,.,23.0i 26+1• ;22 8/25.84 .,,..22 6/2S 5 22 3J 25 0 ;t 22 0/v24 6 µ219J4 2 _ ,_
.a.Ct y. ti,t... ,t�« .--�� ..Y�fi S. ..�..rf..'m".-r:=rtF ...uc:. t.....+.,,'G S,+ k . ,.�.Ju:.9:;_.,,..t^. .: ,L!.-._ sa. _�i,._ .c ..........
Zone 5 130 168 27,0/30.6 26 7/30,2 26 5/-29 9 26 2j-29 3 75 9/-28 9 25.7/28.7 25 6/28,5
.,.......,, ^,r•.-•-., -�...rr•„ i,Y•• '+x •.r,*w_ro a'..•C', 'vr" ..:'"-""' M' TM«,:f .4',�. �-:-ten.r ,7,q'+"•.*•,�":n-w«-fm� �.H. .�„w... -.-•...n ...p .•-.F�na
30 q 33 5 29:8/
Zone_6 ,•r 140 w 181 �,: 313(35 5 310/35 f ._,� /•, ;;,,. �.c, _-�,:.:�.,,._..„a�:�.���,:��.,�:
Zone 7 150 194 35,9/A0,8 35 6/40,2 35 3/39 8 34 8/-39 1 34.4/-38 5 34.3/38 2 341/38,0
,,...:,.w W..«•--aw•,i ....,,,,...it...w.. .n,..,..w.,r.> ....:.,..,;,+w..w„w.7.d-.•w,•.,,..,_,.v.�..,...i.•.•- «..-w---.� ,;...r....•-•, .,.•..- .M....... �........ �,,r«* ,:y^.r r -:-r. ,.-,,.,....4 ...'...' ..`.' * ' :,•.'T'"c'._'p�`z.."5",Y..`;g-"`.i:n
, Z ' " , * * ,i "• 38:3'-43 3.,. 38:0,:42 8 39 7..44 4 *39:2/43 8 a: 3R., 43 5 ;
one 8 , 156f-160 i ; 201/ 206{ „ < 38 6/43 8 j .:.t: ;-� _ :a.....�.R.1.�.z �._..,.s;.,-..���_ .,. . .:4a�...�.,.
Zone 9 166 214 43,9/�49,8 43,6/�49,3 43.3/-48,7 42,7/-47 8 42,2/47.1 42.0/46.8� 418j 46.6
*the higher Exp.B values apply to doors greater than 10'wide
$100 Roof Slope/Commercial Applications-
ASCE 7-OS ASCE 740 Pressure(PSF)by Door Width
Wind Zone Exp BMPH ExpBMPH 81x.8' 91x8' 10'x8' 12'x8' 14'x8' 15'x8' >161x8'
16 11,7/13,3 11,6/,13,1 -11,6/-1.3 0 11,4/-12.7
Zone 1 90 1 - - 113i 12.6 11.2/12.5 11,2i42,4
,„ - .» �.....,p., .......-.wi.,...+.^ r+.: ,. ..++,,••�+<w.._-,-,�..,.. . �..,,.....;w;......w:,..«r;,r. ��„-^•.«• � ,..q..- -` ...
rr, w - .. # 8 15.4`r4 13 8 ,15:3 3
.,._ ., 44+4 :16'2 141 =15 7,
,100 I 129 14 5J 16 4 / =
f .i..�...,�c;>.',.4..s ie1....,�,a ..,v.«T:.aa.wSw+.L_Jr ,wl,�hw.ti•ry�t,:'�.-_'^2-s....,1..,.LuY.:.r,..-...�'a.i::.ii,...,'1�..:s:,'�"i..�.. -..f^.:r�'-t✓:'�...r.C-:.- .. :f.L.�:w,..-CLit�{���� ... ..:.f<n,w:N.`:-L•,:.,0,��4•.ti�t'.x. _..:a....•.�l[
Zone 3 110 142 17 5/49,9 17 4/19,6 17 3/49 4 17 0/-19 0 16,8/18 8 16.7/18,6 16 7/18,5
^re.....,..�,-..�.�...,.,,.,.,.rr•.:, ,..-.r.•..,.,,- �.-.:�.•..y........, --�•......,:.a^,r-;"....a.�.... ..., .,..•»ti-g-' y- >,.r �,w,.Y,'rn--•-.�. ,yr+om^ ro?.,-fF =s3"„' . .,
„ 23 1 ' , 20r3 22 7 20:0/22 3 , 9 19," r22 2,", :1 8%221
Zone ,.t155, 220,9/23 6 20 7/23 3 20 5/,
:.n:.- .-i.:,..:....,h::,.,.;µ:c..:«{f,.�; ..:.,:...`�>b 7.u.,.t....:,z.�.y:.,.-,......S.•.:.c.,_1C,..,i ,..�.d._.,,:. -.sw i ,., ..e: .�...._-i.- A- _,._.1 I+ G W z, _
,..-.-:-..✓.� v..._ J ems,__.. n �..��:.. ' d. _.,ai,mt.. .a i �-k 'G....`_:Ls�S..z'-'t�� � -S
