HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Florida,_Building Code:Online - 10j5jlfi,10:21 AM t ~ 4. CIS Nome log in USNr R istradon l9ot`lb iC5', Sutimtt Surcharge Ststs&Kitts Ptiblicatianr Contact Us BCIS Site Map Llnks f .Search q P'roduct,Apprnvai; U5HR:':Pubiic,User Produ AmLrovar Menu>,Pemuct'ur a tgp icailon search>goulrvation Ltzt>Application"Oletall �,- FL 4 F0374 RS Application type Affirtnatl' 1_ Application Status Approved: ' Comments FILE C® Archived - RECEI t Product.Manufa turer t6stCoasY'Metais,.Inc. Address/Phone/Email 2.301 West Slane DEC ® 4 20,19 Hlaleah,FL 33010 {3i)5}885 9991 ST, Lucie County, Permitting ' acastelianas@eastcda5t"mexai Authorized Signature Tom Castellanos at°astell.6hos@eastcoast=metais•.com Technical;Representative Tom tastelianos Address/Phone/Email 2301 West-'8 Larie Hialeah,FL 33010 tcastellant?S@cijStcoasi=niitalsxom, Quality Assuiance Representative -Howard Callender:jr. Address/Phone/-Email; 2301-West 8 Lane Hialeah;FL 330 1 10: {305)`885-9.99 : ticatienderr`a3eastcoast.�metal5.com Category Roofing Subcategory Roofing Accessgries that arean:Integral Part nf.ttie.Roofing System Compliance Method x Evaluation Report from;a Fiorida:Registered Architect or a.,L.icensed Florida fWrofesstonalz-Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Eiorlda,Engipeer•or VA hitect Name who:deveiopedA e: Robert-Nieminen Evaluation Report " Florida License PE-B 66, Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing,"Inc,;an-Intertek Company Quality Assurance Conti`act;Expkatiori Rafe 12/31/2620: Validated By John:W,Kfiezevlch;PE i> Validation`Checklist Hardcopy Received Certificatesof Independence FL5374— �I_2015 QLCtiI N.eminen rzdf hitps.jJwtWw.floridabuilding;org)pr/pr�app_d#i.aspx?param wG !IXQwtOgtV$v8n7t3bEX17AW6GMi hO.Jple6Y8w7vk9o3d Page 1 of 3 r Fiorida•Buliding Code Online; 1015/18"10i21 AM Referenced Standard and'Year.,(of Standard).; StAndacd YAK FRSA/Mt April 2012(04-.12) 2012 EtAS 118` 1995 RAS,iig 995 :RAS 1,20 1995 kd 551L7.e11 .1997 TA5 1(1� 1993 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified 8y Sections from.the Code I affirm tihat there are;no changes iri_the'new Florida Building Code=which"affect ny product(s)and my proouct(s):are`ln cofr piiance Wj the:new Florida 8611ding Code. Documentation from.;approved tvaluation or Validation Entity yes QNo�<NJA Fi 4. ?5 2017 Q AFFIRMATION TtR FL5374_-gh. Product Approval Method Method i:Optiori'D ipate Zubmitted .`09J06ildv Date Validated r79/06/2()17 Date Paiiding Fl3C Approval Date,Approved j 09/10/2017 u o 'oducths sFL'# MorlAiL Number or Name pescrip#lon 5374:1 East Coast Mg6w Channel Metals Preformed.metal channels:desigried_for use as a hip.&ridge base to which rooftfles ate:bonded. is of Use tnstaliatign Ynstrfuctions Approved for-use in:HVHZ.Yes L-5374,ft5 II�2 03-..FINAL, -M 16rn Lock.:i L5374 Npproved foruse 1.oiitsicle 4V14 Yes,; . impact Resistant N/A Verified Sy Robert'-Nieminen pE-59166 ittesf+ n PresSuwe +NJA/ 178 Created by Independent Third patty;y Others 1)Reber to Evaluation Report 5ectlons 5 2 and 5.3 6vaif�i�, "Reporlbs, for Limits.of Use'in HtJHZ and non FiVHZ=jUelsdictions; P15374;f 5_$ _. _Q f ljzzf:;,� ECM:Trim Lock FL$374-. : ,._ resperct vely 2')The design:pressure herein;periaitis to use in non-HVHZ,juilsdlctions.lfa conjUhction,with Table 1A..,:of Criiated.by:Independent Third Party:Yes l 12SA/TRI April 2012!