HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Florida Building Code Online page 1 of 2 IN •T-•:mc^-, !Y 4--•ri,: ATL:• "�'�—T--,.^ �1. - 4.> �.. n r.:i;i�'�. �; ': _;,rYF -�, ��Crt��; �';�:'��Sfi`'sa�t,,'a�a•;f��,-a �i�: Jf'�"'' ;�.. N � `Qm,����!y.,��+'. SG-��_`�`:F_-.rz�/ry_ U'�.�a'.',.. ,`a5i��."7 �• 1 -w'•r1z+ �- +�.I-. ,R '"4`' aR' i u •"'�'�i'4 ��f.�:n 5;�.17 r :y �A', o. Yfi::r' aw ,....,''M '.�..�7 •,a1=;x'�4: f���r�.F�?3 t��7a,` .:i•�V'GL o L s.2V:yd!_J�h�`:':.��C.. s `�fak�FJ '% gets Homo !Leg Ia {uwt Rapl=tlon Mot Topic I Submit SureMege I Stas a Focs Pubticadang feC stare'1, 0=SKi Mil unks i SeerM Rvri _ daW%. r *USER: ProductApproval Public user ry Product Aoeroyal Menu}Protluet or Anolieatle¢So.reb h&qg jVD.,j!P Appllmtlon Detail T�,yNN FI# FL10758•R7 '•` � �6" w' Application Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comments Archlvetl ; Product Manufacturer Owens Coming Address/Phone/Email One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo,OM 43659 (740)404-7829 greg.keeler@owen!;cQrnlng.com AUthorized Signature Greg Keeler greg,keeler0owenscorning.cwm Technical Representative Greg Keeler address/Phone/Small 2790-Columbus Road Granville,OH 43023 (740)321-6345 greg.keeler®owenscorn l ng.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emall Category Roofing Subcategory Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report•Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or ArChitect Name who developed Zachary R.PrieSt the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/13/2018 Validated By Locke Bowden IS+J validation Checklist-Mardcooy Received Certificate of Independence FL1n75R R7 C0I OCR14003-3 2017 FSC Evatuation Reoott qwgns Corning Vents final.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code 1706.2 i l 'dr [H 'ON. IN 2U1104 [>U i paPO Y. NdD: l 61H 'SZ 'AON Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Method 2 Option B Rate Submitted 09/30/2017 Date Validated 10/04/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/08/2017 Date Approved 12/12/2077 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Deacrlpliion 10758.1 VentSure 4-Feot Strip Heat and Copolymer plastic low profile attic rldge vents for installation Moisture Midge Vents In shingle roof systems Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No X0756 R7 iI OCR14003.3 2017 FBC Evaluation Re-DorG Approved for use outside MVHZ-Yes Oviens Corning vents final.odf Impact Resistant)N/A Verified By;Zachary R.Priest 74021 Design Pressurel N/A Created by independent Thlyd Party:Yes Other.Refer to evaluation report Evaluation Reports FL.1075H._Fl7_Ai=_0CR1-400a,3 2OIZEHC Evaluation_Report Omens Corning Vents finaf.ndf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 10758.2 VentSura Low Profile Slant Back Galvanized metal roof vent Roof Vent With Exterior Louver Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for psie In FtVHZ;No FL10758 8Z If OCRI4003.3 7017 fB_C Eyaluatipn_Repart Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Owens Comma Vents Rnal.ndf Impact Resistant:N/A Verified By:Zachary IL Priest 74021 Design Pressures N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other,Refer to evaluation report, evaluation Reports F1 IQZ5Q R7 AE_OCB14003.3 2f117 FBC Evaluation Report Qhf9OSC ittlirtg Vents Fnal.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 10758.3 VentSure Rigid Roll Ridge Vent Ridge Ventilation System Limits of use Installation Tnstructlons Approved for use in MVI4ZI No &3 R7 II OCR14003.3 2017 FBC C s'o� n Report Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Owens Camino vents Fnal,odf Impact Resistant:N/A Verifled By:Zachary R.Priest 74021 Design Pressure;N/A Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Others Refer to evaluation report, Evaluation Reports FL10758 R7 AE OCR14003.3 2017 FBC Evaltiatlaa_R odor; QyYeos.lrornfnci Vents final.pd Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 6arh RE _::�Qi glair Stone Raad.Yallahassaa k�32399 phonee_SSOea67.1824 The State of Florida is an A VEEO employer,Caavneht 2007-2013 96te of Fleride.;;Prlvaa Statement::bf.A1 L�tat9m9nt:a Rmnd statement Under Florida law,emall addresses are pvbllc records.if you do not want your e-ma'I address released In response to a public-retards request,do not send electronic mal'to this entity.Imteid,contact He office by phone or by badltional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395•"pursuant to Section 455.275(,Florida Siatutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees Ili insed under Chapter 4$5,F.S.must provide the Department with an emal address if they have one, a emefls provided may be used for omcial oommunlcation with the liwnna,However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made avalroble to the public.7o damming If you are a IlcenM under Chapter*55,FS.,please click lye Product Approov�va{{l Accepts: ROOM, Creel;Cara Safe 'ON,- 1Sd 2u i 10O� I P u i pa�0. Ad6ti l 6[0 6 'SZ -AON l,q�, Certificate of Authorization No.19$24 