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Flowers Bakery 28665
STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & REHABILITATIVE SERVICES SEPTIC TANK CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Health Dept. No. Owner For Installation At: Drainfield Size Sand Filter Size Septic Tank Capacity Minimum Grease Trap Capacity Minimum Dosing Tank Drain Tile (a) Installation must be in accord with requirements of Chapter IOD-6, Florida Administrative Code. (b) Final inspection required before work is covered. (c) Permit void if not used within one year. (d) Approved installation does not guarantee performance. Date of Application Issued By Issue w STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH f & REHABILITATIVE SERVICES SEPTIC TANK CONSTRUCTION PERMIT County Health Dept. No Owner t, For Installation At: Drainfield Size - Sand Filter Size Septic Tank Capacity Minimum Grease Trap Capacity Minimum Dosing Tank Drain Tile I I (a) Installation must be in accord with requirements of Chapter 10D-6, Florida Administrative Code. I lb) Final inspection required before work is covered. (c) Permit void if not used within one year. I (d) Approved installation does not guarantee performance. I Date of Application Issue Issued By CHAPTER 4A-16 SERVICE STATIONS Stine' Fire :Marshal, orhis deputy shall have the provision may be' ' authority to: ciassify the extent Of the hazardous area. sills, or other,�eff tip.., di, Authority 633 05...633.051t. FS.. Law implemented : and flammable o'. Lfl1, 643,n81 Fs.-lustofY,—New .7aG-65. . `:dumped into sewers, 4B-16.67 '.Drainage , and.: waste disposal. 'tight drums outside: from the premises. Provisions shall be made in'the area whereClass I s sl,fdi( ( AuthontY ._ :.. et,,.,..,... 7 �639; •, I p\I U 1 U,PUh..r I i,l)+, ie ,u Wv 'U I �� I 1 I } Vmallswm uildmgs. aucn t113L1 Ifi.66 (2) luipment Hazardous Areas-Servic+ NEC ellas 1 GROUP n Rl,rl,lnn 1 2 1 2 1 i IL1 ,• [IAUC. _ 2 I • N)III I,VYty Ventilation _ 1 1st. V)IJap — I,1, 2,_ it, - — 2 - I,I,fi t.0 R,a!' � 2 r d n 1. Room — $ I) l u I r LI sr I Liquid. J }I 1 1 ndn tin b„Wc t iulJmg Per It"]. �'~hVIh6l(2) 1 Nad Rest Room, Grflln i'y Supp..No.. means. Crankcase drat bustible,: liquids shall It shall be stored in tar any building until ren y—New.9-16.65. atfons Ectent or Clasaiflcd Area feet hf open end of venr,.. aw grade level, any part of 1' or 2 classified area. ,vegradc wlthut the. enclusure lever within 20 feet hordoic oL fleor level within 20 feet enclosure ' aor hoar level within 25 feet` :nclosnre. w grace level rf any p i9 of Iq feet from any edge ,a dlreCnUn9�_ _ Entire enclosure. 6c.classfed the same as if the Wall, Curb or,poddoil I I n,it ezfat 4 A-16.68 Sources of ignitiouai In addition to fires are likely to occur. -ta(• previous restrictions of this division, the following ; Specific Anthority 633.05. 633.061 FS, Law Impleme ' sh,dl 1p,)Iv. There shall be no smoking or open flames ,I 03.01. 633.081 FS. History New 916,-65. in the areas' used for fueling-, servicing internal r" '4A 16.70 Self-'servicegasoline stations. r. . o f combustion engines, receiving 1 or' dispensing of - (1)� Defined. Self-service gasoline stationls flammable; r)r combustible liquids Conspicuous and mean that property -Where flammable legible signs prohibiting smoking shall: be posted combustible liquids used as -motor fuels are.att within :sight ,of the. customer, I•being served. The and subsequently dispensed ;from fixed„apprc lettering -."NO SMOKING" on Ruch signs shall be at '. dispensing. equipment into the fuel tanIsCof an least three inches in height and the sign shall include : vehicles by personsother than the service sta the wording `By Order of the State Fire Marshal" in attendant, and may include facilities available for smaller lottws The motors on all equipment being ` of other retail products. fueled shall be shut off during the fueling- operation (2) Dispensing devices Approved dispen ). Sri,,,(,, Aedhurlty 633.05, 633,051' FS Law implemented devices such as,,: but not limited to, remote contrc t l t ot, 633 0a1, FS.. ltvitory New 9-16.65,'. Amended types, are permitted at self-service gasoline stall i 111867r " (3), AtIbudant."Atl self-service gasoline stat 4A-16.69 Fire control. Suitable fire control - shall have, aCdeast one attendant on duty while (ievice,,... such as small host'or portable fire " station is :open to the. public, The attendant's pr,in .i •„.... i;:. .I iu.'.1,:. .,.,,ill L), I 1,, nt,onc-where .. function.' shall be', the proper administrat h }. eu P. No. 66 SERVICE STATIONS CHAPTER 4A-16 supervision, observation and control of the dispensing approve pending correction of deficiencies of the 9 of. flammable. and combustible liquids used as motor - proposed self-service gasoline station operations. lNO% while such. liquids are actually.. being dispensed.. Generale Authoritv 633,05,' 633:051 FS. Chapter 74-162,- ' h shall be the responsibility: of the.. attendant to Specific 6, Laws of Florida Law -Implemented 633,01, prevent the dispensing of. flammable and combustible: 11i3.081 FS,. Chapter 74.162, Lawsof Florida. History --New 2 27-74. liquids used as motor fuels into portable containers ' unless such container bears a seal of', approval of a nationally recognized testing.., agency, to control .4A-16.701 .Card operated gasoline,- dispensing. " sources a. of ignition, and f6. immediately handle systems used by commercial or governmental entities. "accidental and fire extinguishers The :. (1) Card operated systems for dispensing Class nneeded on d attendant on duty shall. be mentally and physically.' I flammable liquids shall, be permitted and shall not capable of performing the:: functions and assuming the be. deemed open to: the public within the meaning ' responsibilities prescribed in this rule. Section ` 526.141(3), Florida- Statutes, . or Rules (4) Attendant control area. The. attendant 4A-16.64 and 4A-16.70 only,. if. the system is utilized control,area is that area reserved for the attendant `sole) b - commercial enterprises or ir ctlyby. y v P used bodies and the. gasoline obtained is used directly by directly which .shall benot more than one hundred (100)feet such entities in the performance of their. businesses t frnIn the dispensers ..and shall . contain the and is not for personal use. a. ) f irrex tmguishment equipment and emergency Caravad st �(2) Gard operated, dispensing systems shall controls. (5) Dispensing area. The dispensing area is that comply with all applicable ,requirements of Rules- 4A.16.61. 4A-16.70 and in addition shall meet the area where the pumps used to dispense:: flammable following minimum standards. and combustible liquids, used as motor fuels are (a) The dispensing area must be adequately located. The dispensing area shall at all times be in lighted at night., clear view of the attendant and the placing or (b) An approved automatic fire extinguishing allowing of any obstruction. to vision to ,come system capable ofextinguishing flames over at least a ; between the person operating a pump in the " 200 square foot area surrounding each pump island' dispensing area and the attendant located in the shall be installedon each such: island. The size, type, control area shall be prohibited, except a vehicle into and installation: of such fireextinguishing system which fuel is being dispensed shall not be considered must have the: approval of the:$late Fire Marshal or a visual obstruction. The attendant shall at all times his. deputy.. Such fire extinguishing system shall be. he able to communicate directly by voice, which may:: capable of being. activated manually; as well ,as be through mechanical or electronic means, with any: automatically and when activated by either means the person operating a pump in the dispensing area : Emergency controls. shall be .installed at a location system shall- automatically deactivate all gasoline '. pumps. on the island All such gasoline: pumps. shall acceptable to the State Fire Marshal, but controls shall not be more thanone hundred.(100) feet from '. remaindeactivated until said fire 'extinguishing dispensers and pumps Operating instructions and systemhas been recharged or serviced and is again "warning signs shall be conspicuously posted in the - ready for use, - - (c), In addition to the warning signs required by dispensingarea (6) Equipment. All.. self-service equipment used Rule 4A-16.70(7), signs incorporating..thefoilowing to dispense gasoline shall be approved by a nationally or. equivalent warnings must :also be conspicuously. displayed' - recognized testing agency, The dispensing nozzle shall - 1.-:"These pumps are for the use of authorized: bean automaticclosing type without a hold -open : latch: commercial or' govern menta I'customers and are note (7) Warning signs Warning signs shall he olaen to the public." 1 conspicuously posted in the dispensing area the 2 .;"In case of gasoline spill appropriate action _ shall be taken. Minor spills shall be rinsed. thoroughly ,incorporating following or equivalent wording: la) SF,LF SERVICE GASOLINE STATION (b) with water. Major spills shall be reported' to the fire WARNING —It is unlawful and dangerous to dispense department " 3:. :"In the event of emergency or equipment : gasoline into: unapproved containers; let NO malfun.?frion - call the following number: SMOKING, and-.(d.) STOP MOTOR —During fueling::_..+ operation. Each such sign shall include the wording '_ (d)'.A water hose shall be available for use in 'lly Order of the State Fire Marshal.". All lettering attending to minor gasoline spills." shall be as follows: Words in CAPITALS shall be at - (e) Any service station' operating a card least two inchesin height; all. other lettering may be operated system shall maintain on file 'a completed smaller. - form for each commercial' or governmental customer, (A). Inspection required.. : showing the name of each customer and containing. a.: (a) Self-service gasolinestations may be signed statement indicating the following: nprrated only after inspectionand the .approval of 1. The customer is a; governmental body or a the State Fire Marshal. '" licensed commercial enterprise. ; (b) Any person desiring to operate a 2.The system will be used onlyby the sell service gasoline. station shall make application for commercial enterprise or governmental body. in its inspection to the State Fire Marshal in writing on the. business;.: and they gasoline will not be ' form provided.-: < - .obtained available for personal use. (c)-Such Inspection shall be made within forty-eight 3. Each person who is authorized to this ( hours following receipt of the appl,ttatipn forr inspection. - - use Is gasoline dispensing system has received (d). Following inspection the State Fire Marshal adequate safety instructions, ahnllpromptly approve, disapprove, or Conditionally je t1Utt10rlt -" r' Y 526,1 b26.141(3) Fs- Histor v-New 4.16.76� , Law Implemented s 76A rt TANK STORAGE CHAPTER 4A-16 M _ (i)' When storing normally stable liquids in liquid -tight when not in use. The connection shall be vertical �"iope roof tanks constructed with weak properly identified. suot-to-shelf seem or approved floating roof tanks or General Authorit 633.05, 633.051 FS. Lam Implemented arhen storing crude petroleum in producing areas in 683.01, 633.081 tX3. History --New 9.16.65. any`type tank, one subdivision for each tank in excess of 10,000 bbls. and one subdivision for each group of tanks (no tank exceeding 10,000 bbls, capacity) a. , b;1� i6.23 'Tot§tLU rft6}t ol'ItlSdek�kot'tanht ,' - s having an aggregate capacity not exceeding 15,000 * 1)`Locetidn:"�Rxbavatid`tY'�'i'oti"Undergrrld3"rid'` WIS. - storage tanks shall be made with due care to avoid III) When storing normally stable liquids in undermining of foundations of existing structures. tanks not covered in subparagraph 7.i one subdivision Underground tanks or tanks under buildings shall be for each tank in excess of. 100,000 gallons (2,500 solocated with respect to 'existing building fibs.) and one subdivision for each group of tanks (no foundations and supports that the loads carried by `tank exceeding 100,000 gallons capacity) having an the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank. The capacity not exceeding 150,000 gallons distance from any part of a tank storing Class I (rgated ,670'bbls.) liquids to the newest wall of any basement or pit (III) When storing unstable liquids in any type shall be not less than one foot, and to any property Of tank, one subdivision for each tank except that line that may be built upon, not less than three feet. tanks installed with drainage so as to be reasonably The distance from any part of a tank storing Class II Bala` to persons and property shall require no or III liquids to the nearest wall of any basement, pit additional subdivision. Evidence that such drainage or property line shall be not less than one foot. boo been installed in accordance with the standards of (2) Depth and cover: Underground tanks shall the National Fire Protection Association for be set on firm foundation and surrounded with Waterspray. Systems for Fire Protection, NFPA No. noncorrosive, inert materials such as clean sand, earth 15, 1962 edition, shall be evidence that such drainage or gravel well tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered provides reasonable safetyto persons and property. with a minimum of two feet of earth, or shall be (iv) The drainage channels or intermediate covered with not less than one foot of earth, on top curbs shell be located between tanks ao as to takefullof which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete s=! advantage of the available space with due regard for not less than four inches thick. When underground Ole Individual tank capacities. Intermediate curbs, tanks are, or are likely to be, subjected to traffic, where used, shall not be less than 18 inches in height. they shall be protected against damage from vehicles :. (8) Stairs, platforms and walkways for passing over them by at least three feet of earth aboveground tanks: - cover, or 18 inches of well -tamped earth, plus six Stairs, platforms and walkways shall be of inches of reinforced concrete or eight inches of metal, concrete or wood.. asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, it y' (9) Tank openings other than vents for shall extend at least one foot horizontally beyond the aboveground tanks, outline of the tank in all directions. . '. (a) Connections for all tank openings shall be (3) Location and arrangement of vents for vapor -tight and liquid -tight. Class I liquids: Vent pipes from tanks storing Class I (b) Each connection to an aboveground tank liquids shall be so located that the discharge. point is through which liquid can normally flow, shall be outside of buildings, higher than the fill pipe opening, provided with an internal or an external valve located and not less than 12 feet above the adjacent ground as close as practical to the shell of the tank. Such level. Vent pipes shall discharge only upward in order valves, when external, and their connections to the to disperse vapors. Vent pipes two inches orless in tank. shall be of steel except when the chemical nominal inside diameter shall not be obstructed by Characteristics of the liquid stored are incompatible devices that willcause excessive back pressure. Vent with steel. When materials other than steel are pipe outlets shall be so located that flammable vapors naceeeary, they shall be suitable for the pressures, will not enter building openings, or be trapped under .structural stresses and temperatures involved, eaves or other obstructions. If the vent pipe is less 'bacluding fire exposures. than ten feet in length or greater than two inches in '. (c) Each connection below the liquid level nominal inside diameter, the outlet shall be provided through which liquid does not normally flow shall be with a vacuum and pressure relief device or there shall provided with a liquid -tight closure. This may be a be an approved flame arrester located in the vent line e, plug or blind or a combination f o these wdv, P g � at t he outlet or within the approved distance from (d) Openings for gaging shall be provided with the outlet. In no case shall a flame arrester be located s vapor tight cap or cover.' more than 15 feet from the outlet end of the vent - (e) For Class IB and IC liquids other than line. ,Crude oils, gasolines and asphalts, the fill pipe shall be < (4) Size of events: Each tank shall be vented N designed and installed as to minimize the po6siblity through piping adequate in size to prevent blow -back of generating static electricity. A fill pipe entering the of :vapor or liquid at the fill opening. while tank is i I top of a tank shall terminate within six inches of the being filled. Vent pipes shall be not less than lei Inch - bottom of the tank and shall be installed to avoid nominal inside diameter. saaeaivevibration '> '.. (5) Location and arrangement of vents for (f) Filling and emptying connections which are tilde and broken shall be located outside of buildings Class Ih or III Liquids: Vent pipes from tanks storing Class II III itslocation free from any source of ignitions and or flammable liquids shall terminate outside of building and higher than the fill pipe Got less 'than > five feet away from any building tinning. Such connection be opening. Vent outlets shalt be above normal snow . shall closed and level. They may be fitted with return bends,. coarse 65 ow - TANK STO CHAP7'>;nY" "' screens or other devices to minimize ingress of foreign (g) Vent piping: Vent piping shall. be material . constructed in accordance with Part e t Vent pipes laid as to drain towazd the tape without ta l be shall be so physical saga or traps in which liquid t be subjected to ..located so. that they ) i e shall enter the damage. The tank end of the vent Pp tank through the top. be (7) Tank operim fo other tank openings shall (a) Connections independent vapor -tight or liquid -tight. n if (b) Openings for manual gagi g+ liquid -tight shall be provided with a opening If the fill pipe, , each suchline cap or cover. If insi nst iquad overflowloaded heckvalve shall be protected ag of a spring vapor release by means or other approved device. discharge lines shall enter tanks (c) Fill andFill lines shall be sloped toward only through the top. than the tank. IB and IC liquids other all be (d) For Class halts, the fill Pipe sh the crude oils, gasohnes and aspO as to minimize b designed and installed static electricity th Possibility pf generating terminating within six inches of the bottom ()Filling and emptying connections which ar tank. e source of ignition and u made and broken shall be located outside of bo Lenin at a location free from any 8 any building P less than five feet away d liquid -tight wee Such connectioeall be connectionanshall be P P not in use. 633.061 FS. Law ImPlemen identified. 