HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 1 BCCS Flome .L?g;tn t'-uscrftegLsbat3on NOL Toptcs i SubmR Surcharge Stats&Fads i Pubflcai#orCs ; CantgeFUS! BCSSy$ite MeF. rinks i .Seardi.l
t�rOdlACt ApPra"I
-' : .. 4Sk'Rt Publlc-Uso - (q J( 0��. 7.-
Produik Aparaval Menu>9[ridi,c5 ar App>$gcitiaUon Ust}APVIIcWpn ptlteR
R FLi654 R24". c
Fa .
Application.Type Revistatt t :s�-�# •C
Code:Vetslon 2D17 r:, ,;. �g
Application N e >!i Status. Approved m " •"' `' .ra
Ptgduct Manift4orer P6br LA&S USA �-
Addrew/Phone/Email 12114it Newport Center_Drive
t)eeifleld;(3eadhr FL 33442; `
{454}233:.-1330 Ext 242 •.
malpert@polyglass.corrt k 'A A, OPY
Aufhorlied Sig iWie. MaOq AlperC
Tocl nlrai Representative Maurjc Alpert
Address/Phone%Email: 1111 W Newport(enter drive'.
Deerfield Qsacti,FLIA42
(91°2}424-S63:f1 .
Quality!Assurance Representative.
Categery' Roofing
Subcategory Mgditied:Bitumen".Roof SYstem:
Compliance,Method Evaluatiba Report:from a Florida Registered Architeccor a Licensed:Florida
=: l ira[uatlon Repott-Hardcopy Ftecetved
Florida Engineer jor Architect Name'ho deyetopgd:t' Robert Niem#nen.
Eva#aatiort itepQit
Floiila,liiceti$e: PE�5916fi '
.Qd6lit -Assurance Entity UG LCC."
Quality Assu'ranee:Conira .uoiiationbate- Q9/13/2421
Validated`By lolhrt W.,Knezevich;:PE
Validation Chi!&st,-Hardcopy:Received
Certific4teoflndepend6iie EL fs54 R74`COI ,2a3.g Ol GCt -NiEM2NEN'ix#f;
Referenced Standard and Year.(of$tarldatd} Yin-
A$TM p6163 •2008
ASTM beii$3 2008
ASTM D&264 2013
ASM 05222 2Q1i
. ASTM p6509 2009
FM 447i) 2412
FM.4474 2411
tl1.�2897 2t}22 . .
F4u!valence,of Product Standas'ds
Certified By
.:.^5ectiohi from the Code
Product fipprovai Method Method I'dotion D
Date•Sub[niitted Oa/ 2T2oi9
Date:Validated : '64/14/id 19
p*.#end€ng:F8C Approval 04j29/2U29
Ratti Reproved O6/18/20�9' •
Stiiseita .:ol°Ft acitttts '
FL.#' mdd6Ii Number 4 N2fine, DescribUbn-
X654 2 Pniyglass SBs arid-APP.Modff€ed `98S and APP•modliied bitumen:roof:systems
. Bitumen'.Roof S ems: - -
L€n i#s of Use insialmilan ioruoons: =1
Approved far ase in:ovitz No 1+2 54 Ria ti o%�04 F�ivAi R> . of Y s;MODBTT'I'L2fi54-
Approved far use aai�ide 4VH2;yes ;R24 adf
Igaat Res3stanfi#Y�A i Vef?ed By. Robeftl+itemir en PE 5g#66.
