HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approvals 4
Product . • Fabricators,
2160 SW Poma Drive
Palm City, Fl. 34990
Compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 (6th ed.)
Compliant with Florida Product Approval Rule #611320-3
Compliant: Keystone Certifications
Product: 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec. 1507.4.2
Yield strength: 50 ksi min.; Attached to min. 15/32" plywood or Wood
Deck w/ min. 0.42 specific gravity with screws. 24" Coverage
Rib Height 3/8"
Corrosion Resistant Compliant: FBC Sec. 1507.4.3
Fastener 1 (Method 1 Attachment): #9 x 1-1/2" Hex-Washer Head wood screw* to penetrate
3/16" min. thru deck or 5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length to meet
Fastener 2 (Method 2,3, &4 Attachment): #10 x 1-1/2" Hex-Washer Head wood screw* to
Olpenetrate 3/16" min. thru deck or 5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient length
to meet requirements)
Underlayment: To be compliant with FBC Sec. Chart 1507.1.1
Slope: Shall be in compliance with FBC Sec. 1507.
See Fastener attachment specifications above
Install Details: Table A Allowable Loads METHOD 1 METHOD 2 METHOD 3 METHOD 4
DESIGN PRESSURE* -86 PSF -93.5 PSF -101 PSF -228 PSF
ROW SPACING 16"o.c. 16"o.c. 8"O.C. 6"o.c.
FASTENER SPACING (ALONG Panel width) 12" o.c. 12"o.c. 12"o.c. 12"o.c.
FASTENER SIZE 1 #9 #10 #10 #10
UL 580-06& 1897-041 Test Report X893.01-450-18 05/02/14
Test Report F3366.01-450-18 12/18/15
TAS 125-03 Test Report D05893.02-450-18 07/22/14
*EQUIVALENCY-UL 1897-04 is equivalent to test standard UL 1897-1?fn�rr� *Design pressure margin of safety 2.1
Locke Bowden,P.E.does not have,not will acquire a financial in la t�cg , facturing or distributing products
under this evaluation. ����i
Locke Bowden,P.E.is LAR,FQ relied by any coApar(Vornibilfatturep,or distributing products under this
report. 1"1�"� GE •
COU / i7
r `k7
S-T® LSCd ola .'�cef�tio�`a®� ,V5
FL17022.1 5V Crimp (26GA Steel), 24" Wide Roof Panel - Details
1. Underlayment to be compliance with current Florida Building Code (FBC)2017 6th ed.
Wnimum slope to be compliant with Florida Building Code 2017 6th ed., and per with Manufacturer's installation reference.
roducts are compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliance Method: 1-D
4. Engineering analysis for"project specific approval by local authorities w/jurisdiction is allowed by other registered engineers.
5. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear diaphragm values are outside this report.
6. Support framing in compliance w/FBC 2017 6th ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for
Structural Loading.
7. This report does not imply warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report.
#9 x 1-112"Min. or
#10 x 1-112" Ta
Min.psrW A"for Row 5-V Crimp Roof Panel
Spacing and Design Pressures
Hex Washer Head Wood Screws
ti f
15/32"or greater Plywood,or
-Vlbod plank
Panel Profile
Nominal 12" Nominal 12"
O.C. O.C.
Y9 X 1-1/2"Min. or #10 X 1-1/2"Min.per
—fable"A" Hex Washer Head Screw
Spaced 12"o.c.across the Panel Wdth
Panel Refer to Table"A"for Spacing Along Panel
Overlap Length
Deck-15/32"or greater
j plywood,or
-Wood plank
Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 i
RegulationBusiness Professional
rZI I r7
acts Monty Log in I urr"Wrati- Hee rats J eulwnh Sun im ! Silos a r*ttt J <tibaeWom eant"t Ut J Selig stu IUP I Unlet StWO !
