HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationA!1 APPUCABI E lNFO`i1/tU57 BE`COMPI'ETE FOR.APPlICATION T„O BE'ACCEPTED' j Date: 4 Permit Number 1 ja,- 0411 - 2 6J. Suitdin Permit A pJ.1pation �oQa� �4 Planning aiid DevelbprrientServices ' 6�0� 7�� Buriding and Cade"Regulairon Division 0��� 230011irgmra Avenue; i=art Pierce f 340*2 Phone ,{772j.46Z-155 0ax;(772.)A61-1579 Commerciol Residential p = rtY 4426-80On62 000=7 Pro ,e ,Tax 1D #. . ,. l:otNo Srte Plan Name:, Miller , _....._ . _ Block No. Project' Name:.:Hitleres�dence Additii nal work;to he-perforrned -under this permi : ,check aiithat apply _ Mechanical W Gas.Tank_ _ _; Gas Piping _ Shutters Windows/Doors Electric: Plumbing, Spr W6is _ Ge'heiator Roof . ,Pitch. 7ota1 Sq Ft of.Construct�on _ _ _ _ .. _ _ Sty - Ft; of Pimf Floor::; Cost=of C6nstrucdon: $ 500.E utilities _Sewer Sepik 'Buitdi �g Height,. . .Name : Aarne: kddress, .Address: City: PiZIP' ty: State - Phone: FEE SIMPLE ME ER- pp A(p,. e COMPANY: iAo Add s Address. re S: ..... tIty vhwi6: ApplI - OWNERI-COW.M-�qrQRAFFIC)Vrr,t'ons enih aby:madeAo obtalmapek.mitto dolfieworkand insWlation,as indicated. ��,i, tertifythiatnq,wotk,orinstallation has :c'o"m' Mein*'d,oriorA he issuance ofaPermit. 'St Lucie Coun.lJnakes,noA't6presentation.that is grantnga.permit - etmitwill autlo.rli,z'ethepermitholder to.b�6id ,the tsubject "-structure. which -ls'ir-conict*with ,anV,aopli6able HdneOvin6rs,Ass6ciAtioi.ruILs,bylaws zor,AhdcOV6tjhtsthat n4ytstrdbrprohibiV,sU4h structure. Pleas&'ccntultiiith 9out Rome QW6ersAssopat16n and`rqvi*Wyqur,ebd'fof-4 rfictjdnOwhich may;,apply:. in consider6tiowo f the gran'tingfif this re4udstdd permit; I do; hikroy;agreethat-[Wilf, in al! respects, petforw1be:work: ;in accordance p� ns,,.theFlPri-da:BUJJd_in itodes,ah&St; Lucie CotrityAmendments. -yf",Youttlt"btIR-Ok�WAF-TOMEY,: RE..'RECORDING,,YOUR:NQIICC,'QF'COMMENIUMENT-'' 0 X '846 Ontriictc(! gria e- n Ct0 Cer>Se Older v J Q 6to 2 0 STATE OF FL avrrz. -COUNITO.F. T A)nCOUNTY Yl ul G 'Thel n !itrumenfwasacknovAodged before me: ' The;fi)rgoihginsOumentwasacknowledged before me: z 0 a x LU this ayaf26LaZby this � d 6y bf r- &,6=, 2b� by M 0 :of Ides dUced (D CD to cj M G) e e'er C.0 ftnatureA o CO �DATE ..,RECEIVED 0 " 9 :.(Seal}