besienl Pressure FN/A/-622:5 Created by Irtdep ►dent-lhIii!Party Yes`
Qtfier i)7fte design:pressure'Iti this application Eyataattoa Reports
relatt°s to ant?partiwiarasseinbly truer ibncrete deck FLf6�4 A 219' Q'4 Ai ER PQf.,Y ws MODBITL-If! -
Refer to the ER Appendix for other systems and deck $24 odf
types..2.}Refer to ER,:Section 5:for other i€m€ts of Created by;ndependern Third Party Yes
Bu4k FtsStf
..et. :"!ft Wil�t�,it oad..:9'sttahasseOA�3 9:Phe n0:OME467•IIS
the 5tate':oE FtotEda is an AAIEW.et, ,?f2013 WALLA y y 5tatein ; g i6i#ttvStatemam "n ment
Under FtorWa7aw,emad.addresses ate Rubiu ratards Sf ycu dc;t:at vgantyapr e-mail aiidress released in res tpa_yabtirrecords`regvesC,do not send'dieim_ntc
rr"f o thrs entity::Snskead;tortkact the etPlca by Pkor�e erby tradlttogai ma11:?d you have any guestlgns please atntect 650.4871395•Pursuam to 5eG1on 455.275(1);
- k7erldd Statutes;:eRestive thxetrer I,2fJ12 Si�nscgs Ucanspii under GhaP 45Sr FS musk provEde the QePOrbcient with an.email address if "nava ane TAe'emails
previtled titaY pe't�ed kitofficial eommuti[tetto6 ivitit the 1lrensee tiaivever emaD addresses ale pubCfa recardi;V Yeu do not wish,to strpPiY a Penal address','pteesa.
pidvide the oePaitmerit`mth ecremaU address whtch caa tze maitezVaslable ta.ihe pubttr Tc`dattrmtrie if-you ar»a ftceriiae asides ChaPter'455,FSq,Please cOdc him.
. RrodudApRro4ai'Acuytn
, ,
'"of ( h.#�;.{ 4 i h V C .M�.,.1�Irt.{7.i{ , ,•5�•::i�
lA; :Wood NeworRerooftrear-Off) :A1, Bonded:Insutation,,eorOddRoofCsiver 5
iB Wood New o�Reroof(Tear-Off}:', A-2 tviech:Attached Anchor Slieet;Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover '5-9
iC! Wood' „New;Reroof(Tear-Off}ar;Recover A=2. Mech;Attachad�Anchor Sheet,:Bon
ded'Insulatiori;Bo'ndedRoof Cover 30.11
10• Wood or Recover B. Mech.'A
New Reroaf(Tear-Off) ttached"Base Insulation Bonded.To Insulation Bonded Roof Cover 12
1E: wood , New„Reroof(TearvOff)or Recov& C: Meck'Attiched Irisuiitton;Bonded Roof.Cover 32.2;4
IF ; Wood New:R.etoof(TeartiOff)or Recover D. !hula( Meeh,Attar hed,Base.Shot,Bonded:Roof Cover 1S 48
1G Wood New or:Reroa€(Te`ar=off) E' Non-Insulated;MecFS.Attached Base Sheet(Waits};BondeB'Roof;Cover 18-22
iH Wood New,R'eroof(Tear-Off).or Recover E ,Non-insulated;Mech:Attached Base Sheet(screws.&plates),8onde4 Roof Cover 23=28
11 Wood New or Rernof(Tear-Off) F Non-Insulated,Bonded Roof Cover Zg
2A Steel or.Structural'concrete New;,:Reroof(TearOff):or Recover 8 "Meeh:Attached Base fnSUlatian,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 30-32
25 . Steel or.Structural:concrete 'NeW Aeiroof(TearOff)or Recover C 'Mech.Attached.(nsui ition;Bonded Roof;Cover
2C Steel or Structural concrete New,Reroof(Tear-Off}or,Recover 04 Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet;Bonded Roof Cover
38-39' .
20 < Steel orStructural concrete New,Reroof{TearOff),or Recover 04 'Insulated,)Och.Attached velocillez BonddO.Roof.Cover 40.41
3A. structu il.concrete New.dr.Reraof(Tear-Off) A i Bondedlnsulation;BondedRoof:Cover 42.5q;
3B Structural concrete Nevr or Reroof(Teair,Off) F Non-lnsulated;Bonded Roof Cover ”
4A ; Ughtwelghtconcrete: New or Reroof(Tear-off) A-1 5orided lnsulatioii Bdr drxd.Roof.Cbver 51-53
4B Ughtweight concrete New.or Reroof(Tear-Off} A72 Mech,Attached Anchbr:Sheet,Bond1. ed irtWition;<eoiided Roof Cover 5q
4C ' UghtWeight concrete New ar:fieroof(Tear,:Off} E Non-insulatei3 i4 O`j,Attached Base sheet Bonded ftof Cover 55,58
SA CeMentitI66i woodffber New or Reroof(Tear-off) A-i eonded'Insulation;Banded Roof:Caver.
