HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions QP[`iC.�USE O-OW-Y• �A PI ANNING&DKVII.OP r SERVYCES { BEtIE.DING=&,CODE REGULATION DIYISIQN AVEE 9` l f FOR PI E F sz- 3 tn�las2lt APPLICA710N FOR.BUILDWG'PERW-REVISIONS: PROJiii-114FORMATIOU.; € € eLOCA'�'�ONl��TE ' ADDRESS 'j AILED;DESCRP'I'�[3N Q PROJECT RES? SIOI�Ter - i1 CONTPACTQR INTORIVIATI�1Vi' BUSINEvSNAME m -- f QUAIFiERS ADDRESS- ?if:b $(w _Q 1� .ip. o - CITY e d Y STATE`3 ZIP .32 ` PHONE D YTIME D�� - O�VNER�SIFII.,DEK'INFORMATION: C CITY r A L STATE:. ' ' � PHQN11 AYTIlV1E �Yz .33 ,Zlp, , A A.ReffiTECT/ELiGINEER-Ir+IF.QRtV�A�IQN € K ADDRES _ CITY: = 1`F Az.,. . .. STATE tv " ZTP �. PHONE(DAYTIlVlE) t,1t aAX' ' r SLCG'G' 9l23/Q9' ( �I :j Reinse 06 30/I7 j C Cn 03A 1�' ®� F E 11M5l2t}19 _. _ __ Florida Builc�ng QaderCl�nitie, userRegstratlan-. .. . ;� P.nd�cApprova! i� _ �� u� �G�ers�i•. I i Pendud llooinval Menu o Prodixr or Ap on Sea�eh z; an . .i;7"L-W&M aegif. FLFp JG16' '. - ¢ppl-kation Type Revision„ Code,UeiSio`t`t' � � 2Q17: ; RRpilmtaonStatu§ Approved:, i ProducE:Manu[a'ch,rer Owens Commg[ioofingand AsgialE Ll:G"', j Address%Phone/Email One:Orvens Corning:Partcv+iay: , Totedo,:OH 43695. : j �740),321-fi345;� - ,:i '.6cegtceeter@bweriscomingcom i - i i4uthorized S�gr atu re Keefer.Greq f Greg:tCeeler@mnrensoomng.cgm• Techn�cettRepresentative Greg Keeler t Address%PE►one/Email. 279Q:CoCum6uSRoad � _ GranvitleOt ,43023 C740)321-634Sr 9T9.keeterOowg3tisooeoing corn s Qua*As`surdnre Ltepresentahve.: :, lddress/ehone/EmaiG € Categgryy! Roofing:: ;E 5utrcategory% Fiderlakr a l*-r [ Comphappa Metfiod Evaluation Report from a Ronda Registered An3�i or'a Licensed.FloFida ` ,may Evaluataon;lteport,.•Nardcopy ReceiSed t' F(arlda Engintr:arArrtitecCName':who.deyelopedt(ie Robert'NieLnineit Evaluation=Report. Ronda,license; PE=59i66 Quaiily Assurance,;Eritityi:QualttyAssuraneeCotrtrae[Lticpdati IntertekTs6. S IA ..,n. s ) eon 1/2020; Qr Er Validated;By )ohn::W.KnOgWO ;RE � I Va6dation Gfrecktist-FtardcapyReceived :__ ., i Certificate OFlndependence FL15216 RS'-'COF 2079f'07 G[j7-=1VLEh17tVEN,ottix; t I Rgferenred Standarrf and:Year.(of`Standard) standard. Year; i ASTM Di97(!i(tear) 2015 `f1S(M,D226(physicals) 2009 i TAS Y17(B) 1995 i uI� ( Equnrale`jce iaFPcoducti:5tandalrcls' p�V'EVV (, Cefified'By r1 _1 tAPL IA NE � copy �. COS cto htfgslTwwuu flondab d urglpr/pr_app_dti aspx?param=wGEv)cQ,,tDgv3yWK:lztatBdtcQGTvStuNGklit7tbioVhOinixti3d%3d3 112 I t i t k s t I NEto etc:, OeW] ar o arnnaiirzaaor,s<3zbss. 353.Chnstiari Street,Unrt#13; • _ Oxford:C('0&478 j K •�(203)-Z62.5245 t ENGINEER FvluuasE TEsr :'_ 'CO'NSULT ERTIFY REPORTEVALUATION i Ouvens Corning Roofing and Aspha(t,,:Ltr: va(uatioia Repot:14051Q02.i2 k i One wens Cornin<gParkw�y FL15216-RS Toledq,-CW43659 pot issuance 02117f2t1'12 (7.40)32T5 `-Revision 5 ;04/18/,20].9' ScopE construction materials,i�tBe Stat e of londa:The documentati`on subm