Zone 5 130 168 24 5/27.7 24 3/27,4 24,1/27,1 23 8i�26 6 23,5/26 2 23,4 26 0 23 3 25.9
.... .,......,. .:w..-.,_>�,..:,. Ir--•�.•t+• •�•d J- v •r,-.e�;+„-�a•..;.:^r.,y. , , `.,m• j..ww.z„.,� -<,..n:...;..•-+r,' .,•,:--��x .P,,,.,,.,..-w,.r•+-•...,-a»- ;,w+, .�,,«.,...t.,. ` ---'•r'�' ,5;'.^'^n-r..i,•'Yr"7"......,«
r * _ Z7.3 30 4 2r7:1 30 2:';•k. 5, 27 0i:300 =1
one 6 .340 181 r. +'.:a �28'4/32,2,
?J;4 =_ .b,..4_,... 6�.:��a'.k.-.•..i;. .w..a:-.y.:.`, ?=.1,. 3vs{.:,�i::., r ar`- ...,.,, ac3R+.._..«.��1..-::.' .<o-....az>,it++`�'' +
Zone 7 150 194 32 6/36,9 32 3/36,4 32 1/36 0 317j 35.4 31,3/34.9 31.1/34 7 310(34,5
�s�:,rw ::;, , ,�:` ,. °;.�� `,�;( ,•„-.; :,,s�?"" ,33:7 �37,9 33�3`�37 21, v 32:•9/36 T� 32 7/�36 5 „32 6jr 36.2
_ �
Pn::=_..S',..i•....._Y:'....:v:....,.....��,..,,.P_.�':.�-:�..,..,.L.c� .sa.s,aa..�.ii-n., t.,.:t. t.vim w r�!t n'�`.+.- «.c•a.i.i::..i �...._._,,. -1 -- �....,_.. _...3 .5r.7, .,�4:+:- v V '�'vn t...:'e:u. -?s .
Zone 9 166 214 39.8/45,0 39.4/-44,4 -w39.1/44.0 38,6/-43,2 38,2/42,5 38,0/42 3 37 8/42.0
General Notes
-Exp B values are to nearest miles-per-hour(MPH)
pressure values are pounds-per square-foot(PSF) Mean ROOF Height (MRH)/ Exposures(Exp)
-Positive pressure signifies pressure acting Inward to the building MRH Exp B Exp C Exp D
-Negative pressure signifies pressure acting outward from the building 15" 1QQ% 90% 82%
Enclosed structure classification with 2'of the door in the end zone 20 {100a/o' ! 'i s t,,80%
-60'x 40'building size(larger buildings may require higher negative PSF) 25' 100% 86% 78%
-30'Mean Roof Height(MRH), g MRH an Exp :7.30' 100% { 84%j `77% n +'
see chart for differing d E values }
-Greater door heights require lower PSF values to meet same MPH 35' 97% 83% 76°/u
;^S;^�t'' QQ,"""` ,""""1 '"'y 9% r ;81°/-.+•-r�r ;`"".w 75�•�s-�;
ASCE 7 05 notes 45' 94% 809/0 74%
-importance Factor of 1,00 74/
-Utilizes nominal(basic wind speeds 55' 91% 79% 73% �
ASCE 7-10 notes These percentages reduce Exp B wind speeds to approximate MPH for mean roof
-Risk Catergory 0 heights shown in MRH column,
-Utilizes ultimate wind speeds
Papa 2 of 6
For Use With,Drawing Number
Strut, Placement
Door Beight
TV to T-O" 7%.6'io g'-O!' i 8'-3'to 8-9" 9-01 to:M-0 101-971 to,VZY-T' ll%tyl
Number to 14 0" I.4-3 f T:-9' J6=0!`toA7'4 17-9"to 19`23" f9`4'tc>20'4'
NT/A N"[A. NIA, NK& NA M[A. NNA- NIAt atDetail,A, I at Detail R
I at:Detail C
T.,at Detail B I at Detail B
10, NfA NIA NIA N[A J WA WA. I arDetallA
1 at Detail C it atbetaill)
9 NT[A I at.Detail B I aCDetailB I at Detail.R
N/A. NA NIA N-fA fatDetailA 1:
I at I acDetaill)1.af.'DetailC Detail D
I atl)eiail B i I iii:Detail R, I at Detail B 11 at.Detail R..