58 Cementitious wdbd flber` New,Rero6f Mear4)fO or Recover A-2 Mech Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded.11 Cover 60
SC Cementitiouswood fiber New,lteroof(T
ear-pff)or Recover 8 Meth:Attached Base i±isutation;Bonded-Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover
.50 Ceinentidous wood fiber New,Rer6of Tear=Off)'or Recover C Mech,Attached.insviation,Bonded Roof Cover 61
SE Cementiflous wood fiber New;.Reroof(fear-off)or Recover E Non-insulated,Mech.Attachetf Base Sheet;Bonded Rgof Cover
6A Exlsdng gypsum Reroof.(Tear<Off}. A-T Bonded'Irrsufation,Bonded Roof Cover
68 Exisdn r.. 64
g gypsum. Reroof( eir Off)or.Recover A-2; Mech.Attached Anchor.theek.,Bonded ansulation;Bonded Roof Cover 62 64•
B gypsum' Reroof(Tear-Off)or;Recover. C Mech..Attached insulation,Bonded Roof Cover.'
6C.! Exlstin•: 64
6D i Existing.gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off)''or Recover ;E Non-insulated,Mech.Att`ached.Base Sheet,Bonded:Roof.Cover 1.
j' Various. Recover A-1. BOWW.insulation BondedRoafCovet
78 j
- 65.69•
Various Recover. F Non-lnsuiated,Bonded Base Sheef,Ao'n"ded:RaBf cover 69
Joe following notes aoniv to*Ag aaerJrs outlined hereln;
1. Tie roof system:evaluation herein oertains td-above-deck roof components. Roof decks and:structural members:shall be in:accordance.with FeC repoirements•to`the saUsfaction'itf tfie Authors ;Navin`Jurisdiction.
Load resistant@:of the roofdeck shall:be.dowmented through pioperiGdifieil and/or FBG:Approvai documentation:
N g .
2c lrisulation 7 base sheetfasteriers shall be of.sufficient length fo(the foilow(ng-dei*engagertment:
Y:Woods Minimum 075 inch;penettation
A'"Steel: Minimum 0 75-inch'penetratlon and.engage the tun flute of the stee(;deck .
D Structural concrete •Minimum i-inch embedment into phot hole in:accordance with fastenermanufacturer's pubglsh'ed•installation lnstr+ictions..
NEMO C,i:LC Evaluadan 2f-6V.
Certificate::ofAuttioriiationfi32455", finOITION(2017).FBCNON'HVHZEVAllIA1ION Re :—12 04/11/2D14
Prepared by: Robert"Niemineri;t?E 59166r NolyglasS.Modified Bitumen systems;(964)'233=1330 ftppendix 1,Page l of.69'
3.' !Unless otherwise noted,insulation may be any one or combination of polyisocyanurate,polystyrene wood fiberboard, eriite; •
sum based roofboard orminerai-wool roof board that meets tthS �e QA requirements,
en s,
: r.,., p.. gyp .
of F:A C:Rule 6IG2.0 3.and is documented as streeting.,BC 1505,1,and,.orfoam piastic,.FBC Ctiapter 26,wheninstalted with the roof cover.
4. 1 Minimum 200 psi minimum 2-InC .thick iightyreight:fnsulating:co6creted Maybe substituted:far.rWd insulation board..for*OiM Type:D mechanicali'attached base sheet:-bonded
{ Yr6(cover)„whereby,the:basesheet
fasteners are installed through.the LWltto engage hp strutttti'al-steel or:concrete deck..The structural:deck shall be,of equal or greater configuration tache steei;and concrete deck listings. Roof'detks and structural.
imembers shall be.in accordancewith FBC requirements to the;satisfaction of the`Authority Having Jurisdiction, Load resistance;of'the roof deck shall'tie''documente, rough proper dified an FBC Approval
i[locUmentation. : :
S. !Preilminary insulation:attachment for System Type D:,Uniess otherwise noted;refer,to Sectlon 2:2.10:1:3 of.FM Loss Prevention:0ate:Sheet:1-29;(January 2016). ,
6. Unless athenvise noted;insulation adhesive application rates:are:as follows:Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application the ribhans/beadsahap:expand as.noted;in the manufacturers pubiished;instrucdons,
A Not asphalt(HA)., Full-coverage at 25 301644,quare:
➢Dow INSTA STIK.Quik Set.insulatronAdhesive(D-iS) Continuous O,h5 to 1 inch wide Nbbans,'12-loch o.c..
