HomeMy WebLinkAboutDan Harbaugh Permit & DiagramAIIAPPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Darc. 12t23119 Permit Number: Building Permit Application Plonning ond Development Services Building ond Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virqinia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1,553 Fax: (7721 462-L578 Commercial Residential PERMIT rYPE: Electrical Residential Address: 7603 Greenbrier CIR Property Tax lD #: 3322-700-0120-000-4 1o1 11o. 1 15 Site Plan Name:Block No. proiect Name: Harbaugh Residence Es Install new ceiling fan locations in the front bedroom, family room, and patio. A total of (3) fans. CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION : Additional work to be performed under this permit - check all that apply: __Mecharrica I _ Electric _ Gas Tank _ Plumbing _ Gas Piping _ Sprinklers _ Shutters _ Generator Sq. Ft. of First Floor: _ Windows/Doors __ Roof -_--_ pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction; cost of construction: s \ @o .-o-o ----- - Utilities: - sewer *_. Septic Building Height: Name J Daniel Harbaugh Name: Kent Blosser Address: 7603 Greenbrier CIR Company: Blosser Electric 1^;1,,. Port St Lucie State:Address: POBox7305 Zip Code:jf8q -phone 116. 56 1 -777-81 66 1^;y,,. Port St. Lucie State:' L Zip Code: 34985 Fax: E-Ma il: n8860@aol.com phone 5e 772-337-0055 I ritt in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different I f -vait nrOrosurq2guil.o;- te Owner listed above) State or Counlv License EC 13001570 i I I rrorn the owner listed above) I s,r,u o; c*.,u11.; iC1300tS?0 lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECoRDED Notice of commencemt"t it *qrlr;d. -_- -- lf value of HVAC is $7,s00 or more, a RECORDED Notice of commencement is reouired. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION : OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: sU Pp re v rwfAr Co rrrsri u ci DESIGNE Name: ENGINEER:_ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name:_ Not Applicable Address: FhnnoI rrvrt9 State:phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE Name: HOLDER:_ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Name: Not Applicable Address: I tr\/.*'' r . Address: City:phone: St. Lucie Countv makes n, sNtjru;m:l:t:trtl?ii'f+:i"ia5#ffh:+fiii}:F#ifliililT;fth',sr'":fff;#]iJriilijiili;ii.'d{*;r;'x,r:r:r".n ln consideration of the granting of this requested in accordance with the ipproved prans, the r,",,oli'Jio'i,l-'3"X"#:Xit[li,i'|'l"Xl];Jl*Jffil".Ti;ou"o'' the work /t signature of owner/ Lessee/con@ Signatu re of Contractor/L-icense lotOer / Personally Known Type of ldentificat Prod u ced OR Produced ldentification STATE OF FTORIDA courvrV oi-"'-" S'f . Lrc * The forgoing Instrument wa.s acknowledged before methisgfuftay of zo& bv Kq^t P:log*r t'tur" of p"t / Personally Known l/ OR produced ldentificatron Type of ldentification - Prod uced commission N". GGC\eilB l0 (Seal) STATE OF FLORIDA couNrV or - "'--' 5 {. L" c.; Iff dff [" :;::ffi Lu_]lffio ;;"'.'. ron REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SU PERVISOR REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DA'IE COMPLETED (Sign at of Notary Public- State of Florida )(Signatu re otary Public- State of Florida ) Commission r" _EG Dfl_gt0 PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW GUY R BOUCHER ii: MY CoMMTSSTON # GG091810 i: MY COMMTSSIOil # GGOgl8rO 7603 Greenbriar Cir. I4S N'IJSE {111? r f-t-" Nr^e- F4.^ *^ (€rurr^.tcrtr4", Locmra,r,fui - P$no l?ov. cst+a^n ii* rvo rat'r'-aq- Eu tretAPq-e," Ga r-\,trc ca,h€ fiao,qA@- fit'.tc- cr6 r+r :r.ru ,+ 7-_geav H-T.n tw€h, frfr^, 3w,-t;^7.';; "' /vEat 7'64u1- C,oNto fi*,.-* rrt t.cE{ut J,- fq.t to<hnw. - il€ut$nvvn+r .CE Q t r r)trfo^-, (-o c*'e^r ,l't-ou- €p *@(ourt*r-- corqarml ._ *:"e* l\ zar'n < Izov,'-l-lH{o*rt.t+ ATrrrq:r.a r*rrr<_ LIC''' 4r.r. A(re:r {I I t BAS C=8 00 it3l0l =S.00 t { { ( ( AqA C=S 00 {462 j '?*' Powtea w.LL f*r Fnn^ *tsnd| WD rn. Isl*tp Ctoc.r,a. I -l -z*rvr- { l-t{.ro, pEcat Grc.,.,u*,r) +t'n< b&tp"t