99 General A OS FS8 History 3Flew 9-16-66. 633.01. _ - 4 A-16.24 Installation 0 1 ,A,..,.. -- shall not be Perini buildings. (1) Location: Tank, Cept as Provided in Parts inside of buildings VII, VIII, or IX. for tanks inside of build (2). Vents: Vents n Rule 4A-16.22 (4) (5) shall be as Provided 3 through 4A•16.23 (6)(b) and 4A-16.23 Venting by the use of. except that emergency v hall not be permitted. roof seams on tanks discharge vapors outside the buildings - ,hall pshall (3) Vent Piping: Vent piping constmcted in accordance with Part I e (4) Tank openings other than ve enings s (a) Connections for all tank op vapor -tight or liquid -tight. a tank Mal (b) Each connection buildings through which liquid can norm all shall be provided with an internal or o the sbe axle located as close as practical and the'reconnect Such valves, when externs , t when the c the tank shall be of steuid stored are info characteristics of the liq with steel. When materials other than t necessary, : they shall be suitable for the p structural stresses and temperatures in including fire exposures. (c) Flammable or combustible liquid located inside of buildings except in o buildings designed and protected for Hamm combustible liquid storage, shall be provided automatic closing heat -actuated valve o RAGE liquid level, except,,. g for emergency: disposal, to �,+e�'` I� withdrawal connection below the ]iq for connections used sflow in the event oY firrenaly thbe prevent continued .,pia function �, s vicinity of the tank. Rule 4A-16.24 the-valverequired in located incorporated in arate valve, shall _b 16.24 (4)v (4) (b) and if a $eP required in Rule 4A• t, q, adjacent to the valve if independentiT+t; (b)' (d) openings for manegaging, va or -tight i ided with a P + cat shall be P be protected of the (clover Each such .opening shell vapor by t ow and Possible uid overflow or other against l®4 a spring loaded: check valve means other than approved device. IR and IC liquids i e shall be (e) For Class halts, the fill P P the ,,,lines an to :minimize crude oils, d installed electricity by tat designed of generating .static of the possibility within s. inches of the bottom Iy 4 terminating tank shall be ., tank. f The fill pipe. inside of the ;-�i+'4'`.. O Iva vibration oshall pipe- (f) ' instailedti sae inlet °o the fill pipe from any +gyp rt location free out off ign-obuildings atnot less .than five feet away v F, source ition an a inlet of the fill pipe k Y building opening. Th p e from any li uid-tight when not in use. The shall be closed and q TO edy identified. ed�1�, e fill co>(h)°tion Tanks aWidll be e buildings shah be egaiPP O1`; shall.: be provided, to - CIIAPTE]R 4A-16 Stale Fire Marshal or hip ill <authority' to classify the extent. c:.. ,r.. A;1016rltr 633.05. 633.05 �FD1/iCF RTATIONS shall Law Insist the provisions may be by grading driveway,: raising do0v area `'sills, or other, effective means. Crankcase draimligs rented and flammable or combustible liquids- shall not be dumped into sewers, but shall be stored in tanks or 4A-16_67 Drainage and waste disposal. tight drums outside of any budding until r8mov from the premises. PCovisictlt3' shall be made in the arch where Class I alx mbi Author 6:13.05, 633.051 Fa Law Implemented _ liquids may be spilled to prevent liquids from flowing 633.01, 633.081 FS. liistory New 9 16-66. - into interior of gervice station buildings. Sucho av Electrical Equipment Hazardous Areas — Service Stations NEC i - CLASS 1, Extort o[ ' 1 siren GROUP D' Classified Area i Division _ -- -- - I \ Y pit. box ii it space below grate level, any Part of whI h s thli the Drvisl r 1 ore classified area 14 1,qn of Look Fill Openlny - UI to IS inches abuse grin$ level within a horizonWl s _. 2 r dues of le feet from i lose fill councetlm and wilhrt t` i haiz nt I nano Of 5 feet from a tight fill eonnecnpn xi W shin i feet of ,open end of. vent, exmndins In all i dlr"u"i" _ ". IeJ f, k Vent, I'll-INIrg1111 l4ward - Areu 'bens ern l fee[ and 5 feet of open !nil of Vaal Jr, 2 est,ridhig ill all &flat ins Any-pial h sp x it ]pace below. grade leveany o l, paf wily within the Din n I or 2 classified area 1 — The area 4 feet vertically ,b ,ve Bride within the endusuca I s 1 of is inches hi all dtrecntns (al U..puss Fnd hire .Up o 8.mches.above grade level walun 26 feel horizon- 2 tally of anyedge of enclosure i - -- 2 Up to IS Inches above tirade or{iiau level W4Nn 20 feet, r D ,h: J dt mual 'Ventilation _ — _ horizontally of auy edge of enclosure.fi-- ` 2 Up to 18 Inches. above grade or floor iev el wl4hm 25 feet [ - tl, xllL t ,vita Veiitllntlai _ boom_ orally Of any edge of enclosure_ -Any pt box ur. space below giada level d any part a ;.. 1 w thin h ratm I:d sons of i6 feet f3om any edge of , t oo, 1 , up pump_ __ J, Wuhln 3 feet of any edge o[ pmttP, ex[endmy to as dues 2 . [ions. Also up m IS inches above grade level: within 16 feet horizontally from any edge d pump. 1 Entire area wilful, any pit. Within 5 feet of ar edge of Plui extending in all date 1 f 2 withdons. Also pp to .three .feet above .floor or grap.de level v„ - in 25 feet horzontally-flora any edge of pum tire area within any pit. tit ,, o,nr It loin - - 2 Area' tp to 18 inches above .floor or Blade level wilhln enCve lubncanon room. t t l I 2 Within 3 feet of any fill or dnpensing potnL extentling In &I�` U t s.... I ua ll dicctmns l" U ss 1oLaudds l r IIde Budding 1'rr Rue Entire, enclosure. li e61 _ y (2) - - 1f there is t y oppening to these$ seams witlilnthe extent I on orldoor classtflcd area the entire room shall be classified the same as the lea dassiflcntion at [he point of s Iv, sI, wyr nnJ Meet Roo. Ouhn my the. opeun6, If there is any opening to these room9 withino the extort[ oth f an indoor classified area, e rm oo$hall t classified the same as if the: wall, curb or partition did not erust 4A-16.68 Sources of ignitions: In addition to fires are likely to occur. ix the prrvuius restrictions of this division, the following. Specific Authority 633.05, 633.051 FS. Law lmplemented sliAl .lpply. There shall be no smoking or open flames 633.01, 633oar Fs. History News-16-s5 in the areas used.: for fueling, . servicing .internal-4A-16.70 Self-service gasoline stations- conibuvt:ion engines, receiving or dispensing of (1).Defined- Self-service gasoline station shall 4F,: Il:unmable or combustible liquids: Conspicuous and mean that.,.. property .;where flammable .and logiblr• signs prohibiting smoking shall be posted combustible liquids used as motor fuels are stored within :sight of the customer being aVrved. The and subsequently dispensedfrom fixed, :approved <? lettering.."NO SMOKING" on such signs shall be at dispensing equipment into'the fuel tanks:of motor 19 least three inchesinheight and the sign shall include vehicles by personsother than the service station the Wording "day Order of the State hire Marshal" in attendant, and may include facilities available for sale -.. Smaller .letters. The motors on all equipment being of other retail products. t fueled shall be shut off during the fuelin r operation. _dispensing 6 6- P 2 Dis �nsin de✓ices. A rove M1,... t ) �' g pp �e controlled e Sir nine Authority ft33.05,. 633.051 I S. LaW Implemented devices such as, but not limited t0, remoli�ne stations t 1'I nl, 633,1081 FS. Histury—New 9-16-65, Amended ��tie stations ID 1867...- types, are Permitted 2t SCIf-SCYVlC6 �asowhile the - (3) ,Attendant, All Se�f'6PfVjee ht's primary 44-16 69 Fire control. Suitable fire>COntrol Shalt have at le�a 1{ niatratlon, devu't 5, such as small hose or least One attendant On e%Untie❑Ishei5, shall be portable Gee station is open to the duty availab(c"la locations where fubctioa' shall Public. The be ,the .Proper admini 9upp•�No. •66 SERVICE ST TIONS CHAPTER 4A-16 supervision, observation and control of the dispensing approve pending .correction of deficiencies of the :(633 ^l '� of flammable and combustible liquids used as motor -proposed self-service gasoline station operations. A' fuets while such.. liquids are actually being dispensed.General Authority :.6330fi, : 633.051 FS.' Chapter 74-162,. It shall' be the responsibility of the ntlendanl, toSpecific 6, Laws of Floods. Law: implemenoid 633.01, .,prevent the dispensing of flammable and combustible 081 1S.Chapter 74.161, Laws of Florida. lilatory-�-Newliquids 27 74. �.. - used as motor fuels' into portablecontainers12 unless such container bears a seat of approval of a" �. nationally recognized testing, agency, to control 4A-16.701 Card operated gasoline dispensing: ` sources- of ignition, and to immediately handle systems used by commercial or governmental entities. ' accidental spills and. fire extinguishersif needed. The ' - (1) Card operated :systems for dispensing Class attendant on duty shall bementally and physically I flammable liquids shall. be: permitted and shall not capable of performing the functions and assuming the be deemed open: to the public. within the meaning: of responsibilities prescribed in this rule. Section"'. 526.141(3), Florida - Statutes,: or Rules (9)..Attendant control area.. The attendant 4A 16.64 and 4A-16.70 only if the system is utilized ` control area is flint area reserved for the attendant solely by commercial enterprises or governmental bodiesand the. gasoline . obtained is used -directly 'by.: which shall be not more than one hundred(100) feet 'dispensers ,such entities in ,the performance of their.. businesses from- the and shall contain the fire extinguishment equipment and.. emergency. and is not available for personal: use. t controls. (2) Card operated dispensing systems shall. (5). Dispensing area. The dispensing. area is that comply with all applicable requirements of Rulesxsp : 4A-16.61 4A-16.70 and in addition shall meet yl. art -it where the pumps used to dispense flammable .the following minimum standards. "" and combustible liquids used as motor fuels are. located. The dispensing area shall at all times be in (a) The dispensing area must be adequately •. than view of the attendant and the placing or lighted at night - (b) An approved automatic fire extinguishing allowing of. any obstruction to vision to come system capable of extinguishing flames over at least a: Between -- the person operating a pump in the 200 square foot area surrounding each pump island dispensing area and the attendant located in the shall be installed on: each such island. The .size, type, control area shallbe prohibited, except a vehicle into and installationof such fire extinguishing system • which fuel isbeing dispensed shall not be considered must have the approval of the State Fire Marshalor a visual obstruction. The attendant shall at all times. bi able to communicate directly by voice, which may, his deputy. Such fire extinguishing: system'shall be. he Lhrriugh mechanical or electronic means, with any capable of being.` activated manually. as well ,as person operating a pump in the dispensing area. automatically and when activated by either means the'. Pmergriicy controls shall be installed at a location system shall automatically deactivate all gasoline - acceptable to the State Fire Marshal, but controls pumps on the island All such gasoline pumps shall shall not be more than one hundred (100) feet from remain deactivated until said fire extinguishing - Kmsg dispensers and pumps. Operating instructions and system has been recharged or serviced and is again - warnin signs shall be conspicuously g ns g p y posted in the ready for use. - (c) In addition to the warning signs required by. dispensing area (6) .Equipment. All self-service equipment used' Rule 4A-16 70(7), signs incorporating the following to dispense gasoline shall be approved by a nationally or equivalent warnings must also be cons icuousl - p' y recognized testing agency. The dispensing nozzle shall displayed: - 1. "These pumps are for the use of authorized • be an automatic -closing type without a ~hold -open latch. - commercial or governmental customers and are not (7). Warning signs Warning signs shill be onento the public." - - conspicuously posted in the dispensing area 2. " [n case or gasoline spill appropriate action. incorporating the following or equivalent wording: K N q g shall be taken. Minor spills shale reposed thoroughly pit SELF-SERVICE GASOLINE: STATION (b)� with water. Major spills shall be reported to the fire WARNING It is unlawful and dangerous to dispense', department." l "In gasoline into unapproved containers; :(c) NO 3. the event of emergency or: equipment malfunction call the following number: SMOKING, and.. (d) STOP MOTOR. During fueling n operation. Each such sign shall include the wording ( water hose shall re available for use in s 3 By. Order of the State Fire Marshal." All lettering attendingng to minor gasoline spills. shall be as follows:': Words in CAPITALS shall be at (e) Any service '.station- operating a card Icascl,wi� inches in height; all other lettering may be operated system shall maintain on file a completed smaller, . form for each commercial or governmental customer, (8) Inspection required.. showing the name of each customer and containing (a) Self-service gasolinestations may be signed statement indicating the following: " operated only after inspection and the approval of 1, The customer is Wgovernmental -body or sw the State. Fire Marshal ,a licensed commercial enterprise. - " (b) Any person desiring to operate a 2. The system will be used only by -the sell -service gasoline station shall: make application for commercial enterprise or governmental body in its r : inspection to the State Fire Marshal m writing on the - business, and the; gas oline obtained will not be a form provided. -.. (c) Such inspection available available for personal use. " shall be made within forty-eight (48) hours following receipt of the Each person who is authorized to• use this - application for inspection. card'operated gasoline dispensmgsystem hasreceived (d) Following inspection the State Fire Marshal adequate safety instructions. 111 shall promptly approve, disapprove, or conditionally '. - specific Authority5ic l41(s) F'S Law Implemented 626.141(3) FS. History --New 4-16-76. 76A t y' I (i);' When storing normally stable liquids in vertical cone roof tanks constructed with weak ropt•tashell seam or approved floating roof tanks or ... when storing crude petroleum in producing areas in "any type tank, one subdivision for each tank in excess of 10,000 bills. and one subdivision for each group of tanks (no tank exceeding 10,000 bblsc capacity) having. an aggregate capacity not exceeding 15,000 bbb. (ii) When storing normally stable liquids in Lanka not covered in subparagraph 7.i one subdivision for each tank in excess of 100,000 gallons (2,500 -. bbls.) and one subdivision for each group of tanks (no reek exceeding 100,000 gallons capacity) having an ,. ,aggregated capacity not exceeding 150,000 gallons (31570 bbls.) . (iii)When storing unstable liquids in any type of tank, one subdivision for each tank except that tanks installedwith drainage so as to be reasonably life to persons and property shall require no s Iadditional subdivision. Evidence that such drainage has been installed in accordance with the standards of the National Fire Protection Association for Waterspray Systems for Fire Protection, NFPA No. 16, 1962 edition, shall be evidence that such drainage provides reasonable safety topersons and property. .