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' 1 ,*FFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: ( 9 PERMIT# I 1 l!J 0 REVISION FEE: �� RECEIPT# PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING&CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE RECEIVED FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772)462-1553 DEC U 3 2019 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISION PROJECT INFORMATION ST. Lucie County, Permitting LOCATION/SITE, ADDRESS: 4907 Eagle Dr, Fort Pierce, FL DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: REVISION TO ADD 2 IMPACT WINDOWS,SIZE FOR SIZE(SEE LAYOUT) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CGC061890 ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: _ BUSINESS NAME: FHIA, LLC QUALIFIERS NAME: Wayne Burnett ADDRESS: 3044 SW 42nd St CITY: Hollywood STATE: FL ZIP: 333312 PHONE (DAYTIME): 954-7924415 FAX: 954-7922170 OVVNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE (DAYTIME: FAX: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: SLCCC: 9/23/09 Revised 06/30117 REV10` 10 t� 5 E Y- x k REVISION TO Abb ■■��'■■■■/��■■/■.■■■■/ WINI)OW . ! BEING1■��■EE ■■■■■■■ INIF • � 1//�►�■■®■■■■ Ei����/r■�i��i1�1���� �N■i■■■■ MEMO ON OWN No ■■■0=am!'///■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ MN INN 0 IN mill IN 10 No ENE 1111 0 Him 0 MEMO 25 112 x • r1 :■■■■►\■■■■■■t ■t1■IEEE■■■MEMO■MOWN ■!,�tit1))■■E■v,/■■M■■ ■OCA■EEEEENONE OMEMO ���o��sl■MSM■■O®�!,■■EE■ ••No No No5H .E\iMOE000■■OMEE■iO ` �J■//�E'•]/�/moi\�%������ EM/■M/DOE! ! 5H ENE 0 m■I■L!!i25 ■E■■EE■E�`�JE■■fi■EM■EN MED■■■ � ■I■EEA/tn''1EDOM■-■E[IGJ�IEEE■IM■DEEMMM������• Mi ����..mil■/EW �� � �l����ENE IN E ■■/E■ODI■EEM ■■■EE■■I■■■■EEE///■M////It�:r�/ MOW��� I;/■■ ■EEE/■OISO OE■EEOMMD OEOEEIiDZrr% ■O■■■■■I■MMEE//EEM■M■EMOEEEE■E■/M■DEE■■OMEMMME■O OEEOE■EI■MESE/EOOMiM■■■■EEOO■EEO■■OEEWEMMM■ME■�EiD ■M■OMMEI■EDMOOMEOO■■D■DEE■■■OM■OEoMEOMEMD■OEM�M■■ ■/■/EEEI■■M■■■MDEO■/mom/mom E■■MMM■■//OMMOEOI•�w.��� ■EE■DO■I■■DEE/E/■/■■mom■Now M■/NEON SH OE■EME/I■/E■EEE■EEMEDOE/EDOOMO■OO■EME■ME■ ■/M/EEEI■MOM■EOOEEE0 ONE ME MEMO ME ■EEMEMMOEMEONE■MMO�ME< No ■EE■FEDI■OEM■■/OEEE■EEEOEO//EEE■■ME IN ON mom MENNEN MEN M ME ME 0 0 mom mom mommom MONO ■EO OM■EOMEI■MEN MOOS■EE■MEN OO■■DEmom O■D..�0 No 00 ME�■I■D MOE■:E■E ■E■ ■EOEE■EDEll�/MO■DE■DE■OEM■� O M�:DE ■E■EMMOI■O■DOME■EMM;■■■O■DOON[■E■■■■-OEiO/Ew�>•Ii1E ■■■MOIN IN MOENDEI■E■■EOMMIIEEEDO■'M MO/OOOEEE■■'OOO. ■ME/EOEI■mom EMEN E■■I■ENEMEE■IBM■■EDo O■E//MEI' SH ■■EOEEI�r����� IEEIEMOMEM■EEM/EEMI ■OMERMONIN ME No 25 1/2 x 62 ONOI■E■■FO0■■1SH OEOMEOMO■MMI■■O■ OE■ IMII■Emom/mom EOE■■■MEEOINN I[DO■ED■IEDMMI Q EMMI■EINN E ■■OMEN No mom ■ ■■■ODE ��� IIDEM /■■ ■Eilom No NEMOI■OM■EE0w � ■t No No M 0 INN IN IN nimmoom MENEEMEMEN No IN SH �I/.1�/JM■IEEEMEOM■■M■lfl-girA \I[C�R` ■mom ;DOM■■ !M/ME■iNo EM mom ME OEEEIN O■OI■■..■..■■■DCI/EM■INNE■ a: l ■■■t EEOE■D/I®EEwMEEEMEE IDES Iii [DEE OEMmom/I■/I��1►'TT .�EE 5H : IEEE ■EMENEM Mol EE■■EI■EOMEMO/■D ■/DOMED/EMi�1OEi�������rOEf MEN ■E/ ■/O/E■I!I�Icll■I[11 !�■DOMEw/EOAE MOM //OO■OE EOENow E I■■■■■■■■EM..------ ■DOOOOlm1M1'1LI{r�G � �� !UK CEO■■■OI■EEE■MEOEE■M■i///EEO■O■I�Foir-I -W, r /OEOOE■". /mME■�EEMt/Ei�����E■EM1.1DI:11 !�►��JED ,1l JCJ.G�C■E■E■ OEEMEMENEMMEME>•■r�I■OD • • iii■EF //�771`1f1�■J©ii7iL�■. ECEOE000EEEOI■iu■.�� /!!� �` �� ��►`1/�IIFill ![I1.■ IJ�1 11 PermittingSTI. Lucie County, ;_'.`ax ,.fi?�' fir•; .;s ,rt o-� v3 -r f_: l 13 BCIS,Hdme It Lo�;tn: .i iCnacrUsUser Sat &�csTuPublicatio .r BCrSSite Map, Linksearcl� � Florida +moi 'I Product Appro"v_aj. tt;;,,�� et � �• USER Publii`:User Product App—alyem+.>,Product orAnnti'cation Seamly- .Avnlicaiim Ust2 Appkation"Detail uSt FL" FL13010-R3 Application Type iRevision Code-Versiow ;2017' Application Status: Approved" *Approved by-DBPR:•Approvals;by DBPR shall be reviewedand•ratified`. by.the POC and/or the:Coilomission?if,necessary,: Commenis. Ardifved . Product Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc:• Address/Phone/Efh6lF 1900 SW 4•4tKAvenuel Ocala„FL 34474 (352).368-6922- Ez–t•291, ;jlathrop@`c sxc Au(hoiiieal�$tgn,ature Jay Lathrop• jlatlirOp@cWscc 'Tecf riical Representative Jay Lathiop A"ddress PfiohoE"mail 1900 SW 44,ti.Ave� Ocala;.FL 34474' (352)-1368-6922 Ext291. ,jlithr6p@cws:cc Quality-Assu�arice'12epre"sentative Day Lathrop Address/Rhone/Small 1900;SW 44th Ave:, Ocala;FL 34474 (352)'368 6922 'Ex(291 jiatfi[opCdlewsicc category Wlnilows Stibcateggry" Fixed Corr)pliance;Method Certification Mark.be,,Usting Certification'Agendy. Keystone Certification,"s,Inc., yalidked By. sfeven M Ur ch,PE' [D-'Validation'Checkilst:=Hardcopy Received Refeienced"Standard:and Ye&(6f`SEaiid6rd): Standard `Year AAMA./WDMA7CSA 101/LS 2/A440-05 2005 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/d:S.2/A440-08 2008' ASTM E1886-o5 2005: ASTM E1995=05 2005 PArTAS201/,202/2Q3 �i994` EIN gwvalence iifiP[oduct Standards; 'Certified By M— ivl- , IV — 0 RECEIVE F I L E UO"0 p P4%Y F DEC U 3 2019 ST. Lucie County,Permitting � l - - ` Product Approval-Method------ _Method l-Option-A - - - -''--`—" -" Date-5ubniitte& 08/07/2019 bale.Validated 08%08/2019 C aWl?ending'F5C ApproJali 08]16/2019., ;Date:-Approved. 03/28%2019 Summar of Products i FL;#' Model;,;Nurti6er at Name: ,Descr'iption 13010'.1 PW-8150'PVC;Fixed WindowPW 815oPVCFIg/Fiofixed N/ind'ow Limits of Use Certification Agency'Certificate Appryr-us oed"foe iii HVHZ;Yes FL13010 R9 C CAC 138-1357_-C1RO ptlf Approved-for.use outside,HVHZ:Yes FL13010 R9�C CAC-138--1362 C1RO.ndf Impact Resistant:Yes FL13010 HvC CAC`.