O ,rePr*dMt,
! >Ayalotl.n Vetall
FL R FL2569-R14
Application Type Revloton
Code Version 2017
Application Status Approved
f Product Manufacturer Soprema,Inc.(Canada)
AddreWhone/Emaff 1640 rue Haggarty
I Drummondville,NON-US 00000
(819)478-2400 I
rnemathleuoAsoprema.ca I
' I
Authorized Signature Marc-f?tienne Mathieu
memathle uQsoprema,ca
Technical Representative Marc-Etienne Mathieu
Addness/Phone/Emall 1688 Jean-Berehmans-Michaud
Drummondville,NON-US 00000
(619)478-2400 Ext 3327
memathkuOsoprema.ca '
Quality Aswrance Representative 3ean•PrancoisCabe,Ph.O.
Address/Phone/EmaR 1610 rue Haggerty 1
(888)911-3146 !
Ifooteowprema.ca d
I i
Category Roofing i
Subcategory Underisyments
,! I
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or o Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
1 �
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert 3.M.Nleminen �1 F`w�I��jv
the Evaluation Report 14a-
Florida Licence DE-59166 /�-V,l f `p 1 SO F®■ •
Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC �Y
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/18/2020 OOtAPLIAN
Validated By 3ohn W.Knezevich,PE CODE �d� ®uta
W Validotion Checklist-Hardcopy Received
ST. 9�1
Certificate of Independence FL2569 R14 COI 2018 01 COI NIEMINEN.odf BOC• !
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard YNr
ASTM 01970
ASTM D4798 2�'
ASTM D6163 2008
FM 4474 2011
FRSAITRI April 2012(04-12) 2012
UL 1897 2012 !
! I
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
hup6J/www.tlorW&building.org/pr/pr app d,aspx?param-wGEVXQwtDgSKQFEnckB108Erx1Ud3xYlivjnJ7... 8/812018 '
a I
Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2
Sections fnxn the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D
Date Submi Med 07/12/20L8
Date Validated 02/14/2038
Date Pending FBC Approval 02/17/2019
i Date Approved- 04/10/2016
summmg of Products i
FL.0 Mod*.Nember or Nome DescrWan 1
2569,1 Sopnerna Roof Self adhering roof underlayments
Underlaymttlt9 i
f Llmkr of use inst*WotLon Instructions
! Appmved/or use N1 NVHZ:No (.43569 gL.n 2018.02Fltk ERS}MYI ENTS FL2M9-
Appr4lsad for use outside HVHZ:Yes 614,pQ[ i
D"p tt Re*stmX:N/A VMitled W.Robert-Nlarminen,11.8:PE-5911%
Def"Pon um:+WA/-150 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:1.)Refer to ER Section 5 for EvaWat ion Reports
Limits of Use.2:)The design pressure F(-2569 814 AE_201"2 FlNA',.-ER WFR&A CA Uk"RLAIMENTSF 569•
noted hereto pertains to wWadayment $14.odf
systems used beneath adhesive-set the Created-by Independent Third Party:Yes
systems.Refer to ER Section 5.6.4 for
l deteds.
{ .I
r�otaee.t+!112ao1..elrr 51pgr Rod.rrsehmau EL 323319 P1aM:Iso-487-1924
The State of fbrle*Y an aPlEtO aepieyar. esu.of EIK ;t t3MaAL- 1;i AC=26=k�G1112mcit::AlfiUdAWAMML i
Undo rrertda We,ease addi*am Ore pubic romm fryer 4o not wwn yaw*,mire■dd,*N rekadd i+naponfe tD•putaanmba rawfilk do gotowd ekcbmic - !
"W to Nb eMy,rnataed,mtR*R tM erecta try pAo*e a<bV trtdUlonal nu/,Cya low any quavers,ptNsa teneaet aS0.N7.S1a6.'Rrnaant b fatUon 455.773 - I
3 (s),Fleraia Staub",aeactlea 00oba 1,2017,normae lkaioad under Ch%tar 435,4W.mot"I"the Depart WR wfb an"addra s If tim mm one The
an*as ProvHM nsy M uael Ibr vaxrt cgllnaNuotlen wt>t tl1a i[arme.Nawarwr amaa widrnw era puHlt iwmN.ttyou Po not edai to pppiy•pgraoaal eddrrse,
PMe*Iroe'do tM Dpartntem wth an amaf 0d6�a v"O cm be made wrarabte to the Pufrac To drwrmr*if you u*a kw" Chap w 455,P.S.,pteve
Ckh bee,
ier*ire!aPpewN A.eeetar
j. C49dt Card
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bttps://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsKQFEnckB]OgErxiUd3xYlls.jnJ7-. 8/8/2018 lJ,
Cede c/k&trroetmrfrrr P9M
OXFORD,Cr 06478
j E1►Att1A71GM it�7RT .
