HomeMy WebLinkAbout1912-0099 All,AP PL{CABLE tW AhUSi'B6 CQIVIPLicTEi3 FOR APPi i'CATION. 'O 89 ACC P'i Eb F�L28t2o-19 Pe tt be �o� ^®� � � . Pe _,rCnit App[tcat�onr 1 Manning, Develo/SmentServrc�s r; I-a � 8`ri7drnr,/„and�Code Ete�u/at�orrD�vr.�iorr �: 23.00 Virgr�raAvenue,�Fart Prer4e FL 34982 { phonev(772)? s Fix 4r2g�s, atrr :ei�cia'� srder� r�l X. PENt[TTYPEANLH/ { 'E, _.. r _ _ 7- r ems• F R"z t , d�ddreSs y 5512Dayrs S Fort Pierce,F34982 PtoperLt[Taxtb s340t91�1-OE12C�-0'�U'4;_ - - - ',�a�t�o�,_ ' Se�(f�Wn/Range:09l36Sl4DE PETZOLt7 Pro�e dName I c�t' %�*�F" '....$�3' t ..+ .;;Y ',Ys-�+i.t �:�.=s' $'Y�>' •� 'fr'-ate ^S.��n€ �, .��"`�,,,�'e�1 �'""pa'E a'.:((S��Eax�4"{�" �"`�-°a_,`�•�`K�YY/b�,l��.'�`At"�.a����',;,�, ^'3i+' .:-,�gv'`y1�-``»i'r.zeesat^,.+,.,�•4,,,,��,y.,£z,1r�`.r�,"a`4 =PROM-LIM "All �Fs ..a f. z,9�x .y=��tl'S:3 �I;V�V �Qt� �Ll�,*'�.S�i` ���� �'"� �;y�� �C' ��.�'`;'. si�� �•^� '.S„�x�>��1���" " � �w��:�wt1�s i s:' i .++f'd3?.s'A'ti:".rsha < r .t,! .."E•'=i.,'a•„$ :35,..'s.4�f..at" n'Ria....sPi :., h "`fieY �i.,``. 3` tr Add�tiot t'w�rkta be erfbrmett undpc ttiiis pe, It.--1che�k alt5that<aPPtY� ,MeehardealK Gas Tank; Gay Piping; `,ShrJtfers _„�ltlrnr�aW fRdsrs Electric Rlutnb�ngr _5pt�rilets ,Generator tti�o R�tli r _ _. . - 1265 SQ Total Sq :fit of Construction >_ cost of Canstructto�i. _-_ a�{)lX �eWi SeP[ r s. Se r to, u Id t 6 �ngFie►gh �i rsr:µ S• .i ^sa `y K. •'S9 ^k's.F:�;3. w ..'. '.?' nx,�.,`r LL'._ '� vµ J ari ,! 'v a{r `�."" v •72"!w" "":ti -t# �j�4il1f� ,' k`` ;'' ."` .uafi- :;+v�,a ,�,t,.- ��Yvtri .mr- S Name�GARY.k PETZOl;D J[� _ ,. tVattte JA MES SNYDER 55 t2 Davis Street SPI�RKS Et�ECTRICsAf,�CONT ;Gampany �,. . :Address,; aty FORT PIERCE,FL State: Adtlress._738 N\I BtUCK°HENDY V1lAY Zrp;Cctde 34962 G at Fax jr _5 1Ak T State:, Zt , Code; _ 3499 A .. . Fax:; FL. E=Maft garypetzoltlQ @ comcastriet phone„4o C ).Fitl rn fge srmpte Tile Folder an next page(;if different E Mai(adm�n@e(e�Encfl eon(r from the Owner fisted:abobe�j State or County Lrcnse EC 3 (57334:: (f=value,of corrstr ucEron rs$25Q0'or more a`RECORDED Notice of"CoiYr�rtenc¢mer�t rs required, ff`Vatue of iiVA�'s�?;500°or more�a RECORDE�:Notireo�Gamrrtei�'�ement�isxeggi�ed. m. •x f: Mffi� !it ^: -41 :tit r . DEMNE ENGtNE R; NotAp t�Oabke; l}�IO(0 WiF COI1' NY: . Not app tcab(e Nain� Warne ., , Afclress..