HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAll A PPLIf ABLE INFO AQU5€ K YIPL�TED FOR AP11>LICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: , P : R�iC Nurr:ber: ON wo PW,n��.0MdDeVekV"nr r&rrj onct a.Reg*do n oj+Ysnw 23010 YugNw Avenue, Fort Xeree Fd -Z$98.� Phor'W M2) 462-1553 Fax: (7721462-I57B PERMIT TYPE- Bu i Iding Permit A p p I i-ca#ion Commercial Rcni denfial PROPOSE DIM PROVE WNT LOCATION: Address; PFY)Perty TaX If) Ft; . gq 3 —0 L C0 00 - LM No- Site Dian ftamt: 810ek No, Frojtct Narnc: DEMLED DFSCR!PTION' OF WORK.. C4Wf -n 4 4C _ ti E Cv- + _ 1L r I - y + Y JV i ,�r � a ( r C �v'i � K. 7 i�� �� 1 T �+� � �� L .t � i-7G_. r �d i�� 9Y�k CONSTRUCTION I NFOR T[ON; Additional vp,orkto he performed under this permit— check all [hat apoy: _Mechan L+ f _ Gars Xarrk _ Gas Pa�NrJP, _ 5hutters +-/Electric _ PEumbi r% , Sprinklers Total Sq. Ft 43f Con5trucUon_ Cost of tstruaiori; $ Soo- OWNER/LESSEE: T Genwratar _ Root Sq- Ft- of Firs# Ftaor: Utilities: _ 54-,wcr _ 5eptic dip i 4� F-ax; SA-. Phone Na" "j'7 E-hfla�; F9 in tee simple Title Ffofdff CM next page if difi~crent from the Omer li5wd abcw) OONTRAOTOR: Name: Bu iEding Zip Code: _`�_ Fax Phone No - E•!ti'IailC State ar Co-unty Llcensoe i I I %GAEu& Of C nstMUd68n is $2-5w or gym, a WCQRP�4f C+}*N1icwenm Kt is r£Spl kvd. If value of HVAC is S7r5W or mare, 2 RECORDED WI oe of Com1ewemmt �r reQmimd. Pitch 5 U F PLE M ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LI EN LAW IWORMATION afSIGNE-R/ENGI N EER Not Appli{able MORTGAGE COMPANY: — of Appl ita h le Name: Name; Address: Add rew State: Cfk'f: State: City_ Zip- Phone Zip: Phone: FEE VMPLE TME HOLDER: Not ApplicmW& BONDING COWANY. Not App]itable Name= Name: Ad d ress: Addr ess= City: _ - _ ; Zip; Phone Zip- OWNERY CON fRACT#I<AF ROOT: Application is twrebyr ni.a(le in ohrrt .�i mrmit to do the work and iE stallation as indicated certify tfW no rk 4x ihstallatr+on has cornmen,ced praoT to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie fiaurrtw reiAeei nib repr.&rnlateort I hal is Rr n inC :u permit will authorize tine perf-nit hotder to build t t sub*% strucwrc� which is in conibrt with any appdi=bk- FLomfi 4u4ers Assonation rules, bylaws or and anwenanta that mayr re.- k roer m prohioi j su-M :lrUrl urr, please {Or WIT oath your Jiorn:e Owners Amx[iation attd re vilYw your did rvr UnY re5t6{t.ions whiLt may apply - In uv:nsixieration of 1ine grarrting of this requested pmrm it•;, I do 6enHbyr agree shar I will, in all re- wct5, perforrn ire accordance with the approwed plans,, the; IIW�0.) 1_;Ie13'10ieW Cocks and M. Lute CountvAmendments_ The fc 1;awin g buifdke g prermit ap,pkatian f are fxcrnpt #rvm urt€Iergo& g a fu2f cxmcunrenW review_ r4aom a'ddit aocessorr structu res,, swirnmir a nneyK, ience•s, walls, signs, scree, rooms and acck�ssor� ur'�L to afiother non-r " WALMSC T4 OWNER' YIDLFR FAILURE TO RECORD r!l NOTICE OF COMMENCEM UfT MAY IRMt TWW-F FOR NPROYEl1 Offs TO YOUi L PIWFIERTY. A M3T W-E OF COMMENCElti EN 3 MUST POSTED ON THE JOB SITE RF>`OW THE RRSC WSRECTKYL IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAJtIfi IF WIM TOUR F ENVE R OR AN ATTDFIIt Y E; 9EUMMORn Y-0112 MITlCE OF ODMMENCEMI or sigr,at �rrerf as,nz fir t�w�r'x 5' l=FLORMA cen.�e Holder I ATE OF FLOOR€ Coupf y OF C COUNTY OF 'a I" i -'�, The fa ng irtStY�u vp;�} akahvwfcdged hef�ce me thi5�dayr of 1 U4 by Mpmr�4f!persm nud ngSt2t-ernP.fet Plef -.w n a 0 y K-ngwn _V OR Produc[id IdP.at&r.-d6n rype & usenti✓katibn oI NoLarjy PErhgio- State of florlda RED R:WS FRONT ZONING 11NTEFR I REVIEW [)A f 1 RECFJVf o DATE COMPLETED W"* wu7nji�a erw _T Mt YOk)R PAYING lilt RJEUMMED AND MA]I ENT, CON T IYT." i — _ I the ng Jns#r n[ rin ack�hrn+rcJ d before me this day oI 1 ?,Q bar U*mit pf pLvAZon -taking statement ftee$6n2ily KnWwn _ OR Produced I Jerrtification Type Iapri titnCa [icon Rrnd,� ' r — Pu ' . to of;•k �3 ♦ Com�r iission No_ r {� T jw�— :?hotaryr PLJAHS VEGETATION y SEATUR REWI W REVI Lv/ ; REOEW