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Jack Webb 91-07049
STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION PERMIT Authority: Chapter 381, FS Chapter 1OD-6, FAC Al splicant ur. 1-; i Permit Number ------------ PART I - SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION APPROVAL------------- TreatmentTank Minimum Draintrench OR Minimum Absorption /�r�/ � Size Bed Size Septic tank or � c+' Grease OL% d ware Feet aerobic gallons interceptor gallons Square Feet �_ry q aerobic unitga l� ons Dosing tank gallons Square Feet Square Feet Graywater q Square Feet tank _gallons �n/,,,.'( �a� ��, (/_(/,�-- Square Feet q Laundry � Jr°'"( "" " = 'J( Square Feet waste tank gallonsD�(G Square Feet Other Requirements: (a) Installation must be in accord with requirements of chapter 1OD-6, FAC. (b) A system construction permit is valid for a period of one calendar year from date of issue. (c) Final installation insp ction and approval is required before the system is covered. �. ! tJ Fa �/. "1 benchmark. (d) Invert of stub -out for n u< v to be 1 . . _ benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be benchmark. Invert of stub -out for to be (a) Fill quality and quantity: nv TrITS DEPARTMENT PRlOK '1'ta DRAINFIELD INSTALLATION. (f) Other: a rA Piz - -- ., crro fECIE TO A9'i7R1�'PTON FROM ROOF DRAINAGE, ROOF tF �iUS'" BE GlUTTERED PRIOR TO FINAL APPRO`JAL. System design and specifications by: ej� ^- ® � r?.C7/ h�J Title�� '~ T / /+ . _ Date Construction authorized by: County Public Health Unit Note: Completed copies of this form will be provided to the applicant, installer and the building department. AUDIT CONTROL NO. _1.11.849 HRS H FOrm 4016. rnb 0510b9.101s plBVbu.9 edlNonfi WIj, Tfly n01 bC usaJl Page 1 of L (Stock Nulnb '6744 Opt 4016-0) STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES APPLICATION FOR ONSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Date of Application Dr AZCl4 l2. Iqq► Authority: Chapter381, FS Chapter 10D-6, FAC Permit Application Number PART I - APPLICATION ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Name of Ownerytc• �aCK Ll -, WiE Telephone Number 61_g -'�173 1S-1 7 R y � p�� ) i'L 3t�952 M Mailing Address of Owner �ty1�7" J r L o CA E . Owner's Agent b) i�_> Builder Agent's Mailing Address \t 2Z itAI A k Telephone No. 4it -"S�64- — Property Street AddressR'\4eRzIE 7 1-.AJOL�—, Lot No.t5)?42 Block No. Subdivision &''I 91- `DCt� Date Subdivided IRo(0 _ NOTE: IF NOT IN A SUBDIVISION ATTACH A METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION This Application is for: New System `� Repair Existing System Type of Establishment Sewage Flow (Gallons per day) Sewage Flow Based On TOTAL FLOW = Type of No. Bedrooms Heated or Cooled Area No. Dwelling Sewage Flow Residential (each dwelling unit) (each dwelling unit) Units (Gallons per day) 5tr.>Gt7i. qs,. L-1 2 [030o ft2 L 760 ft2 Exact Directions to Property SC--E MAP o,y Pcrr RaaJ ' AUDIT CONTROL NO. 198504 Applicant's Signature /Vle,T) HRSSH Form 4016. Feb 86 (Obsoletes previous editions which may not be used) (Stock Number. 6744.001.4016.1) Page 1 of 3 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES APPLICATION FOR ON. fSITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Applicant t;' J4c� \VV� Permit Application Number - .................................PART III - SITE EVALUATION INFORMATION--------------------------------------------------- 1. Lot size appears to be as indicated on site plan: Yes ✓ No c A--r" 2. Anticipated sewage flow from Part 1 -150 GPD Authorized sewage sewage flow �C� GPD 3. Benchmark location tot ot= C_ A\t )I�nr� i`'� t_ CA? J L A-s �lokfrJ cn)S=- kr 7 -"- �`��ufna�ztc ��!L\J,- T7q . 4. Existing elevation (at time of site evaluation) of the proposed system site in relation to the benchmark is t u0.0.+ inches above/bek w the benchmark. 5. Proposed system distance to: Surface water 95+ feet — feet — feet; Private potable wells feet --feet feet; Community public wells feet feet; Other public wells feet feet; Non-potab!e wells -----feet --feet; 6. Unobstructed area available for system installation 1q4 ft2 ft2 ft2 7. Is lot subject to frequent flooding? Yes No ✓ , 10 year flood? Yes / No If subject to a 10 year flood indicate: (a) the 10 year flood elevation in the area Cl -feet MSL (b) property elevation at proposed system location 131 feet MSL. SOIL PROFILE - SAMPLE SITE 1 SOIL PROFILE - SAMPLE SITE 2 COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH a� LDi 24 0" to ' to _" arJ Dt�� '�1 xl to LIG1aY S�.ni l5 „to $9 „ V,J 'to_" to COLOR TEXTURE DEPTH 0" to ' „ to to to _ " to " to USDA Soil Series Name (if Known) USDA Soil Series Name (if Known) USDA Soil texture classification on which drainfield size should be based _,;�100tZ->77 c'19 r- cA1- Water table at time of evaluation Estimated wet season water table _Va_ inches inches below/above existing grade elow bove existing grade Type water table: ✓ Is mottling found in the soil? Yes Nd Perched Apparent Atwhat'depth? Inches Inches Are vegetative species indicative of high water table? Yes No Other findings late 'Site Eval,iation,Z� l [ql For property with contiguous ditches: Depth of ditches ___ inches inches Depth of water in ditches --inches inches 'ips—H For:4015 3tp1;k Numha. s>.; Feb Evaluator's Signature x Olt Nx I 3A�. if iw ti a" b a . OrA wwwrieEG•7.79 mvar cep ' - � • �O/C �o•2afc. Lo c. Westerly Line of Cono/ C-23A .. ! ..<o o,c.c , :r.: ✓es�azcY une °f ` AL C 23A ty / 1 I //IFR ✓/ i� 5Y$TEN r a ` Lot 21 t� >RuiYding Set Line r— /NGKE5g i EGRfSs Eesc<-^ter F.vr \ , e � � \\ • � .' ...._;;� j TI 73 Q /', f � ..r---------- --•-:F r 5' A LIFPt E34 .-_. . •-i1 "ar 31SrE14 rrPE Canal Baal 0.7.is 71-139 79 830 8.4 8'A 8.9 9.a9 34 9e9 P,mpUrAs HCM SJ SO _49 Ii 43 41 38 26 HSPF 90.10.39 10.4-1039 10.9-1139 111, 11.89 111.1230 1216 HSM 34 31 .41 70 29 26 Pw COP 28. 2.69 27�239 29.3(� 3,30-3.49 1so-3.69 3.70-3,89 190-4A9 HSM 4 37 .34 32 D 29 2T 26 Etrip 1.0 Gas 4 other Fuels 1.0 See Multi 1 Al Minimums: cairrid b$AHS ,Wtlr 14 Watsr a3.2 26 cop 1962lfrimuoH: Cereal Undl Sara 6.6 HSPF, Waisr Saar 3.e COP. Grwd wale Souros 14 COP. PT}P 27 COP. HSPF mess Hertirg Seasonal PeAamana Factor, COP "" 000561int 01 Pertormenca Natural Gas Other Fuels Wneq mare than one credit i] el� 68-32 73.37 .78-. '�/-.er w-sr 54 51 47 N .42 61 1 60 56 1 52 e9 together. Emer product on page 4. AFUE means Annual Fuel Util¢aLon 7T UWlrn{a arare alq COOLING SYSTEM MULTIPUERS �120- SYSTEM TYPE TYPE 75• 8.0- 8.5. 8.9- 9.5• 10.0- 10.5- 110• 11.5- . RATING 7.9 8.4 8.8 9.4 99 10.4 W.9 11A 119 r 124 CENTRAL UNITS (SEER) CSM 45 43 40 A 36 34 32 31 1 30 -,...:ZT- PTACBRCOMUNITS RATING 125- 110- 13.5- 14.0- 14.5- 15.0- 15.5. 16.0• 16.5• 17.0- IT (EER) 12.9 134 13.9 14A 14.9 154 15.9 164 16.9 174 8U CSM 21 26 25 24 21 .71 Y2 .21 '21 20 19 7991 Minimums: Central Units -Air Coded 8.9 SEER. Grand Water Cooled 10.0 EER. 1992 Minimums: Central Units -Air Cooled 10.0 SEER. Ground Water Cooled 11.0 EER. PTAC-sea Table 9-11A. EER means Energy EfliciehcZ Ratio. SEER means Saawnl Ener ENieie Ratio. a* uWLiAU UAW MUll IFI.MM U: $YSiFM TYPE CODLING CREDIT MULVIPLIERS EMI Ceih Fans ` d Mun!zone 904 Cross Yentilatmn or Ode House Fan (Credit for only One)- 95 Aitic Radiant Barren 95 Where more than oro credit claimed mwn CCM's t etner. Enter wuct on page 2. SYSTEM TYPE,• Electric EF Resistance HWM3879 EF HOT WATER MULm 80-81 82-M 84-.a5 %-.87 93 91-96 976U 3785 3695 3" 43-.41 48-.49 50•.51 52.53 54-55 56-.5762-.63 3302 3200 64-.65 886Uh'Wa126N2388 Natural Gas 2291 2203 2121 20451847 1790 1735 Other Fuels HWM 1845 2059 2t45 2231 2111 22342018 1955 t895 Water heaters must comply with minimum ah,,ences in Table 9-7A o4 the Fonda Energy Code. EF means Energy Factor. PI HOT WATER CREDIT MULTIPLIERS SYSTEM TYPE HOT WATER CREDIT MULTIPLIERS SF .1 2 _3 1 A 1 5 6 .7 8 9 10 Solar Water Heater HWCM 9 8 M":1 8 1 5 A 1 3 Heat Recoxry Una With AOreonditioner Heat Po fw HWCM 62 - 58 Dedicated Heat Pomp EF `-'`---. ---�`'"' 2.5.2:39 1.0.319 3.5 6 U HWCM .44 35 29 25 A HWM must be used in conjunction on as HWCM. See T" SM. SF means Solar Franion. EF mean Energy Factor. AP INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTKE CCMPLIANCE CHECKL38f 3ad6aw X&M' CCMPoN£NTS REWIAEMENIS fDR EACH P�n.4&TICE CNECK ?PACTICE 11 CCMPLY *ITH ILL IHFIUfWICN 3ESCAlPfIV£$ ON 'ABLE 3k rw!CE r2 CCMFtY WlPH PP.4CTICE n AND THE FCLLCWl?ni ✓ Exterior 'Nails and F'ecrs ration sealed. IiddNation barrier irsaltod. Scle, !al44M mAtd or ;zaled. ✓ Exterior Wails 6 Cedi P"nablMn Yes and cai on iMrice surface called, seaied or 21LWed. Ouctuar* OucTaa* in uncdxStitysA amuse be SU;K v Fir. Laces E .ertft alsiCs emirsf�n sit, sera, aM'ke Umcars. ✓' Exhaust Fans E dev(ce I sae 903 i>IP/GTICE 11 CCMPLY WITH PRACTICES 11 A,NO 12 AND THE FaLCWING: Ceilia IrHiltralion Csrrrer irStallerk tmernr 'Nalb rdtk'nf SeaNd 9f earb $ ctackl 00 Yerpr .Y41M iAviceA. ;dated or'askeled. :lecassed L hts Sea%d hall cm4ifored S isu4led hoe mm Wed arrk : cos )ucnw+* As ictmodt located in oow*rw loco, �.+^y.s'Cn Aca arcrs & it ultaraAtiasd space (acapl dined 17n1�, drw air Ilan urrprdt',ad Space 1INKIA `y-p.+oix2t lats. S'caS7.2%10snaQ .aN S i l i.� rfi 90-042 WEBB FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Section 9 Compliance Program - Residential Point System Method Version 1.0 January, 1991 Department Of Community Affairs Printout generated, by EPI91 and submitted in lieu of Farm 400-A-91 THIS COMPLIANCE FORM IS VALID IF SUBMITTED AFTER JANUARY 17 1991 --------------------------------------- PROJECT NAME: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE I PERMITTING OFFICE ------------------------- -- I ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND ADDRESS: LOTS 21 u 22, RAY ST. LUCIE i -------------------------------- ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FL. I CLIMATE CONE: 4 5 6 ------------------------------ I ----------- BUILDER: --- I PERMIT NO.: --- -------------------------- l-------------- OWNER: DR. & MRS. JACK WEBB I JURISDICTION NO.: 661000 ------------------------- -1------------- ----------------------------------e------------- COMPONENT: DIMENSION VALUE: RATING: VALUE: OFFICIAL CHECKLIST STRUCTURE TYPE: ' Single -Family ----- PREDOMINANT EVE OVERHANG Length: 1.00 -------- PORCH OVERHANG Length: 4.00 WINDOWS Single Tint Total Area 994.00 -------- Double Tint Total Area 12e5.00 _ ------- ------ All Vertical Glass Total Area 2247.00 _ All Skylight Glass Total Area 32.00 -------- _ __ - WALLS _ Ext NormWtBlock Int Area: 3546.00 R-Val: 5.00 -- - --- - Adj NormWtBlock Int Area: 326.00 R-Val: 5.00 -------- DOORS Ext Wood Area: 48.00 ---- -- ----- Ext Wood Area- 24.00 - Adj Wood Area: 24.00 CEILINGS PITCHED Under Attic Area: 4965.00 R-Val: 30.00 FLOORS Raised Concrete Area: 3044.00 R-Val: 7.00 _ __ Slab -on -Grade Perimeter: 213.00 R-Val: .00 -- ------ DUCTS UnconditionedSpace Length ALL R-Val: 4.20'-------- COOLING Central A/C SEER: 12.00r Multizone; Credit Ceiling Fan; Credit HEATING --------- Strip Herat i, STRIP: 1,0G.`.< Mult izOl Credit - - - --- HOT WATER - -- ` Ele tr i' EF: 91 Hea t F"F nrwery with A/(�-_----- ,_____ Bedrooms: - -------------_ Vic INFILTRATION 3.0U COnditioned FlooY .,t, i °'.'Azosr,'X W.,,0. 104 570.55 104,ea7.91 99.70 GLASS TO FLOOR AREA RATIO - .3440 --------------------------------------------------------------- - In Accordance with Sec. 553.907 F.S., I Review of the plans and specifications I Hereby certify that the plans and I covered by this calculation indicates specifications covered by this calcu- i compliance with the Florida Energy lation are in compliance with the I Code.` Before construction is completed Florida Energy Code. F this building will be inspected ;for 1 compliance in accordance with Section 1 553.908 F.S. I OWNER/AGENT:_ _ '_��---------- I BUILDING OFFICIAL. ------------- ------- DACE:---- -------�^/-------- 1 DATE:--------------------- --------- i ** PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or ereeded by all residences) ** COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS -WINDOWS 904.1 Maximum of 0.34 CFM per linear foot of operable sash crack. ----------------------- ------------ EXTERIOR & 904.1 ------------------------- Maximum of 0.5-CFM per sq. ft. of door area. Lncludes ADJACENT DOORS sliding glass doors, solid core, wood panel, -, insulated, orglass doors only. ---•----------------------------------------•--•--------------------'---------- EXTERIOR JOINTS 904,1 To be caulked, gasketed, weather-stripped or other- & CRACKS wise sealed. --------------------------------------------------------------- WATER HEATERS 904.2 Must bear label indicating compliance w/ASHRAE stand- ard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss re- quirements. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric), or cut-off (gas) most be provided. An external or built in heat trap must be provided. -------------------------------------------------------------•-- SWIMMING POOLS 904.3 Spas and heated pools must have covers (except solar & SPAS heated). Non-commercial pools must have s pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have minimum thermal efficiency of 7E3 --------------------- -----_-------=-=---------=------------------------------- HOT WATER 904.4' Insulation is required only for recirculating systems PIPES In such cases, piping heat loss shall be limited to 17.5 BTU/H/Linear Ft. of pipe. - --•--------------------------------------------------------- SHOWER HEADS 904.5 Water flaw must be restricted to no more than 3gal- lons per 'minute at SO PSIG. ---------------------------- HVAC DUCT 903.2 I -------------------------------------------------------- - Constructed to accordance with industry standards & CONSTRUCTION 904.6 local mechanical codes. Ducts in unconditioned space must be insulated to minimum R-4.2 &-joints must be sealed. HVAC CONTROLS- 904.7y --Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. ------------------------------------------ INSULATION 904.9 -- Ceiling - s minimum R-19. Common Walls Frame R-11 or CBS R-3. Frame Common Ceilings & Floors R-11. — INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** ` ** COMPONENTS ~` REQUIREMENTS PRACTICE #2 ` Comply with practice #1 and the following" � � � �__ _________ �__._�_~_-_.~~~~~____���_. ____�~~�~�~~~�~~___~_ ___~_-____--~`-- Exterior Walls & Floors Top plate ` penetrations sealed. Infiltration barrier installed" Sole plate/floor joint caulked or sealed" Exterior Walls & Ceilings DujtWork Fireplaces Exhaust Fans Combustion Appliances Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior surface caVlked, sealed, and gasketed" Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed" Equipped with outside combustion air, doors, and flue dampers. Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 903°2 (f)" Provided with outside combustion air` SUMMER CALCULATIONS =_= BASE __= I =_= AS -BUILT GLASS---------------- ! ORIENAREA x BSPM =' POINTS I TYPE, SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS ---------------------------------------------------------- N 224.00 47.8 10707.2 1 SGL TINT N 31.0 - 51.5 .73 1165.4 1 SGL TINT N 85.0 51.5 .54 2364.9 1 SGL TINT' N 4O.0 51.5 .78 1604.9 I DBL TINT N 38.0 43.5 .78 1287.9 1 DBL TINT N 30.0 43.5 .69 900.5 NE 719.00 71.7 51552.3 1 DBL TINT NE 38.0 63.4 .71 1708.3 1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 63.4 .58 1985.7 1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 63.4 .71 2427.6 1 DBL TINT NE 85.0 63.4' .94 5052.2 _1 DBL TINT NE 126.0 - 63.4 .66 5293.9 1 SGL TINT NE 85.0 76.6 .48 3149.7 1 DBL TINT NE 95.0 63.4 .71 3021.3` I DBL TINT NE 22.0 63.4 .66 924.3 1 DBL TINT NE . 