$opnrNa,Mie evaluation Report e.3iMCi3ll SLO"''21
1640 rue Nmerty F 25694 3
I `"Srummon"fk„Qudbec J2C SPS Canada Dote of Issuance:06/is/20o9
(UM47e-2400 Raton JL-101%/M7
t This Evakation Report is Issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
! construction materials in the Sade of Ronda The documentation submitted has been rvAew+ad by Robert Nieminen,
. P.E acs use of the product under the fiorlda Buildbrig Cade and Horde Building Code, Residential Vokm& The
products described herraM have been evaluated for compliance %tfi the bei Edition CM7) Franca IriAft We
i sections noted herein.
! DUCtitPTM 5opft=PAW Uftderttty MIft
1 tAsatreteo tabegng she# be in eownhmae wft the n quiremera etre Aca*d*W 0jaky.Assurance Agency noted
( herein.
j CoKn*tWCua&WuLRa,Tbt Evaluation Report Is wWid until such We as the named pmduct(s)changes,itis n0arenoad
quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product dwg& Acceptance of
this Evaluation Report by the named dtient constitutes agreernent to notify Robert Nwnft en, P.E. if the product
charges or the refesencred Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity(ERD requires a complete review of this
Evaluation Report relative to'updated Cod*requirernersts with eadt Gad*Cyd*.
Nav&a=meirt:The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words"YtdnkylERD Evaluated"may be displayed In
advertisirn`literature. Na
ny portion of the Evaluatfan Report Is displayed,then It shag 1=u:done Inns entirety.
bownum Upon request,a copy of this entire Evehhetion Report shall be proMed to tete user by the manufsicdurer or
its tears and shelf be available for Inspection at the lob site at the request of the Building Official.
j This Evaluation Report donsisM of paces i through&
ftepw by.
"ert'SA kiwi,P.E. e: ; �rMoY.r.gaar*w�kK.+srMswwwa t
Fkd*torrAhaMMNorkbOCA MlEtM r t WWAft.PZc.SWAM INdMIM OMaon
L 1r**VIEW does not IW44 nor done It emend to aoquke or VA It acquirer,a IIMT W k>,011,t In arty ae vMW rnam:#saurrn4 or'
d�prodruets R erateatae. ,
2, 'tYi�+irtrl am k nee owned,opQated a cakrialled by any aompirry�t er dbt�ttn«'puodeWs K cxatueties. ,
3. ?Oban NkrWkx i,P.E.does rot We nor wig aapkv,a ffiwidml ink in arty compow maerrr4Khxin or s11*11,1 M ts pendatts for
widdr the eakaadw reports are lrektR ktur .
4. Robot NisminaL P.L does not have,erre wig acqukv,a AnwKWI hama In any odor entity brial"d in ft approaet pmem of tM. -
S cods av*A don. Neither Trk ttylEW nor ltobM Wemkxm,P.E.are,In any way,the Oeatow of Recani for Day
project on widen tics bokutlnn Report,or p*Worn versions thereof.Wwas ua d bar penal ng ci"deApe gridatroc unless retained '
apadlta�ty bsortfrrt purrlps*.
i I ,
s t
t L :
Product Catagw,r. RooW
Sub4abW y. Underdayment
Compftnoe 3Yatematt: Roof Ui chdamArtts,as produced by Soprema,have demonsbated compliance with the
I 1 iWbwkg>Kdow of the IN,, (201T)FbMa Brrl)dine Cede through bestk*in accordance with the following
Standards ComplUmm b subject to the installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions at Use set forth
!S i herein..