(04-1=2)..Refer to"tipbles 2A and,28 in the E9aluation:Report'for'all:options_and associated allowable design pressures. ' Iiirctt €7�Xt' 'GonLact 1�,: 76U a „Sttlrie tYo3i(dTallatt9s +e FLiJi309 e1igitg;e5Q=487.1924', The State af,F,lorfda.is an AAJBEQ'employ@r Hurt h QQL7Q33 State of Florida x:,Privacy statement Aaa ibIIIN SteterAenL Refund 5tatemerit under Florida law,email addresses&*Oblid records.ifyou&not wanfyour e,maii address releasedln:responsete a:publW!03rds rbquesC;.do nohsend electronic mnii to this entity,Instead;,mntatt,the office by phone or 6V i#ptionaC;ntall.If you have aay question§;piease2contatt 650.4f37 1395:'P,ursuant;to 5ectlon 455 275(1} Florida statutes;effective bctober 1r 201z,licensees lj nsed,under Chapter455;F.S must provide the Oeparttnent iwith an emati address if they have one:fife email."provided'maY be used for of8ciai•comrriunicatW with frie licensee However email eddresses,ara public record:2f you do not wish to supply a personal address;please provide the Depaitrrrertt"wI an email,address which can be made available to;the public.To determine`if'YQu are a-licensee tinder chapter d55;ES.,,pfeased>rcft; . Product ApprovblAcceptsf hops;JJwww.floridabu icifng;org)prJpr app�dtf.aspx?param=wt3>;U,XQtrtDgfVS;u8n70DFXf,TAzY6GMEbUQpU45 Sw7vk%3d Page-2 of 3' s EXTERIOR RESEARCA WDESICNj kLC. r � r G'ertocoteofAuthorkbtfoji#9503' t} 3S3.CNtiSTIAN EET,UNIT#13 OXF.ORD CT 06478 w...:... . PH.ONE:(203)2G2 9245. FAX.,(203.),262-W43 EVALUATION,REPORT tast-Coast Metals,Inc. Evaluation:.Report E10240.A8,08=R4 2301 West,8 Lane f0374-R4 .Hialeah;FL33010 Date-of issuance;69/03/2008 Itevision'4:.b3J17/2025 SCOPE: This, Evaluation Report is'issued undet Rule 61620:3,.and the appllcable rules and regulations goverr irig."the use:of canstruction.material"s q the State of Floride,The;documentationsubmitted hes.been,reviewed'by`izobert`Nieminen',P E.,for use of the,product under. the.Florida"Building Code and:Florida guilding Codo,Residential Volume: The,products described herein.have been evaluated for�ebrripiiance with,,tha 5 Edition(20) Norida Bullding;Code sections noted herein, bE5CRIPTIQN:'East Coast nn-6 is Channel`Metals IAAp uim Labeling shall be In accordance with fhe regi rernents the Accredjted Quality Assurance Agency noted.herein. µ CONiiNOED.eDNIFuANCE This Evaluation Report is valid until_such time as the."Wattled products)changes;.the referented ;Clualify Assurance docurnentatlon changes,or provisions of the Code that=relate_to the,product change..Acceptance of this. Evaluation Report by-the:named client constitutes agreement to notify,.Robert Nieininen,f?.E if the product changes ortfie referenced•,tluality.Assurance;documentation changes. 