HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcDonalds PSL 29139PAVING SPECS T lie General Contractor shall provide MCL)t.)na 1 d I s with structurally and cosmetically soared drive -way and parking areas according to the following specifications. All sub -base soil, fill and backfill areas shall have a minimum Florida Bearing base materials and above l .,,value of 5U PSI. All listed materials shall be compacted to a minimum 98% modified proctor (AASHO T-180). All base materials shall have a minimum compacted thickness of,(60). Asphalt prime coat shall be MC-30, MC-70 or MC-250, complying with the requirements of AASHTO specif ication M82 or ASTM Specification D2027. Asphalt Tack Coat shall be SS-i, SS-1h, csS-1, or CSS-lh diluted one part water to one TOTAL LAND A part emulsified asphalt. Before dilution the emulsified asphalt shall comply with the requirements of AASHTO BU I LD1 Specitications M14(L or m208 or ASTM Specifications D977 or D2397. The ase course shall consist of 2-1/2 inches and shall b be the State of Florida specifications S-1 modified with the minimum "Marshall Field Stability Test' of 1250 lbs. and minimum compacted thickness of (20). The top course shall bt- 1-1/2 asphalt compacted to I" of type 2 modified. All LAND AP P testing shall be done by a company approved by the McDonald's Field Engineer; said company shall be directly responsible to WALKS PERCNT,AG and shall consider McDonalu's as its only client for this project. The location of all tests shall be selected by the PARK I McDonald's Field Engineer. The sub -base shall be tested in (403 locations for bearing value and compaction. The base shall be T Ul tested in (4) locations for thickness and compaction. The asphalt shall be tested in (4) locations for thickness, stability and type. All the testing for each preceding material must be satisfactory before each successive material Is installed. McDonald's shall be notified of the test resultsf all tests and re -tests. When a test fails, or when, in the opinion of the McDonald's Field Engineer and/or Regional Construction Manager, the installation is unsatisfactory, remedial testing and/or remedial corrective measures shall be done in accordance with their directives. All the above testing shall be done at the General C, ractor's expense and shall be included in his C.S.S. Mis 0 I Gt wL NOTES: 1. McDonald's Hoa Sign and Base are by the Sign Contractor. JConduit and Wiring are by the General Contractor. 2. Bases, Anchor Bolts. Conduit, and Wiring for All Other Signs are by the �bontractor. t 3. Empty Condui° Locations Shown at the Lot Part- _j meter for Lot Lira �yy the General Contractor. Lighting ­ ��ii Fixtures, Bases, ruies, Conduit, and Wiring are by tht Owner/Operator. < 4. Bases for Flagpoles are by the General Contractor. Anchor Bolts are by the Flagpole Supplier. 0 V 5. Proposed Utilities are Shown in Schematic Only. Exact Locations shall be Field Determined to Allow for the Mosz Economical Installation. C 6. The Contractor shall Coordinate with All Utility Companies to Determine Exact Point of Service Connection at Existir-1 C 0 C Utility. Refer to the Building Electrical and Plumbing Drawings for Utility 10ervice Entrance Locations, Sizes, and Circuiting. Z 7. All Elevations Shown are in Reference to the Benchmark and must be Verified by the General Contractor At IJ Groundbreak. IS I;' 8. Finish Walk and Cu Elevations shall be 6" Above Finish -g a A Pavement. y NO Graded to 6" Below 9. All Landscape Areas shall be Rough Top of All Walks and Curbs. Finish Grading, Landscaping, and Sprinkler Systems are by the Owner/Operator. Q , 0. 1I 1660 , 01, `2 E: V 3 fi C PA N A t wl Li LL -iii-iiiON: t (Minimum 3 Compacted Asphalt Thickness.) o Z A C '4 .2 A J I'l 4 M, - Note McDonald's Engineer Reserves The Right To Request A Compac. 0 tion Test And/Or A Core Sample. If Tests Prove Correct, Per Above Specifications, Tests Will Be At The Expense Of McDonald's, 11 J L-OT LIGHT, iECOMMENDATION: 1711312, Llsl>�I lr4/1 :r, 3 ACV H e6, F. SET— Note: Electrical Contractor To Circuit Lot Lighting As Noted. PAH r, 4i-UHMA'HON: Total Spaces I x 1 0)' 7 (D 0 J Spaces: Spaces 1 0' x @ 7 0 Spaces I o' x Spaces x UTILITY INFORMATION: Size: Type: Location: Sanitary Sewer Water W 1—I CL Storm Sewer 0N N (r U co Electric FZON T P?.OPF-?-TY LiNL Z >(70. 11 Gasp;! SURVEY INFORMATION: Zp 6- Prepared By: D0N4\LDN: Mc- INTOSH ASSDC, MCI', T S T-, 0 L Dated: Cj/13/82 �n_iLk NO 1-5. 3095 o Sanitary Sewer —S Gas G 2 r Z Water —W Lot Light W-6 LP: 30 tv S Storm ST­ Existing Elevation (76.5) C1 m Electric aProposed Elevation 77.0 -,i L ij i %j 0# A L L� VV ti. 64 ta_' STREET ADDRESS: H I GA i,H IN A Y N 1 CITY: STATE: N ORTH FORT U C 1 E FLOKI DA, `2) T 12- COUNTY: DRAW N • G r K (D 1"4 V L K, kC H I T E C 7 N.E. SUITE I ZZ "ISO Z 5 R 0 5 W E. LL 11�1)' PM iz a 'o In t r a ct, or I -Donaw'& floar� Si n and Base are tiv the Sign C A 4wo -,T T *nl P Soo IMS b 'e .6 ­7 PD�- .7 �i7 97� C.44 0 m 3 hew He MI AN; �Wl ng, ?5 §g X OR #2�T I�l—f" I C��.I I �G Z d %CkLIE 8V' 4W 00"E 54. 