8 NIAL N/A N[A WLA LWA I at:Detail& i -
4 1 at Detail C L at Detail D, 1,at.Detail D tarDetaill)
N/A- 1MfA- N[A 1.at.Derail,A, E at.Detail B 1.auDetail B, I at:DetaiLB,
MIA I at Detail B I acDetait B
LatDetailC L at.Detail D, I atl)efailD 1 aLDetaff D I at:Detaill), i
N[A- 9fk N(A. I at Detail A. I at Detail R tatl)ctaitll latMetailB t at,Detail B. 1.at,.Detail.B I at Detail B
1.atDeraili C I auDetail D� I ar.Detait'D, I`atDetail D 11.at Detail D I atDetail D
5 NIA, at Detail A. I at Detail A t at:Detail B. I at.Detail ll T at Detail,B: I at Detail B I at Detail B' I at,Detail Br I atDetaiM
fatDetailC t atDetait D; I.acDetail.D1 I atDetaiVI) ' 'Detail D
atDcrail I) I at.DetailD I at
1 atDclail A far.Detaiflt I arDetail,B 1:atDetail,B I.atDclail R I afDetaitR I atDetaffll I at Derail,B f atDetailR I at Detail B
4 . i
latDetailC lafDetaiLC 1.af.Defail'D I at Detail D LaMetaiff); 1.at,Derail D� I.at Detail D' I at Defaill) i L arDefaill)
I at:DetailB, It at Detail B i E at Detail Br LatDetaitB I atiDetaiLB lacDetail.B LatDcMMB' I at.Detail B, I at Detail B, I atDctafl B
3 L at Detail C LatDetaill), fatl)etaill) L at.Detail.D I at Detail D Latl)etaill) L at Detail,D• 1.at,Detail D i T,at Detail D i I at Detail,D
1 1 at Detail B I ar.Detail R 1 at Detail ll 1.aLDetail,B t at Derail R, 1 acDefail B' I.at,Detail It 1 atDetaifB t at Detail B 1.ar.Detal B,
1.at,Detail D, I at Detail!D Ii at Detail Dt 1.ac Detail D 11 at Derail D I at Detail D, 1.atDotail D 4 t at,Detail D L at Detail D 1:at Detail'D.
I at Detail R, I.atDetailB I atDetailB, I acDetail,Bi f ac Derail B E ar.Detaif,B [atDetaitB 11 at Detail 13l 11 at Detail B I auDerifl'B
f at Detail B 11 at�Detail E tat.DetailE I at Detail I- I at:Detail E I atDetatt E I IE I.at.Detai[F-
T at Detail,E I.at Detail E t at.Detai
Push Nut Detail(use on aU, roRrers)
use 3/8"L D.oa bottom,fixture roller stem
use,7116"L D.on end,hinge.and topi fixture roller stems
Push:nut:Slide roller infol fixture and tap,
push nut onto roller stem,using.1/2"socket
and harumdr- Uav&118"to IN'space D
between push.nut and fixture:
Track Bracket Spacing 0!
Track bracket spacing shown for doors up i to,four sections.high..Additional
door sections may be added for maximum,door height depicfed.on line
drawing. Track brackets must be added,,(pertrack)for each section,and.
spaced at a.distance.not greater than the corresponding section.height(seD
line drawing for required quantities),,
Strut Placement Concerning Windows
u rom a,Where-a strut crosses a.window,it is acceptable to,move,the strut t f
position of"Strut above hinge'down tol"Strut on top,halfof the hinge?"-
Strut Strut: C 28!'
B, 28"
e I' L 1-1 1
A 10" A.
End.Elinge, Endffinpe: +f—Y'tolerance,
Sirutaboye hinge, Siruron,top half of P"g 3 of
For Use With Drawing Number
Strut Placement Detail:'
Strut End FBnge•
Top Fixture i or
Strut Bottom Fixture
Strut above.top Exture Strut on bottom,half of Lunge Strutiri center•of.section
Detail A Detail B, Detail.C
I !o o a i Strut
I Residential.
End Hutge Bottom.Fixture
Strut above hinge Strut above:bottom•,fixture
Detail D Detail:E
Intermediate Hinge
A Stmt
I• �•
a , •! Strut
G'. Strut
B' Strut
D, I
•' Strut
B ` Strut
7 Struts
Cagc4-o[`G �'
4- -_ 3
OW,.Ing Options,(max daylight o0doing 39-319"x 12.1/2`y
�1/4"Tempered Ghm orPolyearbonate
d7/16"rnsttlated Glass w/opt list Tempered
16'-0"Width shown
(See notes for other widths) -
Optional Windows
(see Glazing Options)
- -----.
— __ door height P. d
4 7 3 .
Top Pixturc to 8.- - - 9 4.
O — - __..__ 2 8 to 3" 9i 9;, 5 0 4
_. 0
4D -
_ Flag 0'4'to 10=6" 6 11 5
End Stile Bracket 10'-9'to 12'3" 7 13 6
3$ 12'•6"to 140' 8 15 7
2 14'-3"Io 1.5'9" 0 17 8
- End Hinge _____ -------______ ___ .._ �_- _. _� __ _._ �-__-- .-_� _-. _.___ � ___- -. _ __ ----__-_ !C - - -
__ 2 16 0 to 17'6" 10 io 9
— -
4A Track I7-9"to 19° l l 21 10
2 i $racket 20'• 12 23 11
30itom l?ixturc
-- _ __ Track bracket quaiiiities showrl are
- _ - for use with grade 2 or Better Sotiiliern
Yellow Pine,Refer to Jamb Aitabtirneni
2B 7`A _ Detail supplemental Instructions for
E 2 2, usage of altennue jamb materials, 13
Details fordoorheighis up to 2(?-0"Tntetmediate Strut Lire contained in the Supplemenial
Hinge _ - Inginictim,whidt are required in
addition to this drawing for nikallation,
Do not Install door using only this
G {6rr +I
This door has been evaluated in accordance with ASTM E 330,2002 and V� Q;.,•�O B III$E:z � �% Supposing strueim`al efeineiit4 Audi- AiJSI/DASIv1A 108-2011� 108,200i SG lb$-2012 �� �► be designed b i rbg1mcted profuslonal
Applicable wind speeds are dependent no building envelope ` ! - i % engineer for by
loads shown on this
and nmi be determined incompliance with relevant ASCE 7; .r i N0+61737 drawing,Yf door is"tot electrically
IBC or MC standards to meet regional and local requirements. r . operated;a lock inusi be installed,
Maximurn door height: 20'-00"
�O STATE of:
Glaciug and door have.not been tested for windbome debris, .