➢Millennluni One Step.Foamable Adhesive(M-65FA) Continuous US to o.S-inch wide ri6ons,12-Inch'o.c.
9 MIIlenniurh.11G 1 Pump Grade Adhesive(WPG1}v Continuou's 6,2S to 0,5 inch Vvide r164on's,11=Inch o.a
R.•oMCa oiyaond 500(08500); Continuous 0:75 to i.inch wide rlbbans6124nch o c,,(PaceCart or;5potShot)..Nate;:OtyBond Green may be used wliele 0/y8ond500is!Yeferenced-:.
D:Olyognd-Classic(C+B;Classicyt Fulf'coverage'at 1 galfsquare
➢.aCPAdh"wive'&Sema"nts Polyset`CR•20: Continuous 2_5-3.54nch:wide ribbons,l2-inch o,c:
Note:When multiple toyers(s)of insulation gnd/arcaver6aordare r)stoged Fn ribbon appI otlhesive boprd joints#ball be staggered,.
D Note.•The maximum edge dlstonce from the adhesive ribbon;to the.edge of the livalatlon boardshof)be noE less than one-half ehe spedfled:ribbons spoctng.
otherwise noted;:allirtsulations.are flat stockortaperboard of the minlmum'thickness nofed:,Tapered polylsacyanurate at the following thickness limitations maybe substituted viith.the follow(n 'Maximum
7 De slgnPressure.(NidP)limitationsnnocaseshall.thesevalues.be:usedto'increase'!theMDPtistin :in thetablq#iathet`lf, DPI in .' "' g
gs M. meets or the tables,tFienttie
thinner board iisied below may be;used as:a:drop rn fbthe erjuiValent thicker materlai listed iii:the tables
➢:Millennium Qne Step Foamabie Adhesive'(M=0SF,4): MDP' 1575 psf {Min:0 5 inch,thick)
D Mrllenniurn PG 1 Punip Gradg Adhesive jkopG1): . MPP 15755sf, ;(Min.0.5=lndfihick) .
)a OMS i71y8ond 500{08500): MDP; �IS:Q pO, (Mtn:0 5 inch;thlck Multi-ivlax FA 3)
A'OMG 01y8ond500(08500): M.DP187.5 psf
(Min:0 5 inc}i thick ISO 95t GO
D OMG CjlySond 500{08500); :MDP 3150 psf •(iy it 1d 5 inch thick ENRGY 3)
➢QMG OtyBond:500:(08500)i'• MDP' 487,5 psf :(Min.0.S-inctrthick'ACFoarn 11)
'D ICPAdliesives$i:Sealants;Fo)ysetM20: MDA, -117S..psf
Win.1.0 inch thick)
B. Bonded polypocyar urate lnsuiation boards shall be,maximum 4z 4 f2:
9. For..mechanically attached components or partially bonded.lnsnlation,,the'maximum.design pressure for he selected;assembly shall meet or;exceed.the Zon6,1,desigrt,pressure determinedi in accordance with;FBC
Chapter 16,'ind2ones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment dens*,designed6y a qualified design professlonal to:resist the elevated pressure criteria .Commonly used,methods'are ANSi%SPRI WD �F Loss:Preve ion
Data Sheet1-29,.Roofing`Application`5tandard:RAS 111'arid Rogfin" llcatian Stan a ' . «.
g,App,. d rd RA5137. Assembies_marked with an asterisk carry the limitations etiorth insettion 2:2,1 .1 of FiN Loss Prevention Data
Sheet i-29'(January 2016)for Zone 2(3 entian ements.
. 10. Fpr fuily blinded assemblies,tfie'inaximum.desitp pressure.for the selected assemblyshai.ll meet or-exceeoxiitleal design pressure determined in. accI.ordance with ftC Chapter lb;and no rational:anaI. is permitted.
'11. For'medianicaily po
attached, over'ekistingdecks,fasteners shalfbe tested ln.the existing:,deck for withdrawal resistance,A qualified design professional shall,review thedata for com orison to the:mitiimum
requirements•tar the;system.Testing and.analysis:shall,bp in accordance with ANSIJSRRI FX 1 or Testing:APpUcatiori 5tanaard TAS 105..