CREEK17520 Edinburgh Dr Tampa,Fl-33647 TF-cHmcAL,SERvicES, LLC (813)480-3421 EVALUATION REPORT FLORIDA BUILDING CODE,6"'EDITION(2017) Manufacturer: OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC Issued September 30,2017 1 Owens Corning Parkway Toledo,OH 43657 (800)438-7465 www.owenscoming.com Quality Assurance- UL LLC(QUA9625) SCOPE Category: Roofing Subcategory: Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System Code Sections: 1708.2 Properties: Roof Ventilation REFERENCES Entity Report No. ndard year Architectural Testing,Ino(TST1558) 01-38860.04 TAS 100(A) 1995 Architeoturel Testing,Inc(TST1558) 01-38560.05 TAS 100(A) 1995 Architectural Testing,Inc(fST1558)• C1774.01-109-18 TAS 100(A) 1995 ASTM D 635 2010 ASTM D 1928 2012 ASTM D 2843 2010 PRI ConStruction Materials Technologies(TST6878) AVIO-005-02-01 ASTM D 635 2010 ASTM D 1829 2012 ASTM D 2843 2010 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) AVIG-006.02-01 ASTM G 155 20058 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5876) 0CF-111.02-01 ASTM D 635 2010 ASTM D 1929 2012 ASTM D 2843 2010 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) 0CF-112-02-01 ASTM G 155 2005a PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) OCF-116.02-01 TAS 100(A) 1895 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5876) OCF-223-02-01 TAS 100(A) 1895 PRI Construction Materials Technologies(TST5878) OHI.007.02-01 TAS 100(A) 1995 OCR14003.3 FL10768-R7 Page 1 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 51G20.3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK TaGhniCal Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor Imply warranty,Installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. d 1Z�5 'oN 1Sd 2uilood [Puiplpo Wd6ti 1 6101 SZ "ON CREEK OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC ti �....II VentSure® Roof Ventilation T>:cHNIcAL SERVIQEs,LLC PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION VentSurao4-FootStrip 1-1/4" x 14-718" x 48" low-profile attic ridge vent consisting of a two-layer nylon- Heat and Moisture Ridge polyester composite. Available with or without a polyester fabric moisture barrier fnr Vents: installation in shingle roof systems. 48" •. 14-7/8(" f ---- - - Deck Type: Roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted sheathing for new or existing construction. Roof deck shall be designed and installed in accordance with FBC requirements. Roof slope: Minimum 3:12 to maximum 16112 Installation Height Maximum 60-ft Attachment Method: Cut a 2-inch opening (1-inch on each side of the ridge)centered in the deck at the ridge for ventilation. The slot shall terminate approAmately 6-inches from the rake edges.Apply a Y inch wide bead of ASTM D 4586 roofing cement along the entire length of the outside edges of the vent to seal the vent to the field shingles, taking Care to not completely cover the weep slots in the vent. Center the vent over the opening and fasten to the deck using the 11 ga.2"/-inch galvanized ring shank nails (shall comply with FBC Section 1506.5)provided with the vent, Fasteners are to be installed on both sides of the vent 1, 12,24,36,and 47-inches from the start of each vent piece_ Prepare the adjacent vent section by applying the roofing cement along the edges, snap together with fixed vent,and fasten to the deck in the some manner as the first section. Fasten the ridge shingles over the vent to the deck on the marked "shingle nail Ilne"with two (2) minimum 11 ga. 2'h-inch galvanized ring shank roofing nails (shall comply with FBC Section 1506.5) provided with the vent or as directed by the shingle manufacturer's installation instructions, Allowable Roof Coverings: Asphalt shingles OCR14003.3 FL10758-R7 Page 2 of 5 This Isveluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rula$1 G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technic*[Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. ti 'd 16�S 'oN 1Sd 2u i Joos [>U l p1PD WdW l 6106 'S6 'AoN ., CREEK OVVENS CORNING V nt3ure@ Roof Ventilation TECHNICAL.SERVICES,LLC VentSurea Low Profile 18'x 24"x 2-3/le"(32"x 23"flange base)static off-rldge vent composed of ASTM Slant Back Roof Vent A653 galvanized steel(available with painted finish), Material shall conform with with Exterior Louver: FBC Section 1507.4.3. i� 1' i r , r ! r f i F Al � A Deck Type: Roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted sheathing for new or existing construction. Roof deck shall be designed and installed In accordance with FBC requirements. Roof slope: Minimum 3:12 Installation Height: Maximum 33-ft Attachment Method: Cut an 11 x 11-inch hole through wood sheathing only approximately 18-inches from the ridge. Apply 114-inch thick by 3-Inch wide bed of ASTM D 4586 roofing cement around inner and outer flange. Place vent directly over the hole, ensuring the vent sits fiat on the roof. Fasten vent 4-Inches o.c.and 1-Inch from outside edge of flange with minimum 12 ga. ring shank roofing nails (shall comply with FBC Sectlon 1508.5), ensuring