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f RECEIPT_# I.REV35101!IiFEEi .. .t 1. ..tin •'- PLA UNG 8csl� U SERVI S ��DIZDIi!dGgi CODE�tEG7LAT�•ONDNISIt?lyt ,23401tIRGlt�IIA AVENUE_.. F.ORTP�RCE,F!34982=565Z I # APPLICAMON FOR SUILDING PERMIT REI[SIGNS �,. , _. PROJ�Ci'�3�FORMATI�iY •� TOCA'TIONfST€Rr; ;ADD]EtES,S • a bETATLED=DESCRII'TIQN OF PROJEG ' ;REVISIONS= r # .. d co�e�roR� aRi�,�o #t :STATE ofFL REGCCERT T L�CI'CIE:CQ CER`� n,. BUSTNESS NAME :U Lt►) jA _�. z a ar 7 STATE - PHf3NE DAYTIME. � �-[jy(� � �,��} _ - •. � •; • S hr , -ADDRESS 33: E ee - STATE � - a PT3lJNE AYTTNfE ' �RC3ilt.'L�C7CfE�CIl�TEER.IlIl�®12_11!IATICIN i Y: t ' u PHR E.?o `(DAYTIlNE�j S�CCC 96.23/09 ' ' Revised 06/30/1�7 ' 10 N FILE COPY S i � 11!'!5l2Q'�9 ._.. F(orldaVBuilditlgCodeFOn(ine: ,f r _ ��— BCisHcme in9In;_r Userexatfon eiMTopTcs SuHmikSwdtarga STats-ffifarts a ;PubOntomf .Caotaetus BCtSMaP f[ thdcs 5 r.r rdir , ft -0#�40`""4 .... c^. sa E_ �PJ� I utenu y Ptndtitt or l4adtcatfDn Sa3cth a on' ?Appli�tlon Ochs''. pplication ¢ Type3 Revision„ Code Vei sion< 2D17` Appti�tigri}Status !PP, '` CommenCti :. .> 4rctiiveds 1_ .j Product Manufactprer Owens CammgtZoofirtg-and AsphalE LLG'' address/Phone/E[raai! One Omens Coding PaiTcway: �. Toledo, OH 43G45_"" � ' (74U)321-6345�' � Grey,!a er@oweasoainiRg com 9uthonzed S�grratlre� Keeler'6i-eg,,, 1 - Grng Kee[et@ou�renswmirty cola, Technics[Representative Greg-Keeler• ' Piddiess/PhonejFinail,' 2790 CoCumbusRoaif � :� Granvt(e OH�4�023� ,{ (740)32T=6345e j 9teg=keeler(c�'nwrnirig ua Assurance " Q atic. [tepresentahve Addre&4Phone%Emai! E Category `Rgtrfing f Subcategory; Undeitayments ContphanceMetiol evaluation Eteport fcnmaFtorrda,Reg�s6ered Artfiftor:a Lrcell5ed F►orida # Prafessiona(En jineer -, ::, .y Eva(uahon R.port=Hardcopy:RecelvW: ;E �(nrlda EngmeernrArchitect Name who developed t(e'Ro6ecC;Niem(rei�i � • EvaluaElanRieporC '_ .__. ._ ;; F(ogda�,License! PE-59166 r ' s QuaCrLy AssurancekEnttty: Intertek,Testing;;Servio2s�NA,In��-QA�Ent�y a ua4 Assurance=Contra.[ I Expiratior�Date 12J31r1o20. � vaUdat.d'By Yohri.W Knezeuici%PE a .. VaGdat7an Ctee4 ,Hanicopy Received GerUO§ie of 7ndependence� M15216 R5 CU�'�Oi9's 0i COI'=PIIEhIINEN nitP 5 Referer ced Standard`and,Year(df Standaiif) 3an4ard'< Year: ASfIN`Qi97Q'tear 2 2015. E�SfM D226(physics) 'rAS117(8) :I995i,, 9 quivalencesnfRiodct:Standards' REVIEWED FOR u =Gertit7ed By - CODE COMPLIANCE 1 c(b o�6g FILE COPS Sectians.forrr the Bode; ST. LU CI E COUNTY BOCC httpsllwu+�w.flondabmld'ing Or[�Ipr/prr_app"dtl a7pic?pars--uuGEVXQurtDgir3yrWkJZ.tQt2Adhy12u$(�gGTziSfirPlGk1if7tbzoVhOwuv°k3d%3i1: .1P2 i GerLifrearPwo�lrnhortzu?eon#37455. 