`.138=562 'C1RO:pdf--' Design,Pressure N%A•„- _ Quality tion Date, Otfier PW 8150„36 x 7,2”and 72 x 76."see'installa6on- 09/14/.2023. -detaillfor-DPs.Large Missile Impact In HVHZimay only-be. •Installation Instructions dsed dpito 30ft.ab6ve grade.Glass.cornplies to,ASTWE1300.r FL13010 R-9•:II"CWS-433D.odf- 04. Verified By:Lucas A.TdrnerS8201 Created"by-Independent Third Party:No:. Evaluation Reports+ FL1301'0 6.AE..lEvalReuoit433b.pdf Created.-by Independent Third Partys Yes _ 13210;2--- PW;8150 PVC:.FWed Window; PW,$i50 PVC'Flg%Fin-Fixed'.WindoW;Continuous Head,:&Sill: Limits rof Use Certification-Agency Certificate,. Approve8 for use in NVHZt'Yes' FL13010_R9,iC-:CAC 138=261:ndF Approved lforuse-outside HYHZ:Yes FL13010 R9 C CAC. 138=705:6df' Impact Resistant Yes FL13016 R9 C CAC 138=706 odf, Design Pressure +67 5/ QualifyAssurance 1; fFAct,Expirat16n Uate Other Large Missde;-p +/-'675 psf,,Max size 74 1/8. :x; 08/12/2022' 72"',Outer,lite-must=be safety=glass.above 30 ft:In HVHZ Installation Instructions -Glasscompile-s`t6-ASTM,E1300-04. FLI.3010 R9 IF_CWS 51OC.odf' Verified By:Lucas A.Turrier'S8201 Create0y Independ'e•nt Third Party:No. Evaluation Reports .F�13010 R9 AE:EvalReport510Cod_f Created;by InpependentThird Party."Yes 13010.3• PW=830,0 PVC-,Fixed Window• 0. "8300 PVC Flg/Fin Fixed Window„120 ;x;48" Limits of Use ition,Agency Certificate ApprdVdd'for.use:in HVHZ:Yes, FL13010 R9 C.:CAC CAR.138 258:pdE Approved.for use:outside:HVHZdYes FL1'301O.R9 C_'CAC=CAR'138=:481Adf Impact Resistant:.Yes, Kum 99 C CAC CAR 138 482 pdf D:es�gn Pressure t70/70 Quahty.Assurance ContctraExpiration"bate; 83 Other PW- 00 120"x-48'",DP +/-7O?psf..Large Missile, 04/09/2022' Impact:'Gless 66. Oplies to,ASTM E1300=.04: Installation.InstrUctions FL13010 119 G.CWS373C.udf., j Verified By:tuca&A.Turner,P.E.FL'PE 458201 Created'by,lndependentThir._Pa[ty :No, Evaluation Reports; FL13210 R9 AE.iEvalReport. k:odf Created by IndependenCT.hird'Party::Yes 13010.4r PW-8300,PVCFixed Window Series 8300,PVC-Fixed Window Large Missile Impact,,48"x 7.2('iinitsize,-�DP55,or 72' x.76"unifsize-DP_67.5-(DP65 outsldeHVHZ) Limits of Use Certification Agency.Cert�ficate; Approved for use inHVHZ Yes' FL13010 R9 C_CAG CAR 138 1093.pdf Approved'for,use outside HVHZ:'Yes= FLf3010 99 G CAC CAR 138-1320:e2;odf Impact R'e'sistantr es' FLIM 10 R9 C ICAC-CAR'138-250;66 Design-Pressure:N/A FL13010 R9 C-,CAC.CAR.138 27462.t f; Other sues up to 48'x 72"unit size at design ipressuressdf FL73010 R9 C CAC CAR 138 457:odf_. =55;psR;or in siz s,up to 712,",x'76"unitsize atde'sign FI'13010 R9 `C'CAC CAR 138 A65,odf pressures of+/67 5 psF m NVHZ or+/=65 psf outside the: . FLY3010 R9 C"CAC CAR 138=534ipd6 HVHZ,With max:glass}daylight•sizesiasshoWn;in CWS-159E'. PLf3010 R9 C''CAC CAR 138-Z30e2:pd'f Glass complies to-.ASTM E1300-04.- FLA-3010 R9 C-CAC CAR 136=739e2 pdf': Quality'A•ssurance+Contract Ezpiratiori Date '03/16/2020 InstallationInstructions; 1 FL13010 R9 11 CWS-T59E:pdF Verined By;: dCds/.Turiier�R.E.FL,PE#5820.1 Created by,'IndepenftilfThird Partyt'No !Evaluation Reports } I j IFL1N616 R9 AE EvalReoort159Eydf f' t Created*by..TndepenilentThird Party:Yes v� ,Cdn fct Us;p;+?601 Stair Stone R6a8;7altahas"see Fi:32399 Pfyon6i 850.487:1824, T,he Stat@ of Florida is an—AA/EEO ert p16yepCoovriaht2007-20135iaterof'Ptoiida t` ?tt_Accessibility Btaienient RetundStatement Under,Ftoiida taw,-emaaddresses:am ubiic records.`I'.yoo do_not;want yoare-mail;addressaeleasedan,response_to;a pubtic.recordsrregoest,do'not send.electroo(c mail'to this:entity.Instead,;contact the:ofr o by phone dr by traditional mad'1f'you'have'anyquestlons;'pleaso contact850:A87:1395 Pdrseantto Sectiorr 455 27511} Florida.Statutes effective October4 2012 iica!tsees licensed ontler Giiapter ASS;F.S;mast provide the tfepaitment riith�'hn ema!aiidmss if they hire ane The emails prondetl may be used for official comiognicatian vntFtho Iicen"sae;Hoyvever'email addresses are pubtig record,IE you dq,notwis�i tq s'apptya person address,Pte3se prav�de the pepa)finenttwdh an gtpad address"which can oe made avaita'bte to the pgti4e.Tq determine ifygo,are a licensoe ander,Chapter 455,FS,:pleasedick:he�. prgduct Apprpvo(Aecepts: 1 Credit'Card! Document Title: Doc No: FIRM BI-U2 - --- — �Rev_No: 77 - ---- -Page:- --oL-- — --— - �Struct roll ee`Prmat e ccrsnricnnor� ,N�h. Certification Authorization Report; ROVteO By; 'PRO'B;1=03 CAR&'Product ID Number: 138- - 1:093:0 1'ssue Date: 6%1:6l2t?:14` Revision:Date: 2%28/201.8! Expiration.Date: 4/29/,2021 'Company-Code:: 138 This Certification Authorizafior Report'(CAR)!$,issued by`Keys_tone Certifications,Inc. (KCI)after full validation review; andi is based on .a standardized;evaluatlori ,of-the product conducted by! an independent- accredited laboratory• h accordance'wlth:'ttie specified,"r"eferenced sta'ndard:.Actual fenestration product performance may.vary'based.on many, factors;. including; _installation;, condition of the` wall/roof substrate and `the ;age .of,-the product; and installation' components. This; report:indicates the product is eligible for the appl,lcatio:n of !Certification ertification Program ',certification aabels: Licensee stipulates m affixing-ceAfId lion labels to p[o-ducts,,that those products, are representative:of:the specimen' evaluated and documented for certification autho i?pUQn„ Only products bearing such a certification label shall be, db"nsidereil':certified: The..inforri ation.in-,fi1is TO Oft-cah be-verified atwww keystonecerts,.com. Licensee.-.lf formation: Product Information:: ":Custom 1lV ndow Systems, Inc Model. 8300 Fm/Flange Frame:'PVC=IMP Fixed 19p0 SW 44th Avenue 'O,peratorTypp: FW 'Ocala: ;FL 34474. Confg:, No, GS=7/1;6" HS La rr i; G' Max VVidth:- 72 Ma He10!;. 76 Referenced:Standard Product Rating: AAMANIID,MA/CSA,1 0,1/LS:2/A440;08 Class LC='P065 1829x1930(72x76).