Section Prropelty Standwd Year
15043.1 Wind Mah anoe FM 1474 2011 !
4 15043.1 Wind Upl ft UL 1897 2012
15 A.4 T1507-"1507.292 Mrpkd hopertlas ASTM D1970 2015
I 150733 Physical Ptwaties FRS"April 2012 2012
i �/M A�2032(04.12) prop4rtlas ASTM DS163 2008
TAS 110 AccaMKsted WaROW og TAS 110 2000
ERD(TSTS049) TAS 110 29968A5.04.2 WA4/2W4
Epp MT6049) Physical PmpeRtes 2757.02.05 02/03/200S
E RD(TSMOV) ASTM D1970/TAS 110 2974.03.03.2. 06/17/!005 .
ERD(t5i6049) Wind Resfstaru a 277&07.OS 07/15/2005
ERD(f5rG049) m njAft istance 2779.17.0541 04/1!(/2007
ERD(TSTSM) TAS 103/TAS 110 S717A.11.07--2 11/07/2007
E1lD(MGOU) ASTM D19M/TAS 110 S33190.02.09•Ri 04Jb1/2f110
ERD(TS MO ASTerD1s70/TASUD 33IM03.19-244 007/2010 .
ERD(TSi6049) ftymsfpraperties/TemleAdwdon S11250ASIO-Rl 09/09/2mo
ERO(W60" Pt vsw"Wfftles/Te nsoeAdhesion allsomam 10/05/2010
ERD(FS75W4) ASM 04970 S372161= 11+/09/2011
EAD(iST604* ASTM 01970 54454OA213-1 07!19/2013
l ERD(f5Tt�49} physics)Propertia/Twage Adh=lon 543530.0214-1 02/21/2M4
z ERD(STWO) Rip"rrgmVn/TWA*Adhegon SOK-SCM45.02AS 02/13/2MS
i fRD ftSTt3o49) Aeaafeeabad Waadveft SOPC-SCIRM4 04/17/2015
' E11D(TSr6049) Wind Res awre SOPC-SC14045.05.17-R1 06/07/2M7
1 MI-D(CER1592) 1tlttiZlbeeeptiatrce 250600.04 09/24MU
iWES(EV 2W 2015IBC CornpVana EMS24 03/D1;/2D17
PRi(i5FUM Plrysks)Properties SOP-064-02-01 7?/03f1413
a, $gprema,kr.(PDMZ21) EydvdwxV DKkmti m SA SM007H PLY f0 0faM/201S
UL.LLC(QUA9Q5) asafttlr Ceneroi service Ccn&mation Exp.07/iAAM
j 4. Pltop=DtscRwnoa:
1. 4.1 LaswbwA Til HT is a self-adhering, non-wav n polyaster fabric surfaead, SBS modified bitumen roof
undabynnnt;meets ASTM 01970 and FRSA/TR(Aprit 2D12(04-12).
4.1 Las**oad,SMeW is a self-adherinip wown poiyaf,%ykm turftesad, SBS modified bitumen roof
undeftayment avagabie to two widths,35 and 45 Inch;meem ASTM D1970.
4.3 REMO SA SM007H PLY 40 is a self-adherhrg,woven polyeti►ylene suffaced.SBS modified bitumen roof
urMerkty"Mt;anNaWe in 33 ft x 65 ft raft meets ASTM 01970.
4.4 LasWbmW 3NW HT is a sNf-adheftng woven polyedhylene surfaced, high temperdhae,SW modified
r bitumen roof undertayment;meets ASTM D1970.
ElaafsrTde a>+fie.LIC T ra4iaAbn RfyNtSitT03Q06R11
Gegl4/AU&W6N"#J§W iT'0aWNCOO WNGH4ftnRfVWAYM R25UM31
Saprefets,tnc. ftavWanll:itSlGr,/zei7 I
nr.zofa 1
f }
j -
4.5 Lastobond Pro HT-N is a self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof
E undedayment available in two widths 36 and 4S Inch;meets ASTM D1970.
4.6 l astobond Pro HT 5 is;a-self-adhering, woven polyethylene surfaced, high temperature, SBS modified
bitumen roof underaymerit;meets ASTM D1970.
4.7 Lastobond 295 is a self-adhering, glass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof
underlayment;meets ASTM 01970.