nong<This;Evaluatior Report isissued:under Rye6f23 andtheappe o er h e use of= red ias bereviewedby Robect:Nemif4h; { P i+ for use of the product underthe Ftortda Bui[dmg Code ancf Florida,Building,Code;_Residentia(VolurrT The products, ciescrttieci,hereirr have:been evaluated€or compliance wrtlt the;b '.E lition(1617.),Flocidi Suilrling.CodO-sections noted. I Descx�t tvN_-;RhiaaoRoof id20 aia)A$C Prar Guarci�20 Etot Utrt erlaynients; t"EuNw labe(tng.Shall be;iir accordance with:"the,requsFements of the.Accceditied Qualrty:Assurance Agency noted: hereiif., CONTINUED COMPLIANCE::This€va(uatiort Report is valid until suef�"time as t(re"named 0rad6ct(s)changes,the referenced; Quality`Ass&ance,docuinentetion changes,o provisions of`[he Code that relate to the product change i4cceptar!ce of _ - _ thts Evaluation Report by the nameddient;constrtutesagreenient t nobly RoEiert Nieminen,P E of any changes,to7th- produc (s) the Quality Assnrani e:orthe pcodvrtiort fa y location(s); NEIVtOreggices;,a.compfetereview of Phis Evaluatiari Report relative tg updatedCode requirements with eachGod�Cytfe,. ADVERTISEMENT The E aluation;'Report number preceded by the words 14W6 etc,.Evatuated�may�bb,dispiaye-in' advertising literature. .(f'any potion ofthe Eva►uatron Repurt'�s displayed;theri,it"sf►ait bedorie.�n its entirety;; lM5p.gglpw Upon request,a copy of Phis entire_Evaluation Report sha{i be provided to the:user bjr the manufacturer or- ftt5 distrtbutors;arid ",;I be available for inspection atthe�ob;srte attF a request of.tiie"Building Offisia(. This Evaivafion Itepart tpnsists of pages"1 througfi:4_ 'Prepared by' :�°•,,�;=; :.. ,",. pea*'y�6`. '•_=: <RobertJ'M NieinineR,P E �, ? '- mefacsiinrfeseNapvearmgagsaurnoruemhyttobeK ' F%rldd;Registratiorr Ka 59166 Flanda DCA AlVE1983 ..g;,,.,, ,..� rremmen rc.on oa�ia/zois�'rt,�aces�rot��an .<_ . ..- elecUrdnirallys�,neddocumeiit::• '� CEHi1F1CpTIDN OF(NDEPEHDEM1ICE: ; 1 NEMpsi:TC 111C does not have,nordoes rt it tend toacgoire or;will.fiacquire,a finanraal'fnterest n;any,comparry manufactur'ing`or 'dtstribtrting products"st evaluates z 2 NEMQ ETC;LtC.is not owned operated or controlled by any company manufactunn'.nr_dut<n r g gpioducts�teiraluates 3 RoEiett Nlemirten,F E;does'not'have`rtor will acgu�re a fihanc�al Interest u°►any;onmpany manuFacturing or'distnbutmg;prod8cts,for� which the evaluation reporisare bemg:issued _ ._ 4; Robert Nieinineri,P E does noti have,nor vntl'acgusre,-afir►antralirterest r_any atiEier entrty:invoiued in file approval;process of tFie p�oducE.. 