12. For existing substrates Ina awnded recover Or.re-roofanstallatlon;the existing roof surface oreAsting roof.deck shall be exariifned#or compatibility and,tipnd performabce with the.seiected adhesive.and the existin
, . -roof:system(for recover}'s1ia11 be capable of resisting:project design pressures on lts:own mertt.to the satisfaction of.the Aotharityliaving.lurisdiction,as documented tFiruu h.#feld::p IIR#est n .[n accordance with:
ANSI/SPRi IA-1�ASTME907,FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1 SZ or 7estirg Application StandardUS 124r
13. For.RecbverApplkationsusingSystem Type 0,'.the insulation isopEianal,however,tb.eexisting ropfsystem.shallbe.suitable°fora recover application.
NEMl]ETC,liC Evaluation Re.port;P9290 02 b.SA22 for FL16W.R24t.
Certif late ofAuthor.ization##32455 67”EDITJON(2017}Fe NON-WHZEVALUATION. Reviiton 22,04/1.1/Z019
Prepared liy-- Robert Nieminen,:.PE-59166: Polyglass Modrfred:9itumen.Roof
Systems;(95a)233 3330 Appe jdlx 4 Page 3 of 69
I i'
1 '
14. ;Lightweight Insulating,Concrete-(WC).shilt.be cast In accordance with Mt Section 2927 to the satisfaction of the.Authority,Having'Jurisdiction. For. em where specific:LWC is referenced;N��toNe�u!nt�V1/C
;ProductApproval forspecific,decltconstniWon and liniltations. Unless'oth&wlseaioted far` t h''r''
Sys,ems w e e spegficil(tfCJsnnt[eferenced,the'minimum,design miz sFiall bei300 psi.an all cases the minimurtitop-coat
thickness is 2-inches. For LVJCover structural.concrete,reference:is madeto EBC Section;1917:4 Point:l. For'pre existersin i ING references;listings,were;established through.testtng overdightweight: n rete cast
using:anlyfoaming agent{ASTM'0896},.water.and Portland cerrtent(A5TM Gi50),with n'o proprietary additives;In accordance wlth'pioce'dures adopted by°Miami Dane BCCO'FBC CERi592:;IJniess athenv se hotel
( . )
use of.these Ilstings.in new construcubnorre roof;{tear;-off)ap011cations is at the hmmetion'of the.Designer.or Record and'Authortty Ha
'35. Unlessoth0wise:noted,:referto.thefollowing.referendesforbondedbase,plyor.capslieetapplicatl'onS.... .
t3P.-AA r 1t�FEREN >>' Base P1Y m
One or ore Iles Po Lass G2 Base,FBCA roved r P1JJCATIQf4 ?..'
ASTM D4601,Type;11
Bs alt at 20-40
t .a.eandPlysheets,. P!y qne"ormoneplfeS�Po lass.PEyiV,:PoI�`assPlyVl,FBCAPpraved%t.STMD2178;THot Asph
Asphalt-Applied) Wote. As Balt. pled sheett ar/nsulatlon Mall not be a piledtn afy1fim.srr 'cel fnembMnes: lbs/square
Base P One ply,Elist6liase (sand/sand);Elastofle%V,Elastoflex 56,:Etastoflex S6 HP;Elastoshield HT
SOS-CAI Elastaflex,V G Elastofiex V.G FR;Elastoflex S6 Elastoffax S6 HP,Elastoflex S6.G,Elastoflex S6 G.PR,Elastoshteld T$G,Eta: hletd TS PG350at 1.5 2.0
Cap Ply gal/square.
G FR;Pol sko G 565-(sand backed);P.al esko d.SBS FR—(sand—backed),
Base Ply. .:One 1 Elastobase'.sand/sanii),Elastoflex V,Elastoliex S5 Elastoflex S6HP
SB5tA2 EfastofiexVG ElastofiexVG.FIi,Eiastofl&S6;ElastoflexS6;HP,EtastoflexS6,G,ElastafieikS6GFR,Efastosliield.TS"G,tlastoshtetd.lS i'
Polyptus35 at ' .2:0
Cap P gal/;quare
G.FR;Pal resko G SBS.(sand-backed)Polyfresko G"SOS FR;{sand backed)!
