HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCa0SEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4647589 OR 1300K 4352 PAGE 2345, Recorded 12/02/2019 11:39:57 AM Permit No, State of Florida, County of SL Lucie NOTICE OF CONMENCEMENT Property T2xlD No. 1301-W"049-000-2 The Undersigned hereby gives notice that itnprovement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with chapter 713, Florida StAltates, the following informatlon Is provided in this Notice of Commencement Legal Description of property and address If available LAKEWOOD PARK-U NIT & BLK 59 LOTI (MAP 13102S) General description of improvements New re -roof asphalt shingles Ownerilessm Aaron Hemand�z Perez I Address 6304 Lee Bfvd. Fort Pjerc* F1 34951 Interest in property: Owner Fee SimPle Title holder (it other than owner) Address Contractor Ramflas Roofing Services. Inc. Phone g 4079825477 Address 2014 Jaffa Or Unit 103 St. Cbud R 34771 ]Fax # 4076419563 surety .11 0 Phone N Address Fax # Amount of Bond Lender Phone # Address Fax # Persons within the State of Florida designated byOwner upon whom notices or other documents way be served as provided by Section 713-13 (a) 7., Florida Statuft: Name phone # Address Fax In addition to himself, owner designates Of Phone # Fax # to receive 2 copy of the Lienor-'s Notice as provided in Section 713.23 (1) (b), Florida Statute& Expiration date of notice of commencement is one year from the date of recording unless a differentdate is speciried. WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY IWE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF TITE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSMERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CIL713.13. F.S.. AND CAN RFSULT IN YOUR PAYING TWtf-'E FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE 1bF COMMENCEMENT "UST BE RECORDED AWD POSTED ON TFFEjoia SITE 1RFFO%tE THE FIRST rNSPECTION. WYOUTNTENDTOOBTAW FINANCING. CONSULT WIT14 YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF CnXrKAV?Jr�k� State of Florida, County of St. Lucie Ackknowled. e tbls 2 NG—ftlbal 19 -12"_, day of :10 —> by Aaron Hernandez Perez is ersonall known to 'or vp? has produced as identification. Can-nen Resfituyo ignatui7e-of Notary Type or Print Name of Notary (Seal) TAtle. Notall Public Conxmilsslan Number GG256389 CARMEN RESTITUYO sststo ot Florido-Notery PLLblic Commission 4V GG 25838,9 my Commission ExPires September ()@. 2022 I EERLnY CMMYTH-ATI. IRS MXMUNIT I.SAIRLEA-ND GORRECTCOVY OFAN OFFK [AL-RECIORD OR Digitally si ned by The Honorable Joseph E. Smith DOC .%I ENTAUTHORIZED DY LaWlo BE REMRnrDoR FILED OR FILEDEN Date: 2019,1 .02 11 40: 2 - 05 : 00 THE OTF10E0FTNv'Nr.j-rrm.cDi %-rycuxK (W111KCIRCUTCOUkr. 9 3 ,f. W11WMIMMMAY RAVE REIMMONSAS REQQRE4 DV LA%K Reason; Electronically Certified Copy Z i.n�At-inn- gni qn,�th Pi,T-r T)r- Port Pi�r��- rT. 'idqln