1 rinity�(.ERD..requires a comptete•review of"thisi Evaluation.Report. relative.to updated Come with.each.tbde Cycle n Aovl:I;risEWNT; The Evaluation Report number preceded by f6e wards "Trinity.JERD Evaluefetl" may be displayed:in ;advertising lite(ature. Itany,portion;of the Evaluation Report is'dlsplaygd,then it shall be done in:is ei.'tirety. INSPECTION.'Upon request;a copy of ttris,-entire Evaluation Repo`rtzshall,,be pravidod to the:user by:;the_manufacturer or its distributors'and shag)be available fo"r inspection.at,the jiib site atthe request of the!Bulifiing't7fficial, This Ev_A0aticIngeportconsists:.of pages 1 through.7. Prepared by, 4. yp+ � A� ttefaccimilosealappeadngwaseutbarlxedbYtioUert;Nkminen Robert 1yM Niemirren,,P.L.. y s-: i,t� P-L on d3717/10t5 Thts does nit sem n anetectron!`ky slimd F/or�doR�$IStrbElddlUo:591�&,f10rk�aDC�4ANE19$3' t r,Sp�aV,�y,�,?'iy ' aiscument Slened,seated`humopkshaveaeenirassn;�ted�tie a.. ✓1filh Ill(i} ._ .: +; - _ ;PlodactApproval Adminlstratar attd to the named client .., .. .,..F .;:. CE0IFICAT10A4 OF9NDEPENt[1ENCE; 1. Trfn1WjgRUdaes not_have-nor.does,,it intend,to acquire or witl;,itacquire;.a linandal interest in any cortipany manufacturing or distributing products;it.evaivates, 2. Tdnity i LtiO:fs not awned,operated or caritralfed by arty compariv r tanufacturing or distributing Products;it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.sloes not have nor will acquire,a'financia InterestAn any company.manufacturirig 6e distritfi tang products'for }which the'evaluation.repo'Maed being issued; 4. Robert Niernihep;•P4,does not have,.nor iyfit acquire;;a'firiancial+fiiterest+n. any o6 ehVtv'lnvo1vedAn the approvatprocess-dithe produc# or 5. This+is:a building code;evaluation Neifhdi TnnitylERD not Robert,.Wleminen;P;,l.are,in any,.Woy,t4es0esigner,04 Record:for any: .project oil v ihich this>vaivatlbn Report;;or,previous veisions,thereof;I.st,*•'used for,permittIngYor design guldantie unless retained specficatly.for that purpose: " 01 ?�� 'w 1I� ER R00FINd CcoodNEN'r NAl tlA7KtN 1. Schott Product Cafegoryz itoofilg Sao-Catei ory: Roi f)ng AccessorieSthat are-amintegral Parl of the Ro+�#ing System Cvtppliance`Sfatetnenft Eastkoast'Matals Channel Metals,as pfbLi 'eti°bv East_Coast lVlettals,bane demnristrated compliance :with tiie;follow,ng sect#ons`o#the Florida Building Code;tbrr�Ug testing-inatcordance wifh�the#o110wng Standards,. Ca"npllance IS Subject to ate lristallation:Rdc iiirei ients,and:Cillitati(i'ns l.'Cond)t)ans of U, setfoi th herein: _ ,2.., STANpAftl35 .aria Pr.`over Sfa�r[dari9 Year 1507.3.7 ins#allatin»,non-HVElT FA* Ri,Apn}2Di2:" 262 1518$1 tWAil00i,HVHz RAs 12$i1J&224: 995 1523.85;2;2; Static uplifm' istance, TAS'101, 1995 V7 Lz:1 statle Uplift Resistance„ 'SBCCI:SSTD•11 1997 3:, REFEl ENgs: Ent' l xarnlnatiia #ereitc bate Ertl)(T$Te* Star+c UpAlt fiesistartco E4273O,08:13' O8/23/2013 - ERO(TST6039) Aiitic;tiplitt Resistance ECM 5C5795.i2.141 02j3 j201S ERD(TST5tt49) SteLit.Upli#t;Resistance' ECM stiff 5.S .iq•2 02J27J2015 Flarlda'rEG(757739J. rA5rib1 51(K288 ` 10/27/2AD PR1-(TST5$78)' TA5]D1 ECN(p01=02 U1:; i19J22J2001, PRi(TST5878) TAS:StiCi�i Q03 Cf2=bl t?6J %208 PWI(TST5878j' TAS49 ECM-M'-'02-01 OBJ 3J2008: 'PRI(T5T5878); TA51D1_ EGM5 02-01. b61131200i3. •P,RI(TM878)' TAS 01 EGM QOG02-©1 D6J33)20D$ PRI(T5T5878t TAS 101 Ecw(')07-U2=01. D6%1;3J2008 PRI MTS878) TAS.101- ECiStt WS0 02-01 06/13/2008 r Ftorida6!ldrngCode` Attachmenttrequirements