HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationAl{ APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit NLir:De' Building Permit Application erd Deveioprner: 51rVices 3;;rding cnd Code Reguiatior. Division 230C ✓irginio Avenue, rorr Pierce FL 34-981 ✓ COr?�m�rCial esidentiai Phone: ?72j452-1553 Fax: (772) A52-157g I PcRM! T APPLICATION FOR: ._address: :'2 (J :ecai Description: propery Tax ID 4 S to Dian Name: _ pro ,eR NaMe_.� Sr,Gacks =rant. W009 r,UMIORNWIM Right Side: _ Left Side: O Lot No. — Btock No. � i --- i do�trona wo to _o pe rme un .Pr t is permit — c ec a t at app y: WindCWs/DOorS 5hv+tprs l "ale:f a^iCai y Gas 'rank Gas Piping _ Sprinki erS _. Generatt?r _. Roo- Wert-�� .r ?i�•, .�: ._ SCj. `t. o! C:rst -100r: ;a' sq. `t ^,' CnsTruc-ior ! Building Heighu siruCticn: l i ftilitie5: _Sewer Stoola - _Septic !, Nam- .. 5rnn�� dig. any':- 4ate: Address: _i t05 State: • , C. ` %% r� �/�� -7ip Code: 3G93' : ax: �ZI- %i7 '1Z3 �^ �p No. - I �l _ -Ma' Phone No. 77� ii gill in fee simple Title Holder on nextif different page (• �• , the Owner listed above) Stale or County License. I, i; of Commencement is required. if value or construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice Yµ' DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable ! MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Qpp!icable Name Name: Address: 1 Address: Ct'v: State: City: _ State: Zip: Phone: , Zip: Phone: FEE SiMPLf TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: _ Address. i Address'. �. zip: _- � Phone: Zip: Phc to tha: no Work or Installation `has cor•.':menced prior to The !SSua'a-e OT c^ petm.L. 5:. _UC!c COUn*y ?IcnICES n0 reprC5Cn'.8iion that i5 granting a permit wili authorise the permrT holder to build the subject structure. which is !n confiiC with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or anc. covenants that may rest. IC! or prohibiT ouch strucrure. Please consul, with your Home Owners ASSOCiaTion and. review you. deed for any restrictions which may apply. •n consiue'atior of the granting O" :his regc.ested permit, i do hereby agree that ! wil!, in al! resp?c.s. p e, Torn the pork rr. accordance:with the approved pians. the Ficrida Building Codes and St.:.ucie County Arnendmants. -!,e foliowing building aermit appiicatlons are exempt from undergoing a Euii concurrency review: roorn additions,. accessory S%.Ic-lures, swimming goofs, fences: walls, signs. screen roorns and accessory, uses tc another non-residential use WARNING fO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for !rnproverne tts to your property. A Notice oY Commencement must be recorded and posted on the;obsite before the first inspection. !f you intend to obtain financing, consult with ler.der or ar, a«orney before comr,'tencrnE work or record,'ne vows Notice O"i Cemrnercemer t. _'j-�natore j) -Owner,- Lesse- Agp STATE OF FLOR4 COUNTY OF K-%_J-A baAd- ins'r' `,' was 3cknov:ledge" ore 'ne i 91gn� 2M-rE Ov Con CrBc-4cri:rC .s? "+OIOe STATE OF Fir COUNTY OF C�dLJ ! vha o:-ge;ng inscru v: ae xkno�+!edge this day of 20 / % by M' "�•� ••- o- (Name X;, <<.ure o ota ubli, State person acknowledging re Cr cf ! °2'5onaf!v Knowv OR PrQCuced ! denTi !Cat;or• ' eersora,; Nnown _� v vn—VVJI_J rver.an�&'r cn y t 1 -•,.Og p"'do^tif!ce t'Or'oOUC£C f Type of !dentifiCaiion ?-oduCeC! yp ;Seal) or.:No. nn Cn i cS h ! I Notary Public State of Florida Notary Public State of Florid oil j G7!' i n—!se ii i pr 014 My Commission GG 152970 �w Expites t0/18/2021 M CommissionGG 52970 �j ' y `�� Expires 10/18/2021 3�Vt VeS FRONT ON!NL SUPERViSCR PLANS VEGETATION SSA TURTLE 'V!ANGROV'E COUNTER REVIEW ! REVIEW i REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW -ONIPLc 1;