Ya-inch penetration through wood deck (Minimum 18 nails per vent). Install baffle In %.inch bed of ASTM D 4586 roofing cement and secure with minimum 12 ga. ring shank roofing nails (shall comply with FBG Section 1506.5) spaced 8-inches o.c. (total of(3) nails) while ensuring %-inch penetration through wood deck.Seal all nalls and vent flange with ASTM D 4586 roofing cement. Allowable Roof Coverings: Asphalt shingles OCR14003.3 FL10758-R7 Page 3 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule e1G20-3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,CLC of any product changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that ere not specifically addressed herein, S 'd HES 'ON 1Sd 2u i 100 li?u i P PO WdW l 6106 'S6 'AON = CREEK OWENSCORNINGROOFiNGANDASPHALTLLC VentSura® Roof Ventilation TECHNICAL SERVICES,LLC Venture®Rigid Roil 518"x 11-1/4"x 20'attlo ridge vent composed of high density polypropylene with a Ridge Vent: spun-bond polypropylene fabric, �r Deck Type: Roof deck shall be constructed of closely fitted sheathing for new or existing construction. Roof deck shall be designed and installed in accordance with FBC requirements. Roof slope: Minimum 2:12 to maximum 20:12 Installation Height: Maximum 60-ft Attachment Method, Cut a 2-inch opening (1-Inch on each side of the ridge)centered in the deck at the ridge for ventilation. The slot shall terminate approximately 12-inches from the rake edges. Apply a continuous bead of polyurethane adhesive sealant along the entire length of the outside edges of the vent to seal the vent to the field shingles. Center the vent over the opening and fasten the vent 24-inches o.c. to the deck using minimum 12 ga. dng shank roofing nails (shall comply with FBC Section 1506.5), ensuring%-inch penetration through wood deck. Fasten the ridge shingles over the vent to the deck on the marked "shingle nail line" with two(2)minimum 12 ga. ring shank roofing nails(shall comply with FBC Section 1506.5) or as directed by the shingle manufacturer's installation instructions, ensuring Va-inch penetration through wood deck. Outside edges of the shingles shall be sealed with flashing cement. Allowable Roof Coverings: Asphalt shingles LIMITATIONS 1) l=ire Classification Is outside the scope of this evaluation. 2) This report is not for use in the HVHZ. 3) The roof deck and deck attachment shall be designed by others in accordance with the FBC. 4) All products listed in this report shall be manufactured under a quality assurance program in compliance with Rule 51G20-3. 5) Owens Coming vents shall be Installed in strict compliance with this evaluation report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions. In the event of conflict, the more restrictive installation shall be enforced. 6) Deck substrates shall be clean, dry, and free from any irregularities and debris. All fasteners in the deck, shall be checked for protrusion prior to installation, 7) Installation of the roof assembly is outside the scope of this evaluation. 8) Owens Corning vents are Intended to provide passive ventilation for an enclosed attic in residential construction applications. 001314003.3 FL10758-R7 Page 4 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 61 G203. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product changes or quality assurance changer.throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product atb'itlutes that are not spacIfically addresseo herein. 9 'd HES '°N 1Sd 2u l food Jeu i pat?a Nd(i 1 l 610Z 'SZ "ON C�+y� OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND ASPHALT LLC R VantSure® Roof Vantilation ' ECHNICAL SSRVICES,LII—C: COMPLIANCE STATEMEI47 The products evaluated herein by Zachary R. Priest, P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code,6t'Edition(2017)as evidenced in the referenced documents submitted by the named manufacturer. ,t►►►►►rlrtr����� . E N9��-., 2017.09.30 ;,�,�-;•��� • SF-.•s�.,� ,. ...., No 74021 15:16:17 -0400 4& � 04 '.. STATE OF :4& �?�� Zachary R.Priest,P.E. � !';'910 A, ��� Florida Organization �ti n No.71021 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE CREEK Technical Services,LLC does not have,nor will It acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing Products under this evaluation. CREEK Technical Services,LLC is not awned,operated,or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.Priest,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial Interest in any oompany manufacturing or distributing products under this evaluation. Zachary R.priest,P.E.does not nave,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity Involved in the approval process of the product ENo of REPORT OCR14003.3 FL10758-R7 Page 5 of 5 This evaluation report is provided for State of Florida product approval under Rule 6'1G20,3. The manufacturer shall notify CREEK Technical Services,LLC of any product Granges or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which this report is valid. This evaluation report does not express nor imply warranty,installation,recommended use,or other product attributes that are not specifically addressed herein. L 'd HE '0N 1Sd 2U [ 100 [PU i PAPO Wd05 : l E0Z 'SZ '"0N Florida Page I.of 2 WM Hamc i tag in I User Re T=mtlan i MatT.P1,. { SubHt Snrda,24 staff Q F#= Pubucl*afm{ Fee SION{ BC]S Site Map { Unid j Search b � J?aadpct Approval Se[�P&but User.. 41 6- LGA W= „ a Imucur Aaenemit Rrrargh>Aeerrcaum live>AppG®tion Demz INIHORISOMFL 4 FUS69-1113 Appilmon Type Revision Code Version 2017 Application Status Approved Comtn6nt5 Aratived [f Product Manufacturer SOPrema,Inc.