(iv) The drainage channels or intermediate curbs shall be located between tanks so as to take full advantage of the available space with due regard for the individual tank capacities. Intermediate curbs, Where used, shall not be less than 18 inches in height. (8) Stairs, platforms and walkways. for aboveground tanks: Stairs, platforms and walkways shall be of metal, concrete or wood. (9).Tank openings other than vents for aboveground tanks. (a) Connections for all tank openings shall be vapor -tight and liquid -tight. (b).Each connection to an aboveground tank through whichliquid can normally flow- shall be providad with an internal or an external valve located n close is practical to the shell of the tank. Such. valves, when external, and their connections to the c tank shall be of steel except when the chemical characteristics of the liquid stored .are incompatible with steel. When materials other than steel are necessary, they shall be suitable for 'the pressures, structural stresses and temperatures involved, including fire exposures. (c) Each connection below the liquid level through which liquid does not normally flow shall be -:provided with a liquid -tight closure. This may be a r;valve, plugor. blind, or a combination of these. (it) Openings for gaging shall be provided with a vapor -tight cap or cover. (e) For Class 'IB and IC liquids other than crude oils, gasolines and asphalts, the fill pipe shall be ao designed and installed as to minimize the possiblity of generating static electricity. A fill pipe entering the top of a tankshall terminate within six inches of the bottom of the tank and shall be installed to avoid acessive vibration. (f) Filling and emptying connections which are made and broken shall be located outside of buildings dalocation free from any source of ignitions and 60 less than five feet away from any building Veg- Such connection shall be closed and 65 liquid -tight when not in use. The connection shall be properly identified General Authorit m 633.05, 633.051 FS. Law Impleented 633.01. 633.081 S. History --New 9.16.65. 4A46.23 ,Instarstion of underground tanks. (1) Location: Excavation for underground storage tanks shall be made with due care to avoid undermining of foundations of existing structures. .Underground tanks or tanks under buildings shall be so located with respect to existing building foundations and supports that the loads carried by the latter cannot be transmitted to the tank. The distance from any part of a tank storing Class I liquids to the nearest wall of any basement or pit" shall be not less than one foot, and to any property line that may be built upon, not less than three feet. The distance from any part of a tank storing Class II or III liquids to the nearest wall of any basement, pit or property line shall be not less than one foot. (2) Depth and cover: Underground tanks shall be set on firm foundation and surroundedwith. noncorrosive, inert materials such as clean sand, earth or gravel well tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered with a minimum of two feet of earth, or. shall, be covered with not less than one foot of earth, on top of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete not less' than four inches thick. When underground tanks are, or are likely to be, subjected to traffic, they shall be. protected against damage from vehicles passing over them by at least three feet of earth " cover, or 18 inches of well -tamped earth, plus six inches of reinforced concrete or eight inches of asphaltic concrete. When asphaltic or reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, it shall extend at least one foot horizontally beyond the outline of the tank in all directions. (3). Location and arrangement of vents for. Class I liquids: Vent pipes from tanks storing Class. I liquids shall be so located that the discharge point is outside of buildings, higher than the fill pipe opening, and not less than 12 feet above the adjacent ground level. Vent pipes shall discharge only upward in order to disperse vapors. Vent.. pipes two inches or less in nominal inside diameter shall not be obstructed by devices that willcause excessive back pressure. Vent pipe outlets shall be so located that flammable vapors will not. enter building openings, or be trapped under eaves or other obstructions,. If the vent pipe is less than ten feet in length or greater than two inches in .nominal inside diameter, the outlet shall be provided with a vacuum and pressure relief device or there shall be an approved flame arrester located in the vent line , at the outlet or within the approved distance from the outlet. In no case shall a flame arrester be located more than 15 feet from the outlet end of the bent line. (4) Size of vents: Each tank shall be vented through piping adequate in size to prevent blow -back of, vapor or liquid at the fill opening while tank is being tilled. Vent pipes shall be not less than 1% inch nominal inside diameter. (5) Location and 'arrangement of events for Class II or III Liquids: Vent pipes from tanks storing Class II or III flammable liquids shall terminate outside of building and higher than the fill pipe openingg. Vent outlets shall be abOpe I101Rlaf snowlevel. They may be fitted with return bends coarse :, ,a,"..•"...�- _ .'• pomp 3, ��� In or, g7' :ram F' TANK STORAGE level, except '^¢, 8 tes, low the liquiddisposal, to CHAPTER 4A-16 withdrawal tonne used for emergency ass of foreign for connections .flow in the event of £limey the x� s, r' 4 1 screens or other devices. to minimize ingress function 1 shall be prevent continued tank. This 16.24 •*al, . ^ s;%%%2t Vent piping, vicinity °f the require in Rule 4A• , meter (61 Vent piping part IV. Vent pipes the valve req shall be located � ,, > thout incorporated in crate valve, 1 poi P constructed in accordance with 4 (b) and if a geP uired in Rule 4A-16.24 (¢) 9 by } shall be so laid ae todrain toward the tank -� scent to the valve req so sags or traps in which liquid can collect. Theo physical adj oval BaH1°& if independent r�.» ri„ i ttr• e will not be subjected to p Y for rria or -tight »' + unto '9ocated so that th Y. i e shall -enter the (b)• (d) Openings xwided with a vap ..,h. d0, aHa• The tank end of the vent pipe of the fill pipe shall be P Ong shall be Protected R T the top• Vapor release by, ;jw 14e1), tank through o ninge other than vents, shall be cap or coven Each ow and Pussible vvaplve or Other ' �4haTM (7) Tank P? for all tank openings against liquid overfl loaded check 7 tp (a)Connecttons earls of a spring . qP r ` vapor•tight or liquid-fo hmanual gaging, if independent. means device. IB and IC liquids other than °y (b). Openings th a ligmd-tight approved For Class halts, the fill pipe shall be , R, + x'(� jt•1fl•' shall be Provided each such opening olives and asp :minimize the of the fill Pipe, . , each su ossible crude oils, gas installed so as tO cap or cover. If insi�n tl quaa overfl°'A'andp ed and static electricity by `�4 i' ,yta pail W rote'cted against possibility of generating bottom of the shall be P b means of a spring loaded check valve design inches of thec Ph° vapor releaseY tin within put k shall be devuce '��it'+ . or other approveddischarge lines shall a sloped toward to k) The Cdl. pipe inside of the bin el " they tl� (c) Fill and Fill lines ahall be slop h the top located + only throug led to avoid excessive vihratio e°ahsII be e. } instal f the fill p'P the tank. 1E and IC liquids pipe than (g) T11a inlet o location .free from an9 (d) For Class halts, the fill pipe shall be outside of buildings at a than rive feet away LJ� e, crude oils, gasolines and asp to minimize the source of ignition and ,not less of fill Y and installed so by budding opening. The inlet nott in use. ipe The, `.t ' r designed of generating static electricity from d liquid -tight de t inches of thebottom of the shall. be closed an be roper1Y en if]ed. �' P *a possibility be equipped , terminating within six fill connection shall P ,.„,pa).1 tank. mg connections which ate - (h) Tanks. inside buildings sbebe provided,: to " r (e) Filling and empty with a device, ox other ;means shall Y wx located outside of buila]nHi lamented ._ r made and broken shall be source of ignitionan.. Levant overflow into thesss osi Fs. 1..ew 1mP r ,pytfnt free from any building opening- Genexel AuW dt 633;06, New &I6-65. at a tocai from any t when ss3.tign �s. 1Lstory— u asap than five feet away closed and liquia- ilppperlY 633.01. ; ,^ i Such connection shall shall d anchorage .+d ; r not in vse. The connection ^. ex 4A.16.26 Supports• foundations an _ identified. 63s.061 FS. Lew implemented ed on firm iota 653iit New g-16-66.. for all tank locations' e ;i General A3.081 y (1) Tank supports shall be install a xr 633.01, 633.081 NXS. g{eLOry'—. ro inside of oils shall be of concrete installation of tanks foundations. Tank. suPP teal. Single wood timber ^ 4 A•16.24 Instal masonry or. protected may be used ermitted not cribbing) laid horizontally , buildings. shall not be p to suppot'ts ( ound tanks if. not more tban 12 (1) Location: Tanks provided n Parts. for: outside above$ oint. ' - excep h at their lowest p expose Puling shall be .p. inside of buildings inches high orts or VII,. VIIl,.or IX. for tanks inside of buildingsd (2) Steel suPp .fire resistive rating O a terials. having a. d (2) .Vents: Vents 4A-16.22 (4) () protected by tin` except that�.steel sad a u s u shall be as.Prov]ded. in -Rule, 4A-16:23 (6), -. not less than two hours, 12 inches. high at s. st' ,31 and . 4A-16.23 (3) through ut weak iotected if less than.. f tits authority (6)(b) venting bY. the use Vents need not be P, a discretEex pray Protection -2 ' a +,t�+° �i.3' except that emergency .ermined.. their lowest .point. At th ^ , . » shall. not be p roved wa roof seams on tanks be having jurisdiction, approved t" vapors outside the. buildings. be used in lieu of Fire-resustive shall dischargeVent: piping shall or its equivalent may»$ (31) ''Vent :Piping materials toprotect supports. structure for 'tea inaccoxdance with Part IV. (3). The design of the quiresupporting"special engineerng � t tt coMtruc other thanve enings "shall be s hares shall require sp •. �A.., (¢) Tank openings tank tanks such as P (a) Connections for all (ra Every tank shall be so supported oads as to and tight. a tank inside of coxisider) Eve on the vapor -tight or hq ,� (b) .,Each connection to revert the .excessive' concentration of loads _ 4 E, bufldingat through which liquid can normally flow supporting portion of the shell. .the ground or on '), sd� rovided with an internal or a eIlxof th i valve p p (g) Tanks shall rest on or , i '.shall be p ding . . Y'f n fz located tis close as Practical to the shell made of concrete, ossl s ed to minimmze and their connections to foundations of the tank and, to "i, Such valves, when external• when the chemical steel. Tank foundations shall bed g° the tank.: shall be of steel except. wh a incompatible the possibility of uneven sett Of the tank resting on , 1 characteristi Whenhma�ialsto her than steel are minimize corrosion in any P that may nwith ecessaxY,1'they, shall �be suitable for he'P,TessI ed the foundation. ed in an area temperatures involved, (6) Where a tank is locat licable Precautions 'y ' the app .Rules structural stresses .and of these and inaludinH fire exposures. be ub]ected to fl°Oerng33 Containing 1, outlined in Chapter Tanks ` (c) Flammable or combexcept in $egutations. Protection °f., That p. located inside of buildings for flammable or. Flammable or Combustible Liquids n Locations Y' S huildings designed and P shall be .provided with an IdaY BeFlooded, shall be observed.," .:combustible liquid storage, ') r automatic closing ,heat -actuated valve on each ; 4 A. a. R TANK STORAGE CHAPTER 4A-16 ; �s (i) When storing normally stable liquids 'in liquid -tight when not in use. The connection shall be: r,= verheal cone roof.. tanks constructed with weak properly identified..'. roof•to-shell aeam or -approved floating roof tanks or General Authorlty 633.05, 633.051 FS. Law luipletnented'' when'stormre g crude petroleum in producing areas in 633.01, 633.081 FY3- History —New il-I& 6- any type tank, one subdivision for each tank in excess _ K of 10,000 Ms. and one subdivision for each group of links (no tank exceeding 10,000 bbls.'capacity) 4A 1,8 23 Installation of underground tata)rd., _ ? `r having. an. aggregate capacity not exceeding15,000 (lj� Location:' Excavation for underground t..' bbU. storage tanks shall be. made with due care to avoid ! (ii)"When storing, normally stable liquids in 'undermining of foundations of existing;. structures. Lanka not covered in subparagraph 7.i one subdivision Underground tanks or tanks under buildings shall be for each tank in excess of 100,000 gallons (2,500 so located .with respect to existing building'. bble.) and one subdivision for each group of tanks (no foundations and supports that the loads carried by tank exceeding 100,000 gallonscapacity) having an the latter cannot be transmitted to the: tank- The aggregated .capacity not exceeding 150,000 gallons distance from any: part of a tank storing Class I 0,570 bbls.) liquids to the. nearest wall of ally basement or pit '.. (iii)'When. storing unstable liquids in any type. shall be not less than one foot, and to any property. ' of tank, one subdivision for each tank except that line that may be built upon, not less than three fact. Wks instated with drainage so as to be reasonably,- The distance from any part of a tank storing Class H Cafe to 'persons and property shall require no or III liquids to the nearest wall of any basement, pit additional subdivision. Evidence that such drainage or property line shall be not less than one foot. Itas been installed in accordance with the standards of .:(2) Depth and cover: Underground tanks shall the National Fire Protection Association for be set on firm foundation' and surrounded with Waterspray Systems for Fire Protection, NFPA No. noncorrosive, inert materials such as clean sand, earth 15, 1962 edition, shall be evidence that such drainage , or gravel well tamped in place. Tanks shall be covered provides reasonable safety to persons and property. with a 'minimum of two feet of -earth, or shall be - (iv)' :The drainage channels or intermediate covered with not less than one foot of earth, on, top ;t curbs shall be located between tanks so as to take full - of which shall be placed a slab of reinforced concrete r advantage ofthe. availablespacewith due regard for not less than four. inches. thick. When underground. ' -, the individual tank capacities. Intermediate curbs, tanks are, or are likely -to be subjected to traffic,:' where used, shallnot be less than 18 inches in height„ they shall be protected against'. damage from vehicles (8) Stairs„. platforms , and walkways for passing over them by at least three feet of earth aboveground tanks: cover, or 18 inches of well -tamped earth,' plus six' Stairs, platforms and walkways shall be of inches of reinforced concrete or eight: inches of metal, concrete or wood. .asphaltic concrete. When - asphaltic or `reinforced concrete paving is used as part of the protection, it (9). Tank openings other than: vents for shall extend at least one foot horizontally beyond the , 4 aboveground tanks. outline of the tank in all directions. ' '(a). Connections for all tatak' openings shall be (.3) Location and arrangement of vents for vapor -tight and liquid -tight. , Class Iliquids: Vent pipes from tanks storing Class I . (b) Each connection to an aboveground tank liquids shall be so.:located that -the discharge point is ' 1 through which liquid can - normally flow- shall be outside of. buildings,. higher than the fill pipe opening, pnividod with an internal or an external valve located and not less than 12 feet above the adjacent ground &I close as practical to the shell of the tank. Such level Vent pipes shall discharge only upward in order:' valves, when external, and their connections to the to disperse vapors. Vent pipes :two inches or less in: tank shall be of steel except when the chemical, nominal inside diameter shall not be obstructed by:. Characteristics of the liquid stored are incompatible devices that will cause excessive back pressure, Vent P=� with steel. When. materials other than steel are pipe outlets shall be so located: that flammable vapors. "necessary,they shall be suitable for 'the pressures; will not enter building: openings, or lie trapped under .structural stresses .and temperatures involved, eaves: orotherobstructions If the vent pipe is Was - including fire. exposures. :. than ten feet in length or greater than'two inches in (c) Each connection below the liquid level nominal inside' diameter, the outlet shall be provided, through which liquid does not normally flow shall be with a vacuum and pressure relief device or there shall is ided with a liquid -tight closure. This -may be a be an approved flame arrester located in the vent line'. r..' rdve, plug or blind, or a combination of these. at the: outlet or within the approved distance from (d) Openings for gaging: shall be provided with _ the outlet. In no case shall a flame arrester be located a vapor -tight cap or cover.: more than 15 feet from the outlet end of the vent (e) For Class IB and IC liquids other than fine. Crude oils, gasolines and asphalts, the fill pipe shall be .