Qne or more plies.Efastobase(sand/sand orpoly/sand) dastobase'P:{sand)stied or poly/sand);ElastoflexV;Elastoflex S6,.Elastoflez.
Base Ply or Ply Sfi HP,Elastosh}etd HT.
SBS AA. t lastoflex.V Elastoflex V.G;'Eiastofiex V.G FR,Elastaflex Sb,.Elastoflex S6 NP ,Elastoflex S6:G;Elastoffez S6 G FR;Elastoshield TS G
Hof Asphaltat 2o,40
(SBS;Asphalt-Jlpplfed) Cap ply . Elastoshield:75 a FIt;Po esko G SETS{Sand=backed),Pol Icd G 5,85 FR(sand backed} lbs/square
Note. Asp haft=o` Itedsheelsorinxdationiliallitor'ea—' lied:to%+oly-jfirrrsurfcced.meinbmnrs.
Bos_e`Ply.orPly -_DneormorePliesElistobase sand/bf"`Elastobase.{poi Jpoi ),.EtastoffexV;Efastoflex55 Elastoffex,56HP;Elastoshieid'HT
SBS TA Elastoflex V,Elastoflex V G;EIastbfle*V:G SFR Ela.oflex S6 Elastoflex$6 HP Elastoflex S6 G,Efastoflex96 G KlIastoshleid,TS:G, TorCil4Pplled
(SK Torch-Apptied) Cap Ply
Elastoshield:TSG FR,.Pot`resko G SOS t"ol ,film backed,P,ol resko`G:SBS FR of .film backed).
� ElasePi ' 'One artnoreiles;�lastafiexSA:VElastoflekSAV'FR:Ela3foflexSAV'Plus;;ElastofiexSA-YPiusFR
1 5BS-SA. Cap Piy 'Elas 0flex'SA P;ElasfoffexSA PFR Pol effect
(SBS,Self-Adhwing) NOW Wnftssofherwisenoted,permhi16lemembranesubstratesjor.SBS-SAamflmltedtotheSBS-SABase;7>lyoopt/onshe►eln; elfAdheririg
t :5
Flastobase Jsond orFlcii3iobase(pah'1�Y1,
.APP-CA1Cap Ply PdlyRex G FR fG350 at 1.5=2.0
APP--TA BasePl or PI One ortnore Nes Pciy tass:Base Pol ex,Pot bond. -
j (APP;Torch A lied) Ca Pl Pdt ex,:Poi ex q Po i*G FR Polybona P61yb6hd-i5P.o reskb G Poi*esko G FR - -
Cep PlY 'Pdf ex SO,Polyfld i SA P Fk Polyfresko G SA,Polykaol
APP SA . . Toreh AppNe
(APP Self+Aditering) !)►ate' tJrrlessothe wlstnofed,permisstblierrrembrancsubstrgtesforRPPSAorellmHedtothtIt SSA.BaseP/yopilons)iereln; tiff-Adhering
tiastobam .!i'/san' ori astobase PAY/PalY1
i • .
ramo�t Tc,LLC Evaluation Report P9290 02 Og R22 for FL 654424
Certificate af.Authorizationll32455 6m EDITION(2017)FBC NON HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 22 04J13J2019.:
Preparidb, Rohert.Nteminer,PE-59266 Polyglass Modified:Bitumettlioof Stisbems,t954)233.1330 Appeiirllx 1 Page 3 af.69:
16. Vapor barrier options for use over stntctural,concrete deck(allowed byadhercd:insulation-rarrythe following Maxtmum.Design Pressure(MD?j:itlnitations;,The lesser:of the.MDP Listings below vs.those 7n,Table:3A,
. .