(Canada) Address/Phoae/emall 1640 rue Haggarty Drummondville;NON-lis 00000 (82.9)478 2400 memathleu(�soprema.ca Authorized Signature Marrgtienne Mathieu • memathleuctpsoprema.p Technical Representative Marc-i:genne Mathleu Addregs/PhoneXrnaii 1688 Jean-Serchmans,Mictraud Drummondville,NQN-US 00000 (819)47a-3400 tet 9327 memathi8u�lsopreme.ce , QualltyAssurance Representative Jean-Francois COW,Ph.D. Address/Phone/Eme1I 1649 rve Hag-garty Drummondville • (888T$11-�14� f fcote@Wprema.ca Category Roofing suoc t agory Underlayments CompAance Method Evaluation Report From a Rbrida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florlde Professlonal Enigneer 0 Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed .Robert 7.M.Nieminan the Evaluation Report Florida Ucense PE-59166 Qudllty Assurance EMtfty UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/18/2020' Validated by Sohn W.Knezevlch,PE 2 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Recelved Cer0cateoflndependence 82569 R13 COT.2017 Q1 Q1 Referenced 5tandard•and Year(of Standard) iftndard X= ASTM 43.970 2015 ASTM D6163 2008 FM 4474 2011 FRSA/TRI April 20U(04-12) 21112 TAS 119 2000 UL 1997 2912 http://VA9 'd.ori([N� 'O Nlg.o:rg/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?paran]S d 2u ' 114 1�11 p a I YEac]A d W l '610Z 'S Z 'A IN Florida B.uilaig Code Online Page 2 of 2 Equivalence of Product Standards certified 0y i Secdons from the Code Product Approval Method Method x Option p Date Submitted 10/09/2017 Data Validated 10/11/2017 Date Pending MC Approval 10/15/Z017 Date Approved 12/1017 Smmmrw of ProductD FL# Modefi Nalntbercr Oncription Name ?569.1 Vol reMe-Roof self adhering roof underlaymantS Undariayrnertts l.ietttltS:of use Z�SteltaDojt IRsttriEtit?n8 I1]i t01►Itd For use In+M,Z:N0. FL750 R13 T?_2017 30_PINAL FR SOPRF�NIA CA UND9BL8YM9TS FL2569- Approved'=for use c nO c'e HVH.I,Yes R13, zrh ct Ree6blunt N/A Veri0ed By:Robert.Nleminen,P.E.PE-59166 Ct �C3a Prewuitr tNjAI-150 Created by Inaspencim Third Party;Yes eltlierf 1.)Refer to EFL Section 5 for ,Evatued1on Raports tjM. ft of Uga.Z,)The d%1§n-ptessure 2W 21; A8 2017 10 F7NAG ER Rr7PREMR C,A L1tdbERLAYMI<NTS aS6Q- noted herein pertapns to underlaymen> R13 systems used beneath adhosiye-senile Created ny Independent Thlyd Party:Yes syrstams.�&sfir to ER Simon 5.6.4 for details. . N"W $Q*P,Sg,�,�e;.�6Q�t_Blelr Y9_mnait�e}f.Te11�,lnccv�n FL'�?aeq•Phene:8SD�7.S846 The StstRofMfldl1sanAA/EM emploW.S9°�aoht.�JA9+3Dta=�!^-e�F7Q y:L 0:Ae[emblibSateni 7;R4WldSL�tutefEM cinder MOO taw,emau tddnww are public rgmrKs.V you do ma wentyaue a mall addras tetased In rasporMe to h puolloYeop,ds rwuwr.do not and G,e�ralk tW tl d lfill:witty.,"'^'I'*�,o7dmR rhe 0Mw by,phonL Or pY trgdltfonei rrwU.UYau haus arp queslloas,Rlaase cotttact.$57#89.Sa9S-'Puta,urrt m Seat2rw455,?7�{i)i FletSda 3Settarss,cfrRtCva OcLapu S.�3`tr lf `iit�ntd aa6Rt't�tapbtr 455,FS.mint Drovtde irirti�parur�ne wrt7t an snail edd!tim7 {flay have anG(1ta'BinaUS P.ravWad meY D2•usatl rer gfflrlal c7atnWDli7ltlCn Ndtl)tAe IfGuL�eC HDWe�hY droll addtG�dls mIR pabAe rmprd If Yoa da r of wtslt m +'+PpIY a prssonpr adtltasa,ptsasa Ptpvide the Dapartrtteof arlth an Rmalbdddfdpt�YlittSt oanhenwda avaMpl¢ta fila paDiit.7b dRlE7mttle tlyou arta a i3tr�q uhdtr g7aplpl'4�,F.Sr,please dick 1�p-, ProdPctApP..roltai A�aRt� http:l/tvw+6 "dricla l c 'o N,.org/pr/pr app dtLasn baram=l S d 2 u io ou i p A0,,�,TW d 0 S: 1 1,6 l 0 Z S Z 'n o N OffERIOR.RESEMCH DESIGN,LLC- dwW=w qfAuthorlzovon W503 853 CHRIS-MN STREET,UNIT#23 \,,JTRJNfTYjERLj OXFORD,Cr 06479 (20.3)2-62-9245 EVALUMiON REPORT Soprem,Inc. Evaluation Report S18010-06-09-R11 164,0,rue Haggerty FM69-JR23 Drummondville,Qu6bec.12C SPS Canada Date of Issuance:06115/2009 (919)479-7400 Revision 25:14/06/2017 SCOPE'. This Evaluation Report is Issued under Rule sim-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Meminen, P,E, for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the e Edition (20-17) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DManpriom Soprerna Roof Under{ayments I.AsHuNs: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited QUSW Assurance Agency noted herein. CoN,nNuEp CompuAxcE, This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)Changes,the referenced Quality Assurance documehtation-changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nierninen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes.-Trinityl ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. Anivimnsewiwr.The Evaluation Report number preceded by thp-words"Nnityl ERD Evaluatedn may be displayed in adverdsing-literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in Its entirety. h4siammom Upon request a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages I through 8. Prepared by: not,,, A Robert LM.Nlemlnen,P.E. f3_M.,--75�no% The ficsimlle sal appe2flov was suthoftod bv Mart Niandnen,Pe.on 10A6/,2az7-This doenotsere as an r4orldd Registration No.59164 Florida DCA ANE19,83 C=Firx-i7orj oF lNo=NDm= 2. TrinKyj FRD does not have,nor does it Intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest In any company manufacturing or dIM-lbuting products It evaluates. 2. Trinity!E-RD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it ewiluates. 3. Robprt Nierninan,P.F-does not have norvAl acquire,a financial interest In any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the Evaluation reports are being Issued_ 4. Robert Niaminan,P,F-does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product 5. This Is a building code evaluation.,Neither Trinttyl ERD nor Robert Niemlnen,F.S.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,Wwas used for parmizOng or design guidance unless retuned specifically for that purpose. Ol 'd 1U 'IN Isd 2ui �00� [PUIPAPO Ad Oq L 6106 'AO N Q0TR1"TYJ;M ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION' 1. • SCGPE: ' Product Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayrnent Compliance Statement: Rool-gntlerlayments, as produced by Soprema, have demonstrated compliance with the following-sections of the GP,Edttlon (2017)Florida Building Code through testing In accordance,with the following Standards. compliance 1s subject to'the Installation'Requirements and Limitations/ Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANoARDs: Section Property Standard Year 15043.1 Wind Resistance FM 4474 2011 1.504.3.1 Wind Uplift 1)L 1897 2012 15117.1.1,T1507.1.7„1507.2.9.2 Physical Properties ASTM D1S70 2015 T507.3.3 Physical Properties FRSA/TRI April 2032 2,012 FRSA/Tgl April 2012(04-12) Myslcai Properties ASTM D6163 2008 TAS 110 Accelerated Wmatharing TAS 110 2000 3. REFERENCES: Fntft8xami atlon 1d=qce Am ERIC(TS-JM) ASrMD1970/TA5110 2968.05.042 05/14/2004 ERD U M049) Physical'Propertisa 2757,02.05 02/03/2005 PRD(151'6043) ASTM D1.97D/TAS 110 2974,03.05.2 05/17%2005 ERD MT'6049) Wind Resistance 2778.07.05 07/15/2005 ERD M76049) Wind Resistance 2779.11.05-R3 04A18/ZOD7 ERD owM- 49) TAS 2037TAS 110 57120.11.07-2 111=007 ERD M6049) AS-rM 01970/TAS xxo 518190-02.09-111 04/01/2010 ERD.M76049) ASTM D1970/•TAS 7.10 531370.03.10.1-R1 04/07/2010 ERD(T,-�T4049) Physical Properties/TenslleAdhesion $11150.05.10-R1 09109/2010 ERD M75049) Physical Propertles/Tensile Adhesion $13150.05.09-R2 10/05/2010 ERD(T5T6049) ASTM D1970 S37210_=11 11/09/2011 ERD.(TST5049) ASTM•DIS70 540540.(Mx3-1 0Z/19/2013 ERD(T5T6049) Physicsi Properties/Tensile AdheVon 543530.D2,34-1 02/21/207.4 ERD,M604g) Physic sl Properties/Tensile Adhesion SOPG5C7645.02.35 02/13/2015 ERD(FST6049) Accelerated Weathering SOPC-SC8520.14 04/17/2015 ERD'(TST6049) •Wind Resistance SOPCSC74045.65.17-R1 06/07/2017 M:D-(C5R2592) K"Z compliance 15.-0508.04 09/24/2015 ICGFS.(EVL2396) 2015 IBC Compliance ESR-1524 03/01/x017 PRI(TSr5878) Physical Properties SOP-064-02-01 12/03/2013 5oprema!,Inc-(PDM3511) Equivafancq Declaration SA SMOOTH PLY 40 08/29/5015 UL,LLC(QUA9625) Quality Corrtol Sarvice Confirmation Exp.07/113/2020 4. NoouiarDESCRIPTION: 4.1 Lastobond TU HT is a self-adhering, non-woven polyester fabric surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underiayment;meets ASTM D1970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12). 4.2 Lastobond Shield 13 a self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment available in two widths;36 and 45 inch;meets ASTM 01970. 4.3 RES1STO 5A SPOOOTH PLY 40 Is a self-adhering,woven polyethylene surfaced,565 modified bitumen roof underlayment;available in 93 ft x 65 ft rolls;meets ASTM D1970. 4.4 Last bond Shield HT is a self-adhering, wouen polyethylene surfaced, high temperature,SBS modified bittirnen roof under-layment;meets ASTM 107.9701 Exterior Reaeamh and Design,U4 Eyaluar7ori ReportsiSos 0.06.09-RiT ofiAvUrer�aeron X9503 bs"EDMON(20t-)F8C NON-HVRZ eVALUATION FL2569-R3s sop►yma,Inc. Revision 91;10/06/2017 Page 2 of IS l l d 1Z�5 '�N 1Sd 2U 1100 'PU I PAPO Nd 1S l 6 10 2 'SZ "ON �TTY IERD 4.5 Lastohond Pro H[T-1V Is a sel'FLadhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, SSS modified bitumen roof underlayment,available•in two widtft,36 and 45 inch;meets ASTM D1970. 4.6 LastobondlPto HT--S Is a self-adhering, woven.polyethylene surfaced, high temperature, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;meets ASTM D1970. 4.7 Lastobdnd 195A5 a self-adhering, glass-mat Feinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;meetsAS7M'D1970. 4 S lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced,sand-surfaced,SBS modified bitumen roof und'erlayrnent;meats ASTM 01970. 