`(4) Size of :vents: Each tank shall be vented 10 designed and installed as to minimize the possiblity through piping adequate in size to prevent blow -back - of generating static. electricity, A fill pipe entering the of vapor or liquid at the fill opening while tank is. top of a tank shall terminate within six inches of the being filled. Vent pipes shall be not less than IY4 inch bottom ofthe tank and 'shall be. installed to avoid nominal inside diameter. laceulve vibration. '(5)=Location and arrangement of "'vents for ' (f) Filling and emptying connections which are Class H or III Liquids: Vent-pipeg from tahk8 8t0flpg made and broken ah illbe located outside of buildings D it a station free from any source of ignitions and Class II Or III �AltlBiahie iiQllids gh�' sot Las than five feet away telMinak from any building outside of b➢lidingr and higher �nif; Such connection shall opening. Vent outlets than the fin Pi be closed and o shall be above no level. They maY be fitted with'rettirn rmal snow 65 'bends, coarse , CHAPTER 4A-16 minimize ingress of foreign f screens or other devices to shall be P material. Vent piping: Vent Piping v th Part IV. Vent Pipes i constructed in acc to drain towazd the tank without be shall. be so laid as liquid can collect. They shall sags or traps in which subjected to physical located so that they will not be sub; a shall enter the damage. The tank end of the vent pipe tank through the top• other than vents. shall be (7) Tank openings openings (a) Connections for all tank °P endent vapor-tiibg) OPe�gn forhmanual gaging, t.if indep• shall be provided with a liquid -tight each such opening of the fill pipe, possible cap or cover. Iinside a b. d overflow and p shall be protected against liq rin loaded check valve vapor. release by means of a sp g or other approved device. lines shall enter tanks (c) Fill and dischargesloped toward only through the top. Fill lines shell be the tank. For Class 1B and IC liquids other than crude oils, gasolinea and asphalts, the fill pipe. all be to the and installed so electricity by designed of generating static Of the possibility within six inches of the bottom terminating which are tank. connections wh' (e) Filling and emptying d not free from any source of ignition an made and broken shall be located outaide . buildings at a location from any building opening. d liquid -tight uid•tight when less than five feet away be properly Such connection connect onI be clos!d anshall not in use. The identified.FS. General Authorityy 633.05, 63N'e- 16- Law Implemented 1 33.01, 633.081 FS. History —Neu' 9-16-66. to tC:b uid level, except awal connection below the hq dis osal, to v ' lnthdr for emergency P connections. used in, the event of firrt8y,. revent continue the flow in This. function be icinity uiredin Rule 4A-16.24 neorporaLeit in the valve require be located 4) (b) and if a separate valve, shall in 16.24 (4) require Rule r a, adjacent to the valve in if independent ; (b)' (d) ppenings for manual gaging, or -tight rovided hell be protected 1 , sal of the fill pipe shall such opening cap or cover. Each ow and release by and possible Vaporother againsthquid overflow and check -valve or approved device ring ?her than (a) For Class IB and Its liquids shall be 1r olines and asphalts, the fill pipe n the curse oils, gas installed so as to minirmze. by designed an f generating static electricity the r possibility thin six inches of the bottom terminating be r tank. (f) The fill pipe.inside of the tank shall installed to avoid excessive vibration of the pipe. cated v (g) The inlet of fathe ill ion free from. any outside of buildingsnd not less .than five feet away source of ignition ? emng.The inlet of the. £ill pipe from any budding P liquid -tight when not in use. The shall be closed and liq erly identified. fill co (h)cTanks . de buildings shall be equipped other means shall be provided, to with a device, or prevent overflow into the buildinFS.g.: implemented General Authorityy 633.06, 633.061 16- Law Genera, Autho1FS. history —New a-18-65. foundations and anchorage 4A-16.25 Supports. for all tank locations.. s " 1 be installed on firm (1) Tank supports steal inside of Tank suPnorta shall be of co timber ' of tanks foundations, a wood be used ermitted masonry or protected steel. Singl 4 A-16.2d Installation - .not cribbing) laid horizontally may buildings. shall not be P supports ( if not more than 12 5 for outside aboveground tanks (1) Location: Tanks provided in Parts VI, point. shall be inside of buildings except as - inches high at their -lowest p exposed piling . (2) steel supports or. expIf j, VII, VIEI, or IX. tanks inside of buildings having afire resistive rating es (2) Vents: Vents for tan protected by materials except that steel addles provided in Rule rough4A.164A(16.23) (6), not less than two hours, n 1S inches high at shall bead P through protected less than (6)(b) 4A.16.23 (31 b the use of weak nerd not be pr• discretion of the authority except that emergency venting Y Perm, Vents mnt. At the dis Protection on tanks shall not be p their lowest p roved water spray r roof seams shall lac having Jurisdiction, aPP in lieu of fire -resistive ors outside the buildings- or its. equivalent. may be used ' shall discharge vapors Vent piping structure for (3 t Vent ordin c materials to -Protect supports. - rting (a) The design of the suPF� ecia] engineering constructed in accordance other than IV- materials require sp �. (a) Tank cti enings shall be tanks such as spheres shall (a) Connections for all tank. op tank shall be so supported as to a tank inside of consideration. - vapor -tight or liquid -tight. (4) Every.,. )3 (b) Each connection to excessive of loads on the V through which liquid can normally flow revent the arcs ound or on buildings supporting portion of the shell.: the g= shall be provided with an internal or he external valve P (6) Tanks shall neat on asgro piling O1 , ractcal to the shell of the tank. PP de of concrete, m located as close asp and heir connections to foundations ma designed to minimize Such valves, when external' cePt when the chemical steel. Tank foundations shall be. design k and to r: uid stored are. incompatible the possNlitY.'of uneven setatrih'noB the Is resting on the tank shall be of . steel d stored in any P characteristics of the liq other than steel are minimize corrosion with steel. Men materials reasures, the foundation. `that n .they shall be suitable for the Pnvolved, (6) Where a tank is located inane rout may {'r necessary, temperatures the aPP and s tiuctuml stresses and be subjected to flooding, of hesele Rules i, including fire exposures: outlined in Chapter Containing. '(c) Flammable or combeu c pit mq one story Regulations, Protection of Tanks Locations That „ Flammable or Combustible Liquids m located inside of buildioocted for flammable or. _,•,. build rigs designed and P shail be Provided with an May Be Flooded, steal! be observed. i combustible liquid storage, each automatic closing heat -actuated valve on (, 66 )il ar'. jud 0me sill to t uro th< sk is ax sciliI i,16,31 16.8 16.� ,g t a4 Supp. No. 66 ' SERVICE. STATIONS "° � CIIAPThR 4A-16 - ' I. Siatc his deputy shalh'have Lhc :provision may of by: grading, driveway, raising door Fire Marshal or +t alithority to classify the extent of the hazardous area sills; or. other effective means Crankcase drainingg , si>� tit Authority 633.05, 63a 0G1 FS. Law implemented and flammable or combustible liquids shall I not be b331 u1,u33.08i PS. History- -News; 16-65. dumped into sewers,, but shall' belstored in tanks of { AA-16.67 Drainage and waste disposal. tight drums outside of any building until removed from the premises. irruvisions shall be made in the area where Class I Spncific. A.uuontyy 633`.05, C33.051 FS Law, Implemted en liquids may ]at, spilled to prevent liquids from flowing 633.01, 633.081 N'S. History Newinto interior of service station buildings. .Such TAHL1$ 16.66 (2) Electricn4l;quipm0nt Hazardous Areas ;... Fercire Slfit i6nv Lstent or •>•� F l f AnnUSSP in ilae Iced Ares 1 tl I ( Divlalou - ooY PSI x tlr "I'lee bet w grade level, any pact (I h h wabi i the Dive i I , 2 classified area i, i Jerk uud 1vibe -PIII (1Pau i0. - ra e, f a feet from above grade level within ni a hunzunlal ° g r AI s of lfeet from Ili a fill Light wit and wnhn' horizontal rid us of S feet from a Light fill eonnectioll y�'b - wilti , i feel of t I er end oC 'cut utenSlne ai all I, niinlI A Venq Demhnsine Upw ml - - — en J� .py i -- shet I l feet and 5 feel if open end of w vetit� c �nJi g ii all dliecUllill_ _ AiY OIt bix tt spacc below grade level only put di n.p,- t filch s wain the Djvj,,iui 1 or 2 classified area _ r 1 the area 4 feeL vertically hove grade wVhin the onolasvfe I 1 f is inches a znell dnectiits _O- pi .,r CiL Lnuu _ �— — Lp t'I IB ge Hedabove grade Icvel wnu hn 20 feet ho f U 2 t IIY of any else of rnclosure , ury ui,l, _.Y 2 -- tip, to 18 cl es bo a grate of door level wuhiu 26 fC01 Vh ihi Ic.l Vc allot orI -_. bm,,crtauy of'aly edec f enclosure -- up -to 18 neches above grade or floor le 1 within 2S feet, 1 Ii❑n it, Ventilation lin'n,oit Ily of any edge of enclosure my p t bore or space below grade level if aesy part le 1 iu a h Yr )onL.l d stI ice t nY feet from any edge of I'iimp Wmp_ _ _Iv I 3 Within d feet i[ any edge of pwtl,e "red level in all inti10 2 ions. Also up to 18 inches above grade levee `.within IO feet horizontally from any edge of pump a 1 hnt_re_tce within any pit f Ili hIh - - \4 ith in S fee[ of I'M pu edge Of mp, eztendieg Wall dirEC 2 t1 nits.. Also up to three feet above floor or grade. IOvel witbhl 25 feet horiz„ nta iY. from any edge of pump. 1 entireP situIn_sly— Pit - _ a ,ern 2 Arep up [o Is. inches shove floor or grade level wittl.' 'entire lublicatioll room. - r 2 Wuhan 3 rA feet of any fill r dispensing Pmnt, exlrndmg U in cl s I l quids dL directions _ Si 1 I .L r I Nde nuddlig Pro Itule i entire enclosure 5 V I( 61 (2) -- - I If there ouIsany opemo g to these rooms within the ex[extent,I ,I tdoor c assifi d areap the entire room shall DI elaI ssbI ed the same as the area classification at the point Of 5 lug ti��'ayr nail heal Noumx Ordlu ury tha pe rig If there is ai Y opening to there rooms within the extent of an in beer chassnied area, the room sha2. a be classified file sum, as if the wall, curb or partition did 4A-16.68 Sources of ignitions. In. addition to fires are likely to occur the javviouv restrictions or this division, the following - Specific Authority 633.05, 633 051.FS. Law lmplemenfad t. 'shell Ippl} There shall be no smoking or open flames 633.01, 533.081 PS: History New 9-16 65. , in Lhf are n used for fueling, servicinginternal stations. 4A.16.70 Self-service gasoline `tnndnnlio❑ um ages, receiving or dispensing of (1) Defined. Self service gasoline station shell t�t>i( ILlnunlbi,. or combustible. liquids. Conspicuous and. mean that property .where flammable and f 'TMs legible 'alit., prohibiting. smoking shall be posted .combustible liquids used as motor fuels -are stored wllhw sight of the customerbeing served. The and subsequently dispensed from fixed;. approved ct nic Il hiring "NO SMOKING" Dn such signs shall he at dispensing equipment into the fuel tanks of motor Ie,lst thiec inches in height and the sign shall include vehicles by persons other than the service statipl) the wording i ` B . Order of the Stdte Fire Marshal" in �t n 1 > attendant, and may include facilities available fors'ifill t, simller 101 is The motors oil all equipment being I g of other retail prildfcts. I led � fu(h d sh;lll be shut Ctlf during the Ineliiigoperatlon � I r �n llPlo III, Aotheritb 63310 as f tl.oSl h5 taw Implemented (2) Dispensing devices. Approved dispense a I I3 tit - Gat 061 hS. History -New ) 16-fi5, Amended n1 ' devices such as, but not limited to, mmOLe CO ntrohB'U'� i B o,.. apes, are permitted at self service gasolile stativa ' (3)-Attendant. All self-service gasoline statiogr �As`gg�ryr IA-I6.69 Fire- control. .Suitable fire control shall have at least one attendant on duty while div, l}5 do i u os, such as small hose Or portable tare station is open to the public. The attendant's primary tslingnishei ., shall be ,available to locations where - fun cLioushall bethe.proper administration, ti v yy No ( g a d No.66 SERVICE STATIONS CHAPTER 4A-16 ' w aupetvislon, observation and control of the dispensing. approve pending correction of deficiencies of the � of flammable and combustible liquids used as motor proposed self-service gasoline station operations ' IupIS while such liquids, are actually being dispensed, General Authority 63305 633.051 FS Chapter 74-.162, It Hhall. be the responsibility. of the. Attendant to "Specific A. Laws of Florida. Law Implemented 633.01,. � * - PrpVCnt the dispensing of flammable. and combustible - P g 633.061 FS. Chapter 74.162, Laws of Florida. Lilstory—New 12.27-74. « 31 liglllds used as motor fuels into portable containers - - 'unlpss such container bears a seal of approval of a . x`ti nali(n illy recognized testing agency, to control 4A 16.701 Card operated: gasoline dispensing:. i Aolfces of ignition, and to immediately handle systems used by commercial or governmental entities. ncsldrntal spills and fire extinguishers if needed. The (]) Card operated systems for dispensing Class cv atlapdent on duty shell. be mentally and physically 1 flammable liquids shall and shall not 9P bli. permitted - resin the functions and assumes the; Capable of g g p e be deemed open to the public .within the meaning of t a?� +,✓ ties responsibilities prescribed in this rule. Section 526.141(1), Florida Statutes, or Rules {4) Attendant control. The attendant 4A-16.64 and 4A-16.70 only if the system is utilized t q, area. is area .reserved for the attendant... elf solely by commercial enterprises or governmental bodies obtained 4 whichcontrol of which shall 6e not more than one hundred (ain feet ' and the gasoline is used directly by faro. the and shall contain the. such entities in the performance of their businesses #f ; '• hmentsera hro•extinguishment equipment .and emergency and is not available for personal use. (2) Card operated :dispensing :systems shall «' /• controls. r (a) Dispensing area. Thedispensing area is that comply with all applicable- requirements of Rules' 4A-16.61 — 4A-16.70 and in addition shall meet the anVl where the pumps used to dispense flammable following minimum standards. .and combustible liquids used as motor fuels are (a) The dispensing area must be adequately. located. The dispensing area: shall at all Limes be of lighted at night. • clear view of the attendant and the placing or b An aextinguishing ( fire yso; « 4 allowing of any obstruction to vision to come - gautomgtfl .system capable of extin uishin flames over at least a Pa of extinguishing atlaa .•, between' the person operating a pump in the 200square foot area surrounding each pump island ." dispensing areaand the attendant located in the shall be installed on each such island. The size; type,: `f - g'.. control area shall be prohibited, except a vehicle into and installation of such .fire extinguishing .system which fuel is being dispensed shall notbe considered must have the approval of the State Fire Marshal or a visual obstruction. The attendant shall at all times his deputy. Such fire extinguishing' system shall be ta- able tocommunicate directly by voice, which may capable of being activated manually As as be through mechanical or. electronic means, with any .well when automatically and when activated by either means the person operating... a pump in the dispensing area. Ntnergvncy controls shall be installed. at a location system shall 'and deactivate all Y' automatically gasoline -' to the Stale Fire Marshal, but controls pumps on. the: island. All such gasoline pumps shall' hall not shall not be more than one Hundred feet Irvin remain deactivated until said fire .extinguishing + ' dispensers and pumps. Operating instructions and instructions system has been recharged or serviced and is again warning signs shall. be conspicuously. posted in the dispensing ready for use. - (c) In addition to the warning signs required by s. area. (6). Equipment. All self-service equipment used' ) Rule "4A-16.70(7), signs incorporating .the following t'sw < to dispense gasoline shall be approved by a nationally: or equivalent yearnings must also be conspicuously recognize d,testing agency. The dispensing nozzle shall displayed' •' "These M"� be an .automatic -closing. type without a bold -open 1.. pumps are for the use of authorized [, •commercial latch. or governmental customers and are not ` (7)= Warning signs Warning signs shall be ooentothepublic." "In , conspicuously. posted in the dispensing area 2. case of gasoline. spill appropriate action. ' mcorpurating the following or equivalent. wordn:g:. - ,hall be taken. Minor spills shall be rinsed thoroughly (a). SELF-SERVICE GASOLINE STATION (b) with water. Major spills shall be reported to the fire WAR NING—It is unlawful and dangerous to dispense department." " e U dine into unapproved. containers; (c) NO 3: In the event of emergency or equipment malfunction call the following :nummbbeer. 