dP�l11�l1 J .:.:s S
.. ., �, .,_ P-R...IM.x:.:-. t ..:.:....i.'u a Y...�.:..:.Fv`-t .<..f.i.,T,•... tli..C.'1.i':?'Iyfipi;.• iER, ,�F, T`4Sr ''k Y _ _rj! 4.Y?W ��-V' t tF ;:r1N5t�1�l.T..C.CNw<IDHEx31vE :r3.tk7 YPnnP�Pt,
Wit: PG100 Elastoflex'SAV,PIus Seif=Adhertng- Inta-StikorCR-20 12-Inchoc`A 600:
t V8-2.: " P0*00 P41ygiass:base, Torcfi applied luta=5tik;.or CR-20 I2 inch'o.c ,95;0
V". PG1001' ' >*lastofiezSA:P SeWAdf enng: Insta Stily_i2;inch"o,c; 75 0
V&4. PG166' Efastoflex°5A_P Self Adhering Mlllennfum.One Step Foamable;Adiiesive,'I2-iiicli O.Q.
VB S,. P6I00.. Elastohez:SAP Self-Adhering• CR=20,12 rnch;o.b. :2M'o.
'Elastoflex SA%V,ElasOV6 SAV FR,.Elastoflex SAV Millennium One Step`foamabie AdFresiye;llAiliennium RGa Pum 'Grade
V9,6. PGioo Self-Adhering' P 290:0
Plus,Elastofiex SA V Plus FR Adhesive,0fyi3bnd 500 orCR-Z0;12-Jnch o c .
17. Thefollowing surfacingmay.beappltedtoLheCapPly withoutadverseeffecf.onth4.syster�i;windloadperformance:(teferto;currentFtoilda:ProductA 'fovaifora" rpVed.Po "assariii:ICM'Coatin rgof.coaiin 'for:
pP pP W gs gs.
ap fiction Itmitations and a Roofing:Materials Dtrectary for fire ratings as3odated WithcoatTn .usage
}y�y •,,may W�`
tL 'L „ ''IFIO�Ida:f!taRfat.#; 7oira)
SURF=1: PG306TIbered Roof:Coatin". FG10291
. SURF2r P6600-1sion-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coafing F110291
SURF-3: P6650 Flbered Aluininun►"Roof.toot;n F.L70291
? .SURF-4... P1376 High QW11ty,Elastomeric.Raof Codling:: Ft 0291'.
SURF=5.: PG70005 Quick Set)High Qual Elistomeric Roof Coatrn FL10291
SURF4, P.6800AiphaltEMijlsiodk6aitoating. FG10291
SURF-7.: Pol"plus60Prehiluin.Non FiberedAluminum.'Roof Coating.. FL10291
SURF-B.. Poi• lus;6S Prithihim'I=16ered Aluminum Roof coating` FL10291
SURF,-9:< Polybrite 70 Premium Grade1lastom6&Roof coating FL1029.1
SURF-10.., PON'brite.7005 QW&Set Premium Grade EIA06 cic tb6ftoat(ng' A10291
SURF41.t. poi .rae71'HS.... FL10291:
SURF42.' P61"brite'90 High.Soiids'Silicorie RoofCoating` . F.L10291
URF-13. Pol brite 955ilicone,Roiif Coatiri$ PL10291
SURF=14.• KM'Ac yl 15, F.I27,409..
SURF-.15., KMA0r0!S.QS' ;FL27409'
SURF46. KM Acry135, FL27409
SURF-17. i KM Acry12S.QS FL27409`
'SURF 1k, KMAc 140 H5 .FL27409.
SURF-19. b85; F127409
SURF-20:° KM'PS#250 FL27409-
SURF,21`: KM`PS#220 FL27409'
18: "MDP"=:Maximum Design Pressuie li the.restili of.testin6-for wind load esiaance.6ased onal towable wind loads Refer to t6C.i609 for determination of deslgn wind loads.
NEMb k7C,tut. Eeaivation:Report P9290,02 08-R22 for FL1654•it2?l
rtiticateofAuthorizationtl32455 6'"`Eb17fONi:(2017,FOC.:NOWHVHx;ENALUATON Revision 22 44%]1Ja019.