30.0 63.4 .66 1260.4 ' I SGL TINT NE 140,0 76.6 .66 7106.7 E 166.00 102.0 16932.0 1 SGL TINT E 31.0 107.1 „26 263.2 1 SGL TINT E 40.0 f07.1 .27 1166.5 I DBL TINT E 30.0 87.3 .68 1790.4 1 DBL TINT E 35.0 87.3 .69 2088.9 I DBL TINT E 30.0 97.3 .68 1790.4 SE 502W0 104.1 52258.2 1 DBL TINT SE 23.0 99.4 .42 863.6 1 DBL TINT SE 95.0 89.4 .96 7322.0 ! SGL TINT SE 145.0 110.3 .25 4060.5 1 SGL TINT SE 85.0 1.10.3 .22 2O70.9 1 SGL TINT SE 40.0 110.3 .53 2335.0 1 SGL TINT SE 124.0 110.3 .98 13344.8 S 63.00 90.9 - 6181.2 1 SGL TINT S 40.0 98.3 .55 2166.2 1 SGL TINT S - 28.0 99.3 .47 1284.5 SW 373.00 104.1 38829.3 1 DBL TINT SW` 54.0 89.4 .26 1278.9 1 DBL TINT SW 95.0 89.4 .60 4566.3 1 DBL TINT SW 34.0 89.4 .60 1826.5- 1 DBL TINT SW 127.0 89.4 .32 3671.1 1 DBL TINT SW 30.0 89.4 .22 590.0 1 DBL TINT SW 43.0 89.4 .91 3126.6 W 11.0.00 102.O 11220.0 1 DBL TINT W 30.0 87.3 .60 1790.4 1 SGL TINT W 26.0 107.1 .41- 1141.7 1 SGL TINT W 54.0 107.1 .68 3953.7 ' NW 35.00 71.7 6094.5`'1 DDL TINT NW 95.0 63.4' .97 5220.6 HZ 32.00 90.9 2908.8 1 DBL TINT NZ> 32.0 238.1 1.00 7619.2 .1`�� x tCLND. FLOOR! TOTAL GLASS-= ADJ. x GLASS - ` ADJ GLASS I CLASS POINTS a a A AREA FACTOR c'01 r1_3 POl d r , i_------------- . --- -- _�-- --- -------- -------------------------- .15 6,62500 . Q 2,27Y.00 .436 196,653.50 85,763.16 I :_¢_ �_:_:�_---._gip ....=v.=_.._. _•=:__•-: .::2'--__.-._._^.:_»_G:�_'.::::.•G.^ ... NON GLASS-- -_ _ ................ . ..._»_._...... PM = POINTS AREA xBSFM = POINTS 1 TYPE ------------------------ R VALE IE AREA WALLS----- -- - ---- -.__ S!- Ex ,. 3546 Tr- I E;t Nc;TmWtBlcc}. -- ,fiir 354fx.;� Act7�<`S546.0 a7 In 5,0 3346.0 1.6f �y n,228 jot; Adi NormrJ lilort, 1T7 5.0 i26. T� Ad 24.0 1.6 38.4 1`Adi Wood 24.Gf 2.40 57.6 CEILINGS -------------- I UA 4733.0 .6 2939.9 1 Under Attic 30.0 4965.0 .60 2979.0' FLOORS------- ------- I', S1b 213.0 -31.8-6773.4'1 Slab -on -Grade .0 213.0 -31.90-6794.7 Rsd3044.0 -3.4=10440.9'1 _ Raised Concrete 7.0 3044.0 -1.70-5174.8 INFILTRATION--------- 1 I 6625.0 10.9 72212.5 1 Practice #2 6625.0 10.90 72212.5 -~-- TOTAL SUMMER POINTS I 147,759.334 i 183,525.08 TOTAL x SYSTEM = COOLING 1 TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x "SYSTEM x CREDIT= COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS I COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS" -----�058.92Y 147,759.34 .4262 1183g525.08 1.00 1.140 .290 .774 45.,341.85" ##9F##########!E#ik####*####9E#lF####iE########iE:ik#########M########7F##3F##lf###•!F######tf WINTER CALCULATIONS BASE =__ I =-- AS -BUILT GLASS---------------- I ORSEN AREA x BWPM = POINTS -I TYPE SC ORIEN AREA x WPM x WOF = POINTS N 224.00 5.6 '-1254.4'1 SGL TINT- N 31.0 9.6 1.17 348.2 1 SGL TINT N 85.0 9.6 1.31 1066.1 1 SGL TINT N 40.0 9.6 1.14 436.0 >` I DBL TINT N 38.0 6.1 1.19 275.4 ' DBL TINT N 30.0 6.1 _ 1.28 234.2 NE 719.00 3.5 2516.5 1 DBL TINT NE 39.0 4.2 1.43 228.1 1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 4.2 1.63 369.7 ' I DBL TINT NE 54.0 4.2 1.43 324.1 I DBL TINT NE 85.0 4.2 1.11 397.6 I DBL TINT NE 126.0 4.2 1.51 797.9 1 SGL TINT- NE 85.0 7.3 1.51 939.8 I DBL TINT NE 85.0 4.2 1.43 510.2 1 DBL TINT NE 22.0 4.2 1.51 139.3 I DBL TINT NE 30.0 4.2 1.51 190.0 1 SGL TINT NE 140.0 7.3 1.32 1346.3 17 166.00 -5.6-929.6'I SGL TINT E 31.0 -2.0 -5.04 312.5 1 SGL TINT E 40.0 -2.0 -4.97 389.4 1 DBL TINT E 30.0 -3.6 .27 1 DBL TINT E 35.0 --3'.6: .27 -33. 6 I DBL TINT F_ 30.0 -3.6 .27 _aB .8 SE 502.00 --13.4-6726.8 1 DBL TINT SE, 23.0 -10.4 .28 -67.0 DBL TINT SE 85.0 -10.4 .97 -861.0 1 SGL TINT SE 145.0 -9.7 -.81 1134.6 1 SGL TINT SE 85.0 --9.7 -1.00 828.4 1 SGL TINT SE 40.0 -9.7 .33 -128.5 I SGL TINT SE' 124.0 -9.7- .98 -1173.6 ' S 62.00 -14.0--952.01 SGL TINT S 40.0 -10.2 .49 -200.3 1 SGL TINT S 29.0 -10.2 .21 -59.0 SW 373.00 =-13.4--4998.2"I DBL TINT SW 54.0 -10.4 -.32 181.1 I DBL TINT SW 85.0 -10.4 .62 -548.1 1 DBL TINT SW 34.0 -10.4 .62 -219.2 1 DBL TINT SW 127.0 -10.4 -.04 55.8 I DBL TINT SW 30.0 -10.4 -.52 162.2 1 DBL TINT SW 43.0 -10.4 .85 -381.3 W - 110.00 -5. 6 -616.0 1 DBL TINT W 30.0 -3.6 .27 -28. 8 1 SGL TINT W 26.0 -2.0 -3.13 162.E 1 SGL TINT W 54.0 -2.0 -.76 92.0 NW 85.00 3.5 297.5 1 DBL TINT NW 85.0- 4.2 1.06 377.5 HZ 32.00 -14.0 -448.0 1 DBL TINT HZ 32.0, -21.5 1.00 -688.0 .15`x COND. FLOOR f TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS - ADJ GLASS I GLASS AREA AREA -- - ---- FACTOR ----- - POINTS', --.r. _ POINTS;: ----- ._ -- I -- POINTS --- , --. TS'I TYPE R-Vi ------------------------- .6'1 Ext NormWtBlock In .8 1 Ad,j _Nor mWtBlock In 1 E' AREA x W 5.0 3546.0 2. 5. 0 326.0 l = POINTS I Ada 24.0 4.0 96.0 1 AdJ'Wood I CEILINGS-------------- I U4 'i 4733.0 .6 2839.8 1 Under Attic 24.0 5.'90 30.0 4965.0 .60 141.6 2979.0 i - FLOORS--------------- - i Slb 213.0 -1.9 -404.7 I Slab -on -Grade .0 213.0 2.50 532.5 Rsd 3044.0 -.2 -608.2 1 Raised Concrete 1 7.0 3044.0 .50 2435.2 - INFILTRATION--------- t 6625.0 4.1 27162.5 1 Practice #2 6625.0 4.10 27162.5 TOTAL WINTER POINTS l 295316.35 1 51,544.12 TOTAL x SYSTEM - HEATING'I TOTAL _ x CAP 4 DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS I COMPON RATIO MULT MULT ---- MULT - POINTS -------------------------------------------------------- 29,316.35 1.10 32,247.9e 151y544.12 1.00 1.140 1.000 .900 i 52,284.27 WATER HEATING 1FiF iF�F##rE 3F jE-lE#iE 3E 3Fjf-S(�iF+EiE7FlE+E+F+E+EiF#+F E iF iE 3E+t#3F+E iE 7E+E iE dE dE##iFi4iF3F#+tjF#3E#ii##�F.iF 3F iFir#####iF+F+E dE+F+E iE+E+E iF iE �3F _ =_= BASE I = AS -BUILT NUM OF x MULT = TOTAL I TANK VOLUME EF TANK. x MULT x CREDIT TOTAL BEDRMS I RATIO MULT ----------------------------------------------------------- 3 3527.0 10,581.00 1 100 .91 1.000 3411.0 .62 6,344.46 ##+Eat#�4aE�E+4##+t+E3E3F,�*3E�E�E***;F*�E*>fiF��E�E##*3f#�E3E3E�t�t?E*it*�taE�E-�E3F�E�**�EiE�E�E���4#�EiE�E�tit��EfE#*�4*�E�Eit�E.. SUMMARY iEiFlEiEiEiEiEiEIE:iEiEiE iF+F#il•1E1E#+E+FiE:iF#iE 3F �F#+EiF+F+FiF##+F dEiE7EiE jE}l-E aEiE9E iF iFiEitiElFjEiEiFlh#iE lEiEdE iE �F iF aE iE 3E dE d4iE dE-1F3F iE7E dF jF iEiE =_= BASE ___ 1' ==_'AS —BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL I COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 1 POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS ---------------------- ---------------------------------- 620558. 9 32248.0 10581.0 104,887.91 1 45341.9 52884.3 6344.5 104,570.5S * EPI = 99.70 3E FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FORM 900-A•91 Section Department of Community Affairsstem !7J MILY E t PROJECT AND ADDRESS: ST Ltlr , Cav owNEx: pp, � MRS_ ./AC+'G W$1aS � NEW CONSTRUCTION IF MULTIFAMILY, NUMBER OF UNITS COVERED BY ADDITION ❑ THIS SUBMITTAL MULTIFAMILY ATTACHED ❑ CH101 IF THIS SUBMITTAL REPRESENTS A WORST CASE Cwnl F-FAMILY DETACHED M eownoN ❑ q0- 0-44 Climate Zones CENTRAL 4 5 6 ts1JILIxst: o� Si- cucrE co, ATE 4 ❑ s ❑ s PERMIT "'R"01T10N 6 G I a Q 0 NO.: E I _� IIONED s0 GLASS AREA AND TYPE AREA ey CLEAR TINT,FILM,SOLAR SCREEN HAINANT m $IfAiLE• j—j—(�5 l 1 IFT SINGLE- S0. PANE 9 Q F[' HERHANG PANE �I IOVERHANG DOUBLE•[Tj I ISO. DOUBLE- 12 � SCL N FL PANE �t II II LL!! FT PANE FE CEILING AREA AND INSULATION FLDOR TYPE AND INSULATION UNDER ATTIC R - SINGLE ASSEMBLY R WPERIMEMR R RAISED. WD�CONp R so FT m M 4 FT DUCTS COOLING SYSTEM HEATING SYSTEM XYAC CREDITS ROT WATER SYSTEM NOT WATEA❑CRE01� ELECTRIC SOS' IN CENTRAL ELECTRIC STRIP ❑ HEAT CEILING FANS ST UNCONDITIONED SPACE Rr. ❑ ROOM ❑ NATURAL GAS PUMP ❑ CROSS VENTILATION ❑ NATURAL GAS HEAT RECOVERY ,c4m ❑ PACKAGE TERMINAL ❑ ROOM UNIT OR ❑ FU�Sp ❑ WHOLE HOUSE FAN ❑ OTHER FUELS DEDICATED PACKAGE TERMINAL HEAT PUMP: ❑ 11 AIR CONDITIONER ❑ATTIC RADIANT NONE IN CONDITIONED HEAT PUMP ❑ NONE E F = SPACE R . ❑ NONE BARRIER p �r—��—.�� I� f 2 ® AFOUEH. [1.m MUU20NE EF . 7 ` BEDROOMM , ��"J m.� SEER�FER • INFILTRATION Q % + o A -ql X 1� PRACTICE USED ❑ #1 It a2 ❑ , / TOTAL AS -BUILT POINTS TOTAL BASE POINTS CALCULATED E.P.I. r CALCULATED ENERGY PERRYF NCE INDEX MUST NOT EXCEED 100 POINTS. l he.eET artily Nat xv Plana and can w M oompliana wM dr sM. i4vra of pans and sPacNaanms aavarBd M Nis ukvlalion iMiu1M aampianu rM Fe Flo Envgy code.9elora construnbn a ampeled, Nis Wadnp w9WinsPWW Fiord Enar Cod. b aan'9lia^a n Kmdana wiN BBGaM 55.T.901. Fe. PREPARED BV:_ DATE. BUILDING OFFICIAL: I "'" a" dul Nis WiWinp:iL'n oonWlanae wN Uv Florida Er w Cad. DATE: OWNER AGENT: DATE: 9A PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (must be met or exceeded by all roside+xae.) COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK WINDOWS 904.1 Maximum of 0.34 CFM Per linear foot of operable sash crack includes sliding lass doors). N. of door area: solid core, wood panel, insulated or glass doors only. J EXTERIOR & 904.1 Maximum of 0.5 CFM per Sq. ADJACENT DOORS EXTERIOR JOINTS 904.1 To be caulked, gasketed, weatherstdpped or otherwise sealed. &'CRACKS WATER HEATERS 904.2 Comply with efficiehcy requirements in Table 9-7A. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electnc) J Of cutoff as must be ovided. External ar built-in heat trap required. SWIMMING POOLS 904.3 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have e & SPAS m Omer. Gass & I heaters must have minimum thermal efficia of 78%. SHOWER HEADS 904.5 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 3 gallons r minute at 80 PSIG. HVAC DUCT 904.6 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, CONSTRUCTION, sealed, insulated and installed in a=rdance with the Criteria of Section 904.6. Ducts in unconditioned J j INSULATION space and air handlers located in attics must be insulated 10 a minimum R-4.2 (R-6 after 111192). ' &INSTALLATION ;VAC CONTROLS 904J Separate readily accessible manual or automatic them,ostat for each system. ✓ WSUTATION 904.9 Cedngs-Mm, R-19. Common Walls Frame R-11 or CBS R-3, Common Ceilings & Floors R-11, 9-73 r 31smw rfn :^EALhO 37STEM'.ULrhPlE,9S Cen:-al Hasa I,i 6.l-6.A 61 5A 6.9.7. 30 74.730 7.9 a.31 84-84 PWPUrA W`M 53 W .46 M 43 41 38 36 HSPf 99-10.30 10.4-10.39 10.9-11,39 I1-4.11.39 It VIZ39 124�& PTHP HSM COP 34 2.8-2,60 33 21-239 .31 2.2-300 30 110.3.29 20 3. J0-3-40 3-50.3,62 3.90-4.10 HSM .34 37 '34 32 30 29 .27 28 Ekt is siri 1.0 Goa & Other Fuels 1.0 Sa autw Multi 1901 Muwnume: tal nb-AY ra 6-4 HS . Wew 34 Water a 3.2 28 1702 hfmimuma: Cents Unii-Ai Sara 6.8 HSPF, Waw Source 3&COP. Grwd Waw Sara 3A COP, "27 COP. HSPF marw Seasonal Pertormarw Faces. CCP mew C4*fkWnt of P01"shm {) HEATING CREDIT MULTIPLIERS SYSTEM TYPE HEATING CREDfi MULTIPLIEA3 Altic Radiant 821rier HCM MU Hone HCM /90 AFUE 6& • 12 i3 •.77 .78 - . -.87 U4232 %U Natural Gas HCM 51 51 47 .44 42 40 Other Fuels HCM 6/ 60 56 52 4 A7 Where more than one credit is claimed. multiply HCM's together Enter product on page 4. AFUE means Annual Fusl Utilization Efficiency 4K COOLING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERS SYSTEM TYPE _ COOLING SYSTEM MULTIPLIERS` 7.5- 8.0- 8.5• 8.9• 9.5• t0.0• t9.5- 11.0• 11.5• 120- RATING 7.9 8.4 8.8 94 9.9 tOt 10.9 tt{ t1.9 + 12.4 CENTRALUNITS (SEER) CSM 45 43 40 3e 36 34 32 31 30 ,.'--r28„." PTAC&ROOM UNITS RATING 12.5• 13.0• 13.5• 1/0- 1d.5- 15.0- 15.5- 16.0- ifi.5• 9P.0- 17.5 (EER) 12.9 134 13.9 144 14.9 154 13.9 16.4 16.9 17.4 &U CSM 27 26 25 24 24 23 22 .21 .21 .20 19 t991 Minimum$ Central Units -Air Cooled 8.9 SEER. Grand Water Cooled t0.0 EER. t992 Minimums: Camral Units -Air CooIW 10.0 SEER. Ground Water Cooled 11.0 EER. PTAC-see Table 4ttA. EER means Ener Etticien Ratio. SEER mearo saasoNl Energy Efficie Ratio n uwunv unauu auu iruena SYSuu TEM TYPE COOLING CREDIT MULTIPLIERS M CeilhFans Mufrzone Cross Ventilation pr Whole House Fan Credit lot only onel - Attic Radiant Battier' Where more man one credit is clairnnd multi CCM's incether Enter product on Darle SYSTEM TYPE HOT WATER MULIPLIERS %"- Electric EF 30. atJV8t•.85 86-.87 88. 90 .,'.91. 93 94-96 971U Resistance HWM 38193695 3609 3527 3419 5 33200 EF 43•.47 52-.53 54-.55 56-.57 58-.59 HO-�^61-' •.62-.63 6!•BS 66&U Natural Gas H'NM 2664 2203 2121 X45 19TS 19M t8q 1790 17Other Fuels HWM 1845 2231 2311 2214 2157 2fA5 2018 t955 1895 ' Water heaters must comply with minimum eh ciences In 1a01e Y (A Of me MnCle energy Cr nxe1n o 4 Wy -- • ^^SYSTEM �TYPE -• v^ HOT WATER CAEDR MULIPLIERS 1 2 3 A 5 6 .1 A 9 10 Solar water Heater HWCM 9 8.---''-.7 6 S 1 3 2 1 0 Wig '- Ajf conditioner I Heat Pu ry Heat Recovery Unit HWCM `. 62 58 EF 2.0 - 2.49 21- 2.99 3.0. 3.49 Dedicated Heat Pun* HWCM U 35 29 .25 ci "I. 1./v3 90-042 WEBB FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Section 9 Compliance Program - Residential Point System Method Version 1.0 January,1991 Department Of Community Affairs,' Printout generated by EP191 and submitted in lieu of Farm 900-A-91 THIS COMPLIANCE FORM IS VALID IF SUBMITTED AFTER JANUARY 1, 1991 --------------------------------=------------------------------=--------------- PROJECT NAME: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE I PERMITTING OFFICE: ------------------------------.I ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND ADDRESS: LOTS 21 & 22, RAY ST LUCIE I -------------=------------------ ST. LUCIE j--=--------------------------- COUNTY, FL, I CLIMATE ZONE: 4 5 6 I --------------- BUILDER: --- I PERMIT NO.. --- I -------------- ------------------------------- OWNER- DR. & MRS. ------------------------------- JACK WEBB I JURISDICTION NO.: 661000 I --------------- COMPONENT: DIMENSION: VALUE: RATING: VALUE:OFFICIAL CHECKLIST t STRUCTURE TYPE: ' Single -Family PREDOMINANT EVE OVERHANG Length; 1.00 ___ -------- PORCH OVERHANG Length: 4.00 -- -------- -------- WINDOWS Single Tint Total Area 994.00 Double Tint Total Area 1285.00 _-_-- All Vertical Glass Total Area 2247.00 -- ---' --- All Skylight Glass Total Area 32.00 ;_ WALLS Er,t NrrmWtBlock Int Area: 3546.00 R-Val: 5,00 - - - --- - - -_ Adj NormWtBlock Int Area: 226.00 R-Val: 5.00 DOORS Er:t Wood Area: 48.00 Ext Wood Area: 24.00 Adj Woad Area: 24.00 -------------- " CEILINGS PITCHED Under Attic Area: 4965.00 R-Val: 30.00 -------- FLOORS -------- Raised Concrete Area; 3044.00 R-Val: 7.00 Slab -on -Grade Perimeter': 213.00 R-Val: .00--'�---_ -------- _ DUCTS Unconditioned Space Length ALL R-Val: 4.20 -------- ----�--- COOLING Central A/C SEER: 12.00 , Multizone: Credit - - - - --- Ceiling Fan: Credit - - - HEATING Strip Heat - STRY f�E147 - _ -i%lti-r-ne: Credit' _ _ -.«- HOIr WATER - - - jaectric ---- -- "t - - r;ocovery with A/{v EF; .91 ' INFLTRATION Bedrooms: L111 3.00 - C, Idi tinned Floor- ** PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES (Must be met or exeeded by all residences) ** -'`SECTION COMPONENTS REQUIREMENTS ------------- - WINDOWS 904.1 Maximum of 0.34 CFM per linear foot of operable sash crack. EXTERIOR & 904.1 - Maximumof 0.5 CFM per sq. ft. of door area. Includes ADJACENT DOORS - sliding glass doors, solid core, wood panel, insulated, or glass doors only. EXTERIOR JOINTS 904.1 To be caulked, gask:eted, weather stripped or other - CRACKS wise sealed. WATERHEATERS904.2 Must bear label indicating compliance w/ASHRAE'stand- ard 90 or comply with efficiency and standby loss re- quirements. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker (electric), or cut-off (gas) must be provided. An external or built in hest trap must be provided. ----------------------------------------- SWIMMING FOOLS 904.3 - - --- - Spas and heated pools must have covers (except solar ,& SPAS heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heatersmusthave minimum thermal efficiency of 7s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOT WATER 904.4 Insulation is required only for recirculating systems `PIPES In such cases, piping heat loss shall be limited to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17.5 BTU/H/Linear Ft. of pipe. SHOWER HEADS 904.5 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 3- gal- lons per minute at 80 PSIG. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC DUCT 903.2 Constructed in accordance with industry standards &: CONSTRUCTION 904.6 local mechanical codes. Ducts in unconditioned space must be insulated to minimum R-4.2 & joints must be sealed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HVAC CONTROLS 904.7 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSULATION 904.9 Ceilings minimum R-19. Common Walls —Frame R-11 or CBS R-3. Frame Common Ceilings A Floors R-11. ** INFILTRATION REDUCTION PRACTICE COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST ** COMPONENTS REQUIREMENTS PRACTICE #2 Comply with Practice #1 and the following. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------'-,, Exterior Walls & Floors Top plate penetrations, sealed". Infiltration barrier installed. Sole plate/floor joint caulked, or sealed. Exterior Walls & Penetrations, joints and cracks on interior surface Ceilings caulked, sealed, and gask:eted. DuctWork Ductwork in unconditioned space must be sealed..' Fireplaces Equipped with outside combustion air, doors, and flue dampers. Exhaust Fans Equipped with dampers. Combustion devices see 903,2 (f). Combustion Appliances Provided with outside _combustion 'air. SUMMER CALCULATIONS = -a BASE '==_ 1 ___ AS -BUILT GLASS---------------- -ORIENAREA x BSFM = POINTS 1 TYRE SC ORIEN AREA x SPM x SOF = POINTS ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------- N-' 224.00 47.8 10707.2 I SGL TINT N 31.0' 51.5 . 73 1165.4,. 1 SGL 'TINT N 85.0 51.5 .54 2364.9 . J-SGL TINT N 40.0 51.5 .7B 1674.9 r DBL TINT N 38.0 43.5 .78 1287.8 1 DBL TINT N 3i>.0 43.5 ' .69 900.5 NE 719.00 71.7 51552.3 1 DBL, TINT NE 38.0 63.4 .71 1708.3 ' 1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 63.4 .58 -1985.7 1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 63.4 .71 2427.6 1 DBL TINT. NE 85.0 63.4 .94 5052.2 I DBL TINT NE' 126.0 63.4 .66 5293.9 1 SGL TINT NE 85.0 76.6 .48 3149.7;' I DBL TINT NE 85.0 63.4 .71 31321.3 1 DBL TINT NE 22.0 63.4 .66 924.3 1 DBL TINT NE 30.0 63.4 .66 1260.4 1 SGL TINT NE, 140.0 76.6 .66 7106.7 E 166.00 102.0 16932.0 1 SOL'TINT E 31.0 107.1 .26 663.2 1 SGL TINT E 40.0 107.1 .27 1166.5 1 DBL TINT E 30.0 87.3 .68 1790.4 I DBL TINT E 35.0 87.3 .69 2088.9 DEL =TINTT Ef 30.E 87.3 .68 1790.4 SE 502.00 104.1 52258.2 1 DBL TINT SE 23.0 99.4 .42 863.6 I DBL TINT SE 95.0 89.4 .96 7322.0 1 SGL 'TINT SE 145.0 110.3 .25 4060.5 I SGL 'TINT SE 85.0 110.3 .22 2070.9 1 SGL TINT SE 40.0 110.3 .53 2335.0 1 SGL TINT SE 124.0 110.3 .98 13344.8 S 68.00 90.9 6181.2 I SGL TINT S 40.0 98.3 .55 ' 2166.2 1 SGL TINT S' 28.0 98.3 .47 1284.5 SW 373.00 104.1 38829.3 I DBL TINT SW 54.0 99.4 .26 1278.8 ' 1 DBL TINT SW 85.0 89.4 .60 4566.3 DBL TINT SW 34.0 89.4 .60 1826.5 I DEAL TINT SW 127.o 89.4 .32 3671.1 1 DBL TINT SW 30.0 89.4 .22 590.0 I DBL TINT SW 43.0 89.4 .81 3126.6' w 110.00 102.0 11220.0 1 DBL TINT W 30.0 87.3 .68 1790.4 1 SGL TINT W 26.0 107.1 .41 1141.7' 1 SGL TINT W 54.0 107.1 .68 3953.7" NW " 85.00 71.7 6094.5 1 DBL TINT NW 85.0 63.4 .97 5220.6 HZ , 32.00 90.9 2908.9 1 DBL' TINT H"_ 32.0 238.1 1.00 7619.2 .15 x COND. FLOOR ! TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS - - -ADJ GLASS I; GLArl4s -- -- -- AREA AREA - �_ - •- FACTOR •tom. POINTS POINTS [ 1'Iht� c 1 6f625,t�0 =; 275�,E10 - �-_ - _ -l96�683- _- 4$ ----- _ -_=$_ ___________ .43b 5:7 3�16,1--lf5,98�.4 - N�Jhi #ASS' ---- ______ _ ____ AREA x BSFM = POINTS f TYPE - - --- ----r -- __' R-VALUE ' AREA >; vFpM = P© I N:U.., HALLS - --------------------- Ext 3546 C>µ I Add01 Est NcrmGJtSIaCI __- in .'S.(1��F6.itr .? adj 24.0 1.6 38.4 1 Adj Woad 24.0 2.40 57.6 'CEILINGS ------------- UA 4733.0 .6 2839.8 1 Under Attic 30.0 4965.0 .60 2979.0 I FLOORS--------------- I _Sib 213.0 31.8 6773.4 1 Slab -an -Grade .0 213.0 -31.90--6794.7 Rsd 3044.0 -3.4-10440.9 1 Raised Concrete 7.0 3044.0 -1.70-5174.8 1 INFILTRATION------- - I 6625.0 10.9 72212.5 1 Practice #2 6625.0 10.90 72212.5 TOTAL SUMMER POINTS-----1--- 147,759.34 I 183,525.09 TOTAL x SYSTEM _ COOLING I TOTAL x CAP x DUCT x SYSTEM x CREDIT = COOLING SUM PTS MULT POINTS I COMPON RATIO MOLT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------ ---------------------------..--- ------------ 147,759.34 .42 62,058.92 1183,525.08 1.00 1.140 .280 .774 45,341.25 WINTER CALCULATIONS BASE ___ 1 ___ AS -BUILT GLASS------------ -- 1 ,ORIEN AREA x BWFN = POINTS I TYPE SC ORIEN AREA r. WPMx WOF = POINTS N '' 224.00 5.6 1254.4 1 SOL TINT N>' 31.0 9.6 1.17 348.2 I SGL TINT N 85`.0 9.6 1.31 1066.1 1 SGL TINT N 40.0 9.6 1.14 436.0- 1 DBL TINT N 38.0 6.1 1.19 275.4 DBL TINT _ N 30.0 6.1 1.28 234.2 NE ` 719.00 3.5 2516.5_1 DBL TINT' NE 39.0 4.2 1.43 228.1 -1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 4.2 1.63 369.7 1 DBL TINT NE 54.0 4.2 1.43 324.1 1 DBL TINT NE 85.0 4.2 1.11 397.8 I DBL TINT NE 126.0 4.2 1.51 797.9 1 SGL TINT NE 85.0 7.3 1.51 939.8 1 DBL TINT NE 85.0 4.2 1.43 510.2 I DBL TINT NE 22.0 4.2 1.51 139.3 1 DBL TINT NE 30.0 4.2 1.51 190.0 I SGL TINT NE 140.0 7.3 1.32 1346.3: E 166.00 -5.6 -929.6 1 SGL TINT E 31.0 -2.0 -5.04 312.5 1 SGL TINT E 40.o -2.0 -4.87 389.4 1 DBL TINT E 30.0 -3.6: .27 -29.8 1 DBL TINT E 35.0 -3.6 .27 -23.6 1 DBL TINT E 30.0 -3.6 .27 BE - 502.00 -13.4 -6726.8 1 DBL TINT BE 23.0 -10.4 .28 -67.0 1 DBL 'TINT BE 83.0 -10.4 .97 -961.0 1 SGL TINT BE 145.0 -9.7 -.81 1134.6 1 SGL TINT BE 95.0 -9.7 -1.00 828.4 1 SGL TINT BE 40.0 -9.7 .33 -125.5 I SGL TINT BE - 124.0 -9.7 .98 •-1173.6 S : 68.00 -14.0 -952.0 I SGL TINT S 4o.0 -10.2 .49 -200.3 1 SGL TINT S-- 29.0 -10.2 .21 -59.0 SW 373.('l0 -13.4 -4998.2 1 DBL 'TINT SW 54.0 -10.4 -.32 181.1 I DBL 'TINT SW 85.0 -10.4 .62 -548.1 I DBL TINT SW 34.0 -10.4 .62 -219.2 1 DBL TINT SW 127.0 10.4 -.04 55.8 1 DBL TINT SW 30.0 -10.4 -.52 162.2 I DBL TINT SW 43.0 -10.4 .85 -391.3 W 110.00 -5.6 -616.0 1 DBL TINT W 30.0 -3.6 .27 -29.8 SGL TINT W 26.0 -2.0 -3.13 162.6 1 SGL TINT W 54.0 -2.0 -.76 82.0 NW 85.00 3.5 297.5 1 DBL TINT NW 850 4.2 1.06 377.5 HZ 32.00 -14.0 -448.0'1 DBL TINT ---------------------- HZ°: 32.0 -21.5 1.00 -688.0' ----------------------------------- .15 x COND. FLOOR ! TOTAL GLASS = ADJ. x GLASS' ADJ GLASS t GLASS AREA AREA FACTOR POINTS POINTS I POINTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .15 6,625.00 2 279i.00- .436, -S0,b02.20 4�623.05 l,- - 6.843.32 NON GLASS---------- AREA9WF'I1 ------------------- WALLS---------------- 1 ITS I TYPE R-VALUE AREA x 'WPM = POINTS t 5".0 3546.0 -2.90 24.0 4.0 96.0 1 Adj ,Wood 04`.0 =.9V 141.6 CEILINGS-------------- 1 I UA 4733.0 .6 2839.8 1 Under Attic 30.0 4965.0 .60 2979.0 FLOORS ------- -------- I Slb 213.0 --1.9-404.7`1 Slab -on -Grade .0 213.0 2.50 532.5 Rsd 3044.0 -.2, -608.8 1 Raised Concrete 7.0 3044.0 .80 2435.e INFILTRATION--------- 1 C 4 - 6625.E .i 27162.5 # I Practice 2 `- t bb2�.� � t J r.i_ `� `i �7162., TOTAL WINTER POINTS 29,316.35 F 51,544.12 TOTAL x SYSTEM - HEATINGyI TOTAL x CAP x DUCT SYSTEM x CREDIT =HEATING WIN PTS MULT POINTS I COMPON RATIO MULT MULT MULT POINTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29,316.35 1.10 32,247.98 1 51„S44.12 1.00 1.140 1.000 .900 52,SS4.27 _I I i i -•iF:Y�#########iF##############�(•########3t#it#######################yF.##M•########3F #•It #,y.,c WATER HEATING SASE __= I __= AS -BUILT NUM OF x MULT TOTAL I TANK VOLUME EF TANK x MULT x CREDIT' = TOTAL .BEDRMS I RATIO MULT 3 3527.0 10,581.00 1 100 .91 1.000 3411.0 .62 6,344.46 SUMMARY BASE ___ I _ AS -BUILT COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL 1 COOLING HEATING HOT WATER TOTAL POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS I POINTS + POINTS + POINTS = POINTS 62058.9 32248.0 10581.0 104,887.91 1 45341.9 52884.3 6344.5 104,570.58 # EPI = 99.70 # ST LUCIE COUNTY CERTIFICATE OF CAPACITY Certificate No.: 91-131 This is to certify that concurrency will be met and that adequate public facility capacity exists to maintain the standards for levels of service as adopted in the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan for: 1. Type of Development Order: Single Family Residence x 2. Property Legal Description and Tax I.D. number: (Street Address if available) 4422-502-0025-000/0 Lot 22 Bay St. Lucie 3. As approved under: BP# 91-07049 Building Permit or Resolution Number 4. Subject to the following Conditions: 5. Owner's Name: Jack L. Webb 787 Prima Vista Blvd E. Street 6. DEVELOPMENT ORDER EXPIRATION DATE: 6/26/93 7. CERTIFICATE EXPIRATION DATE: 6/26/93 This Certificate of Capacity is transferable only to subsequent owners of the same parcel, and is subject to the same terms, conditions, and expiration date as listed herein. The expiration date can be extended only under the same terms and conditions as the underlying development order issued with this certificate, or for subsequent development order(s) issued for the same property, use and size as de ribed herein. r SIGNED: �,d e DATE: 12/27/91 Community bevelopment Administrator ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 8. RECORDED: 11-22-91 R1 -7 -793 PR#: BP#: ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR CONCURRENCY TEST 1. Type of Development Order: Single Family Building Permit (a) (b) Other Building Permit (c) Class A Mobile Home Permit Mobile Home and RV Tie Down Permit Conditional Use Permit Variance Approval Lot Split FEE:$25.00 DATE 12-14-41 (a) vested capacity if Single Family Residence on a Lot of Record on or before January 9, 1990, or part of an approved subdivision or site plan; (b) vested capacity if replacement of an existing structure; (c) the following building permit applications are exempt from the concurrency test: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms, utility substations & accessory to another non-residential upe; 2. Type of Project: 3. Is the property part of an approved site plan or subdivision? ✓ Yes No If yes, please give name of development: 4. Legal Description and tax ID#: (Include Street Address if available) 1,0T ZZ 13AIA ST LK41E PROPEPTA TA-Y )DO 44Z2 - 7 - 00ZS 060Lp 5. Estimated Date of Construction: Begin: IZ' iS - 6.-TArC,_L.WEB3 Owner's Name _707 E. PRtMA V)5rh vwD Owner Address 0151 Lucie FL 3445E City State Zip 407 979 9774 Completion: 10 -g0 - ,J�O tW P7 ►5 Q ► M id N A TTO Q N6 Signature of /Agent for owner P 0. Sax zg7.3 Agent Address 57NART VL 3u5ky City State Zip 4o7 - Z97 - 43oa Phone # Phone # sr:h\wp\document\concurt Nov 20, 1991 PLEASE PRINT. 'DO NOT COMPLETE SHADED AREAS. DATE: December 11, 1991 1:�, Pam.• 12-,i 8 2,9 _ . PROJECT INFORMATION :/PROJECT ADDRESS: SITE PLAN/PROJECT NAME:. n P+T+ -'-WOttr SUBDIVISION: Bay St. Lucie LOT t� 22 BLK: PARCEL DIMENSIONS: 22 I 37 S R '_ 40 E W 44/22 N PROPERTY TAX ID # : / 4422-502-0025 000/0' 'T T 22 pSbZ OO ZT 000 / M PARCEL SIZE (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) + y �� t l LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4+Zlf"Lot 22 Bay St Lucie Plat Book 25 Page 38, 38A,-38B, St. Lucie County, Florida Pub is Reds OWNER NAME: AC -DRESS: 78.7Aj�,, Prima Vista Blvd-E. / CITY: Port St. Lucie STATE: FL v ZIP: 34952 PHONE #: (407 ) 878-1773 IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM; THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: .1/ ADDRESS CITY: STATE:: ZIP: 3 010L_ P7 ` -- 1/ [-2 9 PERMIT`INFORMATION ISO��IDll°1�SIQNS: ��bd /` * i BUILDING SETBACKS (ACTUAL): !j r FRONT 50 REAR' 64 ✓SQUARE FOOTAGE -OF CONSTRUCTION: ,-DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Cgnstruc y't /-� Y /D X Ili) 911 X f.3t/ R.SIDE 50 L.SIDE 31 8783 — : on of -Single Family Residence - .PROPOSED USE: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION (CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE AREAS) iRESIDENTIAL: X COMMERCIAL: INDUSTRIAL: OTHER: ,NEW CONSTRUCTION: X .EXPANSION OF EXISTING BLDG:: INTERIOR REMODELING: OTHER (SPECIFY) --'EST. COST: 368,886 WNW STATE OF FL REG. /691K #: R� (7t) TjY✓7 Z COUNTY CERT #: 2574 CONTRACTOR NAME: Grihhan ranstrn tion Co. ADDRESS- 3077 SE Dixie Hwy CITY: c+-t - - STATE: FL ZIP_ 34997 PHONE #:-(407 ) 288-6330 ARCHIT/ENGINEER: Christ A. Fergis, AIA ADDRESS: 7241 SW 168th St, Suite 8 CITY: Miami STATE:. FL ZIP: 33157 PHONE BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: / CITY: -- _ --- --------- STATE: i ZIP: MORTGAGE LENDER: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: pp��'//��111�►pf�'��11 PLEASE PRi��14Y^79(Y NOT�GOMPLETE SHADED AREAS. DATE: December 11, 1991 1 yei Date PROJECT INFORMATION [n/ /PROJECT ADDRESS: SITE PLAN/PROJECT NAME: wo i t4eneeF bb Zug SUBDIVISION: Bay St. Lucie LOTv.22 BLK: PARCEL DIMENSIONS: ✓ ACC 22 Tii i3 b 37 S Ril�,r 440 E 'oM 44 22 N /442222 4 ZZ S0OO Z, 000 J:�-! PROPERTY TAX ID 4 : 5 - 7 G2' �� t PARCEL SIZE (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) LEGAL DESCRIPTION i-p lkot 22 Day St Lucie Plat Book 25 _ Page 38, 38A, 38B, St. Lucie County, Florida Pubic Recorgs OWNER NAME: lank I Itohh ADDRESS: 787 -ft Prima Vista B1vd.c. / CITY: Port St. Lucie STATE: FL v ZIP: 34952 PHONE: (407 ) 878-3773 1 IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTYOWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: v ADDRESS:. CITY:' STATE: ZIP:. OCCiiPAI[CY Ty —1]--T�`#£A?dC'1-- 0O2�STR i{ Crydt1�Z aiiSiMrJ}h�s 9 ( 93 rv.2�+.i%�a'yy--a;�:/(�%/%//Y-" ., `S�gyy. Q(� /1 OF STORIES: �. MUM r�i3.0. ' fi EPflRT• COC2E ': - Z71 PERMIT* INFORMAT ION_ LOCATION. � "rut 22 Sa''v � ��a� $sak-2-5 jam--- -c IfO�SI.2� 1 ANSVIQ'NS: BUILDING SETBACKS (ACTUAL): J /�T9� >1 3T G FRONT -5� 3 REAR' 6. Z R,SIDE 4 ,/SQUARE FOOTAGE -OE CONSTRUCTION: 6783 -16ESCRIPTION OF WORK: Cgnstruction ofSingleFamily Residence 2 .PROPOSED USE 1a TYPE. OF CONSTRUCTION: (CHECK .ALL APPROPRIATE AREAS) -'�• /RESIDENTIAL: X COMMERCIAL: INDUSTRIAL: OTHER:, ,NEW CONSTRUCTION: X EXPANSION OF EXISTING BLDG: INTERIOR REMODELING: OTHER (SPECIFY):, /EST. COST: 368 886 /1�I STATE OF FL REG. / # : RnGG C.I (7D 5 ✓T Z COUNTY CERT 2574_ CONTRACTOR NAME: GrihhPn CQnstrUCtiQU Co ADDRESS,. 3077 'SE Dixie Hwy / CITY: art STATE: ZIP: 34997 PHONE r:.(407 ) 288,6330 ARCHIT/ENGINEER: Christ A. Fergis, AIA ADDRESS: 7241 SW 168th St, Suite 8 CITY: Miami STATE: FL ZIP: 33157 PHONE BONDING COMPANY: ADDRESS: I CITY- STATE- %TP: MORTGAGE LENDER: `------ — ADDRESS: i CITY: STATE: — _-- ZI1 I I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DEVELOPMENT DI RECTOR TERRY L. VIRTA, AICP I M P O R T A N T ST. LUCIE COUNTY FLOOD HAZARD NOTICE 1 0 J BUILDING PERMIT # 91-07049 Q. CONTRACTOR GRIBBEN CONSTRUCTION CO ( INC ) JACK L WEBB N O T I C E THIS NOTICE IS TO INFORM YOU THAT YOUR PROPERTY IS IN A FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. THIS MEANS THAT THE ELEVATION OF THE FIRST FLOOR MUST BE SET AT 7 FEET, NGVD (MEAN SEA LEVEL) OR 18" ABOVE THE CROWN OF THE ROAD, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO PROCEED BEYOND THE 1ST FLOOR/SLAB INSPECTION, OR JUST PRIOR TO THE SECOND FLOOR POUR OF A MULTI -STORY STRUCTURE, UNTIL THE REQUIRED ELEVATION CERTIFICATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY A REGISTERED SURVEYOR, AND RECEIVED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING DIVISION OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT. VIOLATION OF THE REQUIREMENT WILL RESULT IN THE SCHEDULING OF A PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD. THE BOARD IS EMPOWERED TO LEVY A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $250.