1' it SMOKING, and (d) STOP MOTOR During fueling S operation Each such sign shall include the wording fell. A water hose shall be available.. for use in ' "liy Order of the State Fire Marshal." All lettering attending to ❑ inor gasoline spills. .hall be as follows: Words in CAPITALS shall be at (a) Any service station operating a card least two inches in height, allother lettering may be operated. system shall maintain on file a completed smaller. form for each commercial or governmental customer, (8) Inspection required, showing the name of each customer and containing a (a) Self-service gasoline stations may be signed statement indicating the following: A operated only after inspection and the approval of. :1. The customer is governmental body or a the State. Fire Marshal _ licensed commercial enterprise. - •4 (b) Any person desiring to operate a 2. The system will be used onlyby the - t -' sell -service gasoline station shall make application for commercial enterprise or governmental body in its inspection to the State -Fire Marshal in writing on the : business,.. and the. gasoline obtained will not be I provided. { available for personal use. (c) .Such inspection shall be made within forty=eight hours following 3. Each person who is authorized to use this (48) receipt of the fPPlle'.ation for inspection. card operated gasoline dispensing system has received (if) Following inspection the State Fire Marshal adequate safety instructions. -' shall promptly approve, disapprove, or conditionally '. Specific Authority 526.141(6) FS. Law Implemented 526.141(3) FS. Ilistory—New 4-15-76. 76A h CI ♦ dA •n € z z 7 \O J o? (n V F 0 W� m,4y � LL 0 E<n i co iro a y Y "' to u H .' o w n C CI a C9; r. � 7 N 3 �t �.' a � •�. j � i N in 1,4 A a o � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS` BUILDING & ZONING DEPT. N2 50029 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA' RECEIVED OF ",'''� "' 1 % Al 1W ,y1o. Fo1op,_So 28� ---- !lco N G;.dle W7Tn iC L X i.I J #J✓ �, w k 0 /%%e5 EIrY.3=5 J p q I .�_ .1 I Lt _-1 — fE✓. 12.1D q i y� i sfcr Dc4q,l i i p for 4,vckY) golf � r 4A10 v t �K b 5 �� � ey //"p j S� I 5PA n4 (h �F/" le, Jo vc I 0Cod`- � � �-- � � " 6 PhJ i bE�,�1�1y ►�f I ' l 4'�-0 1 is-- ��— Lam✓ I '�� u �3!0i VI ���1 J --� / xl�*— lh,�C/��s 7a �¢X�bre� /7�olle /).aL'rSSE� 19"19 )11% f9PDill 6y �D�A,-fig Sl�f� Ste e / /49 -3zS BUILDING PLAN CHECK ST. LUCIE COUNTY -FORT PIERCE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU ° FORT PIERCE, FLORIDA 33450 r DATE RECEIVED: i CONTRACTOR: PHONE NUMBER: ARCHITECT• '6'r 'r' 'r ..: % .Y PHONE NUMBER: • / h OWNER: LOCATION: TYPE OF OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: SIZE OF BUILDING: NUMBER OF FLOORS: RECOMMENDATIONS: •i A' <�'%/ �` 4 4d.>C-� .� % c7 � y� flit^ /.t ./r'.c(,✓. l'i REMARKS: REVIEWED BY: ,.� DATE:_ Sig aturL i FCRv 1]AS - FRSMTIAC b] AAAA,1 Y r 4}Cl r r s ' i }' Sept, 17, 1980 liu11. 1.1..Ly .. - ing on ng 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, Fla. 33450 Attn: Mr. Dan LePore Dear_Mr, LePore, The Distribution Center to be built by Flowers Bakeries at Kitterman Road and U.S. Highway, No. 1 will never have more than nine (9) employees working there at any time. Most of the activity to take place in the Distribution Center will be done between Midnight and 5 A.M. in the morning. This is.when the route trucks will be picking up their different bakery products. Thanks for your continued cooperation in this project. CH: pm Sincerely yours, Chick Harrison, President Flowers Baking Company of Fort'Pierc6, Inc. 0 Post Office Box 640 • Ft.Pierce, Florida 33450 • (305) 461-3700 TYPICAL LIGHT FIXTURE - µoo WATT >20 VOLT, SUPER METAL HALIDE BULSS MOUN79D 4' FROM POLE ,� PROTECTIVE STEEL POSTS- TWo PER SIDE of EAoi ISLAND (FILL Wl7'14 CONCREYg) U/ ' Vllml 842-7236 GLASGOW EQUIPMENT SERVICE, INC. PETROLEUM AND INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT MIN PETER H. WARD 1750 HILL AVE. �n SIDENT WEST PALM BEACH. FLA. --L I f�� FUEL .D1= PEnlSE GIL&ARCo 4 262. DUAL Two PRODUCT (220 VOLT % INITW AuroMAT/C AIOzZ-L1=5 FOR $ELF SERVICE U5E . SHocK UALVE5 - OPW !O/dF - TO eE INSTALLED UNAER EACH PISPE45ER AT SWING JoiNTs CoNNECTiA1G To 101P/NG. lli POLE - S" SwuARE 'Lid e _ STEEL CURBING FILI-ED WITH CONCRETE 4' x 24' x 4' GRADE LEVEL 2' x 2' x 3' CoNCX£TE BASE WtTN Wy RE-SAR'5 CAGED AN A7'YAC146V 711 Sl " ANCHOR BOLTS - 4 PER Po LE TYPICAL FUEL PUMP ISLAND N. r S. ONE SINGLE DISPENSER ` jrH SHOCK VALVE 22O VOLT) 1 PRASE - FOR GALLONS ONLY 2" SCH. µo STEEL PIPE FROM THE Su5MER6E0 PUMP ONE V3 HP SUBMERGED PUMP, 220 VOLT - S" OFF BOTTOM OF TANI( — z" GALV STEEL VENT PIPING TO EXTEND 2' ABOVE 3LDG WITH CAP Swi;,16 JOINTS AT ALL PIPING ENDS. Z-- 4" LOCKINfs FILL CAP 4 ADAPTER WITH 12" MANHOLE AND COVER ONE 10,000 GALLON STEEL TANK INSTALLED AND ANCHORED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR _SCHEMATIC OF SERVICE BUILDING FUEL PUMP AND TANK NrS i t< n T"t/R/F T- ST-C AE svrt�ttJ6 4' , GILBARCO TRANSAC 11 CONSOLE FOR PREPAY OR POSTPAY USE. To BE MOUNTED ON SANS COUAITER WITH /NTERCDNhlErT BOX UNDERNEATH THE Co4Nr6P_ COAISOLE ro BE NITH04 VIEWING DISTAARcF- of ISLANDS AND HAVE EMERGENCY STOP S6VITCH. t 004 rPICAL Fug WITH Two se DUAL ,A&DUCT /)o rE s x15TING Foug 10,000 GALLON TANKS yAND INSTA ED BY GENERAL ►JTRAc_ToR, IL LL CONGRI. WO RK A SUBMERGED PUMPS, RISP I t5LA C ONTROL CONSOLE, PIPING A- T RtES � ! S AND INSR IONS ,4 p la T SYSTEMS INCLUDE A-,R-ETAIL S>= oNT OF TNRi F r ST AND A R OWNS i s VEIaIGL A. E SERV' vtcE SERS, To So dTH Dpea"j �r,OE. � VENT RISER5 L 2' GALV, PIPE Tc Exrr.ND 12' ABoVf. GRADE: - PITCHED ; SACK To WARDS TANKS. SCREENED VENT CAPS To BE USED. I STLUCIE COUNTY - FORT PIERI TANK s, Co AITRAC ro9 M "'Z 30. TYPICAL IDS HP SuBMEowto PUMPS 220 VOLT ' SET 19 'TANKS ,MINtr1uM 5" OFF 8-c9CToM- USES .2o" 39;)ARE AU E>s MAn VlL.F_" 3„ PIPSSTAhM, µ' AG W,TH UNI STRO T CLAMPS ANCHORED IN CONCKIETE KITTERMAN ROA 13 . 41 REVISIONS BY rra u/ O Q } tr3 Q f� W Q < J 1) AJ a J O Q n� V) Q) lu 4 _ V) J Q V L� v ll � Date 3�4f81 Scale Drawn Job Ft>vWE,RS �. Sheet ,I 7f l"lget5 _,' , REVISIONS I BY TYPICAL LIGHT FIXTURE - 40O WATT, /20 VOLT SUPER METAL HALIDE BULBS MOUNTED *' FROM PALE I PRorrCTVE STEEL POSTS - Two PeR SIDE OF EACH ISLAND (FkL w1rN comcRETE) SERVICE BUILDING BAY D00k5 9 FUCI- L>I5PsN36fZS - GILHARCO " 1G� DUAL Two PRODUCT (2z0 ✓OLT) / WITW 4UTo%4ATIC NOZZLES FOR SELF SERVICE USE- 5HOCK VALVES - OPW /0RF - TO BE INSTALLED UNDER EACH AISPENSER AT 5W/NG JOINTS CONNECT14C, To IOIPIN6'. POLE .S''SaUARE Jj Q STEEL CURBING FILLED WITH CONCRETE f —> q'x 21F1x 6" GRADE LEVEL w 2' x 2' x 3' CANCRE"TE BAS£ WITH J *l) RE'$AR 5 CACvED AN ATTACHED TO 3/w" ANCNoR BOLTS - 4 PER POLE TYPICAL FUEL PUMP ISLAND N Ts. ONE SINGLE DISPENSER WITH SHOCK VALVE 220 VOLT , i PHASE - FOR GALLONS ONLY 2" SCH.4o STEEL PIPE FROM THE SUBMERGED PUMP ONE �3 HP SUBM ERGED PUMP, 220 VOLT - 5" OFF BOTTOM OF TANK Z" GALV. STEEL VENT PIPI46 To EXTEND 2' ABOVE BLDG WITH CAP, SWII+IG JOINTS AT ALL PIPING ENDS. Uf µ" LOCKING FILL CAP 4 ADAPTER WITH 12" MANHOLE AND COVER ONE iC,000 GALLON STEEL TANK, INSTALLED AND ANCHORED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR SCHEMATIC OF SERVICE BUILDING FUEL PUMP AND TANK NT.S 1 THRIFT ST-oRE Bu/c.D�N6 y GILSARCO TRANSAG 11 CONSOLE FOR PREPAY OR P057PAY USE, (� To BE MOUNTED ON SALES COUAITER WITH INTERCONNECT BOX UNDERNEATH THE COUtJTER, , CONSOLE To BE WITHIN VIEWING DISTAA)cE OF ISLANDS AND HAVE EMERGENCY STOP SWITCH, /JO TE S IGXI5TING FOUR 10,000 GALLON TA14KS FUR NI5NED AND INSTALL IED BY GENERAL coWrRAC.TOR , ALL CONGRETE AND ELECTkIGAL. WORK To I3E Or 07HER5. ALL S08MERGED PUMPS, F)ISPENSERSI ISLAND CLJR13 FORMS; CONTROL CONSOLE, PIP11+1C: � ACCESSORIES I TESTING) PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS CONTRACT_ FOEL SYSTEMS INCLUDE A RETAIL SELF SC-RVIC.E AREA IN FPLONT OF THRIFT STOOZZ AND A TANK AND PUMP FOR OWNER'S VEHICLES ALONGSIDE SERVICE 1BUILVIN6, nN ST. LUCIE COUNTY FORT PIERCE t)��I FIRE DISTRICT fzv FIRE PREVEN71ON BUREAU ��� ©a "1 APPROVED SUBJECT TO: /l/ INSI'EC7-1oAv5 1. SOUTHERN STANDARD EUiLD'NG CODES. 2. NFPA NO. 101 LIFE SAFETY CODE Date 3--o741-L?/ a) C jLth t 77urm Fire Marshal t NNOV-14 TYPICAL of 3 - to oOo GAII I 4 ;TEEL 7--41VKs, $' x 27', INSTALLED ,BY GEKERAL COKTRACTOR, SET To 36." DEPTH or CoVER FROM FINAL GRADE LEVEL AS PER NFPA #30. - - 2 3' TYPICAL FUEL PUMP /s1-I14D WITH TWo SELP SERVIcE DUAL PRODUCT PISPFAISERS_ z" &ALY. SCH . 4 i SUEL PIPING .o' To So U rH rRoREaTY .LINE. VICr4T RtsERs z' EALv. PIPE re FXTCND 12' A,BOVfy GRADDE -PITCHED BACK ToWAi;DS TANKS. SCKEENED VENT CAPS TO 5E USED - SCHEMATIC, OF FUaL. TANK PIPING AT RETAIL THRIFT STORE N.T 4" Fl" PIPES WtrN LOCKING CAP:` CND 12" 4cc9SS MANND&ES I ! 1 I I ----4Fr 2�'_ 1 1 �I II I f • • I I I I t I I I I I I I ! _ k L__ i _ J J TYPICAL V3 HP lug MERGED PUMPS 22O VOLT SET t'i TANKS , MtNtMvM 5' OFF 8CF17-Tom - osEs 2 0" SgIUAkfi Access r"rOi ces 3" PIPES-rANdD, 4' AG_ WITH U01 STRUT CLAMPS ANCHORED /N CONCRETE KITTERMAN ROAD 44 Date 3/4/$1 Scale Drawn ,O,t/yv Job FLowrk.S B. Sheet 1 f AF 14628A tiTi EFOKE AN1' PLANTING 15 ezGu ALL WTo ALL. 5E� OUT IN ACCOWAIZE. ki/P AU, 2. SITYZ e' AL.. PCy Ke:7,S OF SLl}1 AG TO Al. 6° OF 701'�)OIL ON AU 51.1?g.5 OF GNAL� HAVe, 12" OF-V�_01L OH ALL' 5. AL.''- vLAN75 SHALL bE. 5ET AT 5 SETTLr-MeNT A N,A7L19AL "IATi` A e AL:Cr.h. OP 50% TO IL �, 50io PL t HoR4-1EC) AT G,IL4L)5, AKOUND B4CH G4i1I " 1% ALL FILANTS AFTEK. ?LANTINCl 5H LIZEn ELY TOP Pgf-�SSING THE Ak-EA W/ A am ILIZEJ?, AT'TH�, �ATIF-, OF 5. oN OF ?LANTING,?H 5 a Mw/FEAT ` AAA. A MININIiJr1 bE'rH OF 51pAC} EV_N CIVF THE OF TH pEATM0a5- 6. ALL T2EEra SHALL br-- 57AK-Wl McC7lA'fELY AF'"Ek- �LP�NTINC-{: �-UNbEC` CAN bE A MUST Tk1f�L� C�U!rV 7. Pi ANrS SHALL ?>r-- CA QAIZA 5-0 . pLA NJT MGM ANp SHALL (31Wk7H A1, 7H�'- ENP Cr; H. 7He CONTKACTO1 L l`� APVIC-acD OF AND sHNLO CH;� L,x JON Or " P16f-7 Nr:;1 OPE2ATIllNG. G cv a 11 na4�� N ` m no date C 57 NU&U671NE (500 6RA65 =" REVISI O..N by ck. app�. I I� 'INCj To G FLA, 0, OF x __ SEELA �. SEND' PLANT � IsT. s OLl ANDSK—HS NEk.1UM OLZAHDE G+4-4z7-1 4 - Gl H10H ") 4 H'r�ISGUfa -- �' �.C�c 51�IEN615 7' 10'HI(* QTT�.�MM WAD 4 HI�Y9GU5 d 54 J 1'37,. par� p�tl.M AR K1;(`I( F: D) SPARTANBURG, S.C. DALLAS NEW YORK LOCKWOOD REENE ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS ATLANTA titI e CA NID5CAr' ?LAN us,T '� LOCKWOOD CCEENE EX ' 0113'7 job name job no, dwg. no. IN _� wio i.®1 �- l scale rev. no. lr II date FT, rIt.Ua I L.A. 1OTE, U5E LGgLLY RPPROVED OF I ELEV. TO BE SET By .PRFCRST COMC. -150 c q CR gcxD Awl, / ST. L Ll C I L= CC), ♦ i E q L T tl G1iL 5�i�TiC -Tat 4 'pit i� F02 =tA 1, 6 CUILL W/cAD oR DE PT, TeLIz T12i.ZFIC L0405. 0 OER C1RPNIJLgR 230' IALUI WELL IT S1,BMERGIbLE PI.iMP LF 5 oR EgLL, r D5r M,CD) PWMP oprAlwc, 24 drawn by L W AI 3 14 4) FOR CONSTRUCTION C.W,A dept. ck. f"jL.(— �'SCr rJ ;�p2 C(,aSTF'uC Tl;Jr C.WN uept, appr",' ,y'6.,, z4o1'0� V5HJF— FOR ADr>F—NDQ ._C\t4t4 JDF coord. ck. W✓ �2 F ;vend f 1' r--) w� p.m. appr. no date R E `✓ 1 S 1 0 N by I ck. appr. 1 cl tent appr. ti END TAPER a J Z O a Cr a-- w w T/G 11.10 00 ;w i IE o(P.10 0 Q 10, N l SToc t r G S U 1 11 O j o o L 1 12'--0° 0� c o #� G 5 i1 ,a i a IF M,i3 CONCRETE f CURBING P'�If z 1O. i' O 0 CV 0 108.0 ''^^ vJ � SOLfNE i 1 DIP,7 T. NO I PUMF HNll ISLFiNli /(-; I'Z.00 Ta.(3✓= ItySTALLED 1 O-1. OO riF I F- 08.0 83. 0, ��ST ll D. CQ C70 I 15'0 1 30.0' I SPARTANBURG, S.C. DALLAS NEW YORK sheet title LOCKWOOD 6RUBNE SITE PLAN ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS ATLANTA S ECTION - SIDEWALK N.T.S. �i N TY� I pltwem ..lj 46P 144 LT. NOTE: ALL AREAS NOT PAVED SHALL BE GRASSED AS PER SPECIFICATIONS. l� LEGEND � 1 PAVING-ASPf TYPE -I CONCRETE 3000 PS. L —X—X— FENCING CONCRETE 1 CURBING. 28.0' 10' job name job no. dwg. no. FLOWERS INDUSTRIES. 80109.01 C-- 1 US. HWY.I / KITTERMAN RD. scale rev. no. C - I FT. PIERCE FLA. 1"_ 201 date 1 x, v v r (x ...: r i... .: '.. � v .. r�.•r .. � .x'. : � .... :_ ;. .... ... it a no ;11 ,I,V� - �",-�,II, " -,,, - - - - I I - � I - RIP ��, , �, I 111 � I �;� -,�_- , - - _� �_ �,�, , "--- �_, ol,,I�, ",",�_�� o�ll I-I..".,.",""Itrl,�."""R�lI , � I , I - "I ��_ - - - - - _ --- I - I - --- -_ - __ -,-. ,- ,___,__��_ , - - .1 I I - - , ____,� ___1 1 11_4�1 1 , , � ,,-, 11 z 1� � I 1��I , � I ,, , , I_ I � � � - T1--1I,-, I ", ��, � , I I I - ��� I I'- I I . 1: I �_ - , I - . I I I I I A, - I 1 1 � �, � I I I I 4�,,'n I� t I , , I I �- �- " , ,, - ,,�, � - , �,� , �, ,,, �, , 11 I I �_"_ �, � I' 11. , . "I � I � - '' � I I I . 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I t a ci av - ,; H1 .I c c !.iOM, I �'s7 { rs" V — -- x I CHPGk-IJ7 j &'�1RPLJ5 STOR, n Y � V I _ I _ 1, -- f�zlA �fSreM ��• r'1F mWomiL K, i l? c -� i i�K ^ � i yy a yy yy?' t--.u.m•t�Q �.. n� R E V I S 1 0 N by ck. ,r w ,._.w,..,„.,...,......., _.,,a ...... . a..,.,,,.a,.:.x..:..o... ,,., .. ...,� ,,.�,..:.�...z,,..,.,.,,.� c A �h 6 ?ETAIL �vl. w� � � �'. , p .,.I I,:. �LeV SueP�6�� AQA FIN, s 5� 5jr u�T. �W/vi5• r3014 Y� •NaR"H E'.LEYb.?lOtJ. H vY vu-11( roar xx K, uNi Of N f eV nND �Y yl�R . (t?I Jtz_VtjOEE 9 illlr� ! L I r L� J UY Y✓LG�3, V1F(L -- � 1i T� Urn 6PU���•�OI� — -_ iC?I�G, �I.Kr wa,b cTYP- L . t 2 D G6Un2�I `' I •ate L?11 �r a I i .'3" ,�i 8 I � 1 ; � � ,—�• I(q AILS— � . , v roh x ,a w, � 3 <YP i� a� , a ka `: s 4 ...n . p r.�` �"i:':y^ � �.•�` ? . h� ,ck w ;5$'. stiund� .aa.' .i°'. t It ..r UNpER�IDE Of 9t21�rWG'E AEr.` _ _ _ _ - _ �TAI 1. I,S hOA�,T �lar 2 storms e F_- col Nl 0 VIA I EK r WALE I , I ! sheet title trams it n na. aia b , t o. I ! TT c _ PLC Pi HIT ' I r _ y _ 0 . O 2 „ k :te , I r I. e r Z3. , 4QO!Q41�& E457 ALL. o' h 40Ftiz 0315;QOEVE Y - 07'Hr-I� ODIJ�5&�/6 ' F;I.Q - �L. tLAt9 - -- -- - -�"aamww III no date REVISION MinwAN ,-- FK�ZIA �, L 13Y bLDG-4;;V-- F11 M I4'QOk�! QAi L '-�E77 000r-!�,6 JQ&L'l !?Lf E, 61 P! Qe A by 49 G' 5D I �URG, S.C. NEW YORK A "N '0 '14 ILX ex A" .A ATLANTA ACE Q c d'oc, '.2 Vd FLA75 CON7. K-OU45 %abti0 00—, Nil - 1A, I Ll 2 X 2 \Y D. .5 L 0 G u. -TTI U-1 IL U-) 2,Y4 F9 P) ernjoeo 6241, 11 VC. �LLcO kV Plbe?)eU12b 5A.T !N5Jj-A7:0;*1 41, Vivi r4-5� 2K2 tJL)- PLAT (D. J-r E - 4 VJD PZE7 r-ol S-r A op U, r2Y2 SOLIJ� 7.44 1:)� 0, U A, LUl". �51 01 Q P) 7 A- 0? 1�3/241 x 7 c. > �-4 "WP5 0r�i 4� L I �z t I - ��� - I -T- 1O PIP -eE� 12x112 SEAL AbOV� rOh 11-10jq,'U-4 A III AC0,J5 7:L7- 01-6. r. :'N C'i GY? �jJR�O(x�•)O;y ul z x 0'a ji� AND 57U�!D DECK A60VE 5/8 Gyc 150, RfTAIL 5 • A\.'? 3 A 2X4 PLATE CoiNT. j �q sheet3. ,y ,Z job name dwg. no, rev. no. scale rc�; date At HC FT. P1 ErRfj� . F1 /y?G� r•�, � 0� 1 = ' 3�1 rend �II r II I� N yx rf xt=. j r � I .k� \ .di Y XYr ''� 'T'���„'t J h � j #'fir' �� f �•� }� Y f h]* . a..� .. rQd r✓is f1J �aueL� iVll G1( r NOGN1 VO: ?!JOU�D tv3U�at!OIv' �Oc.� LGZQr � aLot.,I.2x4 FIP) 9392aC. 01"E N6aoLA7j01,J ti dSC�MAhAII!5 6L4�1• HT P II !� SALES vIIJY. SHED' 4 VIIJYI, y4 PPiEFIU. PLYkJn f rI� GIVE QCc7U6f1Ct L. OEYEP+NAEu F�%E°`G'r c - _ -. I, 4d DOK Vlu. �EK. 5/8 TtX1 1 I 1 PLYIUD UP06eI) 5`Aiu PL.YI p P��"ikjEkf�?�3vt f CJ- F.4L 0b 'C:. ��j" 1 1 f i Y 0P414%0 LNC,d # arA . COuC. SWcoWIew,75(IEC��Qi� YLYt�J�. 0t.�,c1J — �� ' n -- TOILE" CE ,AMIC ILE lC till c2 ACC�5TICAI_ �Qt3L^C 1�1 n LE" CErA,MI!: _T1 LE 4"CEvdMk: f it ,�!TE f�iN 15 ACOL15TICA,L MdPr.h AL!aM TP -7 � u C Jb 2 x � �^ �P E!} �I, 4 CAM IC / M6 gLi : E PAu6L � cCX = G/8'' TEXTUP)E 111 ?LYWOOt' �� JAu^2�,�5C"ta;E3` CGF.4✓ :LE 41irEHgMIC ld5u'�l,Yk)D. a.. 7 W��L A�I� 4 0is1. 2 �Tl�ilL✓5�,s.L CONE4'VINYI, ._X r�l N,wr '- A. A, 6AAI s CNECv) UP GHEE. VIQy" 41IVIQYL �411 PPsE�j}J . PLYkJ(7 r1j2!I FIB CrN� ACOU3'i2:d.L ZEYE;L�.A _I:�� '- �.- , ,: gl_oll O��ICE� f-4 �u6E. vIIJYL 4 viK;Yi. Va'i PpSEFI� PLYkO. ?1 II C ! �Jc - 81- if, ( ) I' i2 ItsvE aC0U3 CAL �YE� NAL_:. , _ a u COQCeS51OQ VIQYL STET 41VINYL 5W7HXT 111 QLYWP, COW" b! c U ! ✓ �` „�U µw. NO i SIZE MA E�",AL '.Affl �A'�!E �:) dv% 1 �FTJ_s s � j"IAR tS _ . I% G! A? S — — — AI L Hav CFXCTOT YL. =X, 5)' :"1 w 2 QI Yalu �\ i E2 A 3 X7- LtI — i� .5 3- , X8-h X '.4 CVO. p� GA!.Sl. "! 2 ro I&SIM I /e GAL. BE, b GAL"511. �' I - �; \ 5 6 3- a',X '-5` X C 1V, 0 1V 4 2C51M> 2 S A. ,0 1 A 3/411 PLY�IOov G �Jr �JaI L l x,o coin . C�3 t3 C1' x �O' ' x �v — �v � r r� 2 — A: To F- 2><lIa � w-: �e24r4 :. �Y O _ w o I1�.2Gs l � 2 � 5ra;� 4-0 r, �I.'�' +,. �'✓+ �.. L�.. 1/G!U �,, 8 2' CQy4� 4 \ O \Y� G 1 3' X x GAL, 57L • e-:)_I GAS, Y, 7 1 3 5 4 ra7, wT FAIU' o ,_ - G' rULL :c 1�21=1 Dll ;0 ;3 2; 6"X0 r \V10. BYO. 1-F? ICaIiIIO I — 5TAIIJ TG, CH W, 3 0 X4 1, 34GAL. ST — GA..STL. H'l 3 P7 4 FAII 7 TCi "CN 5--26 rnno' a�!,X q6q' 5qq x ! STL. STL. Y VI�tC. — — — tD r, PyY MGCa' 26- 0 6-O"X. 5*-6 51L 57 . 15Y MI , — I��'d I! v� 31� S G Hpw tiY I~ Fla. 1 ,d _ W.6 NR'HO LI by HF(A 2 ,i ,Ci0'r S.G. AVCOD V15,0 1 FANEL loX:o \VAE L fi tLM " ...:. 1 ,. ,. ,i _ .. > .r :.,'.t .:. MP . r Yf .t rcie: 5T 4 �+%i."t. 4•" R �. - .. .: ? ., ., ..• x.. ,.,. ._. .,..... ..: ... ,. ..... ,.. .... Yid... � .:I, • I SlC-0, xXoe Gfo%i !!) UAL o� CREINE Esc. 2198o job n dwg. no. 8010E . 01 f4\ rev. no.� scale IL\ ��J ` C7rEL7 dale I 0 Ll�uIo 60N4, . t-YA V A li ro PAPT5 M Or 1 aP 17; - (� �LECi, taNC-�. �cs2. i=tcrZir� iYr�� nol date I REVISION Y w 9• z r ..Y a ,. "4ry p1 'h Gs:x b"�i I EE Ur. IDIRAW gg,x;AA`� appr.h by ck. � PAINTING �.� �L ,1 ZII d1 , r i , O 1/g11= II -off i, OWNER TO 9ELEGT ALL COLOOS, WATFEZN5 fINI3NE5 2 ANY X1001) IN CONTACT WITH MAWN12'( SHALL bE PeeIlIZE . T4k%9. '�. FAI.-CIA � OM RETUQN FANELS TO �E M AL �eAp-9 .-16 P-THH 95 �90wk TIG .. ..ery kYY. BT fiElf d t ry m:r ^ u xwe a _.��._. .. .