7;_ 353:Christ�an�5tree# Un>t# 3� '� Qac�ord+GT Ut3478 y ENGINEER% EVALUATE TF.5T NSi1LT �ER7'IFY EVALUATION REPORT p- r 4 Owens Comm Roofing and As halt LLC. Evaluation Repart'14R51�QZ12 R5; One Qwens, omittg Partcuvay Fu5216-R Toledo,QH:43.6b9 Dateaf Issuance. 02jI7/24L2, , (740)32r S345 Revisiur�5';0�#/t8/20I9' SGOQE' This EvalWilipit Report rs,issued under Rule 61G -3 and the`appUrable rules ar,d;regutat�ons governmgahe use Qf' coiistntct�ortmatenalsriR.the State of°€tonifa'Tfie documentation subsnrtted fias been reviewed by:RoEiert<I�tieminen; PE foruse of the:prodrict under the Fioida Buitdin Cody and Eionda;Bu�ldm ".Code,;Resideritial Vatume The' rodusi d'.e_scribed;herein have:6e'en evaluated'for, iance;wittt,the 6�'Edkion(2017)Ffi'ida i ilrimg Code sections noted, flerern:• E t - pFsm for .;Rbias6WOU2D<and ABC Pra Guard 20iRoof,Unrleriay.rn i WitUMM ,labeling_ihaQrbe ui_?ar_corclarice with the requirements of the_Ac redited Quality-Assurance Agency noted CONTINUE[)COMPUANCf eThis Evafuatron'Eteport`is vaUd untrt sucFi time as the named prcaduct(s)'changes;the referenced QuaUtyAssurance documentation changess or provrstons of the Code tfiatretae to tiie product change Acceptance;of s am Evaluaben Re ort p bythe ned 6nt;contrtu tes agreement tdnottfy Robert Niemmen,,P E of any d�anges to the`, ptoduct(sj,the Qaalrty Assurance oritie prod1Et faclitytlocation(s�. i_ M_6_ tr.,requires,a.coiiiplete reviewrof:fE K valuat1-" Report reiatiye to:updated Code requrremerits uVrth each Code Cytfe. Anv�itTlsENtt n-The 1 vaivatton=Report t umber'prg eded by ttie words "NEMOtetc Evaluated" may displayed"it! advertising literature. Ifany postlon of the Evatuattpn Repoli is d>spiayed,then,) "shall`be done m itsentirety} , 1 ttvspi_c!tort upon_request,a copy of this enure Evaluation Report shad.be;provided tothe user by.tfie iriaii�facturerar 'itsdistnbutot ands- altbe`savaiCabie'fa :rnspecEianatthelob;sste;attl►erequestafttte`BuildingOfficial: Tins Evaluation[report consistsofpages"�thraugt :,4_ j :.. 4 -P.repay""ed bt- ROGert J,{�l iUlelnlnen,R E. 'ice _c +� The facsuruta scar appearin�aYss authonmedby Rohert .,... Ni !.. AL :: 11orlda Registration No 59166 Honda&A A1VE1983 .:..,."`"� emmeny P wart o4J78�zotz9;a t��ad-es-rotseNe as an:- j r.4_. _ = eleclsanicaily.s`gned'documorit,: d Ci= CATION;OE,UdDEPE UWE: 1 ,11G _ ohEM0 C lilt camfacudhiz does:nothave,raordsit ued: ocquir distributing products t'evafuates 2 NEMO t-fC,LF C t5 not gamed operated os controlled byany cgmpaiy manufacturing.ar distribut<ng products�teuaivates j 3_ Robert Nieminen,F-E'does'ngt:have rtor-wilt acgi,lre,a fihaneaat interest