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Product An^ermyal Elam>,P[mduct or AcphralianrSeurrh>Arinliration t l>AppiieaHon Detail LDEC
FL m FL17022-R7Application Type Revision Q0Code Version 20172019Application Status. Approved y,PermitUngi
Comments 08/18/2017v.date reapply 08/21/.17
Product.Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators,LLC
Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive
Palm City,FL 34990
{Iva lidation @yahoo.com.
Authorized Signature Richard McKuhen
fivalidation@ya hoo.com
Technical Representative Richard McKuhen
Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Perna.Drive.
Palm City,FL 3499a-
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Metal Roofing
Compliance.Method Evaluation Report from a FloridaRegistered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professlonai Engineer
F0,Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed LOCKE BOWDEN
'the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-49704
Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc.
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 64/22/2024
Validated By Zachary R.Priest,.P:E.
Validation Checklist-Hardcopy.Received
Certificate of Independence FL17622 R7 COI 'FL 17022:1.5'V CRIMP ssr.odf t
Referenced Standard',and Year(of Standard) Standard YeaY l f
TAS 125 2003 1111 {
UL 1897 R 1AQ9D FOR �1
UL 580
Equivalence of Product Standards B� TT
Certified By �v-g°m 9 U CO Nom/f��r°A
Sections from the Code aa" ti 1� BCC
T Com
• as • ao _ 4 •
2150.SW Puma`Drive
Palm City, FL 34990
. . + .provgl ft.17022.1
Compliant with Florida Building Code-2017 (6 ed.)
Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule:#61620-3
Compliant: Keystone Certifications
Product::5 V Crimp 26G.A Steel Roof Panel FBC Ste. 1507.4.2
Yield strength:50 ksi min.;Attached.'to min.15 3plywood or Wood
Deck w/min;0.42 sPeci f is gravity.with screws. 24" Coverage
Rib Height 3/3"
Corrosion Resistant Compliant FBC Sec. 1S07 4.3
Fastener 1 (Method 1 Attachment):.#9 x 1-1/2?0 Hex-Washer Head wood.screw*to penetrate
$/16" min.thru deck or 5/8"embedment into wood plank: ('nor sufficientiength to meet
Fastener 2(Method 2,3,:&4 Attachment):#10 x 1-1/2"Hex:Washer Head wood screw* to
penetrate 3/15"thin.:thru.deck or 5/8" embedment into wood plank:.(*or sufficient length
to meet requirements)
Underlayment: To be compliant with FRC Sec.Chart 1507.1.1
Slope:Shall be'in compliance with FBC Sec• 1507.
See.Fastener attachment specifications above
lMETHdD METl�oo 2 fOETHOD 3 METHOD 4install Details: Tal;le:A. Allosneable.�oads. _ .
-101 P$F -2281?SF,
ROW SPACING: 16"o.c, 1f•,Ox. 8»o;c: 6"ox.
FASTENER SPACING (ALONG Panel width) 12"O.C. 12"'o.c. 12"o.c. 12"a;c.
FA9tENER S'lA ##9 b. #16 #10 t#l0
Reference Data: ARCHrrEcrURAL TESTINP,INC:TST!0#.1521
UL SRO-06.9 2897-041 Test Report DM.8913.01-450-18 05/02/14
Test Report F3366AI-450�18 (1/18/15.
TAS 125-03 Test Report D05693.02-450-18 07/22/i4
*EQUIVAL;ENCY--UL 1897-04 is equivalent to test standard 041897-12. *Design-pressure rnargia ofsafefy 27:1
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Locke_8owden,P.E..does.not have,not will acquire a financial in Yqr3 wfatturing or distributing products,
under this-evaluation. ,�� v•� j
Lotke Howden,P.E.is not owned,operated,or controlled by any cornppriVpm Ufa ture0,or+e3istributing products-under:this-
SfI`.��rlJ'6n-r•j.:itd+mom tt.?_q.»e•.
t��t: 3lS141':.:•
1 -
FL17022.1 5V Crimp (26GA Steel), 24"Wide Roof Panel -.Details
1.Underlayment'to be compliance with current'Florida:Building Code(FBC)2017.6th ed,:
2. Minimum slope to be compliantwith-Florida Building Code 20:17 61'ed-,,and,perwith.Manufacturer's installation reference.
I Products-are,compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3.'Compliance=Method: 1-D.
4. Engineering analysis.for"project'specific approval by local authorities'w/jurisdiction.is allowed by other registered engineers.
5. Fire classificatibmis'not part of this:acceptance.'Shear diaphragm values are outside.this-report_
6. Support framingin compliance W/FBC 2017 6t"ed., C_hapten 22 .for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood'and Chapter 16 for
Structural Loading.
7.This report does not:imply warranty,installation, recommended product use outside of this report.
#9 x 1.12'Alin.or
#10.x.1-11r Min.-'per7bble.A'for Row, ;SV,.Ump Roof Panel
Spacing and Design Pressures
Hex Washer Head Wood Screws
15132'or greater Plywood,or
Wood plank
:a?rtes;�srst�.ror�—i'f f
Panel Profile
Nominal'l2" Nominal.12"
o.c. O.C.
9 X 1-112"Min. or #10 X 1-112"Min.per
-fable"A" H&Washer Head Screw
$paced.I ' o.e.across the Pa el
Panel Referto Table"A"for,Spacing Along Panel
Overlap Length
Deck-1532"or greater
-Wood plank