-.... .._..5... .,. .. _..._..._......A :..v •�. - �� ;, .. % � 6 ', `. ,,yyam�++ ¢ ,r�yu coord.. g ATLANTA d ,A•�+ ' IT�a--a 1 lIL Frye TrG' v 'DEr DET 2� A� m �.lAfl ix, 777=— i LINE Of Wlsi6, lb(� 4L-\ TIN. FLU; �NEJ1 2 , III s I1.011 701L.-ET ACCt -5t-C)P E (SEE 5PfiC5, E)1V. 10) OI PAPEP) TOWEL �15PF,�5 r \� A,: H TI SAY GhAb PJAP, 5 MOP �"r 5nOOM HOLDEF LIQUID SOAP pI.PEn�EPi PAPT`. '55/8" MEr ST LD� WALL s W/I LA,YcI�p 5/611 Mr). 5YP• `;D. W/5'•Q" HT, �,1'• �.NAIIY� COrl�i�. SLDF 1*, G©NG. r�Qo12 G�t�I6.D 401`IPP,"Ilia wle,014e- -Tcf of pllvl�(q f iI�I��N� aG , c�l��i1•Ilali fi.(jl�fZ - ".ate (�6f.h:� F6f� I.Dca T IvN �+ �OhJT pII,I�GYl ---craNcFz�TE �T�. Wf �; I. L<xATION OR DEPTH moiW &4PE of PIPE CIA121) TO U A➢IUSTED IF 2EQZP TO AV019 CONFLICT p / FOUNPAT ION. 2. t0k—1 FROM FAGS Of 4LL TO � PIPE OL�49P MaY VARY Aaa-0Ii-& TO P= MFR, WUIIZEMENTO' T14E GEN, 01-4 eqLL �e WOIoI�LE FOR ZaTlkb PIPE, 6ualzP�) TO P2oll1pE AIL T,- CLU?�"E FOB THE TYPE OF �R PU�i�I�D - �I-* toWA rRp ��GH8D 40 51a.PrF'E- 1 M6. K r1�GlJ�JG� 4,NuL d � % 1 faN '.. C ' YE I v I I r I I( T FT PIC�GE, FI_. job no. dwg, no. 80101�:01 A- i rev. no, 4 ary At NOT' date23� t GA'-V. MVA�I SU77F?1 STEEL 401D)sf�. spzwct ;I A U'x 4" (3ALV Z 7F_47L�ri_'[) 157UCCC F7 METAL 5POU7-- (j",K 4" GALV DOWNSPOUT 5 ram' c , , - , �4r_ Ey�,�tI OIE�F CONC. EYE2��JW (D5 \N�t7 771 EAST EL E.VA71ION METAL III -CANT 4 0f71p TEXTUN-_C 157LICCO t%, �iOLL- JP TYPE_ Ocx)ej(Ty(: NCr7H_, EL. EV47ICAN I/c,ll= 11-011 col-ic. F-v5b?)OW CONC. 5PLA51-4 '---STEEL STAIN f)AILIM(3-ZEE : Tn- METAL '�1-CANT f O!;NP CCNC. F_Ya15i,)OW "L' jF}OLL-UP _r TYPE Xohty N Dbi_ Cc it x5 11 GAUV METAL A-ex(P VUIL7-UPTAP) 4 ChAVEL ?)OoFiNc-, ova?) ill ?)1(,)irr INSUL. ovF_�) IlIt" tXr:,E,'_ I /J, trl_ Z 3 5)( v4: C,r)IN�Lb Yv/ Z`EE SM, @) C_ + 7'- 4," DbL, P7, 2xG 0110,11 4 HOPI, —OQ [)P)Ipj OkaETe 7. Ta)(701`)EID 57UCCC— ME7'/N,L FASCIA PAN EI - -7 #A- MF_TAL. CAP � L)?,,!IP m METAL CAP C, Ohl DlE6El CE5 'STP). THCr)9NED E 2 CONT —SUMP SEE srf� - OWG31 D\N c . 7 COL. FTGbe�y()H OwQ5, t)/4" 1;-13' 7 5TEE SEE MEZZAN! Ifa, FL? F 0144, ZE5 C;4 �iALV- Co hrI U F 3 R t--, 5TEEL F ATE CE ST n, DING! A,, m IG110, C. P T, 'a x + bO LT G D THN AHSLE S ?;-011 0'r, :)N TOP CoNr i eA� Y,1/a'• WELO TOP e)()Ir, Or P17 T + 'LATE I FA15C [A bO'r DW FAIbT E � TO VII . jOI60 AQA re �7 Ims. T EY.7 F, STUCCO tilh, METAL FLASHING bull.: -Ur- �-CcslH(; 44' P 16� CAN 7 W11 z 9 E ST f Ow Luse I *7F,)(TLjf~IwII u 57UCCO MAY 2 2. C. 3 LAb -Ab CONC, SLAb -7 = SEE 5M. CV3,S/ SEE STf), DWI(:-2-' 41 VAPOF ? bA. r, NII I`T(5• 5EE DWG:B EDGE -SEE , A-JA41 no I date I REVISION appr. -cord . ck. Ip by I ck. appr. L dwg. no. Vr A-Z I H 16 L iii,` 4T rev. no. OL ZI III UI &L date ATL A N, 1�10 r�T FIEPUL FLIbw AF 14222 6i► WA4 e'TWC'C'0 OiJ-- 4.1 LATH 4, 4014P Aoj, M �T. 4,00--51�m Bin M I �. 6 ai'g 140 A61401111L' ma q P LOTH r;dPots, Tw� 60T 90P A T 0 tfUcc'o 60FJC'e)L F + I'-- L Ru Woe- E�o 61411�wp- alQour 10 • ,A,0J, Aw"Hog 01 M{ of WoL '500 66�05 f lt�, 02�VE� IF A frl.&E E)EE " —7 IL It — 0 u W a no date 0009, A 1 i 1z 00 1114. r��ID) IS 010T. NJ61�00CLval,& o,( val�T -.9 5 -1 T'Yrr HPW. 0-,7,f mro, 10 LI A7 �4 610?0 W/'5 4� 4� /W LOOP- 1z HOLD 15;w W/CLC"K -3 W,45;. 4, TH �ArAL AS-rKA,0,A%L- k6 UZAI'7 I l---- m VT. JAM 5 AN�16�4 09 PLANS Fo� 10H 1 7- --N S/J^M* I m% 14 CAULK I? 23 W/6 4, T H It e6ko I0 t.,kl416 14DW, 5 4 A� 11"A Lis 42 �$5i in I-S- TKA44 -f 1,17p, Q PDX '�-O 6?F-6�; �Ilall E7 4 4F - — ------- ----- 11 .1 5 4 0 6 4 1 A ------ wl 2 6Nc,5 coi4r (01, L Aiw�l CIL 7 6T a R! I, 66A11.5 W CID FIZAHE A HEf J"OLP- OEE POOF e6kWULE FOR LOCATIOI-A M�SarIIeY WALL W^ F IF 4, ClEgAm I( , TILE& = 1 i TPA F10014- =a gxm OHIY� JAM l,-1000 � Ko�l 61R00011;Le;rrG KztL li4�I 67W tgoop- '5�-aa 6ffcs. T464 er( P09 MF9 Ole 5.61W000 V411 W 14 /A �� A�� 1�awultlo DOTE- FOP- OPI-166.EXLEEDWf� to" III 114 WVTN PW412E ll-lTWWt4Tk Vt 4WOW-) a 60h ' 6�0614 Coo CA �14 604 Wk OF- Let) FOK 501,,I17 TYr �TEEL LtAII.S FAME —L;00l2- IN coo eke-ql 40 61 Al iv — —Flrt A [AAKO P,:F0TT6tA 6�,tki�klf' 4K *4HI4 op 000P �Zme I.Or'^Tl OMAmle- Tl�&- ` ' t • q =E�k[4 14 W/MO-7^4 60 b 77T IF TT(6L V) W��I2 TO tTL - FFAhe*�6+4(*—TO604", F-)(r- e>0L:'6 7-J-7 7- e) ML C.OQ("{ Loofk GL 6 ca-le- CIA 'A\T Or) �t 016�6� I Loll I- H4 "?v drawn by IZ,95HAH dept. ck. JZP dept. appr. W;—:,;L— coord. ck. W p.m. appr. e!,;Pn- onpr. 000j: � I /a 11 , 11.dl SPARTANBURG, S.C. j F'�t' y k'5 job no. dwg. no rev. no. gini L 13 3:'a � T T scale A madate 22 A', TLAN i-', .2 �6ZUL� FT. PIEZ�-, FL REVISION I by I ck. I appr Ilr, — — — — — ------L 1------ II' III I ci: ci III III I I�I rl �p T/CONC EL. 14.50' III L—.I?RC�P WA�t- FTC. :D III uI Iji PI 2 III 2 pl I,I E _ 1 ( 1 6-0 �O F'0�z C-0U5T20CC tow f3� Ca Px a 5•23- I U E FOR BID no Eat• REVISION by ot. ` Q Q Q T/FTG. EL. 11.33' — T/WALL FTG._ EL. 1 1 .33' (TYP.) I cif GENERAL NOTES:, CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS ARE DESIGNEt BEARING PRESSURE OF-20C' n°1r? SLABS SHALL BEAR ON L' OR S FILL COMPACTED IN EIGHT 1 �S TO NO] -0" THAN 98% MAXIMUM DENSITY. _RMINED BY ll! MODIFIED PROCTOR COMPACTION ;1 (ASTM D-1557). DESIGN AND PLACEMENT OF CO, INFORCING. AND CONCRETE COVER OF REINF ACING �`RS SHALL BE IN ACCRDANCE WITH AC I Cu�)E 31 8 - , (. C `_TE SHALL DEVELOPE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE _ 2TH AT 28 DAYS AS FOLLOWS® OR SLABS 4000 PSI NI_L OTHER CONCRETE - 3000 PS REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFOR TO ASTM A-615.` GRADE 60. ALL REINFORCING BAR SPLICES SHALL BE,CLASS "C" TENSION SPLICES. UNLESS NOTED. MINIMUM BAR LAP SHALL BE 12 INCHES. PROVIDE 2-•4 x 5'- 0" LONG IN THE TOP FACE AT ALL RE-ENTRANT CORNERS WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-185. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE LAPPED ONE FULL MESH EXCEPT AT CONSTRUCTION AND CONTROL JOINTS. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE EDGES 3/4% ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A 36. REFER TO MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL. AND VENDOR DRAWINGS FOR EMBEDDED ITEMS NOT SH THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPOINSABLI OR COORDINATING AND PLACING ALL '3ED _ ,) ITEMS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR RF-' `_D BY THE VARIOUS TRADES. -0" •4' THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE F)NSIBLE FOR PROVIDING TEMPORARY BRAG' _ i=OR INTERIOR MASONRY.WALLS UNTIL T: 1:LDING IS ENCLOSED. CONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATER AS NECESSARY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. DESIGN CRITERIA BUILDING IS DESIGNED IN ACCORD WITH THE SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE. 1979 EDITION. BASIC WIND PRESSURE IS AS FOLLOWSs HEIGHT ABOVE GiRCOND 0-30' -51.5 PSF HEIGHT ABOVE UI�DUQV 31 ' -50' -43.0 PSF Pp , ( 131 0?! 1RO1 P�gryI S On uR DWG OR DWGS. WHERE n . _.>,.... �,... -.... ,. ., m....... ... SECT. OR DETAIL IS CUT. ak .a ., 5 S—I „:>qi }r ✓'*, . „a rc� ,K --LOWERS INDUS T , SCALES S'b .:..a.,.•_... i :*. e a as • .. ,. ... .. , . v a... .,.. 1 ., n._ DWG. WHERE SECT. OR . ,.. .. .. .� , _ DETAIL. IS DRAWN. -�-�-m-�-�- O U N D A T I O N & SLAB' PLAN . i► NOT USED WHEN SECT. OR DETAIL IS CUT AND DRAWN ON SAME DWG. C. FORT PIERCE FLORIDA � e 3 *8 A�NCI�-OR. gO�Z BASE 1I' ASS' Y 2 . -0 - FURNISHED BY BLDG. MFGR, N � Z N N 1 /4' PJF a 34 CLR IIII IIII? 6 - * S VERTI CAL *3 TIES e 12', 5 - 05 E_ -TOP AHC>, I BASE ANGLE ASS'Y. TO BE FURNISHED B DG. MFGR. X—xx—x- J2 I CONC. FILL ALL.---"�- BLOCK CELLS •5 DOWELS -- -- 1 6 0 /C �i 3" CLR 2'-0" ECTION o N 3-*5 CONT. ji t2I-1�5T GrNTMZ $t EL. (SEE PL rn (SEE PLAN) 4' CONC. SLAB WITH 6x6 10/1.0 W.W.F. 1 1 /20 � GALV, PIPE HAND RAIL I l x - x X--xx xI-)- I' r-- NON - SLIP NOSING (TYP. ) 11111= ,--SET HANDRAIL x 6 -IKET. GROUT ' .r . IIII) *4 DOWELS t~ ItI PLACE 8' BLK. WALL'- 12 O/C (TYP.) U a AVING (SEE CIVIL DWGS) RETAIL AREA SLAB -x EL. (SEE PLAN) /—RAMP,W.AB REINF. WITH,, '.6 1 O l I O W.W.F. S - I SANDIF FIN. GRADE BACKFILL-� SEE CIVIL DWGS i I p 1 /4 X 4 "STEEL STRAPS e 1 /4 p• POINTS • •, P�- " cI 3/4 I THREADED ROD —TURNBUCKLE T /CONC. :. ". - • 3 /4 "� A B . WITH EL. ..• . „ , .I: 4'S0. x 1 /2" ft WASHER 8e12 3" CLR ,e12 e12 *8c12 10'-O" WIDE x 29'-0" LONG DETAIL C a �w. I""=1'-0- �S-2 m GENERAL NOTES: STRUCTURAL STEEL 1. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHAPES AND PLATES SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-36. 2, STRUCTURAL STEEL PIPE SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-53, GRADE B. BEAM 3. ALL DETAILING, FABRICATION, AND ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL SHA..L CONFORM 22/-4" 151 8" 3I-8 s 17-4 n Io -o n TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AISC SPECIFICATION FOR THE DESIGN, FABRICATION, AND -_ ----- — ERECTION OF STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR BUILDINGS, LATEST EDITION, NCiT L3x3 EM��DDED 4, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN ALL BEAM CONNECTIONS SHALL BE STANDARD FRAMED OR SEATED CONNECTIONS AS SHOWN IN PART 4 OF THE AISC MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, THE (, ��� �. •• o� DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS FOR ANY PART OF THE STRUCTURE NOT INDICATED ON THE DESIGN S 2 S-2 DRAWINGS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE FABRICATOR, UNLESS GREATER REACTIONS ARE �yfr 3x3x4 L31IxIKY) LhIE OFCOhG. �„ INDICATED ON THE PLANS, CONNECTIONS SHALL DEVELOP AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF THE TOTAL t y $ �� (G /�ll� UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY OF THE BEAM. CONNECTIONS SHALL BE DESIGNED AS BEARING co�r (r�a�AMiI 2 4�X� CONNECTIONS WITH THREADS IN THE SHEAR PLANE, IN NO CASE SHALL THE LENGTH OF In I 12 H 4 - -i „ ---� -- a oS-------- ----- ---------, O-� FRAMED CONNECTIONS BE LESS THAN ONE-HALF OF THE T DISTANCE OF THE BEAM WEB, ly1 T-�Cl.�NC, - ' S. IN GENERAL, CONNECTIONS SHALL BE SHOP WELDED AND FIELD BOLTED. ALL WELDED � Ca{; ;, CONNECTIONS SHALL BE MADE WITH E-70 ELECTRODES. ALL BOLTED CONNECTIONS SHALL do — r%1cCID. to BE MADE WITH 3/41, 0 A-325 BOLTS HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON 12 H 3 F2O Hlo 1 EL•19.��0 _ THE DESIGN DRAWINGS. MACHINE BOLTS (A-307) MAY BE USED FOR GIRT AND STAIR (,9 -- CONNECTIONS.. _ 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING ADEQUATE BRACING OF STRUCTURAL ti d0 d0 d0 EL'18.0 I STEEL FRAME AND WALLS UNTIL ALL MEMRPRS HAVE RECEIVED FINAL BOLTING OR z O Ro, — WELDING. O n I I �Y w d0 d0 ~ d0 5� d0 7. MINIMUM WELD SIZE SHALL BE 3/16" UNLESS NOTED. v 8. ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL SHALL HAVE SURFACE PREPARATION 1N ACCORD WITH SSPC N0, 3 1 I d0 L3Y3x{ opNbdfir 3 (POWER TOOL CLEANING). AFTER CLEANING ALL SURFACES SHALL RECEIVE ONE COAT OF S-2 Cruz) d0 S-2 d0 d0 CARBOLINE GP 20 ALKYD PRIMER OR EQUAL BY PORTER, PPG, OR TNEMEC, DRY FILM n 10�1y' 2p, C - C1 THICKNESS SHALL BE 2,0 MILS, 1 d0 2 5-2 ¢ I t3Eww In Low �SFE Q 9, DIMENSIONS OF OPENINGS AND EQUIPMENT SUPPORTS ARE SHOWN FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. S-2 d • O d0 S-2 d O I't' ' 5-�e7 P'�µ" CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WITH PURCHASED EQUIPMENT PRIOR TO FABRICATION. Tµ S AWG 11 S i L P �� II NII 5 0 p 33x11 3x3x d0 a d0 d0 J 5-2 l�—� —' GENERAL NOTES: BAR JOISTS It 1. BAR JOISTS SHALL BE DESIGNED MANUFACTURED, AND ERECTED IN ACCORD WITH THE f2HI�pp�Z11 LATEST SPECIFICATION OF THE STEEL JOIST INSTITUTE. _d0 — d0 d0 �I w w -' r 2. BAR JOISTS SHALL BE PAINTED IN ACCORD WITH SSPC SPECIFICATION 15-68T, TYPE i (RED OXIDE). kn do d0 d0 d0 ° TIIQIJ AP-r BAR JOISTS AND TRUSSES SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR THE WIND UPLIFT LOADS SHOWN ON _ 1 I - I ! CrYPlcl-� 3� THE FRAMING PLAN. 2 d o S-2 12++3 a0 �' d o J 0 - - `N II GENERAL NOTES: METAL DECK J — �1�� 1. METAL ROOF DECK SHALL BE 1-1/2'' 20 GAGE, INTERMEDIATE RIB, GALVANIZED STEEL o Y� d - 2µ4 I CJ0 d0 ---jj j - o�F-u DECK IN ACCORD WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS, 'N¢ _ .O. � Lu 2, METAL FORM DECK SHALL BE 9/16" (MIN,) DEEP, 26 GAGE, GALVANIZED STEEL DECK -. WITH THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM PROPERTIES: rr1I 1 d0 d0 d0 w d 0 11 t I- J; Lvi?1w4 z ui v _� m �� f-�I4` A MOMENT OF INERTIA - 0.013 IN.4/FT. v I CT/P� C C) fW zo _ x SECTION MODULUS - 0,048 IN.3/FT. O d0 `� d0 5 2 d0 d0 SII-O S-I 3. DESIGN, FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF METAL DECK SHALL CONFORM TO THE CODE N ~ Z II OF RECOMMENDED STANDARD PRACTICE AND BASIC DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS OF THE STEEL �0 1 I DECK INSTITUTE. I S- 12H3 12H4 20Hlo _ d0 tl --"-"- � 4, METAL ROOF DECK MUST BE ACCEPTABLE BY FACTORY MUTUAL FOR CLASS I ROOF e I21-4° ' 20 11 t INSTALLATION, L 3x3x14// CONT (T�OF BM. i i Ca H S3 - QI 5, METAL ROOF BECK SHALL BE ATTACHED TO THE SUPPORTING STEEL AT A MAXIMUM --- SPACING OF 12 INCHES ON CENTER, i/CC�fJC,-------- ----- ` - JOaS L_P�� --- --- y L laid%' g (TYP) N IN0 UPLIPj OF ?m 2-0V 7 A MAXIMUM SPACING OF 36 IN, 2L4'X'I��' 6. METAL FORM DECK SHALL BE WELDED TO STEEL JOISTS WITH WELDING WASHERS AT 12 LIIJE OF S-2 S-2 ROOF FRAMING PLAN m 14 1I?a&P5 -2 i0'� III -ell 5'-0" I(or-�" 8° g � � -- t PRILY�II�G - ' 1 00 Q I , I _ No'TE•• p�Tvart IO H 4 1_4_ -. ; _ _ lw Au-- s-rn F_ u 2 1 do q I _r N S —----------- — _ ---- �oH41 r'� U; I r/ �A��^.M�, „ AID -- - 1 z do LADDER T� ! QZ 1 d0 I �_ ��'' . __ // // WI?+ 2-4.'I¢ a? ROOF. s�E !' do i' // Ica d0uJ - L4 Al. 3 I do I 80 I 5-1 - " C-10w is:'b cgIFFLEC2 I IIOH31 ,�-TK,ZE1IQ.�C5C � jI!_�2ZYo27l�c L4y° Sx re (32ACWG -{_ WIrNSF� F�Ir� pLA� oeoE roz L�ATIo�TA„ 12 2�2" CDIJG. SLAB ©N 2� �AGyE MEra� FG�M DECK �< / I�EI�I�CED !,Jr ,, ,i'%, N�•11,' IaP COt`k', EL.�11-I" a MEZZANINE FRAMING PLAN/5,/' SAC IONr�I l Ir �/ Ho iEE DE?AIL Iv 3 �.7 I` NDrE: SEE.. FOR KpN, o': o DETAIL c I Sc-3 ',:e'ar STAIfL 8 �w 'S-1 00TV 126 51019 - �OPL PPH, STi)IM drawn 6 __ .._. _._ _.. __.__.. _"__ _ SECTIL NUMBER OR V DANNL JAKPIIN! —. ShCct title 'oF=��-... DETAIL LETTER— -,,. �-DWG. OR DWGS. WHERE � 9 ; job no, dwg. no. RARTANBURG, S C DALLAS NEW YORK _ - u SEA EION OR DETAIL �3 S I, SECT. OR DETAIL IS CUT. '� Cd'OOrd aCkrldept. ck. r, fu C,. LA0[;KW00[:) GREENS ROOF FRAMING PLAN ' FL®WEF,. Ir��cu�-�IE $o�c�.®o s -I q 3 bo �� E51 D DWG. WHERE SECT OR - ARCHITECTS •ENGINEERS /��ilcL-E MAII��T FACILIT`i scale — - .. _— DETAIL IS DRAWN. P.m. appr. , ':f ,. i F'�' C f �" �+ date v j 1� �Cl. no date �. — R E V I S 1 0 N tv Ck. appr. y NOT USED WHEN SECT. OR DETAIL iS CUT AND DRAWN ON SAME DWG. client appr./l� A TL A N T A - " ' ' PIERCE `^' E ,� 1- -A •�� AS INCT IED LVTFA/:F" nii f L 4%3'x a" (5LV) TOP AND BOTTOM OF WI(o r— METAL DECK METAL DECK T/CDNC, EL, SEE PLAN T/CDNC. EL. METAL DECK METAL DECK \ SEE PLAN TYP _T/STL G EL. 18' (a" _— TYP METAL DECK = ` T/CDNC. EL ' 4" (5EE NOTES, DWG 5-I)L - - - � (SEE PLAN) zr--, ---y jr ---- r T/GONG. EL. - ,� �5 (SEE PLAN— ro.: _ T/G(7U WALL NOTE. FILL IN SPACES �5 o G EL. 17' 4" T/CMU WALL BETWEEN W IIDWALL BMS. WITH 8 G M. U. WALL G EL. Ili- 8 T /CMU WALL STEEL JOIST BEARING FE 2"x 75s"x IL0" jp G EL. I(o'- WALL STEEL JOIST ( ) � LONG WITH 4-�"(txS" SEE PLAN LONG STUD. ANCHORS (TYP) (SEE PLAN STEEL JOIST J (SEE PLAN FOR BEAM LOCH) T/CMU WALL ppe (SEE PLAN ; @ EL. Ilo-8 �• STL. JOIST EMBEDDED FE WELDED SEE PLAN " � ' " ( ) 8 CDNC. PERIMETER BEARING f2 2 x7gxo_g O• S A H N BEAM REINF. WITH LONG WITH 4'--V" x3" SECTION2/S-2 8"CMU WALL � WIS (SEE PLAN) B'CONC. PERIMETER BEARING R- 2"x4x0'--8" 2-'*5 TOP � BOTTOM. I LONG STUD ANCHORS•(TYP) (SEE ARCH: DWGS. BEAM REINF. WITH I LONG WITH 2Lz" � x3" *3 TIES G 24"(TYP UN) (SEE PLAN FOR JDIST LOCA.) 2-'*5 TOP � BOTTOM. LONG STUD ANCHORS. " 8" ID'- d' #3 TIES @ 24"(TYP. ON). (TYP UN) 8 CMU WALL (SEE ARCH, DWGS.) 8/'CMU WALL 8" CMU WALL (SEE ARCH. DWGS) (SEE ARCH. DWGS.) SECTION I SECTION rZ SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 1_0" S-2 =1 0" S-2"- S-2 I"_I`-0" S-2 I"_I'-D" S-2 T CDNC EL. VARIES ----------------- 4' (SEE PLAN) METAL DECK s METAL DECK T/CONC. EL. VARIES ---------------- -- (SEE PLAN). / N T STEEL n n5' I 2� CONCRETE. SLAB ON I _ D METAL DECK : o.a — L 3 x 3" x 4p CONT. C% EL- 18' la" 2ro GA. CORRUFORM (GALV.) 5''U JOI �T Cs>E PLAN) T/CMU WALL WITH '2"0 x 3'r ram" DEL. 17'-4" - LONG STUDS 0 2'' 0" (TYP) DECK/CDNC• BM— TYP CONNECTION • G ----- SEE SECTION 8/5-2 W 18 T/CDNC, EL. -- - - - - -------------- G=___ — IV (SEE PLAN. SEE SECTION -T/CONC., Ca EL. I60' 0" - s „ , " T/CDNC. @ EL.9'-II" tJWF L4"x 3"x'4"(SLV) 8/S-2 FOR JOt:T,' FOR CANOPY EMBEDDED ►� '2 x lO x I-4 LONG. GDNT. TOP BOTTOM WALL CONN. SEE SECTIONEt/S-2 WITH ID-�G �x4 LONG STUD ANCNOR5- - r x x x x � m � 2' 0'r 8'r (TYPICAL 2 PLACES), Ln ( (SEE ARCH. DWGS•) -- T/CONC. EL. T�j = N (SEE PLAN) �o _ o. T/CMU WALL----- 3 EL' 8' C8 x 11.5 DOOR FRAME STEEL JOIST (SEE 'PLAN i I (D4' LONG JAMBSTODROVIDE ANCHORS eCONC. PERIMETER BEAM REINF. WITH „ „ #4 Ca 8" i b STAGGERED @ 12". lt BEARING F- x4r x0-8 I (SEE ARCH. DWGS FOR DOOR). 