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY THE VIOLATION CONTINUES. A FINE OF NOT TO EXCEED $500.00 PER DAY MAY BE LEVIED FOR A REPEAT VIOLATION. THE FINE MAY BECOME A LIEN UPON THE REAL OR PERSONAL PROPERTY OF THE VIOLATOR. THE ELEVATION CERTIFICATION MAY BE SUBMITTED ANY TIME WITHIN 21 CALENDAR DAYS FROM THE ABOVE; HOWEVER, NO FURTHER CONSTRUCTION SHOULD TAKE PLACE, NOR WILL ANY INSPECTIONS BE MADE UNTIL THE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED AND APPROVED. SI ATURE /e r, 2 zz2z DATE "AVERT L FENN. District No. 1 • JUDY CULPEPPER, Disirio No. 2 • JACK KRIEGER, Distna No. J • R. DALE TREFELNER. District No, 4 • JIM MINIX, Disnid No. 5 County Administrator — JAMES V. CHISHOIM 2300 Virginia Avenue • Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Director: (407) 468-1590 • Building: (407) 468-1553 • Planning: (407) 468-1576 Zoning: (407) 468-1550 • Code Enforcement: (407) 468-1571 PORT ST. LUCIE TELEPHONE NO. (407) 878-4898 I NOh!B 0t?t6&R�0 , t, �Ar� FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AM 1 0 1992 € t. NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM POST CONSTRUCTION ELEVATION CERTIFICATEJFLOODPROOFING CE TIF Col IMUNI o"CE1 OPM Pf` St, Lucie Co,, F1, (UNINCORPORATED AREAS) 1 INSTRUCTIONS The registered professional engineer, architect, surveyor or community permit official completes Section I below, Section A may be completed by any of the professionals listed at the beginning of Section 11,'or by a similarly qualified local permit official, Print -or type the information on this form. This form is to be used for new (POST -FIRM) construction and for substantial improvements to existing structures In Zones Al-A30, AH and VI-V30 and existing (PRE -FIRM) ' buildings to be rated under POST -FIRM rules and rates. SECTION I (TO BE COMPLETED BY COMMUNITY PERMIT OFFICIAL) PROPERTY ADDRESS (or lot and block numbers N address is unavailable) GRIBBEN CONSTRUCTION CO 12198 RIVERBEND LANE (NAME: WEBB, JACK L BP# 91-07049 FIA MAP PANEL ON WHICH PROPERTY IS LOCATED FIA MAP ZONE IN MICH PROPERTY LOCATE AE 405 FIA MAP EFFECTIVE DATE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION AT THE PROPOSED SITE Februar 19, 1991 71 START OF CONSTRUCTIONS DATE Name and Thle PHONE (with Area Code) December 1991 Ter L, Virta-Community DevelopmentD ADDRESS 2300_Virginia Ave., Ft, Pierce, F1. 33450 December 27, 1991 Dale USECTION II INSTRUCTIONS Complete only the Elevation. Certification unless the building has been floodproofed at least to the base flood elevation. 11 floodproofing is used, complete only the Floodprooffng Certification. The Elevation Certification may be completed by a registered professional engineer, architect, or surveyor, The Floodproofing Certification may only be completed by a registered professional engineer or architect, a _m ELEVATION CERTIFICATION i certify th 1 he building at the property location described above has the lowest floor at an elevation of OC7 feet, NGVD (mean sea level), FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATION I certify to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief,' that the structure is designed so that the structure is watertight to an elevation of ' feet NGVD (mean sea level), with walls substantially Impermeable to the passage of water and structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy that would be caused by the flood depths, pressures, velocities, impact and; uplift forces associated with the base flood, In the event of flooding, will this degree of floodproofing be achieved with human Intervention?* VII the structure be occupied as a residence? If the answer to both questions Is Yes, the floodproofing cannot be credited for rating purposes and the elevation certification must be completed instead. `Floodproofed with human intervention means that water will enter the structure when floods up to the base flood level occur, unless measures are taken prior to the flood to prevent entry of water (e.g, bolting metal shields over doors and windows). CERTIFIER'S NAME AFFIX SEALWRITE.� QWRITEeRQlEssloir�, -��� H c , LICENSE No. srow, I TITLE L_� ADDRESS CHRIST A. FERGIS, A.I.A., P. A. ARCHITECT 7241 S.W. 168 ST. SUITE B MIAMI, FLORIDA 331S7 PHONE(30S) 233-2102 TELEFAX (305) 378-1654 September 21, 1992 Mr. William Hatcher Plumbing Inspector St. Lucie County Building Dept. REFERENCE: Residence for Dr. Jack Webb Plumbing Schematic ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear Mr. Hatcher: Please accept this letter as approval for the alteration of the "as built" plumbing schematic for the above residence, pro- viding the alterations as installed meet the "standard plumbing code" or local code jurisdiction. Sincere r rist A Fergis, A.1.A. Ash i tect' /smg 4 v SOUTHERN BUILDING CODE CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL, INC. 900 Montclair Road Birmingham, Alabama 35213 The Committee on Compliance in review of the data submitted finds that, in their opinion, the product, material, system or method of construction specifically identified in this report conforms with or is a suitable alternate to that specified in the standard codes, SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS IN THIS REPORT. The Committee on Compliance has reviewed the data submitted IV.. DESCRIPTION ..for compliance with the Standard Plumbing Code and submits to the Building Official orother authority having jurisdiction The Studor Maxi -Vent comprises four acryonildle-buladiene- the following report. Portions of this report were previously styrene (ABS) components lie. lid, upper body, lower body and included in compliance report #8751. diaphragm carrier), .three synthetic rubber components (ic. diaphragm, 0-ring seal and connector) and two low density REPORT NO.: 9062 polyethylene (LDPE) insect nets. figure 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: 8.1.90 07 EXPIRES: See current SBCCI COMPLIANCE: REPORT 02 LISTING- CATEGORY: PLUMBING MATERIALS AND SYSTEMS 03 04 SUBMITTED BY: 05 sTuDOR INCORPORATED ai/k/a ST'UDOR TRADING, LTD ' 06 12605 AUTOMOBILE BOULEVARD CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 34622 - 07 1. PRODUCT TRADE NAME Studor® (Maxi -Vents and Mini-Vemv) Air. Admittance Valves . 0e IL PERFORMANCE OF PRODUCT. FOR WHICH _EVALUATION IS REQUESTED Alternative to plumbing vent and vents through the roof Ill. USES figure 1 - Studor Maxi -Vent air .admittance valve Studor Maxi -Vents are installed on the top of stack vents or vent stacks inside the building to permit air to enter the pipework when 1. Ltd negative pressures occur thus protecting the traps. Under a 2. Upper body >positive pressure within the system the valves insure air tightness, 3. Diaphragms preventing foul air from entering the building. 4.. Diaphragm carrier 5. O ring Studor Mini -Vents are for connection to fixture drains to prevent 6. Insect nets excessive water loss from trap seals by self and induced 7. Lower body syhphonage arising from water flow in small diameter branch 8. Rubber connector discharge pipes. The Studor Mini -Vents are used as an alternate to individual or common vents for a water closet, lavatory, bathtub, shower or sink. ORT NO. 9062 PAGE 1 OF 3 REPORT - PA �'. RkPORT NO. 9062 PAGE 2 OF 3 The Studer Mini -Vent comprises three ABS components (le. valve cover, diaphragm carrier and lower body), a synthetic rubber diaphragm, an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) connector and two LDPE insect nets. The valve cover and tower body are fusion welded together. See Figure 2. Section with valve shut 1. Valve cover 2. Diaphragm 3. Diaphragm carrier 4. Insect nets 5. Lower body 6. Connector Section with valve open Figure 2 - Studor Mini -Vent air admittance valve An expanded polystyrene cover is supplied with each Studor Maxi - Vent to prevent condensation from forming within the valve under cold service conditions. The cover also serves as a packaging box. V. INSTALLATION Installation must be in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The Studor Maxi -Vent is installed at the top of the vent stack or stack vent a minimum of six inches above the flood - rim of the highest fixture served by the vent. The Studor Maxi - Vent must be located within an accessible ventilated attic space, or other accessible location that will permit the unrestricted flow of air into the valve. The Studor Maxi -Vent is supplied with a synthetic rubber connector which enables the valve to be push fitted into a 4" diameter or onto a 2" diameter PVC pipe. It may also be solvem-welded to a 3" diameter PVC pipe in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. The Studor Maxi -Vent must be installed in a vertical position. The Studor Mini -Vent is push fit onto 1-1/4" diameter pipes. The Mini -Vent may also be connected onto a 1-1R" diameter PVC pipe. by using a hubless coupling. It may also be solvent -welded in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. To prepare pipe for fitting, the pipe must be cut square to its axis and any burrs removed. The pipe should then be marked with a line indicating the correct insertion depth in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, the pipe end smeared with silicone lubricant and the valve fitted. The Studor Mini -Vent must be installed within a horizontal distance from the fixture trap equal to the distance permitted in the code between a trap and its vent. The valve must be a minimum of 4" above the trap arm. The Sludor Mini - Vent must be located in an easily accessible area. VI. SUBSTANTIATING DATA 1. Certificate of independence from the National Swedish Institute for Building Research. 2. Project No. 52902142.0 from the National Swedish Institute for Building Research of "Mini Studor" air admittance valve dated December 7, 1982. 3. Project No. 52902100-8 from the National Swedish Institute for Building Research of Studor Air. Admittance Valves (90mm) dated September 8, 1980. 4. British Board of Agreement Certificate No. 84/2139. 5. Scientific and Technical Center for Building Construction (French Government) "test #19592, dated January 24, 1984. 6. U.S. Testing Company, Inc. #TS89-0139 and 1S89-0405,. dated July 13, 1989. Vll. REFERENCES TO THE STANDARD CODES Standard Plumbing Code - 1988 L^'dition with 1990 Revisions Section 102.7 Alternate Materials and Methods Section 602.14 Joints for Plastic Pipe and Fittings Section 1402 Protection of Trap Seal Section 1404 Vent Terminal VIII. COMMITTEE FINDINGS The Committee on Compliance in revl8W of the data submitted finds that, in their opinion, Studor Incdfporaied's Maxi -Vent and Mini -Vent Air Admittance Valves coh1prin with or are suitable alternates to that specified in the Stjfipard Plumbing Code or Supplements thereto. PAGE 3 OF 3 REPORT NO. 9062 ' '.IX.LIMITATIONS XI. PERIOD OF ISSUANCE 1. The Studor Maxi -Vent and Studor Mini -Vent Air SEE CURRENT SBCCI COMPLIANCE REPORT LISTING Admittance Valves shall be installed in accordance with this FOR STATUS OF THIS COMPLIANCE REPORT. report and the manufacturer's installation instructions. 2. The pipe material and sizes to which the valves are Report prepared by: connected must be in accordance with this approval and the manufacturer's recommendation. 3. The valves shall not be installed in spaces used as supply or return air plenums for HVAC systems. 4. The size of drainage, waste and vent piping must be in amen D. Connel[, P.E. accordance with The Standard Plumbing Code. Manager of Plan Review 5. A maximum of nine buildings in succession may be vented with air admittance valves when connecting to a public sewer Certified by: system. Every tenth building shall have conventional opened pipes ventterminal. 7. .Plumbing systemsmust be designed by an engineer when using the Studor Maxi -Vent or Mini -Vent Valves without at least one conventional opened .pipe .vent terminal per Billy R. Manning, . E. building drain. Director of Engineering and Education 8. Plumbing stacks are limited to five stories in height or five branch intervals. COMMITTEE ON COMPLIANCE 9. The Studor Maxi -Vent should not be used when the soil Southern Building Cole Congress International stack provides the only ventilation for septic tanks. 10. The Studor Mini -Vent may be used as an alternate venting system to branch vents and circuit vents serving no more GGrLs 7u.` than six fixture units per branch and not more than 5 branch intervals per stack. C. Curtis Mann, P.E., Chairman New. Orleans, Louisiana X- IDENTIFICATION The Studor Mini -Vent and Studor Maxi -Vent shall be identified molded lettering on the lid, indicating the name of the product, David by g 8 the manufacturer's name, the country whereAlct�a . manufactured, the Alcoa, Tennessee. E. Buck,P.C. Southern Building Code Congress International Sea] and the number of this report. Freeman L. Wood Fayetteville, Arkansas TEL Sep 13,02 16:44'N9.001 P.0`1' L_A�C Cov��c. 5 aeL AA AM 1 QF FAGfES INCLUDING COVER: 0�.. �. �•�.�__- : �� ,,,, _� wee ward Bros F lcrmlixny, Inc 47) 2$7 taco_ — rsc.thhe r z .. i' PERMIT NO.: REFERENCE #: ST. LUCIE COUNTY APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ql-2,79-3 PR #: (Office Use Only) INSTRUCTIONS: Please provide the following information in the space provided. Please be sure to Print or Type all required information. For assistance in completing this application, please contact the, St. Lucie County Department of Community Development - Zoning Division, at (407) 468-1553, during regular office hours (8:'00 AM - 5:00 PM), Monday through Friday. All applications for building permits must be filed by 4:30 P.M. each business day. No applications will be accepted for processing after 4:30 P.M. All applications for building permits are to be submitted to the St. Lucie County Department of Community Development - Zoning Division, Room 20,1, St. Lucie County 'Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. Normal processing time for a building permit is 10 -working days• Please use your permit reference number (PR #) when making any inquiries or picking up your permit. When your permit is ready for pick up, you will be called.. Please leave a phone number where you can be reached between 8:00 - 5:00, Monday through Friday. ZA" W. PERM3T` INFORMATION. 0 12/�►vc• tnv•oTt L�OCATION: I . C ifoslINs�os: /bb X1,.,t�X�l'f%tX10X llD XJ��iX-�** BUILDING SETBACKS (ACTUAL) !J.�/ -q& x � 2 �4^. (� R.SIDE ___' �k►` l ^(O FRONT �3 REAR O _ --5t`�' /SQUARE FOOTAGLE OF CONSTRUCTION 8783 2 ,Y -6ESCRIPTION OF WORK: CgnstruCtion of Single Family Residence �a r! .PROPOSED USE: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: (CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE AREAS) /RESIDENTIAL: X COMMERCIAL: IN DUSTRIAL: OTHER NEW CONSTRUCTION X EXPANSION OF EXISTING BLDG:r. INTERIOR REMODELING: OTHER (SPECIFY) — Now s'i 7 TEST. COST: 368,886 ti ? nn 2574 STATE OF FL REG. /@99I' #: COUNTY CERT # : CONTRACTOR NAME: CrjhheD Construction CO, ADDRESS: 3077 SE Dixie Hwy l/ CITY: STATE: FT ZIP: 34997PHONE #:.(407 ) 288-6330 ARCHIT/ENGINEER: Christ A. F.ergis, AIA ADDRESS: 7241 sW 168th.St, Suite 8 CITY: Miami STATE: 'FL ZIP: 33157 PHONE #: BONDING COMPANY:>. ADDRESS: -- CITY; STATE: ZIP/ MORTGAGE LENDER: ADDRESS: --- -- ZIP CITY: --- --- _ STATE: I'. Y L I. C"91„d1 , PLEASE PRINT. DO NOT COMPLETE SHADED AREAS. DATE: December 11, 1991 29 PROJECT INFORMATION .L ,,-PROJECT ADDRESS: SITE PLAN/PROJECT NAME: SUBDIVISION: Bay St. Lucie LOT`/22 BLK: PARCEL DIMENSIONS: 22 NOW 37 S 'Rtc 40 E 3� 44/22 N PROPERTY TAX ID #: 4422-502-0025.000/0 ( i PARCEL SIZE (ACRES OR SQ. FT.) #37566"� � L LEGAL DESCRIPTIONrp7ZlfL�t 22 Bay St. Page 38, 38A, 38B, St. OWNER NAME: Jack —I G)ebb ADDRESS: 787416 Prima Vista Blvd.E CITY: Port St V/ ZIP: 34952 2z saZ ob z� aoo I Z Plat Book 25 County, Floi de STATE: FL PHONE #: (407 ) 878-3773 IF THE FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER (PROPERTY OWNER) IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OWNER LISTED ABOVE, PLEASE FILL IN NAME AND ADDRESS BELOW. FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: V ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all laws.regulating construction in this jurisdbtion. I' understand eparate:permit mustbe secured' for that..a•s. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS,.WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOI TANKS, AND'AIR CONDITIONERS, ETC. LERS, HEATERS,_ OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE.TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE. OF COMMENCEMENT. AS THE APPLICANT IF IT IS NOT YOUR RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST THAT IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT; AS A CONDITION OF THIS PERMIT YOU PROMISE IN GOOD FAITH TO DELIVER A COPY OF THE ATTACHED CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW NOTICE TO THE PERSON WHOSE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO ATTACHMENT. SIGNATU0 ( /AGEN SIGNATURE CONTRACTOR Id- -t2-It DATE Before me, the undersigned authority, personally appeared, John Penniman Atto*r+Pv for Jack L. Web PLEASE PRINT NAME who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information contained in the application is tru foregoing ,,_ f�/ La d correct. J ♦Z44Q V. /AGENT SIGNATURE Sworn to and subscribed before me is 12th d December — 19 91 . rl P blic SSat G,q�Elrlida at Large r e„ My commission A -pares... 12 -/Z -V DATE -- Before me, the undersigned authority, Personally appeared, Edward W. Gribben PLEASE PRINT NAME who upon being duly sworn, deposes and says that the information contained in the foregoing app'li�catii is true and correct. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE 'Sworn to and subscribed before me ��da o Deo�nber 1991 , ary pia 11c, State, of rida at Large, vqg :. 4, 1992 My commissi'iori e X 1 re S':,1Ce m<. P . INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ( ) REQUEST [ ] PARCEL ID [4422-502-0025-000/0 ] 12/20/91 10:58 !LGAL - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OWNER NAME:WEBB, JACK L SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE = 22/37S/40E IBAY ST LUCIE LOT 22 (SUBJ TO ESMT TO C & SFFCD) (MAP 44/22N) (OR 615-1617) * THIS INFORMATION IS BELIEVED CORRECT BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE & RRANTED. 3101 NO FURTHER INFORMATION AVAILABLE NOT WAR INQ ST. LUCIE COUNTY REAL PROPERTY APPRAISAL & ASSESSMENT ATTORNEYS AT LAW 735 COLORADO AVENUE P. O. BOX 2473 .STuART. FLORIDA 34993 JOHN FENNIMAN EDWARD B. GALANTE December 13, 1991 r i 1 Mrs. Cathy Ferrell St. Lucie County Department of Community Development, Room 201 St. Lucie County Administration Building 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Application for Building Permit for Jack L. Webb PR-91-2783 Dear Cathy: TELEPHONE 407-287-4300 As further information for the captioned permit delivered to your offices on December 12, 1991 by the General Contractor and my office, we enclose a duplicate copy of on -site sewage disposal, St. Lucie County Health Unit Permit No. 32197. We also enclose a recorded copy of Resolution No. 88-221 (previously delivered) which vacates the notation on the plat of Bay St. Lucie Subdivision regarding Lot 22, which Resolution was recorded in 0. R. Book 598, page 131, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records. Please advise if there is any further information that your department needs to consider the application for the building permit. We note that, in addition to the application for the building permit, we also submitted an application for vegetation removal, noting that there was no vegetation to be removed, and a request for concurrency review. Sin�cDerely„ hn Penniman JF/jbc enclosures t cc: Jack L. Webb (w/enclosures) 90832G RESOLUTION NO. 88-221 A RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF THE PLAT MAP OF BAY ST. LUCIE SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations! 1. On November 18, 1986, the Board approved the Plat for ( Bay St. Lucie Subdivision. Because the driveway for lot 22 ran {I through wetlands, the Board's approval was conditioned upon the i developer obtaining all necessary state andlocal permits. A notation was placed on the plat that "No building permit for lot 22 shall be issued until D.E.R.permit is issued to raise level of drive area of lot 22." 2. The developer is. prepared to grant a permanent easement y� benefitting lot 22 that eliminates the need fora driveway 11 through the wetlands and, thus, the need for the notation. 3. By letter dated ApriI' '7, 1983, Department of Environmental Regulation has evaluated the propound new access .and found that no permit is needed. 4. The partial vacation of, the Plat to eliminate the notation will not affect therights of other owners within the subdivision. 5. The owner of lot 22 has requested the vacation of the notation pursuant to Section 177.101 of the Florida Statutes. 6. Notice of intent to petition the Board of County j. Commissioners of St. Lurie County to vacate that part of the plat was given by publishing a legal notice in the Fort Pierce News r Tribune on July 12, 1988 and July 19, 1988. s°ooi 508 n 7. Tox Certificates from the St. Lucie County Tar, Collector have been provided and show that all state and County taxes on the subject property have been paid. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. The following notation the Plat Of Bay St. -Lucie Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 38-B Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida be vacated pursuant to Section 177.101 Florida Statutes (1987): No building permit for lot 22 shall be issued until D.E.R. permit is issued to raise level of drive area of lot 22 B. This Resolution shall take effect upon the recording of the permanent easement as reviewed by the County Attorney's office. C. The Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording in the public records of St. Lucie County, Florida. Chairman Jack Krieger AYE Vice -Chairman Havert L. Fenn ABSENT Commissioner R. Dale Trefelner AYE Commissioner Judy Culpepper ABSENT Commissioner Jim Minix AYE goow598 rwcc 1,' ,s16. I PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 26 day of July, 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: 1n ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA i • =.- nvi� CLERK IRMANN /yY� Ai APPROVED AS TO FORM ANO CORRECTNESS: ASSISTANT O— C NTY ATTORNEY 3U832g 81 � � _8 All :12 f /I I - �1''//✓ 60�15V8 rut .� 1 2 3 q rrr Rec Fee S ��'}U DOUGLAS DiabN 10810 Ac ee $ St. Lucie County RESOLUTION NO. 90-293Doc Tax $. Clerk of Circ it Court FILE NO.: SLR-90-091R Tax $ BY Deputy Clerk A RESOLUTI ON GRANTI NG A VARI 4NQj3 $ D. So FROM SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ALONG THE ST. LUCIE RIVER Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie 5 County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 6 7 1. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Webb, by Agent Christ A. Fergis, 8 presented a petition for a variance from the 75 foot setback from 9 the St. Lucie River required under Section 6.02.02(B)(2)(a) of 10 the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. 11 12 2. On November 6, 1990, this Board held a public hearing 13 on the petition, after publishing a notice of such hearing in the Fort Pierce News Tribune on October 17, 1990, and notifying by 14 mail all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property. �15 ,,;, 16 3. The proposed variance is consistent with the St. Lucie - 17 County Comprehensive Plan and has satisfied the standards of 18 review set out in Section 10.01.11 of the St. Lucie County Land 19., Development Code:' 20. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County 21 Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 22 23 - A. The variance from the provisions of Section 24 6.02.02(B)(2)(a) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code to 25 allow construction of a single-family residence lacking 25 feet 26 of the required 75 foot setback, and to remove 30 linear feet of 27 - the, required vegetative buffer from the St. Lucie River for the' 28 purposes of constructing a paved driveway, parking area, pool, 29 181K0 717 PAU 3 91 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 eck area, and rip rap buffers for the proposea residence, be and .he same is hereby, granted. B. The property for which this variance is granted is iescribed as follows: Lot 22, St. Lucie Bay, Florida. (Location: West side of Canal C-23-A, St. Lucie River, approximately 1/2 mile southeast of Bay St. Lucie Drive) C. A copy of this resolution shall be placed on file by the St. Lucie County Community Development Director. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman R. Dale Trefelner W42H Vice -Chairman Havert L. Fenn AYE Commissioner Judy Culpepper AYE 16 Commissioner Jack Krieger AYE 1.7 Commissioner Jim Minix AYE 1.8 1g: - PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 6th day of November,. 1990 ; 20 BOARD OF COUNTY .COMMISSJ'P RS 21 ST. LUCI E COUNTY, FhQ��DA_ ti tr , 22 K r ! 23.. CL _ �fc CHAIRMAN.r ' 24 r �' �7 :rriL'� Sri e,a �-. ... .. Ui� •-.,1 a�`r l5 APPROVE AS TO FORM AND CORE/CT/NESS: j� {`J ' •90 DEC -J A 9 •21 27 e1 6'75 rr .. i r n ` f 1L08 COUNTY AT RTaIEY 29 ST. Lkir � 1-ION' ' 8K 17 PbsE23'g 2 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION SOUTHEAST FLORIDA DISTRICT �� BOB MARTINEZ BRANCH OFFICE <` WVEMOH 2745 SOUTHEAST MORNINOSIDE BOULEVARD - DALE TWACHTMANN PORT ST. LUCIE, FLORIDA 33452 - SEMUMY 'O4IE OF EIOa� April 7, 1988 Bay St. Lucie Land Corp. DF - St. Lucie County 3228 Martin Downs Boulevard Driveway Palm City, Florida 34990 Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of your application, file number 561467388, for a permit to: Construct an access driveway. This project is to be located on Lot 21 (to provide access to Lot 22), Bay St. Lucie Subdivision, Riverbend Lane, landward of the landward extent of waters of the State, Section 22, Township 37 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County. At this time no permit is required for your project by this Department in accordance with the two (2) attached stamped drawings. Any modifications in your plans should be .Submitted for review, as changes may result in permits being required. If you have any questions, please contact Brad Rieck of this office. When referring to this project, please use the file number indicated. Sincerely, Meyer - J n A.'er per visor, Dredge 6 Fill Permitting JAM:brv/15 .cc: Army Corps of Engineers, Miami Don Keirn, D.N.R. Protecting Florida and Your Quality of Uife - r 4 /I �• fITE � r I,. .. L7. _ .. r :1 I I• _ �7.I ..'.. l -J.. W. 4 , tF if .l N -pJMN K673Sfr I,Atu r . tVpP SS. Co. A 1 LnI NC"T" F 1l.0 . / 7 '•• / 'TRACT I FSttlFtl Q7J 9 \ a /] Ewrim n.0 w r ,' Vy-Eilrt--�+m r I.er III , ',11e1� TRACT A ,'.. t1Gila ., Cto u. ••w '""" 'r"nLAw COOP. (P,G,DI BAY ST. LUCIE LAND BAY ST. LUCIE SITE PLAN -y ,.. . "... _ .... w L A. «"''I'•` :as. Iowa YAAIIw no.Y8 •LAo. LUCIE COunrx; FLoaloA (ON SITE) _.gT. 1:�.� ).�: �.�••.: TIIffT. / IALY CIII. .- ILOA,YA YAl TILL I SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (THIS IS UOT A SURVEY) U0T 20 Yz = 1r5 oo' A•lr- 22'30., l.: 19 •l 5' Gliofty O ZG- 5 616011'52 er U0T 21 ONE 5T.Lucie t2.145.00• A :4301 Clio1LD U0j 22 ,,� 5 380�2'29W—�7-' I' 1Z - t15.00' I 1J51°?_l' fi'Ytn2.c; NSt°21'3l"\'r�35.'J�' `VOINT o!- l3rcl WAIMC- NOTE' THIS SKETCH 13 TO DE ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. C Y, InCe Lnrl!d Surveyors { Stunrt 286.8081 Ft. Pierce 466.9500 P.0. vo,t �n�n 5KL%TGN or Lvc-l\ . Pa5ctZirTloN � hie ri Ofol/Ing y•Io•Gfl ( 0t3.1.30yt -01 Cy Licnn�;Pic.e� � f,too, _I ,, ' G C Y INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS STUART/PALM CITY • FT. PIERCE \ FLORIDA C. Palm City • Box 1469 " 1505 S.W. Martin ilay. 34990 • 305 2868083 Ft. Pierce " 4980 S. 25th Street 34982 " 305 46G9500 L E G A L D E S C R I P T I O N George C. Young, lr., P.L.S. Richard W. Ilu"ell, P.L.S. Richard A. Copeland, P.L.S. Albert C. Allen, 111, P.L.S. G. Mark Brockway, P.E. BEING AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS, LYING IN LOT 21, BAY ST. LUCIE ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 389 38A & 3BB9 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CO114ENCE AT THE SOUTHERLY MOST CORNER OF LOT 21; THENCE NORTH 51' 27' 37" WEST ALONG THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 21 A DISTANCE OF 35.38 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 51' 27' 37" WEST ALONG SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 21 A DISTANCE OF 42.66 FEET TO A POINT IN A NONTANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTH HAVING A RADIUS OF 15.00 FEET, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 89' 08' 52' EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, EASTERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE 19.73 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 75' 22' 30' TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE WITH A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A RADIUS OF 145.00 FEET, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 74' 52' 01' EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY AND EASTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 109.84 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 43' 24' 15" TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 21; THENCE SOUTH 38' 32' 23" WEST, ALONG THE SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF LOT 21, A DISTANCE OF 37.39 FEET TO A POINT IN A NONTANGE14T CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH HAVING A RADIUS OF 115.00 FEET, THE CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 68' 58' 41' WEST; THENCE WESTERLY AND SOUT[TAESTERLY ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE OF 70.97 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35' 21' 27" TO THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 21 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COATAINING 0.07 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PREPARED BY: RICHARD A. COPELAND, .L.S. FLORIDA CERT. No. 4230 INTER -OFFICE D MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Chris Bove, Environmental Planner FROM: Doris G. Ferguson, Assistant County Attorney,--!� C. A. NO.: M/88-160 DATE: February 11, 1988 SUBJECT: Bay St. Lucie Subdivision I have reviewed the plat map for the Bay St. Lucie Subdivision. As you know, at the time the subdivision was .platted, it appeared the only available drive area for lot 22 was through wetlands. Because of this potential problem, the Board of County Commissioners approved the plat on the condition that the developer obtain all necessary state and local permits for lot 22 (see minutes of 11/18/86). The notation placed on the plat itself specifies that: "No building permit for lot 22 shall be issued until D.E.R. permit is issued to raise level of drive area of lot 22." The developer has now proposed burdening lot 21 with an easement benefitting lot 22 instead of filling in the drive area of lot 22. I think this arrangement would address the concerns of the Board if the developer grants and recordsa permanent right of way benefitting lot 22 and obtains a lette,- C oni D.P.R. that no permit is necessary. If the developer chose, the language of the easement could specify the easement automatically terminates upon Chris Bove Page 2 February 11, 1988 lot 22 obtaining necessary local, state and federal permits to raise the level of the drive area, and building the drive. If you have any questions, please advise. DGF/spb cc: County Administrator Zoning Administrator RESOLUTION NO. 88-221 A RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF THE PLAT MAP OF BAY ST_ LUCIE SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. On November 18, 1986, the Board approved the Plat for Bay St. Lucie Subdivision. Because the driveway for lot 22 ran through wetlands, the Board's approval was conditioned upon the developer obtaining all necessary state and local permits. A notation was placed on the plat that "No building permit for lot 22 shall be issued until D.E.R. permit is issued to raise level of drive area of lot 22." 