�1!-� i tel:Z
A �VidtB-. Design Piessut,(PSP) Stile Qty. ��I'0 ,�•J&,OR,�P*.Q�?
�rr���r�1 . V
11 00 _ 443 8 J $,7 M _n_
12-00- �+40.1/,44.7 - ,�✓//���'/QAbAL�f'?\�`\. W lJ mom nts A
13-00' �+37.0/•41,2 3 � ` ❑ p pppp a�
j rolin 1✓,Scatesj P.E,
� �� ;05-25-2017_ _
14-00 4-3411.35,7 4 1 _2560 King Arthur,Ste 124-54 Models:2X4X,2X5X,4X4X,
is-0o +3z 1!3s,ti 4 Professional Engineer's seal provided LeeMsvillej TX 75056 4X5X,52XX,50XX
t6-00 -s •+30 171-29.7 s only for verification of windload 'TM 56308,F-2203 - - -
lnoo^ �z6,71 z�7 7 y constivction.details Florida P,E.0 51737 C.M.Drawing:Z6-16-01306
page 1 of Z
4 - 2 1
- - - 4 3 - - - 2-
Details on some views may have been omitted for clarity.
'Cop Fixture The vertical wood jamb fasteners may be counter sunk to provide a flat mounting surface, Flag Bracket
(A59)galvanized steel top fixture See jamb attachment details for more information about attaching - -
attached with g jambs to structure. (.086)galvanized o 0 o am
four 114"x 3/4"scrows, steel flag bracket
D 2"x 7/16"(nominal)stop molding to be attached with minimum Sd"nail attached to wood - D
push tint or 2-1/2'"long screw on 5",tpaeing.Stop molding not required when door jamb with three
is more than 1""wider than opening. 5/16°x 1-5/8"' -
--- - End Stile
(.034)steel end stile nominal(,0185)galvanized steel minimum wo d hna serental trackto
With Iwo 1/4"x 5/8"
track bolts and nuts l
- - - -. -- _ and to vertical truck
- -
with two 1/4"x 50' -
- --- - -.— - track bolts and nuts:
Optional Top Fixture (.034)steel center stile 2"(min)x.0485(thin)
(109)galvanized steel top fixture galvanized steel track
attached with C
n Track Bracket
two 1/4' x 3/4 screws, (.102)galvanized steel track
push nut n biackei attached is wood jamb ---
9 (.034)steel end stile with one 5/16"x 1-5/8"wood pm
lag screw per bracket and °
attached to vertical track with
one 1/4"x 518"!rack bolt and
fund Hinge nut or two 1/4"x 11J32'"rivets,
p galvanized steel C Intermediate Hinge
attached with a galvanized steel ````,,���
� six 1/4"x 3/4" attached
scrows, e attached with �
four 1/4"x 3%4`screws, �eZ'
g push nut ��� 'O:v�CENgF:;�t¢ jai
2" (max.for,069 thick) ` ,
4"(max,for.]09 thick) 2 3/4" "f 2'3/4" •�� NO.51737 i
nominal 0 2 (min.) ✓ ' �+- + '4.:. STATE OF , 4:
3.1/2 (min.)stem i �� �'
10(min:)ball roller 00;•; FL �pA:
with nylon or steel tire: OR
ONA`Qa X��
Professional)ngincer's seal provided
only for verification of windload
Bottum Bracket ID
A - �'e
constractlon details
-- 102 "a
-- (, )g•lvastized steel bottom braekot
= = A
attached with �_push nut I/Z MM O0o nts -- -
fourred I/4"x 3/4"`Screws: ,Yohn E.Seat",P.E.
— Optional Bottorn Bracket Strut 2560 Xing Arthur,Sic 124-54 Models:2X4X 2,' 4X4X,
push nut (,109)galvanized steel bottom bracket (.051)50 ksi galvanized steel 3"'strut Lewisville"TX 75056
P 4X5X 52X?C,59XX
Vinyl with
attached with attachedw TXPF 56308,F-2203 - - - - ---
Aluminum oxtrusiois weatherstrip faun red 1/4"x 30"screws, two 1/4"x 3/4"sen:ws.per stile, filorida P.E.#51737 C.1-I,I.Drawing,Z6-16-01306
4 _ 3 2 I
page 2 of Z
Anchor;MV Tapcon or Tapcon T.DT or Simpson Strong-Tie, keep each area clear of
1TW Ramses/Redhead Tapeon,1/4"diameter,minimar 3.5"long with washer that conforms to ANSI B 18.22.1 typo B, any back jamb
MV Raniset/Redhead Large Diameter Tapcon,3/8"diameter,minimum 4"long with washer that conforms to ANSI B19 227.1 types. attachment triteness I
Simpson Titen 110,3/8"diameter,minimum 4"long with wishor that conforms to ANSI Bi 8222.1 type B,
Simpson Wedge•All;3/8"diameter,minimum 4"long With washer that conforms tc ANSI1318.22,1 typo)3. R,;
When applying back jambs over dry wall or other non structural Wall covering,use longer fasteners to insure minimum embedment required, J_ header
This charm applies to wood species with specific gravity Steamer than or equal to 0.42 includrne spruce pine fir(Spf j and southern pine(SP).