=Type,FW WTP 15;0` Qualifying'Test Information: Test Report No WTL-210-395055=01 Test.Report,Expiration 4/29/2021 A uth o'rize d.Signature'; .Keysto_n'e Certifications;; Intc, 02.28' 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 1_00B ,NewCumberland;,Penrisylvania.1.7,070 Q7 .QZ J6 -050-0 Phone. 71.7,-932-;8500 Fax::T17=932:-_8.501! WWW;KE,Y,SfONECE i35 COM DociimenC.T.iuei - -- Doc No:` FRM',B1;02._ —Rev No;- T� - ge moo( Structural,Performance: , —' Certification AuthorizatiOn, Report Required By> PRO 131-03 CAR&,Product.lD Number: 158ue:iD66', 42/111120:14 'Revision Date: 5/31/20=-f& Expiration.Date 9/23[202:1 :Comnpany, Code: '1.38 This'Certification,Authorization Report,(CAR.)'is issued by Keystone Gertifications,.:Inc.,(KCI)�after fUll'vAidation review; and? is b.asedzon :a,standardize&evaluafion, of the! product conducted by-,an,independent;accre.dited laboratory in accordance with the specified,referenced.=star dard,Actu;al fonestrati6p or6aUd perforrnance'.ri ay varybased,on ma;riy factors" including, 'installation;; condition, of.the: wall/roof`,substrafe:,and the age, of` the, product iand installation components. This,report indicates the product`js eligii le for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification la'bdis. Licensee stipulates in affixihci.6E tificafion,Iabels to products,.that those products are representative:of the specimen evaluated! and' do.wmented." ;for _certification:authbrization. :Only products bearing -such,la,certification ilabet shall, be: considered certified:, The'information in;this,reporl�can tie verified atwww.,. tonecerts com: Licensee#information: Productlnfo'rmation: Custom`W,mdow_ystehis, Inc Model::-8300 PV C>Fm%Flange.Impact Fixed 1:9:00 SW 44th Avenue Operator Type: FW ;'Ocala. FL 34474 Conf g No:; GS-7/16".HS'Labi IG' M'ax�tNidfh:: 72 ' Maxa eiglt:; 76 .Refereticed Standard: Product Rating:; PA-TAS 02/203 20112Large-Missile, DP�+/67-5, 72x76 - - t Qualifjrng Test Information,; Test Report No NCTL 21'Q 3954/3955 1'A Test.R;eport`Expiration :9/2312021 Authorized Signature: Keystone Certifications; In:c. s : 145 Limekiln-Rd Suite 1005 New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 1;707Q; 11; :14:02 =04'00' Phone 717 932-85Q0, Fax:,7, 17=932=850.1; W VJIN.KEYSTON ECERTS:COM'. ' ; pocument Tye: F_.RM'B1-02 Rev No:--=7_Page'....-:�.��OL•.—�"�'" - ----- .. Structural-Performance - vrcrmcr�a�+F.)N Certiflckio:ni Author zatliOn RL ' v P . =03'' 'Regwred B -'PRO B1:, CAR.& Pr.6ducf ID Number 138, - ~250:0 Issue.Date:; :_6/24/2Q08 Revision:Date: 4/30/2018 Expiration Date: :5/12/2021' Company Code:.. 1`38` This:Certification Autiiorizafion Reporf,"(CAR) is i''ssuetl;Ey Keystone"Cer•tifrcations, Inc.,(KCI) after full::va I ation review, and is based on :a standardized evaluation of.the product.conducfed by an independent accredited, laboratory: in accordance with the specified referenced'�itandard.Actual:fenestration,product performance-may;varybaseb on many, factors; inclutling- 'installation, condition of` the walllrtW�substrate and, the age of ,the ;product- and installation components;:; `This report.indicates.:the:;productiis !eligible for the application of Keystone.Certification Rod ram!certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification'labels fo:products:,tliati:those products,'are�representative of the specimen evaluated' and documented for certification au1b nOH !on Qnly producfs bearing such a {certification..label, s;tlall be: considered certified. The information iwthis;re.port:can be verified at:www.'keystonecerts:com. Licenses ilnf6rmatI6h:i Product Information: G'ustom''VIlindow,Sgstems,:Inc Model 8300 Vinyl Impact Fixed 1;900 S1N-44#h,Aven:ue; Opelato `Type Ocala FL 34474 Confid.� Noy GS;= 15/,32 Lami CG! !MaX!Width: 72 Max Height: 76,, Referenced 8tandard , .Product;Ratl g-�; ASTWE1,8.8.6%E'1996=05 Missle Level,D;UVind:Zone ;Qualifying Tes#'Inform'ation Test Report.No N.CTL-210.35.30='A&-2A 3 Test Report;Expiration ' 5/12/2021:- Authorized'S`ignatur6 Keystone Certifications,;1'nc. 20.1 , QL�,.30 I4-6Umkil en Rd. Suite 10.0B. New.Cumberland,;Pennsylvania 17,0701 12:36:58 04'0:0' :Phone;717 932-8500. Fax 71'7>9-32=$:50.1 W W W;KEYSTON ECERTS.COM' Oocunent'Ttle Doc No: FRM'B1-43! __Rev-No:�4_ >�YSTo�r Impact Performance " OERT FIGATCNB'.,NG � C_ertif icati:on. I Wit.. r11 .Autforization :Report 'Reyuiretl-Byt. PRO'Bl-'03 -- - - - - CA RA Product'ID'`Number:: 1,38: > ;274 Iswe.0at'e: 8%29120:10 Revision Date_,:. 11-J1'312015 :Expiratign Date; 3116/2020 Cofnpany`Code: 138' This Certification Authorization,Re ort ,i ' p (CAR) ' issuedi'by KPY-stone7r.Certficatipns, Inc:;(KCI)after full walydafion review; and is based on a stafrid ar-clized evaluafion.of.the,product conducted by an independent ;accredited, laboratory. in accordance-with"the specified referenced standard Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many, factors, including installation, .condition; of the wallkobf substrate_ and ti e' age :of the 'product and installation componen'ts.. Thais reporuintlicafes the,grodu,ct is eligible for the application,.of;Keystone Cert ification 'Program c&tficafion labels. !Licensee!:sfipult s--ini affixing cbitificatio:n=lab;els 'b prdducts,cth-.it those products are representafive of1he specimen evaluated and .documented for certification ,authodiation..Only;p'ro'ducts 'bearing' such a 'certification label'shall be considerediowifed, The information in this repoit can_t%.e verified atwww keystoneceras_com, Licensee lnformatign,; Product tnformati'on; ,Custom Window Systems, Inc .Moder. 83.00 PUC Fid/Flange Frame Impact Fixed 1;900 SW 44th Avenue Operator°Type: FW Ocala< PL .34474 Conflo- ,No, GS;'S/16"Anrr Lanai O Max Width' 48 ;MaxHeight' 72 Mrespondmg Stiuctu�al CARS: 138-73.0:0 Referenced.Standard:' Producf;Rating;:: ASTM E1886/E1,996-:Q5 Missile Level D,;Wind`Zone 4.,'DP +j-55,.48x72 'Owi ifyirfig Test'Informat'l& Test Report No, NCTL2.1.0:36721A/2A. 'Test.Report B<01ratrori: 3[1.6%2020) j Authorized;Signature; Keystone Ge,titifications ;Inc., 0. 5,64 01d York Road,'Surte.5 Etters Penns.ylvariia 1731.9 r r. Phone:717 9328'500= 11 0-5 05 00. Fax. 717-932 8501 WWW KEYSTONffdtRTS.COm Document Title:` Deo_No ,FRKIIII-02. ..^ .. - - RevNo;—.7�__._Page:.._._--:1_Of:— -----__ - - �~Structural;Performance � ��' C.ertiflcati:on:. CCR71f'1CATIONS:INC ` - Autorization Re - r' - Required By:, PRO.B1,-03 z R& Peoduct1D.Number: 13$; - 457.0 Issue::Date: :6/24%2008; Revision;Date:: 5/212018! lFxpiration Date- 6 12%2021 ;Company,=Code: 13:8 This;Certificafion:Authorization.;Report.(.CAR);is ssued 6y Keystone,C.ertifi.cations, fnc.�(KCI) afterfull.validatioii review; and Is based o.nl .a standardized eyaluaf ooh, of -the product :conducted by :an Independent :accredited. laboratory iii accordance with the specified referenced=standard.Actual.fenestration product performance may vary base.'d on many factors; nciudrig installation;. condition' of tfie wall/roof substrate :antl the: age 'of the; protlucfi' and. installation componerits: This:report,indicates:<the product:is eligible for the application of. Keystone Certification'Program, certification. labels. Licenseei stipulates In affixing-certification'.labels:'to,products:,'thataose:products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented fur certfication. aufhonzation 0-n-1-yprodudts bearing succi' a` ceftlficatidn label' shall:tie considered certified. The!ioformationin this reportcanbe.verified-at`www keystonecerts.com:: L`:icens ei Information: Product information: Custom Window 8 terns, Inc- ;`Mod.el 8300_VInyL,impact'Fixed 1900 W441 h Avenue` Operator Type: FW-' I Ocala FL. 34474 Config.L No;GS-:IBM" Lam i;l_G' MaxwI th-V 72 Max Heigi'f: 76 �Referen'ced-`.Standard: Producf Rating: i AAMA%WRMA/CSA 10"1.1I82/A4.40-05 FW.HC65.U29x19.80''(,72x7fi), Qualifying Test 1nformatio,n•: Test Report`No NCTL 2;1:0:358GI AA&-2A. Test-Report Expiration: 5/12/2021 Author ed Si:gn_,ure:: Keystone 'Certificati;ons,;Inc: ZQ 8. 5. 2; 145 Limekiln Rd Suite 10.06 New Cumberland',.Pennsylvania 17070. 07:27:0,Q Q4�OO� Phone.. 717 932=8.500' Fax: 717=932-8501 ,WW,W.KEY,STQN ECERTS'.COM Document Title: - Doc No, FRKB1'-02' _- —Reu Not=_ Page:_ Of a Structural Performance - 7—- --- 1 - - z � �CyTJ-64,� Certification r � a s.�j�* �^��� Auth`®rzation Report Required BYs PRO-131-03 CAR&Product Q Number: `1:3$ - 465:0 Issue::Rate. 8%14720.08: Revision Date: 4/3.0%2018 Expiration[gate: 5%14/2021 Company Code:. 138 This Certificati'on'Authorizatiom Report.(CAR);is issued'by Keystone Cer'tifi:cations, Inc. (KCI),after full validation review, .and pis based,on a standardized•evaluation ;.of, the product :conducted by an independent- accredited laboratory' in accordance;withih'e specified refereriod;standard Actual fenestration Product'ImifgrMance may vary based on many factors, including installation, .conditibm of the wallftbof substrate alid the; :a_ge tof ,tt a product and installation :components... 'This report indicates the;protluet1s eligible for the application; of Keystone Certification Program_ certification labels. Licensee,stipulates maffixing certification,labels to products;'that those products are,representative-ofthe:specimen evaluated and documented 'for certification authorization. Only products;bearing: such a,certrficaton label' shall' lie considered�dertlfied; The information in ihis report can be yenfied,at www keystonecer'ts com: Licensee linformation: Prod.act Information: Custom'Window,Systems,.1ft Model .8300 Vinyi Fixed I, 1900 SW 44th Avenue Opetaibf-Type.: FW` ;Ocala, FL 34474 Config: 'No, GS;- 15/32`'Lami-1,0, Max:UVidth; 72 j Max Height: 76 ReferencedStandard:: Product.Rating: PA/TAS 2011/202/203 Large Missile', DP +/6T.:5,72x76: Qualifying Test lnformatio_n: Test Report:No NCTL -21=0 3530-1 & 2 Test Report.Expiration 5/14/2021; Authorized Signature,; Keystone Certifications; Inc:. ?Q� 4.3 145 Limekiln Rd Suite 1006 New`Cumberland, Pennsyluania' 17070 12:37. 41 04''GO P,hdne 71.7 932;-850.0 Faxt 71'.7-9324501 WWW.REYs-rCi ECERTS.COM I DocomentTitle Doc No: FRM B1 43!_ Impact. Performance,+ - - Rev No• - Page. Of G:erti.ficatron $` Authorization Report: Required By: PIRGPI.-03, :CAR A Product 10"Number 1-3.& - 534 assupi"Date: 6/16/2014 Revision Date: 2/2812618` Expratipn Dater 4/29/202.1 Comp :any Code: 138' This:Certification Authon2ation Report(CAR},is issued.by, Keystone Certifications, Inc (KCI.)"after full`validation.review, and; is based on 'a.standardized.'evaluation of the producfi,conducted by :an 'independent ;accredited: laboratory; in . . accordance`�with the specified referencedr-stan.da�d. Actual`fenestration:produet pperformance,may vary based'on.many factors, including installation; condition of the; wall/roof substrate: land the ager of the_ product and'. installation components;: This:report indicates;theproduct:is eligible fo'r the application of Keystone .Certification Program cerbfieatton labels,. Licensee stipulates in,affixing:certification,labels tb ptotlucts, that°those products are repres'entafive:of the.specimen evaluated and documented for .certifications authorization. Only product's :bearing.,such a,,certification label:chalk. be considered certified:. The`information.rn this report ean`be venftetl at www keystonecerts com:. 