4.8 Lxtobond Eaves Protection Sheet Is a setfadhering,glass-mat reinforced,sand-3urfaced,SOS modified
bitumen roof underayment;meets ASTM 01970.
4.9 taccobond Eco Is a self-adhering, &tits-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof
meets ASTM 01970.
j -4.10 LwWbOW Smooth Seal HT Is a self-adher14 grass-mat reinforced,flim-surfaced,SW modified bitumen
_ — roof Ott;meets ASTM D1970. �i7D&1
7 4.21 RESISTO LB1236 is a self enng, ass-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced, SBS modified bitumen roof
underlayment,with a 36-Inch sheet width;meets ASTM D1970,
4.12 PrimeSoume Grip-Rite Eave&Valley Protector is a seif adhering,glass-mat reinforced,sand-surfaced,SBS
{ modified bitumen roof undedayrnent,with a 364nch sheet width;meets ASTM D1970.
l 4.13 RESiSTO L61244 is a self-adhering, gats-mat reinforced, sand-surfaced SBS modified bitumen roof
underiayment,with a 44-inch sheet width;meets ASTM D1970.
4.14 Colphene FR GR is a self-adhering, fiberglass reinforced, granule-surfaced;SBS modified bitumen roof
underfayment;meets ASTM 01970 and FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12).
S. LIMrrA7irNVS:
5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinityjERD nor Robert Nleminen, P.E. are, in any way,the
Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,isMas
used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2 •chis Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC HVHZ Jurisdictions.
5.3 Fire Classification Is not part of this report;refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire
ratings of this product.
5.4 Soprems Roof Undedayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically
referenced within FBC approval documents., if not listed,a request may be made to the Authority HavinR
Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof
5.5 AUbwabfe-Roof Covers II
� ' - �L,R+Oor CovEs 0i►notLS _ i
�t Aspltatt, WI-cin kwo-On Metal Woad Shakes a4 Slate
shing es The Tea Sid Sles
f �
Iastobord TU HT Yes Yes Y Yes
sr Yes Yes Yes
s—ktastobond Shield/Pro HT-N/RESISTO SA
KT v
SMOOTH PLY 40 Yes clic r F s+ Yes Yes
*� a
. Lastobad 5htekl NT/Pro HT 5 Yes yes_ Yes Yes i
{ La wbond Eaves Pr+oomtIon Sheet/
lastobord 195 Yes Non lion` :NO S' Yes Yes
i Lastoband ECO/REMO tSM6 Grip- j
t Rite Em&Va[ayPratettOr/RI515T0 Yes ND- ri y'1 '{� Noy Yes Yes !i
Ettalorlt�fattsYand LIC EvsNutlonRspmtS1a010AL054 1
colpowM ars 6TM Eamon(2o17)Fac Nowwmz EVALUA'noN ran#-=
Sorrawk ram RwYNn 1]s i?/piJ2017
PNP3 of a
{ . %en'>_ ;,��: .�..• .'eT��{,.,�•���,.! 8 iso- - ��t� �.., `�a'. ..
N� Fount-an •mew Wood 51H106 fk SlatE
tlnderltywart gR, Vk Tia swasks
Lastobond Smooth.Sad W Yd Yes Yes Yes
yes OEM Yes
f ColpI fftGR Yes Y!c SEt 1, 1
yg� 5.5.1 `Foam•4n TW is Wmited to use of following Approved We adhesives/nnderteyrnent combinations.
(} l. �":7.:3:i-��j :•1+�nr -. thw6d�i-may.,.%„n�'t f;r-3,• 1
DowTikDond" F122525 lasbobondTtlttt
ICP Ades Pdpd*AH-160 FLILaQobondTUNTorCdphmFRGR —
' S.6 Allow-able Substrates:
- S.6.1 Mat-Rand 39 Qv*:
I Lastaboud Shield,Lasmobond Pro HTA RE5tSTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40,Lnb*w d Shield HT,LssU"W
Pro HT-4 lastobmW TU HT,Lastobond Ea wm Protection Sheet;Lastobond 195,lastobowd ECO,RES=
Le123o,GtrW.Rhe Em&Valley Protestor,RESWO 181244 or Lastobond SWACM Seal HT applied to:
` D Plywood,ASTM 041 primed plywood:OSB,ASTM D41 primed OSS;Southern Yellow Pine;ASTM D41
primed Sor Yellow Phw,ASM 041 primed structural con rem.