5: This:isa:buildingcode"evatrration_ NertherNEMQ etcnorRobert'Niemirient@E are;iff '.way",theDesignecof"Recor'dfo�anyproject i onwFiicFeth�sEvaluatiotkReport,.orprernous.versionsthereof�s/was;used;forpermattirigor"desfgngui8aryceunressretainedspecificalty 4 fortfat purpose_,. I i i t .. t '1 , E i I RoOEING 00"oNF,NT EVALUAllow - E Prod 0 1119` Su4-�afegory- Underlayment Gampiiance Stateineril6 RhiltaRoof U20 and 1CBC Pro,Guardr:20 lg o Underlayments, as produced l y Ouster s Wrfi IVnttooftng j.anal Asphalt,ILC,-have demonstrated,compliance 4+ritti the follawtng s"ectaans of the fi`� EdlUon= (2017);-:Florida Butlding'Cade ttiraugh,;tesnng in accordance with applicable sections of the foltouvmg:Standards:, Compliance�s sub�ecC to- the In stallorlon.Recluirdm,t i5ts'-aftd-Limitations/-.Conditions of Qse set Earth hereli L- 2. j STANDARDS: i ==3.5071 1;.R905 i:1 Exception, Unrolling,;Break�ng5trengtti:Plia6ility 'iQS"LNLD22t`' 2009- ,i50TL1,,R90511ExceptioYi ,'sear5trengtti,. ASiMO]97Q'. 2055 Fu{►thraiigh resistantie TA5117(B}'. 19951 - lFS(T-T!509} Physlca)P operUes, 1U0539345COE�006', 10/27J2011. CiS(TSF15()4} t'hys►raI PraperEtes 100539395C0"02:, 0[Z7/2011 i tTS(7$T1509} Rhysipl Properties 100539395COC 006 03/iij2&4 PRi(T5L5878) ASTM,DI970 Tear'strengtls OCF 330 02 42; 20/03/Z017 PSI(Tsrss�s) TAs j (O-eun-through; ocF 4 o2,01, o%J03/20i6 tip Q13A1673) QuaCftyCgntrol; SeTvice'.�orifirmatio 0}/30/2t)17 PRODUCT4. I 1 }Product S ~aficetton f: Platt s Descript[on 41 Rfitno,Roof U20 F.BC 150711& Qmgrfaa Mult+layered polymer woven coated ;synthetic roof un6dayrnent _-.. _ . R905:11(Fxceptiot);, C(irtii ry 4 2 FBC.15071;1& Qingdao, Muittlayered polymerwoven coated -,. . ._ R3051:1(Except�an ; China syrrthetic roof-'.underlaymert 51 LIMITATIONS: 51< M 7fit5 is'a budding code evaluation MeitherNEMO ETC,LLG no_r.-Roberf`�hemtnen,P E are,m ariy�way,rite Oesigitecz of;Record for any project onwhtch t#its Evaluation-#report,or previou54ersions thereof;is�was:used for:perrrtttEing or design guidance unless retained'specrFicalty'for tfiatpurpose. 4 5:2. Fire:Class& Wdrrlsnot.pariLd. isEr+aluauon'Report,referto�vrreitApproved`RoofingMateriafs•DirecEoryfior,fire; ratings othis product:! , 't 53 Rhir'ioRdbf',U20;and ABC Pro:Guard20 RaoFUndertaymer�s maybe used with any prepared r"oaf crnrer.'-where`the product>s specifically referenced uuttt5 n FBC appraval d-o' mehM, If'not f fisted, a;request array be made'to.the Authdrity Hamglun4i&jon forapproval'ttased or this:evaluation`combmed;w-fth.supporht g:data for the prepared; roofcover-fit. . 5.4.. ._Allowable hoof Covers:. _ . •,,.0 3 t",<,1" Y-c. s..� s. ?sY.. � �^�r..r. Y 2 `L -k �" S � -r t" 7,,;G ,yc P�;. q Asphalt 4.1a f t Y � �dJ{Ia1 ,9[ F J :;l/ridArlaylilerrt t ah .<5 { ,Smufated Slate L Rh:nnRoof'[120 lies" Ito Yes Yes No° AKTro Guard 20 Ye 'No _u.,_. '. Yes: „ YeS. 'No NEnno ErG,,[LC t valuation rteport t90530 0�.32 R5 ! Certtfiayte of Atitfiorizdd64'432455 6'H EOITtON{202Tj fSC NDN[iYHZ ApQD HVHZ EVALUATION; FL15216 t Rhinottoof.U20andABCPia6usd•20;RaoLUndertynients• ReyLsionS 04/Iti/Z019 - Page2-ofA Kw lation.. expo r INSTALLATION: 2Van'. 9 o ection,S hetem•and the spetift6s* ...