Preparid by Robert Niern(nen,PE-59166; PoiyBtass Moditfed:eitumen Root 5ysteitlsr(95A)233:1330 Appendix I,"Pa 4 of 69
I ..
r b r
5p�pm insuf on e..71 07 (s t s tease sheet fAr w
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D: �- ,;c. c r,A _.if,. F: n e ay z ! is ss.; < .� z :.r r �.>r•,
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..^r7!.e'-, �.,�»'•S�fw..r ...t�E.s Y?f.�,l�.F S 4„R $ 7�. �z '(
..,a,.,.• r,,,�`kaa<-�;'� ,.. . ..kr tx�s na�� ..h..,„r �, .� �. . ,,wr'�#,rt a>~..�:rr a,:.,-), :,;�{,�,....,,...,s S.. a�a,�ax�r,,..-s,.�c.,w�. .. r.,a..x,1 wrT F�,.xl� . (,.k,...,.�.'re .s�<z�.,G`h.. m�3.,. h..;�,t��,. ,:t�tF�;..•.
Elastobase P,
Polyglass G2 Base, OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrip#14,
One or more 12-inch o.c.at min.flinch lap.and (Optional)BP-AA,
Min.19/32-inch Prelim. CertainTeed Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast SBS-AA,SBS
W-57 layers,any 12-inch o.c.at two(2),equally SBS-AA,SBS-TA or -52.5.
plywood Attached Glasbase,Firestone #14 or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast TA,APP-TA
combination MB Base,JM Perma- HD spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA
Ply 28,Tamko Glass
Base or GAFGLAS#75
Min.19/32-Inch One or more Prelim. Elastobase or 12-inch o.c.at min.4-inch lap and (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-AA,SBS-
W-58 layers,any Attached Elastobase P OMG Flat Bottom Plates(square)with Roofgrlp#12 12-inch o.c.at two(2),equally SBS-AA,SBS-TA or -60.0
plywood combination spaced,staggered center rows APP-TA TA,APP-TA
APA rated,19/32 Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.%"penetration)& SBS-SA,APP-
CAT,0.578 in., One or more 12-inch o.c.at min.4-Inch lap and
Elastobase, Plates;2 screws per plate Installed 18.0*Into the SBS-AA, SA,SBS-AA,
.Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any Loose-laid Elastobase P holes 12-inch o.c,at two(2),equally SBS-TA,APP-TA SBS-TA,APP- -67.5
W-59 min.19/32"APA combination of the plate,parallel to the width-direction spaced,staggered center rows
rated plywood. of the sheet* TA
Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199 Ibf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utillzed
to produce minimum withdrawal resistance
APA rated,19/32 Trufast Versa Fasteners(min.Y.."penetration)&
CAT,0.578 in., One or more 12-inch o.c.at min.4-Inch lap and
Exposure 1 OSB or layers,any Loose-laid Polyglass Base Plates;2 screws per plate installed 180°into the 12-inch o.c.at two(2),equally APP-TA APP-TA -67.5
W-60 min.19/32"APA combination holes of the plate,parallel to the width-direction spaced,staggered center rows
rated plywood of the sheet*
Note: *For re-roof or recover construction,field withdrawal resistance.testing(Note 11)shall yield minimum 199 Ibf. Additional Versa-Fast Fasteners within each Versa-Fast Plate may be utilized
to produce minimum withdrawal resistance
Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast
Prelim #14,OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,
One or more Polyglass G2 Base, 10-inch o.c.at min:4-inch lap and (Optional)BP-AA, SBS-
Min.15/32-Inch .
W-61 layers,.any Elastobase, 10-inch o.c.at three(3),equally � SBS-AA,SBS-TA or' -75.0
plywood combination Attached Elastobase P OMG Flat Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrlp#14 spaced,staggered center rows ppp_Tp TA,APP-TA'
or Trufast 3"Metal insulation Plate with Trufast HD.
Dekfast Hex(aka,Dekfast PLT-H-2-7/8)with Dekfast
One or more 30-inch o.c.at min.4-Inch lap and
Min.15/32-Inch Prelim. #14,OMG 3"Round Metal Plate with OMG HD,
W-62. • layers,any Polyglass Base 30-inch o.c.at three(3),equally (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -75.0
plywood combination Attached OMG Flat Bottom Plate(Accutrac)with Roofgrlp#14. spaced,staggered center rows
or Trufast 3"Metal Insulation Plate with Trufast HD.
MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-1122 for FL1654.RZ4
Certificate of Authorization#32455 6111 EDITION(2017)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 22:04/11/2019
Prepared b✓!: Robert Nieminen,PE-59166 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems;(954)233-1330 Appendix 1,Page 15 of 69