HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval t eas Homr i.Lou 1n 1•'u"';t6gtsb0ao» 1•HOCtopfcs SObmit5urcha14e 1 .Stats8Facts.%;PubltcOOPS Contact Ust 'a��4$F,p Q RE ProductAppyovai �e r 086tt-.DuD1ic UsEr '-�.t r DEC prat fit n»OmYAt Pena>vyp�u wAnW:^a 1�:a.a•rh>9pFtkat6yt 1.i5S'r ADDikntla»OlteO I . FL n "FL17022-P.7 ST. Lucie County, Permlttln� App lcatton Type Revislon Code Versions 2017: Application Status Approved Comments OS/Y8/2017v:date reapply 08/21/17.. Archived )? ° Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal fabricators,LLC Address/Phone/Emall 2.160 SW Poma Drive Palm City,FL 34490 (772)872-8034' fivalidation6yahoo.com Authon2ed Signature Richard'McKuheA • flvalidat{on�lyahoo.com TechnicaCRepresantative Richard Mc(uheri Addressi0hone/Email 2160 sw Pome Drive Palm Cit y,'FL 34990` "(772).872-8034 richard6emfab.net, Quality.Assurance;Representathie Address/Phone/Email Category Poofipg subcategory Metal Lefing Compliance Method Evaluation.Report from a Florida Registered Architect or.aticensed Florida;Professlonal.Englneor U Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer orArchitett.Name.whodevetoped-:theEvaluation.Report LoCKE•BOWDEN' ° Florida'Licedse " - •.,fE-49704 Quality:Assurance Entity Keystblia C@rLiflC2ti0n5'1nC. Quality Assurance ContragCExpiration Date 0412212024 Validated'By Zachary R:Pnest,P.E. 66 Vaildation Checklist ;Hardcopy Received ' Certificate of-lndependence„ Q(+707 0 SQS FL,17622,1-5-V CRIMP.ssr•bdF Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard YCefi TAS-12S 1003 UL 1897. g20pY2p t)l 580 R E®/I E r "}�O R Equivalence'of Product Standards CODE C® PLiANCE Certiiiied+By `� Sections from the Code S • • L U C I E COUNTY TY BOCC Product Approval Method;m Method;S Option D• ` Date;Suhmitted - 08/1812017 Date Validated 08/25/2017 Ffie.Copy, Date Pending FBCApproval 08/28/2012 1Y'!l \s ✓W Date Approved yyy 10/1072017 FL at Mode! Number or Name Description 17022.1 1•-°SV Crimp"(R6), 46 Gauge steel 3/8'rib he,ghti 24 wide lapped roof pe nel-met9ianl®ily attached to 15/32"plywood or:Wood Ouch with fasteners - Imit�s.of Use Install®tion tr swijctlons Approved for use In HVHZi Na Fy173,.jt7 li'Fi 17022 t•S V CR*MP Ear-q{)f , ,Approved for use oubide;HV}42:Yes Veritled•By:Locke'Bowden,P.E.49704" Impact Reaistanti No. Created by lndependentThW:Patty,.Yes Deslgn Pressuro }N/A/-Table AEvaluatio 'R Porto RPorto other.Refer to eveluatidn roport_for conditions.Install the assembly In compliance F 170 R7 AE Ft 1702 1 a r 61M?ssr,odf with the installation method:listed'in this report and apptic6b a code sgctlons of EBC Created bi1ridependent Third Party:'Yes Refer to manufacturer'sInstallation instructions:. 17022.2 12 "SV Crimp"{116}; 0:032"32 Aluminum,,3/8 Rlb height 21°wide tappad'rooI panel,mechanically attached ` .._- �, - to:15jptywaoii or Waod Deck with:eitposod;fasieners Limits of Use _ Installation Instructions Approved for use;IwilvfiZt,No. „ , XL170It FL 1703?2'"t.V CRIMP 01032 Approved for use.outside HVHXt�Yes, VerifiW By;`tocke$owden,P,11-49704,- Impact;Resistant.No,. Created by:iodependent Third.+arty:Yes Ouslgn Pv6imura +IYIAI'Table A Eva luatian,Rcsparta Other:'Reierto evaluallon.report far,cotiditions.InstaiI the assembly ln..comptlance, F,11?p22 Ra AE-- 170222 n t,+i{MP 0 0�7 A iM C•r adf• With the Installation method Ilsted in this report applicable code sections of FSC.. Created by Independent Third Party:'Yes Rafar to Manufacturer!