'Licensee Informatio_n;; Productj4formation:. Custom,Window Systems„,Ine ModeN 4300 Fin/Flange Frame PUC-Imp Fixed i 1900 S.W44th;Avenue ;Operator Type:, FW, i0'cala FL 34474 Config No:; GS-7/16 HS Lami IG j MaX''V1lici 72 Max”Height:- 1, Corresponding Structural CABs; 13$-1.093:0; Ref 6tented.Standard: - Product:Rating ASTM E9886:=05/E19.96 05'/09: i Missile;Level D,W d,Zone 4, DP-+/=65,72X70 QualifyingiTest Information: Test;;Report,No., NCTL 210-3954155-01, Test;Report:Expiration ; 14/2912021+ Authorized S gnature; Keystone Gertificatiio.nsInc _ 1.45,Lime'kiln'Rd:, Suite 100B 20118 �2"28 New.C_umberland,.Fennsylvarna:17070 '07:5TO33, �5�� � Phone 717-9.32'-'&50,0! Fax: 717-932-860-1' WViN1 MYSTONECERTScCOM, Docimenl TRW Doc.Nd' " " FRM iB1_=02 Rev.N` 7—=Page.- b Structural-Performance CGgTIRICAT10N6 ��. ti� Certification Authorization Report, Fze gired 8y; PRO1131-03 CAR&.Product ID Number: 1,38 730-D fssue;Dater 8/29/20.1:0; lRevision.Date: fi1MUP-0 5'. 'Expiration EW 3/16%2020: Company Code:- 488 7rhis;Certifica6on;Authorizaton Report(CAR),is issued-by Keystone-Certfications,Inc. (KCI):after full validation review, and is based on a standardized,.evaludfion, of the. product conducted, by,,an° independent accredited laboratory. in a:ccordance,with-,tfae,ispecifibd refer-encetl sfaiidard,Actual feOestra ion,'product peiforma,nce may vary based on many factors„ inctudingi installatiori;; contlition of the. .wall/roof substrate) •and -the ages of the, produuct acrd' installation components:. This;report.'indicate ,•the product is eligible fo.r, the application :of Keystone CertificationProgram certification labels: Licensee stiPula.fes-in,affixing-certification labels to products;that those products are repfesenfative.of,the specimen evaluated and: documented for .certlfication`,authonzati:om Only products: bearing ,such'-a certification ilab:elshall be; considered,certiffetl. Thirih'tt iation,ini tKis`report,can be venfietl atwvuw;keystonecerts com 'Licensee Information.: :P.rodudt:Iriformation: Custom'.1Nmdow Systems, Inc: Model_ 8300 PVC Fin/Flange Frame:It pact Fixed. j 1.90.0 SW-44th Avenue- Operato ffype: FW, Qcala ;FL- '34474; Confg; No, GS-5/16"Ann Lauri 1.G Wx'1Nidth 48, Nlax'Height; 72' Referenced Standard'; Rroduct,Ratrng;;: AAMA/,wDMA/CSA 1Q1/IS2/A440-05 FIIU-HC55 1219x1829* (:48x72*) Qualifying;Test Information. :: T64—Rep_ort'No:; N;CTL 21.0 3672=1A/2A Test Report Expiration 3716/2020 :AuthorizedSignature Keystone Certificat1ons,• Inc. 564 Old York Roa d, S uite 5 :.Y� r ;Etters,:Pennsylvania 17319 •� r .S Phone 717-932=8500 13.2`9.13 0:5 00 Fax. 717-9.32-856:1 W W O W;KEYSTONEGERTS;C M Doctment`Title: Doc,No FRM'B1-0.2 __- -- - lc --- 77 —Rev N,q.- -7 -Rage:_—._1::.--Of:—I- 7 .0 ------- _ "uraerformane Struc- EYSTON � Authorization Report Required BY:. PRQ.B8--03__ — :CAR&.Product ID'Number.: 1$8, 739;.0' issue;Date: 10/281201.0 Revision Date: I1/1MU-5> ;Expiration:Odte:', 3/1612020 Gorhpany Code: 1.38 'This Ce.rtificati'on Authorization Report(CAR).is.issued-;by Keystone,Certif-cations, Inc:,.(KCI) after full.'validation review, ,and -is based on, a standardized evaluation of the product _conducted by an independerit accredited-Iaboratory in aceordance'with the specified referenced`;standa'[d, Actual'fenestration product performance may vary.based on many factors, including installation, condition: of ;the walUroof' 'substrate and the. ages of ahe product`and,•installation ,components.— This report indicates1h6prodyct; s'eligible for'the application_ of Keystorre: Certification ,Program; certification: labels. Licensee st pulafe_s m afftx►ng certificafions labels to products,that those products.are representativg of the specimen evaluated' and do.cumerited for 'certification authadiation..Only.ptoducts :bearing such a :ceftffldbtb Ia66l §Kdll�be .consideredapertified. The information in this report cap;' verified atwww.keyston6rts:com: Lice"ns.ee.Information: Pro_du'O'Infor-mation: Custom Wlnd6W{Systems, Ine Model.83.0.Q Ftxetl with Fm.or Flange 1000 VW,44th Avenue ; Operator Type: FW t Ocala FL 34474, ; Gonfig.` No, GS,'S116"Ann Lam;'IG; 1 Ma m.1 tfi� 48' � M`ax'Height°. `72 lE2ef&me.bd Standard: Product Rating: PA/TAS 201/202%203 i Large.Missile, DP,+&65;0,48x72 Q Qualifying Test'Info_rmation Test Report No;• NCTL-21'0 3672-1 `&-2 Test Report:Expiration.; 3(1612020:' Authorized,Signature": - '-' - Keystone Certifications, Inc.,564 Oltl York Road, Suite 5 y a 20,15.11.16 Etter:;, Pennsylvefnia:173.10 Phone 7.1-7 932=8500 13 34 52 05 00` _ - Fax717=932.8. W W W.KEYSTONEGERTS'.C'OM U1TE1 1239 7abaia Ave - --NortP, hPort;FL-3428.8 EN & Pfi: 94.1-380--1574 CONSULLTING,INC. FBPE C:O:A #29779 Evaluation Rqport:l'S9E September,7".20:17 Producfl escr'*ption.: ;Series 8300;PVCFixed'Window;,'LargeIvhss le Impact;43"x 7,2"unit_size.:DP55 or,72"'.x:76"unit size DP67.:5;(PP'65`outside HVHZ) Mariufacturef-. �Qbstoi Wmd6W Systems„Inc. ;1900 SW 44Ave, Ocala,FL 34474 Statement of;Compliance: This report-evaluates the above-listed product:per'the requirements of FAC. Product,,Approval,IRuIe:CYiapter.6;1620-=a-065_-(4) Tl is.pioduct complies:with Elie requirements of the V” Edition,(2017)Florida Building Code;including the HVHZ. The;product:tesfingfstandards;performed are outlincl4bplow:. T0chrikal Documentation: 1;) This:report;prepared by<Lucas A..Turner,:P E,at 1239 Jabara!Ave,North Port,FL 2) Approval:drawing CWS`1'S9E,signed and;"sealed 15y Lucas A Turner,.P;E. 3,), Test Reports NCTL-210 3954-01 and'-1 A,and.NCTL--27.0 3955-01 and:-IA,.'from National Certified Testzng.Laboratories;Orlando,:FL,with Testing Performed AA'MA/WDMA/CSA. 10.1:/hS 2/A440 08;ASTM"E1886=05,ASTM E.f996 OS109 and TAS ' 202;203'1994(I`AS reports;3954;-1A.and 39.S=4A,signed;and sealedby.Gerard T'Ferrara,,kE): 4), Supplemental Cal'ciilatiotis'fo support CWS 4 59E,stgned�`and'sealed by Lucas'&Turner,RX, installation:; Units-must be installed-according:to,approval;document CWS 1`59E., L-imitations of Use:. This--rcduct; May'beused in:0'configuration in.sizes-up ito 48"'.x 72'.'