FIiSAJ iAp1J20,12')0442)' 04J2017, Florida building t ode ll9N2 Atikhrkht Requiremeilt5 RAS 118,119.and 126 1995' EastCttasfMetais tVletalXluailty+ MiiLCertifteationsari0us Tirctri#ectufatTertiin&({�UAi8y4A) Qialjtycirgtfrti• Partjcipataoie,i.ettef Exp:22J31J�01& 4 WDUC'r DESCRi" iffy' 4J Hip A;Ridge Channel tfiletal Pre-forrried metal designed#ar useas,a hip:and hd'&"base,towhlch:rooftill s are borr(led 4n ABC Approved roof tilenadh'esiVe. ,. Hip&AIddo CharihdL Metal is available in 11s 3184 ch{± 3/8-inch}';iength'by 2 S,3;"3:5,ArS,Sor T Inch{r gJ84inch} he)gitts with z.5>inch{±z/16 Inch}c1d'a4langes. 4 x. ' 777 I x' Exterior Research anii Ciesien,Lit, Evaluation Report E1M40.08 D8.R4 Cerxillr ttvfiluthorlratt�nN D_7 f1537#-R4 Rflvi;iQn$,t13J17f 2025 • -.Page 2 Of T { 2 pp 4.2 'r i Lock Charmbl' Metal, Preformed metal,charinel - esigned for use:as a hipantlfridge tiasato which roof tiles: .- .. j h t are bonded in EBGApproved roof'tilt adhesive Trim:l'ock. Chaps et Meta! 'is characterized, by its ;profiied; .and perforated;upper hornzontai flange desig4d ta;receive- and.ailoW for.interiock with,t a oyeriying the adhesive. Trim,spelt Channel Metal is available In=119-3/g inch:` M { .3/80)length by.3,3`5,A,5:or 6 inth{±.3/84nch):height's , iwlth'1:5-inch(�1J16�nchj�deck,flanges: - ;� ,. 2 4.2 -Trito Coelt:plus channel Meta! Pre-formed>nidtal channei, designed for We,as,a hip and ridge base tgwF ich r tile oof s-, < are bonded in FBC;Approved roof tale adhesive Trim Lock 1 Plus channel Metal is chawacter)xdd by its'profiled"and perforated upper`horizontai ftan$e designed to receive, ~ and aJiow far interlock with the overlying.,tale adhesive_ and its perforated'deck flanges,desgned foviri taliation atop the roof, underlayrrrent via placement in EBC: �", Approved,roof tile.adhesive;:•which flows-through'and interioeks witli:the underiying adhesive, Trim Lock Pius Channel Metal is available in 119=3Z&inch ! " ; (+3J8"j•iengtir.tiy 3,3 5,4,5 or&-icich{+3J8�=inch)`heigfits " v V with 15•inch L 1J6 inch)i9eck=flanges. 4.4 East Coast Metalsfiiannof Meiais are fabrieated;of the following metals: ➢ .Galvanized 5feei Min.;0.019+0:002=inch,ASTIVI A653°{G:9p),min;33 KSi. GalvalumeSfeel 00194-4:002-inch AStIWAM,AZS5;min.35ISL ➢ :Aluminum: Min 0 14 0 002-inch,ASTM 8,209,3003=H14,.iniri.21:it51. _, • .Stalniess:Steei: Min.q.019+0 Ot72 inch,-AS.m,A2A0/A480 T304,men,BS KSi:; 5'. liMirietitnis. . 6:1; _ This is,a buiiding;,code,evaluatirip. Neither trinity)E'RD nor Robert 4416niinen,P,E are, in jany way,the.[resigner of i2ecord:for any project on which this Evaluafion°Repart;or previr�us versions ttiereo$,is%was used`for;permittingor design;gufdan'ce;unless re#dined speelficaily,forthat.pupose: EiaeHor Research and oesign,.LLC:. Evaluation Report E10246.08 O8.14 t�rtJjltateofApiborTrat(on'9SD3 FLS37444' Revislnn 4.03/17J2015 Page 3,07 NI r �� y SZ FOiiHVFl�JtltitSUiGTiONSi. 5.Z.1 Por:Hip&~Ridge Channel Metal 0r Trim LacK:Ghannei I+iietai, refer to,f�C R.. 118, Drewing.l3, Detdil 3, RAS.119, Drawing 12;,.Detailr3;or RA5,116 Drawing S,Detail,3s :Ear Trim^L`nck Pius Cnannei.Metal,.refer t6 the instailatidrr instructions:herein. $.Z For�VHZ,jurist#ictiar s,instiailatians,of i ip.