Coipbane FR GR applied to:
D Plywood:ASTM D41 primed ptywood;ASTM D41 primed structural concrete.
While not required over plywood, U58 or Southern Yellow Pine substrates,Soptema recommends
pdmirts with Elast000l Stick or Elastocol Oft N the final roof cover is not slated for installation within
24 hours.
> 8opretna requites tont+e-and-groove board dedwg be covered with plywood or 058 prior to
Installation of the self-+adhoing urnkrlaynmL
? 5.6.2 Bond-t Q4"SWativn'
WMbond 9",taftbond Pro HT-N,RE5l5T+O Sit SMOOTH PLY 40,LAstabond Shield HT,Lestobood
Pre NTS,twwbond TU HT,LaMbond Ewa Pi stomion Sheat.Las"ond 195,Lastoboad ECA,RFSLSTO
181236,Grbp•Rita Eave i Valley Protactor.R£SIM L61244.lastobaW Smooth Soul HT or CoWm w FR
GR applied to.
> liens beck Nairne;SECUROCK Oypswn-Fibt+r Roof Board. 1
For InmIlation under mecl ankally attached prepared roof coveritp, insulation shall be attached per
minimum requirements of the prepwad roof covering manufacturer's Product ApproaL For Installations
under foam-ori tNe systems(bond TU HT only),insuldlon attachment snail be designed by a qualified
desip professional and ksudled based on testing of the insulittWWWeriayrnent system in accordance
with FLU 4474,Appendbt D,Tesft AppWation Standard TAS 114,Appendix 1 or tN. M. 9
- ? 'f&fi w b TlleMbrn+f iochrrr's arAdAeslMe Aiwattictu►✓s ffafa►o Product Alrpro+dlbrOMerEuminaq AKonreni IN sWa►ioe
t!taerbrrlren+dl ad nesipti tilt EraluattoaeyrortStaosooicsRu
Ctrl orreoft 011, A Mr eNGX r*j=' FKNt1*WWEYAWi M0N AZiMU3
SeFrprka,iac. MriNasil,Sq�ifi/aal7
i -
• r _
t -
5.63 t3ond_to MethaniroNvAtiad�ed Basi tav�s -
tastobOnd Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40,Lastobond Shield HT,Lastohond Pro
i HTS, Lastobond TU HT, l,astobond Ewes Protection Sheet, Wstoband 195, Lastobond ECO, RFSLSTO
1.61236.Grip-Rite Ewe&Valley Protector,RESiSTO LB1244,Eastobond Smootti Seal HT or Colphene FR GR
applied to:
> ASTM 0226,Type I or 11 felt;Sopra-G;Modified Sopra-G.
For tnstaliatfons under rnectwniaily,attadued prepared roof covedW,base Layer shall be alta hed per
E minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam-on Lie systems(Lastobond Til PTT only),
base layer shall be attached in accordance with FR5A/M Apra 2012(04-12).
5.6.4 Wind Resistance for Underfamraat Sums In Foam-on Yila wooer FRWM April 2072(04-12)
does not address wind uplift resistance of all underiayment systems beneath foam-an the systems,where
the nndertayment forms part of the bad-path.The(,Mowing Wind uplift itmftaWM apply to UMfodrynWt
i systems that are toot addressed In Fit4A/TR1 AprB 2012(04.12)and aro used in foam-on the applications.
P Mwdn u n Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load redamwe based on allowable wind loads,
and reflects the ukknote paw pressure divided by 2(the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FEC 1504.9 has
i already been apprled). Refer to FRSIt=April 2012(04-12)or FOC 1404 for determination of design wind
i pressures.
! 01 NW)ft rrn DeAm Pressure=ASA ocf
` Deck NNa. 1S/324nch plywood to meet project regWrenents to mon of Authority
i Having JurttdidloiL
Prune): (Optional)Ebstocol Stick,Elastowl 600c or RESISTO EXTERIOR PRIMER
V Underhwent: Lembond TU HT or Colphene FR GR,self-adhered.
