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Buidling Permit
z Mill IN�3111N, NE _X_ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY; X NotApphcable Name: Name" Address: Address: City: State: C"y_ State zip: Phone zip: Phone_ FEESIMpLE ill HoLDEII: Not Applicable BOND1196COMPAMYt. NotApplicable Name Name:, -- - Address: Address: CJr_ Grp; Rhone zip! Pfrone OWiMERI CQill MACI ORAAFFIDVIT: Applicatian is herby made to obta€n a pminitto clothe workand inqallatian as Indicated. I mrffythat no work arinstallation has commenced priorta the issuance ofa permit. Sf� 1�tcis Cott maims na repsesean #haft ss �rair�ga pesmwlll author"r�e#he�aeithnlder Ca l�uiidthesabctst�cture 7tuhich is m rvl[�Wltk! any app#irable Horne �]wnarsAssoptatron ritie5, bylausis nrarrri cairenantsthat rrray reslrictar}�rebibltsuch stru I'ie ranstt[tv�riiiYee yv�r i inrrta Owners AssacIat�on and reu3e�n► your need �rattymsEricGons w€�%h may aggly. inconsideratlo oMegtaritirsgof his requested permit, Ida hereby agreethatiunl3 in all mspe" performthe work inacimrdancewiththeappruved plans the Florida BuddingCadesandSt:,Lucie CountyAmendmiii The fulfowingbulldIngpermitapplicationsare exempt fromundergoingafull concurrencyReview= mom addfions, awry strtcures, swimmingpaeis, fences, walls, signs, sueen roams and accessary rrses-ta another non-resident al use WAKING TO OWNEk Yflrr failure to Record a Notice af Commencement may result in your pa-fing-Wce f€?r improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted un the lobsil e heforethe first i pecbiom If you intend to obtain financing, consult muitb lender or an attorney before rnmmcnrrritrsarnrfenrrarnniinnnintirNntirp- of COTF mencement �nat= owner% r esseel for asAgemfbr ©caner Si of C�horjlji nse holder STA`EE OF FLORIDA STATE flp FLORIDA CZJUWYO Indi.ao River COUNTYOE _Indian River The forgainginstrumentwasacknowledged before me The %rgoinginstromentwas2rknowledgedbefore me ibis=davofNoyeniber ,.7-€}-19by -DaDiel Eakefe this 27dayof Nnitp- lber .2[}-J2by 17aniP1 FPkete Name oftemotrrrraitingstaatement. Name of person makingstatement. Persanaliy Knuwn X ORFmidured Idenli#Isatiort Fersonally Known; X OR Produced Identifmdon Type of Identification Typeofide Micat on produ Produced l5grtaxtue aEu%e�lsdda (Sigrtatrlre - Notary t'umic State -aVaft,&7�— C4Ii7ii3iS5SQ�i �t P .tjeAFa , Pamela Dyer-Hspe § t iwt3rti1131551C]ii m� SP�f� u►r Cwnm ssion oG z5e t t s Xa, Eupkes 0eMMA22 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGEf"Ay'Ii3N SEATURTtE MANGROVE UOUNTER "EW REVIEW REMEW REVIEW REWEW ©ATE RECEIVED DATE CE)MPLEfED tseu zsf2/at