&Ridge Channel Nii3ta{:and Trlrri.tdck are prescript ve,by ttt3S 118;319 ariii IZq,and the data In Tables]A and 113 Cssuppieniental to these pre$ riptive allowances Instatlatrons=of Trirri:Loik Plus are limited to projects having a redulred moment resistance(Mij or'upiift resisiance'(FI; as:determined in actordanceewittl RAS 1x7,not greater-Uttt the,foitowing)alies Refer to'the the Rdhesive manufacturer`s pubilshed installation instructions-forcdhesive paddy placement;detaiis- "iN080tNDEN t"paddy,placement means each indiylduai file,is bonded to the.Channel Metal in:its own,single foam-.paddy, xfle,head.taps art;not t;anded This method is limited to•2=part tile,adhesives Allowable perfariYiance'data belovu far"INDEpi N00. pai y,,piacerttient already has a- to IImargin 0:f safiety appiii d to t_ uiYimate perfo'rrrlanc�. ➢ "INTfRbPENDENT pai9tly piacementmeens eachiiidividaaktlle is bt>nded t0 title Channel Metal:in<a foam.pOddy and:a secon l WrA paddy bi3nds the tile:head;the- tiles are bonded to the Channel Metal using a single foam paddy, Ailow6bie:Fpgrkiri ante data'beioit for•"iNTERDEPENDENT"paddy piarement.elreatly has a 4xt0 3 margn•afsafety applied to ultimate perfatmance.. iAt q, 7ABL¢ N Rid 'Metat ` AdhestGa Tice-, Nibment°8ased" upliftimed - t3esign 'Metal type Tile TWO Piacemegt M'ft-t P'liti etay or 3M""x Gomp+inent kaant Hip Yc Ridge` - galvanized; independent 127 169 c6nnel Meta: :concrete. :: Roof Tiie Adhesive"AH=i5fi gahranlzed,"Gaivalumeo, •clay,or 3,MP!2-Contptsnent Foam: Trim Lock aluminum orstainless'steel ._concrete Roof,Tile AdheslW AH-160 independent 17i 359 Trim Lock,Pius S?ivanlxed;Gatvalumeffi, day or. 3M '2omponerit Foarti independent 177 165 sluminum.orstaCrilesssteei. toricPete Ro�sfTll�Adbesive,`AH 160.- -- ..- - . ABi51l v JtCpJRtdge'Metei AdheS Atioivabie?eiformance-. .. ._ _ ,,... Ti{e` `_�t� t:S `� Hfiie4saed x peslgn Metat,Typa TOP Platemertt Mr*men{ft=lbfj:astd.- OP F'{11 . Trim Cotk os`Tnm `galvanized,Galvalume',. clay or', '�M�'�=i~ornpone_h%>`bam � lnterdependenf 9S 88 Lock plus aluminum arstAiless steel ;tncrete . Roilf T►lo Adhesive AH=164 to Lock: 80imnlfed,i3aivalume*, clay or 3M""(qqf Tile Ailh6l'xe Inrterdependent 95' < atamlesssteei- oncrete.„ RTA 1 . day-or 3M°"Foam Roo£Tile Trim Lock aluminum interdependent , 3C) :84 Adhesiv..... galvanized,Galva(umeg clayiir. 3MT 'fam Roof Tile fnm LocR;P.,lus interdependent, 5i): 84 aluminum.orstainlessstgel °contrete A06iveRT4-1 Trim Lock galvanized, ahralume�or clay br " TILE C�{}IVD15°Roof Tile Interdependent 123' 117' stainless#eel .. ncrete;._, '9dtieaiye_ stay or TILE C3pNt7 RooTlie _. Trirn4hck aluminum Interdependent 79 73 concrete,_- hesive. _. Trlm Lock Plus �lvanized Gaivalume$, c1aY q`r= JILE SONDI""Rood Tile interdependent 7J 73, aluminum i6i staihiess:steel t6aapte,. Adhesive Trim lock; ;galvanized;Galvaitime"or•'` clayor Touch`.i Seal 5tormaorid interdependent 146 139 stainless sta'Ci concrete Roof Tiie Adhesive ,r,uch'nlStormdond Trim Lock- Aluminum interdepedent; 58 Si RooffilefeshecanCre> Pius 5tormgaivanlze Touc ,iva Bond Interdependent endentTnmLock alumnumrstindss steel-. ,concrete;, Raof Ti[e Adhesive, Exterior.Research and