02 Maximum Desim Premm=.675 nsf�
Deck Structural concrete to meet project n Wmnents to satWwtion of Authority Having
r Primer: Elastocol600c
Underfaymea: Lwtobond TU HT or Colphene FR GR,self-adhered.
+ 03 Maxhnum Design Pressum=1_ .0 oaf:
Deck Nin.15/32-inch APA-rated 80X plywood (may be Installed C-side up)to meet project
regWrernans to sotlsfecton of Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Dade Preparadow Plywood shall be thoroughly domed to remove dust and debris that may Inhibit
adheftL AU sheath& .fasteners shall be driven flush with the surface. AM sharp
splinters and wood projections shall be removed/sanded.
Underfayment: Lattobond TU HT, self-adhered, shelf be thoroughly roll using hard roller and/or j
we[abted roger to ensure there are no voids,wW ensure time are no volds/bridgtng at
aide and end-lap&
04 Mrm =•50.0 cxf:
feed- FAn. M/32-inch plywood to meet protect requiroments'to satisfaction of Authority
( HaringJurisdiWon.
Bm Sheet: Sopra-G or Modified Sopa-•G mechanically attadfad with nails(FBC 2517-S-1)and tin
caps(FEC 151752)spaced 64ndr o c at the 41nch laps and 64nch o c in three(3),
equalfyspaced rows in the center of the sheet.
Urdedayment: Lastobond TU HT or Colphene FR GR,self-adhered AD other.direct-deck, adhered Soprema undertayment systems beneath foam-on We systems carry a 9
• Maximum,Design Pressure of AS psf.
6�esrara"andk and oado r4 CLL evvk w Mpart=ozwAr.w4=
tie, .rieyass.rr.ra.areaa eNW1 oNf3D17IMtNW+4iv 9LVAWA•nors R5 11s3
Sapewa,Ww<. IrerriAan Ile 70l0~ .
i MrsSoit �
' 1
TRIi 4W!ERD For mechanically attached Base Sheet,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet i
or exceed that required under FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12),Appendix A,Table 3A.
Alternatively,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1
design pressure determined In accordance with FSC 1609. In this ease,Zones Z and 3 shall employ an
attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria.
Commonly used methods are ANSI/SFRi W01, FM Loss Prevention Dam Sheet 1.29 and Roofing
Application Standard RAS 117. Assemblies marked with an asterW carry the limitations set forth In
Section of FM•Loss Prevention Data Sheet 129(January 2016)for Zone 2/3 enhancements. i
S.7 Exnosure Limitations:
Lastobond Eaves Protection Sheet, Lastobond 295Aastobond Eco,Lastobond Smooth Seal HT,RESLSTO '
LBUN,Grip-Rita Emm J1.Valley Protector or RESISTO LB1244 shall not be left exposed for longer than 30- 1
days after Installation. i
Lastobond Shield,Lastobond Pro HT-N,RESISTO SA SMOOTH PLY 40,Lastobond Shield HT or Lastobond
Pro HTS shall not be left exposed for longer than 90-days after installation.
Lastobond TU Ht or Colphene FR GR shall not be left exposed for longer than 18"ays after installation.
5.8 Tile Slippage LimititAgns'JUS 103 per FRSA/TRI Aorjl 2012104-1211:
When loading roof tiles on the underlayment in direct-deck tile assemblies,the maximum roof slope shall
be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof'
tiles. ,
Tmw2i TuEst7wp=UmrriiiompmDmeE rDkxTltE6rAW1Tiws
UndMayment Tile Profile SuZing Method Maximum
Slope '
M Fiat Max.10•tile stack. 6:12
Lugged Max.10-tile stack 532
Max 10-tile suck(bottom 2-ble stack
shall be inverted,followed by B tiles hash 6:12
I an slope.asshown below) l
j Lastobond TU HT
i -
Golphane Fit GR Fut Max.10-tile stack 5:12
Lugged Max 10-tile stack 6:12
} ExterlorReseadhand Calla,UC. EvakwtionReport 51WW-QLQ*R11
g"ftM fArVWdWVM 44 R3 eEDMON(20171FKNON•HV!¢EVAWATION R1569.1113
5oprema.Inc. Revision 11:10/06/2x717
Pass 6 of s j
1,1 SOMM Roof Urdedaingents shall be installed In accordance with Soprema pubMed installation
requirements sub)etto the Umtte dons set forth in Section 5 herein and the sppcilks noted below.