- - -
See oliart for minimum washer diameter. Washer diameters in chart are based on use of Spruco Pine'Fir, Washers may be 10%smaller when Southom Pine is used: 8"
See chart for minimum edge distance required, Lowest anchor to be greater than the minimum edge distance up from the floor and less than 10-inches from the floor. -
2500 psi concrete Filled CMU
ITW Tapcon Strong-Tie DOOR WIDTH(feet and inches)at-.given DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF)
_ -
1 4" 3 4" 3/8" 3/8 -3/9" 3 8" 14psf 17 sf I 20psf 24psf 2900 1 32psf 362sf 40psf 440sf 48psf I 530sf 58psf 630sf 690sf 75psf 81psf 87psf 93psf
14_ _24 24 24 _24-
24 22'-9. 18'-9 15-11 13'=3 11'-4 9'-11_ 8-10- T=11 7`-3_ 6'-7 _6'-0 5'-6_ 5'-0 4'=7 _4 3._ 3'=1Y _nIa nJa
24 __ 22 _24- 24 24 24 24'-3 20'-0_.17'-0 14'4 12'-1 10'-7 9 5 8'=6 7'-8 T-0 6'-4 5'-16 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 4'-2
14_ _20 24 24 1 24 16 26'-6 21'-9 118.6 15'-5 _33'-3 11'-7 10'-3 -9'-3 8'-5 7'=8- 7'-0_ 6'=4 -5'-10 1 5'-4. 4'41 4'-6 4'=3 3'-11 e
24- 18 24 22 1 24 16 28'40 23'-9 1 20'-2 16'-30 14%5 111-7. 11.-2- -10'4 9'-2_ 8'-5 7'4 6'-11_ 6%5 5'=10 5'-4 4'611 4'=7 40•4_
24 17 24 20 1_.24 16 31'-9_ 26'-2 _22'-3 18'-6 15'-1013'-16 12'4 11'-1 10'=1 9'-3 8'4 7'=8. 7'-0 6'-5 5'-11 5'-5 5'4 4'=9
24_ 15 24 18 ._ 24_ _ 16 1 34'=3 281-2_ 24'-0 20'=0 17'=1 15'70 _13'-4 12'-0 70=10 10'-0- 9'-0 B'=3 7'-7 6'-11 6'-4 5'=11 5'-6 5'-1
- _
24 15, 24 11 _16 16 36'-3 29'-30,25'-4 21'=2 18'-1. 15'-10 14'-1 12'-8 11'-6 10'=7 9'-7 8=9 8'=0 T•4_ 6 e9 6'-3 5'=10 5'=5 Higimcsi anchor installed at
22 13 24 16 16_ 8 n/a_ 92'-3 27-S_ 22_'-10 19'-7 17'-1 15'-2- _13'-8 12'-5 lx'!; 10'-4 9'=S _8'-8 7i-11_ T-3 _6'-9 6'-3_ 5'=10 Icast as high as door opening. o
21_ 13. 24 15 16 8- n/a 33'-16 _28'-9- 24'-0 20'-6_ 18'-0 16 0 14'=4 13'=1_ 12`-0 10'-10 9'41 VA 8'-4_ 7 8 7'=1 6'-7 6'-2
19 - _ - - Anchors to be evenly spaced between
_.,12_ 24 14 16 8 n/a_ n/a _31=4 _26'=1 22'-5 19'=7 17 5. 15'=8 14'=3 13'-0 1140 10'-9 W-11 9'-1 B'-4 7_'-8 7'-2 6'=8 the header•and the floor.
16 16 24 12 16 8 n/a n/a_ 36'-0 .30'=0 25'-8 22'-6 1 20-0 18'-0 i6'-4 15'-0, 13'-7_ 12'=4 _11'=5 10'-5 914 8'-10_ 8'-3 T-8
16 10 24 11 8 _ _8 n/a n/a Wei- 31'-9 27'-2 29'-9 21'-2. 19'=0 17'-3 15'40 14'44 13'=1 12'4 11'-0 10'-1 9'=4 8'-9 8'-2
14 _ 8 24 10 1_ 8 8 n/a_ n/a_ nJa 35'-9 30'-8- 26'-10 23'-16 21'-5 19'=6 11'40 16'-2 14'=9 13'-7- 12'-5 11.5 10'-7 9'=10 9'-2_
12 1 20 9 8 8 n/a n/a_ n/a n/a n/a -30'=11 11'5 24'-8 22'=5 20'-7_ 18'-8 1T-0 15'-8 14'-4 13 2 12'=2 11'-4. 10'=7
11 7 20 8 8 8 n/a n/a_ -n/a- n/a n/a 31'-10 28'3 25'=6 23'-2 21'-3 19'-2 1T-7_ 16'-2 14'=9 13-7.12'-7 11'-8 10'-11 U6 sinmctural grado lumber.