resign;I.I.C. ,Evaluation Report E10240.48.0"Al Ccrt#kareo/Au"tnartruUnn#195tt3 Fi5374 R4 Revision 4-03/17/2015' . Pap.4 of 1 a a 43 FOR WI, iZjU6ltdIdiON53 $.3:r. fdt Hip;&kidg�thannei Motal'or7rim Lotk Cfiannei Metal,.refei to FRSAjfiti Apri3:201z(04>12): Eor Trim Lock;Plus -Channe( tructlorisMel 1,refer"to.tfie lnstaliatian ns herein 5.3.2 for'non-FlVf iZ,instaliatlons.are limited.ta prtij is having hip and ridge design,pressure requirements,determined in accordariee;;witi Table.lA"of`F tS.jTRf Apr`it idi-i(04�12); not*OWthan the following values; °.defer to-the tile. adhesive manufacturer's published lnsfallatlow hstrucboos for"adhesnre paddy placement detalis: i D "fNDEP'i:miJifk paddy, placement n4;ins each individual tile.is bontled to thm Channel tiletal in'lts own;single. foam paddy;kilehead'laps are»otbond ed;"Tht rtSethod is limited to 2=part tileadhesives. This method is limited G to x-pnrt the adhesives. Allowable performance data below fiir"!Np£PEtUDENT"paduy piacement;alreatfy.has a 2 to I margin.of safety applied tq ultimate performance ➢ INTERDEPENDENT' paddy piacementmeans each individual' is bonded to"ti e'Channei Metai;in a°foam paddy, and a,second foam paddy bonds'the tile;bead,lap,:or two klles are bonded :to:the Chaiine!Metal"using a single fti rn;paddy, °Alfawable Oerformance data j etow for°INTERDEPEEIDENT"paddy placement already has;a c:to I margin"of safety applied to uftfmate'perfatnance i MIEN _, j '�' A�N., plRidge-etal ",<Hi ,.` Tice Alfa able U .Adhesive W pink Ty" PlatemenL la�i:- i$. pp9'tt• n C1get,3iTYpe, ...�, ,., -. . . , _ ..�d t� �- Ntp&Ridge. ciayor 8M""2 Component foa m_Hoof ;irsdiypendent Sb9 channel Meal_ tlalvan(iE>d edncrete,;_. . #i(eAdhesival}i9=15t7,F Tririi,Lock gaivamzed,yGaiValu�tie®,aluminum or clay or *"',Z Compprlent Foali'IRbbf hidepend6nt 173 stainless StQei..,. concrete 171ei1tlhe5tveAi-150 8aivalfized,.C,aivalume� alumirtuinor dayisa` 3M"S2 Cc�mpnn'ntFoamRoof 'Trim'Lock Piu$ independenti_. 178 „ stalnlessst13e1T __concrete TileAdhestyeAWRQ, a _ p,. =01 �1 ,:kr y x N, . N)pJB :Meta1 " " Tiirr , " Allow 1eUp1Kt- ft, ;. Adhesive ab Desig» AAetai type 7ypi ement {psf}' Plac Trim Lock orTrlm gah+anixed utWhum or clay:or 3M"'t Cpmpanentfoam:Roof `'{nterdepehdent 93 Ldck Pius stainlesssteei _, _: concrete_, "Tiie:Adhesive;Ari Trim Lock,i `>aivaritzedaivaiume._arstafnless ;ciayor ..._ �,-foam RoofT�te Adiiestve 'i»terdependent. 110 steel _ __ concrete RTA 1- �ciayor: � 9fi+1"`'Faanm"Rarsi•TiteAdfi�sive Triin:tock: alumtnurrr concrete;. RTA51 interdependent, 83 Trim Lock Plus gahramzed;iaidalume�,aluminum or clay orfoam:Roof Tite Adtesnre ;lnferdependent 93 stainless steel - _,.. concrete: `8TA 1 Telhi.Lock l anixetl,` aivalume®'orstainiess ciayor. � 80tdD""Roof"Iile'A66'sive "in'tardeorderrt iSZ steel, concretem, clay or Trim Lock: aluminum TiL£_BONd'"'R 6cnteAdh:esfve :Interdependent. 82 concrete . Trim Lock Pius Ratvanized, alvatume� aluminum or clay"or TiLE130NO`RoofTileAdfiesiie thterdependent 82 ., stainless stoel _ lrhri Lock gal6atfized,'fsalvdiuineOi arstainless clay or Touei n Seai 3torm8ond Roof Interdependent 1+18 steel concrete.:.