2_ The developer is prepared to grant a permanent easement benefitting lot_ 22 that- eliminates the need for a driveway -through the wetlands and, thus, the need for the notation. 3_ By -letter dated April 7, 1988, Department of Environmental Regulation has evaluated_ the proposed_ new access and found that no permit is needed. 4. The partial vacation of the Plat to eliminate the notation will not affect the rights of other owners within the subdivision. 5. -The owner of lot 22 has requested the vacation of the notation pursuant to Section 177.101 of the-'lorida Statutes. 6. Notice of intent to petition the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County to vacate that part of the plat was given by publishing a legal notice in the Fort Pierce News Tribune on July 12, 1988 and July 19, 1988. 7. Tax Certificates from the St. Lucie County Tax Collector have been provided and show that all state and County taxes on the subject property have been paid. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. The following notation the Plat of Bay St. Lucie Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 38-B Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida be vacated pursuant to Section 177.101 Florida Statutes (1987): No building permit for lot 22 shall be issued until D.E.R. permit is issued to raise level of drive area of lot 22 B. This Resolution shall take effect upon the recording of the permanent easement as reviewed by the County Attarney's office. C. The -Clerk is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this resolution in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for recording in the public records of St. -Lucie County, Florida. Chairman Jack Krieger XX Vice -Chairman Havert L. Fenn XX Commissioner R_ Dale Trefelner XX Commissioner Judy Culpepper XX Commissioner Jim Minix XX PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 26 day of July, 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: P 11934401 a` /1 fired By AN & GAL -ANTE, HARTERED ONNEVS Ai W offlCE ooA 24 1B 1E. fEo91DA 94995 WARRANTY DEED COMES NOW, BAY ST. LUCiE LAND CORP., a Florida corporation, with offices at 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Boulevard, Palm City, Florida 34990, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor of Lot 21", and JOHN FENNIMAN, as Trustee, with the power and authority to protect, conserve and to sell, to lease, to encumber, and otherwise to manage and dispose of real property described below, with mailing address of Post Office Box 2473, Stuart, Florida 34995, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor of Lot 22", and JACK L. WEBB, with mailing address of 787 East Prima Vista Boulevard, Port St. Luce, Florida 34952, hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"; WITNESSETH: That said Grantor of Lot 21, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said Grantor of Lot 21 In hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described property lying and being in St. Lucie County, Florida, to -wit: Lot 21, BAY ST. LUCiE, according to the plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book 25, pages 38, 38-A and 38-B, St Lucie County, Florida, public records. TOGETHER WITH and by this Instrument Grantor of Lot 21 does assign and grant to Grantee, as an appurtenance to Lot 21, a non-exclusive access, ingress and egress easement over and above both the Westerly Easement Parcel more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto, and the Easterly Right-of-way Easement Parcel more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto, subject to all of the terms, provisions and conditions of the Grant of Non -Exclusive Easement to Bay St. Lucie Property Owners Association, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation recorded In 0. R. Book 591, page 988, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records. AS TO SAID LOT 21, SUBJECT TO Grant of Non -Exclusive Easement In favor of J011N FENNIMAN, as Trustee, wlth,,the power and authority to protect, conserve and to sell., to lease, to encumber, and otherwise to manage and dispose of real property, said easement dated August 16, 1988, and recorded In 0. R. Book 600, page 1592, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records, and assigning and granting to JOHN FENNIMAN, as Trustee, a non-exclusive access, Ingress and egress permanent easement over and above Lot 21. That said Grantor of Lot 22, for and In consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said Grantor of Lot 22 In hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described.property, lying and being In St. Lucie County, Florida, to -wit: Lot 22, BAY ST. LUCIE, according to the plat thereof, as recorded In Plat Book 25, pages 38, 38-A and 38-B, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records. TOGETHER WITH and by this Instrument Grantor of Lot 22 does assign and grant to Grantee, as an appurtenance to Lot 22, a non-exclusive access, Ingress and egress BNA 613 imr1 i 11 7 easement over and above both the Westerly Easement Parcel, more particularly described In Exhibit A attached hereto, and the Easterly Right-of-way Easement Parcel, more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto, subject to all of the terms, provisions and conditions of the Grant of Non -Exclusive Easement to Bay St. Lucie Property Owners Association, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation recorded In 0. R. Book 519, page 988, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records. THE CONVEYANCE OF BOTH LOT 21 AND LOT 22 IS GIVEN EXPRESSLY SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING MATTERS: 1. All the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of Bay St. Lucie Subdivision, as recorded in 0. R. Book 519, page 959, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records, as amended, together with all exhibits thereto, including the Articles of Incorporation of Bay St. Lucie Property Owners' Association, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation, as recorded in 0. R. Book 524, page 849, and the Bylaws thereof, recorded In 0. R.Book 524, page 857, both St. Lucie County, Florida,public records. 2. Provisions of the plat of Bay St. Lucie Subdivision, as recorded In Plat Book 25, pages 38, 38-A and 38-13, St. Lucre County, Florida, public records, Including the provisions and use restrictions set forth In that "Easement Deed" recorded In Deed Book 244, page 280, St. Lucie County, Florida, public records. 3 Real estate taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 1988. And said Grantors do hereby fully warranty title to the property described In this Deed and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor of Lot 21, BAY ST. LUCIE LAND CORP., a Florida corporation, and the Grantor of Lot 22, JOHN FENNIMAN, as Trustee, with the power and authority to protect, conserve and to sell, to lease, to encumber and otherwise to manage and dispose of real property, have caused this Warraft,'yioi Deed to be executed this �_� day of kee__&LZ � >1,i8�$/C`, Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: / NAN & GALANTE, CHARTERED TOHNEYS AT UW T OFFICE 60%]O] 'AT. FL601GA3I666 BAY ST. LUCIE LAND;C012P NR a Florl corpora.r;1.,vp.,,' is 1 ' BY " o ert' M , lack of a ' President enniman, as Trustee STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MARTIN I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ROBERT M. BLACKFORD, the President of BAY ST. LUCIE LAND CORP., a Florida corporation, to me known to be the Individual who executed the foregoing Warranty Deed with full authority of said corporation, and that the seal affixed hereto Is the true corporate seal of BAY ST. LUCIE LAND CORP. WITNESS my hand and official seal In the County and State �;;.. last aforesaid this day of .Z p'10 AypT1i•o�nuH �Yoo U,�" ,; Ootar"y Pub Ic .., My Commis ton Expires: nz`Ixy 1 Tl A yr votary PN1.6r. State of Plarldlr i 1 e 6bt a rY Sea 1 11y ceI w :i3a rXglra2 Oct. A, 1997 f� `/J�r°"voaav �"•?>` U�uJuJ lino Tl�)luin.lmulwwbK. 1�.. {". 1:211r11 11 11111 ' i' r:" ' ! ` < .STATE OF FLORIDA "' •>`' COUNTY OF MARTIN 'y. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared JOHN FENNIMAN, as Trustee, to me well known and known tome to be the person described In and who executed the foregoing Warranty Deed, and he acknowledged before me that he executed the same for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal In the County and State last aforesaid this S day of 1988. 11 tart' Pubic 1401",,"' " My Commission Expires: 'ly'V'.dl. VV Ip Sy ji a s `' i '�'YT1iD1:'ery Seal V 11/ " �" /4BIIIa11�1 11A .rdh,% l' MAN Se GALAt CHARTEREO ITONNEYS AT EAW iT OFFICE SOX 20' ANT• fLORII)A34996 (407)281.93W Notary 1TIIHII SMd. cI I'tvi.h r4y iorlo,.isdwl t 1;. OIL 5, F772 11VMI.J 11:lV I ur E • I•:,V�.:IM1V Ill[. ,I4 P,04 61J PAA619 IV/ EX"I B I T A tk (R. (K �4k WESTERLY EASEMENT PARCEL An 80.00 foot wide strip land In Sections 21 and 22, Township 37 South, Range 40 Ea5t, City of Port St. Lucie, St. Lucie County, Florida whose centerline Is more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Intersection of the street centerlines of MOSS PLACE and CAST SNOW ROAD as shown on the plat of PORT ST. LIJCIE SECTION THIRTY NINE as recorded In Plat Book 15 at Page 30 of the Public Records of St. hucle County, Florida; thence N 13032'15" W for 40.00 feet to the POINT Of BEGINNING; t.hence continue N 1303?115" W for 165.27 feet to a Point of Curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 390.00 feet; thence Northerly and Northeasterly along the arc Of said curve having a central angle of 68027'31" for '165.98 feet to a Point of Tangency; thence N 54155110" E for 194.10 feet to a Point of Curvature of it circular curve to the left having a radius of 3(Ju.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 36020'40" for 247.39 feet to a Point of Tangency; thence N 18034'36" E for 192.23 feet to a Point of Curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 310.00 feet; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 44019123" for 242.52 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature of a circular curve continuing to the right having a radius of 710.00 feet; thence Northeasterly, Easterly, and Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 33027'52" for 414.70 feet to it Point of Compound Curvatt.ire of a circular curve continuing to the right having a radius of 485.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 42009159" for 356.93 feet to a Point of Tangency; thence S 40058110" t_ (Or 310-00 feet to a Point of Curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radius of 840.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 31"29150" for 461.77 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature of a circular curve to the right having a radius of 760.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of sold curve having a central angle of 19028'00" for 258.22 feet to a Point of Reverse Curvature of a circular curve to the left having a radius of 190.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along the are of said curve having a central angle of 26"00'00" for 86.22 feet to a Point of Compound Curvature of a circular ,curve continuing to the left having a radius of 1040 .110 feet; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve having a central angle of 15°00'00" for 2)2.21 foot to the Point of Termination"of the foregoing centerline. The side lines are to be lengthened or shortened as necessary so as to maintain a contiguous+,80.00 feet strip of. land. M BOOK611J FAGFA U20 EXHIBIT 0 EASTERLY ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT PARCEL Comoonce al, :.% concrete n"rnuunznL Inscribed "G C Y , INC. R.L.S. 3036" marking the soutllweSt corner of Government Lot 3, Section 22, Township 37 South, Range 40 East, St. Lucie County, Florida; thence N 00007'55" W along the North -South one quarter section line thereof, a distance of 9.27 feet to the point of beginning and the beginning of a non -tangent curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 22.8.69 feet and a chord bearing of N 52019111" W; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 42132108", it distance of 169.7/ feet to a point of reverse Curvature concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 210.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 41001'20", a distance of 150.35 feet; thence N 72004027" W a distance of 81.54 feet to Lhe beginning of a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 490.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along the are of said curve, through a central angle of 21015156", a distance of 181.87 feet; thence N 50048131" W a distance of 182.51 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 490.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 30153145", a distance of 264.23 feet; thence N 19"54'45" 14 a distance of 82.88 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 410.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 25°42'25", a distance of 183.95 feet; thence N 45°37'10" W a distance of 28.90 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 300.00 feet; thence Northwesterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 56"07'40", a distance of 293.88 feet; thence N 10°30130" E a distance of 118.89 feet; thence N 26016120" W a distance of 80.41 feet to a non -tangent curve concave to the North having a radius of 230.00 feet and a chord bearing of S 67°50'44" E and also being on the Southerly line of General Development, Inc.'s proposed eighty feet (801) right-of-way; thence F.astery along said proposed right. -of -way and the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 22033056", a distance of 90.58 feet to a point of compound curvature of a curve of said proposed right-of-way, concave to the North, having a radius of 1080.00 feet; thence Eastorly along said arc, through a central angle of 4046134", a distance of 90.03 feet; thence S 54000116" W, nun -tangent to the lastly described curve and deparLlnq said proposed right-of-way, a distance of 12.51 feet; thence S 10'30'30" W a distance of 115.57 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of" 220.00 feet; thence Southerly along said arc, through a central angle of 56107140" a distance of 215.51 feet; thence S 45"31'lp" E a distance of 28.90 feet to a point of curvature of a:"curve concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 490.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along said arc, through a central angle of 25042125", a distance of 219.85 feet,; thence S 19054145" E a distance of 82.88 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 410.