in any narnpany`manutacturing or;distabutrng':produe[s:foc E which"theeYaluahan reportsare being issued l 4: Robert Nieminen,P E.dues noc:have nor wi1F acquire;arfinanaal=rriterest:ir.arty oftier enbtiy;invoiverl in the._agproval;process ofitle 5 PiOsab-lid-'EM' evaivati6ii Nehhe'Nb-f'gtcnor}zobertNkemirien P.E are;ioany;way,the:Resignerof.Record'faranyproject on which this bMluafion ReporY;.:or preMus•uers�ons thereof,u�was used for.-perrn�tdogardesignguidarace ufir6 retained specrtrcatI { fortfiat purpose,: �w...., . t a1 i a ROOFING COMPONENT EVAtU/l'iIQN• _ „.,,,,�. ,4 a .. �` 'Ptaduc#;Categocy ..Roofing _ - _ _• ,w ��ub-Category- Uniieriayment CainpHance Stitemerst.- RlattaRoof U20`attil PXSG pro,Guard�ZO Roof Underlaydsents, as produced by Qhnter�s I Carnittg Roofing attd Qsphalt,rtlC,have demons trated;.comp[iactce nrith the fottowing sections cif fher6"'Edit(on '(2017)416iida`Mjldlnt,Code nce.with applicable sections of the folloVnng Standards;,. (:ompl anoe�s sub�e to the lnstaUation•RegyifOments`andElti itatrnns°f2. Conditions oP tlse set forth herein:: ` s STANDARDS: _ `$2�lon. " } .sf. 4��'C� �`��r'OtiertleS �; 5 ^"rr r. fy��'i ,:.� ''•$�Ildard �:t '' z � >;.., �{ r :`�; ,wj,��u; qi 1507 11 R905:S:Z Except pn, t)nrotting,Brea[ang 5trength,-P!jabtiity A5TM D226": 2009' 15DT1 l,,R905 Li,Exceptipn Tear Strength- ASTM D197o 7035 e f TASI10. Puti-throagEti resistastie TA5117(S) 15Y 3. REFERENCES.- 'fFS(1'ST1509) {?hys)ca[Pcopertres %200534395[OQ-0o6 1Oj27/2011 i ITS:(TSF2504)•: t'Esyscr$IProperties I0053939SCOQilt)Z: '1Uj27j2017'. i EFS(15T1509)' �physlcatPropernes 10039395CQfX-0Q6 U3/I4j2C14 PRI 878 ISTiVt DI974,Tear"streri QCF 33D 03 02 iQ 03 T B� j4 jam;: I ':PRt(Tsc5s7$)i TAS 117(9) Puit ttiXo49 o[F 42z oz=01 a4jo3/2oI8 t1S Q11A167314. quattty Control; Service Confirmation: (19j3t)j241Z r ..OD ) c� tProduct s, � `.,, .� CtfiptiOti �' `Plant(S} ' �escrlptFott ��' �� ! � 4 _ 41 Rhlnoltoof U2U F.BC;150711& QIJ�gdao,. Muitalayered polymer woven coated :. ,. tt905 3;1(Excepfiotr). _ Chiri2 synthet c,rooYunderiaytnent 42, FBC1507_:1.1,& Qingdag Muitiiayerecl olymer woven-Coated R905'I':1 Exce t,on China thetic roofunderta merit �,.. =, .__ ._.. , .___�., -_ _. . . _-...... ...:. . ,..;:.,, .:ter,• _ ?hjj Es+Isa bwlding`code evaluation tYeher NEMtOkETC;LLC norRobert CV�emigen,P E ar.'e,In anytway,the t]esigner` of Recijrdfor arty project on which this;Evaluatror�Report,or pire4loasverstonsfihereof,,ujwas usedfor,permittng ! or design guidance unless retained spe�4:4-yrfarth'at purpose. 