4S ky`U a 5 4 q, 777777777777sf I-Rkl n r-und,i-Ot and Wiring are by the General Contractm. 2, Bases Anchor Conduit, and Wiring for All Other Signs are hv the General Contractor, �,j LU 3. 4 - Empty Conduit to Locations Shown at the 'Lot Per`� meter for Lot Lioting is by the General Contractor. Lighting > < Fix4ures, Bases. Poles, Condopt, and Wirmg are by the a. Owner/Operato! a. < Z 4, Base-- for Fiagpcies are by thq Ger-jerai C) 3oiii we t�y the i1agpole Suppin�r, proposed 00i.tws ire Shown in S&,,eynatic Ovy, Exact pt Mcations shall be ieilll eterM ne A0W Econ, m The �`onlractor st te with All Utility Cornpanms &T, A to Determine Exact Point �L�-�rvice Connection at Utility. Peter to the Builo�ng Electrical and PlurrII Rattail Drawings fcr Utility Service Entrance Locations, Sizes, ii: f,t Il love Circuiting. -2 7. All Eievations Shown are in Reference to SenchnI and must -b(-, Verified by the General Contractor At Groundbreak. S. Finish Walk and Curb EIevatJ.f,,,,-,i 0raW �3" Arvoy/e Fopbsth INK Pavement. Pdl Landscape Areas shall be Rough Graced to 6r Biaiaw T. Top of All Walks and Curbs. Finish Grading, Landscaper€ V and Sprinkler Systems are by the Owner/Operator. o PAVING SPECIFICATION: (Minimum 3" Total Compacted Asphalt Thickness.) o C Note: McDonald's Engineer Reserves The Right To Request A Compac Z7 tion Test And/Or A Core Sample. If Tests Prove Correct, Per Above Specifications, Tests Will Be At The Expense Of McDonald's, A Otherwise, G.C. Will Be Charged. II LOT LIGHTING RECOMMENDATION: Note: Electrical Contractor To Circuit Lot Lighting As Noted. Total !2. p,.,3ces 2' x 1 0) Spaces: 46 `-3pace�, lot x 181 1 --------- Spaces 10, x 18 (0) Spaces x @ UTILITY INFOWMAI i i iC Size: Type: gat "on Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Electric Z Gas ---------- SURVEY INFORMATION: Dated: Sanitary Sewer S Gas -G 0 Z CL .0 I E Water -W Lot Light 0--M LP:3(,, I ; 0 Storm Sewer -ST- 'Existing Elevation (76.5) 4) uj Electric TZ TQ aE Pron!-,sfad Elevation V PLAN SCAL,11- 1" STREET ADDRESS:�NG, N 0 U.S. H IGHWY No I CITY: STATE: ie, me NORTH PORT ST. L �')CIE F LO R, I D T E 21Ak's COU D PA, \N N LAr ST L CIE --EP\0%f W.VNNOO L R, - A\ Rc H I j F- C a. �OZ r=> R 0 5 W ELL FD - N.E. SUITE 127 SP' I A �1 711 All plant materials to be Florida No. I or better, Florida Dept, Iftof Agriculture , 1973, 1975 2.) All.planting beds & tree wells to be topped w/2" shredded cypress imilaiiii-bark mulch 'Grade A'. 1 landscape areas to be irrigated with an automatic underground s sprinkler to provide 100% coverage with approximately 50% overlap. All trees to be staked *Wq good workmanlike manner. No nail MOO s staking permitted . Landscape shall be installed in compliance with al IQC ; ��04 Sod sha m' St. Augustine solid sod laid w/ alternatin( and Sod shall be laid to edge of pavement in' be guaranteed for 120 days p� All und-Up" prior t inst to be applied at time o .and.mpRganese in it Wla &�'P t for planting of trees, palms un neral contractor to bring his,- ad the top of walk or curb grade 'j n required to bring in fill and de; or curb in all sodded areas. be" grade up.to 211 below top e hand raked before sod, ns esponsib Contractor shall PLANT LIST IN E-7- FIF NMI Now RVI ww'.77 ZE GENERAL NOTES CD %.,onduit and Wiring an by the Gaoerw --2untractoe, 2, Rases, Anchor Bolts, Conduit, and ' iring for A4� Other Signs are by the GenerV Contracxo�, meter for Lot Lighting is by the General Contractor, L ghting > Fixtures, Bases, Poles, Conduit, and Mdnq are by the 4 Bases for Flagpoles SI4 by the General Contractot Anclior Sc0ts are by the Flagpole Supplier. 5. Proposed Utilities are Shown Schwnatc DWYExact Locations shall be Field Detw—loed tri Aliriw ­-V the Most Economical �nstallati to Determvie Exact Po nt of Service Connection dt -E,x40�19 Utility. Refer to the Building Electrical and P' Drawings for Utilitv, Service Entrance Locations, Size and, 7. All Elevations Shown are in Reference to the T and must be Verified the General Contractor A.!,,, F­,�nish Walk and Curb Elevations shall be 6" Abcme Finish 9. All Landscape Areas all be Rough Graded tc 6' Be�ovv Top of All Walks an rbs. Finish Grading, Laniuscap�n;, Cu and Sprinkler System are by the Owner/Operator. 411 0. PAVIN,w', SPECIFICATION: (Minimum 3" To,Af. Compacted Asphalt Thickness.) Note: McDonald's Engineer Reserves The Right To Request A Compac- C Va tion Test And/Or A Core Sample. If Tests Prove Correct, Per Above Specifications, Tests Will Be At The Expense Of McDonald's, Otherwise, G.C, Will Be Charged. LOT LIGHTING RECOFANIFNDATION,