, 0- , May be counterbored up to 3/8"deep
10 6 17 7 B _ n/a n/a n/a_ n/a__ n/a _n/a n/a 32'-0 28-9. 26 2 24'-0 21'-8 19`-30 18-3 16'-8 1504 14'-2 13'-2_ 12 4 at each anchor location to provide n
nJa VIA VIA n/a n/a_ 32'-0 29'-1_ 26'-8 24'-1 22'=0 20'-3 18'-6 1T-0 15'-9 14'=8 13=9
9 n/a, 16 6_ 8 n/a n/a n/a (lush mounting surface:
8_ 1_n/a- _13 6 n/a _ n/ n/an/aa
_ _ _ _ .it 8'-0__ 57 23'-6 2V-6 18'-3 =0 15'11
n/a nJa 12 n/a a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a / / '-4 12 2 '- 24'-10 2 -SO -2 9'=8 180. ° °
2500 psi concrete Filled GMU 14psf I 11psf 20p"sf 24psf 280sf 32psf 36psf 400sf 44p"sf 48psf I 53psf 58psf 6§psf 69psf 75psf 81psf 87psf 93psf
First anchor to start at no mote than
ITW Tapcon ITW LDT Titen Wedge.DOOR WIDTH(feet and inches)at a given DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) half the fastener spacing distance and
4b All i / no less than the minimum edge distance,
114" 1/4" 3/8' 3/8" 318" 3/8 FASTENER DIAMETER d/
1.75" 1:75" _24" 2.5" 2.75" 2.68" EMBEDMENTLENGTH �
1=1/8'' 7/8".1.1/2" 1" 1.1/8'1.1JS"WASHER DIAMETER
241/2"24J2' 3" 3" 4" __ 4" EDGE DISTANCE Supporting Structural elements shall be designed by is registered
508# 3199 859t1 371#_480fk 34011 FASTENER LOAD CAPACITY r professional engineer for wind loads in addition to other Ioads.
This drawing does not address the iamb/wali de'si6n but only doer
attachment.7nmb/wall constriction is shown only for illustration
purposes. The bmlditig designer is responsible for ensuring that the
�\ Q,.•,pENBF•. / ,jamb/wah is sufficient to carry the door Ilve and shoe loads. This
Digitally sighed by John E.Seates U. �,• �!� drawing does not address the spring pad conncehons Regisirtcd
Manufacturer's installation instructions most be followed. Date:2018,02.07 15:11:58.06'00' NO.61737 0 pi`ofi sron5l engineer may approved tin-beta:wiive design.
Maximum spacing shown in chart; * ;* ^ scat E -
Tcsser Spar rag may be used to avoid interference with door hardware John E.Scales,P.E, * _ •a QQQ nt- -
2560 Kin Arthur,Sic 124-54 �0 r STATE OF �
and or fastening system,but not less that)6 :��� O ❑-O 000 HATE 2_18�2015
Lewisville,TX 75056 /*A , f > o v_ a-" a o._ a_s
Toad per jamb=0.5 x door width x max positive pressure x door height: �0� .;CL QP•�\�\\� — -
Florida P,)r.#51737 / ORS
C7so ninimXJ ntn 20�d psi grout or comply
c�iereta wheith n filling GMLT,C90, TNPI 56308,P-2203 /��jSS/OVAL E �\\ $ack lamb Attachment Detail
//li'I I I\% Concrete Anchors
CMU fastener spacing distance may vary 4/-1", J - - - - -
Professional Engineer's seal provided only for verification of windload construction details. FCAL Drawing: 13JA•-101 I Rev.-07
Use SP values only if both structure and jamb are Southern hind: 1/2"MIN I/?"MIN 1,,, ln"MIN
/_ MIN
Use SPF values when Spruce-Pine-Fir is present in structure or jamb material. AT1'ACHMEN1'bF -
Lesser spacing may be used to avoid interference with door hardware and or fastening system. 2x6 WOOD JAM l3
Maxirurn spacing shown in chart. 2x6 WOO))JAM}3
Tag screw;3/8 dianieier x 3i°minimum long;must conform to ANST/ASME 1318.2.1 Y"SHEATHING ON SIMATRING
When applying back jambs over dry Wall or other non structural wall covering; - -- -
use longer lags screws to insure 1-1/2"miniinum embedment required.
Washer,1=1/8"minimum outside diameter,must conform to ANSI 13 18;22.1 type A. 'Ys"x 3"LACE SCREWS
Prc-drill 1/4"diameter pilot holes for lag screw insertion. I-I/2"minimum lag screw edge distance required.
Spruce Fine Ftr(SPF)
IN FEET 12 PSF_ 15 PSF_18 PSF 21 PSF. 24 PSF 27 PSF 30 PSF 3_3_PSF 36 PSF 39_PSF 42-PSF 46 PSF 60 PSF 53 PSF }nmb ailachment
5 9' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" fasteners
10' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21"
12' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24•' 24" 24" 22" 20" IV 181, / / -
14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 20 22" 21" 19" 17" 16" 16'' _ _ .__.
15' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24", 24" 23" 21" 19f, 18" 16" 16" 14,1 header $'
24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 21" 20" 18" 17" 15" 14" 13e __--_ — / -
18' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" IV 171' 16" IV, 13" 12" 12" s„
20' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 2i'' 19" i7 16' 14" 13" 12" iv10"
22' 24" 24'' 24" 24" 21" IV 17" 16' 14"" 13'. 12" 11" 10" 9„ 3"
24' 24" 24'. 24" 22" 20" 17" 16" 14' 13" 12" 11" io" 9" 9" - -
26' 24" 24" 24" 21" vo
18" is" 14" 13" 12" IV10" 9„ 8" 8"
24" 21" 1811_ i6" 14" 12" IT. 111- 9" 9" 8" 7" 7"
Southern pine(SP) ''� �"`
- - - - -- -IUTAX LAG SCR $PACING_ Southern
S 10' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24"' Higimesi anchor installed nt
12' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" least as high m door opening.
14' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" 20"
16' 14" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 21" IV 18" °
16' 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" 24" 24" 23" 22" 20" 18Ye 17" Anchors to be evenly spaced betweeii
18, 24" 24" 24" 24'' 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 21" 19" 17" 16" 15" the headerandthefloor.
20, 24" 24'' 24" 24'' 24" 240' 24" 22" 20" l9" 17" l6" 14" 14"
22' 24" 24eY 24" 24" 24" 24" 22" 20" 19" 17" 16" 14" 13" 12"
24' 24" 24ie 24" 24" 24'' 22" 20" 18" liie is" 14" 13'' 12" 11.1 °
26' 24" 24" 24" 2N, 23" 21" 19" 1T' 16" 14" 13" 12'' 11" 10.1 2x6 structural grade lumber.
---30' - 24" ._ 24" _24 _.._23"-_--20" 18" 16" IF, IV --12" --111 1&_ 9e;_ 91" May be cotinterbored tip to 30'deep ni
r each anchor location to provide a
,/ Flush mounting sarface.
e o
s04, //� First anchor to start at no more than
`\� Q`, 'sty ENBF`Fts /�. half the fastener spacing distance and
no less ihnn the miniinum edge distance:
No.51737 so.
Digitally signed by.iohh E.Scates RE- .00. °
Dater.2018.02.07 15-11:28-06'00`Southern Pine SP)Specific rout i STATE OF W` 00� SCALE none
( p ry 0 55;load per anchor 620 pounds. ;� ; [Dom
Spruce Pine-Fir(SPF)specific gravity 0.42;load per tnchor=482 pounds. I�O •,,FL OQ;:\a TOWO 10 DASE
Maximum load per jamb=03 x(door height)•X(door width)x(rimaximtini positive pressure) �/� FS ORS ' (�\\� ° A_o 0 4�25-2017
These charts do not address spring pail connections to the building. 7ohn E.Scates;RE. � s/0(�A1; ���\ Bach iamb Attachment Detail
n may e approved a re
Alternative design be b registered professional engineer, 2560 Ting Arthur;Ste 1_4.54 �/� %%
�' a
Supporting structural elements shall be,designed by a registered professional Lewisville;TX 75016 '�, �" Lag Screw
engineer for wind loads in addition to oilier loads. Florida P.E.# 1737 Professional Engineer's seal provided only for
TXPr 56308,F-2203 verification of windload construction details. C.14.1. Drawing: 13SA-102 Rev.-46
Self tapping screws (with Steel) ser civ;l/4"die x 3/4"sDlf tapping screwi must conform to ANsrlAsMs a ttl 2,1, 100" x l" fillet Welds
USE 91161, track ' Welds errormed b rd steel Jambs,allowable load per sainted 444]bs• p y a Cenificd Weldor or inspected by a
reverse MINIMUM bracket or Allowable loud per screw;12 gauge=2091bs,14 gauge=14316s,and 16 gauge=110 IWL Certified Welding Inspector to verify integrity or welds:
DIArtMTER COrltlnLIOUS O1 atinital Wnsheri 9/16"o,D:minimum;Must ciutfami to ANSI ElR.22,1 i e A. 12 gatigo or/c''steel Jumps;allowable load per weld=r 2121hs.
angle WASHER IF yp lase all necessary preeautions when wording g:dvani ed steel,
SCREW HEAD angle Washer not required if Listener head his minimum 9116'mtlsido dianicter` Wcl3s to be evenly kneed between header and floor:
l8 LESS VIAN --- Lowest fastener to be within 10-inches of h oy'e floor p
9/16"DIAMETER Maxrnulid spacing shown in churl. LC ker spacing may be used to avoid folErfcience Lowest weld to be within 10-Itches of the floor
with door componenl system. Minimum of 3 welds perjumb required.
- Add holes to centinticaw:angle as required to satisfy fastener spacing in dtese ohatts. Fillet welds to haven=,light or oonvex face.surface.
These cbaris do not address spring pad conneetions to the building, l';lck tvckl lee of:mgle at same spticfng to prevalt rill ilian of peep iutgle,
Load per jamb 0.5 x door width x mart positive pressuio s door hcrght Cracks and blemishes shall be ground to a'month
ATTACHMENT SP_ACING(Inches) colitot rind checked to ensure sounducss:
SCREWS SCREWS iioiis Ilo f e building.