4 9 Lastobond' Eco is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment;meets ASTM.D1970. 4.10 Lastobnnd Smooth Seal HT is a selfLadhering,glass-mat reinforced,film-surfaced,SBS modified bitumen roJof underlayment;meats ASTM 0].570. 4.11 RESISTO LOTUS is a self-adhering,,glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a 36-inch sheet width;meets ASI ivi b1970, 4.12 PrirneSaWce Grip-Rite Eava-Z Valley Protector is a self-adhering,glass-mat reinforced,sand-surfaced,SBS modified-bitumen roof underlayment,with a 364neh sheet width;meets ASTM 01970. 4.13 RESiSTO 1.131244 is a self-adhering; glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a 44-Inch'sheet width;meets ASTM 01970. 4,14 Coiphena,FR GR is a self-adhering, fiberglass reinforced, granule-surfaced, 5B5 modified bitumen roof underlayment;-meets ASPM 07970 and FRSA/TRI April 2.012(0412). S- LimrrAmONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity]ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way,the Designer of Record-for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions-thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specftically forttaat purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation.Report is not for use in FBC HVHZJurisdictions, 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this report;refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 Sopremia Roof Underlayments-may be used W h any prepared roof cover where the product Is specifically refereneed•within PBC approval doeuments- if•not listed,a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable Roof Covers: r, '^:•5. 4,�,, y,J .��'.�ti; A 'nye u --��::, -*moi rj•. '.�:-;@rJ:�;,=v,._r��:,'' r `r. � S 2 ..303- `.�^•p ...a•.: '�dlv-.R�j=±:�_. :ire_•S � -'��� -� r•`:!ae7.-'�avri:�:-:^qfC'�','. �'.{. _ Asphalt Nail-On Foam-On Wood Shakes 8s�_ Undedaymcnt Metal shingles Tile Tile 5igttgles Slate �!V � �•� ��S" � iiL nP 7'n'� 'A � 'y f'�nsa. ;�1 Lzmbctnd TU HT :�„ eF ,r � � c. I:'. :l�r°�I.r I�Jpg','•�,:P.,...`.^^�'�:iS!R�r3�' Lastobondshield l i ro HT N/RESiSTO SA SMOOTH PLY 4o Lastobond Shield HT/Pro HT-S Lasto6ond Eaves Protection Sheet/ Lastobond 795 Lastobo.nd ECO J REksTo Lsm6 Grip- Pit ' i , di' L y �:a•T4.Jd 4r �9c e Have Valley Protector/PFSISFO ;�,;: .�..� �, ,� k, 1'°` a°.•.:+.y� L 4 r• n� �i�'` �'�4 Yt��'i'"'t1.9fW!�'e5.. LB7 2443eaal cps wi 0iterlarRasearchand Design;LLC. Evaluation ReportSM10.06.09-M &-7do+reofAvs W&ffdoeA$Q3 10 EDMON I=71 PAC NM44VNZ EVALUATION FL24fi R23 9oprema,Inc. Revision 11:10/08/8017 Page 3 0}8 6l 'd 16ES '°N 1Sd 2U I �O q [pU l papo Ad[S: 1 6106 'S6 "ON 1 PJtQ ri It 1'EFU:) ..1. _3 :'i 'FC'.. "S� :>�•t ' Asphalt' Nall Ori Foam-on �WooctShakes& Underlayment shluebs Tile file Metal Shinglas Slate Lastobond Smooth 50al HT P - Col harts FR I ^•t r ��, ,e r>w 55.1 "Foam-On rie"is limited to use of following Approved.tile adhesives/underlayment combinations. -_.i-�.'- M^' - _ ��(' �' :ice _ Y` -:`��_I.:LS.-' 'wa::.i. _ • Adheslve Florida Product Approval Underlayments Dow Tileebnd.'" F=25 Lastoborid TU HT 1Gp Adhesives Polyserm AH-160 F11032 Lastobond TU HT or Colphene FR OR S:6 Allowable e& 5-6.1 pjr�r k 9ond'to'beek Lastobond S)iield,'Lastoboad Pro KT-N,RESIS7p SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastoboad Shield HT,Lastobond Pro.H4.-$,'Lastobond TU'HT,Lastobdn,'d Eaves ProtL-CU6n Sheet,Lastobond 195,Lastobond ECO,RESiSTO LJ3Y?36,Grip-RiteiEave V1Uey'Protectar,RjmIST0..M- 1244 Or Lastabond.Smooth Seal-HT applied to; > Plywood;ASTM D41 primed plywood;OSS;ASi'M•D41 primed OSS;Southern Yellow Pine,ASTM D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine;ASTM M primed structural concrete. Colphene FR GR applied to: A Plyweo&,-ASt.M'D41 primed.plywood;ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. Note; )0- While not required over lalywood, OSB or Southern Yellow Pine substrates, Suprema recommends priming with Elastocol Stick or Elastocol 600c if the final roof cover is not slated for Installation within 24'hdurs. > Somme requires tongue-and-groove board decking be covered with plywood or OSS prior to instaAstion of the self-adhering underlayment. 5.6.2 Sond-to-Insulation: L,astobgnd Shield;Lastobond.Pro HTN,RE51STO SA$MOM PLY 40,Lastobond Shield , Lastoband pro•HT5,1.20obond•TURT,Lastbbond-Eaves.Pigtection Sheet;,Lastobond 195,Lastobond ECO,WISTO IJOVZI,•Gnp4te-Save&Valley Prdtector,RESiSTO L•61244;L.astobond•Smooth Seal HT or Colphena FR GR applied to: > Dens Deck Prime;SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board. For Installation under mechan.ieaily attached prepared roof coverings, Insulation shall be attached per minimum requirementz of theprepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations undei•foam-on tile systems-(Lastobond TU HT only),insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design-professional and installed based on testin's of the insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FM 