$installation instructions. ; 17022:3. 13'- 1:5"Mechanical Seam°{RS)- - '1.5"rib holght,16"wide,24 gauge steel,standing:seam.roof panel mechai tally atlaichtt — Y ch1 oiler{instruct ons or woonideck'wlih clips,mnd fasteners. , Umits of Use Approved,for use.im"W2:No; Ft j 7022 R7 11 FL 17.a22`3-'i tEcxnlalrAi�5 aS0 34ga ssr.adf Approved for use outside HYHX:Yes Verified By::L cke Bowden,P,E<49704 Impatt'Resistarrt:No Created by.IndependentThird Patty.Yes Desifiri ptossuret+NIA/-Table A Evaluation Rgzorts, Othert'kefer to evaluatlonn report for conditions and limitations of usei,install the •2tJ 17022 22 AE'lF1 171122,3 l,y MECUMJCA serf; j4g r& assembly in,compiiance WIth'ihe installation method listed in this reportarid applicable Created by<TndependentTh€rtl:Party:Yes ` carie sections of,FBC.Refet'to manufacturer`s 3nstullattan HisfruiKidns. 17022A � - 1 5"Mechanical Seam (RS) I- rib height,16"wide 0.432 aluminum standing seam1. roof panel mechanically attached to 25(32"plywood at Wood'Deckwith clips,and,fasteners. Umits of.Use InateiiaUofiinstrutdons - _ Approved for use In 14VN2 Na. 1!1,17022',RIt F€ ,703?MLQMCIAL AE61A ALUMINUM ssrrdt Approved for use outmiee HYHZt Yes, Verilled-By:,Lock e,Bawden;PX.49704 2mpact'Resisixlnt Na Created,y ttrdependant.T' Patty:Yes Design pressure -WA/-Table A Evaluation Reports Dthert Refer to evaluatlawreport=forcondltlons,and Ilmltatiorts of use:Install,the EUMZ l 1702Z4_MECHACN AL SEAALUMINUM r rAr assembly In compiiahte with the installation method listed)h this report and applicable Created by independent.Tllird Party:Yes cptle sections of FBC,Refer tomanufatturer's inskatlakiorr:lnsfiuctlons. 17022 5 5 1 in Naii.striP (RS); 1 rib height 16'wide,26 gauge steel'standing seam roof panel mechanically _.. attacheif to 15/32"plyWuad,or wood deck with fasteners. Limits of Use xnstutiatfon Instructions Approved for-use in HVHZ.'No 2_R7 r:Et 124.?7:5.i�-_2 NMII G�'R1P fist bdf Approved for ase outsidtx HVHZ::Yes Verified Sy Locke Bowden,P.E.49701 Impact Resistant:No Created by 2ni9epividentThird Party:Yes" 6estgn pressure:+N1A/-TablaA Evafuatlon Reports. Others Reler'to evaluation repprttor conditions and limitations of use.Install the F -70 7;g'j pp Fi:IZlI2,y 5 1:0 NAIJ-qATP'e"r W assembly,in ComplianeE°witft the insYtttat€on method llsted,l0'thl4 ropbrt and applicablECreated'by lndependentTltlyd.Pa codesections of_FBC.Refer to manufacturer's€nstaliatwn'instrkthins.`; 17022X' 6 i in Na115tHp {R5) 1 rih'tierght i6.wide 0 032"aluminurn,standing'seam roof papel mochanlwlly attached to attached to 15132"plywood or Waod Deck with fasteners, tdntitatit Use InstatEatlon inattuctfonipr - —� Approved for use in'HVH2.NoF 1L�o2z 7 Ij lei 1 bY 0, 1 Atl STRIP O g}7 At'UM c r of 1 Approved for use outside HV"?-'Yes Verified By:Locke Bowden,P;E 49704 Impact Resistant Nn Created by TndependentThird Party:Yes Desljn;Pressurel+NIA/-Table.A EvotuationReports C than Refer to evaluation,report for,conditions,and limitations'of use.Install the, FLi7 R7 AF Fl."711,12.5 2.0 NATL S'rRtP 0 8��A1(#M ssr odl assaiWy ln;compliance with the Installation mathod.listedin,thfs report and applicable Created by 3n iependent,Third Party:Yes cads sections:af.F6C.Refer to manufacturer s'instailalloit'instrttctions. � , 17022:7 7-'1.5 