2- !n TOP J BOTTOM LONG WITH 2-'"4)x4" LONG 3-* 4 CONT j #3 TIES IF 12" STUD ANCHORS (TYR UN) (TYP UN) 8" CMU WALL (SEE ARCH. DWGS. SECTION6 SECTION 7, SECTION 8 DEL. o_D SECTION 9 I'_I'-d' S-2 "=1'-O S-2 I'_I'_D 5-2 I'=1'-d' S-2 0 -- STEEL JOIST (SEE PLAN) C11 OPx1C�. - - T/STEEL @ EL. 18L�" 60"� (O. D) PIPE COL. a B sv L 3°><3" X "X O'—G" LDNC1 ( FLAN 1=olz LCX.d I IUN ) F2 x (oG" x l' 3 5-2 • EA• SIDE OF WIS I GROUT TICONC. EL. MENk W 18 (5EE PLAN) _ • • Trr 7/1------- ---- -—--- —-- }TOLES FOR V" p ANCHOR BOLTS p 1"tp ANCHOR BDLT. L // i p J J 4 CAP i" ° _ t f� rZ x x D-4 L STIFFuE'R WIkEtZS —1" BASE W- J — PRAMP. LoADs AeE Hoeg - T4AW (, u or Zol sr , n 3 !! TYP. i 8 TACK TYP. PA1JE-:L POIWT. (T?) 3 (o" 4) PIPE COL. SECT -ION 10 DE T AIL A DETAIL B C I_IL Y 2 I=I -O S-2 I`_I-D' S-2 drawn by DANNY SAKNINI SPARTANBURG, S.C. DALLAS NEW y0l1K sheet title job name job no. dwg. no. dept. ck. FLOWERS INDUSTRIES80I09.01 S - 2 ,r dept.appr. 6 LOCKXV0011 GREENS SECTIONS & DETAILS rev. no. Q cocrd. ck. VEHICLE MAINT. FACILITY scale d ?�'wpti I ARCHITECTS- G •ENINEERS F I. PIERCE FLA. O 52; COIL L'jID t2(s p.m. appr. date 5. no date REVISION by ck. appr. client appr. ATLANTA t AS NOTED no date 'i #4TIES 812 4_" 5 VERT. ?�21 al <04'- 8" 9D'-8" FOUNDATION & SLAB PLAN 8"CMU WALL (SEE ARCH. DWG.) v 12�n ?t'P uxu DETAIL A TYP U. 8"CMU WALL �oMIT Fob ITT, >3-I� 'I I Z�•d' bET I' � I "{TIES @12 4'klo PERT DETAIL B FTG F4 34 DETAIL BI OPP HAND �:: - ( �IEG�Ih) DETAIL LET-I"ER--� /-DWG. OR DWGS WHERE _ / SECT. OR DETAIL IS CUT. +k 1 SECTION op DETAIL X5 s SCALE: -- - s-3. IDS ��-DWG. WHERik: SECT. OR I -� f a DETAIL IS DRAWN. R E V I S 10 N by Ck. a, U A NOT USED WHEN SECT. OR DETAIL IS CUT AND DRAWN ON SAME DWG. drawn by DANNY SAKNINI dept. <k. dept, appr f't ,c . i- ck p-rn appr.--,f client appr. a° (Ty P) 3* to VERT ,L J 8'CMU WALI i I14" p'j DESIGN CRITERIA �5�� ' 1. BUILDING IS DESIGNED IN ACCORD WITH THE STANDARD BUILDING CODE 1979 EDITION, W W T/GONG 2. ROOF LIVE LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 20 PSF (FOR MEMBERS W/TRIBUTARY AREA E 200 S.F.) IIII IIIL= _ 16 PSF (FOR MEMBERS W/TRIBUTARY AREA 201 TO 600 60O S.F.) S.F.) 12 PSF ( FOR MEMBERS W/TRIBUTARY AREA > O 3• BASIC WIND PRESSURE IS AS FOLLOWS: �IIIAI2f21E12 / DOWELS TO MATCH HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND 0-30' - 31.5 PSF. VERT. COL. REINI- -- 4. ROOF WIND UPLIFT IS AS FOLLOWS: O ENCLOSED BUILDING - 1.0 X BASIC WIND PRESSURE OPEN BUILDING, OVERHANGS AND EAVES - 1.5 X BASIC WIND PRESSURE 5. ROOF DEAD LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: 2' 0" �J #GJCONT BUILT UP ROOF AND GRAVEL - 6.0 PSF ROOF INSULATION - 3.0 PSF Orq@46° METAL ROOF DECK - 2.5 PSF PIPING, LIGHTS, DUCT - 5.0 PSF SEC TIO N I 6. MEZZANINE LIVE LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: SC -I OFFICE AREA - 50 PSF PARTS MEZZANINE - 125 PSF 7. MEZZANINE DEAD LOADS ARE AS FOLLOWS: GALVANIZED CORUFORM - i PSF 2"CLR 2-1/2" CONCRETE SLAB - 32 PSF "PJF (TYP) CONC•SLAB /'�4 GENERAL NOTES: FOUNDATIONS AND CONCRETE � '�r= PI AN) ?/CO_NC= 1, FOUNDATIONS ARE DESIGNEDFORMAXIMUM SOIL BEARING PRESSURE OF 2000 PSF. Q-SEE PLAN) FOUNDATIONS AND SLABS SHALL BEAR ON UNDISTURBED SOIL OR SELECT FILL COMPACTED IN EIGHT INCH LAYERS -TO NOT LESS THAN 98% MAXIMUM DENSITY, AS DETERMINED BY L' = THE MODIFIED PROCTOR COMPACTION TEST (ASTM D-1557). 2. DESIGN AND PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE, REINFORCING AND CONCRETE COVER OF REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI CODE 318-77. DOWELS TO MATCH 3, CONCRETE SHALL DEVELOP A MINI`TUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AT 28 DAYS AS FOLLOWS: VERT. COL.. REINF. ALL FLOOR SLABS - 4000 PSI ALL OTHER CONCRETE - 3000 PSI 4. REINFORCING STEEL SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-615, GRADE 60. l 5CC �GH8Dl1LE I 3"CL R 5. ALL REINFORCING BAR SPLICES SHALL BE CLASS 'IC" TENSION SPLICES, UNLESS NOTED. MINIMUM BAR LAP SHALL BE 12 INCHES. I 5Cc- %LAN 6. UNLESS OTHERWISE DETAILED, PROVIDE CORNER BARS AT ALL WALL CORNERS. BARS SHALL BE THE SAME SIZE AND SPACING AS THE HORIZONTAL REINFORCING, INTERSECTING WALLS SHALL,,BE DOWELED TOGETHER IN THE SAME MANNER. 7, PROVIDE 2 #4 X 51-0" LONG IN THE TOPFACE AT ALL RE-ENTRANT CORNERS IN SLAB. 8. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A-185. SECTION 2 9. WELDED WIRE FABRIC SHALL BE LAPPED ONE FULL MESH EXCEPT AT CONSTRUCTION AND ® CONTROL JOINTS. 77 ' 77 SC -I 10. CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED CONCRETE EDGES 3/4". L S SHALL CONFORM TO AQTM A-36 FOOTING SCHEDULE- F" I 6O�x '-_ " �j- V(o EA w,,:f ( �-a. I Yc�M) �i E �E?AILS C BSc_ I I"-�' �1•o•XZ'a'xl'--=� "O•��o LONG, l�ld.Y L°'�`�T.,) �-*FA SNDIZT WAY(I`bT,} (%�7All.. Cl/�G•I �K9gACII �JA�U3cr(.) ?E(AIL PJI/`9G I� 4 GACII IAA (3ot.) DErA - r /5C - -lp WA-1 CF3oT.) VETAIL D/5c-i. 4'- 0" J '1 � �IQ �m s0 4 TIES @ 12 -A(-2 SP-TS) DETAIL (C� FTG F DETAIL CI FTG F2 SPARTANBURG, S.C. DALLAS NEW YORK sheet title LOCKWLA.ffl"F® ATLANTA II. ANCHOR BO T 12. REFER TO MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND VENDOR DRAWINGS FOR EMBEDDED ITEMS NOT SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING AND PLACING ALL EMBEDDED ITEMS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS OR REQUIRED BY THE VARIOUS TRADES. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING TEMPORARY BRACING FOR INTERIOR MASONRY WALLS UNTIL THE BUILDING IS ENCLOSED. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL DEWATER AS NECESSARY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. q� -o I 1 04 sic I OI�TIOIJ J-7. 14' PJF �:I N X-)(- -x-X-X-_ 5C•2 SEC SCHErijI_,' B"CMU WALL 'JASEh VermL AIS 2 G'r-C I" \N B„ 5CC I�_AN rOIZ ORICNTATIDN D FTG F SECTION 3 DETAIL _E FTG F5 IOU �Aw.w job ne. dwg. no. FLOWERS INDUSTRIES 80109.01 SIC I AB PLAN � .____________.__ 4 VEHICLE MAINT. FACILITY ale rev. no. FT PIERCE , FLA. dials AS NOSED .- o _J s L J IDS IDS � w V) PLAN: TRUCK LIFT FDN DETAIL A '_I'—D" 5G PLAN: FLOOR DRAIN DETAIL B 5c-1 34,t_1' D" SC-Z WATER PROOF f \ MEMBRANE 1 (TYPICAL,UN) j6 J5Jsqdol frok Div ` no date REVISION i -lu NOTE: DIMEN51ONS FOR TRUCK LIFT PLANS AND DETAIL ARE SHOWN FOR BID PURPOSES ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS WITH LIFT VENDOR'S CERTIFIED SHOP DWGS. BEARING 114" A 19 GRATING FRS. 3_#4 EACH WAY SECTION 5 34 "= I'— O" SC— 2 by I ck. I appr. r d T/CONC• (SEE PLAN) arawn by UAI� dept. ck. R2 .— dept. appr. coord. ck. p.m. appr. client appr. d WATER PRDDF MEMBRANE (TYPICAL., UN) # 5 BARS @ 8" EACH WAY p" CONC• SLAB �° 82 (SEE PLAN) 4" 4° r a 8" (o" TYP) #5 DDWE�S 08,8'1 (TYP) 1' %3i" KEY (TYP.) WATERSTOP - (TYP. 3 -9/ "5 @ B" EACH WAY (BOTTOM). SECTION I 2"_ 1 L D" SC-2 i 4 P-1 ►TION, FDN FOR PRE -CAST CONC. PIPE MANHOLE DETAIL C n I """'IDLE FRAME q: COVER, MECH DWG. P-2. CHANNEL SUPPLIE i QO UCK LIFT MFG 4' I?x3V KEY -� LE_AR, Ell (D"CONCRETE SLAB (SEE PLAN)• / WWF-, d I #5 BARS e S" EACH WAY- *5 DOWELS @8" WATER STDP (TYP) _ *5 BARS IF e EACH WAY (BOTTOM). SECTION 2 z"_ I'- 0" #5 N0- TLCONC. SLAB (SEE PLAN) I ." 8r # " "5C°12"EA- . . / *5 DOWELS TO MATCH � s s VERT. REINF. i III TI, �WATER STOP4�TYP) KEY (TYP) O ml� (0-*5 4'- O" SQ WALL LINE (SEE PLAN) " PJ F (TYP EXT. GONG) #4 CONT. WWF (TYP.) m O SECTION 4 cc- - I I"= I L D" aaaaa SC-2 9" PJ1= (TYPE ZllrWW F (TYP) i X—x—x— II1110 - L__ p 44 CONT• y g°d _ 3 *15 CDNT _ -• •--- _..JH WAY ' 0, 94-'-19" ac,• (BOTTOM) . *4 CDNT. I SECTION 6 SECTION 7 sc_I SECTION 8 -_; 2"- 10" 8 SPARTANBURG,S.C. DALLAS NEW YORK sheet title job job no. dwgno LOCKWOOD (311OBNE SECTIONS & DETAILS FLOWERS �IRNDUSTRIES 80109.®I SC-2 VEHICLE IVIAINT. FACILITY '� rev. no. ARCHITECTS • ENGINEERS sraIe ATLANTA FT. PIERCE, FLA. AS NOTED day-3o_�0 te ����� 48" (j5 (I . D) PRE- CAST CONIC. PIPE SECTION X 5-D LONG. fo"CONC SLAB (SEE PLAN). PAVING - ,_ SEE CIVIL DWGS. �:.•u x 111111flig: I_li I a i L I *4 CONT' SECTION 3 sc_ I C8 DOOR JAMB - SE E ARCH. DWGS. LIV"xIVxh"TO FORM DOOR SLOT IN SLAB, PROVIDE �"�)x3" LONG STUDS a 12" (TYPICAL ALL DODR OP'NGS). (n" CDNC. SLAB 6" CONC. SLAB (APRDN) (SEE PLAN). 2 r---r • o00 HEAT PUMP- CONC>E.N51NC UNiI" 22 101 E34" x O4'I GONG. PAD A' 4" ABOVE GRADE J, T I t x6 REP. H !C-V" r �� I GAS LINES U 7„$ e LIQUID LINES I211 I �V 22 LO3 Iron �. REf�� I ' A/C UNIT CONTROL PANEL � ;H 24"x 24"AIK RELIF F \!F-Nf �V a `- i I X I I t TO R00F EXHALI�T FAN } ISM '�t t e 11 ,,7 exH DU,' T- FOR 0 14tC GOfi 1 SEL- PLAN C .r TcUll_' T AREA �I ISM-14�RED III Z2 104 `L2204 V RETURN AIR IDS \�/ IFD 0 DUCT t14 ��' FD FC AHLJ . rrrr, 11 2 2 1 O 2 C riIxw;�l uox n " � � 2Q�° FC _ -30x -:5j" OUTSIDE AIR " DU -CT I Cu. 38X21 �� 60 �O, T > ROOF KIs pt�h� I �-I _ IR'IAI4 �I A I01AKE HOC)D 22 2G5 V ,�, ` y L33" AIR HANDLER CONt;ENSATE 2L" log DRAIN LINE TO BE CONTINUED I I4'I i TO THE OUTSIDE. 106 -ABOVE FALSE \ CEILING LEVEL I- ® T K, t k' F_ t �_ 1'~ t, t 1 I 2 I ?n G - 42°x 10° RwD. fU� DIS { 4]ON FOR GONT SEE WAREHOUSE. FLOOR PL 1� 1 lox t it r;'x6" x I', CQ �i TOILET AREA FLOOR PLAN SCALE % 1,-0„ TER F-LO( I 1 r='L AN SCALE: t drawn by M. FOGG r , n R T , dept. ck. dept. appr. coord: ck. p.m. appr. cltent appr. > _ % O' 25-80 1_55UEP FOR F31D5y OH 2R fr A •28 CLIENT ('ZEVIli-W Mop stl no date R E V i S 1 0 N by ck.- L y _. r 0 T a w<f NOTES 1. V.A.V BOX SHALL BE RELIEF TYPE COMPLETE WITH REVERSING SWITCH FOR HE:A-TINE/COOLING MOPES. 2, EXpOSE.D DU(.TWORIA SHALL Be INTERNALLY INSULATED WITH I INCH FLEXIBLE FIF3ERGLASS DUCT LINER,CON:,EALED DUCTWORK SHALL BE EXTERNALLY INSULATED WITH I INCH FLEXIBLE FIF3ERGiLA S DUCT WRAP. - 3. DUCTWORK L)IMEN5100S ARE INSIDE CLEAR DIMENSIoNS EXCLUDING INSULATION THICKNESS• 4. INSTALL- VOLUME EXTRACTORS AT ALL. 90 TAKEOFFS FROM MAIN RUNS. . 5. INSTALL S1.V.p. A MINIMUM OF 3 fT UPSTREAM OF VA V 60XF. 6.GONTRA(TOR TO F11-1ALI7.E LOCATION OF THE THEE? NV,)TA E5. WITH OWNER. , 7. EXACT LGCATION OF CaRILLE'� � DIFFU�fVAc� F'E,P ARGHITECTUKAL REFLECTED CEILING PLAkJ 8 UNIT HEATER THEPM05TAT5 IU 9I5TVI&j71ON CENTltIZ 5H11-1. k_ HAVE HEAVY DUTY '5TEEL.. LOCKlNC, COVER. `a. DUCTWORK SHEET METAL SHALL 13E CALW-NFZE.D STEEL TYPE IO.COIJTRAC.TOR SHALL C00KDIM4JE ALLROOF 5TI?UCTURA. PLAN AND ALL DUCT WORKS WITH BUILDING STRUCTURAL STEELS. I s. f I i i i Kl TA V-, F-0AUST 1-10( — WALL— AIR RETURN _ _ 2hx21 DUCT-40 x20 %AH. 20' � — _ ' — -- GEILINC EL. T-G------ e t. �`- SPRING ISOLATORS SECTION SCALE: 3/a= I'0' THIS DWG. t „0RK sheet title H\ �/ / /� job nama - / FLOWERS INDUSTRIES FLOOR PLAN DISTRIBUTION CENTER/THRIFT � � • FORT PIERCE, FLk ATLAN !.4 job no. dwg. no. 80109.01 v. rev, no. scale <{.te AS NOTED-23 Ar 14222 A EXH FAN SCHEDULE REFRIGERATION UNIT SCHEDULE (HEAT PUMP) EGUIF•, N1) LOCATION C F M S.P IN WG OUTLET VEL- F H M R PI•A. Hb;/VOLTt/ TYPE DUCT SIZE [,IadVE G0l11IAE14T 22-10 R001 220, Y4 - - 1550 1,'2U 115;, I CENTI%I FUGAL I I X I I DIRECT ILG-CRF-100 EQUIP', NQ COMPRESSOIS CONDEN` EP COMME1NTS TYr�'E Tc�N,�; :IJITI COMP` VOLTS,/0 ' AIR FANS IiP'r�VOLTS�QS TI-MI-: K vy TCMP. NUMBER GE-BGWA 180C2F 22 -101 HERMETIC 13 .7 5 45 22 200/3 90 4 /2,/200/3 AIR HANDLING UNIT SCHEDULE (HEAT PUMP) EQUIP EXTER , H£ATIIN'.� C00LIIv.7 FILTEkS No LOCATION C F to S.M' Ic 1 r,iOT }t, COMMENTS S I FACC TC,11ALI SENSIEL E AIR*TCMP. OF SUC;TICLI` FACE F' IN W.u. HPI, VOLT �" MBH IN W,G EAT of LAT of VCI_.F M Ii H IAA EIH FACE vEL.FPM IN rv�, oFAp, TYPE VEL.FPM CLEAN EDE3 EWB -- LDE. LWE 1028 381 2.5 80.=' N c 5 60 56 5 102 DISTRIBUTION a240 135 175_• ' 20r 1 : 96 2.5 72 1 381 165 40 C TIIIrOW - 2'7(`; I GE BR B00 6H _L CENTER TOTAL TOTAL AWAY GRILLE AND DIFFUSER SCHEDULE SYME . C F M S.P IN. wG. SIZE w hE014 BILE _ERVING TYPE M T,G COM) IFJJTS 390 06 15X15 12" S/A SQUARE ;LIIJN(Q, TDCF-^, W/ADAP. W/SR = 80 IF 24X24 14 TXS TITUS O 33r .0E 24X24 10' 100 04 24 X 12 7 0 130 0 (_ 24 X 12 7 OF 780 03 36 X 12 -- R/A WALL 4FL -TITUS { 850 03 24 X 24 — CEILING 8MR TITUS ALUMINUM 00535 01 24X16 10 100 .01 24 X 6 O/ 130 .01 24 X 6 — O 100 .01 8 X a -- E,1A t,2 F TITUF; 0 X F — E /`A -- TITUS E52 VARIABLE Alk V(_ I_Uf! !f 80X SCHELJ JI_F EO,UIPMENT AIR MArJUFACTIJI,EI=, T NO AREA CFI F=REOSuPE DROP MODEL N° TEMP hIA'.1 ,1 Iy 22-201 OFFI(F I 130 .03 WG 15-0-6 22 - OFF 1(,,E4t2,3�-4 300 05," WG - TEMP MASTER 360 - K 2c �,;,3 - SALT (, Hl_( tC - UP Ak /-, C70 051 WC� TEIAP MA TEIy 750 - G 2,•? -L1 t_ 4 cc RETAIL S/-,L._S 1700 0C;° W(, TEMP MASTER AREA 22-205 22-20C SURPLU`v ._...__._ - , 7�,E, ------- �04'" ��vG TEMP f-Ak1ST1=R STORAGE 1000- LEGEND OF HVAC SQUARE (,E lLIrw_,fi i f,*,F A1r� (RAG) OR EXHAUST GRILLE 20/15 GU-:-T SIZt. U`U1!7TH/HEiGH'f) b, —� IAA1V€ /,,L V LUME DAMPER (MVD,`' ' MOTOkIZEG' FD -� FIRE DAMPEN (FED) . FLEXIELE DUCT VA�dAbLL AIh< VOLUME SOX (VAV) �tJ THEF,MOSTAT (ZI NE CONTF�()L) ( l ROOF MOUNTEL- EXHAUST, FAN OR INTAKE HOOD \,'` / AHLI A11'i HANDLINC UNIT (A/CY THERMOSTAT ELECTRICAL CONNECTION LINE UNIT HEATER (HORIZONTAL) �� F C. .FLEXIBLE CONNECTION 4 NOTES b 1. CFM GIVCIA IS FULL FLOW CFM. 4, STATIC 11DRO'h, 17 MAX, AVAILABLE, 2 ALL AIR FLOW CONTROL P40XCS '-)HALL PE EYEA; I ELIEF) TYPE. EXCLUDING DOWN. T FRAM LOSSES. 3. BOXES SHALL BE COMF;,LrTt>_ WITH, SUITABLE WALL MOUNTiiN(.� DAMPER OPERATOR VOLTAGE TRANSFORMER ANG SHALL HAVE 0 -A100/ VARIAFLF_ Vt�LLJPAE RANGE I s dr 17071L LJRG, S.C. NEW YORK der,^q , u 1) I'S v c t=oi �_0,5 ept appr... _ a t . A k M�N Z R C, ARCFi - _ m n no date REVISION by I ck. appr. cl eent appr. ATLANTA Jr UNIT HEATER SCHEDULE HEgTIN, MTG 1 NUMBED LOCATION C F IA H M B H K W V`il_T,"� TYP- tiE16H T Cl`rAMEr1TS 22 -- 104--_,___ TIt U DiSTRIEUTiON 900 I` 20 42. 12 .4 20N H,17 7 SINGER 15-12 22 i )ltw CENTER l WITH BUILT IN HEATEFN CONTn(,TC>F, E sheet title HVAC SCHEDULE e job name FLOWERS INDUSTRIES DISTRIBUTION CENTER/THRIFT FORT_ PIERCE, FLA. job no. dwg. no. 60,09.01 M- 2 rev. no< some NONE date 5-23 -8Q SYMBOL "`- PW JPWH. SSD MIN. SWD SV P-1 WATER CLOSED Ft 4" 2" P-2 3/4" 2" 1 2" �RY 1 /21 , 1 z�1 P 4 VICE SINK 12" IC WATER COOLER 1/2" 12" 12 P iBB 3/411 P-11 SHUCK ARRESTORS "'.D I j i a I I I I I � � I I DISTRIBUTION CENTER ..��. - a .� 3" V-rR I o Np � I I I 3�� P-4 ti R2 R1 14. 7 gyp p 4 .DTP --I � may. C RIOT Tc LEGEND -PLUMBING & FIRE PROTECTION SYMBOL ABBREV. DESCRIPTION NEW PIPE UNDERGROUND I NEW SERVICE PIPE ABOVEGROUND tNEW DRAIN PIPE ABOVEGROUND -------- i NEW VENT PIPE ABOVEGROUND PW ;POTABLE WATER, COLD ---- ? PWH POTABLE WATER, HOT SUPPLY ( 140 DEG. F) j SV SANITARY VENT SWD ;SANITARY WASTE DRAIN (CLEAR WATER) I SSD 'SANITARY SOIL DRAIN —41 CO I CLEANOUT O i FCO I FLOOR CLEANOUT WCO WALL CLEANOUT I YCO YARD CLEANOUT i 1 HB i HOSEB I BB ---0�— , j GATE VALVE —�P-- ( UN ION 4 ,A„ f SA (SHOCK ARRESTOR - LETTER INDICATES "PDI" SIZE O I PORTABLE EXTINGUISHER VTR I VENT THROUGH ROOF 41 1" 2" -� ASME T4 p Rr_L►F_V VhLVE PIPE FULL TO P-4 i I i" \VATER UEATE(Z , - tJ r i R4 I / P 2' p- P-3 P-1 P-'6 \PATER RISER Q►k�,G,Rktlm UMBING PLAN-= - S INDUSTRIES & DETAILS f T STORE & ABUTION CENTER rb no. dwg. no. 30109.OI prev. rev. no. I scale 11 date 1 /al,._, I1-0 HEAT PUMP SCHEDULE (WINDOW TYPE) EXHAUST PAN SCHEDULE Nll wl NUMBER CAPACITY OUTDOOR TEMP CFM VOLTS/0 " WATTS FILTER COMMENTS COOLING HEATING g_ --� WINTER BTUH BTUH (SUMMER HORIZONTAL C'I �L; h-I-- 22-301 11,100 I 7380 90"F 370F 27 220 20B` 1 1500 WASHABLEGE A356.88D L OVE2HE410 EXH,NOSE r TYP FOR 12 - — -- (SEE 17ETAIL A) - I21'x 9" ur TO I , GOOSENECK P ON ROOF �- - -, --- - I i I �, I IO ,l f I ELECTRIC IACATER I I 3KW WALL MOUNTED _ I - 22 304 � It,LE MAWTENANCE ` CAR5601� MONOXIDE EXHAUST - -- �- -I L -- FA1J5 TO f3E 5U5PENDEU HI WASH -- -- FROM THE E OOF 5TEEl APRON STORAGE 15' A.F. F �I \ EXHAUST FAN TOILET --- 22- 30 2---�--� LOCKER L2 503 10",10"I WALL - - - I„ TYPE ALUMINUM - I GRILLE -TITUS -- 104� ?I JzI 5' PARTS I I I � � 1 , � I l I I U I i -I 2" x 9" u h To [a00S E NELK, ON RAG FLOOR IJLAN SCALE: 1/a'=I'-0° NOTE DUCTWORK SHEET METAL SHALL BE GALVANIZED STEEL TYPE. 3 -----BATTERY CNCi, EXHAUST FAN 22. 305 Col -6r A. F. F- NUMBER LOCATION CFM IN 'F. HP/VOLTS/ TYPE SIZE DRIVE COMMENTS I 22-302 WALL �8 8 J115% I 40 CENTRI- FUGAL DIRECT WITH BACKDRAI T DAMtr_la !/ GREEN"t'- IS-SW-7/G 22-303 22-304 UNDER CEILING 1200 11' 2/2 11 208/3 2/ / UTILITY SET 10II DIRECT NATIONAL D-150 a ( I 22 305 WALL 45 /8 I /80 IiS I CENTRI- — DIRECT WITH BACKDRAF DAM_ PER /i FUGAL G Ft SMALL I WINDOW TYPE PARTS HEA1 PUMP OFFIC F 22 301� / Iif PARTS ... I�r MEZZANINE PLAN SCALE .- 1/8 I'-0" LIFTING, STRAP I20PE �'VW,kLL MOUNTED CLEAT - 4'-0" A-F F• m- rvvv SPARTANBURG, S.C. DALLAS NEW YORK dept, ck. T �',. /( dept. appr. C��Y •; . ,�. ISSUE FOR B19j Zei coord. ck.m CLIENT REVIEW MGF zGt p.m.appr. CHIT R E V I S I O N by ' ck. ,.�r��r� ,. client appr. A T L A N I A JOIST PULLEY HOOD PULLEY TAILPIPE ADAPTER \\ X DUCT SIZE \ +25% \ FLASHING ROOFING GRAVEL. ROc? F INSULPTION METAL DECKING 5TANDARO DUCT CON57RUCTIOM 5GAMf) WATERTICyHT —1/2' MESH GALV. \ WIRE SCREEN R° dEtL SEE PLAN E-OR 51ZE OF CONNECTING r-)UCT W RECTANGULAR GOOSENECK NOTES: I. SEE ARCHITECTURAL IDRAWING5 AND/OR SPEC{FICATIONS FOR C 1R8, PLA5PING, f ROOFING ?.WHEN WOOD ?LATE I-=> E�ROVIV>ED AROUND TOP OF CURES, FLASHING � G005GNECK TO WOOD PLATE WITH 31S" CADMIUM LAG BOLTS NOT OVER 12" ON CENTER 3. WHEN PKEI=4,C3. METAL CURES I5 USED, 5ECURE F-LA5HINU �, }5EN6CY\ WITH SE-IEETMETAI. SCREWS A5 REQUIRED r-OR TIGHT JOI^-., C RIC,ID I N5ULAT I ON. FLANGED A\PAPTER OVERHEAD DUCT GATE II4) GALV FLEX HOSE TYPICAL OVERHEAD HOk(—�—JE DETAIL N -T. S. sheet title HUAC — FLOOR PLANS, SCHEDULES, AND DETAILS job name C MAIN Tg.. AN" �. I FORT PIE! i� "�PL FI,_ A s job no. dwg. no. 80109.01 M -1 1 _- rev, no 0 scale AS NOTED date 523- n 9 F YCO (TYP) ' IE 10.03 FT 4"5\10 - FOIZ CoK1T1WUAT1oM SEE VXVC, " CV- I r 1_ E 10.21 FT. - N �� P 6 h t _ G Nr -- ----- I" r- I I 1 P-10 -� 'Y"SV-dP \VnTER HEATER �� co A - A %kI.. — A E E I' 2"VTIZ Q P-10 v d, I A 11 PTV l I J ( STEAP� C1Z � 11 PA N-T E-'500T H d v Q qEHICLE " 4 C ,5iJIZC,E I 1 MALT. va >L�iZEA Will OPINION PC PARTS 4 CO 0,1R dP ST Qt�G,E 1 bATTE IZY' a 4� cNG. D P FCO 'J;'' hi -o 211PMI! P-10 A I �' A RISE \V/YALVE I I _. a n I I � N C I I I PLUI�Et►�J, FLOOD PLAN 17-77, _- :-_- — KI0iE c yy 7 F F L ;� —_ G L� A! r,_ c; ^ f7 '' ^ « � ^ �- ; ^ iJ !1'i- N ER `.