� s Crty State f r w !Ztp Phone _ - j` FEE SIMPLE TITtE HOLDER _�N&'Aopudable DING:COM ANY _Not Appl caste. tVarneNbi _ AdBress: City City�e ss , Phone' ` w r OWNER/CONTRACTOR AFFIDW l Application is frereby made to obtain a perm►t to do the work and,instafiatior as tndtcated ,,. l certify tliat;no work:or►rstaltat�on has commericectp�iorto_the issuance ofa'�permit, � }, St 4(icre court ,makes pa,representation that=rs granting,a,permft wallauthonze tfie ermit fiblc[er foburfd the,subjectitfucture _ whichls(n"con ►ct i�t!ith any appfrcdi to Hq. e: -wners,, oclation totes;bylaw ''or an covenants that:may restrict or p dhtbit such structure Please co IV with yoiirHoirie Oyrners Assaciatfon.and review yourdeed faranyr_estnctronswhuli may apply:: = In consideration of the granting of this requested pem lt,t da hereby agree that f wdl,trt.all respects,pe formtheiwar'k in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida 8u�tdrng Cones,and:$t Wucie_County--Amendments. The folfnwing:building permit app[icafians ace eiCempt`from undergofng a fait coacurrer cy review-room;'addrtrons, acce's`sorystructures,;swtrmming paolsfences;walts,,s� nsstteen roor►}s and,accessory`;fises to.anotherron=residential'use wARNING TW 0"ii{IER. YOUR FAILURE-TO RECORD�.AI NOTICE O!r COMMENCEMENT MAY RESUET-IN YQUR PAYING ' T1"IICE FOR ItMPROYEMENTS'TO YOUR PROPERTY Nt3TICE OF EOMMENCEMENT'IVIU5T'BE RECEf11RDEQ AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE HEFORE FHE FIRST,IN PECTI N.ff YOU INTEND TO OBT 'N f IRIANCINGi C011(SULT BEFORE RECORDING:XOIJR`NO, :1hlfHafpiJ _DEIY;:OR A ATOR OFCOM C n -- - re,,ofOwnerj Lessee/C ractor as Agent for.Ownec' Signat j o: rs tractor/Lcen I:er STATEOFFLORIDA TE OFFLORtA CONNT1f OF ► COUN*1(OF, -._:.. ...:_. ,... ..-..-..,._<.. .. MAR16_1TIN _ The forgoing instrument was acknowfedged before me The:forgoin"instrument was=acknogvledged E efore:me. this=zany day of pproaetz 2Q t ' b ,.: g w , s,':thl1 Snit .S�r�v1Lc E:1ec� ne jIYYm S1%1 � ��d4�f�s'' �Ct:�r'iC .Name of persowmatdng statement u Name of person,making statement Personally Known X OR Produced identification __ Personally"Known x ,OR Produced=ldenttflcatbo Type of Identification '3 ,- Arto�4 Type of Edentificatian, _ ., - L�Rarrsa h Produced _:" . _ l?rgduced`_. lt, NO�f NOT/1FtY<`PiIB�IC ARY pl78Utr BTAtEOF __ STATE of FLOWp�R ' ,'- Caairnifl Ff86M41 � - ,Corms FF�814�t .mm (SignatureofNotary ub State_of'Florda) = - (Signature_otNotayPu6lic= fai'e.ofFlonda` f Commisson,No F1=°I'�+�F�i`ft (Sea(} Corrimission No FF` 0 Seal t REVIEWS FRONT„ ZONINGS S<yPEftUI5C1R PL%`,NS UEGEATfON SFAT.,URTLE: MANGRdVE ; ___. ,._._ CEIUNTER RE1lIEW' RE1lIf1N REVIEW RE17lE1N REVIEW' REVIEW _... RATE RECEIVED � . DATE-" __...... .. COMPLETED . ev I r' i } k