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, through it central angle Of. 30053145"; thence S 50049131" E a distance of 182.51 feet to the beginning Of a curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 410.00 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 21115'56", a distance of 152.17 feet; thence S 12004127" L• a distance of 81.54 feet to the beginning of a curve concave to the 934401 Southwest, having a radius of 290.00 feet; thence Southeasterly 88 BEE 16 along the arc of said P3:5k1"01'20" curve, through a central angle of a distance of 207.63 feet to a point of reverse 'curvature of a curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius FILLlr :,:4f 148.69 feet; thence Southeasterly along the arc of said .lUUlil ri! I [9prve, through a control angle of 3006120", a distance of $T. HAM Wd i.185.91 feet to a polnL on the North -South one quarter I ine and the West I lne of said Government Lot, 3 of afore said Section 22; thence S 00"0/'55" E: along said quarter section IIne, a distance of 85.55 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 3.2045 Acres, more or less. BOON 615 1,1AN21. F � � L EX1S7NG APPRGXNA r- HIGH WA`E �__�--IN - 150'* m 150'± m 15o'_ z m 605'2 ` o z pp z o co3CDm CAS 5!°27''"� ; 989.06` ' k CAICA 150.00' ry 2E9.0S' 'MA150.00' PiI50.00' N D n9 W �. m �mbRpR22g 2�oo0 o �E 6� 160'• 94.64' i i N5 027'37"W 330.00' N5i`2T3TW"4J 4'i'IVERBEND LAN .7'37..W ifulvv - 90 / R-25.ol 27.o 62 c'S5" L=30.64'/ H .S 40'38'42' '__I22.74' w A. 'Y W ST Off, �w D 912125 0.4 Yf Ca nwgaw a o!", �C�Afto ..rr+..a tarn nMarr�n GRANT OF NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT COMES NOW, DAY ST. LUCIE LAND CORP., a Florida Corpora- tion, with offices at 3228 S.M. Martin Downs Boulevard, Palo City, Florida 33490 (hereinafter referred to as Grantor), and JOHN PENNIMAN, as Trustee, with. the power and authority to protect, converse and to sell, the loose, to encumber, and otherwise to manage and dispose of real property described below, with a mwlling address of Post Office Box 2473, Stuart, Florida 34995, (hereinafter referred to as Grantee). (Wherever used heroin the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" Include all the parties to this Instrument and the halre, legal representatives and assigns of the Individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporstlons.) WHEREAS, Grantee has acquired by separats warranty dead Instrument title to Lot 22, DAY ST, LUCIE, according to the Plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 25, Pages 36, 36-A and 39-Bo St. Lucie County, Florida, Public Records, and WHEREAS, the Board of County Cosmlasloners of St. Lucie County, florlda, require this essemant Instrument in order for sold Board of County Comalssloners to vacate. the NOTE, "NO BUILDING PERMIT FOR LOT 22 SHALL BE ISSUED UNTIL D.E.R. PERMIT IS ISSUED TO RAISE LEVEL OF DRIVE AREA Of LOT 22" from Page 38-B of the Plot of BAY ST, LUCIE, according to the Plat thereof recorded In Plat Book 25, Pago 38, 39-A and 311-11, St. Lucie County, florido, Public Recorde/ and WHEREAS, Grantor holds title to adjoining Lot 21, BAY $T. LUCIE, according to the Plat thereof recorded In Flat Book 25, Pages 38, 3$-A and 36-5, St. Lucia County, Florida, Public Records, NOW, THEREFORE, WITHESSETH that Grantor, In consideration of Yen and no/100 Dollars (t10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, does assign and grant to Grantee, a non-exclu- sivo access, Ingress and egress permanent easement over and above a 0.01 acre portion, more or lass, of the aforesaid Lot 21, BAY ST. LUCIE, Which 0.07 aCre portion Is more pertICYlArly described In Exhibit A attached heretof and /0 show On the I Sow. w wrc„aa.n MMY.+w attached sketch of legal description attached as Exhibit 0 hereto, said grant of Easement subJect however to taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 1907, and all conditions, easements, limitations and restrictions of record. It Is the Intent of this Easement. Instrumart to grant a non-exclusive access burdening Lot 21, DAY ST. LUCIE, from a pgrtlon of the aforesaid Lot 22, DAY ST. LUCIE to another portion of soldLot 22, DAY ST. LUCIE for pedestrian foot access, Ingress and *gross, vehicular access, Ingress and agrees and utility easement for underground utilities. This Easement Is appurtenant to ownership of the aforesaid Lot 22, DAY ST LUCIE and way not be assigned, Inh*rltod or transferred by operation of law to any subaeouont grantee other than the subsequent grantees, heirs and a*sign& of aforesaid Lot 22, DAY ST. LUCIE. This Easement shall survive the merger of ownership of Lot 21, DAY ST. LUCIE and Lot 22, DAY ST. LUCIE, and shall not be extinguished without the prior written consent of the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida. The Grantor, for Itself, its successors and &&signs, expressly retains the right to land cap* the approximately 0.07 acre, more or less, area of the easement as determined by the Grantor subJ*ct to existing restrictions and covenants. The landscaping shall not Interforo with nor restrict the use of the easement by Grantee. IN WITNESS wNEREOF the Grantor has caused this Instrument to be executed by the undersigned officers this loth day of August, 1900. GRANTOR Signed, &*Sled and delivered In the presence of: DAY ST, LOCI[ l A7 rlorld� CorporrCl� ok. 41 by 2 STATE Of FLORIDA - COUNTY Of ST. LUCIE 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that on,.this day befow duty authorized In the .State and County- a acknewledawwnts, personally aypaara�/: RobN. to no known to be the rtw "awt M. LAND CORP, and that he ac presence of two subscribing 'Mlta"60a :froall under authority duly va►ted in hlq by $old.'Ggr the seal Afflaed thereto Is the trlla,_aoralaT corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal In the aforesaid this 166tbb day of c `,__ (seal) 0- m e os, ap; officer forsamild to tto"� , �WG12 k, i, She , 40M In the eM..y�►ttaltarily ` Pons '..a *no -that me aaal,, of #aid County state , Iliie � ll ZXHIBIT L E G A L D E 9 C R I P T 1 O N BEING AfN EASFf1FNf FOR 1110RESS AND EORFSS, LYINO III LOT 219 SAY, ST. LUCIE ACCOR01N0 1-) 111E PLAT 111ERF(1F, AS RFCORDED IN PLAT Roug- 25, PROF 38, 30A Q 3PO, Sr. LUCIE C01141Y, FLORIDA, AND BEIIJO 11OREi PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWSi COMMENCE AT TIIE SOMINERLY I40ST CORIIER OF LOT 211 TIIEIICE IJORIII 51' 27' 37• WEST ALJ111O TIIE SOUFMOFSFERLY LMF OF SAID I -OF 21 A i DISTANCE OF 35.39 FEET TO TIIE POINT OF BE9IMNIN91 TIIFNCE CONEINUF NORM 51' 27' 370 WEST ALOJO SAID SOUIILIESIERLY LINE OF L/lf 21 A DISTANCE OF 42.66 FEET TO A f O111f III A FEETANOENf CURl/E CONCAVE TO TIFF "Until HAVING A RADIUS OF IS.00 FEET, 111E CIIORD OF 6NIICll REARS S(RIIll 09" 99' SOS2• FASfI 711EIICE 5 IITIIEASIERLY, EASTERLY AND NORIIWASIERLY ALONO TIIE ARC OF SAID;? CURVE A OISIAINCE 19.73 FEET "'RO1011 A CENTRAL MOLE OF 75- 27•:`; 30• TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE W1111 A CURVE CONfYNJE TO 111E' NORM 741'a,AO1lle FAST# TIIFNCE NORMEAS1ER Y AIIDEASTOr IERLY I1(ICII i10� TIIE ARC IMF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE Or 109.04 FFF.T 711ROU611 A CEI(IRAt TAIIIEI' 150 ENCE SI)UIll 38'32' 23`I WEST# ALOJO111IY ESAID SOOf11EASIPPLY LIME' OF LOT 21 , A DIS1A1)CE OF 37.39 FEET TO A POINT III A iK11J1ANBEIIf ;'• CARVE CONCAVE TO TIIE g001N IIAVTINl A RADIUS OF 115.00 FEET, 111EL "FORT OF WINCII'REARS SOUrif 68' 50' 4f • WEgf l 11�I10E WESTERLY MIO fIUTIME91F.R1_Y ALfNN) TIIE ARC OF SAID CURVE A DISTANCE Or 70.97i FEET 711R00011 A CEIJIRAl. lY40LE OF 35' 21' 27• 1O TIIE SOOIIWESIERLY' LINE OF SAID LOT 21 AND TIIE POINT OF BEOINNIND. CONTAINING 0.07 ACRES, NITRE OR LEBO. ill MINT A " IKETOP OF wM a an w4 vayI �Il� LOT zo Il• AjMW n•WIWW aw�ofteowweu Lei 21 bat oi. LK* WOK*.", Ik�IWeMW7MeC�/'ti ` wwwwew NOTE' THO IK[TCN iS TO ®[ ATTACMKO TO AND MADE MAT Of THE LSSAL OXOMTN NO GCY, iDc. spy SC UCIf f.�, , I�,FnN l Laita r`/ M/'NWWN v/ W ew . arrrKe.�.e►fNew 41mom .w LOW, aws"M»a 11 SKETCH OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION (THIS 18 NOT A SURVEY) LOT 20 t2• 115.do, rk•l5.22'3o„ - CMorto sad* 63B9"oS'51 w rivsKdeWp Uwc LO121 SAY 51. Lucle t2.145.00' LNottp DKG.AI'}4.52'OI'•@ �Wy�,?~ ual 22 "-- 6 Wort9114-87.39' � •d5"�1'21�� 1. • 70.97' e tloocv I!4ieu.5 6�"3$ 41" W I�IfJT or- ��y �-- CotawlErtGEnA�r1� mW?l' 3TW-42A": � 11St'1!l'31'W-3516' roles OW noc"1.111a , NOTE THIS SKETCH 19 TO BE ATTACHED TO AND MADE PART OF THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. GCY,Inc. land Sur vey_oyu�rs Stuart 286•9081 \ Ft. Pierce 466.9500 \J P.O. Bex 1018 Stuart, FIA. 33495 j .') L 1C ie-,--� CA"6)845 SK9fTct4 ot% ( P&Nu Pe'scrtIrTlo" ♦ul• : .1.:Fille A Dr•wlnip o: 1�90' +�-lo-W gg•1-Do29-OI of Fro.• h•6I 317. K.A.G. 1 a1 1 ,L pGSr.6kas P L A T = p F N O I E S M. 3� hY 11 OVKRSHIP RHO U5E O w CELS IN 9A. ST •XIE IS 955'CCT IT YHE ONS SRI WELT l�•BPrr; B A Y S T. L U C I E R,F Cj S RE<� = 5.5.9R. pq,,,,,, JjBB_. PBICr RECORDS _OS 5 LXIEC C IIHTi1 NRr A PORTION OF 31 boar gT1ON 7 TW7 TE' AW LOTS B NPtJ Y3 INCLSWVE, LYl% GOVERNMENT LOT 3; SECTION 22, T'Y!R 3T SOUTH, RGE-, 40 EAST' N,,T, Srmy ❑ NE IMMY LINE IF.PHAL CIN' ARE SISECT TO THE N [ PROVISIONS PO USE RESIAIRIONS SET FORT. In `IT 'EASEIENT SR'. RECORDED IN f GMT ST. LUC IE COUNTY, FLORIOA DEED BOOK Ou. PAGE ISC, FUBLIC RECORDS OF ST UCIE CC Y- FLORIDA. £ ISN yl Y z To. ' CC E NOv, ROOM 3L K R AND OONAI BURG 5ER THE O ENRNT. C E R T I F I C A E O F A F P A 3 Y A L GVNEAS F E -NOT I C XE] RAC 3 NC d J ANC: O 10N n 9E EDI.ATIOH O F C 0 U N I Y C O 4 n 15 5 1 O N. ME CRAIYPG o5 EY A5 v^Y N'N S T IF RY $ LLC T 3Pr ST. L.CE PPoPF'A Y ERS .SY F P W R N CG ON FAIIFOR STATE OF FLORIDA z\ TIE P'JR. S .F CONSTRLCI 4 W NA:vTSNAW_ F SA:: „YP, nGE PCILI-['S COJ+tt OF ST. LUCCE z dl THEIR RP i Y IT IS HERESY CERTIFIED THAT NIS PAT HAS BEEN V'11MLY 10 FOR B SIGNED, AHO 5 PL ,:$d ,AV -.F %iaG+ •386. RECORD By THE BOARD x CDINTY CONHISSICERS F Sr. LUC:E..RNTY RL RI-P NIS x E2 S:GNE". ANC SEALED /�� _7 -VJA" CF_]J(d 996 VaJ L1^rIN.N �.-�-%- m xT iv THE RSCICE f/ ��s�x. L•P RNW 3CPL aF OCA'ION VAz VITvE55 cmLQ '-��' '�.. : pRERpr n/BLPCKFORO CCLR•T..CNN155.CFE'A I F O I G A T 1 0 n YITREb ^'• "9 DOMLJ .. tRMR <SaER i KWV AIL NE, 91 EE -PEENTS 7NA7 SAY ST. LAND CDWA FlCx1CP 6IAT : F .mDA C.S A T IF 1 C A• E O.F P P R V A- O F C:RF:RP x CVNNS OF {! P R' DESCRIBED NEK.x Pv EPLS :THE SANE TO SE tlVNT N,SA-N P K v v_ C L E R K O F THE C 1 R C u: T [OUR T 4RVEY AND ?_ATTEC PS S Nl REDN AND 000 NER_ST CE01CP _ AS FC.LNS STATE DF FLORIDA 3E C E L LW 45 YD.AR 1E PL Y EP^ aR AOBEFT R. I S-aE 5 91PCYG RD C OOML: B.R - '£ KWYN NO 9E THE W IVOH OF COUNtt OF ST. LUDIC THE 5 RE' SmUl a5 RN'/ERSENO ACAO RIVERSIDO TNAC AND RIVERBENO OESMOE ANC AMICV HP HE F N FORf DING Ent YION CF LANE ARE: £+.ex E RE .D 9E R PT S R•'_:S MC ARE HEAE3 DEDICATED D,PIMG- _._ EN.5 AND Hf W 'tA. AGE H0..E 5 CONSENTER_. .C:V. [. RO D/Xs,✓ . CE�K F HE RS BE CDR- HE 5 LEE-LUN'TT 0 P $ . --,Cl. R P 3 Y OYNEAS SSIC A :ON. INC., A F R:OP xON- Raft '0 9Y CERTIFT THAT MIS P AT HAS E E%AR I'E] dW THAT R . Y.G. CORP.",.�n .R E BE .F TK rEH8E95-0F ME A CATION. THE v:TNE55 V NPNC AND SF...A SEA H,>3i_.PY .F .0 .0 M 1986. IOELI�ES IN FOR, WI ALL THE REIIRFNEVT5 OF THE 4VS ;i R OP PERT NRVG "J 9CARL Y CJUN'Y Hx: uNE.iS Y 5'. LX:E ['JII Y FLORIDA IDA SHALL HAVE NAPS NO FLATS, M1YD THAI MI5 P_Pi nP5 3E A F L .ARE At Y aT 3CCF? NC lE9CN5;3C, Y. OU cW %IAB('LY REGA9DING SLYn 5 R__T5L / PROEM OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS "uI ST. LUC.c ELLNTY, FLORIDA. NIS-.K ]AY :F E%P L.ipT.SN .F _ " NO R ... 5 P/ 21 U 1 5 NEv 5 •' .P. AT :_PRGE TIE UT :L EHT5 SWNN ON N 5 AT OF BAIT BT. LUM IT BE gpR7Rn,_� / 5 OR UTIL Y PLP ISE5 B ANY J Y IN COHP PNC NI.N SUCH H _ ] > A 5.. - 4 F _ n %RF K AF OJP RCtIAC S. ANG RE L CN5 AS BE ACCF :n. FRIN TILE BY THE 5 v D R R _ 57.....'vR:OP. BOARD OF CUN Y C.NN r0N R5 OF 5-,. .X:E Cu1M.. FLORIDA. ROSE,,°LOCO[ JC' C t4fE SLR 7 E 'EAT[ HP TnEY ME ]1 ^Ra NPGF P 2 {N 5 THE NCL ERS ]F : ER A Y _RC . CE F E LAND E 3C -EF N RECfROEO HE.. W,%FGE ASE•EITS NON. ON TNIS FLAT L 9V 5T. LXCE ARE T CF AL 0. P 5 BOOK PRO' BL 4 Jt.S "F 1 L C,E CO1NrT. NERE-ECF•Rf D BE PR1vFT ZWtNPGE EPSENE IS AW ARE NE.REBT iLDPTOA •AQ O LCINR N T .HE .f. +-:TONS HERER AND .0-UjCROINATE Cf'I 70 BP ST JC E PROFERT• OFHERS ASSOCIATION, INC.. A FLORICA .HEIR OR G" . MCn E- IYS HCN ROFI- CORP RR Cx FDA THE n"OSE OF COW-RLCTtON PD HAtMEMNC: _ Of RPINWE FACILITIES. THE BOARD 7 CD1B1Ti CONa[SifONE95 ST LUCRE SIGNED NC 5 AL :THIS,_ PY F 15BF. � f 1 i L E 0 P t x t 0 x =N Y FL:ft P SNP._ Naive NO RESPONSIBILITY LLtt. OR L[ABILITY RE3RRCNG AUC RR1NAGE ASENEH'S. /�• YfTNfS Q /'�- F9E'.r LwC JON FENNINAN, AV 986, RT-A.: iOR [LhSE' .N FL7t(S, H£R49Y L--RT[F:ES 4 V E dH-ECF 7HE SAID BAY T 1C:E LAW CRP A' ,•RHON :ORPMPTICX i-��• THAT PS OF OC'08ER ]I , 1986 PT3: LC R. n.i HAS :FUSE] YNE_EE REEEv TO BE 31G V BY DONPLD ], "G- SER 4ICE PRESIDENT. / I. q,NFW4} RECORD TITLE TO THE LAW OESLR[BED tY THE 'lirl +O ATTESTED 9i JAN1C. 3. KL CKFORO. SECRETARY AND I1. CORPORATE SIX TO SE NITNE-S ,:,H PY/ T.. pESafPTICx' .0 5NWN ON THIS PLAT OF BAY . .LC:E 15 Ix THE NAHE. WF:%cT. HERETO 91 ':W VITB 'rt MTHORITY OF ITS BOARD OR DIRECTORS. MISJ/ /' CF BIT BE LX:E UiO CORP.. A FLONIOR COLdYRTIOA. DAY OF�_/tisA.D. IMES. : ,o, S- n J F. G A: E N] L]° RS C D Y 5 E x 2. THE ONLY THE ANDTRGER ED SATISFIED ON RL` MCH OF RECORD XT Ea V. BAY ST. LILiE LAW CORP. A E40YHERIIN H S Y F DESCRIBED NO THE ._GY DESERIPiCORP NATION IS A FIRS HAi .n0. TANK .W TRUSTLO•PFx • A SURD P YF a ASSOCIATION W FIRST fc FRp SAY F. LLCtE L W COON.. R FL7101 CORPORATION. WTI TO YERE9 CRi F 'YFi IT 5 - HCL:f F F 2 AIN NdiiGAGc YI Nf LAND FIRST NATIONAL RECORDED ANC) F CIRSi ID)RDS i K- SA AR R . PT rc CE.iCit E" ERE.N RECORDED F .Y R. R M5 3G^K i9 PPG-'E s= FVAIC PSSOCIPTIO! PfCL4OEE0 IN OFFICIAL. ffCF➢5 30K1$_ PAff 9E . P$IC ,YTill[E d. 0.0 CKPbtt OOWtD 'J.�BURGESSER RECORDS F UC:E IN 'L P c AHO DOE .NS N -O THE DE+1 ATIJVS HEREON RECORDS CF F. LIICIE CONTi FLORIDA. A'O R SECOND NO0.iuAGf FPq BAY v[CE RESIDENT PW ]Cfi S.BA.IW1 E tT5 HON ..fiE TO SUE DEO .NHS. ST. LLC:-c LAW EOM.. A FLCA(CP COR°ORPTlON 0 YCBRT M. 9LAO5]RO SECRETARY RHO DOHNLD J. 9URGr"550, AS RECORDED IN LGF.E:PL REC ROS BOCK. SIGVE] AND SEY_ '415 31 :P• DF-2 . 1986. PAGE 003 . PUBLIC RECORDS 7 Si. UXIE CONTY, FLORIDA. sraT_ IF F_JtDa FIRST NATIONAL BANK PNC ]. PP?EBENT P ROHANE T1 E TO TH HE -NO7 :NCL=F•AROT DEDC.IAND TRPCOF R0' 15 LDDNT• OF N TIN AT EST TRus :NF54IY CF Sl: T IN fVE I _ J EPSEOtNTS KVEON. BEFORE E THE NCEE �D ,NOTARY AMID, PERSONALLY APAEPRED DONALD J. i1jCEl %P� � V P4 �.EN: pfn G vx�Mn BURGE R AVC Pn X 9 i`CK AS. 4E1 KNOWN TO BE THE VICE RRESIDENT MO SE-RITER, REF 'm "�j k _U'C ?NP."QRP.. A .. ..FICA :ON°RPi ION. PHO iHE" AIXYOv .,GE.. AT BY f LION INSTRUMENT PS ON"ROARS OF SP10 STATER .F :ROi LiCRxf.O CORPRPT[OH. LIOCOUNTY CG LAMA ?SS CO.ADO AVENUE ACK YO VLEDGE N;v - S.JNr. RDRIDR ISISA VI7NE55 It HAND AND LNG -: SEA MIS 3/ aE DPr piCE 1566. 7 /J BEFORE HE HE .NCE 5 GNE WAR P EL C. P RS✓NFLLY AR^EARED Cc o P S "'�� S� E r P FS 0 HE 'ELL KNOVN TO 9E THE VICE ESF:RP :CN CATE GD �WL� TA�pL:C. STATE PRESi E4T MC/ L , AESP_. ]F ;ISl NATIONAL SRI AW MST OF F MIW AT LARGE C^JRPHY pF TLnR Wr ONAL PSSS(PI:CN AYc HE. AEKNGYLL GED rHpT IHEr ExfCUTfo �\ i L N� SuR'/EYORS I THE FM,,,:W NORTGRGE HOLIER 5 CONSENT 15 i C:.5 OF THE ASSOCIATION. \ It 217 SST OC£RN BLM WHE.S NI HAND AHO DGG..IAL.SEAL 11531,0. ynrs6s �. ( STUARr.'. FLOR139 ? •a•,a✓ 7 PL. (305)-266-8083 �} WTAR. 4,8L:C sT rE / N Y ESP:RRT ION OATS ys.-,.• E 03 1911 OF FLORIDA AT LARGE f / � • \� b qTM SEAL L:WP]RI-3 SEAL CORWR, YELL �]TRRW SFAL / NOTARY Bf%• G:iH'JF CIRCLIi .DEFT "•O • - �•••.•. iHEAi I pT ] SNEE-5 UL IPIL P IN. T.S.) R[a- LdK -25- A P L A T O F Py.35-A m 1 I L • T 2 OF 3 SHEETS 0 A P L A T O F B A Y S T L U C I E F G A o E s 1ftiPT; ox 9E.xG zG.'