HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs .ill ng-&.Develooment-Se ces Pit- fin dg Divislon 23.00.Virgluaa Ave - Fort Flene,.]EL 349$2 972-462-1553 Fz'772-4624578 A-SBE.-ST-09NOTT-1-C-E TO*..0 OR Date; �- • . RECEIVEDC66tractor'Narne: 'MATTHEW LYL.E WYNNE Business Name: Wl'NNE:BUiLD1NG'CORP. 1 40V Address. .800.6 SOUTH US.HWY. 1 SUITE 402 5T.Lucie County,Qermimin9 'City. PORT ST. LUCIE State: FL Zip Cbde: .34952• Re: Job Address: � � �•-�- It-is your responsibility to come ly*wlth-the-provislons of Section 469;003, Florida.Statutes and to notify-the Depaftmient'of-5nuironmentai,Protection.of*any intentions,to remove -asbestos when a -licable.in accordance-with-state and:federal°law. gna e'& Date