SCREWS_ WELDS SCREWS]. These oharis do not address spring pad connec
__._. _ _. _._ _.__- _
16 ga 14 ga 12 ga 12 ga 3/16" 3/16" D06R WIDTH(feet and inches)at a given.DES16N PRESSURE(P5F) Load per jamb=0.5 x door width x in positive pressure x door height
Jamb jamb jamb _jamb jamb jamb 14psf I_17psf 26psf- 2400 28psf 32psf 1.36psf I 40psf 440sf I 48psf 53psf
24 31 36 36 36 36 7 40 6'-5 5'=6 4'-7 3'-11 3'-5 3'=0 n/a n/a n/a n/a track bracket or
20 26 36 36 36 36 9'-5 1'-9 6'-7 5'-6 4'-8 4'-1 3'-8 n/a n/a n/a n/a
18 24 36 36 36 36 W-11 8'-2 6'-11 5'-9 V4i 41•4 3'-10 n/a nJa n/a n/a continLtous angle reverse angle
16 20 30 96 36 36 11'-9 9'-8 8'-3 6'-10 5'40 5'-1 4'-7 4'-1 h/a n/a n/a
14 18 26 36 96 16 13'=5 11'-1 9'-5 T-10 0-8 5'=10 5'-2 4'68 4'-3 3'-11 n/a - -
12 16 24 36 36 36 14'4112'-3 10'-5 8'-8 7'-5 61=6 5'-9 5'-2 4'-9 4'-4 3'-11
12 15 22 36 96 36 15'-8 12'-11 11'-0 W 2 T-10 6'-10 6'-1 5'-6 5'40 W-1 4'-1
9 12 17 96 36 36 20'-5 16'69 14'-3 11'-1110'2 8'=11 7'=11 T=1 6-6 5'-11 5'-4 4'-11 4'-6 W-1 h1a n/a n/a nJa (Cb0XX1EI cgndesMiny
8 10 16 36 34 36 22'-4 18'-5 15'-8 13'-0 11'=2 9'-9 8'=8 T-16 7'-1 W-6 5'-10 5'-4 4'-11 4`-6 4'=2 n/a n/a n/a Weld to be located Vertically all
7 10 14 96 91 96 24'-6 20'=2 1T4 14'-3 12'-3 10'-8 W-6 8'66 7'-9 7'-1 6'-5 5'-11 5'-5 W-11 4'=6 W4 3'-11 h/a angle at spacing specrfitd in chant
and tack weld toe of tin le or
6 8 12 36 25 36 29'=10 24'-7 20'-1017'-5 14'-11 13'-0 11'-7 10'-5 9'-6 8'-8 7'=10 T-2 6'-7 6'-0 5'-6 5'-1 4'-9 4'=5 back blacker at same s g
6 7 11 36 24 36 31'-5 25'-10 22'-0 18'-4 15'-8 18'-9 12'=2 11'=0 10'60 9'-2 8'-3 T-7 6'=11 04 5'-10 5'=5 5'=0 4'-8
h/a 6 8 36 18 36 40'-10 33'-7 28'-7 23'40 20'-5 17'4015'-1014'-3 13'-0 11'-11 10'-9 9'-10 9'-0 8'=3 7'-7 7'-0 6'-6 6'-1
n/a 5 7 36 16 36 n/a 39'-2 33'-3 27'-9 23'-9 20'-9 18'=6 16'-7 15'-1 13'4012'-6 11'-5 16'-6 9'-1 8'-10 8'-2 7'-7 7'-1
n/a n/a 6 36 12 96 n/a n/a 41'-9 34'4029'-1026'=1 23-2 20'=1019'-0 11'-5 15'-9 14'-4 13'-3 12'-1 11'=1 10'63 9'-7 8'41
n/a n/a 5 32 11 32 n/A n/a Ott 39'-9 94'=0 29'=9 26'-6 23'40 21'-8 19'-1018'-0 16`-5 15'-1 13`-9 12'=8 11'-9 10'=1110'-3
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1106ased professional engineer.
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43$1 MENTSPACING(lriehes) designed by t ficensed proreseleatal engiueer
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LOAD PER FASTENER(pounds) _ \\\U I I I!i// This drawing does not gddross thelornWi all
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\ �N EN qr�s/// cnns[N fno is shown only for illustration
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John E.Sciites,1,X. �0 � STATE OF ; ❑ MO narE �r 7
0 V E.R H E A _ D O.O..R R 2-18-2015
2560 King Arthur,Ste 124-54 / �
//Lowisville,TX 75056 / ��`�'•'e�OR10P:'(�� �� .
Plorida P.E.0 51731 Digitally signed by4.ohn E.SCate5 P.E. //i�S3jp��L ���
Date:2018,02.07 1 5r 11:13-06�00� l_ J Steel Attachment Detail
TXPH 56308;P-2203 -
Professional Engineor's seal _rovided.only for verification ofwindload constnlctiondetails. C.H.I.Drawing: BrA-103 I Rev.-07