. P 60VEPxrIN .0... SE� .ON ... „v 5✓.:P 5W"H. RANGE /C .p5 . 5'. "u.:E .OJN ...OR.P .... n. FUR-. v;N. .. R19... TR :'. an'. '"u ,:., R R Cn SOLI S• CORNER N SAIO GOVERNH N .' 3, 1H P .,2'] ALEN THE 5CLT xf OF SAL^ 0 ERx x, lv+ 0` . 6 t . "IN N ISGINN x. C X C 0f xR OE 5.. TRACT 'F', TKN N 2E'11 1 .S ANC Or a F REIN- IN NO PNGfN CIFVE CON PV i0 THE F NY P N RPCILS OF 29E UFEET, t E "RO OF v EC BEARS 6 37-29 28 F THENC NORTXEPSTER.Y ALONE. In AR O SA-1 CJRV P 5 P E W FEE. W � F N,R0. Ax OF .. CC-, 1nE L N TpxC O .5u:9 tO mf 9C IFaING W F CURVE CON3vE TOTE. NORTH VES NA INN A RjOIU$ OF f1OG FEET THENCE NORTKC T F1. AI to ARE OF 5XIO CUPvE c aH -0F E 52 F ' TACUG CENTRALPI OF .:3E' Y THE INI OF REVERSE CURVATURE f P CURVE CONCAVE T THE SOFKEP5 4AVIx6 P. RADIUS7 FEML FEKE Pv 5TFN OF SC IS 9E THRCIIw CENTRAL ANQLC OF B ' L C iG P PCIM nEF= N PREP REFEREE T C FEINT P EN N '2HE ARE'OF .E .,i. GFT A O" TM AR 5 1 "11 F A, JI FEET TC ',,E BE INNINE OF P CURVE CONCRVC TO THE 50U HFCST nFV ING A RpnJUS F 25C. Op FEE , THEN E NORTHEASTE'IET IC RLYB Px RL ARC 5 pl FW 50Gi1I 5 A P Of S - f ROUG CENTRAL ANGLE OF RIEHE A +P Ix OF 25.00 K SO. n..PST.R ALONG THE PRC N, API -URIC c ISTAN Di T.1 FEE TrKWGn 4 ENTRA ANGLE OF E THE x 0 REVERSE UR FEET i JRv 3N PVC TH. N7 HL-S r0tVI G . Rp IL OF 5G.LO FEE',N C SOUTHEASTERLY,PSTCR Y ANC NORTNEP TEP Y RLONG'irE AR OF 5 IC d E A. O. 1 M G CENTRAL ANGLEE TnENC_ 1 : 37- C c ISP OF 1 .OP FCC" in[x.[ fi 1 f3 E p [I ANC OF 9 iL` W C TO A R z n!5 W.ILA' LINE X VATEF IN GF in. R U F F THENCE HERNUER SAID e7 nIW rA LINE S0.;Tn R.Y A 0 SP OF FEET HER 0B C TO Tn. .Nt-RS...G v!'ry rv. F,P.. ,O 5W"n .�xE OF . -n HE'- N P ALONG LA..Y SAID LINE, A DISTANCE OF E.. FtST 'ME OR ... TO THE -OINT OF BEGINNING. 5 H IN6 EE FG G TO - \ OR 5 5 BE POIN 4 THE E a' 0 OB ': TPNCF W E0.Op9 E i0 HE IN F B CI IN6 OF n Ix R B iF - tM x - t E FTrvi TO THE BE n N6 OF F :JRv Ox PVC 7010.SWTnFoST eWvl C F RAOI OF 2 W .Eh XE CHOP OF v ,t. E PR 3E F C 1VE r n S 0n .R P 5• CURVE R DISTANCE OF 1 01 FE ROU,, P CENTRA PRO 9 d M- n 3 W PNC S 3 ' CUR SN7' n I u Y PS Sn3 Cn : GH uF v YAF x 03A ' ORE B/ /SE HE = 0 FILE '.3E .2 P' OF 5C _..R OR E \ r' n FP % ?" G V F W - E 1 .ANAL 3F 1E C. Con ehE 3E '2 OIRAN O 5 E .ORE OF n P°PR % F xPL n r. _ \ v x A B3'JNUFA.} 0 YR rEn^ PS S<Ii, CN. PFOR 5 RI6rr OI -WRY HPP, Tn ORTn STERL OxC SRTSe x e px'f OF 1 HOPE CR L N .SIPN 1 2 irv'., HpRc 'JP L.5$ TC i f Ek NG oPPflO% YP HE. XIG.• VPTE9 LINE or 'ME IWC C a3C .CON, Ml G P 0.APN..I / O F OR LESS 7: r F SAr S.EP Y LINE OF CANAL C 23P HENCE CONT NUE 1 fB'+I P O PN Of 211.52 IES7,n E'.: P n Fxt . CURVE CONCAVE T THE JLTi IE'1 Av H6 c RAC! OF 00 FEFI HE 5,11EP F 1 ALONG Tn. AR O CURVE c p _ R UW E RA Pn OF COB 5 a'- t0 THE POINT REVERSE EUAIA fi 11T A _uRVC 3N F C T E TIEOFTX HCVIxE . R . OF /� / n V. 5 OL THENCE R rt. - C`TCR.Y'AN➢ HURT A5T FLY.ALONG X ARTOF. BP CURVE p 5TF.0 OF 5 15 F _ FROLLn G n'TRC. .LAP :ATi 0 C THE PiINT 1 5MNFING. 5 J p S T .0 ?, n G H M STR 'T IFORX R Y CEMRA'- AN SCSI H F_OP.3F FL30C CONTROL 0:5TF..,� P- F.C3R... C. � BOOK 3 f, PAK. OBB, PyE,.P RECEIVES OF 57. LUCIE CCUN yl FMiCA. FOR C 11A. PACT W C J R S OF S xC T. m• P�P` '� � ! 5 V` � 4 `s^ TRPCi v o w ; / TPPGTz.'^ A xeGE F./ •>, . b C 'A `OP stxt - -,� URI A F if lmi01SAY ST LUCE x y, . It HENL,i IS RPSPONS 9AN C,RPE - RP SUFC O 3 ARE R PTHAT CT SPOE NOO'OT3.1(E \ s Q t F r 00 e: /.. S T a ... 9° K.OF-EOSE pf BELIEF A. T it .ef`e.* TN P ` P h p EN REFERENCE Jn t HAVE E PLp AS GG - tt \ RE"LIRE, B -R M PtF P S. 1 4x Y Cn R N S V BE - J °� P k. AFTEF CONSTRUCTION GF PEACE ii,f FIJR mEP '.'HAT TIE SURVEY Rr DATA DRR E • AL M RE '.F F MLL _c F MDA 4ENO B NOTES TI y 1 6 3 $ T _ . PAR- . A.NL.,. REIRNINTiRl �CRI.il wi.o.� N, TRACT o IT [s .H.fz T... EN �RqC NA. K< a- mxAl uvgxT m p"RNG. ERg p 7 CATr 5 EREO :M1P' SIPVEYOR c + nc'n AA n+d 1. FLORIDA CER.II.CPTL NO 3558 vRK ! SEA. • zJor _ z IF =BG 2 r NORTH FORK rD ,rz'rT 'IT \ST. L UCIE RIVER C TRACT- 'B' r NOT A PART OF THIS G PLAT f1 �V •� : ' ,q A HIL lul t a c.Vd <do r✓, '� \ y zP- dal >. ;t liit9FS;.l CCC fd CM IT 'At dy C`CvdR' \ 1] ] 4<E fJPP C3 CCG 9df P 1[! .. Mflf S uil. IDR s 27. 1, �! • J [� iNY d Y' C ] HC•�0 22. 15138$ s IV37 �, r ..a...- m ..v.. >. , ... _::.. .4r a ., ... _.:... r • '., , ,a , '_• rv` •—.. _ . _. pn. Y'^..� ! „ .. , ,•.r. ,.. „ '.::d Sr, :..., ,... - r .., , ' l {.. i 'e,{4. � .. ,:x.... •, . $ 1 -.�.., t .... s. ,_._+.: yy:�::,, s. , S a. !, r3 k rR"i, s' V .,, a', , --ga �s\ X�.1 f§ -'a v },., fk,i' „ sE�;, ",i, .,. r. er ''fir_ .�,::;4E"'�,.. _ 3 ,U, r4;n. �'$''#_a_ - '`,'-': +>. ,"@ Y '«,+ < Y, i?E. ,ge e,. : , .. ._y.. ew,✓. r, .+ ;' x ,.e x°-si: ;T•,"-f `f IT g.'� f`' e ".:'�`: 36 - .: c t 4 4+ ti.. 'C ., n ._ -».. 1 _ b. .. .. 5 :'±3t •, _, <VP ,.: n... .. ... .. 4... ,`,K:... F ...: a. a r� .,... , ! £'. .. .. ,2 ... Y ..s... .. a ,.. na Y t 'f..34P4, .R' � � '� :.I+Ka. .; 3_ . �' .�,. ._ !a eYVY 4_w JF .- , f , . < r „ , .x'x• ,r., c+ , a-'i: c :--:. "x < x.(.-, ... „x, .n:,. :,,F . ,. ar is y> ... �g�.'yy : .: -, . , :. , _ ..-St"'i' • :.u. .:...Y .. ; ,. � ,. .. .-.. 1 ry .. .. .,r... ..,,, ..a.. -.r � 1 ,-. ".._- q...... .s S .... r ,... "fi b.. "J'^ _�Y$ Vo i-. / -...: ... rr'. e .. .<.- _ v:' •:- .. ,,. dx. 1 -a t.. s .a. �d._,:�a ax.. .....0 .m a�<,r:�.,.r ,%C. .�:`G�:�'tN _.. .,.n .. ,.. .. „m�s,. _ _, ..ai+ , ,..e.e.. ,,, ..... ,.. ust�a.4..n.a.eii ,S.a...._..,_ s•,fai.�i,...n.,.,4�3s� n x ._.. .,, _.._ , as.;'.,. �:. ,aA� �r. �a��+��� a *S . cx r 'ar g�F'' r � ♦ I ♦. . st , :.:. r.:: Th :.:,,v ."4 , :�.n. iF �- ♦.+. �t rr. .., A ...:_„ w . r,... -K �k' r ro ,. xs ,tr $ 2 \-:G`r ? �,.. ',>+� •:'., xrz : �.. I 1 1 J p t ..,. ,. 'i. ..-' «.. a.. +? d P t .. « r.. ram,.. ,-, „ * �...... _..... _ -.. z.. .... r_.._.. }:` ., '::uk.�v,r4 ..w:'4`aEkm •!r""s� F�^�..� , - ,- #... Tx� <u ..... -�::.: ,:��.,, t�r \, s � C S Y E S 6 F .s„.- ».t& .::ram ,� � : i' ' &;'.. .,..� xz' . , a. UOMr` :.. - ,. �. ,�,_ .. _ _ � .fir.. , n ��"4'+',Jt:. i x w' A .aS y„ �n r .�• Y a , �r E r ,x yr t. n3 /, a t ,'. � 9 D ,.. m cs,Ss�"eE FAIT rn Yl +.rm ...:r:, ....re,s. , V r DATUM, 1929. - - egg,- • • 9 R � 'r•<" 1 iy'J�ira.Y re 's q 4 t f { t Y'; d a'a{ wk r :'.. ;'♦rl � S ``{F^*,i x Frk§'; A �a /*� � 6 +, r a y v rr«'ut rya w'ew+ tirrk,s�tr ?y! ,s rP e rE fi 3InFf � x fi r n { 'F rWi E r " 1 i sY i ry t f 4 N Y f SY f A le k t: � *fit- k"'+*- '`�'v � ''•-�' s4 3 y9 2� 1 k A �.,,�• � '� of � �ro �x� �. _'x. u � ^ 4,Y Y. b �y 'jgt k.�` � •A4'iYx. .0 Air, r h Si."3` i C °3�f'y�� :'. r 'F t .eC Yai' •?" 5•, n 4 s ^ „aY , ✓ ., e 4x [ � >.3`' .r .s ..m� �`i �.:..,, a.<, K' d � t, k... •:.. d ,x x a k Jet k { t { +> A w r IF .r IF St ' �yy r. „, h. 1. _.. a 1. -v.' .. �Q +.. r• , a r , £r „- �r • �z 17 Environmental Si • • • ♦ - - des A t �4: 1 a; F. ' P / / •'��� ?Y I � � / • �� , 11 ;_,. `tc 3 , zo-aiiirn ,, ..rrr te+y�^''' jS 1FF i n S alq, Date: File & Drawing No: 90-3-9/56—Ol _uw.. .... ...._ !r � � L t :r. 4 ln� ., h . ^e J p p, 3 Y •i iT ����� I"/'✓ I I+ � �� � "., ,-N§ '�. t'.�::,uyi ..'r i3" .. R..� _�., t 5? J S .Y✓"' � • � , .: t ..., .. ,...-. .. x: .. _, "`.,.. s -. ..,:. ,; *�,,.: :` a :x .., r;'.�'!.: .; r >;,:.� ,.„a' =✓m,.. 2:. .a w- t :rs: �kd ,:-.a �` s,. .'Di.:_ ''. �, ;'' .. - .. I � �eJ Z - ;:, I .,. . ...-.,.4 ., _.. x°a �.`.-_. d'=` <},,:r .:».. ,..., ,.� - •":::. ., :° ".. .-. nd.,-tea ii}. ..-'"$'.x.f ..,.rt.,,''z�'x�.s�l ...^,".. �e ..;."�`.- ,.,_.. �:,� %: '`. ,'�`:r..3� .: All 04 .. u.. .. _ `#'WX _.., .. ... . .. r �,.._ _.3, ,rt �,...,log �..� 6ZN V y w. 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DRAWN D,D, �- CIO 4� ii(( Ctlg.KED _I F x t t y P r� - . x. If II 1- s , P _ . - st I uv T _ � v x •., _ . ., .. ,: � ,;.. ...-,- ... rimer^.. _ a f ... .,. ..,::, .. .,la Ell 11:.IiEl� t z Will < Y m t « ^ 3Yi` 3 i E ' ., co-,.+ .. F. a i. FS :iz a < k r if t s ' r : 4 _ >':, a ,a .. c` yr: •' ,. .an ' q < r ,,,...... m x.. -.... r .' r . i r.' f ...::- ,v r r'. t •.: T l vi.. ,t ,. , • r F s� � ..Y v�^ x o r �C ors �r r sib' is 5i A I" -✓ .v �� ���_� it f n r: is . a ^ J yv 's , y k"4. 'j ,> '.^3ix C,'^ 'Tb,r ..,5 ' , r..• •t P x .'Y::. , J i '( � ,1 R �a } . n,.: -+. ... v, _ _ g r •}i: 7t m _�' � nr ,'l ¢=.s,. Yi .:.. c. �^ , v.... „ a .., ..✓r, * "2s '�. l� .,.J't it <dl... {S ',. ., .i ..t e.» ^•Y - �,. a F .e ,xln—, r.•. .. Is� 5" :Ys ,i+:.' k?,.PS v,P _ L!r Y 'Y` aF., .. ,... ,. is 4 r .. ,. l .Y : 4 :,.» ,.I'll ,. { . r .. r ... v }. .. rv.., , n(.' ✓ is k� .. ,.1 (.. i .. .5 e «., .. ., x , x ._ ,:: .._ a <.. ♦ � ,: ... 1.! .: ., _ Yu i. 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TG � 6 ' ti ,�. � ��1i� ry C" / r e�1 t'" chlr�ne�•! �Iv, bnc.kti F4u��nberl� -/ .0 13 �o� \a r _ l�,-- ` 1. ! 2 0 /� closer \ � ^ , \ 2!Z �e `'• C �, -, II _ � � rx.: r x � ( � _ --- - ' � �' F FV'FD t6t+? � *8 Fl x �U , r.Nty • .• _ _ 1'�„? /J i. .t. , a " F o v _ I '� �N cwo- � +O \�'�' ----�• STP fL5 d _ ,.,.. , , ___ ------ 3'lN li � �� ` � / �- _ _ . I 17� �Tc �1 C \� = r N fJo to o �r ------ - -- \ `O' \ \ o _ _ I J O I alum downs eu�" oQ _ 11 l 2,UM�tld 1I2Yl tt rd.r A�awrr.IP � 4 F,¢tgu+cr- ofl N ✓ . - -. 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A. 4., +'•� - + IB.I6b h L 1 .^ H : ,. belt- f3cJ � oWl�¢P S Cat. ini / o / Fi Gr o, ., : - o:• \ . lnls aa. d ,�ezd + o 6 "G _ 1712 devP, /_^S 7t �.. / X 'I`I""' \ti \ IT N u1�.MC * , /'� -2�. w 4 .pp_< u o // -q _. ;. , ...., , CX.; CCI� / \vocp FRAMELI ..� ,�.. k0 U / _ 3.K� UCY, `: r ;""'e /-="i \4.'L/! �. . ✓ WIck. 7q nl-i^ 'J'. LL •�/b o Lt •W�. `\ r / ., „j: ICpJ /. f. �. m ,i. ,� I C R �. \ \ I - t d i 4 - i utU/cX �. !i i -.-. -__ II.E. C_d ET `o„ s ✓ C '- 4 Q ,OOra CAS _ N 0 t1i F . c�l ©�`� SL 5ollin i_I tits � z�° t} 5�se� Nei.r? t. \M��zczb+re+r �. �/ i %F�" }� Ic�VIIL SoI' @ t9 2 ! ;�1 exl�t. _ - v 4 wo, v - r eet eo umns e o. ,.,� �C /' A„h�3i/i 2(�O(.'1 ! 10` caMw` W 1,.-� ..../ Q/C %+onto t /`.,/� �(`,. �I :CAZ�-' ftl ✓EV �. �211. - _ _ . I o 2 , wD- •� , , .,, x-. __-. 2 8 rl � M ftcf @-- _, P3 F.U, - A P3. Fci - 1 c ? .� 9T:+ a g �CSI�Ifn G htr GOJnt A d , NA' a ®, ouver / T u tl AP43 F:ca,puaz r - Y s u I - ;a .._ ) _ h t 1 -♦ p..A,. AWM N< Cal pu f r yy I II ��I If. I /� I� �6� aa %'8�� ) ..Q �. d 1.4 ✓-Ip O �'- C. / �l �r: t 9 Crd-. �. 4A I U -� /'.. 4 -. r_. _ _... �- � _' 'f�lC S..i. ter .so / � \, � \\ x 1 T \ �� . R- w 05 oN• fSRGI, ' f2Jf'i'E' � .; �Evp,01C � 6rlc P v Oo 2.- %8'so ro ee Hates t a� Is S 1(1 � • w000 ao ,a � •-- ;l, ,� � _. ca c. st.na t+ar 9 u a�, i r- - ICea-, -..1 ::. � . - 1 `✓ , 1 C-lUBh Pj I Pp TI?io. ,• 1 , Mar is. '�D .. .. -_ 9Ta¢• curb Ixan'� e, � rff ' Isnc.Cl a \�`. • -- S I ' ,�,� � S•' rj c'1l1 16 s6C TEJ ty • T�K„ - ti J u n, , < ,..1 dS '9, G C S ss tH t �i / 0 0 V CN•201cE 5C¢ ENtti o c �, �� o, i K HI 2 o f , eluc 1 A r - a LI' 3�L:�'�" "t.-."'o'. • D; CA �pJbl a _ �I a I, �/ 4- 147-5° Ko � �.,.,. c �' IC'ZI Inl� .,, -,-• - aUn., 3G high 6�Se � >t� k : r All,9 : '�. - 9' -� � � '�� �`*... «c `U�l� CJ :...._...- tl , 111c1W3.,-� r' _ -r_ _—_.-- --,— m -r I T �-1 vi • 3 v - b%nn+�-7` , 1 let. I _1 �bl' 181: r 9 9 � q! ',:. :. -_'� V!/�1�. h10 o OI' a -m bxe �a t ILI ,; _ , ,,.: I. -. O .� �' • '•, - �x a � .f9 _' � "� ', ,.. n / � 4./L'" / h I „ u, 1 d .� r o11 " / r \` - � ,.: � er !P '�Y�{ oo+I,rme covMte!- II-O � -�• _: _ �- / K ,..,. ..,. O 6` . Q, //_ \ ` f �►, d .i re�.z�G v i tY. I.0 ;- '^ ENS.. +. a, ` / i <,., .,,- ,. � N 1 AtJG�:r: I � ,._ ,. o .c 8in •F./ 90 zbW �Irn4 a ' dvC '� 2Taroin case „ +_ I f1 t' Ic n17h. e mr = t Iv Qa _ g��a at>�i� �zt•c� cCl�iflgN i�� 1 ..m 1\1 ti , , u I — —~ — $2 LIB, II It I \ 4 :,-., ,' ,: . , / „, � ,,� / �,.. � ' _ •,I' �= '".� NUJ _;v I :. I I ' I ¢• C•!45'r ... �.. �' o�{Irne �F �Fpl+ a4wva T � ,) Aon c�lmbabl . z >x W'ri }XY N \ xuj M^Mx� Y t 4 Y t { 1 a, \1t t 3 n x n Sv 5 J � t Y � r Y i {k II! a L t III! P s �"/�"Illy III 1 c � l ♦ Y n - t.: Y''�}.���Y''''>> t !� 3 'r am 4� - b x 3 3. �yg3 � n F �'�s 3 X �� fi • �l 1/ y .+ F s Fh _ E) t � � _ —. ��� a - r 1^�7 • � � ���.�. vs r>P }� to ,v ._ v 1, The Contractor shall submit truss manufacturer's shop drawings and calculations bearing the impressed seal of a Florida registered Engineer for approval prior to fabrication of trusses. Calculations shall included design of wood members and plates. 2. Trusses shall be designed for a loading of 55 p.s.f. 3. All lumber shall be stress grade lumber, shall be grade marked, and shall comply with the grade and species indicated on the shop drawings. 4. Metal connector plates shall be applied to both faces of truss at each joint and position- ed as shown on the manufacturer's drawings. 5. Truss members shall be accurately cut and fabricated so that members have full bearing. 6. Brace bottom chord with 1 X 4 at i points of truss. Provide 2 X 4 temporary top chord bracing at same points until roof sheathing.is applied. 7. Truss plate manufacturer shall be member of the Truss Plate Institute. 8, Metal connector plates shall be a minimum 20 guage galvanized steel meeting all the requirements of the ''design specification for light metal plate connected wood trusses TP ". No spl 9, No splices are permitted at the panel points. � \ O t 1 1 Y� s z f 10, LL 1 �Ia Y to r WI _Ai a tv y Q91a 9 •,n, _,-. �. a a i ,bi1�9a �ftxri � 33 iw 7 + IZ?� -4 111� I Maas-s�o ar r -- n r} /y a /Ay 1 .v ". Ir \\ r ? - 7 4 l S t I R 9 lii iL t Y _ `y "1 s e � S ii '1 + {ZPr i ny n R� Z I I n¢pi J s z e Qb 4 , @, \ 13 =o I AL M}� E & l N a el �+ 3 71Lei sr .� 061 -rar rta,I 116 $" }' ' e C TN2C10UT Rb - : y + lQ 011 2 -7 2__ -7 G"Cs.C, TAIZuo�i TsAtZu0QT R2yys $ 30" t:(gc7r-`t`tq2= yy +.:1 Ire gr 3 1Z 41,�•�.: n�G -L 4k7. - _ -�P'.0.�.,. TNQ:v ouT ,, - CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND NOTES BEFORE P /OCFE'DI�NG VWITN WORa 6 i w7 C H FC�KED �� rYl2 r) W a i�, it a _ FPA r Fk'4�(OJA �'5�4. ,- e a(7, c � n-� Q. ;_., .f —t' ! ti.. r o O T I x Co V - o n x �F 5 2 x 4 wci r ar" i n9 ¢. {' � wd, cly. p an¢l i �i' -. x q�� - GAp T21M I Irj,u f r a rti i n <° cr-Icka ./ con%- (vd. +rim-, _ m �- I. f I a 5 i� I ry - 1 � / �; �e,�i�r \ I I I �r.]o � I�}z. f'',: 4x,4"'/4�1 Sec'' 4kf, Com al p ♦ (p ci , n f 1 aC- /r-) SICe e�:mnC�i'w/9c b o, / u .. 2 i O C�r >-i � ai Z.4 C. c/ n9 on. 1. x T.__ _ b d . 2 p .�s W o opJb eo- Je.(-tic � I — T`, - .�, $ Gleer°o f�ch uvrzv P- C"t.h SIC x nallzr _. L. I HT �Q F F IT CDErt'.�II_ "-, o D(ZO SOFFIT DETAIL p rw +. b0t. (rcf¢r -ho Floo 1 ' 2`I5� SGc.n�slsb ar cx�a✓�� rxM, -z Plan for h122)ILL-^_ --- -- ^t i "r r 2 0 z 1 1 4 ¢!xIU 5� Z I mow. J } d N GD lr9hf sof�If \ I I d"ca�c,e J:+or Cc2u!'�/ f 1 y 1 k 14, J.v-�olni c¢r/In I xCv V Loci. �� lc cl ne( (or3�ono1�) on I% / j 2g r9 9 3urrrn @ Ico"o•G_ cO a a�% cq_Illn Jan¢ 1 ove a lr¢c _ 9 P PP � N �, 9 9 � n5��. '���V) "ore, F( el �ted" �___.. ... _ prQ-.cast T.c ¢x 0 C.a, ra"Ffzr5 Csae a C� / floor o�8n For 31Z2 anci al to z��daa � F15�9�� 6r 4,, _ I1 !,' Nocklin2r ` - s. , SLL �t - SA a c I n Cs 5 TT( a J, 4 Caenercl b sl.+r*Ce, c i I<o .-' .. eaGl1. kG. $Fs4 W�"��._..._-, .. C' 2n�-r)- -� u _)-S O'14. vQ.nQq.T CLO`::) LQ7 OF-T - MGJTR. E>E-DIZUO _ I TI l C RM: xCo a u"m. ancir Il ° (t air Seel ��r i w/ candor ashlar past ;1 aa _ Y cu I i on 3rq,, alum. plck¢f� - a ;d 9 alp. r-nil. FI Q4, _ G a I f - ;:.: „.: ,. .w: ,. _umaicr m-wx mow:,,.+,.. ..,. r...:,�.;-. ,'_, ;. ✓ ,., :: _-.. m I.� _ t_ -.. ... ,:.-. I ' n r./ � ..� a... .,, ,.... .. ,. ts , t 'F I\\ �14x� STO�PcC�� I x�n45� GFM I 3/�i o.��Lmi. - n 14" j2 gx8 cp 3 � 70 i Mb CONTRACTOR SHALL YFAlFtl All. pIARENSIONS Alp NOT" Vrn"i' WORK. .�-�^.„+�i��^�s,�•''�i.�:�t�'..�'Yr+���'��;�-`,�: .. a.,�_ .ash :�.��.*� .x�,..+' comm. # ---- i C„ r- Y 1 IN 17- f a_vim