4474,Appendix D,Testing Application Standard TAS 114,Appendix J or UL=7: I R6r to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida ProductApprovol far Overturning Moment Radstonce Performance. Egariar Research and.Deslgn,LLG Evaltnrciorr Repon sseox0,o6.o9-R4 i Qfta oe QfAUM061 oBoaaWdl 6'"EDMON(7017)FEC NON.HWZ EVALUATION FUS694M Sopmma,InL Wision 7.1;ip/06/2017 Page 4 of 9 �l 'd 1Hq "N 1Sd 2U '100� 1PU ' P'P3 Nd S : l 6106 'S6 'RON ERD TRI` Y 5.6.3 mind 1:CLMe nJjXIJVAt.taeho�d.Base Inyer Lastobend Shield,Ldstobohd Pro.KT--N,RESIST©SA SMOOTH PLY 40, Lastobond Shield HT, Lastobond Pro tiTA Lastabond..TV HT, lastobond,Eaves I Protection Sheet, Lastobond 195, Lostoband ECO, RMSTO L31236,Wp_Rfte*Eave&Valley PitotMor,RFSI$TO.LB1244,Lastobond SmciothSeal WorCotphener-RGR applied to, > ASTM D2,26,Type I or H felt;Sopre-6;Modified Sopra-G. For,insWilations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached Per miniiiiurn c6diffidd requirements. For installations under foam-on the systems (Laistabond TV Wr only), basal2yershall be attached in accordance with-FRSAIM April 2012.(04-12).. 5.6.4 grica-for Uadg4avrnant Sys=gin Foam-On TiLe-AP-Plications: FRSAJTW April 2012 (D4-22) does not addrim Wind.uplift resistance of all underlayment systems beneath foam-on the systems,where the undeflaymeryt forms part of the load-path, The following-wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems thit are not addressed in.FKSAITRI April 3DIZ(04iI)and are used in foam-on the applinstions. Maxitnum Design-Pressure is the resultof testing-for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and;reflects reflects the Ultimate passing.presure divided by 2(the 2 to I margin of safety per FIC 1504.9 has already been-ap' 'plled). Refer to FRTA/M Apirif 201.2.(0442)or FaC 1609 for determination of design wind pressures. #1 Wximo M2ggiiLn Pressure:;;.49.0 Deck., Mn. 1B/32-lnch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority kfavWgIurisdiction. primer. (optional)Elastocol Stick,Elastqcol,600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER Underiayment: Lastobo'na TU HT or Colphene A QR,self-adhered. , , #2 Mgimum DiWin Pressure=.-_67Z Reck Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer, Elast-OC91 600C Underlayment: lzst.oborid TV HT-or Colphdne FR GR,snlf-adhered. -150.0 2t. Ddck- Min.;1513246ch APA-rated BCX plywood.(may be installed aside up)to meet project requirements rements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Deck Preparation.Plywood shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove dust and debris that may inhibit adheilctri. All sheathing fasteners shall be driven flush with the -surface- All sharp splinters and wood projection s shall-be removed/sanded. Primer. (Optional)R81SM EXTERIOR PRIMER Underlayment: Lastobond TU H-; self-adhered, shall be thoroughly roll using hand roller and/or Weighted roller to ensure there are no voids,and ensure there are no voids/bridging at side and eri.614aps. #4 Maximum Design Pressure=-60:0 Mf: Deck., -M'In, 19/32-Inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having:uiisclirtion. Basesheet: SopraG or'ModWred SoprA-G mechanically attached with nalls (FBC 1517.5.1) and'Lin caps (FtC 1517.8-2) spaced 6-inch ox. at the 4-inch laps and 6-Inch o.L in three (9), equally spaced rows-in the center Of t re sheet. Undedayment: Lastobond Til HT or Colphene FR Gk self-adhered 3-641 All other direct-clack,-adhered Sop"xna underlayment systems beneath foam-on life systems carry a Maximum-Design-Pressure of-45 psf. .Bftflar Research and Q"ri,LLC_ Evaluation R*pwtS18010.C10.MR1i e$OMONIZM7)FBCNt2N-gVWgVALUATION FUS69-M ,Sapr*=,Mgt 11:.W/0s/JW pages of a 'IN Isd 2u 1 food [PU I P)P0 6 l 0 Z *H "IN \JTR JERD For mechanically attached Bass Sheet,the mmdmurn design pressure for the selected assembly shell meet or W=ed that required under FRSA/TRI April 2=, (�42),Appendix A,Table IA. Alternatively,the maximum design-pressure-for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone I design pressure determined in iccotdance with FOC 109. in this case,Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qqalMed design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria: Commonly used methods are ANSVSPRI W01, FM Loss pre-Ventlon Data Sheet T-29 and Roofing Application Standqrd RAS 117, Assemblies marked with an asterlsk* carry the limitations set forth in Section-22.10.1 dfFM-Loss P reverition Data sheat-1-29(January ZMS)for Zone Z/B enhancements. 5.7 9xPasure Limitations: Lastqb oqd.;E,4v6!i.Prot?ction-Sheat,L290band 1.95,,Lestabond Eca,Lastobond Smooth seal HT, RESISTO L-m296,4eip-itite sa-vt-avifl1ey-proiectur or-RESISM1.31- 244shall not be left exposed for longer than 30- days after installation. 'Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro 4*r-M,RESIST'01A SMOOTH PLY 40,Lastobond Shield HT or Lastobond Pro HT-Sshall not.be left exposed for longer than 90-citivs--after installation. Lastobond'TU J#or Colphene FR GR shag not be ItA exposed for longerthan IN-days after Installation. 