� • �/ �l c cG, -T -_ T ^? -� �'_� • mac. _ -. �,.L '' OP 'L--4 _- P-2. �H 2. ii nn �"J11Ti G. Alt' .,ZGP Tom• �: _E-i. - ._. ��Tn ��_ ,-sir /_• i �- ,1N �`��`, -Z F )ROP TG O III S'A LLF i� Fi)e O THk:R":, 0rZDP _I'C,. RLO\VDv',ti; -_ IAT IG E DETAiI. ,C"Oh.1 sPT. P-2 . 5-13 IxuEV- FOK 51D5 � ?8• CllEt�'t REV E'N no I date REVISION by I ck. I appr• F] . LEGEND -PLUMBING & FIRE PROTECTION AC:dM %', DESCR I FI I OKI .� tJEN" PVi _ :-I J0=c`'..(. Z:DUram+C) J c r A e OV E C-, RC)L1 M O A--G COLID ---- I Pvvu Fo- • - poT SUPPLY LEAR V\JATER) h. —4I CLrT.IiGL YAk, C , E_AN O UT I"A1R-D11 --t>>J — ALVF I N G u I S H F-1Z -►V Atl N1 I C ►.1 SMALL OFF ICE PARTS--.�--a - SHOCK QRIZESToR- L.r-_TrlivR i►JDIC,4TE� 11P01' 51ZE 3''YfIZ e /! VISER D1.&.GRkM SYME50- ---�'_"_ 21, pW X x 11NlFoizM� I �-2 Du 2"VTIz PA►zTs 2" VP -DM EZZANWE FL 'ALE' Q' r I'-0 Win arawn oY AJJ '^ SPARTANBURG, S.C. DA.-LAS NEW YOHK dept. ME Pill mtjm wNE �— tic)deft. app appr caord. ck.��l, -- ^I�"I 13 Kw" rl 1� ! ,..r i Y I p.m. appr. �1C1�'' __ __ client appr. sheet title PLUMBING PLAN & DETAIL'S) FIXTURE CONNECTION . CHECWLE - _ _ -TYPE t '. � it P- 2 4 P-� ^ P-1 Al Ile I nan + job no. dwg. no. F L _ E .S. INID!_1STRILS 8oi09.01, r -1 ,I I : SCE BLDG scale d � .; 12 VTR I �V I I � I I I I �I 1 I I ' I I i I I NI I I , # YCO I r " F-7 > I YCO I YGO -- I YC 0 d " T P- I o d p 1! P- 4 a S1, 1 Q,. NCO / 'A. A A I T,N ,`'I`` RISER 3/y' BLOW ,D/RT LEG 0 P10 , FLR DETAIL C RIOT TO SCALE RI 11 P-2 by I �k I app` P1AMomo J-MOIDEL DLI- 1210 QUICK IDISCOMMECT CO LWC, (TYPICAL) r jK1. FLR, d — 1.1 EF_fJhl-I IZ - CoC�7� F=, - �;RIaTE 1 �VJ STYLE"Y" FZP MF.,' HEAVY 1°A � ! „�� IDL7TY CAST I ROW P- 2 3/4 — pl _ 9"¢t DRAIN e� - '� �ASMe TFULAP VALVE PIPE L SIZE P-4 '/4bEC) N I TP�j O ExTE.R10R ry+ — ;r' P-8 ,e-- N>3 DRAIN, 0- MAw. a �74„ DIRT LEG r (TYP) J v D E74,1 L —_—__ D I�jO T T Ot l f' t R 2 depP ck. deP>>Wpr. (rnrd_k i an appr. cl ent appr. i A'T E IW, I :�T 'TO Sci&.1._f v AIIz. M4.1►.1 Q WALL `QUICK 01SCO1 )IIECT 0U_P5IDE 5LDGi , DIRT LFQ11q FIIJ. FLiZ, ®ETAI L. OT 'TO SC&LE p-lip- z TO MCA 1_ E. -r i 4"GW1D-0JTLET 0 N 4Q AIR MAltj 3/4,. '•Cz -5TU 5 -OUT FOR LIF-t CONTROL GIRT LF-Ci FI l.' DETA � 1_ t3 RV-P 2 NO'T SCALE RI P-2 IJL-E�IA.N *�' R-I"JIS NC-AVY IDUT`( VATER- PROOF 1`--14,M140LE W/pt?LTEL COVER IMTE CEPTok, C)E e& I~ NO_l TO SCAl.E< jFIW.C)ZADE 21, V F_ Wr �F CSWC) - IFILET IE. 10.03 FT. r✓OMT fKAC TO IZ SPALL VERIFY 10 r-IELD 48"OS x5'-0" PRECAST CONCIZETE MAN►-IOLE I SECTION \VITA► PRECAST —1 -rOP AWED CAST I KO►J M,ANNOLE. (5e� pETAIL c , bw�• 5-2', lw- I I P-2 sheet title PLUMBING A . ;1.-€ F x 1EH, &4v� job name FLOWERS IND1JSTRIES job no. 3 80109 ` scale V -- OVE IKHEAP 1201203V. 3C q.,IM, " SEICVIG PKof- {bY G•6, ITH +f I� KADr-, %E N01#2(TYPICAL) t.� O LP C\/ S TO ON WALL �SEr- DwU,E 4) OVe HtP P 120120 N KV I Gr,- P KO P' t5Y �r Nd �5 1. FOR LI&HTINls FIXTURE 5GNEOULE, 5YNlboL9, AND PANELS, SEE Dw�,# E•z 2 TYFEWII4'V1 FIXTU2E5 59ALL DE POLE MOLJkITE.D. >c e, TYF 16AL. POLE bA5r-, PfrTAI L TH 15 DYNG . 5. INSTA!I. r,'4EPULE 40 HEA Aki- WG CONDUIT FOR, ALL DIRE <!ED APPLICATIONS 2411 HN. 13PU01A FINISHED PAvEMENj coNDUIT jERMiNATES A�OdE GQADE a� eNTERS 1`2040PVC TO STEEL 6OUFLN& AND GONTIHI)E -i12UIT RUN WITH T14166 l.L RIND 5TEEL CONDUIT. 5. POLE rOliNPA-TION5 5HALL OF- SET 13PvC 3'-6` FRONj TMc C.UR13, 6 PROViPE REQUIRED CONRUIT SEPL-OFF FITTING FOR EXPLOsiON-PROOF AREA 3 — SEE NOTE 6 L CIA50LINE PUNSP LP-331 2 IZ81AIZG 3/ J �� LIP TO CANOPY 4 PIE5EL PUMP LIGHTS "�U52Ni LD N Y G NO TE "Z 1'I106 TO TII . LPT 2 I job no. dwg. no. E-I eo109,oi rev. no. 7 scale date E L , 1,JOLY Ai, 0/2"VPH A S E I 'M GiPANSE1i A. 7 IS rfl�' V 3 1 A z wal A VIM E MOUNTING: 0 FLUSH MAINS: 0 A ED T k) P 4 A M A I N41 Fx ra E A �f E A M" P 0 U 0 T 7 %'31 hl -CON------- Sk, 100 % E4 L !)jcdk Ailf, '_""�-_K ALL CH , RFAK'.Fi5, `0 AMP- 1 PIM-F UINLES� NOTED OTHuIWISE LOCK C 0 DOOR WIT.HtR='�` LOCK] U/L LISTED '35,'IE-AqEa1 AKTERRUIKMNIG RMS SYMAMPS. CONNECTED LOAD`MP'` A-i025W,T ?'aAS FP, C, 1 A `.WATTS, . . ..... . ... .... LOCATION LOAD NA- A B C N k. L 0 A ?� "T AIR HANPLIN6 UNIT 30 7,'2 724 182: A LP' PANEL FEEDER 12i P 7 8 10' J-1 12,5 lov UNIT HEATER q 1 13 P4 1-4 16 1 lN 17 HEATEi 41(.7DK f, 11'7 41(.7 81 0 12.5 KW UNIT NEATER 4167 19 20 71 (o7 J NI T' H r 26 UN HE '25 __T... P 32 117.- 176 J, ..... . :3 7 3 ff, 0 I rHR I F T STORE D. CT R. I N E L "DPI11- I E Lno I date I REVISION I by I ck. I appr. A 4il L 3u- il L L L 27 1`4 P J i'll A" I MAINS C%v V -ACE COVER: E D6-6'R WITH LOCK 7_1 DOOR WITHOUT 1.0,177 U/L C6^ f L u LOAD:PHASE 5 W. LOCATION LOAD W. L 0 A- t t DISr ctrffo NJITIE 1, 12.0019 STORE FRONT LIC4H 80013 BLPG. EXTERIOR, Li, aG 800 w P1!5T_, 17, 500 19 VENPINC-4 MACH. RECI:PT- 1000 21 1000 23 2, 3 SALES CHECK AREA IRECIELPT 1 27 3 �AK It ------------ THRIFT STORE & D. CTR, 1?ANLL LP'. 'M DESIGNATES 612ENKER WITH LOCK -ON PE.V15F 114T! !VT13: CP �50LC' A A = HILLE9 4 DA- DOI -c)5, '+ -F40LWj/TzS/v,/H I' ,< 5' FLLIOIZE',CeNT \"ITH CLC-:AfZ AC-P--(LIC- \"P_AP-4Q0UHG LEI`Alr�, e--;,U9FACE MTD. I-IFF 13ALLA6T. E5 MILLEIZ :WPE>-4104-04_ 4-FJOLN/P46/WM LAMPS- Z'x4' FLUOF?_C-SclatIT WITH CILZAPZ AozyLiC WIZAP- AP-01-111P LEW-.�. SW2!`Ar_E_- MTD. HPF 5ALLASI-, HILLF51Z44�0N-'ZJ0I-04. LAN41"15. i'x/4' FLU0?_f51c5CeHT WITH CLEA2 AcrzyLlc wp-AF-- kIZOUND LEN5. GLJIZFACE HTD. HPF 5ALL.447. P - MILLE-Z*IC-Z211-0S, 2-Fq(oT1'Z/LW/VVIA LAMI`S, 8' IH91115TV-14,1_ FLUOF_&)CENT WITH WHITE bAr-E-LV - ,,IANJEL FINISH. FENPANT M7P, HPF P" 'ELL4YI22). I-10OW, 4-11 LAMP. FO�( ELAIH 12ECEPTACLE. CEILING MTD. i F ART HET09111. 1-10014 A-19 LAMP, &I.Aecb &LobF WAIL MTD, ABOVE MIRROR. "A ART METAL #HPI5Wb-&15D- -Ww- H'?5' LAMP WALL Mfvi wil&L IIE 45T ALUMINUM HOI,61H&, 5"V-- 12E91yTAHT BOWa�LICIAJ HPF 208V, DALLA5T, . . . . . . . . tI&HT,?AFT Of (ALIFORNIA Obbl-20-T99. 100, 1,111 "LAMP INa�40E� ELECTIZIC�LL LEGEHL-) 0 - 1NCANL;)e'SrI5HT FI>(T1_JPZF_ O - FL_1_J01Z_E15CEMT I FIXTLII�E j C� NIGHT LI&HI - FXN E L P.,OAPZP (SEE 42w_-H a CDJ L G - CONPLIIT CONCEALED IN CEILING - CONDUIT EXPOSED T PANEL. MARKS OF MAP-r- JMD'c:ATeS NP-LITIZAL CONPUC701Z_S JUNCTiOH, PULL 01KL TAP &OY MOTOIZ, HLIM�EIZ INDICATES Ao�' EPOWEP_ IZTEPGO - NON -FUSED r5AFE-7Y 45\A/ITCH , 5izF- Ac;, NOTEF), �7 PEI:�ICqHAT�S IZAIHTi7a - MAGMETI(_- NIOTOrZ STA?-TEW- O1Z NUMGFF= INDICATES MeMA S17E ® -MANUAL HOTOP: S7AZTEZ TOEF-N40STAT, ffUrZHic_->�IEC7 E3--( qP_:r_H, FIIF_ESTA�71 FUV_Nlr,HED E3Y MEC�I� E_X17 FIYTL)IZF= 7"WALL 0�. CF-LiN6 c:,INGL_E POLE SWITCH I 3 - 71-I IZE E - WA\-( e2�W 17C I -I — DUPLEX IzEc.EPIT;A�" Lr=- 1 12" A FF LIN LE5C) Horr'Eq FIDE ALARM SYSTEM (fOHTZOL FAHF-L - FAZE 41_ArrM 5--(�Tem MANIJAL p;1JLL STATION 04 - FiP-E ALAP-M PIJLL--.TA710N \/VITN H012H A50\/E EDQ Fir-E ALA;:---m J_I0F_H L5ATTTEQ� LJNIT, WALL HTF). DUAL-LITE � A5 - -715 - 2 - v- A - HOH - 69 VOLT H I - CAL%. H-I'D. FIXTURE DUPLEA IZEcKACLE FLUSH 14 F1.00e. 141.15bELL#b-249 DCV WITH 415- _6&5 COVER, TELEPHONE OUTLET FLUSH IN FLOOV HU06EL1.4 D-242q box wl -1H .4g-2�25 COVER. TELEPHONE OUTLET, 12"Aff 5TUb Y4" CONDUIT UP INTO ( EILIk& 5%6E. 5�1 3W 02 4W Plt)TRZUTION PANEL, -4— SEAL OFF TIME 5IA1T(,H WITH 0WHOIA16 60Hf20L DIAL, 0OUbLe POLE, SIuGIE THROW, TOZ44 IZOZ'Z L; 2 C) 8 V, 'N' WP # FL4 WIFS LAMP. AR L '1110UHTED,PH '20'AU'A49E ALUM. POLE \VELPINq OUTLET, 34)4\VIRE, 50AMP e5OVOLT A CONDUIT EMBEPPEP Ili FLOC)lR_ 5LA13 OR UNPEPqROUNP, mc(Akw EPIC50H 'UUJ2(05; M,woo, LAMP W/ W-0 MOTORIZED PAMPER WITH 110-24V TRAIAt;F SUM A'51YM"F Exc_> PT AAL4m T P, I` 6'A, F, P., MAGNETIC CONTACTOR- NEM/\ SIZ:L 14OTEP OML'fEE-1, 2-64 LAMS 5URFA4 �M EMR &ATTRf drawn by !3 NEW Y�fr'� sheet title job name job no. dwq. no. dept. ck. kA411 N-0 iF1_1 R" A 4w, W. dept. appr. coord. ck. rev. no. p.m. appr. scale - 11 "s client date Z F0 n oil 01 l a � i t {y r. , w ., d11Y A VU dry „,� by ZHJ , , � �,_ � ;, p- sheet title goo name job no. dwp. no. depa Y xt VE n', �I® J dep z�.pr, .:..,� rs =,.� p'f'� s>...� a ��.. >< r _ .. __. ._. �. k., �. x _�� nx �x ��IJV V�1� J Vl iKI I 1Ca CO,CJ 1 rev no. u rr' yw (► J� 1 x a > s* _ �.,_^"" as .9"• 9'�a u�...: .=6 "^m �1..-� L ����� Scale i_011 date appr. € � n 0 u z _J R L VISION _1GW V 17 T 17 P.B.q 24 17 01 viol I LP IV LP-32)2 I 30 LP- 2 9 pp - 2k) L P A L�F' 95 IZ.5 ov UNIT HTk. 11,4 _X A L 141, R I FwE (Typ FOR G) (2�* 14- - S/4), k I I . ,, - 11 L L pp Z6' :3 1 To HEAT AT 1) P-20, 3% iJ'I0A7J"r,. pp-1 31"IOW FWE 10 4"(- I - q 7, ll,*,, L_ P_ pp-, PUMP Z3.2 STA12TERE5 ukA-t �F71 VA NN 21 2 TO MOTORI-MP L O"AfF DAMPS R�26 T 25 -j AHU TO GAS Vo 15, 20) 2Z LOCATED ON ROOF 31'(0 pp- 25'.31% f Mori -I"C Pumpe AII 4 J KHM by ck J 20 T 'SO I L 2 1 91 j 110UHT wEaPTITO M1% WWN45POUTt) VP) p gg V k J a F A I x 1, REarkCLE5 I H DlSr� CTR SEA, TO 510 MT9 31.011 A 7�j CONTROL STATION FOR HEAT PUMP. FURL` MECH. 4 INSTALLED BY ELEC.. V'l COPPER aARr- GROUND 10'x 3/4" COPPERl,JELP 4 7) n t title job no. dwg. no. FHR80109.01 E- /IIFT STORE AND DIET, Frev. no. � OWERS BAKING CO. CENTIFIR POVIFR PI_AN scale TH R I F F STORE t D I c) T - C G N -r C— K 11 1_011 date A I ROOF PB -T- -A, OF 4AI'350 MGM 5"C, -401 1*6c,- 1 LP PIP 3r ,4W b BARE COPPER - G 3/4 " GN D. AS PER N.E.C. FIN. FL,\ RISER PIAQRAM 4 110 M F=T E;Z FLUSH MTD, 4 p III F m n a rc 0 U W Qp 0 5766 Pra Isom A iC iJ W o no date REVISION TOILET-1 1 — — by i. ck. I appr. • ■III '� 25 D 3: NOTED LA C`='LIGHTING I. 51J5PEND All TYPE"O" LI&HT FIYTU9E9 FROM CHAIN I21-0j1AEF IN MAINT AKEA i TgUGK OfOP&E, ALL OTHERS 1-0IIA.EF. 2, 1101JO( ALI.IIGIIt�Pi LI6,NT FIATURE5 To WALL 151-0'IA•FF 5. MOUNT EXIT OATTEC-f ftL FIXTURES 15'-O" AF,F � LOG.K 6194UIT 60'-�ED AT PANEL, 4 FO( LION& FIXTURE et,'H6PULE ANP L EGIrWP SEE DW&,:o E.2 u 5 HEL SCHEDULE" AP ~I VOLTAGE 0277/48OV.,3PHASE. 4 WIRE • • • • • • • • 0480V..3PHASE,3WIRE MOUNTING:❑ FLUSH M SURFACE MAINS:M LUGS ONLY 225 AMP. ❑ TOP 1 ❑ MAIN BREAKER AMP. ® BOTTOM NEUTRAL: ❑ SOX M 100 % COVER: M DOOR WITH LOCK ❑ DOOR WITHOUT LOCK ALL BRANCN BREAKERS 20 AMP. 1 POLE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE Q/L LISTED BREAKER INTERRUPTING CAPACITY: I RMS SYM.AMPS. CONNECTED LOAD=PHASE A•1 I,ra?l W., PHASE B- 12,2` (,W. PHASE C., I 6 7 o W., TOTAL 3 ,5 79 WATTS CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION LOAD M —^ —/'� —^ 1—r� ^ —'1 20 n ^ n —^ —� —� A B C ^— ^— �— — " �— ^ n �20 — �20 —)(12001 ��-- ^ Nt LOAD CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION RECEPT, — MAINT AREA 60C) 1 2 GOO RECEPT.- MAINT. AREA II II II 800 A 4 800 11 II II N II II 1000 5 6 800 11 — DRINK FOUNTAIN 11 II II 1000 T 8 1116 DIESEL PUMP 11 I I 11 800 ! 11 If II boo 21 12 117G C,ASOLINE PUMP LIGiHTIN(a-PAINT EOCTH Al2EA 170013 I176' II II Ii It 11 11 11 II 1700 15 16 1500 OFC, AIR CONDITIOW NCii YVP\L.L. NEATER 150011T 15001 it a If 11 11 1500 A 20 f 10W LIGHTING - MAINT, AREA LIZaHTINCa-TRUCK STIOIZAGE IZOO 21 22i12001 If 11 II L:r6. DO0e6,CAN0PY, GATT., sr%, 800 23 24 1200 II it II EXIT, EMEIZ, NITS LIGHTINCA (a75 25 26 1000t 11 it II L?Ca.@PAIZT5/-T0ILET AREA 1000 27 28 W-) TIME Ski ITCH - LTG. @ELDC,.WAL LTCa.O MEZZANINE 1200 29 �0v 11 U If 11 11 SPARE 31 32 1200 II If If F'ARK, LOT n 33 11 11 11 11 II 3S 36 SPARE n 37 38 1 11 SPACE 39 401 1 II n 41! 421 i I LOCKWOOO GOEENE ENG. AtJJ 2 U1,JJ job name �//n�//��AA��(r(r vV/r��' j�1I I IV/.' fin/ yr�� job WICno, /�/v�� dwp. no. I IJ�Y�UF-%J II ��4J ✓�F� L.+./ I,DI rev. no. VENI 'LE Mk NT 4, CE blglI 6 Sale 1 w ano date a M1 -----------i 3 WP I WP I J 3 J J F VLP-12 --`" - MHO I r---- r----- F i 2 ! I I I � , I I i 9 PAIN'T 500TH i 1 I I i EXH.FAN, i � I 1 , � i I p r------1 J I 7 wP I t 1 II/Z F-;----- 1 I I I I i 22-304 I I r t- MOUNT AT CEILING 1 I' f 5HP. EXH. FAN �d k VDP-2 �10TE 1 I J j J- ` C---- 14-C 0R I 3 I2 $1 IZG I I 1 MOUNT UNDER I 1 J I c�I I i 3 1 � I I I I �I ¢fG i J J I I L 50 3P ZWV 50A,33P, w M 25oV. I �-VLP-4� Vf N r'L,F MAINTENANCE 1� LE E,G ,� - - c3.OKW 208v IY� Y '. VLrF'O n -- --I J j IIDCa 1y4� _ 1, 3,111 �4 i �G I /<' ,.. ,OTH LTG. —rSEE iJOTFi I i r I j HEIGHT I J i J i., - AI — TOILST L� 7KUCC— E 4 15TO2COMPRE550R5 UNIT IN OFFICE AGE , � _I—r VDP- 2D - ,� �. „� a I � � ll� (l 4 (�l14 _ U I ui�--- �1 141 v EN ( F/-\N * z n 1 <I a � I I 2 �I C 1 PARTS 2 VJ.i�2 5�T5 EA,OF 5 r -� �' 35o NI a M 3 °G VE ( 1 I i I V . VLF 8----�`'-c F -UGC NOTE ir-4 wBATHr-,KHEAD OVE; 120 zoe>v 5&, N. Fold DEL, ERvIGE A RV pF olI- .Y FVYK� GO. I� by —ck �— SYNC 6CALF=: titoTED drawn by dept. ck dept. appr. ' — p.m. appr. client appr, I"GON31JIT To NE-fJHtI,HbbP AT EXTE(?,IOR NAL L WOK TEL., ��KVIGEr iw�vFaauWL-W:iN'.1�'Tkdb'Y•:��^.'."�X�..TiY"Je' a Xx w.'c,...'S� u t W NC�1E� 5 , I. MOUNT RECEPTNCLE5 IN HAW 15OX M)PENP (.'-Oil AFE ON 3.12 TYPE i15011 CO2D WITH 011L 11S 601E AT EACH END, 2. FOLLOW UE.C. ART.IGLES 511,514J56 FOR \/EH16LE IREPAIR,WEH6II-16 AND PAINT eWTH AREAS. S. 01-ATKAC709 9HALI, PROJI DE CONHEGTIOH ONL7 t0. FAN AND LIO475 F02 PKE-FAB PAINT ITN, FIELD VERIFY EXACT POINT OF OATION, 4, P90VIPE F-EQUIlIZED 5E L-OFF IN ALL CONDUIT ENTERIN& EXPL05101J F12.00F AlzEA 5. ALL WORK %ALL. LOIJFORH WITH N.E.C. AND 5 rA N DA e D ?0I,1210 LODE 6, ALL REGE:PTAGL TO bE MTrr 3'_0"XFP, EXCEPT IN �Ir.1151-IEC7 Ar:SA5 SUCH %`7 CdFF IG�S/I,OGKEiZ RM) E�,Tc . O208V.,3PHASE, 3WIRE ..... • 0480V:;3PHASE, 3WIRE AMP. ■ TOP NEUTRAL 0 SO % I � 21111 (000 AMP Q BOTTOM ■ 100 % SREAKERS 20 AMP. 1 POLE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE SREAKER INTERRUPTING CAPACITY: 22,000'RMS SYM.AMPS. CON a f > > 06,"W. PHASE C.,-}�62D W., TOTAL 140),953 WATTS CIRCUI M _L a` I A Nt LOAD CIRCUIT IDENTIFICATION 125 125 2 I$16Q AIR co ipkE5 ok — — 81 &0 Th-I :. 3 �0 s 483 VJELvtNG 'EC.EPTA�:LES I _ 1 Jry Lo Tj1r_ 5� 14 4830' WELPJN(� 12ECEPTACLE5 4830 4 4830? _ 20R(.24 a LxHAUS :F tt 22-303 — -- G 24 I a ( 0 70 26 JG009i ELBCu W i, — Gam,_ ' , T 32Y 6 P/ 33 I' ROOF --� 25eT�vF-�A,OF (PROP, bT PV\1F,,6O, 43 �5a McM I-,C I VLP - A VDP' 120o88V 120/208v 30,4W 30,4W � ! j-2aC ! BARE CU- GND AS FE19 FIN- FLOOR � N,E.G, i V N 7 - m ' . IIIA NTEHA NCE QUO N& (3- F :„ T _ rrI I rI//T /t, `L i c a,� ;. r"'N'x. , 3... El R '�..... EV MI» - � /- 1 L TLAN i PVC! job name I W 0c) I � V �I� ✓�F L. ✓ ,LPAV./ob no. IJ VE N IC L.E MAI N T EN41%"l DUI! �► N� scale f T i E?6E I FI , ,e, 11011 dwg. no. E-6 rev, no. date 5_2�� TYPICAL LIGHT FIXTURE - 400 WATT, /20 VOLT) SUPER METAL HALIDE LSULSS MOUNTED 4.' FAOM POLE ,2 PROTSCT)VE STEEL P05T.5 - TWo PER SIDE OF EACH ISLAND (FILL WITH coNCRer£) SERVICE BUILDING BAY D00R5 2.X3. PRINTED ON YO IOOON CLEARPRINT G C TYPICAL Fv N 74. /g' POLE S` SQUARE I= o e FUEL - GILBARCC " 262. DUAL Two PRODOCT (z20 VOLT) WITP AUTaMATIC NOZZLES FOR .SELF SERVICE USE. SHOCK VALVES - OPW IoRF - To A3E INSTALLED CWPER EACH pISPENSER AT SWING JOINTS CONNECTIAIC. To /O/P/N6', STEEL COR81NG FILLED WITH CONCRETE 4'X 24',x 6" GRADE LEVEL T, 'i 2' x 2' x 3' CONG?ETE BASE WITH 'may RE -BAR 5 CAGED AN ATTACHED jO 3/q" ANCHOR 801-TS - 4 PER PotE ONE SINGLE DISPENSER WITH SHOCK VALVE 220 VOLT , 1 PHASE - FOR GALLONS ONLY 2" SCH.40 STEEL PIPE FROM THI; SUBMERGED PUMP ONE V3 HP SUBMERGED PUMP, 220 VOLT - 5" OFF BOTTOM! OF TALK 0-6-" GALV. STEEL VENT PIPING To EXTEND 2'A13OVE BLDG WITH CAP, SWING JOINTS AT ALL PIPING ENDS. O 4" LOCKING FILL CAP 4 ADAPTER W)TH 12" MANHOLE AND COVER ONE 10,000 GALLON STEEL TANK INSTALLED AND ANCHORED BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR _,SCHEMATIC OE SERVICE BUI�DLNG FUEL PUMP AND TANK N.T, S NO TE S ,E7xI5TING FOUR 10,000 GALLON 7-AI41<S 1-'UK1Vj,114ED AND INSTALL>=D BY GENERAL coMrRAGTOR, , ALL CoNCRET-f AND E'LEC.TKICAL WORK To 6E 0)' C'THER ALL 608M+ERuE 0 PUMPS , 1)lSPEN5ERS) ISLAND CUR& FORMS) C-ONTROL CONSOLE., PIPING II ACC,ESSOA/ES I TESTING) PERMITS AND INSPEIr,T10145 ARE INCLUDED IA THIS C—ONTRACT, FL)EL SYSTEMS INCLUDE A RETAIL SELF SERVICE AREA IN FRONT" OF THRIF"T STdke AND A TANK AND PUMP F K OWNER'S VE.NICLES ALONCGSIDE SERVICE SUILDIt46, ST. LUCIE COUNTY • FORT PIERCE FIRE DISTRICT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU APPROVED SUBJECT TO: A// INSWECrICA6 1. SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODES. 2. NFPA NO. 181 LIFE SAFETY CODE. Date 3—a4/— Fire Marshal Di IDAr/II TYPICAL OF 3 - 10 000 GALLON ;TEE/_ T.�NKs, a' X .27�, INSTALLED BY GENERAL CoArTRArTok. SET TO 3(v DEPTH Or COVER FROM FWAC GRADE LEVEL AS PER NFPA 'V 30. 4 " FILL YtP£s wir" L or-KiliG cAns AND 12' ACCESS MAN14OLES 00 TYPICAL FUEL PUMP ISLAND I ® I o I ( • WITH TWO SELF SERVICE I i D(!AL YRoDUcT 01SPEAI.SE.fs, t 1 23' X' GALV. Se H . SWL PIPING \/ENT MISERS 2" CALV, PIPE T-1 EJCTEND 11' ABOV& Gi AZE —PITCHED ,SACK TowAR05 TANKS. SCREENED VENT CAPS To SE USED. -;W To SO U;'H ,O;COpEATY UNE, SCH EM AT1C, of FUk L TANK PIPING AT RETAIL THRIFT" STORE N.T 5. TYPICAL V3 HP SVBMER6ED P"mr5 22o VOLT J S9T ,ri TANKS 141NIMUM S" OFF BCfr ToM . USES 20" SQUARE A-CE: S MAN'iWLE.S 3" PIPE5T'Rn1D, 4' AG. Wt TH VNI-STROT CLAMPS ANCHDRECi /N CONCRETE KITTERMAN PCIAD No REVISIONS BY I i Q O Q A7 O nI a kl <L � w Q- V) o J v/ Z yc p `V 3 U w O cY V) V � QF � 3 V) Q` J Y 1 v LII.� v Date 3/4/81 Scale Drawn PI/W Job Fccw,el<s 3 Sheet 1 Of ^eats