- . T1eAibesive ciayor Touch tvSeaCStorrneond:Roaf. Trimiock Alunniriiir» Interdependent concrete._ THe,Adhesive galvanized;caivaiumes,alumfrtum or' clay ar. 'touch n 5i stormQgnd Roof. In erde endent 61 Trim Lock'Ofus p stainless stet" _-- ;concrete n1ii Adhesive �, - Extetior"Research and�DeslBi►,LLC Evafuaian Rep�rL ElOt40.08d38=it4 [krtt�lcatc oJA.tithoi!icitu»tt9503 FM7444 Revision 4:631i:110.1$ Pa$e,5 of'7 F S. INSrAUATtON: &: 1 h roof deck shall be minimum�5J32d tch plytiv zod{no»-HVHZ�;or minimum 29/32 inch piywootl(HVi 2)attached`in actardahte tyith FBC Chapter 73 to;the satisfaCtlon of fhR l til. Nip&Ridge Charinel Metal antl Mrft Lock Channel Metal.shall be„iristaiied using min.11 ga x:19-inch lQr g x 3/8=inch fiend diameter galvanized nrtular ring shank,t Isr3paced fi Inch_o c along boti� deck flanges Fasteners.sFiali be pdsitioned inch from the outsid6 edge of,each=deck flange,set.n,a bed piastt6600f'cement.; for FBC HVHZ,refer to. FKRA5118 t7rawiryg 33,!)stall 3;itAS.119,'Clrawing,f2;,Detasl RA5129;t}Owing I. petail;3'. 6.31 .Gh ,Tram Luck PIusannel Metal 5haii be.installeti atop the Approved roof zinderiaymerit in corttinuousl=in h wide ribbons of trle adhesive-ceritered:hetieath:each 15 incft i+vldedeCk flenge,,place:theTrim,LackPius Channel hletiai Into the wet. adhesive and allb It to setup_prior co`instailatiott rif roof tiles.; w < < 1 ff > I x View of Pclyset A14160 placement forTentucki,Plus Channefmi tal installation, 6.3.1 it is critical that;th"e tiond.between;thdTrim,Ldciz P.Ius Channei:Meta[, the.fi[e.adhesive h-.the`.underlayment is:not dfsturbed:pno to orduring piacemerit:Ofthe ridge tiles. 6.3.2 Approved underiayinents are:the codified'3ilJpQ'systeiti or other F8C approved.,roof underiayrrierits listing approved use of the>subject the adhesive Exterior Research and DeAkh',1W. Eualuaitlan Report!1fl2dt)A8.fl8-R4` Cent cotcuJAuthorhdttiut#5r13 F153MRA Ravlsittrr 6:fl3/17/2015 Page 6 of 7 ER 64 Till?shall be installed atop the Channel wetai inraccordance uritti the the adfiesive monuiactur T s Approved,published instailatirtn`instrUctitrist subjet to the Ii►nitattrrnsnuUiried`in;Settiun S herein. The exposed.edges sh'a11;be packetl arld ce- t pointed with Approved mortar•or weather b{oc�ing edfiiesive ri*accordanwith. RSAJTRI Aprit;2t�12{t34=12)'or RA5 �4 i78,.RASi19 RAs.720orequiretnent§: HIp. ii'iClge Tile `File AdlidSiv _. TT1411.i.O,C1C;p1115 Mortar or Weather Block. p. F rt +�,f��'�r Adhe8lve m k fide Adhesive View a#'1'rirn L.odc plus;Channpi Nieta)-irfstallaNan alter=Weather 13i&ke'd 6.a:2 Channel Me1ta1 shall be free of`dust,debris,o�is or attar bond breakirSg suEsstance prior to:placeme►it ofsadheaive: 7. Bu uallvr,OEftMIr REQUIREMEINTs' As tequired by the Building tifflcial or Authority.i eying;Jurisdiction in order tc properly;evaluato the installation csf this product. $., MANUFACfilRIN6 P'LANTS;= Contactthe;na7iied"CiAeritityiorrriaiiti cturingfaciiities'rdVeredby-p;A.G.RplO6j 20'3QAre4uirements. 9.: QWAUTYASSURAkE,ENUTY: Architectural Testirig;',irtc QU.AIW...,(717,);'764,77tiQ- ='ENb Of.EVAIUA06.N 19-06 T•- ' Exterior Research and tiesJgr+,'UC. EvaluaEion Itep�rk"E�.A2A0.08�48-R3 C'ert�r4re�'Auttioitiarrai�95u�: f1537a-R4 Revision 4,03J17J2015 7age',7 Oil