5.8 Ille SURRaffe 1133ft—St-10ps(TAS 10 per ERLAMI Adril 2012 When loading rooftlas on the undertayment in direct-deck t1le assemblies,the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. Underlaymant rite Proffle SUging Method Mmdmum slope Flat Max.IUIQ stack 6:12 Lug pq Mm 10-0e-5tack Max:lfile Stack(bottqrn 2-Vie stack Shiallbe Inverted,foltowed by 8 tiles high 6.112 ho"below.) Lastobond TU HT Lugged Colphene PR 13R Fiat Max 20�I1t stack 5:22 L _Max IO-tilestack Enerlar Rmarch and Resign,LtC. E-luaoon Report 518 MwW-te qfAWhvrhnv6ft$VS173 6 SDITION(21W)FEC NON'W; K 9VAttWn0N FLZ569-RI3 sop4m,Inc., RevW01L11-,10j0q=17 pose 6 of it d—�US 'IN u 0 0a PU I P J> 0 1 6 1 0 2 'STAIN ' 0 TPJNITYIERD G. INVA"TiON: 6.1 Sopreala Roof Underlaymerzts shall be installed in accordance with Soprema published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re#asten any loose de&ing.panels,and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and-prime the substrate with Elastocol Stick,elastocol 600c'or•RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER(if applicable). 11 3:41 ULW01 6.3.1 Shall 'be installed'-in aornpl'rance with the requirerhents for ASTM-01,970 underlayment In FSC Table 1507.1.1 for the type of prepared roof coveringto be installed. 6.3.2 NonF HEAwalications: While priming is optional,5oprema re;ommends prlming with Elastocoi Stick, Elastocol 600c or MIST0 EXTERIOR PRIMER if the final roof cover is not slated for installation within 24 hours. Apply-sheet parallel to the roof edge. Roll out approximately 10 ft of membrane and peel back the first 3 ft of release film. Adhere the-exposed panto the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane es far as possible. Once the entire length of membrane Is in place,•peel-off the release film diagonally while holding the Membrane tight. Firmly roQ the membrane Into place to achlave a bond. Horizontal seams'should be ri inimum 3-inches,configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6- Inches and-staggered not less than 2�ft from vertical seams in the course below. All over-granule end-laps shall be sealed.using erther heat-welding or hot air welding techniques. When installing at slopes above 8:12,5oprema recommends back-nalling In the overlap area at the top of the sheet at 12-inch o.c. For Valleys and.Rtdgas: Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 foot lengths.Peel the release paper and center sheet over valley or ridge. Drape and press sheet into place,working from the center of the valley or ridge in each direction, For valleys,apply the sheet starting at the lowest point and work upward. ' 6.3.3 ns Lastobond TU HT r I Reference is mhde•to FRSA/TRI April 20212 (04-t2) installation Manual and Table t herein, using the instructions noted above as,a guideline. Far foam-on the applications,reference is made to Section 5.6;4 herein for wind resistance limitations that fall oijUide the scope of FRSQ RI Apn7 2012(04.12). "Mia shall be loaded and staged In a manner that praverts file slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. See Table 2 herein,and-Supreme published requirements fortlestaging. 7. SUILDiNG PER=REQUIREMENTS: As,required by the Building Official or Authority Hsvirig Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 6xedar Research and Deap,U.C. Evaluation Reports29010A6.09-= C9W-WgfAu&zrhp$m#3503 fi Orr=(2oinFBarm- ozEvlAm-noN F12569-R19 Sopreina,inc. Revision 11:10/0ef=7 Pace i of S 9l d 1N '0N 1Sd 2UI }00d 1PUIPIPO MS: 1 6106 'S6 'AIN C)o 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: TRJIqTYIEPD Contact the noted QA agency for information on prod.'uct locations covered for F.A.C. 131.aaa-3 QA requirements. Thefollowing pants-have quelifred products under their respective•physicaLproperties specifi.Cations. ` `�`+ �` �....C"c.-%�b'1�� —r �• �a� _�' � WK'�Ys�`iRt�c,`�._':�I:Sa'�'Y•'t"�;6:'• LaftabandShield,RESISTO SA SMOOTH•PLY 40,Lastobond Shield HT, Drummondville, Laswbond Pro MT-N,Lastabond Pro HT-S,Lastoband 19S,Lastdbond QC(Canada) ASTM D1970 Eaves Protection Sheet,Lastabond Eco,Lastobond Smaoth Seal HT, RESISTO LB=S,Primakurce Gelp-Rite Eave&Valley Protector, RESISTO L91244 AsrM D197b& 9104-12: Cal bene FR GR Wadsworth,OH Laitnband 195,Lastobcnd Eaves Protection Sheet,Las#oband Eco, ASTM D1970 Lastvbond•Smooth Seal HT,RESISTO L81236,PrlmeSource Grip-Rite Eave&Vall •Arotecrot RESISTC LB1244 ATM a2#76&FRS t 04?Z2 Lastobond TU-HT•Cvlphene FR Sit Gulfport,MS Lastabond i95,-Lastoboad•Eaves Protecdon Sheet Lastoband Eca, ASTM D1970 Lasioband Smcath Seal HT,051M L131286,PrimeSource Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector,RESISTO LB1244 9. QUALrNASsuRan a ENTITY: UL,LLC—QUA96a5;(3914)578-34(16;k.chancellor&u;,ul.aom END OF EVAtUAY)GN REPORT- tenor RWamh and'oas p,LLG fwaluation Report s280x0.0E.09-Rii 4Y�/JtertofAutherheGenA9503 6 SOMON(2017)FOC NON.HMEVALUATION FL25694= Sopreme;Inc- Revk;on M 10109VIO17 • Paaa$of S Ll 'd 1H 'ON 1Sd 2uijoq [l?uipaea WdZS: I 61H 'S6 "ON