i 62 Re-fasten any loose deddng panels,and check forprotrudingnasl heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly li
to remove any dost and debris prior to appiicetion,and prime the substrate•with Bastocol Stick Sastocol
6mc or Remo EXTERIOR PWmER(iF appECabie).
.- •,� ..., .r•• -•:all-s..•," y�,y--r - �. ,}i,'�.�,i'
.� ez ., h f+.-• a -i;ir�. �4 •`° 1'. 'i
S3.1 Shah b* irutailed in,amnpiiance with the rMdremenb for ASTM 01970 underityment°in FRC Table-
15Q A.1 for the type of prepared roof covering to be instilled.
&32 Nen.TltdAndiiritions'
While priming is optlonal.Soprems recornmends Prtming with Elastocol Stick,Elastowl 600c or RES(STO
y OrrEEtl R PRIMER It the final roof cover is not slated for Installation within 24 hours.
Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge. Roll out approximately 10 ft of membrane and ped bads the first 3
fcof releasefilm.
Adhere the exposed part to the substrate and unroll the remaining membrane as far as possible.
Once the entire length of membrane is in place,ped-off the release film°diagonally while holding the
membrane tight. Firmlyr•roll the membrane into place to achieve a hand.
Horizontal seams should be minimum 3-inches configured to shed water. Vertical seams should be 6-
1 inches and staggered not less than 2-ft from vertical seams'in Me course below. AN over-granule end-laps I
shall be sealed using either heat-weldingor hot air welding techniques. j
When Installing at slopes above 8:12.Soprema recommends bade nailing in the overlap area at the top of
the street at 2.2-Inch O.C.
For Valleys and Ridges:.Cut underlayment into 4 to 6 fact lengths.Ped the'release paper and tenter sheet
4 over valley or ridge.Drape.and press sheet tato place,working from the center of the valley or ridge in`
i; each direction. For valleys,apply the sheet starting at the lowest Point and work upward.
6.3.3 Ue egj�1La3tabond 7U HT or Coloheae FR GR only):
#' Rrlerence is made to FRM/M April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein,-usarrE the I
Instnrttions noted above all a guldeliee.
For foam-on the applications,reference is made to Section 5.6.4 herein for wind resistance Imitations that._
fall outside the scope of FRSA/TRl April X=(04-32).
Tie shall be loaded and staged "in a manner that prevents tie slippage;and/or dame to the
underlaymeni See Ir"2 herein,and Sopr*ma pWWdhed requirements for Life staging:
As required by the-Building Oficial or Authority Having Jurisdiction In order to properly evaluate the'Installation of {
this product f
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',' r' pr�,.�.�A�IhuW�U.aiMrli C�irlrirON(Jpl7lteCl�lON�iSIiQiV/1111A'rldl R7Se;-nL9
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Colt a the nowd QA mmKv for infonnadon on Product Iocaftu Coffered for FAC-b2G203 4A ro**wneriM
f ". The fbW w(%pk ts.hm*aWmd products under thw respeWn ph1t*1 Pones st>XM=Ugns.
' �E"'? �L:� yii,ii...'' - •�'k,' Z.e.�yi:iF�$<:;';:*.°,.•..i: .r :.'." .3"�'::•:x7 u'a
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( cast b=W Pro Iff-K L=Wbaod Pro HTS 1=mbond 195,UsWbmW
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RF3IDIMM PdnwSotrmQ%H IGBEatie&VAWProtemr,
A57M WSt)71!a 114-12 FR t#t
. � OH taatohond�IssEObmd�cPro�vlSOn Shaat;L•Woborrd E�a0.
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t'3wea rrooactor t�stsrotal2at
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Eave a Proaxoor RESISit LSM4
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