5 2; Fire Ctassrficafion is not-par. this Evaivatlon,Rgpori refer#orwrrentApprosieil:Roofing llrlateriaist)rrecfaryfor,fire;, ratingsofthisproduct� - 5:3; Rtiinoltoof't120:and:`ABC Pro Guard0>Roof Underlaymerrfs rzlaytae used wltli;;any pce par ed:r"oof cover-v+rb ere'tire' product Is specificatty;�efereneed wrthin FBC ap;ro ai do-cumenm if not fisted,a request may be made t0'tttie Authority Havli g 3u;isd'Ictlon for approva4 based on tti 5 evaluation eonibined"Wkh supportmg.dat�tbt prepared; roafcovering:, :5.4:. ,_Alloiaiable:Roof p*00 , ',t5�ke„ t� af-^< is .�s�c., 'r},»,t? n •�. .+G ..'t .z's .tY "7. - s• � f,�h r� ,. �_y,} .�.. Y+"%, .y am �`€ xr+ i c r . 'h ,r^}-•"c � r+f` {+r•..,. l•� h1W 1:.fti aYf1 - � _ 5e � 'f tthmoRo-,,u20 __ YeS; Ito Yes �'eS F r IVo' ABC pro Guard ZQ` Yes __ ., g INo Yes „ .,... yes No - - NENtO ETC CLC _. Evalvadon Report t4(KIOA2 22 R5 certficateofAurt►oFa�tron` i�ss. sTM¢nnioty(zm�j far tsoH tsuNzaNa t+vHz fvawslora. fuszss is tthrtoaoa�uxo�a aBc i�u s�,a o'ts�t uaa�yme�s eevlsion s:oMss%wzg 1 - 4 i | ) / ' --~- ------,p- - �' _ ^'- ' ``�-`= -'--- 6. INSTALLATION: . � �� ° .- � { --- csi con qng- | | -_ .�'Wred ."~ windsp� . - _ f�150.f i � ���eu ' .~,�~. ! ' x��e��**`�°�"^y�"a,�°=°°^^~^^�~=^~~^~~^~^~���~- � - - . . ===_ it 1A, Cureen ��� --- al- `� / le a ^ � ) | , � e.�v:�.`~,��r~�`�`,�`='�==~''~--r`-~----'� i � i � � � / � � . . i N�tv�+o►�etc:. s ' 'yr s r"` -� 'k, ..�Yx r ,.xr 'x� '� vz� "'"�'��'d7 � 'z _. " m -} �:-u . ... �• -a^-�„1. ..3 4 __ r Y z, 'i _ 6:3 21 Shad tse tnstatied`in,a shtngterii4tioriruith{riisn+msssr��nrhFwsde 5fcie(horuorttal�laps acid msrn!mtusl.Gr►d•1':�rice' 1 c 43 2 2 ShaII 6e fasteneciwith EBCHVt3Z ap}tiroued corrosion resistant 1 SfSg diameter ttr�caps and I gauge L254 latsg d annntars7ng-sEar►knads-;(FSG157?S)3paced malt.�rsnrh o c at a[t laps;ad 12anch.o cattFrree;( �equalhrspace rowstin the�elci of th�:sheet _.sz •- ;� 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS; As r.eguired.i?rV' Su lding OEi'iaal or d thorny 1ia,nagglurtsd coon�n otcier to pr".bperiy evaluax : f�einsfaifatson;of s 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS' Contact the maufiacturer or the`namedQA t?�stt�y for plants covered under EtuIe6IG20-3 C}A requsrements Refet€ to Setfiibn 4heresn for=product&produt<tton Cs?gtsans fareshg rret codsfied physicalii�ipestses`.`specsficaions 9. • lnterCek Testriig Services PEA EiiG E7I f Warnock Mersey QEtA1673 {6ff4 520 2'3 1 .. z I1F I , Y i� - t t f y� t 1 k i 4r {•F f k! 4 'i j 1 Y i k i \Y4�O�C.u.� t�NCYWts(v�t�iV.VG.2L iN ,Ce(afitate of`As+Stbriiotitai#t32d5S &T"fO1TibAf{?41�1 yFBC�iQTi HVNZ AND tiliFi2 EVAEUAt10t1i: :; EL152I6-R�= i � '" ghir[oRo6fUl!02rtd/46CPm.Guard"20RcafUnilerfaym2Ats RevuMnS Q4�7.8[2t)39' Page 4"of'4f r