`unit:sizerat:design,'pressures;of+/S5-psf,' or iri sizes;up to 72"`x>76"unit size,at.desigti pr.:essures of+/67:5 psi ui;HVHZ or+/=65 psf- :outside the HVAZ,with.max.:glass daylight sizesi as shown m',CW-&159E Is large missile impact resistant aril does not require the use of`shutters May-be used inthe High`7elocify Iurricane Zone Requires outer lite'in I.G:to:b`e safety;glass whenused';iiiHVHZ'dbove3'0 ft of;grade Requires:glaz'ing-,asishown iin'CWS-1.5.9E",with'.Kutaray(Dupont)'SdntryyGlas.`Interlaytr:per Miami Dade,NOA 14 0916.111�n DP65.or 67, 5 units or:Kuraray, (Dupont)PVBi Inter"layer-per Miami Dade NOA;16 1'11702fi irr DP55� 'unit"s Requues;'Quanex;(Iyhkron)white rigid PVC framing per Miam,Dade NQA,17,-0206 1'Ot t'Lhave,evaluatec(fTieiriterl`ayer.aridfr`atnnig;matenals ln�theseDupont and Quariex�NOAsand_find that they,.comply-with the--requirements of the Ok Ed..,(-20.17)Florida'.Building Code for use-in this product: , Certificahon,of Ix dependence I do not,have,:nor do I intend to acquire,iior wi11 I acquire,a'financial: interest in.Custom'Window Systems or.in;+any company,manufacturiiig:ordistributinq products for:which this}repo'rtis being'issued; ;I'do:not have,!nor do I intend.,to acquire;.ppr,will I,acqui're;,a financial interest; in any other entity involved in.the testing:or iapprovat process of this product:, t �rrfrr Lucas Turner' �- 2017-:09-1;6 R *: 9/07/2017 y�;` 5 .r �. ;L teas A. Turner;l.'.E. 07:24+20'M; �+�,xu,, FUS#58201 ��i —ORA ����� _ GE!lERAI NOTES:' - - PICTURE WINDOW ..'LAROE.MISSILE IMPACT: _ _. -... 'tTHE.PRODUCTSHOWN HEREIN,IS DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED WINDOW.SYSTEMS SO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FEC),CURRENT` I t900$W44THAVE. I EDITION INCLUDINGTHEHIGHVELOCITYHURRINCANE ZONE(HVHZ) ;FCORIOA3447i. 'AND IS RATED FOR.WIND ZONE 4 MISSILE LEVEL D IMPACTUSEAS i9W5V,.FLOR[, DEFINED IN ASTM E IWB PER THE FBC; 73.7!4 - 2.GLAZING OPTIONS:(SEE SHEEF 3) 19 Ud IMX OVERALL FLANGE WIDTH :8300 PVC MAX OVERALL FLANGE WIDTH 46. 72' 3CONFIGURATIONS.•O'.ARCHITECTURALSHAPE$INCLUOE.BUTARE PICTURE WINDOW NOT UMITEDTO,THOSE'SHOWN.ON SHEET 2i MAI(UNRWID7H WLUNTf WIDTH I I . 45118: 11-1 1/6•'. 4.DESIGN PRESSURE RATING;; MP—GLASS DLO: NEGATIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON,TESTED PRESSURE AND A . iA. _.- --- -- _- ---- ,GLASS TASLES ASTM E-1300-04a011M. -_ --- - - ---- ----- •POSITIVE DESIGN LOADS BASED ON.TESTED PRESSURE.WATER r p w z k pi0 I I I ;INFILTRATION TEST PRESSURE AND GLASS TABLES z w� zw �I C --- - 1 I I I I ASTME130044aD1r09 0, v°.3>o�3m i i .......__.. u w 3�x 7 '771!1• I I .5:ANCHORAGE THE331/3Y STRESS INCREASE HASNOT BEEN USED IZ =3: I I I MAX.. I I, )N',THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT.SEE SHEET 11 FOR ANCHOR uw�Ua�rrn a" 73'/4• I I I OVERALL. DETAILS.WNDLOAO,DURATIONFACTORCd=Ib WASUSEDFOR WOOD I ❑ Z-yzzr y ,FIANCE' I I 'ANCHOR CALCULATIONS: I z OOpy-mU.- t)VERAL I I NEIGHf I I:, 'y r3 LL w a; ppZ � FLANGE I R. B. I I •6.PRODUCTAPPROVED.FOR,IMPACT.RESISTANCE.:SHUTTERSAREN,DT ! is �.o w N�z;;i I HFJGFQ L `REQUIRED., r 3$ c. I' l %6w- I I. w DMP- 0ij- ) . UNR I I h'ALLFRAMES ARE F.ULLYWELDEM I n a. KO m �• ' MAX. HEIGHT I .Q - p Iu O a x > UNITS{SERIES/MODEL DESIGNATION_PW-63001 n L=.,I is �3au� HEIGHT I I I I I _ I 9.�THE DESIGNATION XANDO STAND FOR,THE FOLLOWING:. i Luu I I I in va I I ..�' !! 69 U8' GLASS I I O FU(ED SASH I ♦ �40REW Tp t DLO S'II 10 SECTION CAI.LOUTS APPL.YeTOALL ELEVATONS INAS�MILARj JVC `-LGENSF'P,/, E t 'LOCATION:, I No.532011 F9'�_ STATE O =lir F A Li 912212017 ' 3UCA5'A:.TURNER P.E. LL[C25T11[�2` �FLPEfi58201'• 2017=09-22 1239 JAB ARA AVE, NORTH PORT,FL'34288'. -11''45-04.00 eHsttaeaas4' s�eloEsca�eac -' - 'GENERAL NOTE$AND TABL_E:OFCONTENTS', --- - - - -- - - ;ELEVATIONS ,GENERAL NOTES,-&ELEVATIONS 1r, LOCATION; MAX.UNIT'SIZE' DESIGN PRESSURE RAPING IMPACT RATING YNWNaY- -1- ARCHITECT. RALSHAPES ....2- ANY - - - S i - - ADE 05!05107 GLAZING DETAILSW. 3, 48"x 72" t!-55 PSF SECRDNWEWS.'�_.r - EXTRUSIONS&B.O.M! _S-4 NON-HVHZ i'I Z5'PSF. LARGE MISSILE IMPACT -- 'ANCHOR SCHEDULE&NOTES --.63; 72"X'7W INSTALLATION:DETAILS ...........&.. - _ _ 67.5'ASF' - .SHEET. "I:20 1'OF 8'� THAVF CALA,FLORICDA344T4 1 WWW.0 .0 8300:PVC PICTURE WINDOW .- FULLE[LIPSE COVAL1. 'FULLLL CIRCLE _ ._. Z z0i or6 ?t' TOMBSTONE p i IQ.,WiyZZp �= km. WOO O ,Z.-?ZOM. rj OZ_Z. WNreW 112 CIRCLE: I' 'OOTAGONy TRAPEZOID Z 0:: STATE,of ''.SS........... NO7E5: y 1 1:SEESHEETS6&7FOR DETAILED"ANCHORINSTALATION REQUIREMENTS. 2THRU FRAME-lMSONRY WOOD OR!METAUOPENING: .922120.17 , "iTHRU.FIN.WOOD OPENING. - LUCAS'A TURNER,Ph ` 3,OVERALL SIZE MUST NOT EXCEED THE MAX;WIDTH AND'HEIGHTOF' FL PE Y,58201 RECTANGULAR WINDOWS ON SHEET 1. '' v17J9'JABARA AVE PORTH,PORT.FL 34288 -- - ; 4 ANCHOR SPACING FOR ARCHITECTUALFL'ANGE,AND FINWINDOWS• PH:981.980.1574. MUST FOLLOW THE.LAYOUTS SHOWN.ON SHEETS 687.WITH ANCHOR S;fEEf DESGWPIIDe4 ' `TSPACING;MEASUREO_ALONG THE LENGTN OF THE PRODUCT. 114CIRCLE: -RUINGLE� � ARCHITECTURAL SHAPES --- DM\YN BY: M E: ADE 05105!07 -.CN!s-i68 1E. s - SHEET__- icf. 2OF6 cep I �WINDOW.SYSTEFIS +. OCALA,FLORIDA 34174 M �( �YnVW.CWS.CC'. ;t .6300 PVC PICTURE WINDOW IMPACT 1F Quip _rn Woo' 'w zoz �_�'- o `a0fs-0,3m, z ri=Wfa~woo' "1'OVERALL '`. i'OVERALL !U U D t-Z '1x,00' I - �Y1C-ANNEALED or.TEMPERED .�. T"-"". Y16-HFAT.STRENGTH.TEMPERED .Q O_Z U r Z S U U. -4B:: OOD_Z. I t 17 NR SPACE YB AIRSPACE -� 'a;O f r-E'= 516',IAlAWATED 7116 LAW GLASS 110'AWFALEU Yt6 HEATSTRENGTH a ?-6 m; p m A90i0UPONTPVBINTERLAYER- - -090 SENTRY.GUSS IDNOPIASTINTERLAYER_: a �� It 3aN 110 1 T ANNEALED f -Ytw HEATSTRENGTH DUANEx OURASEAi p, TCi IGSPACER :6 PURFECTGLA2E H= OUANEX DURASEAL (g�PURFECTGtAZE•M Vp5 .......... SIKAFLO(552 •\� r SIKAFlEX 552 GSPACER 1/T';GLASS SITE; �.10 - < 'El 17:GlASS SITE- STATE OF z� _ GLASSTYPEIF GLASS:TYP.E:B 9/212017 LUCASAATURNER;P.E, „•F4;PE'M;6820P 1239 JABARA AVE. NORTH PORT,FL 34288 PH.941080.1574 snE ID= wIl01L•'- GLAZING DETAILS GLASS' MAX SIZE DMWND DAMN -._. SETTING BLOCKS PER FSC 2411.3.3.1 TYPE "W X.H8 X7ADE OS/GSf07 'DP+/-55 A 42 D'I" V_ _ CYJS-16, E: B _ 77X76 : SHEET '1.1 3OF8 1- i 3 Q WINOOW.SYSTE�MSIJ r -ISOO SW 44TH AVE: 'OCAIA^.FLORIDA 34474'1 • _.. _...... WWW CWS.CC - i e I- '8300 PVG E 6 ® s ! s PICTUREIMNDOW IMPACT-y 6 'e o -_..- v awyZarrnm 8s9 O Zo SECTION VIEWB-B a oz SECTION i p� wt-o axe a. a. �INTERIOR q"�ioREw'T ' y= GENS `,p ,.e. '9' ���SS�ONAinpp�� ino 2. s., 7 _912212017� i LUCAS A E#,58 ER;:P.E:. . �FJ_PE#582OU E '1239JABARA,VM, - NORTH PORI F134288.- . :12:9412;0., A: - 7 6: _ 6MEEl o95CNivTai SECTION.VIEWS 'SEQTIONVIEW`A=A; ALTERNA'1EFIN FRAME; ME. ;0WSPT j .. E ....::: ..-.SHEET I;.33< '46F8. , 'PARTS,LIST' oN TR _ - l�ilu{ellll(U� FRAME CORNERC 5 UCTION ITEM( PART.#I,DESCRIPTION VENDOR MATERIAL. wlyoowsYSTEns 1 H60068 FRAME',tPW;,MAIN,.HEAD:. iMIKRON-- PYC. +9oosw.aaTxavE:_.. 2?` H-60068 FRAME;PW;MAIN)SILL MIKRON PVC �Vwcs.cr- 479 3; Hf 0066,FRAME'PW MAIN,L JAMB MIKRON PVC •:'. ., 4: H-6006B'FRAME PW 1MAIN,R JAMB. ___,MIKRON 'PVC, coRNEnweLoiA`u soEsj 8308 PVG 5'' H*006A FRAME;P:W,�MAIN,FIN — MIKRON -!PVC _ _ srnLete PICTURE WINDOW 6;_ P-3113'SCREW'SUPPORT-F;OR PVC__ TEAWPLASTIC _RUBBER IMPACT' 7 P 3352 i SET.BLK,85 DUR.;,1/8 x 5/8"`x 2 LG=• FRANWLOWEj .RUBBER 8r PURFECT:GLAZE _H" SIKAFLEX552 HENKEL'/.'SIKA -SILICONE oW'o i"0, 9:- -P,„3752'.:C_AP PLUG 1/2”HOLE_ _ M&M SILICONE TH,rcr=C ' .o gy a0�3m 10: S6064' GLZ BE.,FXO (I,—O.A.,I.G.) MIKRON PVC" LL fa~3�o 11 GLASS SEE SHEET3 -.. oII o0 20,;,i EpOW ',3'716 -_ _ _.. _ ._31/8• ..._ __ Y F-'0LL;w0S0y _-177 ` a 3NOt_N, OL ,5u013wm- IIIII''''����II r �U __:7l1S' �� 1116' �ApjjDRE+Y.TT 71776• q .�, -' 0 � 4p5��GENSF G•Q?,LL ' 271W, J ':NG:59201, Ate+! l _ ( 'PTATE OF- 4�, 3ilY 0�1C F'0 RI �, < OP PVCFRAME:FLANGE H•60068, •��• �!h,S,�oNALEa`� PVC`ERAMEPIN-:H-OM X LUC;? A:T#URNER,F!*E. ili6' �'12y 1i 77--1: 'FLp 58204 1 1239 JABIIR/1 AVE 6, NORTH PORT,FL3a288 1+6 Px:9a1-380+1574.. ' SnEE1 V IFTIO'C P VCGLAZEBEA__.,D;-:S-606__4 SCREW SUPPORT r0=31.13. FXfRusioNsa:e:o;M!, ORAWH er, w_>E ARE, 05/05107 •� HEV- CWS-1591 E` _ SHEET ,1:1` 5'OFB, ([Yp,)- ,.B-.MAXD,C.(IYP) -SEENOTEI- SEE NOTE 2: ,4•MAX,.(TVP.) 1900 SW 44TNAVE: . 00ALA;FLORIDA 34474; I. I I I' I I 8300:PVC: 'PICTURE WINDOW Iwco;c` IMPACT INSTALunoN ..INSTALLATION "` I I :ANCNOR(TYPJ -iq - I � ,I:' ANCHOR(TYP.); p., 0N'. O =1.-7 I I I I o 0 0 IS I I I I NZz~gym' OZ'nZEN< I I 1 I ¢ P=Ew 0 oz; I. I I LLo Ww1wl1 1., I I I to i- o VFi ANCHORDPAUpi"GEI ANCHOR LAYOUT-IFINI I.T y�REIy TG DP•I-SSPSF ,GQS�ICENSF-Qyy No,759201 -mpg ' 9 STATE OF ID: .. < O i`yrp NAnnT��, NOTES: 1:I09TAL4ONE ANCHOR AT EACH INSTALIATIONlOCAT10NrANCHORSPACING APPLIES TO"ALLSHAPES(SEE SHEET$j ALONG ALLFRAME EDGES:SILL ANCHOR$PACING'SAME'ASHFJIO, 2.SHIMAS REOAT EACN INSTALLATION ANCHOR USPIGLOADBEARINOSHIMS:MAX.ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TORE 714' USESHUASWHERESPACEGREATERTHANI9W.IS-;PRESENT..LOAOBEARING,SHIMSSHALL6E` X_ CONSTRUCTED OF HIGH DENSITY PLASTIC ORBETTER WOOD SHIMS_ARE,NOTALLOWED.; - 3rAUCHORTYPE;5IZE SPACING ANdtMBEDMENT SHALL BE ASISPECIFIEO IN THERE DRAWINGS;_SEE,TABLE I,SHEETB., `S!?yZO��. &ALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF,OR PROTECTED.WITH A CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR COATING,DISSIMILAR'METALS OR:MATERIALS�.IN CONTACT,WNHPRESSURE TREATEDWOOD MUST, IUCAL,' 58 1 P.E. FL.PEg50201, BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION-: 1239 JABARA-AVE 5:INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL'BEIN ACCORDANCEWITH ANCHOR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS,ANDANCHORS SHALL NOTBEUSED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LESS _ NORTH 41.384 4'34' SPECIFIEO;IN TABLE I,SHEET6:, THAN THE MWIAIUMpH.947306.7.574' 5TDESGU m. 6z ANCHOR EMBEDMENT TO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND,WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO:FORCONCREMCMU OPENINGS'EMBEDMENTSHALL BEBEYOND WOOD BUCKS,IFUSED,INTOSUBSTRATE XNCHOR'SCHEDULE B' !INSTALLATIONS TO SOLID CONCRETE OR GROUyFILLEO CMU MAY,INCLUDE BUT DO NOT REQURE IX W OOO BUCQKS.BETWEENiTHE PRODUCLAN.D SUBSTRATE. 'MOTES 'INSTALLATIONS TOHOLLOW CMU REQUIRE•THE USE OF IXSUCK56ETWEEN THE PROOUCTAND SUBSTRATE;, -- ....Y 7SAMINIMUM CENTER-TO-CENTER,SPQCINGSHAH BE MAI NTAINEDBETWEENALL FASTENERS J---FORMASONRYI'FOR-W,OODANNOMETAC uey: wrE: aMw .ADE 051OSIOT B.-WOOD OR MASONRY,OPENINGS SUCKS.AND BUCK FASTENERS SHALL BE PROPERLY DESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORUANDiNSTALLEDTOTRANSFERWIND,LOAOS TOTHE STRUCTURE.. ava REv: 'SUBSTRATE$SHALLMEETTHEMIMMUMSTRENOTHREQUIREMENTSASEA SHOWNINTABLE)'SHEET_S.-CONCRETNOMASONRYSUBSTRATES,MAYNOTBECRACKED_ CWS-469; _ 'E° 9:SEALING FOROVERALL'WATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BE ODNEBVOTHERS FOLCOWINGTHE CURRENT-VERSION OFTHE REFERENCEDOCUMENTS: 'SHEET' F&WAAMA I-00(FIN WINDOWS),FMAIAAMA 200(FLANGE WINDOWS);.FMAW DMA 250(BOX WINOOWE);F&WAAM)VWOMAWD(EXTERIOR DOORS) 1:20: 6OF18 WINDOW SYSTEMSis 4 MAX;(TYP.), VWAXO.C'(TYP:); 1600SW.44THWE. OTE? 4X'(T ) SEE NOTE OCALA.FLORIDA 34474(TYP.); 6'-im'I ... WVIW.CWS.CC. I I 830D'_PVC f IA $ I I B. I P_ICT_URE-"mppw_ iye l I MAXO.C: l IMPACT azo OWL. W0� I I, I woo T Lz ZO2' K I I'; INSTALLATION �' 70N��P)i ¢W"3Z.3i= I Q l ANCHOR Ow.) I. 0 I O Of O¢�W OO I Ik I I I °z ! 