-note d' pratrvdting;na+4 heads Sweep t}ie substrate thoroughly ta- E P"!Ctt g 631, 77" !ce "n , I 15JOZLI dr,R905,.Ll far the -MMqf'P.Eprp@r'po,r, cOvod91. Ihst6flLd,considering e� 'odtsh.ee.vM,dtkfoT MthrihetWgWid' 14- ioois'E4 Far exposure.o to�rr►aximum..24 hours,corms+on res+staRt fasteners may be, ninth-roofing nails with a'-3/8 inch ; Pro kbit ,'' diameter head;ntrnimum I inch diameter plastic or metal caQ�nails or'-FBG f-NH2 nails=&15,f8'':diameter tirtraps (w clng.-'qp. istanl', Agners (.6ys�-._Cqrrq*p1res 'O'shall'be".mintmurn, inefr -.-,diamer plastic or mecap.na�!'"TacWK,nai S_ ae -v.kcaps,{with".the TougW' ed­efacing4m T.1h60t&.df e-Ref&.dfie&-. tdpfipn, .rnqnt.jn;.FBCA OTA.-Tan MCAWS 'qqqaIs*qrexceeds -use r,;m qg,,, ng.,,an, Mo Alt, perrWit-the -naps,, p lieu of'Metal'tdp-nails r-_"_tj Rf inc :4ZqjofABr-.P v, u e 2c 6rdea ijm6 1� ` Wppre -Toqt.coxep mIkKenced-tn.fBCTabte'ZOT Id 'r�M:1212f--a-e-a''ttid, 6# taps shot[6e minimum 4-inches.:=Erid(vert+ca{} is+de,(honzantatj: !005s4;o 'be.offset&bm"_cJourse totciursp' fv6 f0t; [rimurWpttqi*rnenFable: Soquip end4-a- - 7111 MCI., -S WNWbatteh systemsrare.ta,be installed atop the underfayment,the}und­d- M`Ifiaejty aitacliep aymgn -nee y,.e.-pre j dp-e n 'ng, __h 'attens;eita tv, :�idi(Wdeti sfialibe minimum d cOF and [aQsside ofCsetfrom cour3e to course not:less Phan:6 feet: `oyer Begin n gig,a ch.,-.m�dg� 10 the starter;completely M ni- -22-kic e(hod?o i L h r, i gthp.sOq I ta. ot course;.'Continfidti dope�-. i in pp main 'p m minimum#t#� or -S e I pret m narl y ife,!4nd-r@y.nv When: c pen ,MEMD.ErC,ILC -AikC.?ro, 20 RCOU a ymen ft -RhUmOR6 b4fliphid RLvisio.n. P.Ite 3 0,14, } N�nno°(etc.= a .. .e-r ti;3 2il �UriSdit{30p5 u <� m s hz"3 ; 5 yn M r s 'j 11 u' 6 3 21 Sha[t he mstaiied`in a shingie.fashfon`:wfth"mininwm 4=inch wide side(horuonta[�taps and minimum 6 inch:iAl e, -endrlaps; F G3 22 ,,Shall be fastened with FBC:t11HZ approved corrosion resistant'1j8"`diameter-trn-caps anti iZ gauge L25u long I annular-nng-shank Wads(fi3CC152T5)spacetl max.6-nth o at ali iaps,and.l2 inch,o e:at three�3)equalEyspacec rows m•the field o[=,thesheet" 4 - - 7. a BUILDING REQUIREMENTS: _ R 1 AsTeguired bYthe:Buttdmg�OEfiaa1 orAuthorty-Naem►glurudictioq�n order`to;pcoperiy`eValu�tethesinstallat+on:of s --MANUFACTURING PLANTS: I x,x ; Contactthe manufacttireror file named QA enMlor piants,covcre0'under Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements Refer E to;5ection:4'hereu fog product uctton Cocatsans having.--met;codI lec3 ptijis�caLp operuii specrficaUons 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: =lntetek Testing Services A!A fnc EF[j►NarrRoek Hersey Ql1A1673,(604j 524 3372, peter grfd nterte enstem@i )L i i --END CIS E1/AEUA7iON REPORT E t I ? t i i f ' I t - i 'i „ k 1 if d WEMD E7'�I.LC, EvaftmtEon Report I4�1Q02.12=R5: Ceihfrcafe of,9uthori3gtian.#32455 6TM ED{LION tZO1Z�FBCNON HVHZ AND HVHt:EVACUATior fL152i6 R5 k .. RhiriaRcofU20andAeCQroS�iaM:20.RobfUriderlaymegts - Rev�s/anS�U8f16/2039? i Page4oF4 i