in.iyaii Strip'(RS), 1.5"rib.txdght,-19"wide,,Z6 gauge steel,:standing•seam roof panel mechanically L. attached to'IS132'`plywmed'or woad.detii villi fasterter5;; (mita of[ice Appraved'fai use'in H :&-No IElInstallationRn.7 Instructions, t� €l ctria 2 A 'cr�ridf Approved for Use outsWe HVHZ:Yes Verified By;Loeke,Bowdon,'P;r'49704 ' Impact Resistant:No _ : Created by Independent Thlyd.Paity:Yes Design Pressure +N/A1=Tabie'A Evaluation Reports Other;Refer to evaluatiop'repart for condit€onsund itmltattdns mf use Install the �I�02Z l57 AE ft 1?082°?'t 5 Ngli ctr#o 26G r_oilf assembly in compliance with the installation method listed in this r"eporiurid applicable•, Created Independent Third Party:Yes code'srctlarts o£.FBC;Referto panufacturer's€nstalfatkm:,mstruct€ons.= �. �. 17022.8 8-`EMAX Rib°{RS) 24 gauge steel,lapped roof panel mechanically attached to•15/32"plywood,br wood deck with exposed fasteners., " limits of tisa Inatafiatlan Instructions Approved ler use fo,itVHZ:.No FL17037 R7`tI F(177022`B EMAX Rltr s£r pdf WrProved foi'uso oatstdo HVH2t`'Yas vattfied 8y,i trciie,Bowden,P.is 43704 Impact Resistant.Na Created by Independent Third Party.Yes: Design Pressure +N/AJ Tabfe A Evatus#an Reports. dthert Rafer to evaluadon report forconditions'antl lirr€itations of u$e lnsbrll the FI17t)2j {ij pE Ft 17z2}x2.g' AX Rib ssr ods assembly In Compliance wlin the installation methad listed in this reportand applicable Crested by Independent Thlyd Party.-Yes' ~ # code sactions'ofFBC.Refer to manufacturers installation Instructions. 17022.9 9,-•PBR MAX":(RS), 26 gauge steel,lapped roof,panel mechanically attached to 15132"plywood or wood deck,with exposed:fasteners, Umhs of:Use' Installottan Ihsttiictionsa Approved for use In HVHZ:�No - FyI,7022 R7"It FL•�)2:9 pS,A„giR sr odf lilt Approved for use autside HVHZ;Yes Verlfiad BY--t ocke:Hawdegr P,E 49704 Impact Resistant No Created by.Independent Third Party-'Yes , Design Pressure;tN1AJ Table A Evaluation Report tither Re?cr.to.evaivation iepoit.fot canditions`and limitations ofruse:lnstalf the EL270 g7 q t70 s=(i}R p ssr rHif r assembly in compliance with the'ittstallaeon mothod listed!n"ttiis rep%t and up pitwbie Creaked'by TndependenYTh€rii;Party:Yes code sections of FPC,Refer"to manufacturers instaliatian instructions, each fE GanGgllts.I4AtasS a m 'd Tali»ease F $2399 phyae;eso-aez•laza ' �ThdStoEc 6l,F14Nda:is an aAlEt-0omdoyer LsaY4oht�QQ]•2ar9'Stircaof rfo,w ;;prtva� � tallity u�t.mcnt::RM md`<t�gm+nt 1lndtr Florida tart,Wnbll addraSsa'are pubtkrecarda.ifyou`do eror Want�yoerl,ma3i aiidrazs rahzorad in rasgonsa tas qun€k-rtwm5re9uest da tsot sen4 datteun_k ma6 to tfi�a entity.Imtesd,tantatt taeaafae tsq�paangar bp. tretlipatMl mat.ff Ytiu nayo enY 4uesaans,oiaasa,contaa 6511,497.139„•pursuant to sacttaa ASS.276(1)+Ftdiida Statutes,,etfact ve attotXr 1 1at2,li[ensees ticensC4 drMar 4haptir+V55,F,S.mut4.peav,4e.Me Oaparneant W4h. .an omen address it they have one.The amglig.piav+ded inaybc"used for otfu3al'avnmurdrathm wvYh the ga:nsea,:tiowa'ver.emaa addrtssci are oua9C rw5ard.rt,you ild{rot assn to sugglY 4 penohal eddn:sa,-p1e>rgc'providb tilt ' aa37admaat:vita an ensa9 addrcssivhiUsoan ha;ma4e.svbliaMa`to tka puNiG.Te s;Hamarrt if You are a 6cer:me ullaar.ChBatea°i55,€S.,Waaxa e6ck hSi€• , ' j�1�PI�ile{ducl AOrgrrm��YN A�e'u�'{Bttk',. •, ,. Product Report Manufacturer'. Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC.! g 260 Swll!' Poita Drive Palm City,FL34990 ` QQEF y� Florida Product Approval # 17022.1 5-V Crimp NON HVHZ VX- r F 0rmpliant ravithlorid :8uild�ng C+�&20171(6 ' compliant with 1`torida:xProductApproval Rute#61G20 -Cd rhpliont. t{e stone-Certifirrations, .a' Product. 5 V''Crimp 26d Steel Room Panei �13C Sec',1507:4.2 ;ry I, :Yield strength: 50`ksi min:;:AttachedIto min 15/32"vlywood-,or Wbo,d ee k v j min.0.42 specific gravity Wth screws.=24"Correrage r 3 Rib y Corr"os +on Resistant.Corripliant:� F60ec:1567.4.3 %;.:.. Fiiiener . (IV9r thud l Attachrrtant):#9x i-I/ 2k,.,;H6x-W.ath Head woodscrew :to penetrate 3/ " rnm.,thrude+ck+o 5J8„embedment into woad lank. *: r sufficient;len h to `meet ". : P { 8 ,. requirements) :, r fasten x x er 2_(Method 2,3 4 Attachment) #10 x 14/2' 1H+r•x�'Washer`Head wood screw*to perfe rate f 16",min:-thru deck or 5/V;:e a toren#into wood ptanh. (*cis cuff crent,lengfih : ` to meet rquiremerrts} Underlayment: To be compliant with F8C Sec: Chart 150 7.1.1 ;. Siope�'Shall be in:complianc+e wfthFBCSec. 1507. , -5a r Etta meet specifir. #ions above Irfstal�D 4atis Ubie X'_ Al�+o cable t rsads" `u METHtJD 1 IVIEPHOD,2 ,WHO Iz', METHOD 4 IRESIGN PItfSSURE* 86 PSFJ-W915P�f 101.PSI: -228 P5 iiOW SPA�iNG o.c.' OX. : 1�5TE1dER SRittCll�a: ALtDNG Parfet dth) _ #9 #i0 #10 ReferencerData: ARC1 R ECl'URA�TES nNG,INC.M-ID#: 7 �U�SSiD-06&-1897-041 `rest Y Report 170;89 Si �It 1zj�a/15 T u, Report TAS 125-03 lest Re�r►rt D05893:02-4St9 18 fl7'J22J14 �.. QU1°VALViC'Y UL 1897,04'is equivalent fo teA*tan#4if uL 1897 Y y►'rrit �`Ck�sf�rn pressure m�trgira v`safOty 3 locks ldawdenfP E does not have,not will ac uire a firaandal inA bi ►i facituring or distrlbuti raducts 4 �, %. 'urrderthisevaiiiation :` lecke eowden,P r Is not owned,operated,or 6ntro{led by a�jy caa�parl�tpm 8i turer�or�isiributirig products under this report. _ * , (y, # v � +� -zt ^c..,: ,r P� .������ �� '►') �� _`cam t_ _ . s FL1Z022:1` 5V Crimp.{26GA Steel), 24"Wide Roof,Panel Details Limitations; 1. Undedayment to be compliance with current-Florida.Building Code (FBG)261,7 61"ed.. 2. Minimum slope to be compliant-Vith Florida Building C.ode;2t)'17 h ed„;and per-With Manufacturer's installation reference: 3. Products are compliant;forState:of Florida product approval_;per Rule 61G20 3.-Compliance.Method,l-D, 4. Engineering analysis-for';project specific,approval bylocal authorities wljurisdiction is allowed by,otherregistered engineers. 5. Fire classification:is not part of this=acceptance,Shear diaphragm values are outside this report. 6. Supportk6ming in c6nipliance w/SSC 2i)17 6m ed.,.Chapter,22 for Steel;chapter 23 for'Wood,and Chapter 16 fbe Structural Loading. 7.This report does not imply warranty;installation,;recommended product use outsid®of ibis report: Fasttmers:_.. ` 1i9 x 1 112"Min,or #10xA-112"Wn.,Psr7bbkW forRow 5.V,CnffpRcdPWW, �SFt!�k+8_armt Oecrgn Pressaros . , Nex-wa0prH6adWood-Sd6ws x y �\y 1/ ,. :: :,✓�? /wa,rz;./ /.?c�.�, ��i �l_�.t:'�/� ......, /x N& •,IMT or greatei Plywood,or MW plank TAM 14" .OFF Peel Profile. Nominal 12 Nominal 12. •o.c: o:c Fasten 1h"Min.Sir #10 x 1-1/2"Min-per "Table"A" Hk Washer Head Screw , Spaced 12' o .across.the Panel Width Panel Refer Ox.to:Tablb"At'for Spacing Along Pariel Overlap Length Deck-,15132"or greater Plywood,or, foodplank