3oW�€ob: NW F.O. axy ,,PµDRELY T gNCHORlAYOUT-fFlNI ACENSF Gq,L.�' ANCHOR LAYOUT=(FLANGE) -DP+I•fiS PSF J ITq•54201 P�� -oSTA7E`•OP .4� ���SS�ONA��EaV•```. NOTES: 1:1NSTALLONEANCHOR AT EACH INSTALLATION LOCATION ANC NOR SPACINGAPPUESTO ALI SHAPES(SEESHEET2)ALONG ALL FRAME EDGE$:jSIIL ANCHOR SPACING SAMEASHEAD� 2.SHIIA AS REQ AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR USING LOAO.f3EARRIG SHIMS.MAX.'ALI6WABLESHIMSTACKTOBE-114-'.USE-SHIUS,YiHERES0ACEGREATERTHANIH6'IHPRESENT.LOAGISING,SHIM$SHALL BE y CONSTRUCTEDOF Fil_qHq9NSITY,?LASTIC OR q_MERs,WOOD,SHIMS ARE N0T ALLOW ED( 3.ANCHOfl TYBE,512E,SPACING ANDEMBEDMENT SHALL REAS SPECIFIED INTHESEDRAWING$,SEE TABLET SHEET B: _ - LUCAS A. E �;9/22120172/2017 - TURNER.P. 4.A LL WSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADEOF.OR PROTECTED.WITHA CORROSION RESISTANT:IAATERIAL OR COATING.DISSIMILAR METALS ORMATERtl+LS IN CONYACT WITH BRESSURETREATED WOOD MUST FL PE 1158201 BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTIONi X1239 JABARAAVE! NORTH PORT;FL 342BB 5-INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL.BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH'ANCHORAWIUFACTURERS.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSrAD A NNCHORS SHALLNOT,BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WITH STRENGTHS LE55-THANJHE MINUAUAI PH:941-3801574 SPECIFIED INTABLE - SHEETD RiPIIOfL'- -'• B:ANCNORBMBEDMENTTO'SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALCDRESSING ORSNCCO:FOR CONCRETEICMU OPENINGSJEMBEOIAENTSHALL'BEBEYOND,WOODBUCKS;IPUSED,INTO SUBBiRATE., -pNOHORSCHEDUCE;& INSTALLATIONSITO SOLID CONCRETE OR GROUT FILLED CIAO MAY INCLUDE BUT DO NOT.REOURE'.1X W OOO BUCKS_BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND$UBSTRATE. NOTES: INSTALLATIONS TOHOLLOW:OMU:REOUIRETHE USEOF IX BUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCTANDSUBSTRATEf T - _ _ _- - - - - WiAIYN BY: GATE: 79. 1NIMUM CENIERdO;CEWER SPACING SHALL BE MAINTAINED BETW_EE.N_ALL FASTENERS 3"F0R IAASONRY,1 FOR WOOD AND METAL. ADE O5)O510 .. . .. - B.WOOD OR'MASONRY OUC PENINGS,BKSAND BUCK711FASTENERS SHALL BE PROPERLY DESIGNED BY• E ARCHIIECT`OR ENGINEER OF REOORO AND INSTALLED,TO 7RANSFERWIND LOADSjTOTHEtSTRl1GTURE. ,Dura ---.REV-% --- SUBSTFiAl1ES SHALL MEET;TRE IAINIMUM STRENGTH REOUIREMENTSASSHOWNIN,TABLEt SHEET-Bi CONCRETE'ANO MASONRYSUOSTRATES MAYNO7BE CRACKED., �CWS:159 _E- 9.SEALING AND FLASHING STRATEGIESFOR OVERALLVlATER RESISTANCE OF MSTALLAITON SHALL BE DONE BY OTHERS FOLLOWING 7HECURRENTVERSION OF�TME REFERENCE DOCUMENTS:; '�L; - -SHEET' ' FAWMMA 100(FINWINDOWS),FMAIMMAZ00(FIANGEWINDOWS).:FMA/WDIAA 250(BOXWINDOWS),MWAMNWDMAA00(EXTERIOR DOORS), 1:20 7-OF-8 RRN:L?teEOMENT SE-ETABLE 1 .SUBSTRATE WINDM$•'. TYPICALHFAD ANCHORAGE' BY OTHERS' _ 114•LANCSNIM SEE TASLEYMIN;EDGE TABLE` DIST1 . _ 'SSUYBSTRATE' 'MIN!EOGEDIST: +II GEETABLEJ 34 4 ;SEE TASLE 1 14EMAX SHIM,' ' 180D SW 94TH AVE.. MI�E DIST.; (I" SUBSTRATE SY OTHER$ I SEE.TASLEI OCALA.FLORIDA 47 www'cwscc SEE3ABLE1 8300 PVC_ _ MIN.ElABEDMFM, INSTALLATII ;PERIMETERSEMT_-- SEE TABLET- .SEETABLEON ANCHOR NI - 016TURE WIN150w. BY INSTALLER. _ 'AtW:EMBEDMENT' 1NSIDEANDOUT - I SEETABLEI !IMPACT i FLANGE BYINSTALLER L� I ,114';MAX"SHIM _ 'Z � Q ?i NWOD' OER11 ETFRSFAIANT. FL OIn O Q p w. INSIOEANO OUT 9 aN� On: In - PERIMETER SEALANT _ ! BY INSTALLER z O ZI K C Z BYINSTNLLER, .. LL !N91OEA ROUT -INSTNLATIONANCHOR 2 i�x'�, w�O: SEETABLE? O .OF-'.0 j1 "m SEMANPBEHIND,,.__,. U 0.166 O-Pon. FLANGEBYINSTALIER SFALANT.BEHDID, G ,OZUN=o LLLN1 INSTALLATIONANCHOR. HORlZONTALSECTION_ HORIZONTAL SECTION QWp=O z'. SEETABLE 1" "-- �'S i..TYPICAL'JAIAS ANCHORAGE S".TYPICAL FINANCHORAGE_ ¢¢ ~C2 HEAD'AND SRI.SIMILAR FOR FlNINSTALLAl10N { KI�Y�3 pE: I maul lw'. a'''ZSrc a' KJONN K 'W~K- B. ❑_ , SHIM `%RETS T '.SEALANTBELIND-. — . �r N (� FULNGE BY INSTALLEFI [� ;�_ Z _ Not 55201 PERIMETER EEAI_AlIT BY INSTALLER'" MIN..EMSEDMEIII, •SEETABLE.Ii 9. -STATE OF' 1NSIDEAND OLID. 0 .A, ...;. .-. 'PFS.<.O R10.C, •SVBSTRATE BYOTMER$ 'SEE TABLE 1 J .-'MIWEDGE DIST: �SFF TABLE,1 ;SFAIANTUNO TALLER"IY- .A" VERTICALSECTION _ I. 'HEAD BY IKSTALLER' -.B. ;TYPICAL SILL ANCHORAGE TABLE I:APPROVEDINSTALLATION FASTENERS'., __. ......__.. ___. LUCASA.TURNER.P.E: FRAME.TYPESUBSTRATETYFE4. .-ANCHORTYPE MI?L EMBEDMENT MIN.EDGE DIST.j FL PE#58201 .. •'.- ..:12391ABARA-AVE:., FLAN .__ ._ _....���• B- PERIMETER SEALANT, - NGE HOLLOW OR GROlA F1LlED CIAU(117PCF.;MM: 3I16'TIW,TAPCON 1• T BY INSTALLER: NORTH'P.! FL 34288 ' BY IDEA UER; P...1 FLANGE:,'. ___.. _ _.... __ _ __fit-___ _ _ _.....,. ..0,_`NORIZONTALSELTION SnEEi oESCAiViKJlt FLANGE— GROUT-FLLEDCMU(ASTM'C-90) 3116'_ELCO ULWCON I -'1414"" - 2-1IY-- -' e- 'SOXFRAME INSTALLATION :3716-UW.TAPCONORELCO UL7RACON: - - HENDAND SELL SIMILAR FOR BOX INSTALLATION INSTALLATION DETAILS, FLANGE: 21(IMAOUTHFI2N PINE(G 0.55). ��IB;: •,715' !I . _.... .. __ FLANGE-- 2XMM.SOUTHERN PINE.(G=O.SS)' `-#10 WOOD SCREW :1378'+ 718' ;; FLANGEIREMOVAL NOMPARTIALLY.OR FULLY REMOVING THE FLANGE;. DA�BY.� DATE: FLANGE: 16 GAUGE(D.060')MM.STEELSNO #10.16 HILTIKWIX4IEX OR Ii W, FULLTHREAD, UP TO AND.INCLUOPIG:ABOX-FRAMEAPPI:ICATIONIS ACCEPTABLE PROVIDED: ADE 051OS107 KSIYIELDMI_N]„ ,TE(S,$ELF-ORILLMGSCREW 0HRU 0.06D- 1' MIN 114'FILIET OFiCONSTRUCTION•GRADEADHESPJ9 CAULK,IS APPLIED! DNO REV FLANGE Ila*ALUM.(6063 TS:MM:):OR - O10 GRADESSELF TAPPWG/• Fl81THREAD:" 7116,: INSIDE OUT,FULL'P5RIMETER;.flYINSTALIER, CWS 169 E 118 STEEL '14 •PRODUCTANCHORAGE IS IN ACCORDANCEWITHRE0UIREMENTS,AS. : SHEET ,2XMM;SOUTHERN PINE(G=0.58)- _ pB--WOOD SCREW -_ ' _ _7.11T - HOWNFORFLANGEWINDOWS: 1:280F8