HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Load Calculation U Planning&Development Services Department •U.� Y Building&Code Regulations Division RECEIM Cr2300 Virginia Avenue,FortPierce,FL34982—(772)462-155 DEC 10 2019 Certiii6tio fii,for Design Load Compliance ST. Lucie County., Permitting Project Name:: _ ',D.UNEWALKBYTHEOCEANDOORREPLACEMENT Project Address: ;7380 S.OCEAN DR. Permit#: Occupancy Type: R Construction Type: V INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE: •This certification must be completed,signed,and sealed by the design professional of record. •Submit(2)copies for residential,(3)copies for commercial with all permit applications involving the fdlmft: o New Residences(single or multifamily) o Residential Addition o Any accessory structure requiring a building permit p o Any non-residential structure. f (2— * 2z Nobe:Form not required for interior renovations provided that no exterior structural elements are affected and certain minor builder permits at the discretion of the local building official Contact the#above for questions. R EVI E Wp D FC)fj DESIGN PARAMETERS AND ASSUMPTIONS USED:(comniete all thatawly) CODE COMPLIANCE 1.DESIGN CODE:Florida Building Code 2017(6th Edition)with 20 Supplements wing ASCE 7-0 10 LUCK CQUp4TY C 2.Structure Designed as(check e): X Enclosed Partially Enclosed Open B®CC 3.Risk Category: I X 11 111 IV Exposure Category: _B X D 4.Design Wird Velocity 165 mph 128 ASD N/A LRFD End Zone Width: 5 ft 5.Mean Roof Height: 15 ft Roof Pitch: WA :12 Parapet: N/A ft 6.Components&Cladding Design Pressures Used:(PSF,based on 10sgft @ 15'MRH,clearly label on all plan open! �. 4 Zone 1: 25.0 Zone 2: 25.0 Zone 3: 25.0 Zone 4: 43.3 Zone 5: 43.3 Garage: NJ lie Copy -39.7 -69.0 -102.1 -47.0 -58.0 g NIX 7.Design.Loads:Floor: N/A PSF Roof/Dead: N/A PSF Roof/Live: N/A Balcony:_ N/A PSF Dods: N/A PSF Deck: N/A PSF Stairs: N/A PSF Fence: N/A PSF Railings: N/A PLF/CONCENTRATED S.Were Shear Wali Considered For Structure?—& — JYes mot Applicable Explain Why Not: 9.Is A Continuous Load Path Provided? X Yes NotApp5cable Explain Why Not: 10.Design Sol Bearing Pressure: 2500 PSF Sort Test Reports Submitted? Yes DESIGN PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION STATEMENT: I certify that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the attached plans&specifications have been designed to comply wrlh the applicablestructural portions of the building codes currently adopted and enforced by St Lucie Covnty.1 also certly-that structural elements depicted on these plans provide adequate resistance to the design forspecr�ie Paul Welch P.E. 29945 / 5115 Print Name Cert#&Co.CertAuth. —. - Paul Welch Inc. 12/10/19 Sigmit>Pe, ,and Seal 1984 S.W.Biltmore St.Suite#114 Port St.Lucie,FL Company Name&Address SLCCDV Form#020-12 Revised 3/15/12(JS) 1, • OI C Planning & Development Services Department E I , y Building & Regulations Division j Product Review Affidavit o U 9 U (� W ) U Building Permit# Owners Name_ S A a V V u T4 re* Applicant: Product Opening Design Product Rated Manufacturer Model Numbpr Product Approval Glass Method of Attachment Pressures Design Pressure Num r Typo Windows Mullions Fixed Glass Block Glass S 11 lits Sliding bless Doors Swing Type Doors French Doors y 3,l '$"7, 4/—IL T->&.T FD 10t Garage Doors Hurricane Protection Roof Ventilation Roofing Material I have reviewed the above components or cladding and I have approved their use.i4 hisi®trpcture;These products provide adequate resistance to the wind loads and forces specified by current code provisions. - Name: PAWELCH P.E. Signature: Design Prof: PAUL WEL19 CH P.E.'. Cert. No. 29945 : ,DEC 1 0 20 Date: